Hi everybody.大家好!
Wednesday is Earth Day, a day to appreciate and protect this precious planet we call home.And today, there's no greater threat to our planet than climate change.2014 was the planet's warmest year on record.Fourteen of the 15 hottest years on record have all fallen in the first 15 years of this century.下周三是世界地球日,这是我们珍惜和保护地球这个共同家园的日子。当今对这个星球的威胁之中,没有什么比气候变化更严重了。2014年是有史以来最热的一年。而历史上15个最热的年份,有14个出现在本世纪的头15年当中。
This winter was cold in parts of our country-as some folks in Congress like to point out-but around the world, it was the warmest ever recorded.And the fact that the climate is changing has very serious implications for the way we live now.Stronger storms.Deeper droughts.Longer wildfire seasons.去年冬天有些地方确实很冷,正如国会的某些同志所说,但纵观全球,去年的确是有气象记录以来最热的一年。而气候正在不断变暖的事实已经对我们的生活方式产生了非常严重的影响。更肆虐的风暴,更严重的干旱,更持久的森林草场大火。
The world's top climate scientists are warning us that a changing climate already affects the air our kids breathe.Last week, the Surgeon General and I spoke with public experts about how climate change is already affecting patients across the country.The Pentagon says that climate change poses immediate risks to our national security.全球最顶尖的气候学家警告我们,持续的气候变化已经影响到孩子们呼吸的空气。上周,卫生部长和我一起与专家们讨论了气候变化对全国的病人产生了的影响。五角大楼也宣布气候变化对我们的国家安全产生了现实的威胁。
And on Earth Day, I'm going to visit the Florida Everglades to talk about the way that climate change threatens our economy.The Everglades is one of the most special places in our country.But it's also one of the most fragile.Rising sea levels are putting a national treasure-and an economic engine for the South Florida tourism industry-at risk.So climate change can no longer be denied-or ignored.在世界地球日这一天,我将到访佛罗里达州的埃弗格莱兹湿地,向大家介绍气候变化对我国经济产生的影响。埃弗格莱兹湿地是我国最为特别的一个地方。但也是最为脆弱的地方。不断上升的海平面正威胁这片国家级的珍贵湿地,南佛罗里达州宝贵的旅游资源面临消失的危险。因此,我们不能继续对气候变化问题不管不顾。
The world is looking to the United States-to us-to lead.And that's what we're doing.We're using more clean energy than ever before.America is number one in wind power, and every three weeks, we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008.We're taking steps to waste less energy, with more fuel-efficient cars that save us money at the pump, and more energy-efficient buildings that save us money on our electricity bills.So thanks in part to these actions, our carbon pollution has fallen by 10 percent since 2007, even as we've grown our economy and seen the longest streak of private-sector job growth on record.全世界都在关注我们,希望美国带领大家一起行动。我们正在努力之中。我们比以前使用更多的清洁能源。美国是全世界风能发电最多的国家,每三个星期,我们就有相当于2008年全年的太阳能发电量上线并网。我们正在采取措施减少能源浪费,采用更高效的发动机制造汽车,为大家节省燃料费用,建设更节能的建筑,为人们节省电费。正是有了我们的这些措施,我们的碳排放自2007年以来降低了10%,而在这期间,我们的经济取得了发展,私营部门也创下了就业连续增长最长的时间记录。
We've committed to doubling the pace at which we cut carbon pollution, and China has committed, for the first time, to limiting their emissions.And because the world's two largest economies came together, there's new hope that, with American leadership, this year, the world will finally reach an agreement to prevent the worst impacts of climate change before it's too late.我们承诺将碳排放削减一倍,中国也首次就削减碳排放做出承诺。正因为全球两大经济体之间的合作,新的希望就在眼前,在美国的引领下,今年,全世界将最终达成一致,在气候变化产生严重影响之前阻止这一趋势继续恶化。
This is an issue that's bigger and longer-lasting than my presidency.It's about protecting our God-given natural wonders, and the good jobs that rely on them.It's about shielding our cities and our families from disaster and harm.It's about keeping our kids healthy and safe.这是一项比总统本身更宏大,比总统任期更长远的事业。它关系着保护上苍赐予我们的伟大自然,关系着依赖于此的高薪工作。它关系着让我们的城市和家园免受灾害的侵袭。它关系着我们的孩子们的健康和安全。
This is the only planet we've got.And years from now, I want to be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we did everything we could to protect it.这是我们唯一拥有的星球。我希望多年以后,我能看着我们的孩子们以及孩子们的孩子们的眼睛,告诉他们,我们尽到了我们的最大力量来保护这个星球。
Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend.谢谢大家!祝你们周末愉快!
