
时间:2019-05-15 03:16:19下载本文作者:会员上传


Jiang's speech at Harvard University

我感謝陸登庭校長的邀請,使我有機會在這美好的金秋時節,來到你們這座美國古老而又現代化的學府。I wish to thank Dr.Neil L.Rudenstine, President of Harvard University, for inviting me to this ancient yet modernized institution of the United States in this golden fall.哈佛建校360年來,培養出許多傑出的政治家、科學家、文學家和企業家,曾出過6位美國總統,30多位諾貝爾獎獲得者。Since its founding some 360 years ago, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers and businessmen, including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners.先有哈佛,後有美利堅合眾國,這說明了哈佛在美國歷史上的地位。The fact that Harvard was founded before the United States of America testifies to its position in the American history.哈佛是最早接受中國留學生的美國大學之一。Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students.中國教育界、科學界、文化界一直同哈佛大學保持著學術交流。The Chinese educational, scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university.哈佛為增進中美兩國人民的相互瞭解作出了有益的貢獻。Harvard has thus made useful contribution to the enhanced mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples.相互瞭解,是發展國與國之間關係的前提。Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations.惟有相互瞭解,才能增進信任,加強合作。Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.中美建交以來,我們兩國人民之間的相互交流與瞭解在逐漸擴大和加深,但還不夠。Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding between our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily.However, this is not enough.為了推動中美關係的發展,中國需要進一步瞭解美國,美國也需要進一步瞭解中國。To promote the development of China-U.S.relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.要瞭解中國,可以有很多視角。To know China better, one may approach it from different angles.現實中國是歷史中國的發展。China today has been evolved from its past.中國是一個有5000年文明歷史的國家,China is a country with 5,000 years of civilization.從歷史文化來瞭解和認識中國,是一個重要的視角。It is important to approach China from a historical and cultural perspective.記得我在高中讀書時,老師給我們講微積分,第一課就是講《莊子》中的“一尺之棰,日取其半,萬世不竭”,很形象地使我建立起極限的概念。I recall my first lesson on calculus in senior high school.My teacher quoted a line from Zhuang Zi, a Chinese philosopher over 2,000 years ago, which reads “Cut away half of a rod and keep on halving what is left, and there will be no end to that process.” This gave me a vivid concept of limit.這表明中國古人就已認識到事物的發展變化是無限的,也說明我們的先人對自然界的認識已達到相當的水準。It shows that the ancient Chinese realized the endless process of changes of matters and had a fairly good understanding of the nature.早在西元前2500,中國人就開始了仰觀天文、俯察地理的活動,逐漸形成了“天人合一”的宇宙觀。As early as in 2,500 B.C.Chinese began astronomical observation and geographical survey, and gradually formed a world outlook of an “integration of the universe and humanity.”

中國歷史上產生了許多傑出的哲學家、思想家、政治家、軍事家、科學家和文學藝術家,留下了浩如煙海的文化典籍。China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, scientists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.春秋戰國時期出現的“百家爭鳴”局面和老子、孔子等諸子百家的學說,在世界思想史上佔有重要地位。The scene of “contention of a hundred schools of thought” brought forth in the Spring and Autumn Period 2,500 years ago and the Warring States Period over 2,200 years ago and the emergence of various schools of thought and their exponents such as Lao Zi and Confucius about 2,400 years ago all occupy a very important position in the world history of philosophy.古代中國在天文曆法、地學、數學、農學、醫學和人文科學的許多領域,都作出過獨特的貢獻。Ancient China made unique contributions to many areas of science including astronomy, calendric system, geography, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and the humanities.殷商時期的甲骨文中就有日月之食的記載。Records of solar and lunar eclipses are found in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty over 3,000 years ago.從秦代到清末的2100多年間,哈雷彗星出現27次,中國都有記錄。In the 2,100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty(221 BC-1911), the 27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in China.漢代張衡發明了測定地震方位的地動儀和演示日月星辰的渾天儀。Zhang Heng of the Han Dynasty over 1,800 years ago invented a seismograph to determine the location of earthquakes and the celestial globe that showed the movement of the sun, moon and other stars.先秦的數學家提出了畢氏定理。Mathematicians in the pre-Qin days over 2,200 years ago put forward the proposition known as the Pythagorean theorem in the West today.南北朝的祖沖之算出圓周率為3〃1415926。In the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 4th century A.D., China's mathematician Zu Chongzhi calculated the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter to be 3.1415926.中國的絲織、制瓷、冶金、造船技術很早就達到世界的先進水準。China's silk weaving, porcelain making, metallurgy and shipbuilding reached the world's advanced level in ancient times.明代朱載首創十二平均律,後來被認定為世界通行的標準音調。In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zaiyu initiated the twelve-tone temperament which later became the universal standard tones.中國的醫藥學在世界上獨樹一幟。The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own.特別是中國的造紙、火藥、印刷術、指南針4大發明,曾經改變了世界的面貌。Particularly, China's four great inventions of paper making, gunpowder, printing and compass had once changed the face of the world.直到15世紀以前,中國的科學技術在世界上保持了千年的領先地位。China had been a world leader in science and technology for one thousand years until the 15th century.中國人的這些發明創造,體現了人與自然協調發展、科學精神與道德理想相結合的理性光輝。These inventions and creations of China have brought forward the rationalistic brilliance of coordination between humanity and the nature and the integration of scientific spirit with moral ideals.中國的歷史文化始終處於發展進步之中。China's culture in history has never stopped developing.它是通過各種學科、各種學派的相互砥礪、相互滲透而發展的,也是通過同世界各國的相互交流、相互學習而進步的。It has enriched itself through the contention and infiltration of various disciplines and schools of thought, and also through the mutual exchanges and learning between China and other countries in the world.中國人早就懂得兼取眾長、以為己善的道理。Since old times, the Chinese people came to know full well the importance of “drawing widely upon others' strong points to improve oneself.”

