
时间:2019-05-15 06:37:43下载本文作者:会员上传













主席先生,索马里海盗活动日益猖獗,已成为一大国际公害,对国际航运、海上贸易和海上安全构成严重威胁。中国也 是索马里海盗活动的受害者之一。仅今年就有6艘中国籍或中方租用船只在索马里海域被海盗劫持。至今仍有1艘船只、17名中国公民未被释放。中国政府和广大 民众对此极为关切。

索马里问题久拖不决对国际和平与安全构成严重威胁,而索马里海盗活动日益猖獗进一步加剧了索马里的安 全局势。安理会肩负着维护国际和平与安全的首要责任,今年以来已先后就打击索马里海盗通过了三项决议。中国欢迎国际社会就打击索马里海盗开展有效合作,支 持有关国家根据国际法和安理会决议派军舰打击索马里海盗的努力,中国正积极考虑近期派军舰赴亚丁湾、索马里海域参加护航活动。



第二、严格遵守国际法和安理会决议。这是有关行动得到包括索马里政府和人民在内的国际社会普遍支持的 重要前提。国际社会应在《联合国海洋法公约》、安理会决议的基础上开展合作。任何打击海盗的行动都应严格遵守安理会决议的授权,尤其要充分尊重沿岸国主权 和领土完整,并事先征得索马里过渡联邦政府的同意。


第四、帮助索马里加强本国能力建设,并开展区域内协作。索马里海盗问题解决的关键归根结底在索马里政 府和人民。国际社会应通过各种途径帮助索马里政府提高自身能力建设。以往有益实践证明,区域合作也可发挥重要作用。中方欢迎红海、亚丁湾和西印度洋沿岸国 家共同努力,通过区域安排应对索马里海盗问题。

主席先生,索马里海盗现象不是孤立的。海盗猖獗只是索马里政治、经济、社会、人道各方面深刻危机的表象。国际社 会要重视打击索马里海盗,更要重视铲除海盗产生的根源。我们呼吁各方继续推进索马里政治进程,推动切实落实《吉布提协议》。安理会应正视索马里政府和非盟 的强烈愿望,加强非盟索马里特派团,并尽快授权联合国接管在索马里维和行动。同时,国际社会应防止索马里人道主义局势进一步恶化,并加大对索马里基础设施 和发展项目援助,助其早日恢复“造血”功能。中方愿继续作出自己的努力。


Mr.President, China supports the holding of this high-level Security Council meeting on counter piracy off the coast of Somalia.This meeting and the resolution just adopted once again fully demonstrate the commitment and confidence of the international community to come together and fight against piracy.The signal sent by the Security Council is positive, right and timely.Mr.President, Piracy off the coast of Somalia has become increasingly rampant and is now an international menace posing a grave threat to international shipping, maritime trade and security at sea.China is also one of its victims.This year alone, a total of six vessels registered in or rented by China have been hijacked in the waters off the Somali coast.One vessel and 17 Chinese nationals have remained in captivity till today.This has aroused utmost concern from the Chinese Government and the general public.The long-term delay in settlement of the Somali issue is posing a serious threat to international peace and security, while the rampant piracy problem off the Somali coast has worsened the security situation in Somalia.In fulfilling its primary responsibility of upholding world peace and security, the Security Council has so far this year adopted three resolutions on this issue.China welcomes international cooperation in the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia and supports the efforts of relevant countries to send warships to the region to crack down on pirates pursuant to Security Council resolutions.China is seriously considering sending naval ships to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the Somali coast for escorting operations in the near future.Mr.President, To step up the fight against piracy off the Somali coast, the Chinese side wishes to make the following proposals: First, give full play to the important role of the United Nations.Since fighting piracy in that region involves many different parties, the problem can only be resolved with concerted efforts from all.It is therefore crucial to allow the United Nations, especially its Security Council, to play its core role of maintaining world peace and security and effectively coordinate responses and actions.Second, strictly abide by international law and Security Council resolutions.This is an important prerequisite for there to be extensive support from the people of Somalia and the rest of the international community for relevant anti-piracy actions.The international community should cooperate on the basis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Security Council resolutions.All anti-piracy operations should be conducted in full compliance with the mandate of Security Council resolutions, and particularly with full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of littoral countries and prior consent from the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia..Third, formulate an integrated strategy.Fighting piracy off the coast of Somalia is a comprehensive and systematic project as it involves efforts in the political, military, economic, diplomatic and judicial fields.Concerted efforts must be made on different tracks in order to achieve tangible results.In addition, priorities for different phases must be identified and redefined in light of the evolving situation.Fourth, help Somalia strengthen its own capacity building and carry out regional cooperation.The key to solving the issue of piracy lies with the government and people of Somalia.The international community should help the Somali Government to improve its capacity building through various channels.Useful practices in the past have proven that regional cooperation can play an important role.China welcomes concerted efforts to be made by the littoral countries of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Western Indian Ocean to tackle the issue of piracy off the coast of Somalia through regional arrangements.Mr.President, Piracy off the coast of Somalia is not an isolated case.The surge of piracy is just a symptom of the profound political, economic, social and humanitarian crises that Somalia faces.The international community should take the fight against piracy seriously.But what is even more important is to remove the root causes of piracy.We call on all parties concerned to further advance the Somali political process and promote the implementation of the Djibouti Agreement in good faith.The Security Council should heed the strong desire of the Somali Government and the African Union, reinforce the African Union Mission to Somalia(AMISOM)and mandate the United Nations to take over peacekeeping operations in Somalia at an early date.In the meantime, the international community should work to prevent the humanitarian situation in Somalia from further deteriorating.It should also increase assistance to Somalia in infrastructure development and development projects so as to help it regain its “blood-generating” function.China will continue to make its contribution in this regard.Thank you, Mr.President.





