
时间:2019-05-15 05:52:59下载本文作者:会员上传



Honorable Minister Yang Jiechi, dear diplomats of the Motherland, dear students:


My name is Wang Ruijun.I am an undergraduate majoring in the Indonesian language in the School of Foreign Languages(SFL), Peking University.This year marks the 90th anniversary of the “May Fourth Movement”.Peking University is the birthplace of the “May Fourth Movement”.I feel greatly honored and extremely excited to speak here on behalf of the students of Peking University and on behalf of all the students coming to attend the Open Day for college students in celebration of the May Fourth Youth Day arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.My heart is fueled with a sense of mission and a sense of pride.We are deeply impressed by the approachable manner of the diplomats and their fascinating introductions.Minister Yang Jiechi’s graceful and insightful remarks made us extremely proud of the rising and prospering Motherland and the vigorous development of China's diplomacy.Here please allow me, on behalf of all the students participating in today’s event, to express our heartfelt thanks to Minister Yang Jiechi and all the hospitable people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who show care for and interest in the growth of college students.刚才杨部长的殷切期望,我们一定会牢记在心,并以此时刻勉励自己,刻苦学习,报效祖国。我们也一定会响应杨部长的号召,一如既往地关注祖国的外交事业,不仅是因为“以天下为己任”是我们当代大学生的使命,更是因为中国外交日益走近“寻常百姓”,越来越与普通民众的工作生活息息相关。“互利共赢”、“负责任大国”、“软实力”、“领事保护”已成为大家耳熟能详的词汇,“和平发展”、“和谐世界”、“周边外交”、“大国关系”、“多边运筹”已成为大学校园里最流行的谈论焦点。随着中国发展,国内国外互动频繁,家事国事天下事都已变成我们的“身边事”。关心和支持中国外交既是时代对我们的要求,也是中国当代青年义不容辞的责任!当代青年应该胸怀祖国,放眼世界。

We will keep in mind the ardent expectations of Minister Yang and take them as an encouragement to keep working hard so as to serve the Motherland.We will resolutely answer the call of Minister Yang and continue as always to keep a close eye on the diplomatic undertaking of the Motherland.This is not only because serving the Motherland is the mission of contemporary college students, but also because China's diplomacy has increasingly reached the “common people” and get increasingly relevant to the work and lives of ordinary people.Such terms as “mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation”, “a big responsible nation”, “soft power” and “consular protection” are very popular words among us.“Peaceful development”, “a harmonious world”, “diplomacy with neighboring countries”, “big power relations”, “multilateral diplomacy” and some other terms have also become the focus of discussions on the campuses.As China develops and the interactions with the outside world get increasingly frequent, we must show concern not only to personal affairs, but also to the affairs of the state and the world.Paying attention to and supporting China's diplomacy is not only the requirements of the times but also the duty of the Chinese youth.The young people should keep the Motherland in mind and look to the whole world.今天我们聆听了新闻司司长,干部司副司长对中国外交工作的介绍,与外交部优秀青年进行了面对面的交流,下午我们还将实地参观重大外交活动场所钓鱼台。我们为祖国外交事业的非凡成就而骄傲,更为外交官们赤诚的爱国之心而感动。在我们心中,外交官的形象也更加丰富和立体了。在慷慨陈词、旁征博引和谈笑风生之外,祖国的外交官又多了一个形象。这是一个牺牲家庭团聚时光、忍受艰苦环境考验,甚至在烽火前线流血流汗的形象!了解了这个形象,外交官的形象才更加高大和真实,外交官的形象才更加让我们崇敬!