第三,我们必须筹集资金,帮助发展中国家适应气候变化,特别是那些最不发达和最容易受气候变化影响的国家。美国将参与一项快速启动融资项目。到2012年,该项目将筹集100亿美元。昨天,国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)明确表示,我们将参与全球行动,到2020年筹集1,000亿美元资金,前提是──只有在这个前提下──这项计划必须纳入我刚才谈到的更全面的协议。
Saturday, January 24th, 2009
We begin this year and this Administration in the midst of an unprecedented crisis that calls for unprecedented action.Just this week, we saw more people file for unemployment than at any time in the last twenty-six years, and experts agree that if nothing is done, the unemployment rate could reach double digits.Our economy could fall $1 trillion short of its full capacity, which translates into more than $12,000 in lost income for a family of four.And we could lose a generation of potential, as more young Americans are forced to forgo college dreams or the chance to train for the jobs of the future.In short, if we do not act boldly and swiftly, a bad situation could become dramatically worse.That is why I have proposed an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan to immediately jumpstart job creation as well as long-term economic growth.I am pleased to say that both parties in Congress are already hard at work on this plan, and I hope to sign it into law in less than a month.It’s a plan that will save or create three to four million jobs over the next few years, and one that recognizes both the paradox and the promise of this momentwe’ll invest in what works.Instead of politicians doling out money behind a veil of secrecy, decisions about where we invest will be made public, and informed by independent experts whenever possible.We’ll launch an unprecedented effort to root out waste, inefficiency, and unnecessary spending in our government, and every American will be able to see how and where we spend taxpayer dollars by going to a new website called recovery.gov.No one policy or program will solve the challenges we face right now, nor will this crisis recede in a short period of time.But if we act now and act boldly;if we start rewarding hard work and responsibility once more;if we act as citizens and not partisans and begin again the work of remaking America, then I have faith that we will emerge from this trying time even stronger and more prosperous than we were before.Thanks for listening.January 31, 2009
This morning I'd like to talk about some good news and some bad news as we confront our economic crisis.The bad news is well known to Americans across our country as we continue to struggle through unprecedented economic turmoil.Yesterday we learned that our economy shrank by nearly 4 percent from October through December.That decline was the largest in over a quarter century, and it underscores the seriousness of the economic crisis that my administration found when we took office.Already the slowdown has cost us tens of thousands of jobs in January alone.And the picture is likely to get worse before it gets better.Make no mistake, these are not just numbers.Behind every statistic there's a story.Many Americans have seen their lives turned upside down.Families have been forced to make painful choices.Parents are struggling to pay the bills.Patients can't afford care.Students can't keep pace with tuition.And workers don't know whether their retirement will be dignified and secure.The good news is that we are moving forward with a sense of urgency equal to the challenge.This week the House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which will save or create more than 3 million jobs over the next few years.It puts a tax cut into the pockets of working families, and places a down payment on America's future by investing in energy independence and education, affordable health care, and American infrastructure.Now this recovery plan moves to the Senate.I will continue working with both parties so that the strongest possible bill gets to my desk.With the stakes so high we simply cannot afford the same old gridlock and partisan posturing in Washington.It's time to move in a new direction.Americans know that our economic recovery will take years--not months.But they will have little patience if we allow politics to get in the way of action, and our economy continues to slide.That's why I am calling on the Senate to pass this plan, so that we can put people back to work and begin the long, hard work of lifting our economy out of this crisis.No one bill, no matter how comprehensive, can cure what ails our economy.So just as we jumpstart job creation, we must also ensure that markets are stable, credit is flowing, and families can stay in their homes.Last year Congress passed a plan to rescue the financial system.While the package helped avoid a financial collapse, many are frustrated by the results--and rightfully so.Too often taxpayer dollars have been spent without transparency or accountability.Banks have been extended a hand, but homeowners, students, and small businesses that need loans have been left to fend on their own.And adding to this outrage, we learned this week that even as they petitioned for taxpayer assistance, Wall Street firms shamefully paid out nearly $20 billion in bonuses for 2008.While I'm committed to doing what it takes to maintain the flow of credit, the American people will not excuse or