驻联合国大使在安理会艾滋病问题辩论会的发言时间:2011-06-13 23:13来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:835次

驻联合国大使李保东在安理会“艾滋病对国际和平与安全的影响”问题辩论会上的发言 2011年6月7日,安理会

Address on Impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on international peace and security 7 June 2011



I would like to thank Gabon for its initiative in organizing today’s meeting, and to welcome President Bongo Ondimba in coming to preside over it.I also wish to thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS), Mr.Michel Sidibé, for their statements.主席先生,Mr.President,艾滋病是人类生命安全的巨大威胁。近年来,在国际社会共同努力下,艾滋病防治工作取得了积极进展。但与此同时,全世界仍有6000多万艾滋病感染者和病人,在撒哈拉以南非洲地区尤为严重。在一些冲突或冲突后国家,贫困、医疗条件落后、大规模人员流动等可能加剧艾滋病的传播,影响当事国的经济发展和社会稳定。

HIV/AIDS poses a serious threat to human life.In recent years, thanks to the joint efforts of the international community, great progress has been made in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.However, there are still more than 60 million people worldwide living with or infected with HIV/AIDS.The situation is especially serious in sub-Saharan Africa.In some countries in conflict or post-conflict situations, poverty, lack of medical facilities and massive population displacement are all factors likely to worsen the spread of HIV/AIDS, which in turn affects the economic development and social stability of the countries concerned.在此,我重点谈以下四点:

I would like to make four points.第一,加强国际合作,认真落实联大和安理会通过的有关宣言和决议。2001年,联合国召开艾滋病问题特别联大,通过了《艾滋病承诺宣言》。明天,联大将再次就艾滋病问题举行高级别会议,并将通过成果文件。2000年以来,安理会的讨论也提升了国际社会对艾滋病问题的重视。国际社会需要将承诺转变化为实际行动,为防治艾滋病做出更大努力。

First, it is important to strengthen international cooperation and implement in earnest the relevant declarations and resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council.In 2001 the General Assembly held a special session on HIV/AIDS and adopted a Declaration of Commitment(resolution S-26/2).Tomorrow, the Assembly will once again hold a high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS and will adopt a set of outcome documents.Since 2000, the discussion of HIV/AIDS in the Council has also raised the profile of this issue on the international agenda.Now the international community must translate commitments into concrete action and make greater efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS.第二,发达国家应切实履行承诺,向发展中国家提供必要的资金和技术援助。艾滋病药物和治疗费用昂贵。发展中国家防治艾滋病面临资金不足、技术匮乏等严重困难。发达国家应向发展中国家施以援手。联合国等相关国际组织或基金应加强协调,协助发展中国家特别是撒哈拉以南非洲国家的艾滋病防治工作。

Secondly, developed countries must honour their commitments effectively and provide the necessary financial and technical assistance to developing countries.HIV/AIDS medicines, treatment and care are costly, and developing countries face serious difficulties with their HIV/AIDS response in terms of financing and technology.The developed countries should therefore extend a helping hand to them.International organizations and funds, including the United Nations, must strengthen their cooperation and assist developing countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, in their fight against HIV/AIDS.第三,给予冲突和冲突后国家的艾滋病防治工作特殊关注。安理会、建设和平委员会等联合国机构在审议上述国家局势时,应充分考虑到当事国防治艾滋病的需求;在制定冲突后重建、安全部门改革、前战斗人员重返社会计划时,充分考虑到艾滋病问题产生的影响。

Thirdly, it is important to give special attention to the issue of AIDS in countries in conflict or postconflict situations.The Security Council and the Peacebuilding Commission must give adequate attention to the needs of the countries on their agenda with regard to dealing with HIV/AIDS.In addition, the consequences of HIV/AIDS must be fully taken into account when drawing up plans for post-conflict reconstruction, security sector reform and the reintegration of former combatants.第四,加强联合国维和行动的艾滋病防治工作。中方欢迎联合国维和事务部根据安理会有关决议的要求,提高维和人员艾滋病预防意识、修订维和人员行为守则。我们支持联合国维和部与联合国艾滋病规划署继续加强协调与配合。

Finally, it is important to strengthen the United Nations HIV/AIDS response within its peacekeeping operations.China welcomes the initiatives taken by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, as called for by the Council in its resolutions, to enhance awareness about HIV/AIDS among peacekeepers and to amend the code of conduct for peacekeepers.We wish also to see continued cooperation and coordination between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and UNAIDS.谢谢主席先生。




【《财经》综合报道】 据新华网消息,中国外交部副部长傅莹28日表示,欧洲是世界第一大经济体,自身实力还是很强的,欧洲一些企业的经营状况也很良好,所以欧洲不是没有能力救自己,中国拯救欧洲的问题并不成立。




【作者:《财经》综合报道 】(责任编辑:邓美玲)



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