漢、唐時期,既是經濟繁榮的盛世,也是中外交流的盛世。The Han and Tang Dynasty were both an age of economic prosperity and also one of flourishing international exchanges.


中國民主革命的先行者孫中山首先提出“振興中華”的口號,Dr.Sun Yat-sen, China's forerunner of the democratic revolution, was the first to put forward the slogan of “rejuvenation of China.”

他領導的辛亥革命,推翻了在中國延續幾千年的君主專制制度。He led the Revolution of 1911 to remove the millennia old autocratic monarchy in China.在毛澤東思想指引下,中國共產黨領導中國人民實現了民族獨立和人民解放,並把中國建設成為初步繁榮昌盛的社會主義國家。Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people in achieving China's national independence and people's liberation and in building China into a socialist country with initial prosperity.今天,在鄧小平理論指引下,我國人民堅定不移地實行改革開放,在現代化建設中取得舉世矚目的成就。Today, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Chinese people are firmly pressing ahead with reform and opening-up and have made remarkable achievements in the modernization drive.中國進入了百年來發展最快最好的歷史時期。China has entered a period with the fastest and healthiest development in this century.改革開放,是中華民族自強不息和變革創新精神在當代的集中體現和創造性發展。The reform and opening-up endeavor is an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit of constantly striving for self-perfection and renovation in modern times.我們把改革開放叫作社會主義改革開放,因為它是中國社會主義制度的自我完善和發展。We refer to our reform and opening-up as socialist reform and opening-up because they constitute the process of self-improvement and development of the socialist system in China.近20年的實踐已充分證明,我們進行改革開放的方向是正確的,信念是堅定的,步驟是穩妥的,方式是漸進的,取得的成就是巨大的。The practice in recent twenty years has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and have achieved tremendous successes.雖然在前進中也遇到這樣和那樣一些困難和風險,但我們都順利地解決了,不僅沒有引起大的社會震動,而且極大地解放和發展了社會生產力,保持了社會穩定和全面進步。We have successfully overcome various difficulties and risks in the course of our advance without causing great social unrest.Rather, we have succeeded in greatly releasing and developing productive forces and maintained social stability and an all-round progress.現在,我們正在滿懷信心地全面推進改革。We are conducting a comprehensive reform with full confidence.在經濟上,要加快建立社會主義市場經濟體制,實現工業化和經濟的社會化、市場化、現代化;Economically, we will speed up the establishment of a socialist market economy and realize industrialization, and the socialization, marketization and modernization of the economy.在政治上,要努力發展社會主義民主政治,依法治國,建設社會主義法治國家,保證人民充分行使管理國家和社會事務的權力;Politically, we will endeavor to develop socialist democracy, govern the country according to law, build a socialist country under the rule of law and ensure the full exercise of people's rights to govern the country and manage social affairs.Culturally, we will work hard to develop a scientific socialist culture for the people, a culture that is geared to the needs of modernization, of the nation, of the world and of the future, adopt a strategy of rejuvenating China through science and education, and strive to raise the political and moral standards as well as scientific and cultural level of the entire nation.總起來說,就是要把中國建成富強民主文明的現代化國家。In a word, it is to build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced modern country.中國作為疆域遼闊、人口眾多、歷史悠久的國家,應該對人類有較大的貢獻。China, a country with vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contribution to humanity.中國人民所以要進行百年不屈不撓的鬥爭,The Chinese people waged a dauntless struggle for one hundred years.所以要實行一次又一次的偉大變革、實現國家的繁榮富強,They have effected great reforms and changes one after another to build China into a strong and prosperous country.所以要加強民族團結、完成祖國統一大業,所以要促進世界和平與發展的崇高事業They have worked to strengthen ethnic harmony and achieve national reunification and to promote the lofty cause of world peace and development.歸根到底就是為了一個目標:實現中華民族的偉大復興,爭取對人類作出新的更大的貢獻。In the final analysis, they have done all these for one objective, that is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and China's greater contribution to humanity.總之,今天中國所選擇的社會制度和發展道路,實行的內外政策,確定的下個世紀的奮鬥目標,既有現實的根據,又有歷史的淵源;In short, the choice of the social system and development path that China has made, the domestic and foreign policies that it has pursued and the goals it has identified for the next century are all based on both the reality and the history.既符合人類歷史發展的趨勢和時代潮流,又具有中華民族自己的特色;Therefore, they are not only in conformity with the trend of the historical development of mankind and that of the times, but also reflect the characteristics of the Chinese nation.既符合中國人民的根本利益,又有利於世界的和平、穩定、繁榮與進步。They serve not only the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, but also world peace, stability, prosperity and progress.掌握這一點,乃是瞭解和認識中國現狀與未來的關鍵。This is the key to an understanding of the present China and its future.中美兩國人民的友好交往,已有200多年歷史。The friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples date back to more than two hundred years ago.1784年,美國商船“中國皇后號”遠航到中國。Back in 1784, American merchant ship the “Empress of China” came a long way to China.In 1847,1847年,中國最早的一批留美學生容閎等人赴美求學。Chinese student Rong Hong and others came to the United States as the first group of Chinese students to study here.許多中國人參加了美國的建設事業,不少美國人同情和幫助過中國的民族解放事業。Many Chinese contributed to the nation-building of the United States, while a lot of American friends helped and supported the national liberation cause of the Chinese people.他們的動人事蹟,我們永遠記在心中。We will never forget their contribution which has touched us deeply.中國人民一向欽佩美國人民的求實精神和創造精神。The Chinese people have always admired the American people for their pragmatic attitude and creative spirit.昨天,我參觀了國際商用機器公司、美國電話電報公司和貝爾實驗室,領略了當代科技發展的前沿成就。My visit to IBM, AT&T and the Bell laboratory yesterday gave me some first-hand knowledge of the latest successes in modern science and technology.科學技術的突飛猛進,越來越深刻地影響著世界政治經濟的格局和人們的社會生活。Today's rapid development in science and technology is bringing about increasingly greater impact on global political and economic pattern and people's social life.堅持變革創新,理想就會變為現實。If we persist in our reform, we will be able to turn our ideals into reality.我們在擴大開放、實現現代化的進程中,重視學習和吸收美國人民創造的一切優秀文化成果。In our course to further open up and achieve modernization, we have spared no efforts in learning from all the fine cultural achievements of the American people.中美兩國人民的友好合作對世界具有重大影響。Friendship and cooperation between our two peoples are of great importance to the world.美國是最發達的資本主義國家,中國是最大的發展中國家。The United States is the most developed country and China the largest developing country.12億人口的中國保持穩定和加快發展,對促進亞太地區和世界的穩定與發展,具有極其重要的意義。

