
时间:2019-05-15 03:47:37下载本文作者:会员上传


01.接待寒暄 Greetings as a host

1.你好!欢迎你来中国访问。How do you do? Welcome to China.2.我们是第一次见面。很高兴同你结识。

This is our first meeting.I am glad to meet you.3.我们是老朋友了,很高兴这次能接待你。

We are old friends.I am so glad to be your host.4.你们长途跋涉可以先到宾馆休息一下。

You had a long flight.Why don't you go to the hotel and have some rest first.5.你是第一次来中国访问吗? Is this your first visit to China? 6.你以前到过中国哪些地方?印象怎样?

What places in China have you visited? What is your impression? 7.我们为你这次访问制定了一个计划。你看看行不行?

We have prepared a program for you.I hope you will like it.8.不知你对这次访问还有什么要求?

Is there anythging else that interest you?


There is a lot to see around here.I hope you can see as much as possible.10.祝你在我们这里过得愉快。I wish you a pleasant stay here.11.谢谢你送我礼物,我很喜欢。我也给你准备了礼物。希望你能喜欢。

Thank you for your gift.I like it very much.This is the gift for you.I hope you will like it.12.你对今天的参观印象怎样? How do you find today's visit? 13.你觉得这里的风景怎样?

How do you like the secenery here? 14.你觉得今晚菜肴怎样?和不和你胃口? How do you like the food this evening? 15.希望你对访问感到满意。

I hope you have enjoyed the visit.16.我访问过你们国家,留下了深刻印象。

I have visited you country.It had left me deep impression.17.借此机会,我要对访问贵国时受到的热情接待再次表示衷心的感谢。

I wish to take this opportunity to once again express my sincere thanks for your warm reception during my visit to your country.18.你就要结束访问了。不知你对这次访问印象如何?

You are about to end your visit.How do you find the visit? 19.感谢你邀请我到贵国访问。我希望不久的将来能到你们国家访问。

Thank for you invitation to visit your country.I hope to visit your country soon.20.你的这次来访取得了成功。欢迎你今后有机会再来。

Your visit is very successful.I hope you will come again.2.出访寒暄

Greetings as a guest 21.你好!见到你很高兴。

How do you do!I am glad to meet you.22.我们是老朋友。很高兴同你再次见面。

We are old friends.I am glad to see you again.23.对我们上次见面,我至今记忆犹新。I still remember our last meeting.24.感谢你们邀请我们来贵国访问。Thank you for your invitation.25.这是我第一次来贵国访问。我想多了解一些贵国情况。

This is my first visit to your country.I hope to learn as much as possible about your country.26.我对贵国情况有所了解,看过关于贵国的书籍和报刊,也接待过到中国访问的客人。I know something about your country.I read books, newspapers and magazines about it and met visitors from your country in China.27.我早就想来贵国访问。这次有机会来,真是很高兴。

I have long wanted to visit your country and I am so glad to come this time.28.感谢你来亲自迎接我们。Thank you for coming to meet us.29.一踏上贵国的土地,我们就有宾至如归的感觉。

As soon as we arrive in your beautiful country, we feel very much at home.30.这里的人民勤劳智慧。

The people here are hardworking and talented.31.你们的接待计划很周到,我很满意。

You have made a good programe for my visit.I like it very much.32.这几天,我们在这里过得很愉快。

We have enjoyed our visit here in the past few days.33.贵国的文化和风俗有自己的鲜明特点。You have unique culture and customs.34.这里风景很美,给我留下深刻印象。

I am impressed by the beautiful scenery here.35.你刚才的介绍内容很丰富,让我学到不少知识。

Your briefing is very informative and I have learnt a lot.36.感谢你的盛情款待,品尝到贵国的特色菜肴。

Thank you for your warm hospitality and for the opportunity to taste your cuisine.37.你们的热情接待,让我们深受感动。We are deeply moved by your warm reception.38.你曾经到过中国一些地方,有些什么印象。

You have visited some places in China.What is your impression? 39.欢迎你方便的时候到中国访问。

You are welcome to visit China at your convenience.40.欢迎你有机会再次到中国访问,亲眼看看中国发生的变化。You are welcome to vist China again to see the changes there.3.会谈和主持会议

At meetings and conferences 41.欢迎各位请入座。

Welcome everyone.Please be seated.42.开始会谈前,请允许我介绍一下,我方参加人员。Before we start, let me introduce the participants from our side.43.我代表苏州市政府和人民对你来访表示热烈欢迎。

On behalf of the government and the people of Suzhou, I wish to express a warm welcome to you.44.首先,我要转达王先生对你的诚挚问候。

First of all , I wish to convey to you the warm greetings from Mr.Wang.45.现在请你介绍一下,贵方代表团成员。

Would you please introduce the members of your delegation? 46.很高兴我同李女士再次相见,我对上次相见记忆犹新。

I am glad to meet you again, Miss Li.I still remember our last meeting.47.我们上次谈得很愉快,双方达成许多共识。

We had a pleasant talk and reached an agreement on many issues.48.这次我希望同贵方进行深入交流。

This time I hope to have an in-depth exchanges of view.49.你们是远道而来的客人,请先谈。

You are our guests coming afar.Would you like to speak first? 50.刚才,贵方发表了很好的看法,我方都赞成。You have made some good points.We fully agree.51.现在我着重谈一下几点意见。

Now I would like to make the following points.52.我们的会谈很愉快,取得了一系列成果。We've had a good and productive talk.53.希望我们今后有机会继续进行交流。

I hope we will have the opportunity to continue our discussion.54.我代表会议主办方,欢迎大家与会。

