2001-11-19 10:49:36
5. 简洁原则:
这个原则来源于我看到的of156表上,申请学生签证时必须填的学习计划。以后大家会看到,这一项中给的空格特别小,估计也只够写下30-40字的,而学习计划则是多么庞大的一个课题啊!老公不禁抱怨美国人小气,那么节省纸张。其实,美国人倒不是为了节省纸张,而是为了节省时间。不会有人会有时间去看你的冗长的叙述的,所以你一定要写的简洁。我认为一篇ps以一张半a4纸为宜,最多也不能超过两页。一封rl也就一页纸。但是,你在这么少的篇幅里一定要写出你的个性。如果能用一句话写的,千万不要用两句话。有效的用一些同位语插入,缩短你的篇幅,当然这是以句子流畅为前提的,不要把文章写的象gre的阅读那么晦涩难懂。每段开头最好有一个topic sentence,这样让看的人可以最快的抓住主题,不要让人家看半天也不知道你想说什么。反正要用最短的篇幅反映最多的内容。譬如说我给老公在of156表上写的学习计划是这样的:某某领域,在中国正方兴未艾,而美国某某大学的某某教授是这个领域的领头羊,我相信我在某某大学学习这个专业一定会对我回到中国后,在这个领域的发展起到巨大的促进作用的。
鬼子喜欢的ps 2005-7-9 3:54:09 我友给我来一信,其中有些东东我想会对诸位申请者有所启迪.good luck everyone!i took some time to read your statement.its telling.anyway, i talked with the chair of our department today and asked about his opinion on what he expects one to be.he gave me a few points: first, you need to show why youre interested in biology.it could be just a brief history, a class or something that turned on your interest.but dont give the impression of being too romantic.he told me about a bad statement, in which a chinese student told the story of when he was 2 years old and his mother showed him a tadpole and hes been interested in biology ever since then and bla bla bla...third, tell why you want to be a ph.d.this is generally showing that youre interested in research.i told them you have been in the lab.them means the chair and his wife.they said you should stress that in your statement.i think you can write about what your lab is doing, what kind of experimental techniques are you using and what your role is in there.they also said that they are looking for someone with genuine interest in biology research and they expect this expressed in the statement.since youve been working so long, you can sound more mature or formal when describing your lab experience.and, dont make the statement too long, they get tired out before reaching the end.you can have your script read by some other teachers and have some feedback on what they think of it.出国留学:个人陈述如何写?
------------------2008年11月23日 进入论坛评论
------------------如何写个人陈述 个人陈述是在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人过去背景,目前成就和未来目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述应不但语言流畅,且文章逻辑严谨,层次分明,能充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。
以下推荐信从班主任和物理老师的角度来描述评判被推荐学生。dear sir or madam: as the physic teacher of miss han, i have known her for 4 years during which time i’ve shaped a overall image of her.generally, she’s included in the category of top-notch students i’ve ever acquainted with.thus, i’m happy to give an introduction outlining her junior high school life here, to enable you to assess her suitability for acceptance to your esteemed university.开头固定模式,介绍推荐人与被推荐人关系,简要提到推荐人的职位(最重要的一个)。
with a different frame of reference, i’d like to focus the picture on her merits of art talents and perseverance.her active participation and many awards in art contests guide me to speculate about longtime practice of playing piano and painting which has later been
not only does she exhibit many talents but also employs them to aid the class in various activities.assigned to take charge of activities related to arts, she fulfilled her duties pretty well in selecting songs for the chorus, teaching them word by word and finally
xxx has been a real asset to beijing no.xx middle school, both in academics and in extracurricular activities.i am quite sure that she will prove equally valuable to your university, and am convinced that she will prove an outstanding undergraduate student.please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information regarding this remarkable student.篇三:2016英国留学申请:写好自荐信和推荐信
Personal Statement for MSc in Human Resource Management at the University of Salford.I am writing to support my application for a postgraduate place and, in this short letter, I intend to give an outline of those aspects my academic and personal background that have given me the confidence to apply.I shall also mention my character, and motivation and my career ambitions to show why I believe that I can succeed and do well on this course if I am accepted.It is easy to see the professional and academic benefits of having completed a course of advanced study in a modern well-equipped university where the highest standards are demanded, I think there are other benefits and these attract me strongly too.I think that I shall also return with the ability to see my subject in new ways and to see research and development in a new light that will