China is a country with 1.2 billion people.Its stability and rapid development is of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.中國擁有廣大的市場和發展需求,美國擁有先進的科學技術和巨大的物質力量,China holds a huge market and great demand for development and the United States holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force.兩國之間有著很強的經濟互補性。The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other.中國的潛在市場同國外的先進技術和資金優勢結合起來,就能形成眾多的發展機遇和強大的發展活力。China's potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development.中國和美國,在事關人類生存和發展的許多重大問題上,例如維護世界和平與安全,防止大規模殺傷性武器擴散,保護人類生存環境,打擊國際犯罪等,有著廣泛的共同利益,肩負著共同責任。

China and the United States share broad common interests and shoulder common responsibility on many important questions which are crucial to human survival and development such as maintaining world peace and security, preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, protecting environment for human survival and combating international crimes.這些都是中美兩國發展友好合作的重要基礎。All these provide an important basis for further developing China-U.S.friendly relations and cooperation.我們應該牢牢把握中美關係的大局,We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-U.S.relations

妥善解決分歧,不斷朝著增進瞭解、擴大共識、發展合作、創未來的目標前進。and settle our differences properly so as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding, broadening common ground, developing cooperation and building a future together.這次訪問期間,我同克林頓總統就中美關係的未來發展,深入交換了意見,達成了廣泛共識。During my current visit to the United States, I had an in-depth exchange of views and reached broad agreement with President Clinton on the future development of China-U.S.relations.雙方同意,為了促進世界和平與發展的崇高事業,中美應該加強合作,努力建立面向21世紀的建設性的戰略夥伴關係。We both agree that with a view to promoting the lofty cause of world peace and development, China and the United States should strengthen cooperation and work to build a constructive strategic partnership oriented toward the 21st century.這標誌著中美關係進入了一個新的發展階段。This will mark a new stage of development in the China-U.S.relations.哈佛大學一向重視對中國的研究。Harvard University has all along placed importance on China studies.貴校已故的費正清教授,就是畢生從事中國歷史文化研究的知名學者。The late Professor Fairbank was a well-known scholar from Harvard.He devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture.為了有助於研究中國的歷史和現實,我願向貴校贈送一套新出版的《毛澤東評點二十四史》。In order to promote the study of China's past and present, I will present Harvard with a set of newly published Twenty-Four Histories with Mao Zedong's Comments.二十四史是記載中國幾千年歷史的重要典籍。Twenty-Four Histories are important classical works on China's history of several thousand years.毛澤東先生一生對二十四史做過許多評點和批註,為認識中國的歷史和吸取歷史經驗,留下了豐富的思想遺產。In his life time, Mr.Mao Zedong made numerous comments and annotations on the Twenty-Four Histories, thus leaving us with a rich heritage of philosophy in understanding and drawing useful lessons from China's history.我高興地得知,陸登庭校長將于明年訪華,我期待在北京與你再次見面。I am glad to learn that you, Mr.President, will come to China next year.I look forward to meeting you again in Beijing or Shanghai.我很欣賞哈佛校門上的一段話:“為增長智慧走進來,為服務祖國和同胞走出去。”I highly appreciate the motto on the gate of your University.It reads: “Enter to grow in wisdom” and “Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.”

中國青年也把“胸懷祖國、服務人民”作為自己的座右銘。Young people in China have also a motto, that is, “keep the motherland in heart and serve the people with heart and soul.”

我希望中美兩國青年在建設各自國家、促進世界和平與發展的事業中,加深瞭解,互相學習,增進友誼,為創造美好的未來而努力奮鬥。I hope that in the cause of building our own countries and promoting world peace and development, younger generations of China and the United States will understand each other better, learn from each other, enhance the friendship and strive for a better future.