One behalf of the organizer of the conference, I wish to extend a warm welcome to you all.55.这次会议是由...发起的。This conference is initiated by...56.会议的主题是...The theme of the conference is...57.会议的日程如下...The programe of the conference is as follows: 58.出席会议的有:

Present at today's conference are...59.下面我们进行第一项议程:

Now let's take up the firt item on the agenda.60.会议结束前,我要向全体与会者表示感谢。Before we conclude, I wish to thank all the participants.4.双边关系 Bilateral Relations 61.我方同意对方对双方合作所做的评价。We share your assessment of our cooperation.62.斯密斯先生对双方合作发表了很好的看法,我都赞成。

Mr.Smith had made some very good points about our cooperation.I fully agree with him.63.我们对加强双方交流合作持积极态度。

We are willing to strengthen our exchanges and cooperation.64.我们愿意在平等互利的基础上推进双方在各领域的合作。

We are ready to enhance exchanges and cooperation with you in various field based on equality and mutal benefit.65.两国人民友好往来,源远流长。

The friendly exchanges between our two peoples has a long history.66.建交以来,两国关系得到长足发展。

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, much progress has been made in our bilateral ties.67.两国关系不断发展,给两国人民带来实实在在的利益,也为世界的和平与发展做出了贡献。

The continous growth of our relations has brought real benefits to our two peoples and contribute to world peace and development.68.中方高度重视发展两国关系。China values our relations.69.当前两国关系发展正面临新的机遇。

Our bilateral relations now face new opportunities of growth.70.我们应该把握机遇共同把两国关系提升到新的水平。

We should seize the opportunity and work together and lift our relations to a new level.71.我们应该保持两国高层和各级别密切交往,不断增强政治互信。

We should maintain close exchanges at the top and other levels further enhance political mutual trust.72.两国因为历史文化,社会制度和发展水平不同,对一些问题存在不同看法,关键是要相互尊重,平等协商。

Our two countries are different in history, culture, social systems and level of development.Therefore we may disagree on some issues.What is important is to respect each other and talk to each other as equals.73.我们应该加强经贸往来,不断拓宽合作领域。

We should strengthen business ties and open up new areas of cooperation.74.两国相互了解和友谊是两国关系发展的根基。

Mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples is the foundation of our relations.75.两国友好根本上是两国人民友好。

Friendship between the two peoples is the foundation of good relations between our two countries.76.我们应该加强两国人文领域交流,不断夯实两国关系的社会基础。

We should enhance cultural and people to people exhanges and strengthen public support for our realtions.77.我们应该两国地方合作。

We should step up cooperation at the local level.78.我们应该加强两国在国际事务中的协调和配合。

We need to enhance coordination and cooperation in the internation affairs.79.我们应该总结和利用两国友好合作的经验,更好造福两国人民。

We should sum up and take full advange of the experence with gained friendly cooperation so as to bring more benefits to our two peoples.80.我相信我们再次达成的新的共识,将进一步推动双方合作。

I am convinced that what we have agreed on this time will give a fresh boost to our cooperation.5.中国概况 Overview of China 81.中华人民共和国,简称中国,是世界文明古国之一。

The People's Republic of China is known as China for short.China is one of the oldest civilizations in the world.82.中国国土面积约960万平方公里。

China has a land area of around 9.6 million square kilometers.83.中国陆地面积居世界第三位,约占世界陆地总面积的15分之1.China has the third largest land area in the world, which accounts for one fifteenth of the world total.84.中国人口超过13亿,是世界上人口最多的国家。

China has over 1.3 billion people.It is the most populous country in the world.85.2010年中国经济总量居世界第二位。但人均国内生产总值,刚刚达到4000美元,是世界上最大的发展中国家。

China became the second largest economy in 2010.But the per capita GDP just reached 4,000 US dollars.China is largest developing country in the world.86.中国是一个多民族国家,有56个民族,通用语是汉语。

China is a multi-ethnic country with fifty-six ethnic groups.Chinese is the commonly used language.87.中国由34个省级行政单位组成,包括23个省,5个自治区,4个直辖市和2个特别行政区。

China has 34 administrative regions at the pronvincial level, including 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities directly under the central government and 2 special administrative regions.88.中国大陆海岸线长约1.8万公里。

China has a coastline of about 18,000 kilometers.89.中国地势西高东低。China is generally high in altitude in the west and becomes lower in the east.90.青藏高原海拔平均超过4000米,被称为世界屋脊。

The Qinghai-tibet platetou in on the average 4,000 meter above sea level.It is known as the roof of the world.91.珠穆朗玛峰海拔8844.43米,是世界最高峰。

Mount Qumolangma is 8844.43 meters above sea level.It is the highest peak in the world.92.长江黄河是中国最长的两条河流。黄河流域和长江流域是中华文明的重要发源地。The Yangzi River and the Yellow River are two longest river in China.The Yellow River valley and Yangzi river valley are the birthplaces of the Chinese civilisation.93.长江全长6300公里,是中国第一大河流,世界第三大河流。

The Yangzi River is 6,300 kilometer long.It is the longest river in China and the third longest in the world.94.黄河全长5464公里,是中国第二大河流。

The Yellow River is 5,464 kilometer long.It is the second longest river in China.95.鄱阳湖,洞庭湖和太湖是中国最重要的3个淡水湖。

The Poyang Lake, the Dongting Lake and the Taihu Lake are the three largest fresh water lake in China.96.青海湖是中国最大的咸水湖。

