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学生姓名: 张 理 想 学 号: P1704070315 所在学院: 浦 江 学 院 专 业: 艺术设计(展示设计)设计(论文)题目:连 云 港 市 商 业 空 间 设 计 指导教师: 赵 慧 宁

2011年 2月6日





























The diversity of the exhibition space form design

First, showing the space development trend

In the information society today, showing the space beyond just as part of the exhibition building there and more with office space, cultural entertainment space, commercial space and other space type and urban public space fuses in together, each other's functional bounds, become blurred bearing social and cultural activities of the DuoYuan places.In recent 10 years is the exhibition building and showing the space of the rapid development of the period.Different types of the exhibition building the interior space and the characteristics of each are not identical, showing the space is diversified, and the individuation development.南京工业大学学士学位(英文资料翻译)

In art exhibition space, because contemporary art in form and dimension of breakthroughs in space by the traditional, that classic vertical metope to the ground of the level, vertical air, even with audio-visual and interaction skills, broke through the three dimensional limit.The design of the exhibition space will often and display content, combined theme, make space more actively involved in the display, become the medium of information transmission, reflect the information and art is changed.Second, the morphological characteristics of exhibition space

Display space must meet the flow of people or the basic needs of movement, that is, in a certain time process, through the display space of the cognitive and feeling to get information.Despite the time of three dimensional space, showing the space is only a save from state.Because the modern show space modelling use new technology and new materials, as well as to the environment and other historical value, making pure geometry modelling system more to the “weakening” position.1, the variability of form

In the information age, the development of the arts and the artist's creation pattern and expression form in a continuous update status.In order to adapt to such a change, this kind of exhibition space must have a certain flexibility and variability, to replace the stability of the past.Whether the installation art, or interaction using a digital technology, multimedia works, require new exhibition architecture and interior space to become a hybrid, not only contain the conventional exhibition, but also a way to adapt to the changing of the events of the activities and the device.“Space, also be a kind of market means.” This is the Dutch architect rem? Library of the modern society had commercial culture and the conclusion of the long-term study.The activities of cultural activities, DuoZhong implanted shopping areas, people from the monotony of shopping environment freed, and exhibition activities also become an important component of the brand strategy of business.Rem koolhaas's prada New York stores will shopping space to realize the transformation of the public space.In the building of a layer and the basement, in order to make the stores and underground a layer of natural connection, the first of the width of the ground at the same time, and then down to the ground floor of high rise, formed a depression,南京工业大学学士学位(英文资料翻译)

“wave”.The ramp of extreme zebra grain on the wooden ladder is used as informal display space, people can be here the choose and buy.Press a button a stage will be from the opposite hill, rotating out into a ladder for the show, cinema and the speech.2, the form of infinitive

In the digital information era under the influence of the aesthetic tendency, building have also changed.In the body shaping the rebel have a single form and strong geometrical form of infinitive form.Display space form of the space between enhance move feeling, for display offers more possible, also brought more rich experience of space.Gradual line design team of the Mercedes Benz-museum is a form of uncertain display space typical example.Will building all the interface and the component all bending, softening, use of the museum's open large space form a “landscape type” space interface.The exhibition in a wave of topology changes for the visitors on the surface, providing countless point of view, more reveal the car brings human action and that the unique athletic feeling.Visitors can view in accordance with established by route and, also can enjoy the indoor landscape in free browse.On the floor of the free hole, strengthening the different floor space between the visual contact and transport links.Three, show the diversity of the space form design

Display space has become a new concept, new thoughts, new technical subjects.New technology and new media, produced using the sound, like, color, light combination of new display mode, rich audio-visual information form that today's show art more attractive.However, to show the influence of art space on one hand through the art work shows out;On the other hand, art DuoZhong form, with the media, and materials of the rich DuoYuan stance on the stage of the show, and the impact on the basic characteristics of the space form.Display form art and technical characteristics of combining reflected, make the space can more fully reflect The Times “new” features and the new developing trend of future architecture.1, the new idea of use


With the development of The Times, the human nature in the display space has become the goal of our pursuit.Display space irreplaceable public make it has more human nature color, make contribution to the technology processing technique have more performance space.The human nature in the technology design, can respect the exhibition building regional environment and history culture;In the design of metaphor and symbol to reflect space and person can be good communication between;The introduction of the natural system is of first place people want to stay.Aaron carrizo.Skin jarno design, the auspicious OuWenHua center is showing a group of creek state culture construction.Building space and structure forms inherit the traditional houses-shed the local characteristics, external material use stainless steel and local produce of wood.Hut throughout the center channel toward open;Building the enclosure for the open sea breeze or guide convection, absorbing according to different wind speed and direction of the different direction, shutter open indoor airflow control, maximum use of the natural conditions cooling down wet.The building is sufficient to show his high technology on the people's attention and care.2, the use of the new technology

Le corbusier's west with that explore the expressive force of concrete form as contemporary architects began to explore, image, make the space interface visualization and information.In building expression and they think images and form is actually an object in two aspects, is to have people of the expectations of architectural visual effect.And in visual appeal, has the three dimensional animation effects of image is stiff concrete can not match the carrier of information, expressive space no longer tied to the “hard” wall body, but by the abstract, “softening” image symbols.2008 Beijing the Olympic bird's nest opening ceremony, sound, light, electricity, water, fire is the perfect combination of the art of incomparable to reflect and special lighting effect of the Chinese ancient civilization, show for the opening ceremony of success laid the foundation.The LED(light emitting diode)in here to get maximum use, and all the most, millions of LED will fight a stadium of the digital age, the manufacturing of multimedia space shadows and performance closely combining all kinds of patterns, such a fantastic world into the audience.南京工业大学学士学位(英文资料翻译)

“Intelligent design” is basically use the frontier science and technology, and to promote the building of intelligence.At present, many architect design display space reflect the “intelligent” tendencies, comprehensive utilization of their information media technology, and in the design of fusion DuoZhong professional, the multi-discipline, make traditional static space full of vitality.American architect gray.Lin(GregLynn)for Austria OMV company design of H2 exhibition hall reflected that.The exhibition hall is used to display the latest solar technology and energy saving technology, site of the building use many high technology and new technology, its skin may, according to the sun moves had different forms.Internal space also blended in digital technology, the audience can touch the screen and switch by moving into the digital world.and the embodiment of contemporary art。

The development of exhibition space and the progress of the art is always accompanied whatsoever, the Renaissance, the enlightenment, modernism, the information time and space, the exhibition building design is usually in a certain extent, show the same age ideas about art.However the inspiration of the contemporary art and the fusion, but also an important source of space modelling, therefore, in the technology of contemporary art was in a display space unique temperament。

——资料来源:http://www.xiexiebang.com/viewthread.php?tid=113310&extra= 2011/06/16 晚上21:50