Jiang's speech at Harvard University 江泽民在哈佛大学讲话 我感谢陆登庭校长的邀请,使我有机会在这美好的金秋时节,来到你们这座美国古老而又现代化的学府。I wish to thank Dr.Neil L.Rudenstine, President of Harvard University, for inviting me to this ancient yet modernized institution of the United States in this golden fall.哈佛建校360年来,培养出许多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学家和企业家,曾出过6位美国总统,30多位诺贝尔奖获得者。Since its founding some 360 years ago, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers and businessmen, including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners.先有哈佛,后有美利坚合众国,这说明了哈佛在美国历史上的地位。The fact that Harvard was founded before the United States of America testifies to its position in the American history.哈佛是最早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students.中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。The Chinese educational, scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university.哈佛为增进中美两国人民的相互了解作出了有益的贡献。Harvard has thus made useful contribution to the enhanced mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples.相互了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations.惟有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.中美建交以来,我们两国人民之间的相互交流与了解在逐渐扩大和加深,但还不够。Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding between our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily.However, this is not enough.为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。To promote the development of China-U.S.relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.要了解中国,可以有很多视角。To know China better, one may approach it from different angles.现实中国是历史中国的发展。China today has been evolved from its past.中国是一个有5000年文明历史的国家,China is a country with 5,000 years of civilization.从历史文化来了解和认识中国,是一个重要的视角。It is important to approach China from a historical and cultural perspective.记得我在高中读书时,老师给我们讲微积分,第一课就是讲《庄子》中的“一尺之棰,日取其半,万世不竭”,很形象地使我建立起极限的概念。I recall my first lesson on calculus in senior high school.My teacher quoted a line from Zhuang Zi, a Chinese philosopher over 2,000 years ago, which reads “Cut away half of a rod and keep on halving what is left, and there will be no end to that process.” This gave me a vivid concept of limit.这表明中国古人就已认识到事物的发展变化是无限的,也说明我们的先人对自然界的认识已达到相当的水平。It shows that the ancient Chinese realized the endless process of changes of matters and had a fairly good understanding of the nature.早在公元前2500,中国人就开始了仰观天文、俯察地理的活动,逐渐形成了“天人合一”的宇宙观。As early as in 2,500 B.C.Chinese began astronomical observation and geographical survey, and gradually formed a world outlook of an “integration of the universe and humanity.”

中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下了浩如烟海的文化典籍。China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, scientists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.春秋战国时期出现的“百家争鸣”局面和老子、孔子等诸子百家的学说,在世界思想史上占有重要地位。The scene of “contention of a hundred schools of thought” brought forth in the Spring and Autumn Period 2,500 years ago and the Warring States Period over 2,200 years ago and the emergence of various schools of thought and their exponents such as Lao Zi and Confucius about 2,400 years ago all occupy a very important position in the world history of philosophy.古代中国在天文历法、地学、数学、农学、医学和人文科学的许多领域,都作出过独特的贡献。Ancient China made unique contributions to many areas of science including astronomy, calendric system, geography, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and the humanities.殷商时期的甲骨文中就有日月之食的记载。Records of solar and lunar eclipses are found in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty over 3,000 years ago.从秦代到清末的2100多年间,哈雷彗星出现27次,中国都有记录。In the 2,100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty(221 BC-1911), the 27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in China.汉代张衡发明了测定地震方位的地动仪和演示日月星辰的浑天仪。Zhang Heng of the Han Dynasty over 1,800 years ago invented a seismograph to determine the location of earthquakes and the celestial globe that showed the movement of the sun, moon and other stars.先秦的数学家提出了勾股定理。Mathematicians in the pre-Qin days over 2,200 years ago put forward the proposition known as the Pythagorean theorem in the West today.



Jiang's speech at Harvard University


我感谢陆登庭校长的邀请,使我有机会在这美好的金秋时节,来到你们这座美国古老而又现代化的学府。I wish to thank Dr.Neil L.Rudenstine, President of Harvard University, for inviting me to this ancient yet modernized institution of the United States in this golden fall.哈佛建校360年来,培养出许多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学家和企业家,曾出过6位美国总统,30多位诺贝尔奖获得者。Since its founding some 360 years ago, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding statesmen, scientists, writers and businessmen, including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners.先有哈佛,后有美利坚合众国,这说明了哈佛在美国历史上的地位。

The fact that Harvard was founded before the United States of America testifies to its position in the American history.哈佛是最早接受中国留学生的美国大学之一。

Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students.中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。The Chinese educational, scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university.哈佛为增进中美两国人民的相互了解作出了有益的贡献。Harvard has thus made useful contribution to the enhanced mutual understanding between the Chinese and American peoples.相互了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations.惟有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with each other.中美建交以来,我们两国人民之间的相互交流与了解在逐渐扩大和加深,但还不够。Since the establishment of diplomatic ties邦交 between China and the United States, the exchanges and mutual understanding between our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily.However, this is not enough.为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。To promote the development of China-U.S.relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.要了解中国,可以有很多视角。To know China better, one may approach it from different angles.现实中国是历史中国的发展。China today has been evolved from its past.中国是一个有5000年文明历史的国家,China is a country with 5,000 years of civilization.从历史文化来了解和认识中国,是一个重要的视角。It is important to approach China from a historical and cultural perspective.记得我在高中读书时,老师给我们讲微积分,第一课就是讲《庄子》中的“一尺之棰,日取其半,万世不竭”,很形象地使我建立起极限的概念。I recall my first lesson on calculus微积分学 in senior high school.My teacher quoted a line from Zhuang Zi, a Chinese philosopher over 2,000 years ago, which reads “Cut away half of a rod and keep on halving what is left, and there will be no end to that process.” This gave me a vivid concept of limit.这表明中国古人就已认识到事物的发展变化是无限的,也说明我们的先人对自然界的认识已达到相当的水平。It shows that the ancient Chinese realized the endless process of changes of matters and had a fairly good understanding of the nature.早在公元前2500,中国人就开始了仰观天文、俯察地理的活动,逐渐形成了“天人合一”的宇宙观。As early as in 2,500 B.C.Chinese began astronomical observation and geographical survey, and gradually formed a world outlook of an “integration of the universe and humanity.”

中国历史上产生了许多杰出的哲学家、思想家、政治家、军事家、科学家和文学艺术家,留下了浩如烟海的文化典籍。China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers, thinkers, statesmen, strategists, scientists, writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.春秋战国时期出现的“百家争鸣”局面和老子、孔子等诸子百家的学说,在世界思想史上占有重要地位。The scene of “contention of a hundred schools of thought” brought forth in the Spring and Autumn Period 2,500 years ago and the Warring States Period over 2,200 years ago and the emergence of various schools of thought and their exponents示范者倡导者 such as Lao Zi and Confucius about 2,400 years ago all occupy a very important position in the world history of philosophy.古代中国在天文历法、地学、数学、农学、医学和人文科学的许多领域,都作出过独特的贡献。Ancient China made unique contributions to many areas of science including astronomy, calendric历法的 system, geography, mathematics, agriculture, medicine and the humanities.殷商时期的甲骨文中就有日月之食的记载。Records of solar and lunar eclipses are found in the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty over 3,000 years ago.从秦代到清末的2100多年间,哈雷彗星出现27次,中国都有记录。In the 2,100 years from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty(221 BC-1911), the 27 appearances of Halley Comet were all recorded in China.汉代张衡发明了测定地震方位的地动仪和演示日月星辰的浑天仪。Zhang Heng of the Han Dynasty over 1,800 years ago invented a seismograph地震仪 to determine the location of earthquakes and the celestial globe that showed the movement of the sun, moon and other stars.先秦的数学家提出了勾股定理。Mathematicians in the pre-Qin days over 2,200 years ago put forward the proposition known as the Pythagorean theorem in the West today.南北朝的祖冲之算出圆周率为3.1415926。In the Northern and Southern Dynasties in the 4th century A.D., China's mathematician Zu Chongzhi calculated the ratio of the circumference of a circle圆周率 to its diameter to be 3.1415926.中国的丝织、制瓷、冶金、造船技术很早就达到世界的先进水平。China's silk weaving, porcelain making, metallurgy冶金术 and shipbuilding reached the world's advanced level in ancient times.明代朱载首创十二平均律,后来被认定为世界通行的标准音调。In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zaiyu initiated the twelve-tone temperament十二平均律 which later became the universal standard tones.中国的医药学在世界上独树一帜。The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own.特别是中国的造纸、火药、印刷术、指南针4大发明,曾经改变了世界的面貌。Particularly, China's four great inventions of paper making, gunpowder, printing and compass had once changed the face of the world.直到15世纪以前,中国的科学技术在世界上保持了千年的领先地位。China had been a world leader in science and technology for one thousand years until the 15th century.中国人的这些发明创造,体现了人与自然协调发展、科学精神与道德理想相结合的理性光辉。These inventions and creations of China have brought forward the rationalistic brilliance of coordination between humanity and the nature and the integration of scientific spirit with moral ideals.中国的历史文化始终处于发展进步之中。China's culture in history has never stopped developing.它是通过各种学科、各种学派的相互砥砺、相互渗透而发展的,也是通过同世界各国的相互交流、相互学习而进步的。It has enriched itself through the contention and infiltration渗透 of various disciplines and schools of thought, and also through the mutual exchanges and learning between China and other countries in the world.中国人早就懂得兼取众长、以为己善的道理。Since old times, the Chinese people came to know full well the importance of “drawing widely upon others' strong points to improve oneself.”

汉、唐时期,既是经济繁荣的盛世,也是中外交流的盛世。The Han and Tang Dynasty were both an age of economic prosperity and also one of flourishing international exchanges.张骞出使西域,开拓举世闻名的“丝绸之路”。Imperial envoy使节 Zhang Qian's trip to the “West” in the Han Dynasty(206 BC-220 AD)over 2,000 years ago opened up the world-famous Silk Road;

