
时间:2019-05-15 04:54:27下载本文作者:会员上传


Commencement address by Harvard President Drew Faust Cambridge, Mass.May 27, 2010

As delivered

It is a great pleasure to be here with you today and to deliver this year’s report of the president to the alumni.My role in this gathering each spring seems to be to delay the main event — the address you are all waiting for from our distinguished honorand.It is a great honor to serve as Justice Souter’s warm-up act.I intend to do so by exploring with you for the next few minutes a set of long-held values and commitments to which we at Harvard have devoted particular attention this year.These commitments are in fact those that Justice Souter’s life and accomplishments exemplify, and I am proud to claim and honor him as an embodiment of these fundamental university values.I speak, of course, of Harvard’s long tradition of public service, going back to our 17th century roots.The University’s founders described the arc of education as one that moves from self-development to public action.John Cotton, a prominent figure in Harvard’s founding, wrote “God would have(a man’s)best gifts improved to the best advantage.” But the student, he continued, would also “see that his calling should tend to public good.” This prescription, articulated nearly four centuries ago, captures with remarkable fidelity a fundamental purpose of the modern research university, the development of talent in service of a better world.This commitment is at the heart of all we do — and at the heart of what we celebrate today as we mark the passage of more than 6,000 graduates from our precincts into wider realms of challenge and achievement.We have equipped them, we trust, with the abilities, in the words of Charles William Eliot, to go forth “to serve better thy country and thy kind.” We hope that we have equipped them as well with the capacity to lead fulfilled, meaningful, and successful lives.Yet not infrequently, these missions of private accomplishment and public duty have been seen in tension.Phillips Brooks, for whom the Phillips Brooks House for social service is named(and this is a place where Justice Souter spent time as an undergraduate)once remarked, “We debate whether self culture or our brethren’s service is the true purpose of our life.” But, he determined, the two must coexist, in a creative balance in which we develop our talents in order to share them.Brooks concluded that while, as he put it, “No man can come to his best by selfishness … no man can do much for other men who is not much himself.”

In the mid-20th century, John F.Kennedy worried about the potential conflict between “the public interest and private comfort.” Our students still struggle with these choices today.Two College seniors who have decided to join Teach for America recounted to me how hard it was to explain to their parents that they were turning down offers at J.P.Morgan and IBM.Yesterday, I attended the commissioning of ROTC cadets who are likely to find themselves soon serving the public interest in the considerable discomfort and danger of the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq.For these students, however, service represents not sacrifice, but the most important form of fulfillment — in which one’s talents can be harnessed for purposes transcending one’s own individual life.A.J.Garcia, who worked in the president’s office during much of his undergraduate career, is now with Teach for America in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.He reports, “It is possibly the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life, but by far the most rewarding.At the end of every day, I might leave work mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted, but it is the best type of exhaustion and … well worth the impact of closing the achievement gap one child at a time.”

Bill Gates visited Harvard last month and charged our students to bring the world’s best minds to the world’s biggest problems.We do that on the one hand through direct engagement in service like that of A.J.Garcia.But universities, their faculty, and their students play another important role in contributing to the public good.And that is through engaging those remarkable minds in discovering solutions to those biggest problems — solutions that will close the achievement gap — so we don’t have to address it one child at a time, solutions that will help deliver health care, address climate change, resolve ethnic conflict, and advance post-disaster recovery.Some serve as they discover and discover as they serve, like Paul Farmer and his work in Haiti, or Kit Parker, a faculty member in our School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and a major in the U.S.Army.Late last summer, he returned from his second tour in Afghanistan.Here in his Cambridge lab, he works on tissue therapies for blast injuries, like those he has too often seen inflicted by improvised explosive devices, or IED’s.Harvard students and faculty have given us cholera vaccines and skin grafts, and the field of aquatic chemistry, the foundation for addressing water pollution.They have recently combined the latest developments in cell biology with the sociology of rural Africa to all but halt the mother-to-child transmission of AIDS in one community.A professor at the Harvard Kennedy School has shaped strategies for international climate change agreement, and his ideas have helped to reduce the causes of acid rain and lower sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants.It was a Harvard faculty member who understood early on the dangers certain financial instruments posed for ordinary Americans and devised public solutions to help them.Congress tapped her to oversee its $700 billion TARP program.Another professor has helped us to understand what compels people to save for the future.His work has fostered participation in 401(k)plans, which are now the most prevalent retirement savings vehicles in the nation.A faculty member in the Graduate School of Education has influenced how we think about teacher effectiveness, teacher recruitment, and teacher retention.He testified before a Senate committee on this topic just last month.Faculty from our School of Public Health and School of Engineering have invented an inhaler for the tuberculosis vaccine that, with no need for refrigeration or water, revolutionizes its delivery to hot, dry parts of the world.And students and faculty in the Graduate School of Design have designed post-earthquake shelters in Haiti, and developed architectural strategies to combat airborne disease in a new tuberculosis hospital they have built in Rwanda.In the Alumni Association, under the leadership of Teresita Alvarez-Bjelland, you have embraced these traditions as well, declaring public service your year-long theme.You organized a global month of service designed to mobilize all Harvard alums worldwide, and you have made an invaluable contribution to all of us by launching “Public Service on the Map,” an interactive web site connecting Harvard students, faculty, staff, and alumni to public service opportunities and experiences all over the world.Within Harvard, we have explicitly highlighted our public service mission this year through a number of special activities.In October, we held “Public Service Week,” which included a career fair, a graduate student summit, and appearances by notable Harvard alums in public life, including Governor Deval Patrick and Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, who credited his PBHA experiences and a course with Robert Coles that he took as an undergraduate at Harvard as the source of his passion for service.And we are working hard to help students identify paths to public service careers.Dean Evelynn Hammonds and I created a Public Service Committee, whose membership was drawn from across the University, to recommend ways to enhance the support we give to interested undergraduates.The committee documented something we all felt must be true, namely that the most important factor drawing students into public service is the opportunity to try it out.Students involved in public service during their undergraduate years are almost twice as likely as others to enter a public service job upon graduation.Given the strong connection between such opportunities and later career and life choices, beginning next year, I plan to create the Presidential Public Service Fellowships program to honor and to fund 10 outstanding students from across the University for a summer service opportunity.Additionally, as part of an anticipated University fundraising campaign, we will include as our explicit goals doubling the current amount of funding for undergraduate summer service opportunities, and a significant increase for graduate students as well.Currently, the demand for these awards far outstrips supply.Harvard Law School has responded to expanding student interest in public service by establishing important new opportunities for civic engagement, a Public Service Venture Fund to help graduating students provide vital legal services in nonprofit and government organizations, and the Holmes Public Service Fellowships, which fund a year of service.This year’s recipients will be involved in projects ranging from public interest law in Louisiana to social and economic rights assistance in South Africa.As I looked out over the graduates’ expectant faces and colorful robes this morning — the gavels of the Law School, the Divinity School halos, the Kennedy School globes — I found myself wondering which of those students had been involved in some sort of service during their years at Harvard.Harvard contributed nearly a million hours of service to our neighboring communities last year, so I know it was the case for thousands of those sitting before me.But I believe we should expect it of all our students.We are proud of the number of today’s graduates who have, often in defiance of obstacles, decided to take jobs in public service.The proportion of seniors choosing public service upon graduation has increased over the last two years, from 17 to 26 percent.This year, nearly 20 percent of our graduating seniors applied for Teach for America, a percentage that, I am proud to say, outstrips that of any of our peer institutions.And we can see these increasing numbers at the graduate level as well.At the Law School, for example, public-sector employment for graduates is 25 percent greater than it was just two years ago.Ultimately more important than students’ brief years at Harvard is what these graduates will do with their diplomas and their lives.I would like to imagine that whatever career our graduates pursue, whether in the private or the public realm, they will choose to make service an ongoing commitment.We as a university live under the protections of the public trust.It is our obligation to nurture and educate talent to serve that trust — creating the people and the ideas that can change the world.Harvard has worked, in the words of John Cotton, to improve our graduates’ “best gifts” to the “best advantage.” Now, as Cotton did nearly four centuries ago, we charge you, in your varied fields and callings, to, in Cotton’s words, “tend to public good.” We and the world need you.












