
时间:2019-05-15 07:43:11下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 3 Have you ever done a part-time job?


Time allotment: 40 minutes Teaching content: Unit3 Have you ever done a part-time job? Teaching materials: The dialogue of unit 3, English Book II, PP 43 Analysis of the teaching materials:

This lesson is the second period of unit3.The topic is about interview.It’s related to the students’ career and helpful to inspire the students’ learning interests.By learning this lesson, the students can manage the expressions about having an interview in English well.Analysis of the students:

The students are in grade 2 and their major is Accounting.Most students are from countryside.Their English level is low and different.Some students are not active in class and some students don’t like English at all.But they have showed creative and capable as they are doing so well in what they’re interested in such as games and CAI.Therefore I must design some active and interesting teaching methods to arouse the students’ leaning interests.Teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: 1.The students can understand the content of the dialogue better.2.The students can hear, read and use the main sentence patterns to have an interview in English.Ability objectives: 1.To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially to train the students how to have an interview in English.2.To train the students’ ability of working in pairs and groups.Emotion objectives: 1.To cultivate the students’ cooperation through peer interaction.2.By completing the task, the students are more interested in learning English.After learning, the students can know more about their future job.They will realize that good manners and excellent skills are very important for them.Teaching focus and difficulties: Teaching focus: 1.To improve the students listening ability.2.Enable the students to understand the dialogue better.Teaching difficulties: 1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.2.The usage of some key words and expressions.3.To develop the students’ creative and cooperative ability.Teaching and learning strategies: Teaching methods: 1.The task-based language Teaching Approach 2.The situational Teaching Approach 3.The communicative Teaching Approach Learning strategies: 1.Individual, pair and group work to make every student active in class.2.Two leaning strategies are used in this class: Cooperative learning and learner autonomy Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching procedures:

Step One :Lead-in(3 minutes)

Ask the Ss to watch a video and sing an English song together.English song: if you are happy Step Two:

Words and expressions’ study(15 minutes)

1.Let the Ss have an investigation and fill in the blanks as quickly as possible.They can visit anyone in the class.2.Ask the Ss to do some translation and have a competition between groups.我在一家公司当兼职销售员两年了。我在一家餐厅做兼职服务员一年了。我在一家公司做兼职打字员三个月了。我擅长英语,我能说流利的英语。



3.According to the sample, ask the Ss to work in pairs and make up short dialogues.1.Could you tell me something about yourself?


____My name is LiMing.I’m 17 years old.I’ m a student in Changsha College of Finance and Economics.My major is Accounting.I’m outgoing and confident.I like singing and reading.2.Have you ever done a part-time job? _____Yes, I have worked as a part-time salesperson in a company for two years._____No, I haven’t.3.What are your strong points? ___ I’m good at English.I can speak fluent English.____I have very good communication skills.I love to work with others.——I have good computer skills.I can type 100 words a minute.——I can work on weekends.I enjoy working under pressure.4.Why do you want to work for our company? ———I have visited your website.I think it is an exciting place to work.——— I think your company is a big company.There is more challenge for me.——— I think I’m qualified for the job.Step Three:listening comprehension(5 minutes)Ask the Ss to watch a video and answer the following question: What did the dialogue talk about? Step four: Act and practice

(10 minutes)

Let the Ss make a dialogue with the partner about having an interview, using the four questions on the screen.Firstly, the teacher acts as the interviewer, one student acts as the interviewee.Secondly, one student acts as an interviewer, the other acts as an interviewee.Step five: Consolidation and extension(10 minutes)Discussion: How to be a successful interviewee?

Good manners

Excellent skills Good manners: 1.Don’t forget your sweet smile.2.“Good morningThank you very muchGood-bye…”should keep in mind all the time.3.Pay attention to your appearance, wearing clean and generous.4.keep good standing and sitting posture.Excellent skills: 1.You should have good computer skills.For example, You can type more than one hundred words a minute.2.You can speak fluent English and you can read and write in English.3.You have very good communication.You love to work with others.4.You should enjoy working under pressure.You are happy to work on weekends.Step Six: Homework(2 minutes)1.Surf the Internet and find more information about interview.2.Practice the dialogue on page 43 with your partner and try to act it out.3.Write a composition about Self-introduction.Blackboard designing:

Unit 3 Have you ever done a part-time job?