Eminent Monk Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty(618-907)brought back ancient culture after braving long journey to South Asian countries.明代郑和“七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。In the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), Chinese navigator Cheng Ho led a fleet to what that then people called the “West Sea” seven times in the 15th century, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land.但是后来特别是清代晚期,封建统治者实行闭关锁国政策,阻碍了中国的进步和中外交流。Only later on, especially in late Qing Dynasty, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion闭关锁国政策, which hampered阻碍 China's progress and its exchanges with the outside world.鸦片战争以来,一代又一代先进的中国人,为了振兴中华,努力向西方国家学习先进的科学思想和文明成果,并同中国的实际相结合,推动了中国社会的变革与发展。After the Opium War(1840-1842), generation after generation of enlightened Chinese people have, for national rejuvenation恢复活力, spared no efforts in learning from Western countries advanced science and cultural achievements in combination with China's realities and pushing for China's social reforms and development.今天,正在为实现现代化而奋斗的中国人民,把对外开放作为一项基本国策,同世界各国进行广泛的交流与合作,开创了中国历史上崭新的开放局面。Today, the Chinese people who are struggling to achieve modernization have made the opening-up a basic state policy and conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world, thus creating a brand-new situation in its opening-up endeavor in the Chinese history.阳光包含7种色彩,世界也是异彩纷呈。Sunlight is composed of seven colors, so is our world full of colors and splendor.每个国家、每个民族都有自己的历史文化传统,都有自己的长处和优势,Every country and every nation has its own historical and cultural traditions, strong points and advantages.应该相互尊重,相互学习,取长补短,共同进步。We should respect and learn from each other and draw upon other's strong points to offset one's own deficiencies for achieving common progress.中国在自己发展的长河中,形成了优良的历史文化传统。这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得扬弃和发展。In the prolonged course of development, China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been either developed or discarded with the changes of the times and social progress.对今天中国人的价值观念、生活方式和中国的发展道路,具有深刻的影响。These traditions have exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people, and on China's road of development today.这里,我想就以下一些方面谈些看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解。Here, I would like to make the following observations which I hope will help you to know China better.一是团结统一的传统。First, the tradition of solidarity and unity.中华民族是由56个民族组成的大家庭。The Chinese nation is a big family composed of 56 nationalities.从遥远的古代起,我国各族人民就建立了紧密的政治经济文化联系,共同开发了祖国的河山。Since the time immemorial, people of all nationalities have established closely-knitted political, economic and cultural links and joined hands in developing the vast land of our country.中国2000多年前就形成了幅员广阔的统一国家。China became a vast unified country more than 2,000 years ago.悠久的中华文化,成为维系民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。The deep-rooted Chinese culture become a strong bond for ethnic harmony and national unity.团结统一,深深印在中国人的民族意识中。Solidarity and unity have been inscribed in the hearts of the Chinese people as part of their national identity.中国历史上虽曾出现过暂时的分裂现象,但民族团结和国家统一始终是中华民族历史的主流,是中国发展进步的重要保障。Despite occasional division in the Chinese history, ethnic harmony and national unity have remained the main stream in the history of the Chinese nation, and an important guarantee for China's development and progress.新中国的成立,标志着中华民族实现了空前的大团结。The founding of the People's Republic of China marked an unprecedented great unity of the Chinese nation.各民族之间建立了平等、团结、互助的新型关系。A new type of relationship of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance between different nationalities has been established.各民族人民依法享有各项权利和自由。People of all nationalities enjoy full rights and freedoms provided for by the law.在少数民族聚居的地方实行了区域自治。In places where there is a high concentration of minority nationality people, regional autonomy is in practice.民族地区的经济社会获得不断的发展。These regions have witnessed continued economic and social development.所有这些,为巩固国家统一奠定了坚实的政治基础。All these have laid a solid political foundation for consolidated national unity.二是独立自主的传统。Second, the tradition of maintaining independence.我们的先人历来把独立自主视为立国之本。Our ancestors always regarded the spirit of maintaining independence as the foundation of a nation.中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。As one of the cradles of human civilization, China has all along maintained its cultural tradition without letup in the history of several thousand years.近代中国虽屡遭列强欺凌,国势衰败,但经过全民族的百年抗争,又以巨人的姿态重新站立起来。

In modern times, the frequent bullying and humiliation by imperialist powers once weakened China.However, after a hundred years' struggle of the entire Chinese nation, China has stood up again as a giant.这充分说明,中国人独立自主的民族精神具有坚不可摧的力量。This fully testifies to the indestructible strength of this independent national spirit of the Chinese people.今天,我们在探索自己的发展道路时,坚持从中国国情出发,来解决如何进行经济政治文化建设的问题,而不照搬别国的模式。Today, in finding a road to development suited to us, we will proceed from our own national conditions to address the issue of how to conduct economic construction and political and cultural advancement without blindly copying other countries' models.在处理国际事务中,我们采取独立自主的立场和政策。In handling international affairs, we decide our positions and policies from an independent approach.中国人民珍惜同各国人民的友谊与合作,也珍惜自己经过长期奋斗而得来的独立自主权利。The Chinese people cherish its friendship and cooperation with other peoples, as well as their right to independence they have won through protracted struggles.三是爱好和平的传统。Third, the peace-loving tradition.我国先秦思想家就提出了“亲仁善邻,国之宝也”的思想,反映了自古以来中国人民就希望天下太平、同各国人民友好相处。Chinese thinkers of the pre-Qin days(over 2,000 years ago)advanced the doctrine “loving people and treating neighbors kindly are most valuable to a country.” This is a reflection of the aspiration of the Chinese people for a peaceful world where people of all countries live in harmony.今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要有一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。Today, the Chinese people who are committed to modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring environment.中国实行的是和平外交政策。China's foreign policy is peace-oriented.我们坚持在和平共处五项原则,特别是在相互尊重、平等互利、互不干涉内政的原则基础上,同世界各国建立和发展友好合作关系。We will establish and develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries in the world on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, especially the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.我们绝不会把自己曾经遭受欺凌的苦难加之于人。We will never impose upon others the kind of sufferings we once experienced将来中国富强起来了,也永远不称霸。China will never seek hegemony even if it is developed in the future.中国始终是维护世界和平与地区稳定的坚定力量。China is always a staunch force for world peace and regional stability.四是自强不息的传统。Fourth, the tradition of constantly striving for self-perfection.我们的先哲通过观察宇宙万物的变动不居,提出了“天行健,君子以自强不息”的思想,成为激励中国人民变革创新、努力奋斗的精神力量。Through observing the changing nature of the universe and all earthly matters, ancient Chinese philosophers proposed the following doctrine: “As Heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection.” This idea has become an important moral strength, spurring the Chinese people to work hard for reform and renovation.中国古代文明的发展,是中华民族艰苦奋斗、自强不息的结果。The fruits of China's ancient civilization were brought about by the tireless efforts and hard work of the Chinese nation.百年来,为了摆脱半殖民地半封建的历史境遇,中国人民进行了艰苦卓绝、奋发图强的斗争。In the past one hundred years or so, the Chinese people have waged arduous struggles to get rid of the sufferings under semi-colonial and semi-feudal rule.中国民主革命的先行者孙中山首先提出“振兴中华”的口号,Dr.Sun Yat-sen, China's forerunner of the democratic revolution, was the first to put forward the slogan of “rejuvenation of China.”

