
时间:2019-05-15 05:59:00下载本文作者:会员上传



Kunming Lake covers the three quarters of the whole Summer Palace.the name of the lake came from “Kunming Pool” in Changan, made by Emperor Wu Di in the Han Dynasty for training his soldiers.Qing Emperor Qianlong just followed the example of Han Wu Di and gave the name Kunming Lake.To the west of Kunming Lake, there is a long causeway on the Lake, which is called “West Dyke”, patterned after the Su Dyke in West Lake in Hangzhou.Along the Dyke there are six bridges separate the lake into two parts.The Jade Belt Bridge is the most beautiful bridge among the six bridges in the west dyke.Its high-arched body looks just like a jade belt, hence its name Jade Belt Bridge.The three Chinese characters, “Yu Dai Qiao” was in Emperor Qianlong’s handwriting.Most of the name of the Bridges have been derived from ancient poems to describe the beautiful surroundings, such as the Lake Boudary Bridge, the Local Song Bridge, the Mirror Bridge, the White Sike Bridge and the Willow Bridge.Compare with the West Dyke, there also have many beatiful scenic spots in the East Dyke, such as the 17-Arch Bridgem the Spacious Pavilion, the Bronze Ox, the Heralding Spring Pavilion and the Wen Chang Belvedere.The 17-Arch Bridge is the largest bridge in the Summer Palace.It links East Dyke at its eastern end, and connect South Lake Island at its western end.It is 150 meters long and 8 meters wide with 17 arches.There are 544 stone lions in different sizes and postures carved on the top of the balusters.Seen from a distance, it looks like a rainbow hanging across the water on the lake.The 17-Arch Bridge was first built in 1750, and was imitation of Marco Polo Bridge, but this bridge is more beautiful and have more stone lions.The number 17 was adopted because when seen from either the left or right, the ninth arch is in the middle, and in the old days, the number nine was the lucky number and favorite number in Chinese numerals.The South Lake Island is the biggest island on Kunming Lake.It is located on the eastern part of Kunming Lake and linked with the East Dike by the 17-Arch Bridge.On the northern part of the South Lake Island, there is a big hall with a platform in the front.This was the place where Empress Dowager Cixi watched the navy training on the lake.The Temple of the Dragon King was built on the south Lake Island.Inside the temple, there is a statue of the Dragon King.The Temple of the Dragon King was built here, not only with the purpose of decorating the island, but also to control water.It is said that in 1787 Emperor Qianlong, at the age of 80, came here in person to pray for rain.Soon after, rain poured down in torrents that night.The next day, the emperor came here again to have a big ceremony to show his thanks to the Dragon King.Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the emoperor came to the Temple of the Dragon King every year in person or sent his high ranking official to come here to worship.The Spacious Pavilion is the biggest extanted ornamental Pavilion in the Ancient garden of China.It is located at the eastern end of the 17-Arch Bridge.It’s an eight-sided and double-eaved pavillion with an area of over 300 square meters that provided a wide field of vision, so it got the name Spacious Pavilion.To the east of the 17-Arch Bridge we can see a Bronze Ox.In ancient China, the ox was used as a symbol of flood control.The 80-word “Golden Ox Inscription”, written by Emperor Qianlong was cast on the back of the Bronze Ox, just toexplain its presence.Yelu Chucai was a famous politician of the Yuan Dynasty and also a famous Mongolian general.During his lifetime, he made great contributions to the preservation of China’s interests.Yuan Emperor put him in an important position in the Yuan Court.Yelu Chucai died in 1244, He was buried at the foot of Jar Hill, and a temple was built to commemorate him.Yelu Chucai Temple consists of three parts: the coffin chamber of Yelu Chucai, the memorial halls and his stone statue.Wen Chang Belvedere is a two-story tower building in the shape of a city gate.Inside the building, the bronze statue of the God of Literature Prosperity is enshrined.

第二篇:颐和园 昆明湖景区 导游词

颐和园 昆明湖景区 导游词
























第三篇:颐和园景区 导游词

1.万寿山 俯瞰颐和园的秀丽春光



















5.佛香阁 尽收颐和园之美


佛香阁是一座宏伟的塔式宗教建筑,为全颐和园建筑布局的中心。“佛香”二字来源于佛教对佛的歌颂。该阁仿杭州的六和塔建造,阁上层榜曰书写着“式延风教”,中层则是“气象昭回”,下层为“云外天香”,阁名 “佛香阁”。内供接引佛,每月的十五,慈禧太后就要在此烧香礼佛。登上佛香阁,周围数十里的景色尽收眼底。佛香阁高41米,八面三层四重檐,建于万寿山前山的巨大石造台基上,这座台基,把佛香阁高高托举出山脊之上,仰视便能发出高耸如天这样的感叹。