enable me to adapt easily to new social, environmental and economic conditions in my rapidly changing country.I will also come back with experience of working and co-operating with others from a range of different backgrounds and with many different outlooks on the subject, and on life, and I think this will be almost as much of an education for me as my work as a post-graduate.That is why I want to say something about my background, my preparation and my ambitions in this statement to show that I can benefit from all the opportunities and not only the academic ones.I found the web-pages, for the university and the course, helpful and informative, so I am confident about my choice.I have some background in the subject: we study it in depth, historical development and modern theories, on the PMP.Also, at my university, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, I was able to take relevant options as a minor and these included management, accounting, economics and HRM.The balance between specialist skills and more general approaches to the subject of management, with an emphasis on the management of people in organisations, is an attractive feature of the course and I think this combination of broad skills and specialist knowledge will be very helpful as a foundation when I return and begin my career in HRM.I think that Salford’s emphasis on the importance of reflection and keeping up to date, with the “close association” with the Management & Management Sciences Research Institute and the Institute for Social, Cultural and Policy Research is important as successful managers need to study new ideas throughout their careers and this is a good habit to encourage.Wide knowledge and a clear understanding of theory and good practice will be an advantage in a rapidly changing business environment and the focus on critical and analytical skills means that knowledge will be accompanied by understanding and the ability to evaluate different approaches in different real-life situations.My interest in business in general, and management in particular, began when I was younger.My father is a general manager in one of the largest construction companies in China, so I grew up listening to discussions of a range of subjects and, of course, the company kept expanding so the range of topics also grew and became increasingly interesting and, as the workforce grew, and companies competed for labour, HRM was a frequent subject.As I became more knowledgeable myself, I was able to join the discussions and learn more about subjects that really interested me.This was where my ambition to work one day in a multi-national or large joint-venture began.I have been lucky enough to have regular work experience in the field, working in the HR/Personnel department of my father’s company every summer since 2003, which is about a year and a half now, added together.I’ve enjoyed this and learned a lot about organisation, responsibility and teamwork and how important good HRM is.I have even dabbled in the free market, leading a group of my friends to set up a net service company(www.xiexiebang.comw.net)in 2006.So far we have gained 170 thousand registered users by now and we average 60 thousands visits per day.Overseas study, at an advanced level in English will be a challenge – and, of course, I want it to be demanding – and I knew that my interest, background and career ambitions were important but probably not enough to ensure a good start and success in my studies.That is why I entered the one-year full-time Pre-Master’s Programme, so that I would be occupied with academic English every day, learning and developing all the necessary skills.The PMP is not just about learning facts and theories, of course.It is also teaching me how to study and learn in new ways.It adds to my confidence and motivation.Over the year we also do an intensive course in Management, International Business and the UK Economy so I expect to be well prepared not only for the language, but also for the subject content.Finally, I think Research Methods will be valuable: hard work and endless patience mastering skills such as referencing;but at the end I will have written an original, properly referenced 5,000 word dissertation.In conclusion, I believe I have the academic foundation, the high level of motivation, and the clear focus on my career plans to ensure that I will do well at Salford if accepted for the master’s course in HRM.