电影《Harvey》中,Jimmy Stewart扮演的角色Elwood P.Dowd,就完全理解这一点。他说:‚多年前,母亲曾经对我说,‘Elwood,活在这个世界上,你要么做一个聪明人,要么做一个好人。’‛我做聪明人,已经做了好多年了。……但是,我推荐你们做好人。你们可以引用我这句话。



在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的‚真实世界‛——大学。我对贝尔实验室的看法,可以引用Mary Poppins的话,‚实际上十全十美‛。但是,我想离开那种仅仅是科学论文的生活。我要去教书,培育我自己在科学上的后代。

我在斯坦福大学有一个好友兼杰出同事Ted Geballe。他也是从伯克利分校去了贝尔实验室,几年前又离开贝尔实验室去了斯坦福大学。他对我们的动机做出了最佳描述: ‚在大学工作,最大的优点就是学生。他们生机勃勃,充满热情,思想自由,还没被生活的重压改变。虽然他们自己没有意识到,但是他们是这个社会中你能找到的最佳受众。如果生命中只有一段时间是思想自由和充满创造力,那么那段时间就是你在读大学。进校时,学生们对课本上的一字一句毫不怀疑,渐渐地,他们发现课本和教授并不是无所不知的,于是他们开始独立思考。从那时起,就是我开始向他们学习了。‛












在未来的几十年中,我们几乎肯定会面对更高的油价和更严厉的二氧化碳排放政策。这是一场新的工业革命,美国有机会充当领导者。伟大的冰球选手Wayne Gretzky被问到,他如何在冰上跑位,回答说:‚我滑向球下一步的位置,而不是它现在的位置。‛美国也应该这样做。











(一)我想先讲几分钟的套话,然后我就主要来接受你们的提问。我想谈的是你们的所思所想。我鼓励你们给我出难题,畅所欲言,言无不尽。(原文:我希望你们扔些高难度的球,如果你们的投球带些速度的话,我回答起来会更有兴致)你们几乎可以问任何问题,除了上个礼拜的Texas A&M的大学橄榄球赛,那超出我所能接受的极限了。我们这里来了几个SunTrust(译者注:美国一家大型商业银行)的人。我刚刚参加完Coca Cola的股东大会(译者注:Warren Buffet的投资公司是Coca Cola的长期大股东之一),我坐在吉米●威廉姆斯边上。吉米领导了SunTrust多年。吉米一定让我穿上这件SunTrust的T恤到这来。我一直试着让老年高尔夫联盟给我赞助,但是都无功而返。没想到我在SunTrust这,却做的不错。吉米说,基于SunTrust存款的增长,我会得到一定比例的酬劳。所以我为SunTrust鼓劲。(译者注:巴菲特在开玩笑)