ABSTRACT 1.INTRODUCTION Transporting people in the morning from their homes to their works and back in the afternoon has become a big problem in big cities especially in undeveloped countries.As a partial solution of this problem, the authorities in some countries had, unofficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry different passengers to different places at the Same time.For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four different passengers without any relation between them except that their way of travelling is the same.Accordingly, it has become very difficult to rely on the present conventional single-channel taximeter to determine the fare required from each passenger separately.Accordingly, an unfair financial relation was created between the taxicab driver, owner, passengers and the state taxation department.Under these circumstances, taxicab drivers force the passengers to pay more than what they should pay.In some cases passengers had to pay double fare they should pay.With the present conventional single-channel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determine the daily income of their taxicab.In some cases(a taxicab with four seats)they may only get one quarter of the income of the taxicab(collected by the taxicab driver).From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in addition to the car depreciation.As a matter of fact the position of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems.A general agreement has been reached between the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guarantee a fixed daily income to the owners as well as the paying for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires.Even though the taxicab drivers still share the large portion ofthe income of the taxicab.Also with the presence of the single-channel taximeter, it has become very difficult for the state taxation department to know the yearly income of the taxicab and accordingly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab owners.In order to face this problem, the state taxation department had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the income of the taxicab.In this paper, we introduced a multichannel taximeter that can deal with more than one passenger simultaneously.I t should be pointed out that by the term passenger we mean a one person or a group of related persons.I t should also be pointed out that our proposed multi-channel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts.As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per killometer of travelling distance or per minutes of 'waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.In the following part and as an example, we will present a complete design for a three-channel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experimental three-channel taximeter are also included.A prototype has been built under grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research.2.AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETER Theory of operation of our experimental device to work as an electronic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact thathe speedometer cable rotates one revolution for each meter of travelling distance.Accordingly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sensor that generates a single pulse for each meter of travelling distance, then our taximeter could be three up counter modules associated with a speed sensor unit.However, our experimental taximeter is not simply a three display readouts.As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per kilometer of travelling distance or per minutes of waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.The device may be splitted into two main parts: The first is the speed sensor unit which may be located anywhere in the taxicab such that an easy coupling to the speedometer cable can be achieved.The second unit contains the main electronic circuit, the displayand control panel.The unit should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passengers.A possible components locations is shown in Figure 1.A.Speed Sensor Unit The main function of this unit is to supply train of pulses whose frequency is proportional to the angular rotation of the wheels.A possible form of a speed sensor is shown in Figure 2.If may consist of a tj.pica1 permanent magnet sine wave generator with its output connected to a pulse shapping circuit(two general purpose silicon diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger inverter).In order to find some way to detect the movement of the taxicab, the output of the sine wave generator is rectified through a general purpose silicon diode Dl then smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor.The output voltage at terminal Q is then limited to the value of 4.7 volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as a zener diode ZD.The level of the voltage at terminal Q would be high whenever the taxicab is moving and will be zero otherwise.This voltage can be used for the automatic switching from distance fare to time fare.B.Main Electronic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the main electronic and display unit is shown in Figure 3.The control and display panel contains all ' controls necessary for operating the taximeter as well as four readout displays.The first channel will give the sum of money required from the first passenger, while the second and third readouts are for the second and third passengers, respectively.The fourth readout will give the total income of the taxicab.The contents of the last readout should be nonvolatile and be able to be retained even during parking the taxicab.The channel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/anticlockwise positions.In the fully anticlockwise position, the counter of the corresponding readout is blancked and disabled.In the fully clockwise position, the counter is unblanked, cleared to zero and enabled to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the first, second and third passengers, respectively.Pushing the total sum pushbutton 4 unblanks the fourth readout enabling any person to retain the readout corresponding to the total income.After the release of the pushbutton, the fourth readout will be blanked again.This unit also contains the main electronic circuit which will be fully described in the following section.3.DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT The general block diagram of the main electronic circuit is shown in Figure 4.It consists of five subcircuits designated by the symboles CTI up to CT4supporting circuits, these are: The number of passenger deticition circuit CTI, travelling distance scaling circuit CT2, waiting time scaling circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which generates clock pulses for the display circuit.A.Number of Passengers Detection Circuit CT1 As shown from the general block diagram, the circuit CTI has three inputs I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L.The function of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at terminals J, K or L if and only if one, two or three passengers are hiring the taxicab, respectively.The term passenger, here, means one person or a group of related persons.When a passenger is getting into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display by turning the corresponding rotary selector switch to a fully clockwise direction.This will automatically disconnect the corresponding terminal I, 2 or 3 from ground.The logical relation between various input terminals I, 2 and 3 and the output terminals J, K and L is shown in Table 1.As a combinational circuit we start the design by deriving a set of boolean functions.A possible simplified boolean functions that gives minimum number of inputs to gates may be obtained from Table I.A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressions is shown in Figure 5.It consists of two inverters, four 2-input AND, to3-input AND two 3-input OR gates B.Tavelling Distance Scaling Circuit CT2 As shown from the block diagram of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four input J, K, L and E and one output M.The function of the circuit is to supply a single pulse at the output M for a certain number of pulses generated at the output of the speed sensor(certain number of meters travelled by the taxicab), according to the number of passengers hiring the car.A suggested fare per kilometer of travelling distance is shown in colomn two of Table 2.the circuit, in this case, should supply a single pulse at the output M for every 100, 125 or 143 pulses generated at the input terminal E according to the level of voltage at input terminale 3, K or L, respectively.Our circuit could be, as shown in Figure 5, three decade counters, connected as a three digit frequency divider whose dividing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically selected by the voltage level at terminals J, K and L, respectively.A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above function is shown in Figure 6.It consists of three decade counters type 7490, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-input AND, one 3-input ANDone 2-input AND two 3-input OR gates.C.Time Scaling Circuit CT3 As shown in the block diagram, the time scalingcircuit will have four inputs J, K, L and F and one output N.The function of this circuit and accordingto colomn three of Table 2(fare per 2 minuts of waiting time)is to supply a single pulse at the output N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the input terminal F from the I Hz clock according to level of voltage at inputs J, K and L, respectively.Time scaling circuit would be similar to the distance scaling circuit but with different diving ratios.A Possible circuit diagram is shown in figure 7.It consists, in this case, of three decade counter type 7490, two 3-input AND, one 5-input AND, one 2-input AND one 3-input OR gates.D.Circuit CT4 Which Generates Clock Pulses for Display Circuit The function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses at the output terminal R for each pulse generated at any of the terminals N or M, according to the voltage level at the input terminals J, K or L, respectively.The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse generated at any of the input terminals N or M.This function can be performed by the circuit shown in Figure 8, it consists of one ripple counter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, three inverters, three 2-input AND, one 3-input AND, one 2-input OR and one 3-input OR gates.When a pulse is generated at either input terminals N or M, a high level voltage will be generated at the output Q of the flip-flop.This will g a t e t h e I Khz signal to be connected to the input A of the ripple counter as well as to the output terminal R.When one, two or three pulses are counted by the ripple counter, according to the level of voltage at the input terminals J, K and L, respectively, a high is generated to reset the counter and change the state of the flip-flopsuch that Q becomes low.Hence, the 1 KHz signal is disabled to reach the outputerminal R or the input A of the ripple counter.In order to ensure the proper function of the circuit, the flip-flop should be cleared whenever a new channel is operated.This has been achieved by the input 5 and will be explained later when describing the function of the channels rotary selector switchs.E.Display Circuit As shown in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give the sum of money required from each passenger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total income of the taxicab.A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is shown in Figure 9.Rotating any of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise direction will supply the corresponding display by5 volts through terminals 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The corresponding display will be unblanked by supplying a low level of voltage through terminals A, C and G, respectively.Keeping terminals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero.The corresponding display is then enabled by removing the low voltage from terminals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresponding passenger starting from zero.The counting pulses for these three displays are supplied through terminal P.The total sum display will be enabled whenever any of the three displays is enabled(this is done by a 3-input OR gate as shown in Figure 8).Retaining the contents of the last display will be done by unblanking it by supplying a low level of voltage to terminal I as shown in Figure 10 b.F.Changing Over Between Time and Distance Fares In the following part, two different methods for changing over between time andistance fares are suggested: The first is to switch to time fare whenever the distance fare is less than the time fare.Hence, a simple look to fares table can show that time fare should be used whenever the taxicab moves with speed less than 50 m/min.A possible circuit that can perform this switching action is shown in Figure IO c.It contains one rpm limit switch and a one inverter as well as two 2-input AND gates.The contacts of the limit switch are normally closed and will be opened whenever the angular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp.The second alternation is to connect the input of the inverter in Figure 10 c.to the output terminal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.In this case, the switching into time fare will be done whenever the taxicab is at stand still.G.Function of the Rotary Selector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied by the terminals of the rotary selector switches in order to ensure proper operation by the electronic circuit are given in Table 3.Connection of three rotary selector switches each witb four decks of five poles each, that satisfy the logic function of Table 3, is shown in Figure 10 a.Rotating any of the three switches into fully clockwise direction will pass through five positions.The function of the rotary selector switches can be described starting from the first position passing through variousteps until reaching the final position as follows: Initial position: In this position a low voltage level is applied to terminals I, 2 and 3, this will disconnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three inputs of the number of passenger detection circuit CTI to low level.A low voltage level is applied to terminals 8, D and H, this is to ensure that the total income display is disabled.Voltage levels at terminals A, C, G and S are at no care condition.Step I: Rotating any of the rotary selector switches one step toward clockwise direction will supply 5 volts to the corresponding display, provides a high level voltage at terminals 1, 2 or 3 indicating that one passenger have entered the taxicab.A high level voltage should be applied to terminals A, C or G in order to ensure that the corresponding display is still blanked.Other terminals B, D, H and S are kept unchanged.Step 2: Rotating the rotary selector switch one step further, will change the state of voltages at terminal A, C or G to be at low level and unblanks the corresponding display.States of voltages at terminals I, 2, 3 and S are remained unchanged.Terminals B, D and H should be remained at low level to ensure that the corresponding readout is cleared to zero while unblanking the display.二、中文翻译.导言