Group A

Group B



Company: Hu Dong Shipyard Position: Design Apartment A: Respond for Interviewer

(Cui Bingbing)B: Respond for Interviewee

(Bu Yinglei)

B: Hello Mr.Cui,nice to meet you.A: Hello Mr.Bu,nice to meet you too.Please sit down.B: Thank you, what a beautiful and quiet environment.A: Oh,thanks.A: OK, please tell me about yourself? B: My name is Bu Yinglei, I’m 24 years old, I graduated from Harbin Engineering University and majored in Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure.I obtained university scholarship many times and published some papers in magazines, you will learn more about it in my resume.A: Yes, I have read your resume and it makes a very strong impression on me.B: Oh,thank you.A: You are welcome.Well, I know about you have some exercitation experiences in your resume, please tell me about them? B: OK, I have exercitations at Da Lian shipyard and Cheng Xi shipyard for about half a month, besides I have an exercitation just in your company last winter.A: Oh, really.I think you must have learnt a lot from them.B: Oh,yes.A: OK,next question, what make you choose our company? B: In my job search, I have investigated a number of companies.Yours is one of the few that interests me.I think your company attracts me for these reasons.Firstly, your company is one of the most important shipyards in china.Secondly, I have some classmates who are just working at your company;they recommend me to choose your company and I also think that your company is just for me.A: OK,thank you.There are many staffs in our company who just graduate from your university and they all make grate contribution to our company.it’s the reason why I come here again.Then,what kind of personality do you think you have and what are your personal weaknesses?

B: I prefer fixing attention on one thing a time, I don’t like to give up halfway.Well, talking about my personal weaknesses, I’m afraid I’m a poor talker.I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time, but I have trying my best to overcome this personal weakness.A: Oh, I appreciate your personality very much.As to your personal weakness, there are many people in our company who just like you are poor talkers, but it doesn’t forbid them to be grate success.B: Oh ,thank you.A: OK, what kinds of people do you like work with? B: Overall I am an easy-going and sincerity person, I think I can work with any kinds of person and get well along with them.A: Well, the sense of teamwork is important in our company, I think the person like you will work with other people harmonious.Then, what do you look for in a job? B: I want improve my skills and abilities in this job, learn more knowledge on shipbuilding and the make contribution to your company and our country’s shipbuilding industry, earn enough money to live a good life at the same time.A: OK,your reasons are common and how long would you stay with us? B: As long as I feel that I’m contributing, and that my contribution is recognized, I want to make a long term commitment.A: Your answer is smart, then the last question, what are your long-range goals? B: I want to become a supervisor through my hard work, to grow and develop professionally, to help others develop, to build a team and to share what I have learned.A: OK,you have a great ambition.Don’t you have any questions to ask? B: Oh,yes.What are the specific requires in this position? A: You will have a lot of projects to take part in and play an important role in this position.From my point of view, the specific requires in this position are senses of teamwork and responsibility.B: Oh, yes.Then what is the most difficulty in this position? A: From my point of view, the most difficulty in this position is will always deal with problem under pressure.Well, our company will give you a fair salary based on the job responsibilities, your experience and skills.B: Yes I know, I have learned it from my classmates who just work at design apartment.Thank you give me the chance to introduce myself, and thank you for your answers.A: You are welcome, Mr.Bu.Thank you for your interest in our company.Goodbye B: Thank you for your time, Mr.Cui.Goodbye 2



Applying for tourist guide

1good morning

2good morning i am mike would you like to introduce yourself briefly

1sure my name is lucy, i just graduated fromuniversity of science and technology.and my major isand my minor is english.I have taken part in many activities.i enjoy communicating with different types of people.2do you have any experience in guiding?

1yes,i only have few experiences, i guided a few groups of foreign tourist around suzhou last summer.2what do you think the responsibilities of a tourist guide are?

1a tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities,and offering service of transportation, sightseeing and entertainment.2why did you choose our travelagency?