The Qinghai Lake is the largest saltwater lake in China.97.中国气候多样,大部分地区属于温带,亚热带季风气候,四季分明。China has a varied climate, much of the country has temperate and sub-tropical monsoon climate and has four distinctive seasons.98.中国年平均气温 从黑龙江漠河到海南岛在零下5摄氏度至30摄氏度之间变化。China's annual average temperature varies from-5 degree celcius in Mohe of Heilongjiang Province to 30 degree celsius southeast on Hainan Island.99.中国的货币是人民币,单位是元。

The Renminbi is the official currency of China.Its principal unit is the Yuan.100.中国周边都14个国家相邻。

China has 14 neighboring countries along its land boder.6.中国的历史 History of China 101.中华文明历经5000多年没有中断,绵延至今,这在世界古代文明中是唯一的。The Chinese civilisation has continued uninterrupted for over 5,000 years.This is unique among the world civilisations.102 中国早期是三皇五帝时期。三皇距今大约七八千年左右。五帝距今大约四千多年。The early Chinese history is composed of periods of the three “sage kings” and five “virtuous Empires”.The former period was about seven thousand to eight thousand years ago.The latter period was over four thousand years ago.103.公元前2000多年至前256年为夏商周时期。

From over 2,000 B.C.to 256 B.C.was the peroid of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties.104.公元前770年至公元前221年为战国时期。

From 770 to 221 B.C., China was in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Peroid.105.公元前221年,秦代中国形成了统一的多民族国家。

In 221 B.C., China become a unified and multi-ethnic country in the Qin dynasty.106.公元前206年至公元220年为中国汉代。那时中国就开通了通往西域的丝绸之路。The peroid from 206 B.C.to 220 A.D.was the Han dynasty.China opened the silk road during this peroid.107.220年开始,中国出现魏蜀吴三国争雄的局面,延续了60年。

Starting from 220 AD,the rivalry for a national power among the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu lasted 60 years.108.220年中国进入魏晋南北朝时期。

In 220 AD, China entered into the peroid of the Wei-jin and Southern and Northern dynasties.109.581年至618年是中国隋代。那时兴建了长达1700多公里的京杭大运河。The Sui Dynasty lasted from 581 to 618 AD.The Grand Canal linking Beijing and Hangzhou was docked during this peroid.It was over 1700Km long.110.618年至907年为中国唐代,那时中国就相当繁华,出现过贞观之治。

China was under the rule of the Tang Dynasty from 618 to 907 A.D..China becomes highly prosperous in the Tang Dynasty, particularly during the reign of the second emperor known as the years of Zhenguan.111.唐代之后,907年至960年,中国进入五代十国时期。

The years from 907 to 960 A.D.was the peroid of the Five Dynasties and Ten States.112.960年,中国宋朝建立。一直延续至1279年。

In 960 A.D., the Song Dynasty was established.It lasted until 1279.113.1271年至1368年为中国元代,成吉思汗的后代掌握了统治中国的权力。From 1271 to 1368 was the peroid of the Yuan Dynasty and the descendent of Genagis Khan ruled China.114.1368年至1644年为中国明代。那时中国船队远抵阿拉伯半岛和非洲东北部。From 1368 to 1644, China was under the rule of the Ming Dynasty.During this peroid, Chinese fleets reached the Arabian peninsular and the northeast Africa.115.1644年至1911年为中国清代,那时中国确定了近代疆域。

The Qing Dynasty ruled China from 1644 to 1911.It was during this period that the territory of modern China was defined.116.1840年英国发动侵略中国的鸦片战争,中国开始进入半殖民地半封建社会。In 1840, Braitain waged the opium war against China.And China gradually became the Semi-colonial and Semi-feudal Society.117.1911年中国民主先行者孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,推翻清朝统治,结束在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。

Doctor Sun Yatsen was the forerunner of the democratic revolution in China.In 1911, he led the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty and ended the autocratic monarchy, a system that lasted over thousands years in China.118.1937年至1945年,中国人民进行八年抗日战争,付出伤亡三千多万人的巨大牺牲,打败了日本侵略者,为世界反法西斯胜利作出了重大贡献。From 1937 to 1945, the Chinese people fought against the Japanese agression for eight years.China made enormous sacrifice of over 30 million casualities and eventually defeated the Japanese aggressors.This contributed greatly to the victory of the World anti-facist war.119.1945年至1949年,中国共产党领导中国人民进行解放战争,推翻了国民党反动统治。1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国宣告成立。

From 1945 to 1949, the Communist Part of China led the Chinese people in fighting the war liberation.the Reactionary rule of the Kuomingtang was overthrown.The People's Republic of China was founded on Octorber the first, 1949.120.1978年中国开始实行改革开放,确定要以经济建设为中心,全面推进社会主义现代化建设。

In 1978, China started the reform and opened itself to the outside world.It decided to focuse on the economic development and promote the socialist modernization in all areas.7.中国的文化 Chinese Culture 121.诗经是中国历史上第一部诗歌总集。

The Book of Songs is the earliest collection of poems and songs in China.122.《楚辞》是中国第一部浪漫主义诗歌总集,指的是2000多年前以屈原为代表创作的诗歌。

The Songs of the South is the earliest collection of romantic poems in China.The poems were written by Qu Yuan and others over 2,000 years ago.123.2000多年前,春秋战国时期出现百家争鸣,对中国后世各种学说产生重要影响。There were lively intellectual debates known as The Hundred Schools of Thought during the Spring and Autumn Peroid and the Warring States Period over 2,000 years ago.They had great influence on later philosophies in China.124.诸子百家是对2000多年前春秋战国以至汉初众多学派的概称,如孔子、老子、墨子、庄子等。