Today we listened to the introductions on China's diplomatic work made by the director-general of the Information Department and the deputy director-general of the Department of Personnel.We also had face-to-face interactions with the young diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.In the afternoon we will visit Diaoyutai, where many major diplomatic events took place.We are proud of the extraordinary achievements of the Motherland’s diplomacy, but more importantly moved by the sincere patriotism of Chinese diplomats.In our hearts, the images of diplomats become richer and livelier.In addition to the impassioned, eloquent, cheerful, and humorous images, the diplomats of the Motherland have presented before us another image that sacrificed the time for family reunion, endured the tests of hardships, and worked hard despite of life-threatening danger in the front-line.With such understanding, the images of diplomats become loftier and more vivid.We hold the diplomats in great reverence.我们骄傲地看到,无论是和90年前旧中国的积贫积弱相比,还是和60年前新中国成立时的百废待兴相比,当代中国都已经发生了天翻地覆的巨变,综合国力不断增强,国际地位与日俱增。面对时代的巨变,我们青年一代更深感肩负责任重大。如何真正弘扬五四运动精神?怎样真正报效伟大祖国?成为我们大学生时常思考的问题。杰出的外交人员用他们的身体力行告诉我们,将对祖国无限的爱融入实现中华民族伟大复兴的使命中去,就是对五四运动精神真正的弘扬,就是对祖国最好的报答!在风云激荡的年代,外交人员为捍卫祖国独立自主而不懈战斗,在改革发展的年代,外交人员为祖国经济的腾飞而创造机遇。既能勇往直前,又能默默奉献;既敢于顽强战斗,又甘于守望平凡的外交人员,已经为我们当代大学生做出了榜样。我们要向他们学习,学习他们立足岗位、热爱祖国的崇高精神;学习他们吃苦耐劳、甘于奉献的优秀品质;学习他们精益求精、严守纪律的工作作风!当代的大学生,让我们携起手来,将我们的青春献给祖国的建设,为祖国的明天谱写更加灿烂的篇章!

We are proud to see that tremendous changes have taken place in today’s China compared with 90 years ago when China was still weak and poor or 60 years ago when the new China was just founded.The comprehensive national strength of China continued to increase and the international status of China continued to grow.Facing such unprecedented changes of the times, we, the youth, feel an urgent sense of responsibility.How to carry forward the spirit of the “May Fourth Movement”? How to serve the Motherland? These are the issues that we, the students often think about.The deeds of the outstanding diplomats tell us that to integrate love for the country into the mission of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to truly practice the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and the best return to the country.In turbulent periods, diplomats fought unremittingly to defend the independence of the Motherland.In the time of reform and development, diplomats fought for the opportunities for economic take-off of the Motherland.Diplomats have the courage to fight and the will to make silent sacrifices.They have an indomitable spirit to fight and are willing to stay unnoticed.They set up a good example for contemporary college students.We wish to learn from them, learn their noble spirit of patriotism for the Motherland at their posts, learn their good quality of hard work and sacrifice, and learn their work style of pursuing excellence and observing discipline.The fellow college students, let us join hands to dedicatee our youth to the development of the Motherland and compose a more brilliant chapter for the future of the Motherland.谢谢大家!Thank you.




A Speech by a Representative from College Students on the Public Open

Day for College Students of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in

Celebration of the May Fourth Youth Day

(Wang Ruijun, Peking University)



Honorable Minister Yang Jiechi, dear diplomats of the Motherland, dear students:


My name is Wang Ruijun.I am an undergraduate majoring in the Indonesian language in the School of Foreign Languages(SFL), Peking University.This year marks the 90th anniversary of the “May Fourth Movement”.Peking University is the birthplace of the “May Fourth Movement”.I feel greatly honored and extremely excited to speak here on behalf of the students of Peking University and on behalf of all the students coming to attend the Open Day for college students in celebration of the May Fourth Youth Day arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.My heart is fueled with a sense of mission and a sense of pride.We are deeply impressed by the approachable manner of the diplomats and their fascinating introductions.Minister Yang Jiechi’s graceful and insightful remarks made us extremely proud of the rising and prospering Motherland and the vigorous development of China's diplomacy.Here please allow me, on behalf of all the students participating in today’s event, to express our heartfelt thanks to Minister Yang Jiechi and all the hospitable people in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who show care for and interest in the growth of college students.刚才杨部长的殷切期望,我们一定会牢记在心,并以此时刻勉励自己,刻苦学习,报效祖国。我们也一定会响应杨部长的号召,一如既往地关注祖国的外交事业,不仅是因为“以天下为


