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毕业设计开题报告 题 目 新型出租车计价器控制电路设计 姓 名 牛敏 学 号 120433322 专 业 班 级 电气 123 指 导 老 师 黄俊梅

电子工程系电气自动化教研室 2014年 12月 2 日 一.选题背景和意义

随着我国经济的迅速发展, 人民生活水平的显著提高, 我国出租汽车行业迅 猛发展,出租汽车已经成为我国城 市公共交通的重要组成部分和现代化城市必 备的基础设施, 成为人们工作、生活中不可缺少的交通工具。出租汽车服务行业 和出租汽车计价器紧密相关, 因为出租汽车必须安装出租汽车计价器才能投入营 运。出租汽车计价器是一种能根据乘客乘坐汽车行驶距离和等候时间的多少进行 计价, 并直接显示车费值的计量器具。计价器是出租汽车的经营者和乘坐出租汽 车的消费者之间用于公平贸易结算的工具, 因而计价器计价准确与否, 直接关系 到经营者和消费者的经济利益。依据国家有关法律、法规, 出租汽车计价器是列 入国家首批强制检定的工作计量器具之一, 也是近年来国家质量技术监督部门强 化管理的六类重点计量器具之一。


出租车行业在我国是八十年代初兴起的一项新兴行业,随着我国国民经济 的高速发展, 出租汽车已成为城市公共交通的重要组成部分。多年来国内普遍使 用的计价器只具备单一的计量功能。目前全世界的计价器中有 90%为台湾所生 产。现今我国生产计价器的企业有上百家,主要是集中在北京,上海,沈阳和广 州等地。当单片机出现并应用于计价器后, 现代出租车计价器的模型也就基本具 备了,它可以完成计程,计价,显示等基本工作。单片机以及外围芯片的不断发 展促进了计价器的发展。出租车计价器在最初使用时具备的主要功能是根据行驶 里程计价,要求精度高,可靠性好。

三、研究的内容及可行性分析 1.研究的内容 : 计价器显示的营运金额是营运里程与价格的函数(等候时间一般折算成一 定比例的里程来计算。出租车计价器通过传感器与行驶车辆连接。出租汽车的 实际里程通过传感器的脉冲信号在计价器里折算成一定的计价营运里程。针对这 一点我们来利用单片机作为控制核心,设计一款出租车计价器,具有计价显示、等待时间计价,公里数显示,时间显示等相关功能。

2设计要求 :(1 4位数码管用于实时显示行车里程数(0.0,单位为公里;4位数码管用 于实时显示金额数(000.0,单位为元。

(2规定白天出租车单程价格为 1.5元 /公里 , 往返则价格为 1.0元每公里。夜间出租车单程价格为 1.8元 /公里 , 往返则价格为 1.2元每公里。设置单程往返 按键。

(3 起步公里数为 3公里, 价格为 10元, 若实际运行大于 3公里, 按 “基 本要求 2”计算价格。

2.设计任务 :


2.键盘电路原理与设计---按钮来实现乘车方式、状态操作、查询、清除、参数 调整等操作。

3.车速检测与里程计算电路原理与设计---霍尔传感器输出的里程信号经过光耦 隔离后送到计量 CPU 的外部中断 1, 计量 CPU 通过中断计数并和 K 值进行相关运 算得出行驶里程和车速。

4.数码管显示电路原理与设计;5.蜂鸣提示原理与设计---利用普通蜂鸣器来进行语音提示;为了避免司机由于 工作紧张而无法确定是否按下各个按钮,我们增加了蜂鸣提示功能。6.软件编程, protues 仿真模拟 四总体设计方案

实验箱有六个数码管,故起步价、大的费用以及单价均由 P4、P5(即最左 边两个数码管显示,里程由 P2、P3(即中间两个数码管显示,脉冲计数由 P0、P1(即最右边两个数码管显示。由于缺少霍尔传感器,因此只能通过输入 脉冲模拟。因此电路由时钟脉冲电路(8MHZ 接 P1.0、复位电路、数码管显示电 路构成。

2-1 出租车计价器总体设计图

2-2 单片机单元框图 五计价器设计思想 5.1具体设计思想

利用 80C51单片机控制出租车计价系统工作。

单片机 P1.0口作为脉冲输入。8255的 PB 口连接一个 74LS245芯片(双向 总线驱动器 ,再与外部六个数码管连接, PB 口连接一个 74LS245芯片与 6个数 码管的公共 COM 端连接, 用于选择数据输出的地址, 这样就可以实现起始价、单 价、里程、脉冲计数的动态显示,并且节省了端口数。数码管的段控制信号是由 8255的 PB 口经 74LS245缓冲器后输出得到, 6位位控制信号由 8255的 PA 口经 74LS245缓冲器后输出得到。键盘电路由 8255构成,其中 8255的 PC0-PC3作为 矩阵式键盘行扫描线, 8255的 PA 口为矩阵键盘列入线。


通过软件编程实现计价器起始价、单价、脉冲技术的显示以及按下相应键实 现开始暂停、设置单价、复位功能,各个键按下的功能如表 2-2所示。

在白天,不用调节价格,当里程超过 3公里即按照每公里 1.5元计算, 3公 里以内则均按起始价 10元计费。操作如下:白天只要顾客上车,就按下 0键, 到达目的地按下 E 键,然后读数码管上的 L6、L5(最左边两位数码管即为费 用,中间两位即为里程。顾客付费完后按下 F 键复位,恢复起始价格,等待下一 个顾客的到来。

在晚上, 由于夜间行车风显以及司机加班状态, 3公里内还是按照起始价 10元计费;超过 3公里则按照每公里 1.2元计价。操作如下:按下 2键显示单程 1.8元 /公里,按下 3键确定往返是 1.2元 /公里并恢复起始价 10元,待顾客上 车按 0键开始计价,到达目的地按下 E 键,然后读数码管上的 L6、L5(最左边

两位数码管即为费用,中间两位即为里程。顾客付费完后按下 F 键复位,恢复 起始价格,等待下一个顾客的到来。



图 3-7 出租车计价器显示电路


1.查阅资料,撰写开题报告 第 1周~第 2周 2.英文资料翻译 第 3周~第 4周

3.查阅相关资料,设计总体方案 第 5周~第 6周

4.熟悉单片机控制系统,设计系统硬件电路 第 7周~第 10周 5.熟悉 proteus 或 protel 电路设计软件,画出电路图 第 11周~第 13周 6.编写并调试程序,模拟实现部分控制功能 第 14周~第 15周 7.毕业设计审查、毕业答辩 第 16周~第 17周