1because you travel agency has a high fame in the tour market, whats more,you take asorts of people,you show them where they want to be showed,that is you are very flexible I like doing some challenging job.2how much salary are you expecting

1salary is not the most important thing to me.i know that starting salary for a new graduate is not high.what i need most is more experience about job.2do you have any other questions you want to ask

1yes,id like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific trainingif necessary there will be.ok i will give you the answer tomorrow,thats all for todays interview.1ok thanks for your reception.i am looking forward to receiving your reply.Applying for secretary

1can you tell me a little about yourself

2ok i’m 111,i graduated fromuniversitythis July.i joined the english corner and knew all kinds of friends.i worked as a secretary in the last year of my college life.so i know much about the responsibility of a secretary.1as you known ,english and computer skills are comparatively important to this post,especially in the starting period.whats your ability in the field of english

2i passed college english text band 6, with good skill in listening,speaking reading and writing 1I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities such as answering routine correspondence, taking phone calls for me,and sometimes assisting me with personal business affairs.2yes,i see.i was trained in english shorthand and typing at a vocational training school.i’mquite capable at both, i’m also familiar with office practices

1how are you typing and shorthand skills

2i can type 65 words per minute and take dictation in english at 100 words per minute.i also can operate afax and copy machine

1do you have any questions would like to ask me

2yes,i would like to ask about the salary.How is it determined

1well,all new clerical employee begin at a salary of 2000yuan per month.then ,after yourtraining period ,you re given an assignment

2what about other benefits

1all employees must join the health insurance program.i think most of them are explained in our brochure.did you get a copy

2yes i did.thank you

1well,todays interview is ok.we’ll inform you in a week

2ok,i’ll be waiting for your letter.goodbye

Applying for salesperson

1tell me something about yourself

Iiam11111, i just graduated fromuniversity of.and my major is Japanese and my minor subject is english.i enjoy watching films reading and hanging out with friends.1why didn’t you choose a career in your job major?

2i chose Japanese as my major just because that i am interested in this language.but i found a part-time job as a salesperson at that time,i found marketing is really a challenging and exciting job.i really like it,so i hope i could find a related job.do you have any sales experience?

2when i was in university,i had a part-time job as a salesperson in a shopping center.in doing so i gained some promotion skills.1what do you think is the most important qualification for a salesperson

2i think it is confidence in himself and his products.what’more,communication skills and hard work are very important.1What made you choose our company

2i know something about your company,it’s a very promising company.I believe that i can have many opportunities tomyself here.1good.will you be able to work overtime?our staff need to work overtime sometimes

2yes ,i will.well,can i ask you a question


2how long is my probation

1generally it is 6months and during this period you are half-paid.we also have health

insurance ,bonus and paid vacation.2i understand

1all right.i’ll get in touch with you in three days.thank you for coming

2thank you for giving me this opportunity good bye


A: Thanks for coming in today, please take a seat.B: Thank you.Nice to meet you.I’m Juliet.A: Nice to meet you, too.I’m Lily, the manager of human resource department in this

company.Today, our company wants to recruit a customer manager.So, let's get started;tell me a bit about your educational background.B: Sure!Well, I graduated with honors from XiangTan University with a major in Business

Administration, with a specialization in Information Management, and I minored in psychology.I chose this course of study for two reasons: I wanted to gain some practical, marketable skills, which the information management track provided, and I also feel that interpersonal skills are essential for professional success, hence the minor in psychology.A: Interesting.And, How about your postgraduate studies?

B: Well, I am really passionate about consumer behavior, so I pursued a master's in that area.I also strive to keep my professional skills current, so I continuously attend seminars and conferences related management and customer service.A: Very good.Now, tell me a little bit about your work experience.I see here that you previously worked at ABC Company.B: Yeah, I worked as their customer support manager, which brought me a breadth of experience in both client care, and process management.I supervised and coordinated the customer support team as well as implemented new strategies to achieve better customer satisfaction.A: Impressive!So, what would you consider to be your greatest weakness?