关于你们走出校门后的前程,我在这里只想讲一分钟。你们在这里已经学了很多关于投资方面的知识,你们学会如何做好事情,你们有足够的IQ能做好,你们也有动力和精力来做好,否则你们就不会在这里了。你们中的许多人都将最终实现你们的理想。但是在智能和能量之外,还有更多的东西来决定你是否成功,我想谈谈那些东西。实际上,在我们Omaha(译者注:Berkshire Hathaway公司的总部所在地)有一位先生说,当他雇人时,他会看三个方面:诚信,智能,和精力。雇一个只有智能和精力,却没有诚信的人会毁了雇者。一个没有诚信的人,你只能希望他愚蠢和懒惰,而不是聪明和精力充沛。我想谈的是第一点,因为我知道你们都具备后两点。在考虑这个问题时,请你们和我一起玩玩这个游戏。你们现在都是在MBA的第二年,所以你们对自己的同学也应该都了解了。现在我给你们一个来买进10%的你的一个同学的权利,一直到他的生命结束。你不能选那些有着富有老爸的同学,每个人的成果都要靠他自己的努力。我给你一个小时来想这个问题,你愿意买进哪一个同学余生的10%。你会给他们做一个IQ测试吗,选那个IQ值最高的?我很怀疑。你会挑那个学习成绩最好的吗,我也怀疑。你也不一定会选那个最精力充沛的,因为你自己本身就已经动力十足了。你可能会去寻找那些质化的因素,因为这里的每个人都是很有脑筋的。你想了一个小时之后,当你下赌注时,可能会选择那个你最有认同感的人,那个最有领导才能的人,那个能实现他人利益的人,那个慷慨,诚实,即使是他自己的主意,也会把功劳分予他人的人。所有这些素质,你可以把这些你所钦佩的素质都写下来。(你会选择)那个你最钦佩的人。然后,我这里再给你们下个跘儿。在你买进10%你的同学时,你还要卖出10%的另外一个人。这不是很有趣吗?你会想我到底卖谁呢?你可能还是不会找IQ最低的。你可能会选那个让你厌恶的同学,以及那些令你讨厌的品质。那个你不愿打交道的人,其他人也不愿意与之打交道的人。是什么品质导致了那一点呢?你能想出一堆来,比如不够诚实,爱占小便宜等等这些,你可以把它们写在纸的右栏。当你端详纸的左栏和右栏时,会发现有意思的一点。能否将橄榄球扔出60码之外并不重要,是否能在9秒3之内跑100码也不重要,是否是班上最好看的也无关大局。真正重要的是那些在纸上左栏里的品质。如果你愿意的话,你可以拥有所有那些品质。那些行动,脾气,和性格的品质,都是可以做到的。它们不是我们在座的每一位力所不能及的。再看看那些右栏里那些让你厌恶的品质,没有一项是你不得不要的。如果你有的话,你也可以改掉。在你们这个年纪,改起来比在我这个年纪容易得多,因为大多数这些行为都是逐渐固定下来的。人们都说习惯的枷锁开始轻得让人感受不到,一旦你感觉到的时候,已经是沉重得无法去掉了。我认为说得很对。我见过很多我这个年纪或者比我还年轻10岁,20岁的人,有着自我破坏性习惯而又难以自拔,他们走到哪里都招人厌恶。他们不需要那样,但是他们已经无可救药。但是,在你们这个年纪,任何习惯和行为模式都可以有,只要你们愿意,就只是一个选择的问题。就象本杰明●格拉姆(上个世纪中叶著名的金融投资家)一样,在他还是十几岁的少年时,他四顾看看那些令人尊敬的人,他想我也要做一个被人尊敬的人,为什么我不象那些人一样行事呢?他发现那样去做并不是不可能的。他对那些令人讨厌的品质采取了与此相反的方式而加以摒弃。所以我说,如果你把那些品质都写下来,好好思量一下,择善而从,你自己可能就是那个你愿意买入10%的人!更好的是你自己本就100%的拥有你自己了。这就是我今天要讲的。




巴菲特:在最近的一篇财富杂志(封面是鲁本●默多克)上的文章里讲了事情的始末。有点意思。是一个冗长的故事,我这里就不介绍来龙去脉了。我接了一个非常慎重的关于长期资金管理基金的电话。那是4个星期前的一个星期五的下午吧。我孙女的生日Party在那个傍晚。在之后的晚上,我会飞到西雅图,参加比尔●盖茨的一个12天的阿拉斯加的私人旅程。所以我那时是一点准备都没有的。于是星期五我接了这个电话,整个事情变得严重起来。在财富的文章发表之前,我还通了其他一些相关电话。我认识他们(译者注:长期资金管理基金的人),他们中的一些人我还很熟。很多人都在所罗门兄弟公司工作过。事情很关键。美联储周末派了人过去(译者注:纽约)。在星期五到接下来的周三这段时间里,纽约储备局导演了没有联邦政府资金卷入的长期资金管理基金的救赎行动。我很活跃。但是我那时的身体状况很不好,因为我们那时正在阿拉斯加的一些峡谷里航行,而我对那些峡谷毫无兴趣。船长说我们朝着可以看到北极熊的方向航行,我告诉船长朝着可以稳定接收到卫星信号的方向航行(才是重要的)(译者注:巴菲特在开玩笑,意思是他在船上,却一直心系手边的工作)。星期三的早上,我们出了一个报价。那时,我已经在蒙塔那(译者注:美国西北部的一个州)了。我和纽约储备局的头儿通了话。他们在10点会和一批银行家碰头。我把意向传达过去了。纽约储备局在10点前给在怀俄明(译者注:美国西北部的一个州)的我打了电话。我们做了一个报价。那确实只是一个大概的报价,因为我是在远程(不可能完善细节性的东西)。最终,我们对2.5亿美元的净资产做了报价,但我们会在那之上追加30到32.5亿左右。Berkshire Hathaway(巴菲特的投资公司)分到30个亿, AIG有7个亿, Goldman Sachs有3个亿。我们把投标交了上去,但是我们的投标时限很短,因为你不可能对价值以亿元计的证券在一段长时间内固定价格,我也担心我们的报价会被用来作待价而沽的筹码。最后,银行家们把合同搞定了。那是一个有意思的时期。

