曾看到一则新闻,标题是:“台中市的‘菜英文’出了大洋相”。我知道,台湾有个“蔡英文”,台北人,民进党党主席,因为不愿放弃“台独”主张,声誉不佳。但此人姓“蔡”而非“菜”,难道在台中市还有个“菜英文”?“菜英文”因何出了大洋相?阅读新闻后才知道:台中市环保部门印制的英文公函错误连篇,如Envelope(信封)词尾少一个e,Taichung City(台中市)的y变成了V,等等,遭致一片骂声。有人说:台中市的“菜英文”尽出洋相,给台湾丢了脸。原来新闻标题用了谐音修辞,“菜英文”即水平很差的英文。“菜”为网络用语,是“差”“笨”“愚蠢”的意思。
其实,大陆也有“菜英文”,也在各地出洋相。北京首都机场曾有一个专卖店,英文牌子是“Ants and Crafts”。据说,某国外游客来中国,看到该店店名十分感慨,中国真了不起,还有专卖蚂蚁的地方。结果走进去一看,没发现任何蚂蚁,全是手工艺品。原来,店名将“Art”(工艺品)误成了“Ant”(蚂蚁)。这种差错各地都大量存在。据报载,来华访问的马来西亚华人邓先生,曾慕名前往西安秦始皇兵马俑博物馆参观,在博物馆停车场附近随便转转,就发现多家商铺牌匾英文有错,如restaurant(餐馆)误成了rsetaurant,agency(机构)误成了anency,jade(玉器)误成了gade,commercial(商业)误成了coammercial,等等。弄得邓先生直发呆。
英文中有一些独特的表达习惯,不能用相关的中文意思生硬地对译,否则也会闹笑话。一位英国朋友来到北京某公共场所,一时内急,向一个标有restroom 的房间走了进去,结果一个女服务员走上前来和他热情地搭话,英国朋友十分地尴尬。不过,马上就明白了,这是休息室而非厕所。翻译者可能认为“rest”即休息,“room”即房间,便望文生义地把restroom误解成休息室了。殊不知在英语中restroom指的是厕所,休息室一般作Lounge。北京一家收费厕所,门口的标示牌为fee-paying public toilet。在英文中,fee-paying即付费,public即公共,toilet即厕所,有关人员便根据中文意思“硬拼”出个fee-paying public toilet来,以为它表示的意思是“收费的公共厕所”。其实,外国人看到这句话会理解成“上完厕所可以给钱”,意思是在这里上厕所非但不收费,反而会给钱。在国外,大部分国家的厕所都是收费的,一般情况下,标明toilet即可,大家都知是收费的。
许多英文单词,除了词汇意义之外,还有英语国家所赋予它的民族文化含义。如果不了解这些单词背后的文化含义,而按中文意思对译,也会闹笑话。白象牌电池是中国著名品牌,据说它刚刚进入英语国家时就曾遭到嘲笑。因为此电池英文名称中的White Elephant(白象)一词,在英文中有“大而无用并且会吃垮你的东西”的含义。类似的问题,在各地的公共场所也经常见到。我曾在上海一公交车站站点见到一块英文告示牌,上面写着Old People First,稍懂英文的人都明白,它的意思是“老人优先”。如果真有外国年长者来乘车,看到这块牌子一定会心里不爽。中国有“尊老”的传统,“老”含有敬意,年长者一般是不介意被称为“老人”(Old People)的。但英语国家则不同,他们渴望年轻,害怕“老”,如果被称为“老人”是会产生抵触情绪的。中文中的“老人优先”,英语一般说成Senior Citizens First(年长者优先)。再如,我们经常在大型公共场所的扶手电梯旁,看到“小心碰头”的警示牌,许多地方把它翻译成“Watch out,Knock Head”(当心,碰头)。外国人看到Knock Head也会发笑,因为这是一句英文俚语,意思是“笨蛋”。“小心碰头”就成了“小心,笨蛋”。英文是给外国人看的,是为了给外国朋友提供生活、工作上的便利,如果我们让蹩脚的“菜英文”去接待外国人,效果可想而知。建议有关人员,多请教专家如何?建议有关部门,加大监管力度如何?