We will keep in mind the ardent expectations of Minister Yang and take them as an encouragement to keep working hard so as to serve the Motherland.We will resolutely answer the call of Minister Yang and continue as always to keep a close eye on the diplomatic undertaking of the Motherland.This is not only because serving the Motherland is the mission of contemporary college students, but also because China's diplomacy has increasingly reached the “common people” and get increasingly relevant to the work and lives of ordinary people.Such terms as “mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation”, “a big responsible nation”, “soft power” and “consular protection” are very popular words among us.“Peaceful development”, “a harmonious world”, “diplomacy with neighboring countries”, “big power relations”, “multilateral diplomacy” and some other terms have also become the focus of discussions on the campuses.As China develops and the interactions with the outside world get increasingly frequent, we must show concern not only to personal affairs, but also to the affairs of the state and the world.Paying attention to and supporting China's diplomacy is not only the requirements of the times but also the duty of the Chinese youth.The young people should keep the Motherland in mind and look to the whole world.今天我们聆听了新闻司司长,干部司副司长对中国外交工作的介绍,与外交部优秀青年进行了面对面的交流,下午我们还将实地参观重大外交活动场所钓鱼台。我们为祖国外交事业的非凡成就而骄傲,更为外交官们赤诚的爱国之心而感动。在我们心中,外交官的形象也更加丰富和立体了。在慷慨陈词、旁征博引和谈笑风生之外,祖国的外交官又多了一个形象。这是一个牺牲家庭团聚时光、忍受艰苦环境考验,甚至在烽火前线流血流汗的形象!了解了这个形象,外交官的形象才更加高大和真实,外交官的形象才更加让我们崇敬!

Today we listened to the introductions on China's diplomatic work made by the director-general of the Information Department and the deputy director-general of the Department of Personnel.We also had face-to-face interactions with the young diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.In the afternoon we will visit Diaoyutai, where many major diplomatic events took place.We are proud of the extraordinary achievements of the Motherland’s diplomacy, but more importantly moved by the sincere patriotism of Chinese diplomats.In our hearts, the images of diplomats become richer and livelier.In addition to the impassioned, eloquent, cheerful, and humorous images, the diplomats of the Motherland have presented before us another image that sacrificed the time for family reunion, endured the tests of hardships, and worked hard despite of life-threatening danger in the front-line.With such understanding, the images of diplomats become loftier and more vivid.We hold

the diplomats in great reverence.我们骄傲地看到,无论是和90年前旧中国的积贫积弱相比,还是和60年前新中国成立时的百废待兴相比,当代中国都已经发生了天翻地覆的巨变,综合国力不断增强,国际地位与日俱增。面对时代的巨变,我们青年一代更深感肩负责任重大。如何真正弘扬五四运动精神?怎样真正报效伟大祖国?成为我们大学生时常思考的问题。杰出的外交人员用他们的身体力行告诉我们,将对祖国无限的爱融入实现中华民族伟大复兴的使命中去,就是对五四运动精神真正的弘扬,就是对祖国最好的报答!在风云激荡的年代,外交人员为捍卫祖国独立自主而不懈战斗,在改革发展的年代,外交人员为祖国经济的腾飞而创造机遇。既能勇往直前,又能默默奉献;既敢于顽强战斗,又甘于守望平凡的外交人员,已经为我们当代大学生做出了榜样。我们要向他们学习,学习他们立足岗位、热爱祖国的崇高精神;学习他们吃苦耐劳、甘于奉献的优秀品质;学习他们精益求精、严守纪律的工作作风!当代的大学生,让我们携起手来,将我们的青春献给祖国的建设,为祖国的明天谱写更加灿烂的篇章!