The Hundred Schools of Thought refers to thinkers representing various schools of thought during the Spring and Autumn Period, Warring States Period and early Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago.The best-known thinkers include Confucius, Lao Zi, Mo Zi and Zhuang Zi.125.孔子是中国古代伟大的教育家和思想家,他创立的儒学讲求“仁者爱人”。Confucius was a great educator and thinker in ancient China.He was the founder of Confucianism which advocated benevolence.126.孔子主张“己所不欲,勿施于人”,这是中国古人处理政治关系和人际关系的重要准则。

Confucius asked people “not to do onto others what they would not have others do onto themselves”.This was a key principle regulating political and human relations in ancient China.127.以老子、庄子为代表的道家是中国古代重要思想学派之一,崇尚自然,主张无为而治。

The Taoist school of thought is represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi.It is an important school of thought in ancient China.It respect nature and holds that things should be allowed to take their own course in governance.128.四书五经是中国儒家的经典,四书是《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》和《孟子》,五经是《诗经》、《尚书》、《礼记》、《周易》和《春秋》。

The Four Books and Five Classics are the main teachings of Confucianism.The Four Books are: Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Analects of Confucius, and Mencius.The Five Classics are: Book of Songs, Book of History, Book of Rites, Book of Changes, and Spring and Autumn Annals.129.隋唐时代确立的科举制是中国历史上影响最大的选官制。

The Imperial Examination System was established in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.It has had the greatest impact on the selection of officials in China's history.130.唐代的诗歌,宋代的词、元代的戏曲是中国古代文学史上的三座高峰。

Poetry of the Tang Dynastry, lyrics of the Song Dynastry and opera songs of the Yuan Dynastry represent three landmark achievements in classical Chinese literature.131.中国古代四大发明是造纸、印刷术、指南针、火药。

The Four Great Inventions in ancient China are papermaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder.132.《三国演义》、《西游记》、《水浒传》、《红楼梦》是中国明清小说四大名著。Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, and a Dream of Red Mansions were four major classical novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.133.琴棋书画是中国古人提高文化修养所必须掌握的技能。

Qin(a musical instrument), weiqi(a board game), calligraphy and painting are the four arts that people were required to master in the old times in order to be more culturally refined.134.京剧产生于19世纪,有“国剧”之称。

Peking Opera came into being in the 19th century and is regarded as the national opera.135.中国武术,也成中国武术,集防身、健身、养生于一体,是中国古代文化遗产中的瑰宝。

Kong Fu is also called Chinese martial arts.It serves the purpose of self-defense, fitness and health preservation.It is a gem of China's cultural heritage.136.春节是中国的农历新年,是中国民间最看重的传统节日,是亲人团聚的日子。The Spring Festival marks the start of the lunar new year in China.It is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese.It is an occasion of family reunion.137.中国人很重视中秋节,这一赏月佳节是大团圆的象征。

The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the Moon Festival.It is a special festival for the Chinese.The full moon on that day symbolizes family reunion.138.天人合一是中国古典哲学的重要观念之一。强调尊重自然,人与自然应该和谐相处。

Unity between man and nature is a key concept in ancient Chinese philosophy.It calls for respect for nature and harmony between man and nature.139.中国古人就强调协和万邦,主张各国应该和平相处。

Ever since ancient times, the Chinese have held the belief that all countries should live in peace.140.中国是礼仪之邦,讲究尊老爱幼,礼让谦逊。

China is a country of etiquette.We respect the old and care for the young, and encourage propriety and modesty.8.中国的世界遗产 World Heritage in China 141.中国有40多处世界遗产,包括世界文化遗产、世界自然遗产、文化和自然混合遗产。

China has over 40 world heritage sites including cultural, natural and mixed cultural and natural heritage sites.142.长城是中国古代的伟大建筑工程之一,始建于2000多年前,全长8851公里,号称“万里长城”。

The Great Wall was one of the greatest construction projects in ancient China.Its construction began over 2,000 years ago.It has a total length of 8,851 kilometers.143.北京故宫始建于1406年,是世界现存最大最完整的古建筑群。

The Forbidden City in Beijing is the largest and most complete old building complex in the world.Its construction began in 1406.144.北京天坛是中国古代皇帝祭天之地。

The Temple of Heaven in Beijing was the place for Chinese emperors to pray to heaven for good harvest.145.陕西西安的秦始皇陵是中国历史上第一个皇帝秦始皇的陵园,众多兵马俑令人叹为观止。

The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang is located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.Emperor Qin Shihuang was the first emperor of China.The terracotta warriors and horses discovered there are truly amazing.146.泰山有五岳独尊之称,有雄伟的自然景观和丰富的人文景观。

Mount Tai is the most famous among the Five Sacred Mountain Peaks in China.It has majestic natural scenery peaks and rich cultural relics.147.山东省曲阜市的孔庙是包括孔子及其后裔的宗庙等在内的庞大建筑群。The Temple of Confucius is located in Qufu City, Shandong Province.It is a huge compound housing the ancestral temples of Confucius and his descendents.148.安徽省的黄山有“天下第一奇山”的美誉。

Mount Huangshan is located in Anhui Province.It is is believed to have the most spectacular mountain scenery on earth.149.江西省的庐山以雄、奇、险、秀闻名。

Mount Lushan is in Jiangxi Province.It is famous for its grandeur, uniqueness, steepness and beauty.150.四川省的峨眉山以优美的自然风光而驰名中外,乐山大佛高71米,堪称世界之最。Mount Emei is in Sichuan Province.It is well-known for its breathtaking scenery.The carved stone statue of Leshan Buddha is 71 meters high, which is the tallest in the world.151.福建省的武夷山一丹霞地貌著称。