本常规单频道计程车,出租车司机不能够确定出租车日常收入。在某些情况下(出租车的4个席位),他们可能只有出租车四分之一的收入(大部分的出租车司机)。从这些支付工资的出租车司机以及作为燃料费用外,还要维修以及汽车折旧等费用。事实上,出租车业主并非似乎如此糟糕。一项在出租车司机和车主之间的协议已经达成,司机应保证每天固定收入,以及向业主支付燃料以及维修的费用。即使如此,还是有的出租车司机的很大一部分份额之收入的出租车。现在还存在的单声道计价,已经变得非常,国家税务部门也知道这种困难 每年估计出租车业主的收入支出,以及应支付的税务也很困难。

为了应对这一问题,国家税务部已实行固定估计税,每个座位的出租车不论收入。在本文中,我们介绍了多通道的士计程表,可处理超过一名乘客同时进行的情况。我应该指出,我所说的长期旅客指一个人或一组相关的人。我同时也应指出,我们提出的多渠道的计价,不是简单地说,一个多显示读数。作为一个先进的事项,事实上它包含逻辑电路,可以自动计算变化的车费以及每公里行走距离或每分钟的候车时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车。在下面的部分,我举出一个例子,我们将介绍一个完整的三通道计价。框图以及详细的电路图,实验三通道计价功能也包括在内。原型下已建成 埃及赠款科学学院 和技术研究。2.实验

出租车计价器理论的运作我们的实验装置从事电子数字计价依据。事实上速度电缆旋转1 圈的每米距离行驶。因此,如果车速电缆耦合与速度传感器,产生一个单脉冲每平方米的旅行距离,那么,我们的的士可以三倍于反模块相与速度传感器的单位。然而,我们的实验是计价而不仅仅是只显示三个读数。事实上,它包含逻辑电路,可以根据每公里的行驶距离或每分钟等候时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车来自动改变车费。该装置可能会分成两个主要部分组成:第一是速度传感器,这个传感器可位于任何地方,在出租车内进行这样一个简单的耦合车速电缆是可以实现的。


A. 速度传感器








这个循环电路函数包含高电压的终端 J,K或L,如果有1个或者2,3个乘客分别租用出租车。这个组里的任意乘客都是一组相关的人。当一个乘客进入出租车后,我们只是表示这样一种情况,自由读出显示在谈到相应的旋转选择开关,以一个完全顺时针方向。这将自动断开相应的终端1,2或3个从地面。逻辑关系各种输入端子之间第1,第2和第3个输出端J,K和L是列于表1。作为一个组合电路,我们开始设计产生了一系列布尔函数。

一种可能的逻辑图的基础上,上述源性表达。它包括两个变频器,4个2输入和3输入以及2个3输入或门。B.行驶距离标量环路CT2 如图所示的方框图图4,电路CT2有4个输入J,K,L及E和1个输出M,输出功能的电路是供应单脉冲的输出M的某一些脉冲产生的输出的速度传感器(出租车行驶了一定得距离),根据乘客的人数租用的汽车。我们建议票价按每公里行驶距离显示在两个表格2里面。



时间缩放电路CT3.时间缩放电路含有4个输入端 J,K,L及F和一个输出端N,这个电路的函数根据表格2的意思(车费每2分钟的等待时间)是在J,K和L分别供应单脉冲到输出端N时,提供单脉冲的输出N。时间缩放电路将类似于距离标量环路,但是有不同的行驶比率。它包括3个十进制计数器7490,2个3输入与门和一个5输入与门,1个2输入与门和一个3输入或门。

电路产生时钟脉冲的显示电路CT4 这条电路的作用根据电压电平在输入终端J、K或者L,分别供应1,2或者脉冲在每脉冲的输出终端R引起在任何终端N或M。无论输入端N或者M中的谁发送脉冲,都只有一个脉冲能被输出端P接收。它由一个反向计数器7493构成,其中一半是双JK主从触发器电路,型号为7476,包括三个变频器,三个2输入与门,一个3输入与门,1 2输入或门以及一个3输入或门。当脉冲引起在输入的终端N或M,触发器的输入Q上将产生高级电压。这个门信号将被连接到计数器的输入A并且连接到输出终端R。当第一,第二或第三个脉冲由涟波计数器开始计数,J,K,L端会分别根据电压的大小来使产生重置或者翻转来改变状态,然后Q端变为输出低电压。因此,1 KHz信号没有能力到达输出端R或是计数器的输入端A。为了确保电路的函数准确无误,当切换到新频道时,触发器要清零。对于功能选择开关旋转渠道的描述,稍后会以一个成功的5输入门函数来解释。











湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译


Multiple single-chip microcomputer approach to fire detection and monitoring system

A.J.AI-Khalili, MSc, PhD D.AI-Khalili, MSc, PhD M.S.Khassem, MSc

Indexing term : Hazards, Design, Plant condition monitoring Abstract: A complete system for fire detection and alarm monitoring has been proposed for complex plants.The system uses multiple single chip architecture attached to a party line.The control algorithm is based on a two-level hierarchy of decision making, thus the complexity is distributed.A complete circuit diagram is given for the local and the central station with requirements for the software structure.The design is kept in general form such that it can be adapted to a multitude of plant configurations.It is particularly shown how new developments in technology, especially CMOS single chip devices, are incorporated in the system design to reduce the complexity of the overall hardware, e.g.by decomposing the system such that lower levels of hierarchy are able to have some autonomy in decision making, and thus a more complex decision is solved in a simple distributed method.1 Introduction Regulatory requirements for most high risk plants and buildings mandate the installation of fire detection and warning systems for all sensitive areas of the plant or the building.Most fire codes state the requirement for monitoring and control

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specifically related to a type of a plant or building such as chemical plants, petroleum, nuclear plants, residential high-rises etc.A general conclusion of these codes can be specified as the following requirements :(a)The source of all detector signals should be exactly identifiable by the central station(b)An extra path of communication between the central station and all local controllers(c)Direct means of control of alarm and central equipment by the central station(d)Means of communication between the central station and the fire department(e)Availability of emergency power supply.The codes usually also specify the types and frequency of tests for all equipment.A fire detection and alarm system is a combination of devices designed to signal an alarm in case of a fire.The system may also accomplish fan control, fire door hold or release, elevator recall, emergency lighting control and other emergency functions.These additional functions supplement the basic system which consists of detection and alarm devices and central control unit.Technology has an influence on system architecture.When technology changes, the architecture has to be revised to take advantage of these changes.In recent years, VLSI technology has been advancing at an exponential rate.First NMOS and, in the last year or two, CMOS chips have been produced with the same packing density with more gates per chip yet at a lower power consumption than NMOS.Surely this change in technology must affect our design of hardware at both the chip and the system level.At the chip level, single chips are now being produced which are equivalent to board levels of only the previous year or two.These chips have microprocessor, memory in RAM and ROM, IO Ports both serial and parallel, A/D timer, flags and other functions on chip.At the system level, the new chips make new architectures possible.The objective of this paper is to show how technology can influence system architecture in the field of fire control.The new high density single chip microcontrollers are incorporated in the design of a large scale system and yet we obtain a smaller system with a better performance.In terms of fire detection and