The Long Corridor lies in front of Longevity Hill.It starts from the Gate of Greeting the Moon in the east, and ends near the Pavilion of Mr.Stone.There are four double-eaved octagonal pavilions along the Long Corridor, which symbolized the four seasons of the year.The Long Corridor was first built in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong for his mother to enjoy the rainy scenes on Kunming Lake and to shade her from the sunshine in summer.The Long Corridor is 728 meters long with 273 sections, it’s the longest, biggest and most famous one in China and even in the world.What’s more, it covers more than 14,000 paintings and pictures on the top of the Long Corridor.Of the 14,000 paintings, there are over 8,000 large paintings.Each of these painting is different from one another.Most of the beautiful flowers, birds and landscapes were copied from the scenery of the West Lake in Hangzhou.In 1990, the Long Corridor was listed in the “Guinness World Records” as the longest painted corridor in the world, and in 1988, it was listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO.Please look at this gate, it’s located in the center of the Long Corridor, and it was the main entrance to the Hall of Dispelling Clouds.The phrase “Dispelling Clouds” comes from a poem written by a famous poet, describing an immortal coming out from the clouds and seeing a gold and silver platform, thus indicating this hall as the place for the immortal Empress Dowager Cixi to live in.The Hall of Dispelling Clouds was the place where Empress Dowager Cixi used to celebrate her birthday in the 10th day of the tenth lunar month each year.Inside this hall, there is a large oil painting of Empress Dowager Cixi.This picture was painted in 1905 to celebrate her 70th birthday.The tower of Buddhist Incense is the symbol of the Summer Palace.it was first built in 1758.The tower fo Buddhist Incense was built on a 21-meter high square platform of solid stone, with a wooden tower of 36 meters on the top.The tower is a three-story octagonal wooden structure, with four tiers of eaves, standing in the center of the whole imperial garden.Empress Dowager Cixi used to come and worship Gods here on the 1st and 15th day of each lunar month when she was living in the Summer Palace.Now, on the first floor is enshrined with the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva standing with a thousand hands and eyes.On the second floor, there is a big note: “ Note of the Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake” in Emperor Qianlong’s handwriting.The portraits of Buddha of Three Ages are also kept on the second floor.On the third floor, there are 8 paintings on the wall depicting fairies and goddesses flying in heaven.In front of the Temple of the Sea of Wisdom, we can see a colored glazed arch with three doorways.It’s actually the entrance to the temple behind it.The Temple of the See of Wisdom, a stone structure, is located on the top of the hill.The name of this temple “the Sea of Wisdom” came from Buddhist scriptures and means, “the wisdom of Buddha is as vast as the sea”.This building is also known as “Beamless Hall”, because it was built without using a single beam or column in its structure.With the yellow and green glazed tiles outside, there are rows of 1,008 exquisite Buddha statues carved on the outer wall of the temple.Inside the temple, the statue of Guanyin is enshrined and placed in the center.The temple of the Sea of Wisdom is the highest point of Longevity Hill.This two-story tower structure, on the east of the Longevity Hill, was built during Emperor Qianlong’s reign.The inscription on the south gate-tower “Ziqidonglai” means “the purple clouds come from the east.” This phase comes from a story about an ancient Chinese philosopher named Lao Zi.The four Chinese characters on the north gate-tower, “Chichengxiaqi” means “the rosy clouds rising in Chicheng Mountain.” Chicheng is the name of a place in Zhejiang Province.This phrase describe the gate-tower shining from the morning sunshine.While the inscriptions on both sides of the tower were written by Emperor Qianlong.Now, this building in front of us is the Hall for Listening to Orioles.it used to be a two-story stage built by Emperor Qianlong, just for his mother to enjoy Peking Opera and performances.The stage was later used by Empress Dowager Cixi.Orioles is a kind of bird, and it has a very sweet voice and pleasing sound.Now, this building is a very nice restaurant for both Chinese and foreign tourists.The Marble Boat is located at the end of the Long Corridor, near the Stone Pavilion.It is 36 meters long and has two decks.The base deck was built of large stone blocks of marble, while the upper part was made of wood.The purpose for building this big marble boat was to stand for the stability of the Qing Dynasty and symbolize the Qing Dynasty would be as solid as rock and never be overturned.In the late Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi had the Marble Boat rebuilt, she ordered to have two water wheels added in the outside.Then a European-style wooden superstructure was built on the boat.The floor was paved with colored bricks, and all the windows were decorated with multi-colored glass.Four hollow marble columns were built on four side corners of the boat.Whenever it rains, the rainwater flows down through the four hollow fillars and poured into the lake from the mouths of the four mable dragonheads.During the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong often came here with his mother for captive fish and birds.Later Empress Dowager Cixi often came here on a rainy day, and sat in front of the mirror, sipping tea and enjoying the mirror’s reflection of the beautiful rainy scenery on the lake.



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