We are proud to see that tremendous changes have taken place in today’s China compared with 90 years ago when China was still weak and poor or 60 years ago when the new China was just founded.The comprehensive national strength of China continued to increase and the international status of China continued to grow.Facing such unprecedented changes of the times, we, the youth, feel an urgent sense of responsibility.How to carry forward the spirit of the “May Fourth Movement”? How to serve the Motherland? These are the issues that we, the students often think about.The deeds of the outstanding diplomats tell us that to integrate love for the country into the mission of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to truly practice the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and the best return to the country.In turbulent periods, diplomats fought unremittingly to defend the independence of the Motherland.In the time of reform and development, diplomats fought for the opportunities for economic take-off of the Motherland.Diplomats have the courage to fight and the will to make silent sacrifices.They have an indomitable spirit to fight and are willing to stay unnoticed.They set up a good example for contemporary college students.We wish to learn from them, learn their noble spirit of patriotism for the Motherland at their posts, learn their good quality of hard work and sacrifice, and learn their work style of pursuing excellence and observing discipline.The fellow college students, let us join hands to dedicatee our youth to the development of the Motherland and compose a more brilliant chapter for the future of the Motherland.谢谢大家!

Thank you.

第三篇:中英文 杨洁篪在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的致辞



Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the Open Day for University Students to Mark the May Fourth Youth DayMay 2009


Dear Students and Friends,在“五四”青年节即将到来之际,外交部举办大学生专场公众开放日,我谨代表外交部,对大家的到来表示热烈欢迎!你们热情洋溢、朝气蓬勃的面孔给外交部增添了春的生机与活力。感谢北大学生合唱团奉献的歌曲,充满激情,催人奋进。

As the May Fourth Youth Day approaches, the Foreign Ministry is holding this open day exclusive for university students.Let me give you a warm welcome on behalf of the ministry.Your youthful energy and warmth have filled this place with springtime vigor and vitality.Let me also thank the Peking University chorus for your passionate and inspiring performance.今年是“五四”运动90周年。“五四”运动的精神最根本的就是中华民族爱国主义精神。90年前,中国青年在国家和民族命运的紧要关头,挺身而出,掀起了轰轰烈烈的反帝反封建运动,拉开了中国新民主主义革命的序幕。近一个世纪以来,一代又一代的热血青年在“五四”运动的精神感召下,励志图强,前赴后继,为民族的独立、人民的幸福、国家的富强奉献出青春和力量。我们的国家从贫穷走向富强,从封闭走向开放,从落后走向进步,在建设中国特色社会主义道路上阔步向前。中国人民感到无比骄傲和自豪。

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.The essential spirit of the Movement is patriotism.Ninety years ago when our country and nation were at a critical juncture, young people in China came to the fore and spearheaded an

anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement on a spectacular scale.This became the prelude to China’s New Democratic Revolution.Almost a century has passed.Generations of patriotic young people, inspired by the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and striving for their ideals, have devoted their youth and energy to the independence of our nation, well-being of our people and prosperity of our country.China has been turned from a poor, closed and backward nation into a prosperous, open and ever advancing one.It is right on the path of socialism with Chinese features.We, the Chinese people are immensely proud of what we have achieved.90年来,中国外交历经风雨,从割地赔款到香港、澳门回归,从饱受战乱之苦到坚定维护世界和平,从积贫积弱到大力促进人类共同发展,走过了一条非凡的道路。新中国成立后,特别是改革开放30年来,中国同世界的关系发生了历史性变化,中国外交进入了崭新的时期。在党中央坚强领导下,在祖国人民坚定支持下,我们顺应形势,开拓进取,把握机遇,化解挑战,取得了举世瞩目的成就。中国国际地位显著提高,国际影响日益扩大,与世界各国友好合作关系全面发展,中国正在以更加自信、开放的姿态活跃在世界舞台上,成为一支举足轻重的积极力量。不管世界风云如何变幻,一个信念始终贯穿中国外交这就是祖国和人民的利益高于一切的信念;一种精神始终激励中国外交人,这就是中华民族百折不挠、自强不息的爱国主义精神。