B: To be honest, I struggle with organization and time management.Punctuality has never been a strength of mine.I find it hard to organize my time efficiently.I have actually addressed this weakness recently, by attending a workshop on efficient time management.It helped me a lot, by providing me with great insights on how to get organized and use my time efficiently, so I think I’m getting better now.A: Good.I think you’d like to know about the remuneration.The basic salary for customer manager in our company is 5000 Yuan per month, and raise is given after six months according to your ability.We provide fringe benefits such as annual bonus, three-week paid vacation in a year and health insurance.Are this satisfactory for you?

B: Yes, these are quiet satisfactory.A: Great...Well, let me tell you that I am very pleased with this interview.We are short-listing our candidates this week, and next week we will inform our short listed candidates of the day and time for a second interview with our CEO.B: Great, thanks a lot!I hope to hear from you!Good bye.



Company: Hu Dong Shipyard

Position: Design Apartment

A: Respond for Interviewer(Cui Bingbing)

B: Respond for Interviewee(Bu Yinglei)

B: Hello Mr.Cui,nice to meet you.A: Hello Mr.Bu,nice to meet you too.Please sit down.B: Thank you, what a beautiful and quiet environment.A: Oh,thanks.A: OK, please tell me about yourself?

B: My name is Bu Yinglei, I’m 24 years old, I graduated from Harbin Engineering

University and majored in Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure.I obtained university scholarship many times and published some papers in magazines, you will learn more about it in my resume.A: Yes, I have read your resume and it makes a very strong impression on me.B: Oh,thank you.A: You are welcome.Well, I know about you have some exercitation experiences in your resume, please tell me about them?

B: OK, I have exercitations at Da Lian shipyard and Cheng Xi shipyard for about half

a month, besides I have an exercitation just in your company last winter.A: Oh, really.I think you must have learnt a lot from them.B: Oh,yes.A: OK,next question, what make you choose our company?

B: In my job search, I have investigated a number of companies.Yours is one of the few that interests me.I think your company attracts me for these reasons.Firstly, your company is one of the most important shipyards in china.Secondly, I have some classmates who are just working at your company;they recommend me to choose your company and I also think that your company is just for me.A: OK,thank you.There are many staffs in our company who just graduate from your university and they all make grate contribution to our company.it’s the reason why I come here again.Then,what kind of personality do you think you have and what are your personal weaknesses?

B: I prefer fixing attention on one thing a time, I don’t like to give up halfway.Well, talking about my personal weaknesses, I’m afraid I’m a poor talker.I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time, but I1

have trying my best to overcome this personal weakness.A: Oh, I appreciate your personality very much.As to your personal weakness, there are many people in our company who just like you are poor talkers, but it doesn’t forbid them to be grate success.B: Oh ,thank you.A: OK, what kinds of people do you like work with?

B: Overall I am an easy-going and sincerity person, I think I can work with any kinds of person and get well along with them.A: Well, the sense of teamwork is important in our company, I think the person like you will work with other people harmonious.Then, what do you look for in a job? B: I want improve my skills and abilities in this job, learn more knowledge on shipbuilding and the make contribution to your company and our country’s shipbuilding industry, earn enough money to live a good life at the same time.A: OK,your reasons are common and how long would you stay with us?

B: As long as I feel that I’m contributing, and that my contribution is recognized, I want to make a long term commitment.A: Your answer is smart, then the last question, what are your long-range goals?

B: I want to become a supervisor through my hard work, to grow and develop professionally, to help others develop, to build a team and to share what I have learned.A: OK,you have a great ambition.Don’t you have any questions to ask?

B: Oh,yes.What are the specific requires in this position?

A: You will have a lot of projects to take part in and play an important role in this position.From my point of view, the specific requires in this position are senses of teamwork and responsibility.B: Oh, yes.Then what is the most difficulty in this position?

A: From my point of view, the most difficulty in this position is will always deal with problem under pressure.Well, our company will give you a fair salary based on the job responsibilities, your experience and skills.B: Yes I know, I have learned it from my classmates who just work at design apartment.Thank you give me the chance to introduce myself, and thank you for your answers.A: You are welcome, Mr.Bu.Thank you for your interest in our company.Goodbye

B: Thank you for your time, Mr.Cui.Goodbye



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