[1].冯先成, 常翠芝.单片机应用系统设计 [M].北京:北京航空航天大学出版社, 2009.[2].元增民.模拟电子技术 [M].北京:中国电力出版社, 2009.[3].南建辉等.MCS-51单片机原理及应用实例 [M].北京:清华大学出版社, 2004.3.[4] 王幸之等.单片机应用系统抗干扰技术 [M].北京:北京航空航天大学出版 社,2000.[5] 童诗白,等.仿真电子技术基础[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2001.[6] 张毅刚.单片机原理及应用.北京:高等教育出版社,2004.[7] 李秉操.单片机接口技术及在工业控制中的应用[M].陕西:陕西电子出版 社,1992.[8] 丁元杰.单片微机原理及应用(第二版.北京:机械工业出版社,2002 [9] 蔡惟铮.集成电子技术.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2003.[10]冯博情,吴宁.微型计算机原理与接口技术.北京:清华大学出版社,2010.题目 新型出租车计价器控制电路 进 度 安 排(1)2014 年 10 月——2014 年 11 月:进一步收集和阅读与论文相关的 资料。(2)2014 年 10 月——2014 年 11 月:根据阅读的资料,构思毕业设计 框架。(3)2014 年 11 月——20114 年 12 月:初步设计出 kappa 值软测量数 学模型。(4)2014 年 11 月——20114 年 12 月:根据老师的安排安排思路。(5)2014 年 11 月——20114 年 12 月:实验、分析实验结果,改进数学 模型。(6)2014 年 11 月——20114 年 12 月:确定论文最终方案及完成论文 的撰写。(7)2014 年 12 月:准备答辩。指导老师意见: 签字: 年 月 日