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alarm monitoring, this is reflected directly in the local station hardware, because of their remoteness and power supply requirements.A complete local station can be designed around a single CMOS chip with power consumption of a few m W depending on system operation.This approach reduces the cost and complexity of design, implementation and maintenance and provides easily expandable and portable design.This implementation was not possible with old technology.Most of fire detection/monitoring systems available are tailored towards a specific application and lack the use of recent advances in CMOS VLSI technology.In this study, we develop a fire detection/monitoring system which is general in concept, readily implementable in a multitude of applications for early detection of a fire before it becomes critical, for equipment and evacuation of personnel.Here, we propose a central control and distributed control/detection/monitoring with adequate communication, where use is made of single-chip microcontrollers in the local stations, thus improving controllability and observability of the monitoring process.2 Detection and alarm devices A basic fire detection system consists of two parts, detection and annunciation.An automatic detection device, such as a heat, smoke or flame detector, ultraviolet or infrared detectors or flame flicker, is based on detecting the byproduct of a combustion.Smoke detectors, of both ionization and optical types, are the most commonly used detector devices.When a typical detector of this type enters the alarm state its current consumption increases from the pA to the mA range(say, from a mere 15pA in the dormant mode to 60 mA)in the active mode.Inmany detectors the detector output voltage is well defined under various operating conditions, such as those

given in Table 1.The more sensitive the detector, the more susceptible it is to false alarms.In order to control the detector precisely, either of the following methods is used: a coincidence technique

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can be built into the detector, or a filtering technique such that a logic circuit becomes active only if x alarms are detected within a time period T.The detection technique depends greatly on the location and plant being protected;smoke detectors are used for sleeping areas, infrared or ultraviolet radiation are used when flammable liquids are being handled, heat detectors are used for fire suppression or extinguishing systems.In general, life and property protection have different approaches.Alarm devices, apart from the usual audible or visible alarms, may incorporate solid state sound reproduction and emergency voice communication or printers that record time, date, location and other information required by the standard code of practice for fire protection for complex plants.Heaviside [4] has an excellent review of all types of detectors and extinguisher systems.2.1 Control philosophy and division of labour Our control philosophy is implemented hierarchically.Three levels of system hierarchy are implemented, with two levels of decision making.There is no communication between equipment on the same level.Interaction between levels occurs by upwards transfer of information regarding the status of the subsystems and downwards transfer of commands.This is shown in Fig.1 where at level 1 is the central station microcomputer and is the ultimate decision maker(when not in manual mode).At level 2 are the local controllers, which reside in the local stations.At level 3 are the actual detectors and actuators.A manual mode of operation is provided at all levels.Information regarding the status of all detectors is transmitted on a per area basis to the local controllers.Their information is condensed and transmitted upward to the central microcomputer.Transfer of status is always unidirectional and upwards.Transfer of commands is always unidirectional and downwards, with expansion at the local control level.This approach preserves the strict rules of the hierarchy for exact monitoring detection and alarm systems associated with high risk plants.湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译

The classification of the two layers of controls is based upon layers of decision making, with respect to the facts that(a)When the decision time comes, the making and implementation of a decision cannot be postponed(b)The decisions have uncertainty(c)It will isolate local decisions(e.g.locally we might have an alarm although there may be a fault with the system)3 General hardware I :Fig.2 depicts our design in the simplest of forms.The system uses an open party line approach with four conductor cables going in a loop shared by all the remote devices and the control panel.This approach is simple in concept and is economically feasible.However, one major disadvantage is the dependency on a single cable for power and signaling.In cases where reliability is of extreme importance, two or even three cables taking different

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routes throughout the system may be connected in parallel.Fig.3 gives the driver circuitry required to derive an expandable bus.This design takes advantage of recent advances in the single chip microcomputer technology to reduce the interface between the central station and the local stations.湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译

3.1 Central control task

A central unit provides a centralized point to monitor and control the system

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activities.In the system to be described the central control unit serves a fivefold purpose.(i)It receives information from the local stations and operates the alarms and other output devices.(ii)It notifies the operator in case of system malfunction.(iii)It provides an overall system control manual and automatic.(iu)It provides a system test point of local stations and itself.(u)It provides a central point for observation, learning and adaptation.3.2 Local stations The local stations can take local decisions regarding recognition of a risk situation, and act independently on local affairs.In this technique we depend on ‘load-type coordination’, e.g.the lower level units recognize the existence of other decision units on the same level;the central or the top level provides the lower units with a model of the relationship between its action and the response of the system.It is evident that a powerful machine is required at this stage so that all the required functions can be implemented.The availability of the new generation of microchips makes this architecture a feasible solution.A single chip microcomputer was chosen over discrete digital and analogue devices to interface to the field devices and to the central microcomputer.This is the main reason that previously this approach was not feasible.In selecting the microcomputer for the local stations, the criterion was the requirement for a chip which contains the most integration of the analogue and digital ports required for the interface and the utilization of CMOS technology owing to remoteness of the local stations.The choice was the Motorola 68HC11A4, for the following reasons:(a)It is CMOS technology;this reduces power consumption.(b)It has a UART on board;this facilitates serial communication.(e)It has an a/d converter on board;this eliminates an external A/D.(d)It has 4K of ROM, 256 bytes of RAM, 512 bytes of EERROM with 40 1/0 lines and a 16 bit timer;this satisfied all our memory and 1/0 requirements at the local station side.湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 System implementation The local station: Fig.3 is the block diagram of the circuit used to utilize the MC68HCllA4 as a remote fire detecting circuit while Fig.4 illustrates the same circuit in an expanded form.It can be seen that the single microcontroller can be used to monitor more than one detector, thus reducing system cost.The loop power supply, which is usually between 28 and 26 V, is further regulated by a 5 V 100 mA monolithic low power voltage regulator to supply power to the microcontroller.The onboard oscillator, coupled with an external crystal of 2.4576 MHz, supplies the microcontroller with its timing signal which is divided internally by four to yield a processor frequency of 614.4 kHz, which is an even multiple of the RS 232 [7] baud rate generator.In this Section the term ‘supervised input or output’ will be used to mean that the function in question is monitored for open-and short-circuit conditions in addition to its other normal functions.More information can be found in Reference 9.Main loop

湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 Conclusion This paper describes the development of a large scale fire detection and alarm system using multi-single chip microcomputers.The architecture used is a two-level hierarchy of decision making.This architecture is made possible by the new CMOS microcontrollers which represent a high packing density at a low power consumption yet are powerful in data processing and thus in decision making.Each local station could make an autonomous decision if the higher level of hierarchy allows it to do so.It has been tried to keep the system design in general format so it can be adapted to varying situations.A prototype of the described system has been built and tested [10].The control part of the central station is implemented with a development card based on MC 68000 microprocessor(MEX 68KECB, by Motorola), which has a built-in

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monitor called Tutor.The application programs were developed using the features provided by this monitor.The local stations’ controllers were designed using the MC 68705R3, single-chip microcontroller.7 References 1 ‘Fire protection guidelines for nuclear power plants’, US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.120 2 BAGCHI, C.N.: ‘A multi-level distributed microprocessor system for a nuclear power plant fire protection system controls, monitoring, and communication’, IEEE Trans., 1982 3 PUCILL, P.M.: ‘Fire hazard protection, detection and monitoring systems’, Sea.Con, 2, Proceedings of Symposium on ADV in offshore and terminal measurement and control systems, Brighton, England, March 1979, pp.353-363 4 HEAVISID, L.: ‘Offshore fire and explosion detection and fixed fire’.Offshore Technological Conference, 12th Annual Proceedings, Houston, Texas, May 1980, pp.509-522 5 CELLENTANI,E.N.,and