Over the past 90 years, China has weathered storms in its foreign relations.Once we ceded territories and paid reparations to foreign powers.Now we have Hong Kong and Macao back.Once we were ravaged by wars and turmoil.Now we are a staunch force for world peace.Once we suffered chronic poverty and declining national strength.Now we are vigorously promoting common development of mankind.We have come a long way.Since the founding of new China, especially over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, China’s relations with the world have undergone historic changes.China’s diplomacy has entered a new era.Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and with the firm support of our people, we have seized opportunities and tackled challenges creatively and vigorously in response to changed circumstances.We have made impressive achievements.China has gained a markedly higher standing and growing influence in the world.Our friendship and cooperation with countries around the globe are growing across the board.China is active on the world stage as an important, positive force with a more confident and open image.No matter what changes may take place in the world, an unfailing belief always guides China’s diplomacy—the interests of our country and people are above anything else.And a spirit always inspires Chinese diplomats—patriotism of the persevering Chinese nation.同学们、朋友们,Dear Students and Friends,90年沧桑巨变,不变的是中国青年对国家前途和民族命运的历史责任和神圣使命。当代中国青年具有更高的知识水平和更广的国际视野,满怀炽热的爱国激情和强烈的报国志向,为祖国奉献着青春和光和热。在同反华分裂势力的斗争中,在抗震救灾的最前线,在北京奥运会志愿者的队伍里,广大青年不畏艰险、不怕困难、顽强拼搏、无私奉献,以实际行动维护了国家利益,捍卫了民族尊严,增进了中外友谊,向世界证明了你们是无愧于时代、无愧于祖国、无愧于人民的一代。

A sea change has taken place over the past 90 years.What remains unchanged is the Chinese youth’s historical responsibility and sense of mission for our country and nation.The youth of today are better educated, with a broader global vision, ardent patriotic passion, strong ambitions and dedication.The youth are in battles with anti-China and separatist forces, at the forefront of earthquake and other disaster relief operations, and among volunteers for the Beijing Olympic Games.The youth are persistent, selfless, and afraid of no dangers or difficulties.The youth have upheld the interests of our country, defended the dignity of our nation and enhanced China’s friendship with other countries.What the youth have done attests to the world that your generation is the pride of our times, our country and our people.外交部与中华人民共和国一道走过了近60载岁月,但外交部是一个“年轻”的部。35岁以下的青年占全部干部的一半。他们勇于开拓,敢于担当,勤于钻研,甘于奉献,用青春的才智和汗水为中国外交增光添彩。今天在场的获得“外交部优秀青年”称号的年轻外交官,就是他们中的杰出代表。21世纪的中国外交大有可为。中国外交是国家和人民的外交,是见证历史、参与历史、创造历史的伟大事业,需要更多的优秀青年,也为有志青年报效祖国提供了更广阔的舞台。欢迎你们积极投身祖国的外交事业。

Like the People’s Republic of China, the Foreign Ministry will soon be 60 years old.Yet our ministry is still young, as young people below 35 years of age make up half of our staff.They are bold, enterprising, hard-working, ready to take on responsibilities, and devoted to work.They add brilliance to China’s diplomacy with their youth, wisdom and hard work.They are best represented by young diplomats here who have just won the title of “outstanding youth of the ministry”.China’s diplomacy has a big role to play in the 21st century.It serves our country and people.It is a grand undertaking in which one may witness, be a part of, and make history.The Foreign Ministry needs more outstanding young people and provides aspirant young people with a larger stage to serve the country.Join us and work for our country.同学们、朋友们,Dear Students and Friends,“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强”。让我们继承“五四”运动的光荣传统,弘扬爱国主义精神,携起手来,为中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗!