整个长期资金管理基金的历史,我不知道在座的各位对它有多熟悉,其实是波澜壮阔的。如果你把那16个人,象John Meriwether, Eric Rosenfeld,Larry Hilibrand,Greg Hawkins, Victor Haghani,还有两个诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者,Myron Scholes和Robert Merton,放在一起,可能很难再从任何你能想像得到的公司中,包括象微软这样的公司,找到另外16个这样高IQ的一个团队。那真的是一个有着难以臵信的智商的团队,而且他们所有人在业界都有着大量的实践经验。他们可不是一帮在男装领域赚了钱,然后突然转向证券的人。这16个人加起来的经验可能有350年到400年,而且是一直专精于他们目前所做的。第3个因素,他们所有人在金融界都有着极大的关系网,数以亿计的资金也来自于这个关系网,其实就是他们自己的资金。超级智商,在他们内行的领域,结果是他们破产了。这于我而言,是绝对的百思不得其解。如果我要写本书的话,书名就是“为什么聪明人净干蠢事”。我的合伙人说那本书就是他的自传(笑)。这真的是一个完美的演示。就我自己而言,我和那16个人没有任何过节。他们都是正经人,我尊敬他们,甚至我自己有问题的时候,也会找他们来帮助解决。他们绝不是坏人。但是,他们为了挣那些不属于他们,他们也不需要的钱,他们竟用属于他们,他们也需要的钱来冒险。这就太愚蠢了。这不是IQ不IQ的问题。用对你重要的东西去冒险赢得对你并不重要的东西,简直无可理喻,即使你成功的概率是100比1,或1000比1。如果你给我一把枪,弹膛里一千个甚至一百万个位臵,然后你告诉我,里面只有一发子弹,你问我,要花多少钱,才能让我拉动扳机。我是不会去做的。你可以下任何注,即使我赢了,那些钱对我来说也不值一提。如果我输了,那后果是显而易见的。我对这样的游戏没有一点兴趣。可是因为头脑不清楚,总有人犯这样的错。有这样一本一般般的书,却有着一个很好的书名,“一生只需富一次”。这再正确不过了,不是码?如果你有一个亿开始,每年没有一点风险的可以挣10%,有些风险,但成功率有99%的投资会赚20%。一年结束,你可能有1.1个亿,也可能有1.2个亿,这有什么区别呢?如果你这时候过世,写亡讯的人可能错把你有的1.2个亿写成1.1个亿了,有区别也变成没区别了(笑)。对你,对你的家庭,对任何事,都没有任何一点点不同。但是万一有点闪失的话,特别是当你管理他人的钱时,你不仅仅损失了你的钱,你朋友的钱,还有你的尊严和脸面。我所不能理解的是,这16个如此高智商的能人怎么就会玩这样一个游戏。简直就是疯了。某种程度上,他们的决定基本上都依赖于一些事情。他们都有着所罗门兄弟公司的背景,他们说一个6或7西格玛的事件(指金融市场的波动幅度)是伤他们不着的。他们错了,历史是不会告诉你将来某一金融事件发生的概率的。他们很大程度上依赖于数学统计,他们认为关于股票的(历史)数据揭示了股票的风险。我认为那些数据根本就不会告诉你股票的风险!我认为数据也不会揭示你破产的风险。也许他们现在也这么想了?事实上,我根本不想用他们来作例子,因为他们的经历换一种形式,很可能发生在我们中的每个人身上。我们在某些关键之处存在着盲点,因为我们懂得太多的其他地方。正象Henry Gutman所说的,破产的多是两类人:一是一窍不通者;一是学富五车者。这其实是令人悲哀的。我们是从来不借钱的,即使有保险做担保。即使是在我只有1万块钱的时候,我也决不借钱。借钱能带来什么不同玛?我只凭我一己之力时我也乐趣无穷。一万,一百万,和一千万对我都没有什么不同。当然,当我遇到类似紧急医疗事件的情况下会有些例外。基本上,在钱多钱少的情况下,我都会做同样的事情。如果你从生活方式的角度来想想你们和我的不同,我们穿的是同样的衣服,当然我的是SunTrust给的;我们都有机会喝上帝之泉(说这话的时候,巴菲特开了一瓶可乐),我们都去麦当劳,好一点的,奶酪皇后(译者注:即DairyQueen,一家类似于麦当劳的快餐店),我们都住在冬暖夏凉的房子里,我们都在平面大电视上看Nebraska和Texas A&M(美国的两所大学)的橄榄球比赛,我们的生活没什么不同,你能得到不错的医疗,我也一样,唯一的不同可能是我们旅行的方式不同,我有我的私人飞机来周游世界,我很幸运。但是除了这个之外,你们再想想,我能做的你们有什么不能做呢?我热爱我的工作,但是我从来如此,无论我在谈大合同,还是只赚一千块钱的时候。我希望你们也热爱自己的工作。如果你总是为了简历上好看些就不断跳槽,做你不喜欢的工作,我认为你的脑子一定是进了水。我碰到过一个28岁的哈佛毕业生,他一直以来都做得不错。我问他,下一步你打算做些什么?他说,可能读个MBA吧,然后去个管理资询的大公司,简历上看着漂亮点。我说,等一下,你才28岁,你做了这么多事情,你的简历比我看到过的最好的还要强十倍,现在你要再找一个你不喜欢的工作,你不觉得这就好像把你的性生活省下来到晚年的时候再用吗?是时候了,你就要去做的(不能老等着)。(这是一个比喻)但是我想我把我的立场告诉了他。你们走出去,都应该选择那些你热爱的工作,而不是让你的简历看上去风光。当然,你的爱好可能会有变化。(对那些你热爱的工作,)每天早上你是蹦着起床的。当我走出校园的时候,我恨不得马上就给格拉姆干。但是我不可能为他白干,于是他说我要的工资太高了(所以他没有要我)。但我总是不停地bug他,同时我自己也卖了3年的证券,期间从不间断地给他写信,聊我的想法,最终他要了我,我在他那儿工作了几年。那几年是非常有益的经验。我总是做我热爱的工作。抛开其他因素,如果你单纯的高兴做一项工作,那么那就是你应该做的工作。你会学到很多东西,工作起来也会觉得有无穷的乐趣。可能你将来会变。但是(做你热爱的工作),你会从工作中得到很多很多。起薪的多寡无足轻重。不知怎么,扯得远了些。总之,如果你认为得到两个X比得到一个让你更开心,你可能就要犯错了。重要的是发现生活的真谛,做你喜欢做的。如果你认为得到10个或20个X是你一切生活的答案,那么你就会去借钱,做些短视,以及不可理喻的事情。多年以后,不可避免地,你会为你的所作所为而后悔。


问题:讲讲你喜欢的企业吧, 不是企业具体的名字,而是什么素质的企业你喜欢?