ABSTRACT In this paper, a multi-channel taximeter that is able to deal with more than one passenger simultaneously is proposed.In order to demonstrate the theory of operation of the proposed system, a complete design for an experimental three-channel taximeter(whose prototype has been built under grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research)is presented.System location, outline, block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams for the experimental taximeter are also included.1.INTRODUCTION Transporting people in the morning from their homes to their works and back in the afternoon has become a big problem in big cities especially in undeveloped countries.As a partial solution of this problem, the authorities in some countries had, unofficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry different passengers to different places at the Same time.For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four different passengers without any relation between them except that their way of travelling is the same.Accordingly, it has become very difficult to rely on the present conventional single-channel taximeter to determine the fare required from each passenger separately.Accordingly, an unfair financial relation was created between the taxicab driver, owner, passengers and the state taxation department.Under these circumstances, taxicab drivers force the passengers to pay more than what they should pay.In some cases passengers had to pay double fare they should pay.With the present conventional single-channel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determine the daily income of their taxicab.In some cases(a taxicab with four seats)they may only get one quarter of the income of the taxicab(collected by the taxicab driver).From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in addition to the car depreciation.As a matter of fact the position of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems.A general agreement has been reached between the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guarantee a fixed daily income to the owners as well as the paying for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires.Even though the taxicab drivers still share the large portion ofthe income of the taxicab.Also with the presence of the single-channel taximeter, it has become very difficult for the state taxation department to know the yearly income of the taxicab and accordingly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab owners.In order to face this problem, the state taxation department had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the income of the taxicab.In this paper, we introduced a multichannel taximeter that can deal with more than one passenger simultaneously.I t should be pointed out that by the term passenger we mean a one person or a group of related persons.I t should also be pointed out that our proposed multi-channel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts.As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per killometer of travelling distance or per minutes of 'waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.In the following part and as an example, we will present a complete design for a three-channel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experimental three-channel taximeter are also included.A prototype has been built under grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research.2.AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETER Theory of operation of our experimental device to work as an electronic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact thathe speedometer cable rotates one revolution for each meter of travelling distance.Accordingly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sensor that generates a single pulse for each meter of travelling distance, then our taximeter could be three up counter modules associated with a speed sensor unit.However, our experimental taximeter is not simply a three display readouts.As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per kilometer of travelling distance or per minutes of waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.The device may be splitted into two main parts: The first is the speed sensor unit which may be located anywhere in the taxicab such that an easy coupling to the speedometer cable can be achieved.The second unit contains the main electronic circuit, the displayand control panel.The unit should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passengers.A possible components locations is shown in Figure 1.A.Speed Sensor Unit The main function of this unit is to supply train of pulses whose frequency is proportional to the angular rotation of the wheels.A possible form of a speed sensor is shown in Figure 2.If may consist of a tj.pica1 permanent magnet sine wave generator with its output connected to a pulse shapping circuit(two general purpose silicon diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger inverter).In order to find some way to detect the movement of the taxicab, the output of the sine wave generator is rectified through a general purpose silicon diode Dl then smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor.The output voltage at terminal Q is then limited to the value of 4.7 volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as a zener diode ZD.The level of the voltage at terminal Q would be high whenever the taxicab is moving and will be zero otherwise.This voltage can be used for the automatic switching from distance fare to time fare.B.Main Electronic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the main electronic and display unit is shown in Figure 3.The control and display panel contains all ' controls necessary for operating the taximeter as well as four readout displays.The first channel will give the sum of money required from the first passenger, while the second and third readouts are for the second and third passengers, respectively.The fourth readout will give the total income of the taxicab.The contents of the last readout should be nonvolatile and be able to be retained even during parking the taxicab.The channel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/anticlockwise positions.In the fully anticlockwise position, the counter of the corresponding readout is blancked and disabled.In the fully clockwise position, the counter is unblanked, cleared to zero and enabled to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the first, second and third passengers, respectively.Pushing the total sum pushbutton 4 unblanks the fourth readout enabling any person to retain the readout corresponding to the total income.After the release of the pushbutton, the fourth readout will be blanked again.This unit also contains the main electronic circuit which will be fully described in the following section.3.DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT The general block diagram of the main electronic circuit is shown in Figure 4.It consists of five subcircuits designated by the symboles CTI up to CT4supporting circuits, these are: The number of passenger deticition circuit CTI, travelling distance scaling circuit CT2, waiting time scaling circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which generates clock pulses for the display circuit.A.Number of Passengers Detection Circuit CT1 As shown from the general block diagram, the circuit CTI has three inputs I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L.The function of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at terminals J, K or L if and only if one, two or three passengers are hiring the taxicab, respectively.The term passenger, here, means one person or a group of related persons.When a passenger is getting into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display by turning the corresponding rotary selector switch to a fully clockwise direction.This will automatically disconnect the corresponding terminal I, 2 or 3 from ground.The logical relation between various input terminals I, 2 and 3 and the output terminals J, K and L is shown in Table 1.As a combinational circuit we start the design by deriving a set of boolean functions.A possible simplified boolean functions that gives minimum number of inputs to gates may be obtained from Table I.A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressions is shown in Figure 5.It consists of two inverters, four 2-input AND, to3-input AND two 3-input OR gates B.Tavelling Distance Scaling Circuit CT2 As shown from the block diagram of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four input J, K, L and E and one output M.The function of the circuit is to supply a single pulse at the output M for a certain number of pulses generated at the output of the speed sensor(certain number of meters travelled by the taxicab), according to the number of passengers hiring the car.A suggested fare per kilometer of travelling distance is shown in colomn two of Table 2.the circuit, in this case, should supply a single pulse at the output M for every 100, 125 or 143 pulses generated at the input terminal E according to the level of voltage at input terminale 3, K or L, respectively.Our circuit could be, as shown in Figure 5, three decade counters, connected as a three digit frequency divider whose dividing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically selected by the voltage level at terminals J, K and L, respectively.A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above function is shown in Figure 6.It consists of three decade counters type 7490, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-input AND, one 3-input ANDone 2-input AND two 3-input OR gates.C.Time Scaling Circuit CT3 As shown in the block diagram, the time scalingcircuit will have four inputs J, K, L and F and one output N.The function of this circuit and accordingto colomn three of Table 2(fare per 2 minuts of waiting time)is to supply a single pulse at the output N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the input terminal F from the I Hz clock according to level of voltage at inputs J, K and L, respectively.Time scaling circuit would be similar to the distance scaling circuit but with different diving ratios.A Possible circuit diagram is shown in figure 7.It consists, in this case, of three decade counter type 7490, two 3-input AND, one 5-input AND, one 2-input AND one 3-input OR gates.D.Circuit CT4 Which Generates Clock Pulses for Display Circuit The function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses at the output terminal R for each pulse generated at any of the terminals N or M, according to the voltage level at the input terminals J, K or L, respectively.The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse generated at any of the input terminals N or M.This function can be performed by the circuit shown in Figure 8, it consists of one ripple counter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, three inverters, three 2-input AND, one 3-input AND, one 2-input OR and one 3-input OR gates.When a pulse is generated at either input terminals N or M, a high level voltage will be generated at the output Q of the flip-flop.This will g a t e t h e I Khz signal to be connected to the input A of the ripple counter as well as to the output terminal R.When one, two or three pulses are counted by the ripple counter, according to the level of voltage at the input terminals J, K and L, respectively, a high is generated to reset the counter and change the state of the flip-flopsuch that Q becomes low.Hence, the 1 KHz signal is disabled to reach the outputerminal R or the input A of the ripple counter.In order to ensure the proper function of the circuit, the flip-flop should be cleared whenever a new channel is operated.This has been achieved by the input 5 and will be explained later when describing the function of the channels rotary selector switchs.E.Display Circuit As shown in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give the sum of money required from each passenger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total income of the taxicab.A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is shown in Figure 9.Rotating any of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise direction will supply the corresponding display by5 volts through terminals 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The corresponding display will be unblanked by supplying a low level of voltage through terminals A, C and G, respectively.Keeping terminals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero.The corresponding display is then enabled by removing the low voltage from terminals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresponding passenger starting from zero.The counting pulses for these three displays are supplied through terminal P.The total sum display will be enabled whenever any of the three displays is enabled(this is done by a 3-input OR gate as shown in Figure 8).Retaining the contents of the last display will be done by unblanking it by supplying a low level of voltage to terminal I as shown in Figure 10 b.F.Changing Over Between Time and Distance Fares In the following part, two different methods for changing over between time andistance fares are suggested: The first is to switch to time fare whenever the distance fare is less than the time fare.Hence, a simple look to fares table(Table 2)can show that time fare should be used whenever the taxicab moves with speed less than 50 m/min.A possible circuit that can perform this switching action is shown in Figure IO c.It contains one rpm limit switch and a one inverter as well as two 2-input AND gates.The contacts of the limit switch are normally closed and will be opened whenever the angular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp.The second alternation is to connect the input of the inverter in Figure 10 c.to the output terminal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.In this case, the switching into time fare will be done whenever the taxicab is at stand still.G.Function of the Rotary Selector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied by the terminals of the rotary selector switches in order to ensure proper operation by the electronic circuit are given in Table 3.Connection of three rotary selector switches each witb four decks of five poles each, that satisfy the logic function of Table 3, is shown in Figure 10 a.Rotating any of the three switches into fully clockwise direction will pass through five positions.The function of the rotary selector switches can be described starting from the first position passing through variousteps until reaching the final position as follows: Initial position: In this position a low voltage level is applied to terminals I, 2 and 3, this will disconnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three inputs of the number of passenger detection circuit CTI to low level.A low voltage level is applied to terminals 8, D and H, this is to ensure that the total income display is disabled.Voltage levels at terminals A, C, G and S are at no care condition.Step I: Rotating any of the rotary selector switches one step toward clockwise direction will supply 5 volts to the corresponding display, provides a high level voltage at terminals 1, 2 or 3 indicating that one passenger have entered the taxicab.A high level voltage should be applied to terminals A, C or G in order to ensure that the corresponding display is still blanked.Other terminals B, D, H and S are kept unchanged.Step 2: Rotating the rotary selector switch one step further, will change the state of voltages at terminal A, C or G to be at low level and unblanks the corresponding display.States of voltages at terminals I, 2, 3 and S are remained unchanged.Terminals B, D and H should be remained at low level to ensure that the corresponding readout is cleared to zero while unblanking the display.