Mount Wuyi is in Fujian Province.It is known for its Danxia(red sandstone)landform.152.湖北省的武当山是道教名山和武当拳发源地。

Mount Wudang is in Hubei Province.It is a sacred mountain in Taoism and is the birthplace of Wudang Boxing.153.湖南省的武陵源风景名胜区有奇特的砂岩峰林地貌。

Wulingyuan is in Hunan Province.It is famous for its unique tall quartzite sandtone pillars.154.四川省九寨沟因其喀斯特溶岩地貌和壮观瀑布而充满生趣。

The Jiuzhaigou Valley is in Sichuan Province.It is known for its karst landform and magnificent waterfalls.155.四川大熊猫栖息地是全球最完整的大熊猫栖息地。

The Giant Panda Sanctuaries in Sichuan Province is the largest contiguous giant panda habitat in the world.156.云南省的丽江市有世界文化遗产丽江古城、世界自然遗产“三江并流”保护区,还有纳西东巴象形文字。

Both the Old Town of Lijiang, a world cultural heritage site, and the Three Parallel Rivers Protected Area, a world natural heritage site, are located in Lijiang City of Yunnan Province.Lijiang is also famous for the Dongba pictographic scripts of the Naxi language.157.苏州古典园林始建于2600多年前。

Construction of the Classical Gardens in Suzhou began over 2,600 years ago.158.甘肃省的敦煌莫高窟是世界上规模最大的佛教艺术圣地。

The Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu Province is the largest site of Buddhist art in the world.159.河南省的洛阳龙门石窟有1500多年历史,现存石雕佛像10万余尊。

The Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Henan Province has a history of more than 1,500 years.It has over 100,000 Buddhist statues.160.西藏拉萨的布达拉宫是历代**喇嘛的东宫居所。

The Potala Palace in Lahsa, Tibet was the Winter Palace for the successive Dalai Lamas.九、中国的政治制度 China's Political System 161.中国是社会主义国家。国家的一切权力属于人民。

China is a socialist country.All power in China belongs to the people.162.人民代表大会制度是中国的根本政治制度。

The system of people's congresses is the fundamental political system of China.163.中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,民族区域自治制度以及基层群众自治制度是中国的基本政治制度。

Multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC), ethnic regional autonomy and self-governance at the community level constitute China's basic political system.164.中国共产党是中国的执政党,领导和支持人民当家作主,维护和实现最广大人民的根本利益。

The CPC is the ruling party in China.It leads and supports the people in determining their own destiny, and works to uphold and realize the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.165.中国共产党的领导主要是政治、思想、组织领导。

The Party's leadership means mainly political, theoretical and organizational leadership.166.人民通过人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会形式国家权力。

The people exercise state power through the National People's Congress(NPC)and people's congresses at lower levels.167.全国人民代表大会是中国最高国家权力机关,地方人民代表大会分省市县乡四级,地方各级人民代表大会是地方国家权力机关。

The NPC is the supreme organ of state power.There are local people's congresses at the provincial, municipal, county and township levels.They are the local organs of state power.168.全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会行使国家立法权。The NPC and its Standing Committee exercise the legislative power of the state.169.中华人民共和国主席是国家元首。

The President of the People's Republic of China is the head of state.170.国务院是最高国家权力机关的执行机关。

The State Council is the executive body of the supreme organ of state power.It is also the supreme organ of state administration.171.中央军事委员会领导全国武装力量,实行主席负责制。

The Central Military Commission directs the armed forces of the country under the leadership of its Chairman.172.中国设省市县乡四级地方政府。

There are local governments at the provincial, municipal, county and township levels.173.人民法院是国家的审判机关,依照法律规定独立行使审判权。

The people's courts are judicial organs of the state.They exercise judicial power indendently in accordance with the law.174.人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。依照法律规定独立行使检察权。The people's procuratorates are state organs for legal supervision.They exercise procuratorial power independently in accordance with the law.175.中国共产党是执政党。中国国民党革命委员会、中国民主同盟、中国民主建国会、中国民主促进会、中国农工民主党、中国致公党、九三学社、台湾民主自治同盟,八个民主党派是参政党。

The CPC is the ruling party of China.There are eight democratic parties which participate in the deliberation and management of state affairs.They are the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, China Democratic League, China's Democratic National Construction Association, China Association for Promoting Democracy, Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, China Zhi Gong Dang, Jiu San Society and Taiwan Democratic Self-government League.176.中国共产党同各民主党派合作的方针是,长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共。

The CPC cooperates with the democratic parties under the principle of long-term co-existence, mutual supervision, treating each other with full sincerity and sharing weal and woe.177.中国人民政治协商会议围绕团结和民主两大主题开展工作,履行政治协商,民主监督,参政议政职能。

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)aims to promote unity and democracy.It conducts political consultation, exercises democratic supervision and takes part in the deliberation and managment of state affairs.178.中国在农村建立村民委员会、在城市社区建立居民委员会、在企业建立职工代表大会,以保证人民依法直接行使民主权利,管理基层公共事务和公益事业,实行自我管理、自我服务、自我教育、自我监督、对干部实行民主监督。

There are villiagers' committees in rural areas, neighborhood committees in urban areas, and workers' congresses in enterprises.They ensure that the people directly exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law and manage public service affairs and public service programs at the community level.They also ensure that the people practice self-management, self-service, self-education and self-supervision, and exercise democratic supervision over officials.179.政治体制改革是中国全面改革的重要组成部分。我们推进政治体制改革,坚持以保证人民当家作主为根本,扩大社会主义民主,建设社会主义法治国家,发展社会主义政治文明。