我们只买自己谙熟的生意。在坐的每一个人都懂可口可乐的生意。我却敢说,没人能看懂新兴的一些互联网公司。我在今年的Berkshire Hathaway的股东大会上讲过,如果我在商学院任教,期末考试的题目就是评估互联网公司的价值,如果有人给我一个具体的估价,我会当场晕倒的(笑)。我自己是不知道如何估值的,但是人们每天都在做!




1972年,我们买了See’s Candy(一家糖果公司)。See’s Candy每年以每磅1.95美元的价格,卖出1千6百万磅的糖果,产生4百万的税前利润。我们买它花了2千5百万。我和我的合伙人觉得See’s Candy有一种尚未开发出来的定价魔力,每磅1.95美元的糖果可以很容易地以2.25的价钱卖出去。每磅30分的涨价,1千6百万磅就是额外的4百80万呀,所以2千5百万的购买价还是划算的。

我们从未雇过咨询师。我们知道在加州每个人都有一个想法。每个加州人心中对See’s Candy都有一些特殊的印象,他们绝对认这个牌子的糖。在情人节,给女孩子送See’s Candy的糖,她们会高兴地亲它。如果她们把糖扔在一边,爱理不理,那我们的生意就糟糕了。只要女孩子亲吻我们的糖,那就是我们要灌输给加州人脑子里的,女孩子爱亲See’s Candy的糖。如果我们能达到这个目标,我们就可以涨价了。我们在1972年买的See’s Candy,那之后,我们每年都在12月26日,圣诞节后的第一天,涨价。圣诞节期间我们卖了很多糖。今年,我们卖了3千万磅糖,一磅赚2个美元,总共赚了6千万。十年后,我们会赚得更多。在那6千万里,5千5百万是在圣诞节前3周赚的。耶稣的确是我们的好朋友(笑)。这确实是一桩好生意。


情人节是销售最火的一天。你能想像,在情人节那天,See’s Candy的价钱已经是11美元一磅了(译者注:又涨价了)。当然还有别的牌子的糖果是6美元一磅。当你在情人节的时候回家(这些都是关于See’s Candy深入人心的一幕幕场景,你的那位接受你的礼品,由衷地感谢你,祝福剩下的一年),递给你的那位(6块钱的糖),说,“亲爱的,今年我买的是廉价货”?这绝不可能行得通!




奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oh my goodness!im at haaaaaarvard!thats how oprah winfrey began her speech at harvard university graduation ceremony—in her spirited, signature way.winfrey also received an honorary doctor of law degree from the university before taking to the podium.温弗瑞演讲中4条最励志的语录

谈失败的好处 there is no such thing as failure.failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.世间并不存在“失败”,那不过是生活想让我们换个方向走走罢了。learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are.要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。

2.on her own biggest personal failure.谈自身最大的失败


谈职业生涯所做访谈的共同性 beyonce in all her beyonce-ness...they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我发现,我所有的访谈有一个共同性,那就是人人都希望自己被认可、被理解。they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我的采访对象都想知道:“我的表现ok吗?你听到我看到我吗?我说的话对你有价值吗?”

4.on the key to success and happiness.谈成功和快乐的关键 you will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal.there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.如果你只认准一个目标,那你就能获得真正的成功和快乐。人生确实只有一个目标,那就是:最大程度地、最真实地展现自己。


奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oprah winfrey: oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.oprah winfrey: all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.oprah winfrey: and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!oprah winfrey: and we understand that most americans believe in a clear path to citizenship for the 12,000,000 undocumented immigrants who reside in this country because its possible to both enforce our篇三:奥普拉2013年哈佛大学毕业演讲(英文版)oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!decided as you will at some point, that it was time to recalculate, find new territory, break new ground.so i ended the show and launched own, the oprah winfrey network.the initials just worked out for me.so one year later after launching own nearly every media outlet had proclaimed that my new venture was a flop.not just a flop but a big bold flop they call it.i can still remember the day i opened up usa today and read the headline oprah, not quite standing on her own.i mean really, usa today? now thats the nice newspaper!it really was this time last year the worst period in my professional life.i was stressed and i was frustrated and quite frankly i was actually i was embarrassed.and it was all because i wanted to do it by the time i got to speak to you all so thank you so much.you dont know what motivation you were for me, thank you.im even where is he or she? bring them in.its an impressive calling card that can lead to even and so what i did was i simply asked our viewers do what you can wherever you are, from wherever you sit in life.give me your time or your talent your money if you have it.and they did.extend yourself in kindness to other human beings wherever you can.and together we built 55 schools in 12 different countries and restored nearly 300 homes that were devastated by hurricanes rita and katrina.so the angel network i have been on the air for a long time, but it was the angel network that actually focused my internal g.p.s.it helped me to decide that i wasnt going to just be on tv every day but that the goal of my shows, added this, you simply cannot demonize or vilify someone who doesnt agree with you, because the minute you do that, your discussion is over.and we cannot do that any longer.the problem is too enormous.there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light.in our political system and in the media we often see the reflection of a country that is polarized, that is paralyzed and is self-interested.and yet, i know you know the truth.we all know that we are better than the cynicism and the pessimism that is regurgitated throughout washington and the 24-hour cable news cycle.not my channel, by the way.we understand that the vast majority of people in this and we understand.i know you do because you went to harvard.there are people from both parties and no party believe that indigent mothers and families should have access to healthy food and a roof over their heads and a strong public education because here in the richest nation on earth we can afford a basic level of security and opportunity.so the question is what are we going to do about it? really what are you going to do about it? maybe you agree with these beliefs.maybe you dont.maybe you care about these issues and maybe there are other challenges that you, class of 2013, are passionate about.maybe you want to make a difference by serving in government.maybe you want to launch your own television show.or maybe you simply want to collect some change.your parents would appreciate that about now.the point is your generation is charged with this task of breaking through what the body politic has thus far made impervious to change.each of you has been blessed with this enormous opportunity of attending this prestigious school.you now have a chance to better your life, the lives of your neighbors and also the life of our country.when you do that let me tell you what i know for sure.thats when your story gets really good.maya angelou always says when you learn, teach.when you get, give.that my friends is what gives your story purpose and meaning.so you all have the power in your own way to develop your own angel network and in doing so your class will be armed with more tools of influence and empowerment than any other generation in history.i did it in an analog world.i was blessed with a platform that at its height reached nearly 20,000,000 viewers a day.now here in a world of twitter and facebook and youtube and tumbler, you can reach billions in just seconds.youre the generation that rejected predictions about your detachment and your disengagement by showing up to vote in record numbers in 2008.and when the pundits said they said they talked about you, they said youd be too disappointed, youd be too dejected to repeat that same kind of turnout in 2012 election and you proved them wrong by showing up in even greater numbers.thats who you are.this generation your generation i know has developed a finely honed radar for b.s.can you say b.s.at harvard? the spin and phoniness and artificial nastiness that saturates so much of our national debate.i know you all understand better than most that real progress requires authentic-an authentic way of being, honesty, and above all that youll have the courage to look them in the eye and hear their point of view and help make sure that the speed and distance and anonymity of our world doesnt cause us to lose our ability to stand in somebody elses shoes and recognize all that we share as a people.this is imperative for you as an individual and for our success as a nation.there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light, says the man whose little boy was massacred on just an ordinary friday in december.so whether you call it soul or spirit or higher self, intelligence, there is i know this, there is a light inside each of you all of us that illuminates your very human beingness if you let it.and as a young girl from rural mississippi i learned long ago that being myself was much easier than pretending to be barbara walters.although when i first started because i had barbara in my head i would try to sit like barbara, talk like barbara, move like barbara and then one night i was on the news reading the news and i called canada can-a-da, and that was the end of me being barbara.i cracked myself up on tv.couldnt stop laughing and my real personality came through and i figured out oh gee, i can be a much better oprah than i could be a pretend barbara.感谢你们让我成为你们人生这一篇章的结束与下一篇章开始的纽带。对我而言,荣幸根本无法表达我内心深处对哈佛授予我荣誉学位的感激之情。不是每个来自密西西比州的农村小姑娘都能来到剑桥城的(注:哈佛位于波士顿郊剑桥城)。我可以告诉你们,当我今天早上坐在这个台上,为你们和我自己流下眼泪的时候,我觉得今天是我漫长并被祝福的人生旅途中的一个里程碑。我希望今天我能为你们带来一些启发。我的演讲是为那些曾在人生中感到自卑或觉得自己没有优势,甚至觉得生活一团糟的人,这就是我给哈佛带来的演讲。后来我和自己竞争,每年设立一个更高的目标,一步一步地推到极限。对大家来说听着挺熟悉吧?最终,我们成功达到巅峰,并在那里待了25年。

“奥普拉秀”在同一时间段的电视节目中连续21年排名第一,我必须说我对于这个成功非常的满足。但是几年前,我觉得,在人生的某一时刻,你必须重新来过,找到新的领域,实现新的突破。所以我离开了“奥普拉秀”,以我的名字命名推出了我自己的电视网络“奥普拉·温福瑞电视网”,缩写正好是“own(自己的)”。在奥普拉·温福瑞电视网推出一年后,几乎所有的媒体都认为我的新项目是失败的。不仅仅是失败,他们称之为一个大写的失败。我还记得有一天我打开《今日美国报》时看到头条新闻说“ 奥普拉搞不定?自己的?电视网”。不是吧,今日美国报啊?真是份好报纸....这正是去年我职业生涯最低谷的时刻。我压力超大近乎崩溃,老实说,我感到羞愧。就在那个时候,faust校长打电话邀请我到哈佛做毕业演讲。我心想:“你让我给哈佛的毕业生演讲?我能跟这些世界上最成功的毕业生说什么?而我已经不再成功。”我挂了faust校长的电话后去洗了个澡。要么去吃奥利奥要么去洗澡,我选择了洗澡。那个澡我洗了很长时间,在洗澡的时候我突然想到某首古老赞美诗中的一句话,你可能没听过“终于,清晨来临...”,之后我就想,我的黎明也许要来了。因为那时我觉得我被困在一个洞里了。我又想到那首古老赞美诗中的一句话:“困难只是暂时的,都会过去...”当我走出浴室时,我想:我遇到的麻烦同样会有结束的一天,我会将这一页翻过去,我会好起来的,等我做到了,我就去哈佛,把这个真实的故事告诉大家!今天我来了并且想告诉你们我已经把“奥普拉·温福瑞电视网”带上正轨了。

这一切都是因为我想在来哈佛之前把事情做好,所以非常感谢你们!你们不知道你们给了我多大的动力,谢谢!我甚至能更骄傲地来和各位分享一个基本的真理。作为哈佛的毕业生你也未必知道,除非你上过nagy教授的课程知道古希腊英雄人物。在今天早上来的路上,nagy教授说:“温福瑞女士,请坚决地向前走。” i shall walk decisively.我应该坚决地向前走。




Universities nurture the hopes of the world: in solving challenges that cross borders;in unlocking and harnessing new knowledge;in building cultural and political understanding;and in modeling environments that promote dialogue and debate...The ideal and breadth of liberal education that embraces the humanities and arts as well as the social and natural sciences is at the core of