ABSTRACT 1.INTRODUCTION Transporting people in the morning from their homes to their works and back in the afternoon has become a big problem in big cities especially in undeveloped countries.As a partial solution of this problem, the authorities in some countries had, unofficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry different passengers to different places at the Same time.For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four different passengers without any relation between them except that their way of travelling is the same.Accordingly, it has become very difficult to rely on the present conventional single-channel taximeter to determine the fare required from each passenger separately.Accordingly, an unfair financial relation was created between the taxicab driver, owner, passengers and the state taxation department.Under these circumstances, taxicab drivers force the passengers to pay more than what they should pay.In some cases passengers had to pay double fare they should pay.With the present conventional single-channel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determine the daily income of their taxicab.In some cases(a taxicab with four seats)they may only get one quarter of the income of the taxicab(collected by the taxicab driver).From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in addition to the car depreciation.As a matter of fact the position of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems.A general agreement has been reached between the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guarantee a fixed daily income to the owners as well as the paying for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires.Even though the taxicab drivers still share the large portion ofthe income of the taxicab.Also with the presence of the single-channel taximeter, it has become very difficult for the state taxation department to know the yearly income of the taxicab and accordingly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab owners.In order to face this problem, the state taxation department had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the income of the taxicab.In this paper, we introduced a multichannel taximeter that can deal with more than one passenger simultaneously.I t should be pointed out that by the term passenger we mean a one person or a group of related persons.I t should also be pointed out that our proposed multi-channel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts.As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per killometer of travelling distance or per minutes of 'waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.In the following part and as an example, we will present a complete design for a three-channel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experimental three-channel taximeter are also included.A prototype has been built under grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research.2.AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETER Theory of operation of our experimental device to work as an electronic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact thathe speedometer cable rotates one revolution for each meter of travelling distance.Accordingly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sensor that generates a single pulse for each meter of travelling distance, then our taximeter could be three up counter modules associated with a speed sensor unit.However, our experimental taximeter is not simply a three display readouts.As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per kilometer of travelling distance or per minutes of waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.The device may be splitted into two main parts: The first is the speed sensor unit which may be located anywhere in the taxicab such that an easy coupling to the speedometer cable can be achieved.The second unit contains the main electronic circuit, the displayand control panel.The unit should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passengers.A possible components locations is shown in Figure 1.A.Speed Sensor Unit The main function of this unit is to supply train of pulses whose frequency is proportional to the angular rotation of the wheels.A possible form of a speed sensor is shown in Figure 2.If may consist of a tj.pica1 permanent magnet sine wave generator with its output connected to a pulse shapping circuit(two general purpose silicon diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger inverter).In order to find some way to detect the movement of the taxicab, the output of the sine wave generator is rectified through a general purpose silicon diode Dl then smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor.The output voltage at terminal Q is then limited to the value of 4.7 volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as a zener diode ZD.The level of the voltage at terminal Q would be high whenever the taxicab is moving and will be zero otherwise.This voltage can be used for the automatic switching from distance fare to time fare.B.Main Electronic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the main electronic and display unit is shown in Figure 3.The control and display panel contains all ' controls necessary for operating the taximeter as well as four readout displays.The first channel will give the sum of money required from the first passenger, while the second and third readouts are for the second and third passengers, respectively.The fourth readout will give the total income of the taxicab.The contents of the last readout should be nonvolatile and be able to be retained even during parking the taxicab.The channel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/anticlockwise positions.In the fully anticlockwise position, the counter of the corresponding readout is blancked and disabled.In the fully clockwise position, the counter is unblanked, cleared to zero and enabled to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the first, second and third passengers, respectively.Pushing the total sum pushbutton 4 unblanks the fourth readout enabling any person to retain the readout corresponding to the total income.After the release of the pushbutton, the fourth readout will be blanked again.This unit also contains the main electronic circuit which will be fully described in the following section.3.DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT The general block diagram of the main electronic circuit is shown in Figure 4.It consists of five subcircuits designated by the symboles CTI up to CT4supporting circuits, these are: The number of passenger deticition circuit CTI, travelling distance scaling circuit CT2, waiting time scaling circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which generates clock pulses for the display circuit.A.Number of Passengers Detection Circuit CT1 As shown from the general block diagram, the circuit CTI has three inputs I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L.The function of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at terminals J, K or L if and only if one, two or three passengers are hiring the taxicab, respectively.The term passenger, here, means one person or a group of related persons.When a passenger is getting into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display by turning the corresponding rotary selector switch to a fully clockwise direction.This will automatically disconnect the corresponding terminal I, 2 or 3 from ground.The logical relation between various input terminals I, 2 and 3 and the output terminals J, K and L is shown in Table 1.As a combinational circuit we start the design by deriving a set of boolean functions.A possible simplified boolean functions that gives minimum number of inputs to gates may be obtained from Table I.A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressions is shown in Figure 5.It consists of two inverters, four 2-input AND, to3-input AND two 3-input OR gates B.Tavelling Distance Scaling Circuit CT2 As shown from the block diagram of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four input J, K, L and E and one output M.The function of the circuit is to supply a single pulse at the output M for a certain number of pulses generated at the output of the speed sensor(certain number of meters travelled by the taxicab), according to the number of passengers hiring the car.A suggested fare per kilometer of travelling distance is shown in colomn two of Table 2.the circuit, in this case, should supply a single pulse at the output M for every 100, 125 or 143 pulses generated at the input terminal E according to the level of voltage at input terminale 3, K or L, respectively.Our circuit could be, as shown in Figure 5, three decade counters, connected as a three digit frequency divider whose dividing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically selected by the voltage level at terminals J, K and L, respectively.A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above function is shown in Figure 6.It consists of three decade counters type 7490, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-input AND, one 3-input ANDone 2-input AND two 3-input OR gates.C.Time Scaling Circuit CT3 As shown in the block diagram, the time scalingcircuit will have four inputs J, K, L and F and one output N.The function of this circuit and accordingto colomn three of Table 2(fare per 2 minuts of waiting time)is to supply a single pulse at the output N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the input terminal F from the I Hz clock according to level of voltage at inputs J, K and L, respectively.Time scaling circuit would be similar to the distance scaling circuit but with different diving ratios.A Possible circuit diagram is shown in figure 7.It consists, in this case, of three decade counter type 7490, two 3-input AND, one 5-input AND, one 2-input AND one 3-input OR gates.D.Circuit CT4 Which Generates Clock Pulses for Display Circuit The function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses at the output terminal R for each pulse generated at any of the terminals N or M, according to the voltage level at the input terminals J, K or L, respectively.The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse generated at any of the input terminals N or M.This function can be performed by the circuit shown in Figure 8, it consists of one ripple counter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, three inverters, three 2-input AND, one 3-input AND, one 2-input OR and one 3-input OR gates.When a pulse is generated at either input terminals N or M, a high level voltage will be generated at the output Q of the flip-flop.This will g a t e t h e I Khz signal to be connected to the input A of the ripple counter as well as to the output terminal R.When one, two or three pulses are counted by the ripple counter, according to the level of voltage at the input terminals J, K and L, respectively, a high is generated to reset the counter and change the state of the flip-flopsuch that Q becomes low.Hence, the 1 KHz signal is disabled to reach the outputerminal R or the input A of the ripple counter.In order to ensure the proper function of the circuit, the flip-flop should be cleared whenever a new channel is operated.This has been achieved by the input 5 and will be explained later when describing the function of the channels rotary selector switchs.E.Display Circuit As shown in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give the sum of money required from each passenger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total income of the taxicab.A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is shown in Figure 9.Rotating any of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise direction will supply the corresponding display by5 volts through terminals 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The corresponding display will be unblanked by supplying a low level of voltage through terminals A, C and G, respectively.Keeping terminals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero.The corresponding display is then enabled by removing the low voltage from terminals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresponding passenger starting from zero.The counting pulses for these three displays are supplied through terminal P.The total sum display will be enabled whenever any of the three displays is enabled(this is done by a 3-input OR gate as shown in Figure 8).Retaining the contents of the last display will be done by unblanking it by supplying a low level of voltage to terminal I as shown in Figure 10 b.F.Changing Over Between Time and Distance Fares In the following part, two different methods for changing over between time andistance fares are suggested: The first is to switch to time fare whenever the distance fare is less than the time fare.Hence, a simple look to fares table can show that time fare should be used whenever the taxicab moves with speed less than 50 m/min.A possible circuit that can perform this switching action is shown in Figure IO c.It contains one rpm limit switch and a one inverter as well as two 2-input AND gates.The contacts of the limit switch are normally closed and will be opened whenever the angular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp.The second alternation is to connect the input of the inverter in Figure 10 c.to the output terminal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.In this case, the switching into time fare will be done whenever the taxicab is at stand still.G.Function of the Rotary Selector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied by the terminals of the rotary selector switches in order to ensure proper operation by the electronic circuit are given in Table 3.Connection of three rotary selector switches each witb four decks of five poles each, that satisfy the logic function of Table 3, is shown in Figure 10 a.Rotating any of the three switches into fully clockwise direction will pass through five positions.The function of the rotary selector switches can be described starting from the first position passing through variousteps until reaching the final position as follows: Initial position: In this position a low voltage level is applied to terminals I, 2 and 3, this will disconnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three inputs of the number of passenger detection circuit CTI to low level.A low voltage level is applied to terminals 8, D and H, this is to ensure that the total income display is disabled.Voltage levels at terminals A, C, G and S are at no care condition.Step I: Rotating any of the rotary selector switches one step toward clockwise direction will supply 5 volts to the corresponding display, provides a high level voltage at terminals 1, 2 or 3 indicating that one passenger have entered the taxicab.A high level voltage should be applied to terminals A, C or G in order to ensure that the corresponding display is still blanked.Other terminals B, D, H and S are kept unchanged.Step 2: Rotating the rotary selector switch one step further, will change the state of voltages at terminal A, C or G to be at low level and unblanks the corresponding display.States of voltages at terminals I, 2, 3 and S are remained unchanged.Terminals B, D and H should be remained at low level to ensure that the corresponding readout is cleared to zero while unblanking the display.二、中文翻译.导言