‘Coordinated detection/communication approach to fire protection’, Specify: Eng., ‘Motorola Microprocessors Data Manual’(Motorola Semiconductor Products, Austin, Texas, USA)7 Electronic Industries Association : ‘Interface between data terminal equipment and data communication equipment employing serial binary data interchange’(EIA Standard RS-232, Washington, DC, 1969)8 MESAROVIC, M.D., MACKO, D., TAKAHARA, Y.: ‘Theory of hierarchical multilevel systems’(Academic Press, 1970)9 KASSEM, M.: ‘Fire alarm systems’, MSc.thesis, Dept.of Elec.& Comp.Eng., Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1985 10 LIE, P., and KOTAMARTI, U.: ‘The design of a fire alarm system using microprocessors’, C481 Project, Dept.of Elec.and Comp.Eng., Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1986

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A.J.AI-Khalili, MSc, PhD D.AI-Khalili, MSc, PhD M.S.Khassem, MSc




大多数高风险地区和建筑物的管理要求安装火灾探测报警系统。多数国家消防规范的要求监测和控制具体的是危险场合或建筑物,如化工厂,石油类,核电厂,住宅高楼等这些场合的一般性质可以指定为下列要求 :








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技术对系统结构有很深的影响。当技术的变革,该架构必须修订,以利用这些新的功能变化。近年来,超大规模集成电路技术已经大大进步。第一,NMOS在过去的一年或两年,CMOS芯片以相同的堆积密度拥有更多的门和更低的功耗。当然这种技术的变化必然影响在芯片和系统级我们的硬件设计。在芯片级,单芯片现在正在制作的是只相当于上一年或两年的水平。这些芯片有微处理器,RAM和ROM,IO端口存储器串行和并行,A / D转换定时器,和其他功能的芯片。在系统级,新的芯片做出新的结构成为可能。本文的目的是体现技术如何影响消防控制领域的系统结构。新的高密度的单芯片微控制器纳入一个大系统的设计,但我们可以得到了更好的性能,更小的系统。在火灾探测和报警监控系统中,这是直接反映在分控制站的硬件,因为地处偏远和电源的要求。一个完整的分控制站可以围绕着一个带电源的CMOS芯片设计。这种方法降低了成本和设计复杂性,方便实施和维护,并提供易于扩展和便携式设计。这是旧技术不可能实现的。大部分火灾检测/监测系统提供特定的应用程序,缺乏对CMOS超大规模集成电路技术的应用。在这项研究中,我们开发了火灾检测/监测系统,常规设计,易于执行的早期发现火警。在这里,我们提出一个中央控制和分发控制/检测/充分的沟通,如果使用的单芯片微控制器在分控制站,从而提高可控性和可观性的监测过程。


一个基本的火灾探测系统由两部分组成,检测和报警。自动检测设备有比如热,烟雾或火焰检测器,紫外线或红外线探测器或火焰闪烁,是基于检测 一个燃烧的副产品。烟雾探测器都电离和光类型,是最常用的检测设备。当这种类型的典型探测器进入报警状态产生的电流信号会从PA变成MA(比如,从单纯的15pA在休眠模式下为60毫安)在主动模式。在许多探测器的检测器输出电压明确在各种运行条件,例如见表1。越是敏感的检测器,它更容易受到虚假警报。为了控制探测器的精确,可使用下列方法:过滤技术,这样的逻辑电路成为活跃仅当x警报的时间内检测周期T。检测技术在很大程度上取决于地点和植物受到保护,烟雾探测器是睡觉的地方,红外线和紫外线辐射探

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测器,检测易燃液体燃烧,热探测器用于灭火和灭火系统。一般来说,生命和财产保护有不同的做法。报警装置,从通常的声响或视觉报警外,还可以采用固态的声音再现和紧急话音通信或打印机,记录时间,日期,地点和其他资料。Heavisid [4] 拥有一支优秀的审查探测器和灭火器的各种制度。






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3.2 分控制站





(3)它有一个A / D转换器上,这消除了外部A / D转换

(4)它有一个4K的ROM,256 K内存,512K EERROM字节40个I/O端口的线路和一个16位定时器;符合分控制站所有的内存和1 / 0的要求。


分控制站:图.3 是用于一个远程火灾报警MC68HCllA4电路框图


回路电源,通常在26到28V之间,通常五伏一百毫安单片低功耗电压调节器供电的微控制器。板载振荡器,是一个2.4576 MHz的外部晶体结合,提供时间信号,它被分为4个内部收益率为614.4千赫,这是一个更多的RS 232 [7]波特率发生器的处理器频率微控制器。

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本文描述了一个大规模的火灾探测及报警系统,使用多的发展,单芯片微型计算机。该架构是采用两个层次的决策层次。这种架构是可以用到的新的CMOS微控制器,低功耗,并在数据处理功能强大的高堆积密度和决策。每个地方控制站可以自主作出的决定如果上级机构,允许它这样做。一般格式化系统设计,因此它可以适应不同的情况。所描述的系统原型已经建成并测试。中央控制站的控制部分是基于MC 68000微处理器(墨西哥68KECB摩托罗拉),它有一个内置的显示器称为导师。该应用程序都是使用这个显示器提供的特性。本地基站控制器的设计采用了MC68705R3单片机。

7、参考文献 ‘Fire protection guidelines for nuclear power plants’, US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.120 2 BAGCHI, C.N.: ‘A multi-level distributed microprocessor system for a nuclear power plant fire protection system controls, monitoring, and communication’, IEEE Trans., 1982 3 PUCILL, P.M.: ‘Fire hazard protection, detection and monitoring systems’, Sea.Con, 2, Proceedings of Symposium on ADV in offshore and terminal measurement and control systems, Brighton, England, March 1979, pp.353-363 4 HEAVISID, L.: ‘Offshore fire and explosion detection and fixed fire’.Offshore Technological Conference, 12th Annual Proceedings,4, Houston, Texas, May 1980, pp.509-522 5 CELLENTANI,E.N.,and


‘Coordinated detection/communication approach to fire protection’, Specif: Eng., 6 ‘Motorola Microprocessors Data Manual’(Motorola Semiconductor Products, Austin, Texas, USA)7 Electronic Industries Association : ‘Interface between data terminal equipment and data communication equipment employing serial binary data interchange’(EIA Standard RS-232, Washington, DC, 1969)8 MESAROVIC, M.D., MACKO, D., TAKAHARA, Y.: ‘Theory of hierarchical

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multilevel systems’(Academic Press, 1970)KASSEM, M.: ‘Fire alarm systems’, MSc.thesis, Dept.of Elec.& Comp.Eng., Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1985 10 LIE, P., and KOTAMARTI, U.: ‘The design of a fire alarm system using microprocessors’, C481 Project, Dept.of Elec.and Comp.Eng., Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1986






空心板一般用于深度15英尺到21英尺,宽度3英尺或4英尺。对于一个标准HS20的公路,空心板适合于大约50 英尺的跨径。标准渠化区段在多种宽度,深度从21英尺到35英尺时是有利的,可用于大约20英尺到60英尺的跨径。中空的箱形梁和T形梁用于大约100英尺的长跨径。

对于中等跨径的大约120英尺的公路桥,一般使用AASHTO 标准梁。它们和一种复合现场预制行车道板一起使用。在板被安置之后,这样的梁经常在预浇梁的先张拉 与合成梁的后张拉后结合。试图获得改进经济,一些国家已经采用更精炼的设计,例如华盛顿州标准梁。