他领导的辛亥革命,推翻了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。He led the Revolution of 1911 to remove the millennia old autocratic monarchy in China.在毛泽东思想指引下,中国共产党领导中国人民实现了民族独立和人民解放,并把中国建设成为初步繁荣昌盛的社会主义国家。Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people in achieving China's national independence and people's liberation and in building China into a socialist country with initial prosperity.今天,在邓小平理论指引下,我国人民坚定不移地实行改革开放,在现代化建设中取得举世瞩目的成就。Today, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Chinese people are firmly pressing ahead with reform and opening-up and have made remarkable achievements in the modernization drive.中国进入了百年来发展最快最好的历史时期。China has entered a period with the fastest and healthiest development in this century.改革开放,是中华民族自强不息和变革创新精神在当代的集中体现和创造性发展。The reform and opening-up endeavor is an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit of constantly striving for self-perfection and renovation in modern times.我们把改革开放叫作社会主义改革开放,因为它是中国社会主义制度的自我完善和发展。We refer to our reform and opening-up as socialist reform and opening-up because they constitute the process of self-improvement and development of the socialist system in China.近20年的实践已充分证明,我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨大的。The practice in recent twenty years has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and have achieved tremendous successes.虽然在前进中也遇到这样和那样一些困难和风险,但我们都顺利地解决了,不仅没有引起大的社会震动,而且极大地解放和发展了社会生产力,保持了社会稳定和全面进步。We have successfully overcome various difficulties and risks in the course of our advance without causing great social unrest.Rather, we have succeeded in greatly releasing and developing productive forces and maintained social stability and an all-round progress.现在,我们正在满怀信心地全面推进改革。We are conducting a comprehensive reform with full confidence.在经济上,要加快建立社会主义市场经济体制,实现工业化和经济的社会化、市场化、现代化;Economically, we will speed up the establishment of a socialist market economy and realize industrialization, and the socialization, marketization and modernization of the economy.在政治上,要努力发展社会主义民主政治,依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,保证人民充分行使管理国家和社会事务的权力;Politically, we will endeavor to develop socialist democracy, govern the country according to law, build a socialist country under the rule of law and ensure the full exercise of people's rights to govern the country and manage social affairs.Culturally, we will work hard to develop a scientific socialist culture for the people, a culture that is geared to the needs of modernization, of the nation, of the world and of the future, adopt a strategy of rejuvenating China through science and education, and strive to raise the political and moral standards as well as scientific and cultural level of the entire nation.总起来说,就是要把中国建成富强民主文明的现代化国家。In a word, it is to build our country into a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced modern country.中国作为疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。China, a country with vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contribution to humanity.中国人民所以要进行百年不屈不挠的斗争,The Chinese people waged a dauntless struggle for one hundred years.所以要实行一次又一次的伟大变革、实现国家的繁荣富强,They have effected great reforms and changes one after another to build China into a strong and prosperous country.所以要加强民族团结、完成祖国统一大业,所以要促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业They have worked to strengthen ethnic harmony and achieve national reunification and to promote the lofty cause of world peace and development.归根到底就是为了一个目标:实现中华民族的伟大复兴,争取对人类作出新的更大的贡献。In the final analysis, they have done all these for one objective, that is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and China's greater contribution to humanity.总之,今天中国所选择的社会制度和发展道路,实行的内外政策,确定的下个世纪的奋斗目标,既有现实的根据,又有历史的渊源;In short, the choice of the social system and development path that China has made, the domestic and foreign policies that it has pursued and the goals it has identified for the next century are all based on both the reality and the history.既符合人类历史发展的趋势和时代潮流,又具有中华民族自己的特色;Therefore, they are not only in conformity with the trend of the historical development of mankind and that of the times, but also reflect the characteristics of the Chinese nation.既符合中国人民的根本利益,又有利于世界的和平、稳定、繁荣与进步。They serve not only the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, but also world peace, stability, prosperity and progress.掌握这一点,乃是了解和认识中国现状与未来的关键。This is the key to an understanding of the present China and its future.中美两国人民的友好交往,已有200多年历史。The friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples date back to more than two hundred years ago.1784年,美国商船“中国皇后号”远航到中国。Back in 1784, American merchant ship the “Empress of China” came a long way to China.In 1847,1847年,中国最早的一批留美学生容闳等人赴美求学。Chinese student Rong Hong and others came to the United States as the first group of Chinese students to study here.许多中国人参加了美国的建设事业,不少美国人同情和帮助过中国的民族解放事业。Many Chinese contributed to the nation-building of the United States, while a lot of American friends helped and supported the national liberation cause of the Chinese people.他们的动人事迹,我们永远记在心中。We will never forget their contribution which has touched us deeply.中国人民一向钦佩美国人民的求实精神和创造精神。The Chinese people have always admired the American people for their pragmatic attitude and creative spirit.昨天,我参观了国际商用机器公司、美国电话电报公司和贝尔实验室,领略了当代科技发展的前沿成就。My visit to IBM, AT&T and the Bell laboratory yesterday gave me some first-hand knowledge of the latest successes in modern science and technology.科学技术的突飞猛进,越来越深刻地影响着世界政治经济的格局和人们的社会生活。Today's rapid development in science and technology is bringing about increasingly greater impact on global political and economic pattern and people's social life.坚持变革创新,理想就会变为现实。If we persist in our reform, we will be able to turn our ideals into reality.我们在扩大开放、实现现代化的进程中,重视学习和吸收美国人民创造的一切优秀文化成果。In our course to further open up and achieve modernization, we have spared no efforts in learning from all the fine cultural achievements of the American people.中美两国人民的友好合作对世界具有重大影响。Friendship and cooperation between our two peoples are of great importance to the world.美国是最发达的资本主义国家,中国是最大的发展中国家。The United States is the most developed country and China the largest developing country.12亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展,具有极其重要的意义。