Political restructuring is an important part of the overall reform in China.The fundamental principle guiding the political restructuring is to ensure that the people are the masters of the country.Its aim is to expand socialist democracy, build a socialist country under the rule of law and develop a socialist political culture.180.我们坚持中国特色社会主义发展道路,坚持党的领导,人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,不断推进社会主义政治制度自我完善和发展。

We keep to the path of developing the socialist political system with Chinese features.We adhere the leadership of the Party.At the same time, we ensure that the people are the masters of the country and promote the rule of law.We work to promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist political system.十、中国的选举制度 China's Election System


Under the Chinese law, all Chinese citizens aged 18 and above have the right to vote and stand for election.182.全国和地方各级人民代表大会都由民主选举产生,对人民负责,受人民监督。The National People's Congress and people's congresses at lower levels are instituted through democratic election.They are responsible to the people and subject to their supervision.183.全国人民代表大会代表和省市两级人民代表由下一级人民代表大会选举,县乡两级人民代表大会代表由选民直接选举。

Deputies to the national, provincial and munipicial people's congresses are elected by the people's congresses at the next lower level.Deputies to the people's congresses of counties and townships are elected directly by voters.184.全国和地方各级人民代表大会的代表的选举,一律采用无记名投票方法,选举时设有秘密写票处。

Election of deputies to the National People's Congress and the local people's congresses is conducted by secret ballot.Voters cast votes in private in booths at polling stations.185.全国和地方各级人民代表大会的代表的候选人,按选区或者选举单位选举产生。Candidates of deputies to the National People's Congress and local people's congresses are nominated by constituencies or electoral units.186.各政党、各人民团体可以联合或者单独推荐代表候选人,选民或者代表10人以上联名,也可以推荐代表候选人。

Political parties or people's organizations may recommend candidates jointly or seperately.Groups each having over 10 voters or deputies may also jointly recommend candidates.187.由选民直接选举代表大会代表的,代表候选人由各选区选民和各政党、各人民团体提名推荐。

In places where deputies to people's congresses are directly elected by voters, candidates are recommended by constituents, political parties or people's organizations.188.全国和地方各级代表大会代表实行差额选举。

Deputies to the National People's Congress and local people's congresses are produced through multi-candidate elections.189.全国和地方各级人民代表大会的代表,受选民和原选举单位的监督,选民或选举单位都有权罢免自己选出的代表。

Deputies to the National People's Congress and local people's congresses are subject to the supervision of the voters or the units which elected them.Voters or electoral units have the power to recall the deputies they have elected.190.国家行政机关、审判机关、检察机关都由人民代表大会产生,对它负责,受它监督。

All the administrative, judiacial and procuratorial bodies of the state are created by the people's congresses.These bodies are responsible to people's congresses and operate under their supervision.191.中华人民共和国主席、副主席由全国人民代表大会选举,每届任期5年,连续任职不得超过两届。

The President and vice president of the People's Republic of China are elected by the National People's Congress.They have a term of office of five years and can serve no more than two consecutive terms.192.国务院总理的人选,根据中华人民共和国主席的提名,由全国人民代表大会决定。The choice of the Premier of the State Council is made by the National People's Congress upon nomination by the President of the People's Republic of China.193.国务院副总理、国务委员和各部部长等的人选由国务院总理提名,根据国务院总理的提名,由全国人民代表大会决定。

The chioce of Vice Premiers, the State Councilors, and Ministers is made by the National People's Congress upon nomination of the Premier.194.全国人民代表大会选举中央军事委员会主席。The Chairman of the Central Military Commission is elected by the National People's Congress.195.最高人民法院院长,最高人民检察院院长,由全国人民代表大会选举。

The President of the Supreme People's Court, and the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate are elected by the National People's Congress.196.地方各级人民代表大会分别选举并且有权罢免本级人民政府的领导人。

Local people's congresses elect officials of the people's governments at the same levels and have the power to recall them.197.居民委员会、村民委员会的主任、副主任和委员由居民选举。

The chairperson, vice chairpersons and members of the neighborhood committees or villagers' committees are elected by residents.198.中国共产党各级人民代表大会的代表和委员会选举采用无记名投票方式。Delegates to the congresses of the Communist Party of China(CPC)and members of CPC committees at all levels are elected by secret ballot.199.中国共产党中央委员会由党的全国代表大会选举。党的中央政治局,中央政治局常务常务委员会和中央委员会总书记,由中央委员会全体会议选举。

The Central Committees of the Communist Party of China is elected by the National Congress of the Party.The Political Bureau, its Standing Committee and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party are elected by the Central Committee at its plenary session.200.中国共产党章程明确规定,任何组织和个人不得以任何方式强迫选举人选举或不选举某个人。

It is explicitly stipulated in the Constitution of the Communist Party of China that no organization or individual shall in any way compel voters to elect or not elect any particular candidate.十一、中国的民主 Democracy in China


The Chinese people suffered greatly under imperalism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism befor the founding of New China.They did not have any democratic rights to speak of.202.中国人民为争取民主进行了长期斗争和探索,新中国成立后才获得当家作主的权利。

The Chinese people fought long and hard for democracy.It was only after the founding of New China they were able to determine their own destiny.203.我们强调没有民主就没有社会主义、就没有社会主义现代化。

We want to stress that without democracy there can be no socialism and socialist modernization.204.中国的民主制度不断健全,民主形式不断丰富。中国人民现在享受着历史上最广泛的民主权利。