经过特别设计预制建筑梁可以用来携带一个单轨铁路系统。完成的沃尔特迪斯尼乐园单轨铁路的一系列的特征, 每个包括六个单独支持的预拉梁,一起形成连续结构。典型的跨距是100到110英尺。被使用的337根梁,大约一半有垂直与水平曲率和易变超级升高的一些结合。所有的梁是中空的,它的特征是通过在曲梁中插入泡沫和在直梁制作中移动形心轴获得。


在这一个类型的典型建筑中,桥墩(台)采用现场预制, 经常使用滑动的技术。一个箱梁的“ 锤头”浇筑在桥墩的顶端, 并且通过平衡的悬臂方法控制每个方向的建筑进

行。最后,在完成跨中结合处的浇筑之后, 这种结构对于完全连续性的桥梁来说是进一步的受拉的。修剪钥匙可能被用在片段之间垂直面之上, 而且预制建筑与环氧基树脂黏在一起。

想象的工程学藉着许多特别的技术示范已经延长混凝土建筑的范围,就桥梁而言,已经远远超过几年以前可以想象的到的任何事。在美国,双向弯曲的现场浇铸的部分箱梁已经成功地完成 310 英尺 的跨距,跨越了北加州的鳗鱼河。该桥的中间跨度550英尺,侧跨跨度390英尺,初步设计已经完成。


许多年以前德国工程师 Ulrich Finsterwalder 提出适合于负担荷载和大跨径的一个结构类型是压带式桥。压带是桥运输跨越莱茵河的一个管道和人行道,跨径446英尺。上部结构的施工顺序是(a)垂直的一对悬索,(b)在每个悬索的下面,安置预制板形成一人行道甲板和 一U型 的平台, 并且(c)在附近现场浇注混凝土。放置在顶部的管道支撑在扶手的顶部,向一边倾斜,大幅地增加结构的主要风速。

讨论桥梁形式应适当的考虑结构的美学。当结构可能根据最小的费用和技术设计的时候,时间消逝了。特别是桥梁结构到处可见。生产视觉上不愉快的结构 , 过去经常发生, 是一种不负专业责任的行为。特别地对于主要的跨距,还有一些比较普通的结构来说,应该在设计过程的概念阶段寻找建筑的建议。出处:


The Structure of Concrete Bridge Pre-stressed concrete has proved to be technically advantageous, economically competitive, and esthetically superior bridges, from very short span structures using standard components to cable-stayed girders and continuous box girders with clear spans of nearly 100aft.Nearly all concrete bridges, even those of relatively short span, are now pre-stressed.Pre-casting, cast-in-place construction, or a combination of the two methods may be used.Both pre-tensioning and post tensioning are employed, often on the same project.In the United States, highway bridges generally must-meet loading ,design ,and construction requirements of the AASHTO Specification.Design requirements for pedestrian crossings and bridges serving other purposes may be established by local or regional codes and specifications.ACI Code provisions are often incorporated by reference.Bridges spans to about 100ft often consist of pre-cast integral-deck units ,which offer low initial cost ,minimum ,maintenance ,and fast easy construction ,with minimum traffic interruption.Such girders are generally pre-tensioned.The units are placed side by side ,and are often post-tensioned laterally at intermediate diaphragm locations ,after which shear keys between adjacent units are filled with non-shrinking mortar.For highway spans ,an asphalt wearing surface may be applied directly to the top of the pre-cast concrete.In some cases ,a cast-in-place slab is placed to provide composite action.The voided slabs are commonly available in depths from 15 to 21 in.and widths of 3 to 4 ft.For a standard highway HS20 loading, they are suitable for spans to about 50 ft, Standard channel sections are available in depths from 21 to 35 in a variety of widths, and are used for spans between about 20 and 60 ft.The hollow box beams-and single-tee girders are intended for longer spans up to about 100 ft.For medium-span highway bridges ,to about 120 ft ,AASHTO standard I beams are

generally used.They are intended for use with a composite cast-in-place roadway slab.Such girders often combine pre-tensioning of the pre-cast member with post-tensioning of the composite beam after the deck is placed.In an effort to obtain improved economy ,some states have adopted more refined designs ,such as the State of Washington standard girders.The specially designed pre-cast girders may be used to carry a monorail transit system.The finished guide way of Walt Disney World Monorail features a series of segments, each consisting of six simply supported pre-tensioned beams ,together to from a continuous structure.Typical spans are 100 to 110 ft.Approximately half of the 337 beams used have some combination of vertical and horizontal curvatures and variable super elevation.All beams are hollow, a feature achieved by inserting a styro-foam void in the curved beams and by a moving mandrel in straight beam production.Pre-cast girders may not be used for spans much in excess of 120 ft because of the problems of transporting and erecting large, heavy units.On the other hand ,there is a clear trend toward the use of longer spans for bridges.For elevated urban expressways ,long spans facilitate access and minimize obstruction to activities below.Concern for environmental damage has led to the choice of long spans for continuous viaducts.For river crossings, intermediate piers may be impossible because of requirements of navigational clearance.In typical construction of this type, piers are cast-in-place, often using the slip-forming technique.A ―hammerhead‖ section of box girder is often cast at the top of the pier, and construction proceeds in each direction by the balanced cantilever method.Finally, after the closing cast-in-place joint is made at mid-span, the structure is further post-tensioned for full continuity.Shear keys may be used on the vertical faces between segments, and pre-cast are glued with epoxy resin.The imaginative engineering demonstrated by many special techniques has extended the range of concrete construction for bridges far beyond anything that could be conceived just a few years ago.In the United States, twin curved cast-in –place segmental box girders have recently been completed for of span of 310 ft over the Eel River in northern California.Preliminary design has been completed for twin continuous box girders consisting of central 550 ft spans flanked by 390 ft side spans.Another form of pre-stressed concrete bridge well suited to long spans is the cable-stayed box girder.A notable example is the Chaco-Corrientes Bridge in Argentina.The bridges main span of 804 ft is supported by two A-frame towers, with cable stays stretching from tower tops to points along the deck.The deck itself consists of two parallel box girders made of pre-cast sections erected using the cantilever method.The tensioned cables not only

provide a vertical reaction component to support the deck ,but also introduce horizontal compression to the box girders ,adding to the post-tensioning force in those members.Stress-ribbon Bridge pioneered many years ago by the German engineer Ulrich Finsterwalder.The stress-ribbon bridge carries a pipeline and pedestrians over the Rhine River with a span of 446 ft.The superstructure erection sequence was to(a)erect two pairs of cables,(b)place pre-cast slabs forming a sidewalk deck and a U under each of the sets of cables, and(c)cast-in-place concrete within the two Us.The pipeline is placed atop supports at railing height, off to one side, which greatly increases the wind speed of the structure.It is appropriate in discussing bridge forms to mention structural esthetics.The time is past when structures could be designed on the basis of minimum cost and technical advantages alone.Bridge structures in particular are exposed for all to see.To produce a structure that is visually offensive ,as has occurred all too often in the past, is an act professional irresponsibility.Particularly for major spans ,but also for more ordinary structures ,architectural advice should be sought early in conceptual stage of the design process.