China is a country with 1.2 billion people.Its stability and rapid development is of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,China holds a huge market and great demand for development and the United States holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force.两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other.中国的潜在市场同国外的先进技术和资金优势结合起来,就能形成众多的发展机遇和强大的发展活力。China's potential market, once combined with foreign advanced technology and capital, will produce many opportunities and great vigor for development.中国和美国,在事关人类生存和发展的许多重大问题上,例如维护世界和平与安全,防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散,保护人类生存环境,打击国际犯罪等,有着广泛的共同利益,肩负着共同责任。

China and the United States share broad common interests and shoulder common responsibility on many important questions which are crucial to human survival and development such as maintaining world peace and security, preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction, protecting environment for human survival and combating international crimes.这些都是中美两国发展友好合作的重要基础。All these provide an important basis for further developing China-U.S.friendly relations and cooperation.我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-U.S.relations

妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、创未来的目标前进。and settle our differences properly so as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding, broadening common ground, developing cooperation and building a future together.这次访问期间,我同克林顿总统就中美关系的未来发展,深入交换了意见,达成了广泛共识。During my current visit to the United States, I had an in-depth exchange of views and reached broad agreement with President Clinton on the future development of China-U.S.relations.双方同意,为了促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业,中美应该加强合作,努力建立面向21世纪的建设性的战略伙伴关系。We both agree that with a view to promoting the lofty cause of world peace and development, China and the United States should strengthen cooperation and work to build a constructive strategic partnership oriented toward the 21st century.这标志着中美关系进入了一个新的发展阶段。This will mark a new stage of development in the China-U.S.relations.哈佛大学一向重视对中国的研究。Harvard University has all along placed importance on China studies.贵校已故的费正清教授,就是毕生从事中国历史文化研究的知名学者。The late Professor Fairbank was a well-known scholar from Harvard.He devoted all his life to the study of Chinese history and culture.为了有助于研究中国的历史和现实,我愿向贵校赠送一套新出版的《毛泽东评点二十四史》。In order to promote the study of China's past and present, I will present Harvard with a set of newly published Twenty-Four Histories with Mao Zedong's Comments.二十四史是记载中国几千年历史的重要典籍。Twenty-Four Histories are important classical works on China's history of several thousand years.毛泽东先生一生对二十四史做过许多评点和批注,为认识中国的历史和吸取历史经验,留下了丰富的思想遗产。In his life time, Mr.Mao Zedong made numerous comments and annotations on the Twenty-Four Histories, thus leaving us with a rich heritage of philosophy in understanding and drawing useful lessons from China's history.我高兴地得知,陆登庭校长将于明年访华,我期待在北京与你再次见面。I am glad to learn that you, Mr.President, will come to China next year.I look forward to meeting you again in Beijing or Shanghai.我很欣赏哈佛校门上的一段话:“为增长智慧走进来,为服务祖国和同胞走出去。”I highly appreciate the motto on the gate of your University.It reads: “Enter to grow in wisdom” and “Depart to serve better thy country and thy kind.”

中国青年也把“胸怀祖国、服务人民”作为自己的座右铭。Young people in China have also a motto, that is, “keep the motherland in heart and serve the people with heart and soul.”

我希望中美两国青年在建设各自国家、促进世界和平与发展的事业中,加深了解,互相学习,增进友谊,为创造美好的未来而努力奋斗。I hope that in the cause of building our own countries and promoting world peace and development, younger generations of China and the United States will understand each other better, learn from each other, enhance the friendship and strive for a better future.






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