在近大学四年的学习生活中,我一直在成长,在学好专业知识的同时积极锻炼 自己的实践能力、社会能力等,使自身各方面的能力得到很大提升。我不能肯定 自己是最优秀的,但我能够肯定自己是最努力的!大学四年里,在很多专业课程的学习中均取得了优异的成绩,熟练将所学知识运用到编程开发中。在校期间,先后获得过“校一等奖学金”、“二等奖学金”、“国家励志奖学金”,并通过国家英语六级考试,全国计算机四级考试,取得国家软件设计师证书等。除了圆满完成学校规定的实践课程外,我还利用假期到社会上进行社会实践,将学习到的专业知识与实践紧紧结合到一起。在学院,除了专业知识的学习与实践外,我还积极参与学院组织的各项活动,同时进入了院学生会学习部,并担任过班级副团支书的职务。在参与的各项活动中,我的组织、交际、协调能力得到了很大提升,具有了很强的语言表达 能力与策划、执行能力。这次奖学金申请,我坚信是我大学展示自我的一个舞台,所以我要把握这次机遇,努力活出自己的精彩。Xxxxx
你的教育和事业目标是什么?这所大学能怎样帮助你达到这些目标? 你为何会选择现在的学习科目?而你又会怎样将你所学的回馈家国? 描述生活中一些启发你成长或你从中有所得著的事件。
Too Easy to Rebel
In my mother’s more angry and disillusioned moods, she often declares that my sisters and I are “smarter than is good” for us, by which she means we are too ambitious, too independent-minded, and somehow, subtly un-Chinese.At such times, I do not argue, for I realize how difficult it must be for her and my father—having to deal with children who reject their simple idea of life and threaten to drag them into a future they do not understand.For my parents, plans for our futures were very simple.We were to get good grades, go to good colleges, and become good scientists,mathematicians, or engineers.It had to do with being Chinese.But my sisters and I rejected that future, and the year I came home with Honors in English, History and Debate was a year of disillusion for my parents.It was not that they weren’t proud of my accomplishments, but merely that they had certain ideas of what was safe and solid, what we did in life.Physics, math, turning in homework, and crossing the street when Hare Krishnas were on our side—those things were safe.But the Humanities we left for Pure Americans.Unfortunately for my parents, however, the security of that world is simply not enough for me, and I have scared them more than once with what they call my “wild” treks into unfamiliar areas.I spent one afternoon interviewing the Hare Krishnas for our school newspaper—and they nearly called the police.Then, to make things worse, I decided to enter the Crystal Springs Drama contest.For my parents, acting was something Chinese girls did not do.It smacked of the bohemian, and was but a short step to drugs, debauchery, and all the dark, illicit facets of life.They never did approve of the experience—even despite my second place at Crystal Springs and my assurances that acting was, after all, no more than a whim.What I was doing when was moving away from the security my parents prescribed.I was motivated by my own desire to see more of what life had to offer, and by ideas I’d picked up at my Curriculum Committee meetings.This committee consisted of teachers who felt that students should learn to understand life, not memorize formulas;that somehow our college preparatory curriculum had to be made less rigid.There were English teachers who wanted to integrate Math into other more “important” science courses, and Math teachers who wanted to abolish English entirely.There were even some teachers who suggested making Transcendental Meditation a requirement.But the common denominator behind these
slightly eccentric ideas was a feeling that the school should produce more thoughtful individuals, for whom life meant more than good grades and Ivy League futures.Their values were precisely the opposite of those my parents had instilled in me.It has been a difficult task indeed for me to reconcile these two opposing impulses.It would be simple enough just to rebel against all my parents expect.But I cannot afford to rebel.There is too much that is
fragile—the world my parents have worked so hard to build, the security that comes with it, and a fading Chinese heritage.I realize it must be immensely frustrating for my parents, with children who are persistently “too smart” for them and their simple idea of life, living in a land they have come to consider home, and yet can never fully understand.In a way, they have stopped trying to understand it, content with their own little microcosms.It is my burden now to build my own, new world without shattering theirs;to plunge into the future without completely letting go of the past.And that is a challenge I am not at all certain I can meet.点评Comments:
1.This is a good strong statement about the dilemma of being a part of two different cultures.The theme is backed by excellent examples of the conflict and the writing is clear, clean, and crisp.The essay then concludes with a compelling summary of the dilemma and the challenge it presents to the student.2.A masterful job of explaining the conflict of being a child of two cultures.The writer feels strongly about the burden of being a first generation American, but struggles to understand her parents’ perspective.Ultimately she confesses implicitly that she cannot
understand them and faces her own future.The language is particularly impressive:“It smacked of the bohemian,” “subtly unChinese,” and “a fading Chinese heritage.” That she is not kinder to her parents does not make her unkind, just determined.
To: Professor Sasaki
XXXX requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for studying at your university.I’m the dean of institute.I am pleased to comply with her request.Three years ago, because of the high scores in the College Entrance Examination Miss XXX went to our university and became my student.In my contact with her during three years.I was deeply impressed by Miss XXX’s performance.During these three years she took part in a lot of activities didn’t distract her study.Got the scholarships and helped the instructor to manage the class as a leader.Thus I confirmed that she is a diligent student.Besides all above, I may also say he was a well-rounded.He has many good guarantees for her future success.I feel that Miss XXX is a student of great potential.Knowing that she is planning to further her studies in Japan, I am very pleased to recommend her to your university and I sincerely hope that you will accept her application.Signature_________Position_________