ABSTRACT In this paper, a multi-channel taximeter that is able to deal with more than one passenger simultaneously is proposed.In order to demonstrate the theory of operation of the proposed system, a complete design for an experimental three-channel taximeter(whose prototype has been built under grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research)is presented.System location, outline, block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams for the experimental taximeter are also included.1.INTRODUCTION Transporting people in the morning from their homes to their works and back in the afternoon has become a big problem in big cities especially in undeveloped countries.As a partial solution of this problem, the authorities in some countries had, unofficially, left the taxicab drivers to carry different passengers to different places at the Same time.For example, a taxicab with four seats may carry four different passengers without any relation between them except that their way of travelling is the same.Accordingly, it has become very difficult to rely on the present conventional single-channel taximeter to determine the fare required from each passenger separately.Accordingly, an unfair financial relation was created between the taxicab driver, owner, passengers and the state taxation department.Under these circumstances, taxicab drivers force the passengers to pay more than what they should pay.In some cases passengers had to pay double fare they should pay.With the present conventional single-channel taximeter, taxicab owners are not able to determine the daily income of their taxicab.In some cases(a taxicab with four seats)they may only get one quarter of the income of the taxicab(collected by the taxicab driver).From which they should pay the salary of the taxicab driver as well as the cost of fuel, minor and major repairs in addition to the car depreciation.As a matter of fact the position of the taxicab owners is not so bad as it seems.A general agreement has been reached between the taxicab drivers and owners such that the drivers should guarantee a fixed daily income to the owners as well as the paying for the cost of fuel as well as the minor repaires.Even though the taxicab drivers still share the large portion ofthe income of the taxicab.Also with the presence of the single-channel taximeter, it has become very difficult for the state taxation department to know the yearly income of the taxicab and accordingly it has become very difficult to estimate the taxes to be paid by the taxicab owners.In order to face this problem, the state taxation department had to impose a fixed estimated taxes for each seat of the taxicab whatever the income of the taxicab.In this paper, we introduced a multichannel taximeter that can deal with more than one passenger simultaneously.I t should be pointed out that by the term passenger we mean a one person or a group of related persons.I t should also be pointed out that our proposed multi-channel taximeter is not, simply, a multi display readouts.As a matter of fact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per killometer of travelling distance or per minutes of 'waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.In the following part and as an example, we will present a complete design for a three-channel taximeter.Block diagrams as well as detailed circuit diagrams of the experimental three-channel taximeter are also included.A prototype has been built under grant from the Egyptian Academy for Scientific and Technological Research.2.AN EXPERIMENTAL THREECHANNEL TAXIMETER Theory of operation of our experimental device to work as an electronic digital taximeter is based on t h e fact thathe speedometer cable rotates one revolution for each meter of travelling distance.Accordingly, if the speedometer cable is coupled with a speed sensor that generates a single pulse for each meter of travelling distance, then our taximeter could be three up counter modules associated with a speed sensor unit.However, our experimental taximeter is not simply a three display readouts.As a matter offact it contains logic circuits that automatically changes the fare per kilometer of travelling distance or per minutes of waiting time according to the number of passengers hiring the taxicab.The device may be splitted into two main parts: The first is the speed sensor unit which may be located anywhere in the taxicab such that an easy coupling to the speedometer cable can be achieved.The second unit contains the main electronic circuit, the displayand control panel.The unit should be located somewhere in front of both the driver and the passengers.A possible components locations is shown in Figure 1.A.Speed Sensor Unit The main function of this unit is to supply train of pulses whose frequency is proportional to the angular rotation of the wheels.A possible form of a speed sensor is shown in Figure 2.If may consist of a tj.pica1 permanent magnet sine wave generator with its output connected to a pulse shapping circuit(two general purpose silicon diodes, 1K ohms resistor and a schmit trigger inverter).In order to find some way to detect the movement of the taxicab, the output of the sine wave generator is rectified through a general purpose silicon diode Dl then smoothed by a 1000 F capacitor.The output voltage at terminal Q is then limited to the value of 4.7 volts by using a Ik ohms resistor as well as a zener diode ZD.The level of the voltage at terminal Q would be high whenever the taxicab is moving and will be zero otherwise.This voltage can be used for the automatic switching from distance fare to time fare.B.Main Electronic and Display Unit A suggested shape for the main electronic and display unit is shown in Figure 3.The control and display panel contains all ' controls necessary for operating the taximeter as well as four readout displays.The first channel will give the sum of money required from the first passenger, while the second and third readouts are for the second and third passengers, respectively.The fourth readout will give the total income of the taxicab.The contents of the last readout should be nonvolatile and be able to be retained even during parking the taxicab.The channel rotary selector switchs 1 , 2 and 3 have fully clockwise/anticlockwise positions.In the fully anticlockwise position, the counter of the corresponding readout is blancked and disabled.In the fully clockwise position, the counter is unblanked, cleared to zero and enabled to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the first, second and third passengers, respectively.Pushing the total sum pushbutton 4 unblanks the fourth readout enabling any person to retain the readout corresponding to the total income.After the release of the pushbutton, the fourth readout will be blanked again.This unit also contains the main electronic circuit which will be fully described in the following section.3.DESCRIBTION OF THE MAIN ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT The general block diagram of the main electronic circuit is shown in Figure 4.It consists of five subcircuits designated by the symboles CTI up to CT4supporting circuits, these are: The number of passenger deticition circuit CTI, travelling distance scaling circuit CT2, waiting time scaling circuit CT3, circuit CT4 which generates clock pulses for the display circuit.A.Number of Passengers Detection Circuit CT1 As shown from the general block diagram, the circuit CTI has three inputs I, 2 and 3 as well as three outputs J, K and L.The function of the circuit is to supply a high level voltage at terminals J, K or L if and only if one, two or three passengers are hiring the taxicab, respectively.The term passenger, here, means one person or a group of related persons.When a passenger is getting into the cab, we simply turn on a free readout display by turning the corresponding rotary selector switch to a fully clockwise direction.This will automatically disconnect the corresponding terminal I, 2 or 3 from ground.The logical relation between various input terminals I, 2 and 3 and the output terminals J, K and L is shown in Table 1.As a combinational circuit we start the design by deriving a set of boolean functions.A possible simplified boolean functions that gives minimum number of inputs to gates may be obtained from Table I.A possible logical diagram that is based on the above derived expressions is shown in Figure 5.It consists of two inverters, four 2-input AND, to3-input AND two 3-input OR gates B.Tavelling Distance Scaling Circuit CT2 As shown from the block diagram of Figure 4, the circuit CT2 has four input J, K, L and E and one output M.The function of the circuit is to supply a single pulse at the output M for a certain number of pulses generated at the output of the speed sensor(certain number of meters travelled by the taxicab), according to the number of passengers hiring the car.A suggested fare per kilometer of travelling distance is shown in colomn two of Table 2.the circuit, in this case, should supply a single pulse at the output M for every 100, 125 or 143 pulses generated at the input terminal E according to the level of voltage at input terminale 3, K or L, respectively.Our circuit could be, as shown in Figure 5, three decade counters, connected as a three digit frequency divider whose dividing ratios 100, 125 and 143 are automatically selected by the voltage level at terminals J, K and L, respectively.A possible circuit diagram that may verify the above function is shown in Figure 6.It consists of three decade counters type 7490, one BCD-to decimal decoder type 7445, three 4-input AND, one 3-input ANDone 2-input AND two 3-input OR gates.C.Time Scaling Circuit CT3 As shown in the block diagram, the time scalingcircuit will have four inputs J, K, L and F and one output N.The function of this circuit and accordingto colomn three of Table 2(fare per 2 minuts of waiting time)is to supply a single pulse at the output N for every 120, 240 or 360 pulses supplied at the input terminal F from the I Hz clock according to level of voltage at inputs J, K and L, respectively.Time scaling circuit would be similar to the distance scaling circuit but with different diving ratios.A Possible circuit diagram is shown in figure 7.It consists, in this case, of three decade counter type 7490, two 3-input AND, one 5-input AND, one 2-input AND one 3-input OR gates.D.Circuit CT4 Which Generates Clock Pulses for Display Circuit The function of this circuit is to supply one, two or three pulses at the output terminal R for each pulse generated at any of the terminals N or M, according to the voltage level at the input terminals J, K or L, respectively.The output P will receive a pulse for each pulse generated at any of the input terminals N or M.This function can be performed by the circuit shown in Figure 8, it consists of one ripple counter type 7493, one half of a dual JK masterslave flip-flops circuit type 7476, three inverters, three 2-input AND, one 3-input AND, one 2-input OR and one 3-input OR gates.When a pulse is generated at either input terminals N or M, a high level voltage will be generated at the output Q of the flip-flop.This will g a t e t h e I Khz signal to be connected to the input A of the ripple counter as well as to the output terminal R.When one, two or three pulses are counted by the ripple counter, according to the level of voltage at the input terminals J, K and L, respectively, a high is generated to reset the counter and change the state of the flip-flopsuch that Q becomes low.Hence, the 1 KHz signal is disabled to reach the outputerminal R or the input A of the ripple counter.In order to ensure the proper function of the circuit, the flip-flop should be cleared whenever a new channel is operated.This has been achieved by the input 5 and will be explained later when describing the function of the channels rotary selector switchs.E.Display Circuit As shown in Figure 2, the display panel would contain three 4-digit displays that give the sum of money required from each passenger separately as well as a one six-digit display that gives the total income of the taxicab.A possible wiring diagram for the display circuit is shown in Figure 9.Rotating any of the rotary selector switches to fully clockwise direction will supply the corresponding display by5 volts through terminals 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The corresponding display will be unblanked by supplying a low level of voltage through terminals A, C and G, respectively.Keeping terminals 8, D and H, respectively, at low level will keep them reset to zero.The corresponding display is then enabled by removing the low voltage from terminals B, D, and H, respectively, to be ready for counting the sum of money required from the corresponding passenger starting from zero.The counting pulses for these three displays are supplied through terminal P.The total sum display will be enabled whenever any of the three displays is enabled(this is done by a 3-input OR gate as shown in Figure 8).Retaining the contents of the last display will be done by unblanking it by supplying a low level of voltage to terminal I as shown in Figure 10 b.F.Changing Over Between Time and Distance Fares In the following part, two different methods for changing over between time andistance fares are suggested: The first is to switch to time fare whenever the distance fare is less than the time fare.Hence, a simple look to fares table(Table 2)can show that time fare should be used whenever the taxicab moves with speed less than 50 m/min.A possible circuit that can perform this switching action is shown in Figure IO c.It contains one rpm limit switch and a one inverter as well as two 2-input AND gates.The contacts of the limit switch are normally closed and will be opened whenever the angular speed of the speedometer cablexceeds 50 rmp.The second alternation is to connect the input of the inverter in Figure 10 c.to the output terminal Q of the speedometer circuit, Figure 2.In this case, the switching into time fare will be done whenever the taxicab is at stand still.G.Function of the Rotary Selector Switches The voltage levels that should be supplied by the terminals of the rotary selector switches in order to ensure proper operation by the electronic circuit are given in Table 3.Connection of three rotary selector switches each witb four decks of five poles each, that satisfy the logic function of Table 3, is shown in Figure 10 a.Rotating any of the three switches into fully clockwise direction will pass through five positions.The function of the rotary selector switches can be described starting from the first position passing through variousteps until reaching the final position as follows: Initial position: In this position a low voltage level is applied to terminals I, 2 and 3, this will disconnect the 5 volts supply from the three first displays, set the three inputs of the number of passenger detection circuit CTI to low level.A low voltage level is applied to terminals 8, D and H, this is to ensure that the total income display is disabled.Voltage levels at terminals A, C, G and S are at no care condition.Step I: Rotating any of the rotary selector switches one step toward clockwise direction will supply 5 volts to the corresponding display, provides a high level voltage at terminals 1, 2 or 3 indicating that one passenger have entered the taxicab.A high level voltage should be applied to terminals A, C or G in order to ensure that the corresponding display is still blanked.Other terminals B, D, H and S are kept unchanged.Step 2: Rotating the rotary selector switch one step further, will change the state of voltages at terminal A, C or G to be at low level and unblanks the corresponding display.States of voltages at terminals I, 2, 3 and S are remained unchanged.Terminals B, D and H should be remained at low level to ensure that the corresponding readout is cleared to zero while unblanking the display.二、中文翻译