tolerate such arrogance and greed.The road to recovery demands that we all act responsibly, from Main Street to Washington to Wall Street.Soon my Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, will announce a new strategy for reviving our financial system that gets credit flowing to businesses and families.We'll help lower mortgage costs and extend loans to small businesses so they can create jobs.We'll ensure that CEOs are not draining funds that should be advancing our recovery.And we will insist on unprecedented transparency, rigorous oversight, and clear accountability--so taxpayers know how their money is being spent and whether it is achieving results.Rarely in history has our country faced economic problems as devastating as this crisis.But the strength of the American people compels us to come together.The road ahead will be long, but I promise you that every day that I go to work in the Oval Office I carry with me your stories, and my administration is dedicated to alleviating your struggles and advancing your dreams.You are calling for action.Now is the time for those of us in Washington to live up to our responsibilities
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Yesterday began with some devastating news with regard to our economic crisis.But I'm pleased to say it ended on a more positive note.In the morning, we received yet another round of alarming employment figures – the worst in more than 30 years.Another 600,000 jobs were lost in January.We've now lost more than 3.6 million jobs since this recession began.But by the evening, Democrats and Republicans came together in the Senate and responded appropriately to the urgency this moment demands.In the midst of our greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, the American people were hoping that Congress would begin to confront the great challenges we face.That was, after all, what last November's election was all about.Legislation of such magnitude deserves the scrutiny that it's received over the last month, and it will receive more in the days to come.But we can't afford to make perfect the enemy of the absolutely necessary.The scale and scope of this plan is right.And the time for action is now.Because if we don't move swiftly to put this plan in motion, our economic crisis could become a national catastrophe.Millions of Americans will lose their jobs, their homes, and their health care.Millions more will have to put their dreams on hold.Let's be clear: We can't expect relief from the tired old theories that, in eight short years, doubled the national debt, threw our economy into a tailspin, and led us into this mess in the first place.We can't rely on a losing formula that offers only tax cuts as the answer to all our problems while ignoring our fundamental economic challenges – the crushing cost of health care or the inadequate state of so many schools;our addiction to foreign oil or our crumbling roads, bridges, and levees.The American people know that our challenges are great.They don't expect Democratic solutions or Republican solutions – they expect American solutions.From the beginning, this recovery plan has had at its core a simple idea: Let's put Americans to work doing the work America needs done.It will save or create more than 3 million jobs over the next two years, all across the country – 16,000 in Maine, nearly 80,000 in Indiana – almost all of them in the private sector, and all of them jobs that help us recover today, and prosper tomorrow.Jobs that upgrade classrooms and laboratories in 10,000 schools nationwide – at least 485 in Florida alone – and train an army of teachers in math and science.Jobs that modernize our health care system, not only saving us billions of dollars, but countless lives.Jobs that construct a smart electric grid, connect every corner of the country to the information superhighway, double our capacity to generate renewable energy, and grow the economy of tomorrow.Jobs that rebuild our crumbling roads, bridges and levees and dams, so that the tragedies of New Orleans and Minneapolis never happen again.It includes immediate tax relief for our struggling middle class in places like Ohio, where 4.5 million workers will receive a tax cut of up to $1,000.It protects health insurance and provides unemployment insurance for those who've lost their jobs.And it helps our states and communities avoid painful tax hikes or layoffs for our teachers, nurses, and first responders.That's what is at stake with this plan: putting Americans back to work, creating transformative economic change, and making a down payment on the American Dream that serves our children and our children's children for generations to come.Americans across this country are struggling, and they are watching to see if we're equal to the task before us.Let's show them that we are.And let's do whatever it takes to keep the promise of America alive in our time.February 14, 2009