Harvard’s philosophy.2011年5月哈佛大学迎来了第360届毕业典礼。哈佛大学女校长福斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust,1947年9月18日-,美国历史学家)在毕业典礼上发表了演讲。福斯特是哈佛大学历史上第一位女校长,也是自1672年以来第一位没有哈佛学习经历的哈佛校长。福斯特1947年出生于纽约,1964年毕业于马萨诸塞州的私立寄宿中学 Concord Academy,后就读于位于宾州费城郊外的一所女子文理学院 Bryn Mawr College;文理学院毕业后福斯特进入宾夕法利亚大学攻读历史学硕士,攻读历史硕士学位,1975年获得了宾大美洲文明专业的博士学位,同年起留校担任美洲文明专业的助教授。后由于出色的研究成果和教学,她获任历史学系教授。福斯特是一位研究美国南方战前历史和美国内战历史的专家,在美国内战时期反映南方阵营思想的意识形态和南方女性生活方面都卓有成就,并出版了5本相关书籍,其中最著名的一本《创造之母:美国内战南方蓄奴州妇女》在1997年获得美国历史学会美国题材非小说类最佳著


2001年,福斯特进入哈佛大学,并担任拉德克里夫高等研究院(Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study)的首任正式院长,该学院的前身是拉德克利夫学院。2007年就任哈佛大学校长。

2011年福斯特就任哈佛大学校长届满四年,四年也是本科生完成学业的时间跨度,所以Class of 2011对于福斯特来说,有着不一样的意义。在这篇演讲中谈到了她这四年的心路历程,同时对美国教育的未来发展提出了自己的观点,其中多次提到中国的教育发展。Commencement Address

Tercentenary Theatre, Cambridge, MA May 26, 2011

Distinguished guests.Harvard faculty, alumni, students, staff, friends.As we celebrate the Class of 2011 and welcome them to our alumni ranks, I feel a special sense of connection to those who just received their “first degrees,” to use the words with which I officially greeted them this morning.I began as president when they arrived as freshmen, and we have shared the past four years here together.Four world-changing years.From the global financial crisis, to a historic presidential election, to the popular uprisings of the Arab Spring — not to mention earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes.The choices and circumstances these new alumni face are likely to be quite different from the ones they expected when they moved into Harvard Yard in September 2007.And I hope and trust that they too are transformed — shaped by all they have learned and experienced as Harvard College undergraduates.Their departure marks a milestone for me as well.One that prompts me, as Harvard enters its 375th year, to reflect on what these four years have meant for universities, and what universities must do in this time of worldwide challenges when knowledge is becoming ever more vital to our economies, our societies and to us all.Education has never mattered more to individual lives.In the midst of the Great Recession, the unemployment rate for college graduates in the United States was less than half that for those with just a high school diploma.Those with bachelor degrees earn half again as much as high school graduates.Doctoral or professional degrees nearly double, on average, earnings again.And education of course brings far more than economic benefits.We believe that the graduates of institutions like Harvard are instilled with analytic and creative habits of mind, with a capacity for judgment and discernment that can guide them through a lifetime that promises an abundance of change.But education is not just about individuals.Education has never mattered more to human progress and the common good.Much of what we have undertaken at Harvard in these past four years reflects our fundamental sense of that responsibility: to educate individuals who will understand the difference between information and wisdom, who will pose the questions, and create the knowledge that can address the world’s problems, who can situate today’s realities in the context of the past even as we prepare for the future.Yet universities have been deeply affected, as events have reshaped the educational landscape in the United States and abroad.The cost of higher education has become the source of even greater anxiety for American families.At a time when college matters more than ever, it seems increasingly less affordable.Access to higher education is a national priority, and at Harvard we have significantly enhanced our financial aid policies to make sure that Harvard is attainable for talented students regardless of their financial circumstances.This is fundamental to sustaining Harvard’s excellence.More than 60% of undergraduates received financial aid from Harvard this year;their families paid an average of $11,500 for tuition and room and board.The composition of our student body has changed as a result, and we have reached out to students who previously would not have imagined they could attend.This past year, for example, nearly 20% of the freshman class came from families with incomes below $60,000.We want to attract and invest in the most talented students, those likely to take fullest advantage of their experience at Harvard College.Our graduate and professional schools recognize a similar imperative and seek to ensure that graduates are able to choose careers based on their aspirations rather than on the need to repay educational debt.The Kennedy School, for example, has made increasing financial aid its highest priority;Harvard Medical School’s enhanced financial aid policies now assist over 70% of its student body.Like American families, institutions of higher education face intensified financial challenges as well.At our distinguished public universities, pressures on state funding threaten fundamental purposes.The governor of Pennsylvania, for example, proposes cutting state appropriations for higher education by half.Leaders of the University of California system warned last week of a possible tuition increase of 32% in response to reduced state support.Some in Congress are threatening to reduce aid for needy students, and to constrain the federal funding that fuels scientific research at Harvard and at America’s other distinguished universities.By contrast, support for higher education and research is exploding in other parts of the globe.In China, for example, undergraduate student numbers have more than quadrupled in little over a decade;India has more than doubled its college attendance rate and plans to do so again by 2020.Higher education, these nations recognize, is a critical part of building their futures.As battles rage in Washington over national priorities and deficit reduction, we need to make that case for America as well.Universities are an essential part of the solution—providing economic opportunity and mobility, producing discoveries that build prosperity, create jobs and improve human lives.And American higher education—in its dedication to knowledge in breadth and depth, beyond instrumental or narrow technical focus — has proved a generator of imagination, wisdom and creativity, the capacities that serve as foundations for building our common future.When I met last year with university presidents in China, they wanted to talk not about science or technology, where we all know they have such strength, but instead about the liberal arts and how to introduce them in their country.They believed those principles of broad learning had yielded the most highly regarded educational system in the world.This year, Tsinghua University in Beijing introduced a new required course called “Moral Reasoning and Critical Thinking.” It is modeled on Professor Michael Sandel’s famous Harvard undergraduate class, “Justice,” and he lectured in that course last week.This is a time for us to convince Americans of what these Chinese educational leaders affirmed to me: that we in the United States have developed a model of higher education that is unsurpassed in its achievements and distinction, in the knowledge it has created and in the students it has produced.It must be both supported and adapted to help secure the future in which our children and their children will live.That future encompasses a second powerful force shaping higher education.When Thomas Friedman famously proclaimed that the world was “flat” in 2005, he drew attention to the ways in which ideas and economies no longer respect boundaries;knowledge, he emphasized, is global.Yet societies, cultures and beliefs vary in ways that affect us ever more deeply.If the world is flat, it is far from homogeneous.Universities must embrace the breadth of ideas and opportunities unfolding across the world, and at the same time advance understanding of the differences among distinctive cultures, histories and languages.I am repeatedly struck when I meet with undergraduates at the intensity of their interest in language courses, which at Harvard now include nearly 80 languages.These undergraduates understand the kind of world they will live in, and they want to be prepared.One member of the class of 2011, who will be a Marshall scholar next year, told me about how she took up the study of Chinese at Harvard and when she traveled abroad recognized how speaking the language transformed her relationship to those she met.“When you learn a language,” she said, “you get goggles.My Chinese goggles.You have different kinds of conversations with people in their own language … we’re going to grow up in the world together in countries with such intertwined futures.We are,” she concluded, “an international generation.”