China has made steady progress in improving democratic institutions and expanding forms for exercising democracy.They Chinese people now enjoy more extensive democratic rights than ever before.205.我们从各个层次,各个领域扩大公民有序政治参与,最广泛的动员和组织人民依法管理国家事务和社会事务、管理经济和文化事业。

We expand citizens' orderly participation in political affairs at every level and in every field.We fully mobilize and organize the people in managing state social affairs and social affairs as well as economic and cultural activities in accordance with the law.206.我们依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督,保障人民的知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权。

We carry out democratic election, decision-making, administration and oversight in accordance with the law to guarantee that the people have the right to be informed of, to participate in, ot express views about and to oversee public affairs.207.我们坚持民主决策,制定与群众利益密切相关的法律法规和公共政策,原则上都要公开听取意见。

We practice democratic decision making.Generally the views of the public should be sought in formulating laws, regulations and policies that are closely related to people's interests.208.我们不断完善政务公开,村务公开和厂务公开的制度,充分保障人民群众的民主权利。

We are steadly improving the system for transparancy in government, villiage and factory affairs to protect the right of the people to democratic management.209.我们坚持民主监督号召人民监督政府和干部,确保国家权利真正为人民谋利益。We practice democratic oversight and encourage the people to supervise the government and offiials so as to ensure the State power is used for the public good.210.中国共产党坚持民主执政,重视发扬党内民主,以党内民主带动人民民主。The Communist Party of China exercises democratic governance and promote intra-party democracy to enhance people's democracy.211.我们高度重视人权,宪法规定国家尊重和保障人权。

We take huamn rights seriously.China's Constitution clearly stipulates that the State respects and preserves human rights.212.我们扎实推进人权事业,中国人民现在所享有的人权是中国历史上任何时期都不可比拟的。

We are taking concrete measures to advance China's human rights.The Chinese people enjoy more human rights today than at anytime in history.213.中国宪法明确规定了公民的基本权利和义务。

The fundamental rights and duties of citizens are stipulated in the China's Constitution.214.我们致力于促进和保障中国人民包括言论自由在内的基本自由。

We are committed to promoting and upholding fuandamental freedoms of the Chinese people including freedom of speech.215.作为一个有十三亿多人口,正处在改革进程中的发展中国家,中国在发展人权事业上,还有很多工作要做。

China is a developing country with 1.3 billion people and it is in the process of reform, we still have much to do to promote human rights.216.我们承认人权的普遍性原则,同时认为人权的普遍性原则必须与各国的国情相结合。

We recognize the principle of universality for human rights.We also believe that this principle should be applied in light of the particular conditions of each country.217.由于历史文化传统,经济发展水平,社会制度的不同,各国在人权领域面临的挑战和优先任务也不尽相同。

Countries are different in history, cultural tradition, stage of economic development and social system, therefore they face different challenges and have different priorities in the area of human rights.218.对各国关于人权问题的不同看法或分歧,我们主张在平等和相互尊重的基础上通过对话和合作解决。

Countries may have different views and positions on human rights issues.We believe that they should be addressed through dialogue and cooperation on basis of equality and mutual respect.219.中国参加了二十多项国际人权公约,并一直认真履行所承担的义务。

China is a party to over twenty international human rights conventions and takes its obligations seriously.220.在推进人权事业的过程中,我们愿意在相互尊重的基础上,同各国加强交流合作。We wish to strengthen exchanges and cooperationn with other countries on the basis of mutual respect and advancing human rights.


篇一:北京市外事办邀请函申请材料清单 学校类的专家许可邀请函 1.申请函:被邀请人的姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍、护照号、申请签证的类型(f或者z)、申请总人数(是否有随行家属),拟抵华时间,学校联系人,电话,学校盖章 2.外国专家来华工作许可证复印件 3.被邀请人护照复印件




地点:北京市人民政府外事办公室出入境人员服务中心 办理时限:五个工作日 地址:北京市东城区北小街青龙胡同1号 歌华大厦a座2层 电话:010-84187652/76篇二:办理外事办签证邀请函



invitation letter of duly authorized unit 编号/ no.:1409-1210-此函仅限申请人前往中华人民共和国驻 大使馆(总领馆/领事馆/处)或中华人民共和国外交部驻/ 特别行政区特派员公署申请签证时使用。




第一部分 7月份工作总结






7月11日,由天津开发区国际交流协会、开发区韩国企业商会联合主办,泰达高尔夫球会参与协办的第一届‚TEDA国际交流杯‛高尔夫联谊赛在滨海湖高尔夫球场举行。40多 家大型企业参加了比赛,瑞穗实业银行有限公司天津分行、SEW传动投资有限公司也作为协会副会长单位参与了此次活动。活动在轻松、和谐的氛围中进行,企业间进行了友好的沟通与交流,活动收到良好效果。



(四)招商渠道与驻外办事处信息传递制度工作 针对驻外办事处招商渠道走访计划,我区积极做好与各个办事处的沟通联络工作和后台服务,确保完成渠道扩展工作任务。



(六)举办‚泰达杯‛海峡两岸高尔夫邀请赛活动 由天津市政协和海峡两岸关系协会主办,天津开发区管委会承办的首届‚泰达杯‛海峡两岸企业家高尔夫邀请赛于2009年7月30日上午在天津杨柳青高尔夫俱乐部举行。


(七)项目跟进工作 1.7月27日张军主任在管委会接待了野村综研公司,就‚创建中日(国际)合作低碳经济示范区研究项目最终报告‛进行了研讨。我局与环保局共同促进此项目,最终确立了该计划报告。随后将逐步该报告的实践,深入开展中日在环保和低碳经济领域的合作。