Hello everyone,Time flies.It's been almost three years plus since I was employed with much pleasure to work for CNB.Working with you all has been a nice experience.So many friends and so much joys.As some of you already know,this is gonna be my last day here in CNB,I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings,happy about the new career opportunity but sad to be leaving such a great company.I really appreciate your support for my job in the last three years plus,please pardon me if during this period of time I do not meet up with your expectation or requirements.Besides,I here should sincerely thank Mr.AB,Mr.TH,but most of all I thank Mr.WangC,my direct supervisor,for giving me the very precious opportunity to justify myself as a creature helpful indeed.My thanks also goes to Mr.Jeans Pierre Herman,my master,who has been so kind and easy to communicate with and very very helpful.After I leave the office,Mr SunXH,our new colleague,will continue to serve you in my position.He can be reached at the E-mail address ABC@cn-buyer.com & Ext 705.Thank you so much for your patience,understanding and time.Wish CNB a better future.Wish you all success in the future and have a great day ahead.Please keep in touch,I can be reached at my personal E-mail address CNB@cn-buyer.com or via my handphone-1234567890.B.R.CNB
Hello I didn’t get to say goodbye to you all.They didn’t tell me when I would finish till the day before I finished.I thought we would have one more class together to say good bye.Maybe it’s a good thing.I don’t like to say goodbye.I got to say goodbye to only 2 classes andI ending up crying because it was so sad to do.So, saying goodbye to every class would have been difficult for me.So maybe it was good not to saygood bye in person.I don’t like goodbyes.Anyway, it is not goodbye because we can be qq friends forever and I made so many friends here at this university.It is goodbye as your teacher though, because I amno longer your teacher.It is sad to say goodbye to Jianxi Science and Technology University.I told you it was the best university in China.I think its true.I had the best time here and met manywonderful people..I hope your exams went well and your future exams too.It was a pleasure to meet and teach you all.It was
my first experience like this to teachand you were all wonderful students and people to meet and teach.I have learnt that even if I amthe teacher, you were all my teachers too.Thank you for being great students and it was great to meet you all.I really wish you the best in your futures.I will be in Nanchang one more year and teaching freshman / first year students again but at Jianxi / Nanchang Teachers university in the city of Nanchang.I would love to stay at Jianxi Science and Technology University but I am a musician and I need to live in the city centre so I can play music more.This was too far away for me to live.I am going to go to Beijing for music but have to wait a year now and I prefer to be here in Nanchang again.I will sometimes come for a visit to our school and I hope I bump into some of you and have lunch with some of you sometimes.That will be great.I am sending this letter to all my students on qq.I will miss you all.You can stay in touch with me.I will always be on qq.I hope you learnt something from me and that your English improved a bit more.I saw how much better and confident yo
u became in English and you all really impressed me and made me proud of you.Sorry for the long letter.I wish you best and a very happy and successful life.Kind regards Monique
PS.If you can’t understand my English, ask one of your student friends to explain or use a translator..QQ has a translator no
三、汤菜考究,变化无穷 闽菜重视汤菜,与多烹制海鲜和传统食俗有关。闽厨长期以来把烹饪和确保原料质鲜、味纯、滋补联系起来,从长期积累的经验认为,最能保持原料本质和原味的当属汤菜,故汤菜多而考究。有的白如奶汁,甜润爽口;有的汤清如水,色鲜味美;有的金黄澄透,馥郁芳香;有的汤稠色酽,味厚香浓。
Fujian Cuisine
Fujian cuisine, also called Min Cai for short, holds an important position in China's culinary art.Fujian's economy and culture began flourishing after the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279).During the middle Qing Dynasty around 18th century, famous Fujian officials and literati promoted the Fujian cuisine so it gradually spread to other parts of China.Fujian cuisine comprises three branches--Fuzhou, South Fujian and West Fujian.There are slight differences among them.Fuzhou dishes, quite popular in eastern, central and northern Fujian Province, are more fresh, delicious, and less salty, sweet, and sour;South Fujian dishes, popular in Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and the golden triangle of South Fujian, are sweet and hot and use hot sauces, custard, and orange juice as flavorings;West Fujian dishes are salty and hot, prevailing in Hakka region with strong local flavor.As Fujian people emigrate overseas, their cuisine become popular in Taiwan and abroad.Generally speaking, Fujian dishes are slightly sweet and sour, and less salty, and often use the red distiller's grain for flavoring.Fujian cuisine is characterized by the following four aspects:
(1)Ingredients of seafood and mountain delicacies: Fujian cuisine emphasizes seafood and mountain delicacies.Fujian Province has a favorable geographical location with mountains in its north and sea to its south.Many mountain delicacies such as mushroom, bamboo shoots and tremella are often found here.The coastal area produces 167 varieties of fish and 90 kinds of turtles and shellfish.It also produces edible bird's nest, cuttlefish, and sturgeon.These special products are all used in Fujian cuisine.The local people are good at cooking seafood, featuring in methods of stewing, boiling, braising, quick-boiling, and steaming, etc.(2)Fine slicing techniques: Fujian cuisine stresses on fine slicing techniques so much that it is reputed as sliced ingredients are as thin as paper and shredded as slim as hairs.Everything sliced serves its original aroma.Fine slicing techniques may better show the aroma and texture of food.Cutting is important in Fujian cuisine.Most dishes are made of seafood, and if the seafood is not cut well, the dishes will fail to have their true flavor.(3)Various soup and broth: The most characteristic aspect of Fujian cuisine is that its dishes are served in soup.(4)Exquisite culinary art: Fujian dishes are tasty because of their emphasis on a series of delicate procession: selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking and controlling the heat.When a dish is less salty, it tastes more delicious.Sweetness makes a dish tastier, while sourness helps remove the seafood smell.Typical dishes are Buddha-jumping-over-the-wall, flaked spiral shell lightly pickled in rice liquor, litchi fish, and mussels quick-boiled in chicken broth, of which Buddha-jumping-over-the-wall is the most famous;the name implies the dish is so delicious that even the Buddha would jump over a wall to have a taste once he smelled it.A mixture of seafood, chicken, duck, and pork is put into a rice-wine jar and simmered over a low fire.Sea mussel quick-boiled in chicken soup is another Fujian delicacy.
Resignation Letter
template Your Name Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Date Name Title
Organization Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms.Last Name:
I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Account Executive for the Smith Agency, effective August 1.Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last five years.I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company.If I can be of any help during this transition, please let me know.Sincerely,Your Signature Your Typed Name
Sample 1 Sui Ning Reference Coordinator ABC Library System 101 Main Street Shanghai, China Dear John,I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Reference Librarian II for the ABC Library System.My last day with the library will be Saturday, June 30th.Thank you for the professional and personal development you have assisted me with over the last two years.I consider just about everyone I have met here to be friends of mine now, and I will miss you all.However, between my teaching load and writing work, my career has taken a different direction and I feel is time to move onto new opportunities and challenges.Please keep in touch.I can be reached via email at suining@126.com.Sincerely, Sui Ning Sample 2 Your Name Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Date Name Title Organization Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms.Last Name:
The purpose of this resignation letter is to inform you that I will be leaving my position with ABC Company effective October 1.I will be relocating to the New York City area in the near future.I have appreciated both being part of the ABC team and the opportunities that have been provided to me during the last several years.Please let me know if I can be of assistance during the transition.You can reach me at the above address if you have any questions or need any further information.Sincerely, Your Signature Your Typed Name
Farewell Letter Template
Dear FirstName,Use the first paragraph of your farewell letter to let you co-worker know that you are leaving the company.It's fine to tell them where you are going and what you will be doing.However, don't mention anything negative about your present employer or why you are moving on.In the second paragraph, thank your co-worker for all the support they have provided you.Mention that you have enjoyed working with them and you'll miss them, even though it is time for you to move on.The third paragraph should let your contact know where they can reach you.Include your personal email address and phone number.In the last paragraph, reiterate your thanks.Yours truly, Your FirstName
Sample Farewell Letter
Dear John,I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at ABC Corporation.I will be starting a new position at XYZ Company next month.I have enjoyed my tenure here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you.Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided me during my time at ABC.Even though I will miss my colleagues and the company, I am looking forward to this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career.Please keep in touch.I can be reached at my personal email address(john13@gmail2.com)or at home, 555-121-2222.Thanks again for everything.Yours truly, Amy