本常规单频道计程车,出租车司机不能够确定出租车日常收入。在某些情况下(出租车的4个席位),他们可能只有出租车四分之一的收入(大部分的出租车司机)。从这些支付工资的出租车司机以及作为燃料费用外,还要维修以及汽车折旧等费用。事实上,出租车业主并非似乎如此糟糕。一项在出租车司机和车主之间的协议已经达成,司机应保证每天固定收入,以及向业主支付燃料以及维修的费用。即使如此,还是有的出租车司机的很大一部分份额之收入的出租车。现在还存在的单声道计价,已经变得非常,国家税务部门也知道这种困难 每年估计出租车业主的收入支出,以及应支付的税务也很困难。

为了应对这一问题,国家税务部已实行固定估计税,每个座位的出租车不论收入。在本文中,我们介绍了多通道的士计程表,可处理超过一名乘客同时进行的情况。我应该指出,我所说的长期旅客指一个人或一组相关的人。我同时也应指出,我们提出的多渠道的计价,不是简单地说,一个多显示读数。作为一个先进的事项,事实上它包含逻辑电路,可以自动计算变化的车费以及每公里行走距离或每分钟的候车时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车。在下面的部分,我举出一个例子,我们将介绍一个完整的三通道计价。框图以及详细的电路图,实验三通道计价功能也包括在内。原型下已建成 埃及赠款科学学院 和技术研究。2.实验

出租车计价器理论的运作我们的实验装置从事电子数字计价依据。事实上速度电缆旋转1 圈的每米距离行驶。因此,如果车速电缆耦合与速度传感器,产生一个单脉冲每平方米的旅行距离,那么,我们的的士可以三倍于反模块相与速度传感器的单位。然而,我们的实验是计价而不仅仅是只显示三个读数。事实上,它包含逻辑电路,可以根据每公里的行驶距离或每分钟等候时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车来自动改变车费。该装置可能会分成两个主要部分组成:第一是速度传感器,这个传感器可位于任何地方,在出租车内进行这样一个简单的耦合车速电缆是可以实现的。


A. 速度传感器








这个循环电路函数包含高电压的终端 J,K或L,如果有1个或者2,3个乘客分别租用出租车。这个组里的任意乘客都是一组相关的人。当一个乘客进入出租车后,我们只是表示这样一种情况,自由读出显示在谈到相应的旋转选择开关,以一个完全顺时针方向。这将自动断开相应的终端1,2或3个从地面。逻辑关系各种输入端子之间第1,第2和第3个输出端J,K和L是列于表1。作为一个组合电路,我们开始设计产生了一系列布尔函数。

一种可能的逻辑图的基础上,上述源性表达。它包括两个变频器,4个2输入和3输入以及2个3输入或门。B.行驶距离标量环路CT2 如图所示的方框图图4,电路CT2有4个输入J,K,L及E和1个输出M,输出功能的电路是供应单脉冲的输出M的某一些脉冲产生的输出的速度传感器(出租车行驶了一定得距离),根据乘客的人数租用的汽车。我们建议票价按每公里行驶距离显示在两个表格2里面。



时间缩放电路CT3.时间缩放电路含有4个输入端 J,K,L及F和一个输出端N,这个电路的函数根据表格2的意思(车费每2分钟的等待时间)是在J,K和L分别供应单脉冲到输出端N时,提供单脉冲的输出N。时间缩放电路将类似于距离标量环路,但是有不同的行驶比率。它包括3个十进制计数器7490,2个3输入与门和一个5输入与门,1个2输入与门和一个3输入或门。

电路产生时钟脉冲的显示电路CT4 这条电路的作用根据电压电平在输入终端J、K或者L,分别供应1,2或者脉冲在每脉冲的输出终端R引起在任何终端N或M。无论输入端N或者M中的谁发送脉冲,都只有一个脉冲能被输出端P接收。它由一个反向计数器7493构成,其中一半是双JK主从触发器电路,型号为7476,包括三个变频器,三个2输入与门,一个3输入与门,1 2输入或门以及一个3输入或门。当脉冲引起在输入的终端N或M,触发器的输入Q上将产生高级电压。这个门信号将被连接到计数器的输入A并且连接到输出终端R。当第一,第二或第三个脉冲由涟波计数器开始计数,J,K,L端会分别根据电压的大小来使产生重置或者翻转来改变状态,然后Q端变为输出低电压。因此,1 KHz信号没有能力到达输出端R或是计数器的输入端A。为了确保电路的函数准确无误,当切换到新频道时,触发器要清零。对于功能选择开关旋转渠道的描述,稍后会以一个成功的5输入门函数来解释。