(二)邀请外国人来华 7月份,共签发授权单位签证通知表272份,邀请304人次来华访问。针对区内大企业来访人员多且来自不同国家等特殊情况,积极协调,急事急办,即严格履行审批职能,又加强了对企业的服务。




(二)保增长、渡难关、上水平,全力为企业服务 本月,天津斯坦雷电子有限公司一名员工在日研修期间突发病危,为协助该公司做好家属及时赴日和相关应急措施等工作,经我局紧急协调联络,市公安出入境管理局以最快速度办结护照签证等相关手续使其家属及时抵日。同时,我局通过外交部和市外办协调驻大阪领馆安排人员前往探视并协助处理相关事宜。大阪领馆于7月2日派主管人员在我区驻日本办事处同志的陪同下赴广岛大学医院,探望患者及陪护家属,详细了解发病及治疗情况,请求医院全力挽救患者生命。另,该馆人员还就家属关心的治疗费用等问题与派出公司进行沟通和协调。大阪领馆所做工作,对于患者的治 疗、家属情绪的稳定及相关后续问题的妥善解决都将起到很好的作用。

第二部分 8月份工作计划









































(二)加强制度建设,进一步完善旅游安全管理机制 一是健全旅游安全领导组织机构。各县市区旅游外事侨务局、各旅游经营企业要进一步完善一把手负责的旅游安全生产组织领导机构。要从组织结构上理顺安全管理层级,形成自上而下、从下至上的旅游安全生产管理和情况反馈机制,保证全市旅游安全生产工作处于有效控制、有序管理的良好状态。二是建立安全形势分析制度。在季节转换、节假日黄金周、重大事件发生等时机,各旅游安全领导小组都要专题召开旅游安全生产形势分析会,摸清安全生产底数,研究解决旅游安全生产方面的矛盾和问题,作出预防措施和决定。三是不断完善旅游安全生产责任制。要建立安全生产责任制、设置安全生产管理机构、加强安全培训教育、整改安全隐患等,明确违反安全生产制度规定的处罚原则的措施。四是落实旅行社责任保险制度。要按照国家旅游局要求,旅行社投保全国旅行社统保示范产品,提高企业规避风险的能力。

(三)加强督促检查,进一步强化旅游安全隐患整治 要用经常性的检查来督促企业安全生产工作落实。一是领导检查旅游安全工作制度化。县市区旅游部门要严格按照职责分工开展旅游安全检查,保持旅游安全检查工作经常化制度化。要坚持旅游安全工作“三同步”(即同步部署、同步检查、同步总结),做到事前有部署、事中有督促、事后有总结汇报。二是重要时段、重点场所检查旅游安全常态化。在重大节日、重大活动、旅游旺季、极端气候条件或者重大事故发生等时段,各县市区旅游部门、各旅游企业都要对人群集中、人流量大和危险系数高的活动设施和场所进行检查,重点要突出食品卫生、消防设施监控和治安防范措施落实,加强旅游车辆、游船、缆车等游览交通工具及大型游览游乐设施和带有危险性的游乐设施安全保障等项目安全检查。三是坚持开展安全隐患排查整治。开展安全生产集中治理行动,重点加强旅行社自有和租用车辆、星级饭店消防和饮食安全、旅游景区大型游乐设施等易发事故旅游项目的隐患排查,建立隐患排查整治台帐,落实整改责任。四是要督促安全隐患整治效果落实。对发现的问题和隐患,要及时指出限时整治,并对整治效果进行“回头看”,督促整治效果落实。能整治的要及时整治,对一些影响较小一时不易整改的,要明确切实有效的防护措施,确保不发生安全问题。

(四)加强培训演练,进一步提高旅游安全应急处置能力 要始终坚持把培养安全管理人才作为做好旅游安全生产的基础性工作来抓,采取不同形式不同方式广泛进行教育培训,不断提高企业组织旅游安全生产的能力素质。一是要抓好安全基础培训。积极参与安监专业机构培训、轮训,学习安全生产基本知识、基本技能,熟悉安全设施设备的维护使用技能,掌握组织安全生产的方式,熟练处置应急事件的基本方法。二是组织会议培训。旅游管理部门和企业要每年组织一至二次安全培训会议。聘请安监、质监、交通、卫生等部门专业人士传授安全工作的相关专业知识,提高安全防范技能。企业内部要经常组织安全管理交流,互相学习,取长补短,引导员工知晓安全常识、懂防护原则、守安全纪律,打牢企业安全生产的基础。三是进行安全应急演练。要认真学习相关应急措施预案,制定并完善本单位各类应急预案。要结合实际组织演练,进一步熟悉组织指挥程序、抢险救援措施、自救互救方法。

(五)加强协调沟通,进一步营造旅游安全齐抓共管环境 旅游是一个高关联度的行业,建立全社会齐抓共管旅游安全的机制势在必行。各县市区旅游行政管理部门和旅游企业在组织筹划旅游安全生产工作时,要十分重视加强横向联系,纵向沟通,构筑旅游安全管理的网络环境。一是要与公安、安监、质监、交通、卫生、工商、食品药品监督管理等相关部门建立长期联络机制,与旅游企业建立情况反馈机制,实现工作互通,信息共享,及时掌握安全生产工作动态信息。二是在重大节日、重点时段,联合相关部门加大安全检查力度,现场查摆问题隐患,分口监督落实安全整改。三是充分发挥网络、电台、电视台、报纸等媒体的作用,及时发布安全警示信息,做好旅游安全预警工作。












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