本常规单频道计程车,出租车司机不能够确定出租车日常收入。在某些情况下(出租车的4个席位),他们可能只有出租车四分之一的收入(大部分的出租车司机)。从这些支付工资的出租车司机以及作为燃料费用外,还要维修以及汽车折旧等费用。事实上,出租车业主并非似乎如此糟糕。一项在出租车司机和车主之间的协议已经达成,司机应保证每天固定收入,以及向业主支付燃料以及维修的费用。即使如此,还是有的出租车司机的很大一部分份额之收入的出租车。现在还存在的单声道计价,已经变得非常,国家税务部门也知道这种困难 每年估计出租车业主的收入支出,以及应支付的税务也很困难。

为了应对这一问题,国家税务部已实行固定估计税,每个座位的出租车不论收入。在本文中,我们介绍了多通道的士计程表,可处理超过一名乘客同时进行的情况。我应该指出,我所说的长期旅客指一个人或一组相关的人。我同时也应指出,我们提出的多渠道的计价,不是简单地说,一个多显示读数。作为一个先进的事项,事实上它包含逻辑电路,可以自动计算变化的车费以及每公里行走距离或每分钟的候车时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车。在下面的部分,我举出一个例子,我们将介绍一个完整的三通道计价。框图以及详细的电路图,实验三通道计价功能也包括在内。原型下已建成 埃及赠款科学学院 和技术研究。.实验THREECHANNEL

出租车计价器理论的运作我们的实验装置从事电子数字计价依据。事实上速度电缆旋转1 圈的每米距离行驶。因此,如果车速电缆耦合与速度传感器,产生一个单脉冲每平方米的旅行距离,那么,我们的的士可以三倍于反模块相与速度传感器的单位。然而,我们的实验是计价而不仅仅是只显示三个读数。事实上,它包含逻辑电路,可以根据每公里的行驶距离或每分钟等候时间按照乘客人数雇用出租车来自动改变车费。该装置可能会分成两个主要部分组成:第一是速度传感器,这个传感器可位于任何地方,在出租车内进行这样一个简单的耦合车速电缆是可以实现的。


A. 速度传感器







这个循环电路函数包含高电压的终端 J,K或L,如果有1个或者2,3个乘客分别租用出租车。这个组里的任意乘客都是一组相关的人。当一个乘客进入出租车后,我们只是表示这样一种情况,自由读出显示在谈到相应的旋转选择开关,以一个完全顺时针方向。这将自动断开相应的终端1,2或3个从地面。逻辑关系各种输入端子之间第1,第2和第3个输出端J,K和L是列于表1。作为一个组合电路,我们开始设计产生了一系列布尔函数。


表2 这个环路,在这种情况下,应提供单脉冲的输出M的每100,125或143脉冲所产生的输入端根据级别的电压输入终端3,K或L。


时间缩放电路CT3.时间缩放电路含有4个输入端 J,K,L及F和一个输出端N,这个电路的函数根据表格2的意思(车费每2分钟的等待时间)是在J,K和L分别供应单脉冲到输出端N时,提供单脉冲的输出N。时间缩放电路将类似于距离标量环路,但是有不同的行驶比率。它包括3个十进制计数器7490,2个3输入与门和一个5输入与门,1个2输入与门和一个3输入或门。

电路产生时钟脉冲的显示电路CT4 这条电路的作用根据电压电平在输入终端J、K或者L,分别供应1,2或者脉冲在每脉冲的输出终端R引起在任何终端N或M。无论输入端N或者M中的谁发送脉冲,都只有一个脉冲能被输出端P接收。它由一个反向计数器7493构成,其中一半是双JK主从触发器电路,型号为7476,包括三个变频器,三个2输入与门,一个3输入与门,1 2输入或门以及一个3输入或门。当脉冲引起在输入的终端N或M,触发器的输入Q上将产生高级电压。这个门信号将被连接到计数器的输入A并且连接到输出终端R。当第一,第二或第三个脉冲由涟波计数器开始计数,J,K,L端会分别根据电压的大小来使产生重置或者翻转来改变状态,然后Q端变为输出低电压。因此,1 KHz信号没有能力到达输出端R或是计数器的输入端A。为了确保电路的函数准确无误,当切换到新频道时,触发器要清零。对于功能选择开关旋转渠道的描述,稍后会以一个成功的5输入门函数来解释。












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