2.黑板上调试要求:(1)焊接好电路板加电前,用万用表测量板上Vcc 和


(2)加电后测量电路板上各电压,应大于4.2V 调试结果:1.经万用表检验,电路板无短路问题。


3.测量Vcc 与 地之间的电阻,1.14KΩ > 1KΩ

4.测量Vcc与 地之间的电压:4.28V > 4.20V



编写测试D3的程序: #include #include

sbit a_c=P1^0;extern serial_initial();

main(){ serial_initial();a_c=0;while(1);}

测试结果: 1.2.三、脉冲信号发生器测试










f2 =1.235kHz 分频功能无误。




#include #include #include #include #define SEGMENT XBYTE[0x0c000]

#define BIT_LED XBYTE[0x0a000] void display();sbit k1=P1^0;sbit k2=P1^1;sbit k3=P1^2;sbit k4=P1^3;unsigned char a;unsigned

char table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67,0x40,0x00,0x63,0x39,};void delay(unsigned int i);main(){ while(1){ if(k1==0)a=0x06;if(k2==0)a=0x5b;if(k3==0)a=0x4f;if(k4==0)a=0x66;display();} } 测试结果:对于复位键S6,按下前应为低电平,按下后应为高电平






编写如下程序进行测试: #include #include #include #include #define SEGMENT XBYTE[0x0c000]

#define BIT_LED XBYTE[0x0a000] void displayhello();sbit k1=P1^0;sbit k2=P1^1;sbit k3=P1^2;sbit k4=P1^3;unsigned char a;unsigned char table[]={0x06,0x06,0x3f,0x3e,0x79,0x6e,0x3f,0x3e,0x7f,0x67,0x40,0x00,0x63,0x39,};void delayms(unsigned int i);main(){ while(1){ displayhello();} }

void displayhello(){

unsigned char BIT=1;

unsigned int i;









} void delayms(unsigned int i){ unsigned int n;while(i--){


} }

测试结果:显示“I love you”




编写如下程序予以测试检查: #include #include #include #include #define SEGMENT XBYTE[0x0c000]

//段码寄存器地址 #define BIT_LED XBYTE[0x0a000]

//位码寄存器地址 #define fosc 11.0592

unsigned char table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67,0x40,0x00,0x63,0x39,};//分别显示0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-o C

unsigned char table1[]={0xbf,0x86,0xdb,0xcf,0xe6,0xed,0xfd,0x87,0xff,0xef};//分别显示0. char table2[]={0x76,0x79,0x38,0x38,0x3f};sbit k1=P1^0;sbit k2=P1^1;sbit k3=P1^2;unsigned char data display_buffer[13];unsigned char bdata data_ds1302;

unsigned char disbuf[]={0,0,0,0};sbit k4=P1^3;

sbit TMDAT=P3^4;


void dmsec(unsigned int count);void tmreset(void);

//ds18b20 reset void tmstart(void);

// void tmrtemp(void);void Disbuf(unsigned int temper);void displaytemper();void delay(unsigned int);main(){ display_buffer[0]=0x01;









display_buffer[12]=0x04;while(1){ tmstart();


displaytemper();} }

void tmreset(void){

unsigned int i;

TMDAT = 0;

i = 103;while(i>0)i--;

TMDAT = 1;

i = 4;while(i>0)i--;}

void tmpre(void){

unsigned int i;



i = 4;while(i>0)i--;}

bit tmrbit(void){

// ds1820

// Reset TX

unsigned int i;

bit dat;

TMDAT = 0;i++;

TMDAT = 1;i++;i++;

dat = TMDAT;

i = 8;while(i>0)i--;


unsigned char tmrbyte(void){

unsigned char i,j,dat;

dat = 0;


j = tmrbit();

dat =(j << 7)|(dat >> 1);



void tmwbyte(unsigned char dat){

unsigned int i;

unsigned char j;

bit testb;


testb = dat & 0x01;

dat = dat >> 1;


TMDAT = 0;


TMDAT = 1;

i = 8;while(i>0)i--;


else {

TMDAT = 0;

i = 8;while(i>0)i--;

TMDAT = 1;



} }

void tmstart(void){



// ds1820





void tmrtemp(void){

unsigned char a,xiao,b,y1,y2,y3;






a = tmrbyte();

b = tmrbyte();









disbuf[3]=xiao*10*0.0625;} else





void displaytemper()


{ unsigned int i;unsigned char e=0x01;//<<1;for(i=1;i<6;i++)

{ switch(i)


case 1:{SEGMENT=table[disbuf[1]];BIT_LED=e;break;}

case 2:{SEGMENT=table1[disbuf[2]];BIT_LED=e;break;}

case 3:{SEGMENT=table[disbuf[3]];BIT_LED=e;break;}

case 4:{SEGMENT=table[12];BIT_LED=e;break;}

case 5:{SEGMENT=table[13];BIT_LED=e;break;}







void delay(unsigned int i)

//delay函数 {






编写如下程序进行测试: #include #include #include #include #define SEGMENT XBYTE[0x0c000]

//段码寄存器地址 #define BIT_LED XBYTE[0x0a000]

//位码寄存器地址 #define fosc 11.0592

unsigned char table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67,0x40,0x00,0x63,0x39,};unsigned char table1[]={0xbf,0x86,0xdb,0xcf,0xe6,0xed,0xfd,0x87,0xff,0xef};unsigned char table2[]={0x76,0x79,0x38,0x38,0x3f};sbit k1=P1^0;sbit k2=P1^1;sbit k3=P1^2;sbit k4=P1^3;//利用开关量实现切换

//频率变量及子函数预定义 void displayfreq();void read_freq();unsigned char tcount=0,timecount=0;unsigned long freq=0.0;bit freqflag=0;unsigned char fr[6];unsigned int i=0,x=0;

//日期变量及子函数预定义 sbit SCL_ds1302=P2^0;sbit IO_ds1302=P2^1;sbit RST_ds1302=P2^2;

unsigned char data display_buffer[13];unsigned char bdata data_ds1302;


unsigned char disbuf[]={0,0,0,0};void open_write_bit();void initial_ds1302();unsigned char read_ds1302(char command);void close_write_bit();void read_time();void set_time();void delay(unsigned int i);void delayms(unsigned int i);void displaytime();void displaydate();main(){ initial_ds1302();


























displaydate();} }

void close_write_bit()//close write { unsigned int i;









data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} data_ds1302=0x80;






data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} }

void open_write_bit()//open write { unsigned int i;SCL_ds1302=0;_nop_();






data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} data_ds1302=0x00;

//0x00,书上为0x80 IO_ds1302=0;for(i=1;i<=8;i++){




data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} }

void initial_ds1302()