“If the youth are wise, the country will be wise.If the youth are wealthy, the country will be wealthy.If the youth are strong, the country will be strong.” Let us carry on the glorious tradition of the May Fourth Movement and promote patriotism.Let us work together for the great renaissance of our Chinese nation.祝大家“五四”青年节快乐!

Wish you a happy May Fourth Youth Day.祝大家学业进步,前程远大!

Wish you good academic performance and a promising future.谢谢!

Thank you!

第四篇:中英文 杨洁篪在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的致辞

中英文 杨洁篪在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的致辞.txt*一篇一篇的翻着以前的的签名,那时候的签名有多幼稚就有多么的幼稚。你连让我报复的资格都没有-〞好想某天来电显示是你的号码。好想某天你的状态是为我而写。有些人,我们明知道是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没结局外交部长杨洁篪在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的致辞


Remarks by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the Open Day for University Students to Mark the May Fourth Youth DayMay 2009


Dear Students and Friends,在“五四”青年节即将到来之际,外交部举办大学生专场公众开放日,我谨代表外交部,对大家的到来表示热烈欢迎!你们热情洋溢、朝气蓬勃的面孔给外交部增添了春的生机与活力。感谢北大学生合唱团奉献的歌曲,充满激情,催人奋进。

As the May Fourth Youth Day approaches, the Foreign Ministry is holding this open day exclusive for university students.Let me give you a warm welcome on behalf of the ministry.Your youthful energy and warmth have filled this place with springtime vigor and vitality.Let me also thank the Peking University chorus for your passionate and inspiring performance.今年是“五四”运动90周年。“五四”运动的精神最根本的就是中华民族爱国主义精神。90年前,中国青年在国家和民族命运的紧要关头,挺身而出,掀起了轰轰烈烈的反帝反封建运动,拉开了中国新民主主义革命的序幕。近一个世纪以来,一代又一代的热血青年在“五四”运动的精神感召下,励志图强,前赴后继,为民族的独立、人民的幸福、国家的富强奉献出青春和力量。我们的国家从贫穷走向富强,从封闭走向开放,从落后走向进步,在建设中国特色社会主义道路上阔步向前。中国人民感到无比骄傲和自豪。

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.The essential spirit of the Movement is patriotism.Ninety years ago when our country and nation were at a critical juncture, young people in China came to the fore and spearheaded an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement on a spectacular scale.This became the prelude to China’s New Democratic Revolution.Almost a century has passed.Generations of patriotic young people, inspired by the spirit of the May Fourth Movement and striving for their ideals, have devoted their youth and energy to the independence of our nation, well-being of our people and prosperity of our country.China has been turned from a poor, closed and backward nation into a prosperous, open and ever advancing one.It is right on the path of socialism with Chinese features.We, the Chinese people are immensely proud of what we have achieved.90年来,中国外交历经风雨,从割地赔款到香港、澳门回归,从饱受战乱之苦到坚定维护世界和平,从积贫积弱到大力促进人类共同发展,走过了一条非凡的道路。新中国成立后,特别是改革开放30年来,中国同世界的关系发生了历史性变化,中国外交进入了崭新的时期。在党中央坚强领导下,在祖国人民坚定支持下,我们顺应形势,开拓进取,把握机遇,化解挑战,取得了举世瞩目的成就。中国国际地位显著提高,国际影响日益扩大,与世界各国友好合作关系全面发展,中国正在以更加自信、开放的姿态活跃在世界舞台上,成为一支举足轻重的积极力量。不管世界风云如何变幻,一个信念始终贯穿中国外交这就是祖国和人民的利益高于一切的信念;一种精神始终激励中国外交人,这就是中华民族百折不挠、自强不息的爱国主义精神。