In these past four years, Harvard has reached into the world, and the world has reached into Harvard as never before.I have traveled as Harvard president on five continents.I have met with thousands of the more than 50,000 Harvard alumni who live outside the United States, and I have visited Harvard initiatives that address issues from AIDS in Botswana to preschool education in Chile to Renaissance studies in Italy to disaster response in China.Our new Harvard Center Shanghai joins 15 offices supporting Harvard faculty and student research and engagement abroad.We have over the past several years launched the university-wide China Fund, the South Asia Initiative, and an enhanced African Studies effort that recently received a coveted Title VI recognition as a National Resource Center.Undergraduate experiences abroad have more than doubled since 2003.Design School field studios reach from the favelas of Sao Paolo to the townships of Mumbai, and Harvard’s clinical and research opportunities in medicine and public health range from tuberculosis in Siberia to adolescent health in Fiji.Here in Cambridge, teaching incorporates an enhanced global perspective, from newly required international legal studies at the Law School to an international immersion experience beginning next year for all MBA students at the Business School, where 40% of case studies now have a significant international component.And we benefit from an increasingly international faculty and student body — 20% of our degree students overall.But it is not just knowledge that knows no boundaries.The world’s most critical challenges are most often borderless as well, and it is these pressing problems that attract the interest and talents of so many in our community.Universities are critical resources in addressing issues from economic growth to global health, to sustainable cities, to privacy and security, to therapeutics.To borrow a phrase from the Business School mission statement, Harvard faculty and students want to “make a difference in the world” by creating and disseminating critical knowledge.And we increasingly understand how to bring the elements of knowledge-creation together by crossing intellectual and disciplinary boundaries just as we cross international ones.I speak often of “one university,” for it is clear that we work most effectively when we unite Harvard’s unparalleled strengths across its schools and fields — and do so at every stage of the educational process, from College freshmen through our most accomplished senior faculty members.The new Harvard Global Health Institute is a case in point, engaging more than 250 faculty from across the university in addressing issues that range from post-earthquake response in Haiti and Chile to reducing cardiovascular disease in the developing world.We have established an undergraduate secondary field in Global Health, and over 1,000 College students are involved in courses, internships and related activities.Similarly, the Harvard Center for the Environment draws on graduate and undergraduate students and more than a hundred faculty, in law, engineering, history, earth sciences, medicine, health policy and business — to look comprehensively at problems like carbon capture and sequestration, or the implications of the Gulf oil spill for structures of environmental regulation.This brings us finally to innovation, a third powerful force in higher education — and in the wider world in which higher education plays such an important part.Students and faculty working together in new ways and across disciplines, are developing wondrous things — from inhalable chocolate to inhalable tuberculosis vaccine.Our undergraduates have invented a soccer ball that can generate enough power to light villages;Business School students are launching more and more start-ups;Medical School experiments have reversed the signs of aging — in mice at least.The Dean of our School of Education has been named one of the region’s foremost innovators for inventing a new degree, a doctorate in educational leadership — the Ed.L.D.— whose graduates, trained by faculty from the Business, Kennedy and Education schools, will be ready to lead change in America’s schools.New ideas and new ways of enabling those ideas to reach a wider world.That is the essence of what we are about.And we as an institution have some new ideas about how we do our own work as well.We have innovated after 350 years with governance, expanding and enhancing the Corporation.We are innovating(after almost as long)with the organization of our libraries — at the heart of how we learn and teach.We are in the second successful year of a new undergraduate curriculum.We created a new School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.We are exploring new ways of teaching, with new technologies and new partners.We are integrating the arts into our teaching across fields, recognizing that the act of “making” — whether in the arts or, perhaps, engineering — is an essential part of creative learning.In the fall we will open a new Innovation Lab, to foster team-based invention that connects students across disciplines and with local entrepreneurs.Perhaps every generation believes that it lives in special times and perhaps every cohort of graduates is told just that at ceremonies like these.But both the depth of the challenges we face and the power of knowledge — and thus of universities--to address them is unprecedented.Harvard must embrace this responsibility, for it is accountable to you, its alumni, and to the wider world.Universities are among humanity’s greatest innovations and among humanity’s greatest innovators.Through universities we find a better future, where our graduates and their children and the greater global community may lead lives of peace, prosperity and purpose in the centuries to come.Thank you very much.-Drew Gilpin Faust



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