//初始化函数 { unsigned int i;SCL_ds1302=0;_nop_();RST_ds1302=1;_nop_();_nop_();data_ds1302=0x8e;





data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} IO_ds1302=0;data_ds1302=0x00;





data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} RST_ds1302=0;SCL_ds1302=0;_nop_();RST_ds1302=1;_nop_();_nop_();data_ds1302=0x90;

for(i=1;i<=8;i++){ SCL_ds1302=0;IO_ds1302=data_ds1302&0x01;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=1;data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;}


for(i=1;i<=8;i++){ SCL_ds1302=0;IO_ds1302=data_ds1302&0x01;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=1;data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} RST_ds1302=0;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=0;_nop_();RST_ds1302=1;


for(i=1;i<=8;i++){ SCL_ds1302=0;IO_ds1302=data_ds1302&0x01;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=1;data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;}


for(i=1;i<=8;i++){ SCL_ds1302=0;IO_ds1302=data_ds1302&0x01;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=1;data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} RST_ds1302=0;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=0;}

unsigned char read_ds1302(char command)

//read函数 { unsigned int i;data_ds1302=command;SCL_ds1302=0;_nop_();RST_ds1302=1;for(i=1;i<=8;i++){






else data_ds1302>>=1;SCL_ds1302=1;} RST_ds1302=0;_nop_();SCL_ds1302=0;return(data_ds1302);}

void write_ds1302(unsigned char address,unsigned char numb){

unsigned int i;









data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} data_ds1302=numb;for(i=1;i<=8;i++){




data_ds1302=data_ds1302>>1;} } void read_time(){ unsigned char second,minte,hour,d,date,month,year,zhou;second=0x81;
















void set_time(){ unsigned char data temp;unsigned char data hour_address=0x84,minte_address=0x82,second_address=0x80,date_address=0x86,month_address=0x88,zhou_address=0x8a,year_address=0x8c;//各个时间量的地址

















void delay(unsigned int i)

//delay函数 {


void delayms(unsigned int i){ unsigned int n;while(i--){


} }

void displaytime(){ unsigned char e=0x01;unsigned int i;BIT_LED=0;











void displaydate(){ unsigned char e=0x01;unsigned int i;BIT_LED=0;




else if(i==12)


else if(i==13)












编写如下程序进行测试: #include #include #include #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int

unsigned char bdata SR0_L;unsigned char bdata SR0_H;unsigned char bdata SR1;unsigned char APCL=0,APCH=0;unsigned char PlayAddL=0,PlayAddH=0;unsigned char RecAddL=0,RecAddH=0;

sbit CMD=SR0_L^0;sbit FULL=SR0_L^1;sbit PU=SR0_L^2;sbit EOM=SR0_L^3;sbit INTT=SR0_L^4;sbit RDY=SR1^0;sbit ERASE=SR1^1;sbit PLAY=SR1^2;sbit REC=SR1^3;

unsigned char ISD_SendData(unsigned char dat);void ISD_PU(void);void ISD_Rd_Status(void);void ISD_WR_APC2(unsigned char apcdatl,apcdath);void ISD_SET_PLAY(unsigned char Saddl,Saddh,Eaddl,Eaddh);void ISD_SET_Rec(unsigned char Saddl,Saddh,Eaddl,Eaddh);void ISD_SET_Erase(unsigned char Saddl,Saddh,Eaddl,Eaddh);

sbit SS=P1^4;sbit SCK=P1^7;sbit MOSI=P1^5;sbit MISO=P1^6;

void Cpu_Init(void);void ISD_Init(void);void delay(unsigned int t);

void main(){ Cpu_Init();ISD_Init();

while(1){ ISD_SET_Erase(0,0,9,0);ISD_SET_Rec(0,0,9,0);ISD_SET_PLAY(0,0,9,0);} }

void Cpu_init(void){ P0=P1=P2=P3=0xff;TMOD=0x01;EA=0;} void ISD_Init(void){ uchar i=2;SS=1;SCK=1;MOSI=0;do { ISD_PU();//上电 delay(50);ISD_Rd_Status();//读取状态


//if(CMD_Err==1||(PU!+1))则再次发送上电指令 ISD_WR_APC2(0x40,0x04);//将0x0440写入APC寄存器

do { ISD_Rd_Status();}while(RDY==0);do { delay(300);delay(300);i--;}while(i>0);}


unsigned char ISD_SendData(unsigned char dat){ unsigned char i,j,BUF_ISD=dat;SCK=1;SS=0;for(j=4;j>0;j--){;}

for(i=0;i<8;i++){ SCK=0;for(j=2;j>0;j--){;} if(BUF_ISD&0x01)

{MOSI=1;} else

{MOSI=0;} BUF_ISD>>=1;if(MISO)

{BUF_ISD|=0x80;} SCK=1;for(j=6;j>0;j--){;} } MOSI=0;return(BUF_ISD);} void ISD_PU(void){



SS=1;} void ISD_Rd_Status(void){ unsigned char i;ISD_SendData(0x05);ISD_SendData(0x00);ISD_SendData(0x00);SS=1;for(i=2;i>0;i--){;} SR0_L=ISD_SendData(0x05);SR0_H=ISD_SendData(0x00);SR1=ISD_SendData(0x00);SS=1;}

void ISD_WR_APC2(unsigned char apcdatl,apcdath){ ISD_SendData(0x65);ISD_SendData(apcdatl);ISD_SendData(apcdath);SS=1;}

void ISD_SET_PLAY(unsigned char Saddl,Saddh,Eaddl,Eaddh){ ISD_SendData(0x80);ISD_SendData(0x00);ISD_SendData(Saddl);ISD_SendData(Saddh);ISD_SendData(Eaddl);ISD_SendData(Eaddh);ISD_SendData(0x00);SS=1;}

void ISD_SET_Rec(unsigned char Saddl,Saddh,Eaddl,Eaddh){


void ISD_SET_Erase(unsigned char Saddl,Saddh,Eaddl,Eaddh){ ISD_SendData(0x82);ISD_SendData(0x00);ISD_SendData(Saddl);ISD_SendData(Saddh);ISD_SendData(Eaddl);ISD_SendData(Eaddh);ISD_SendData(0x00);SS=1;} void delay(unsigned int t){ for(;t>0;t--){ TH0=0xfc;TL0=0x18;TR0=1;while(TF0!=1){;} TF0=0;TR0=0;} }









关键词:出租车计价器 浙江师范大学应用电子技术专业开题报告范文 杭州论文 开题报告











三、研究的内容及可行性分析 1.研究的内容:










2)解决计价器的掉电存储能力和显示的驱动能力; 3)解决多次计价的累加和显示问题。2.难点: 对数据的采集及显示。


本设计由硬件设计和软件设计两部分组成。系统的硬件主要由以下几个部件组成:单片机AT89S51、AT24C02 掉电存储控制、里程计算单元、总金额及单价显示部件、串口显示驱动电路、键盘控制部件、语音播报电路等,其方框原理图如图1所示。

