迈阿密大学(简称MU)成立于1809年,在俄亥俄的牛津村。它是一所四年制公立大学。在1792年,乔治·华盛顿签署了国会法,其中明确提出要在俄亥俄河北部的迈阿密山北部建立一所学术性研究大学,而这所大学便是迈阿密大学MU的前身, 校训阿拉丁文“Prodesse Quam Conspici”意为“与其高谈阔论,不如笃实有成”。
迈阿密大学牛津(Miami University),是一所坐落在美国俄亥俄州男女合校制的公立研究性大学。下文是对迈阿密大学牛津分校排名汇总。
《纽约时报大学指南》给予三颗星的学术评分,并指出,迈阿密大学提供私立大学的教育环境,但只收公立大学的学费,所以有“Public Ivy(公立长春藤大学)”之称。
2008年在吉卜林Kiplinger评价的“前100名最有价值得公立大学”里,该校在俄亥俄州排第一,在全美排第31名。2007年的“Fiske大学入学指南(Fiske Guide to Colleges 2007)”,评价该校为“州立大学中的明星”。
该校学术卓著,人才辈出,曾在同一年获得过高德华奖(Goldwater Scholarship),杜鲁门奖(Truman Scholarship)和罗杰斯奖(Rhodes Scholarship)。
留学费用:29880.0 美元
研究生2013年开始设立双录取项目,称为ACE-Graduate, 要求托福最低65分或雅思6.5分。更多信息学校官网查询ACE-Graduate
据立思辰留学360介绍,克拉克大学(Clark University)是一所世界一流的以文科为主的私立研究型大学,美国第一所完全是研究生院的大学,也是美国最早提供研究生课程的大学之一,1887年由百万富翁克拉克(J.G.Clark)捐资创办于美国马萨诸塞州的伍斯特市(Wocester)。
克拉克大学是美国大学协会(AAU)的创始成员之一,如今该协会由62所北美顶尖的研究型大学组成。作为美国第一批研究生学校,学校直到1902年才开立本科专业。克拉克大学在学术领域拥有诸多第一,学校的第一任校长G.Stanley Hall是美国获得心理学博士的第一人,同时他也是美国心理学协会的创始人;A.A.Michelson教授是美国获得诺贝尔奖的第一人;Robert Goddard教授研究并成功发射了美国第一颗液体燃料火箭,被称为太空之父。排名
《美国新闻与世界报道》国家性大学排名 第75名
《华盛顿月刊》美国大学排名 第91名
《美国新闻与世界报道》历史专业研究生院排名 第81名
美国国家研究委员会(National Research Council)地理学博士项目排名 第7名
留学美国申请文书范文 4 College Admission Essay
College Admission Essay
By Merdit Ebrani
I'm a tomato and the problem is, everyone else is an onion.I discovered this from watching the grown-ups when I was young.Whenever we went out to restaurants or the movies, I would notice things about their behavior.They were so different, yet oddly enough, they all seemed to act the same way.Adults were onions, protected by a layer of skin so that no one could see who they really were.And I was a tomato, as fragile and new to the world as could be.The slightest touch left an imprint on my mind, whether it was an insinuation or an insult.And I started thinking about it.We're all born tomatoes.By age eleven, the change to onionhood is already underway.The whole process is very subtle, and it is seldom thought about afterwards.It begins with authority figures, any of the major influences in a child's life: parents, friends, school, and television.In order to feel accepted by these figures, children have to adapt to certain rules.Girls learn to be thin.Guys learn to impress girls.Everyone learns to get the right answer at school.And if they fail to meet any of these criteria, they get embarrassed.This is the “red onion” phase, halfway between tomatohood and onionhood.Soon enough, kids begin inventing ways to escape criticism.The girl can choose not to eat or she can pretend that she doesn't care.The guy can choose to imitate someone famous or he can pretend that he hates girls.The kids who usually gets the right answers at school find ways to seem like they always get the right answers;and the kids who rarely get the right answers find ways to show that they don't care.This is the skin of the onion developing.And by the beginning of high school, the mature onion has formed.With time, its skin grows thicker.Some onions even realize that they are onions, but are hesitant to peel for fear of losing their safety.Occasionally I'll catch myself onionizing, especially if something really bothers me.In my freshman year of high school, I was scared that I wouldn't make any friends so I convinced myself that I was the loner type.For months I refused to meet anybody because I had already decided that we wouldn't get along.It felt awful to finally confront my fear.But I didn't avoid doing it.I knew it was going to leave a bruise on me, and that was fine because it was better than covering up my problem.And once I opened up,I had an easier time meeting people than I would have ever imagined.That's the way tomatoes are.We never try to hide who we are or how we think.College, where one learns to question the status quo, seems like it would be the perfect place for a tomato.Yet I also recognize that the coming time will be a challenge.I will be confronting new ideas, new situations, and new fears, and will have to assimilate these experiences without changing the fabric of my mind.I will have to keep my vision of the world fresh and open, and not succumb to the hardening of established ideas, or onionizing, that I see occurring around me all the time.In the end, it is possible that tomatoes and onions do have something in common: a comfort in the usual way of doing things, a resistance towards change.These next four years will be a shock for me, as I explore new intellectual realms and my mind continues to mature.And although I will never stop being a tomato, I hope that college will at least help me to ripen a bit.
威斯康星大学的主校区部分坐落于曼多塔湖(Lake Mendota)和莫诺那湖(Lake Monona)间的地峡上,以麦迪逊市区的街道为界。
主校区占地三点七八平方公里,而包括全州各地所有研究中心的话共有四十三平方公里的面积。主校区的不少建筑都由建筑师詹宁斯(J.T.W.Jennings)和皮博迪(Arthur Peabody)设计,被认为是全美最美丽的大学校园之一。
拥有一个庞大的学生群体无疑让UW-Madison学生的课余生活无比丰富。竞技层面,UW-Madison的男子篮球队和橄榄球队分别赢得过17个和14个Big-Ten冠军头衔。据立思辰留学360了解,每当比赛日来临,你会不由自主地感受到作为一个UW-Madision成员的能量与荣耀。2013年,Princeton Review将UW-Madison列为全美13个Party校之一;而与此同时,PaySale根据毕业生起薪与职业发展,将它列为全
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