Over the past 90 years, China has weathered storms in its foreign relations.Once we ceded territories and paid reparations to foreign powers.Now we have Hong Kong and Macao back.Once we were ravaged by wars and turmoil.Now we are a staunch force for world peace.Once we suffered chronic poverty and declining national strength.Now we are vigorously promoting common development of mankind.We have come a long way.Since the founding of new China, especially over the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, China’s relations with the world have undergone historic changes.China’s diplomacy has entered a new era.Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and with the firm support of our people, we have seized opportunities and tackled challenges creatively and vigorously in response to changed circumstances.We have made impressive achievements.China has gained a markedly higher standing and growing influence in the world.Our friendship and cooperation with countries around the globe are growing across the board.China is active on the world stage as an important, positive force with a more confident and open image.No matter what changes may take place in the world, an unfailing belief always guides China’s diplomacy—the interests of our country and people are above anything else.And a spirit always inspires Chinese diplomats—patriotism of the persevering Chinese nation.同学们、朋友们,Dear Students and Friends,90年沧桑巨变,不变的是中国青年对国家前途和民族命运的历史责任和神圣使命。当代中国青年具有更高的知识水平和更广的国际视野,满怀炽热的爱国激情和强烈的报国志向,为祖国奉献着青春和光和热。在同反华分裂势力的斗争中,在抗震救灾的最前线,在北京奥运会志愿者的队伍里,广大青年不畏艰险、不怕困难、顽强拼搏、无私奉献,以实际行动维护了国家利益,捍卫了民族尊严,增进了中外友谊,向世界证明了你们是无愧于时代、无愧于祖国、无愧于人民的一代。

A sea change has taken place over the past 90 years.What remains unchanged is the Chinese youth’s historical responsibility and sense of mission for our country and nation.The youth of today are better educated, with a broader global vision, ardent patriotic passion, strong ambitions and dedication.The youth are in battles with anti-China and separatist forces, at the forefront of earthquake and other disaster relief operations, and among volunteers for the Beijing Olympic Games.The youth are persistent, selfless, and afraid of no dangers or difficulties.The youth have upheld the interests of our country, defended the dignity of our nation and enhanced China’s friendship with other countries.What the youth have done attests to the world that your generation is the pride of our times, our country and our people.外交部与中华人民共和国一道走过了近60载岁月,但外交部是一个“年轻”的部。35岁以下的青年占全部干部的一半。他们勇于开拓,敢于担当,勤于钻研,甘于奉献,用青春的才智和汗水为中国外交增光添彩。今天在场的获得“外交部优秀青年”称号的年轻外交官,就是他们中的杰出代表。21世纪的中国外交大有可为。中国外交是国家和人民的外交,是见证历史、参与历史、创造历史的伟大事业,需要更多的优秀青年,也为有志青年报效祖国提供了更广阔的舞台。欢迎你们积极投身祖国的外交事业。

Like the People’s Republic of China, the Foreign Ministry will soon be 60 years old.Yet our ministry is still young, as young people below 35 years of age make up half of our staff.They are bold, enterprising, hard-working, ready to take on responsibilities, and devoted to work.They add brilliance to China’s diplomacy with their youth, wisdom and hard work.They are best represented by young diplomats here who have just won the title of “outstanding youth of the ministry”.China’s diplomacy has a big role to play in the 21st century.It serves our country and people.It is a grand undertaking in which one may witness, be a part of, and make history.The Foreign Ministry needs more outstanding young people and provides aspirant young

people with a larger stage to serve the country.Join us and work for our country.同学们、朋友们,Dear Students and Friends,“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强”。让我们继承“五四”运动的光荣传统,弘扬爱国主义精神,携起手来,为中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗!

“If the youth are wise, the country will be wise.If the youth are wealthy, the country will be wealthy.If the youth are strong, the country will be strong.” Let us carry on the glorious tradition of the May Fourth Movement and promote patriotism.Let us work together for the great renaissance of our Chinese nation.祝大家“五四”青年节快乐!

Wish you a happy May Fourth Youth Day.祝大家学业进步,前程远大!

Wish you good academic performance and a promising future.谢谢!

Thank you!










“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”。携笔从戎,接受挑战,放飞心中的梦想!这是我们向理想迈出的 运和自豪。






















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