1.硬件设计 1.1 单片机模块:


1.2 AT24C02 掉电存储单元: 掉电

存储单元的作用是在电源断开的时候,存储当前设定的单价信息。AT24C02 是ATMEL公司的2KB 字节的电可擦除存储芯片,采用两线串行的总线和单片机通讯,电压最低可以到2.5V,额定电流为1mA,静态电流10Ua(5.5V),芯片内的资料可以在断电的情况下保存40 年以上,而且采用8 脚的DIP 封装,使用方便。

AT24C02的外围电路中有R1、R2 两个上拉电阻,其作用是减少AT24C02 的静态功耗,由于AT24C02 的数据线和地址线是复用的,采用串口的方式传送数据,所以只用两根线SCL(移位脉冲)和SDA(数据/地址)与单片机传送数据。


1.3 里程计算、计价单元的设计:


图 2 传感器测距示意图

由于A44E 属于开关型的霍尔器件,其工作电压范围比较宽(4.5~18V),其输出的信号符合TTL 电平标准,可以直接接到单片机的IO 端口上,而且其最高检测频率可达到1MHZ。

A44E 集成霍耳开关由稳压器A、霍耳电势发生器(即硅霍耳片)B、差分放大器C、施密特触发器D 和OC 门输出E 五个基本部分组成。

在输入端输入电压CC V,经稳压器稳压后加在霍耳电势发生器的两端,根据霍耳效应原理,当霍耳片处在磁场中时,在垂直于磁场的方向通以电流,则与这二者相垂直的方向上将会产生霍耳电势差H V 输出,该H V 信号经放大器放大后送至施密特触发器整形,使其成为方波输送到OC 门输出。当施加的磁场达到工作点(即OP B)时,触发器输出高电压(相对于地电位),使三极管导通,此时OC 门输出端输出低电压,通常称这种状态为开。当施加的磁场达到释放点(即rP B)时,触发器输出低电压,三极管截止,使OC 门输出高电压,这种状态为关。这样两次电压变换,使霍耳开关完成了一次开关动作。

我们选择了P3.2 口作为信号的输入端,内部采用外部中断0(这样可以减少程序设计的麻烦),车轮每转一圈(我们设车轮的周长是1 米),霍尔开关就检测并输出信号,引起单片机的中断,对脉计数,当计数达到1000 次时,也就是1 公里,单片机就控制将金额自动的加增加,其计算公式:当前单价×公里数=金额。

1.4 数据显示单元:

由于设计要求有单价(2 位)、路程(2 位)、总金额(3 位)显示输出,加上我们另外扩展了时钟显示(包含时分秒的显示),若采用LCD 液晶段码显示,在距离屏幕1 米之外就无法看清数据,不能满足要求,而且在白天其对比度也不能够满足要求,因此我们采用6 位LED数码管的分屏显示,如图 4 采用6 位LED数码管的分屏显示所示:

时钟显示(图中显示为12 点0 分46 秒)

图 4 采用6 位LED数码管的分屏显示

数据的分屏的显示是通过按键S1 来实现切换的,如图 5 S1切换显示屏所示。

图 5 S1切换显示屏

在出租车不走的时候,按下S1,可以实现数据的分屏显示;车在行走的时候只有总金额和单价显示屏在显示,当到达目的地的时候,客户要求查看总的里程的时候,就可以按下S1 切换到里程和单价显示屏,供客户查询。显示电路的电路原理图如图 7 所示。

1.5 串口显示驱动电路

从单片机串口输出的信号先送到右边的移位寄存器(74HC164),由于移位脉冲的作用,使数据向右移,达到显示的目的。移位寄存器74HC164还兼作数码管的驱动,插头1(header1)接数据和脉冲输出端,插头2(header2)接电源。电路中的三个整流管D1~D3 的作用是降低数码管的工作电压,增加其使用寿命。

1.6 键盘控制部件 1)S1按键的功能







1.7 语音播报电路




在主程序模块中,需要完成对各接口芯片的初始化、出租车起价和单价的初始化、中断向量的设计以及开中断、循环等待等工作。当按下S1时,就启动计价,将根据里程寄存器中的内容计算和判断出行驶里程是否已超过起价公里数。若已超过,则根据里程值、每 本论文由无忧论文网www.xiexiebang.com整理提供

公里的单价数和起价数来计算出当前的累计价格,并将结果存于价格寄存器中,然后将时间和当前累计价格送显示电路显示出来。当到达目的地的时候,由于霍尔开关没有送来脉冲信号,就停止计价,显示当前所应该付的金额和对应的单价,到下次启动计价时,系统自动对显示清零,并重新进行初始化过程。主程序流程图如图8 所示。

2.2 定时中断服务程序

在定时中断服务程序中,每100ms 产生一次中断,当产生10 次中断的时候,也就到了一秒,送数据到相应的显示缓冲单元,并调用显示子程序实时显示。其程序流程如图9所示。

2.3 里程计数中断服务程序

每当霍尔传感器输出一个低电平信号就使单片机中断一次,当里程计数器对里程脉冲计满1000 次时,使微机进入里程计数中断服务程序中。在该程序中,需要完成当前行驶里程数和总额的累加操作,并将结果存入里程和总额寄存器中。2.4 中途等待中断服务程序

当在计数状态下霍尔开关没有输出信号,片内的T1 定时器便被启动,每当计时到达3分钟,就对当前金额加上中途等待的单价,以后每3分钟都自动加上中途等待的单价。当中途等待结束的时候,也就自动切换到正常的计价。2.5 显示子程序服务程序

由于是分屏显示数据,所以就要用到4 个显示子程序,分别是:时分秒显示子程序、金额单价显示子程序、路程单价显示子程序、单价调节子程序。2.6 键盘服务程序


六、论文的进度安排 2010.07 下达任务书

2010.07——2010.09 完成选题和资料收集,准备开题 2010.09.26 开题

2010.10——2011.02 完成硬件设计和软件编程 2011.02——2011.03 进行调试 2011.03——2011.04 撰写论文准备答辩


[1] 张友德,赵志英,涂时亮.http://www.xiexiebang.com/ktbgfw/ 单片微型机原理、应用与实验.上海:复旦大学出版社 2005,12.[2] 徐光翔.单片机原理接口及应用.南京大学出版社.[3] 张淑清等.单片微型计算机接口技术及其应用.北京:国防工业出版社.[4] 王晓君等.MCS-51及兼容单片机原理与选型.北京:电子工业出版社.[5] 张鑫,华臻,陈书谦.《单片机原理及应用》[M].电子工业出版社, 2005.P110~136.[6] 丁元杰、吴大伟《单片微机实题集与实验指导书》.[M].机械工业出版社, 2004.P124~125.



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