This week, I spent some time with Americans across the country who are hurting because of our economic crisis.People closing the businesses they scrimped and saved to start.Families losing the homes that were their stake in the American Dream.Folks who have given up trying to get ahead, and given in to the stark reality of just trying to get by.They’ve been looking to those they sent to Washington for some hope at a time when they need it most.This morning, I’m pleased to say that after a lively debate full of healthy difference of opinion, we have delivered real and tangible progress for the American people.Congress has passed my economic recovery plan – an ambitious plan at a time we badly need it.It will save or create more than 3.5 million jobs over the next two years, ignite spending by business and consumers alike, and lay a new foundation for our lasting economic growth and prosperity.This is a major milestone on our road to recovery, and I want to thank the Members of Congress who came together in common purpose to make it happen.Because they did, I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we’ll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done.The work of modernizing our health care system, saving billions of dollars and countless lives;and upgrading classrooms, libraries, and labs in our children’s schools across America.The work of building wind turbines and solar panels and the smart grid necessary to transport the clean energy they create;and laying broadband internet lines to connect rural homes, schools, and businesses to the information superhighway.The work of repairing our crumbling roads and bridges, and our dangerously deficient dams and levees.And we’ll help folks who’ve lost their jobs through no fault of their own by providing the unemployment benefits they need and protecting the health care they count on.Now, some fear we won’t be able to effectively implement a plan of this size and scope, and I understand their skepticism.Washington hasn’t set a very good example in recent years.And with so much on the line, it’s time to begin doing things differently.That’s why our goal must be to spend these precious dollars with unprecedented accountability, responsibility, and transparency.I’ve tasked my cabinet and staff to set up the kind of management, oversight, and disclosure that will help ensure that, and I will challenge state and local governments to do the same.Once the plan is put into action, a new website – Recovery DOT gov – will allow any American to watch where the money goes and weigh in with comments and questions – and I encourage every American to do so.Ultimately, this is your money, and you deserve to know where it’s going and how it’s spent.This historic step won’t be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but the beginning.The problems that led us into this crisis are deep and widespread.Our response must be equal to the task.For our plan to succeed, we must stabilize, repair, and reform our banking system, and get credit flowing again to families and businesses.We must write and enforce new rules of the road, to stop unscrupulous speculators from undermining our economy ever again.We must stem the spread of foreclosures and do everything we can to help responsible homeowners stay in their homes.And in the weeks ahead, I will submit a proposal for the federal budget that will begin to restore the discipline these challenging times demand.Our debt has doubled over the past eight years, and we’ve inherited a trillion-dollar deficit – which we must add to in the short term in order to jumpstart our sick economy.But our long-term economic growth demands that we tame our burgeoning federal deficit;that we invest in the things we need, and dispense with the things we don’t.This is a challenging agenda, but one we can and will achieve.This morning, I’m reminded of words President Kennedy spoke in another time of uncertainty.“Do not pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger men.Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers.Pray for powers equal to your tasks.” America, we will prove equal to this task.It will take time, and it will take effort, but working together, we will turn this crisis into opportunity and emerge from our painful present into a brighter future.After a week spent with the fundamentally decent men and women of this nation, I have never been more certain of that.Thank you.SATURDAY, February 21, 2009 THE PRESIDENT: Earlier this week, I signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act--the most sweeping economic recovery plan in history.Because of this plan, 3.5 million Americans will now go to work doing the work that America needs done.I'm grateful to Congress, governors and mayors across the country, and to all of you whose support made this critical step possible.Because of what we did together, there will now be shovels in the ground, cranes in the air, and workers rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, and repairing our faulty levees and dams.Because of what we did, companies--large and small--that produce renewable energy can now apply for loan guarantees and tax credits and find ways to grow, instead of laying people off;and families can lower their energy bills by weatherizing their homes.Because of what we did, our children can now graduate from 21st century schools and millions more can do what was unaffordable just last week--and get their college degree.Because of what we did, lives will be saved and health care costs will be cut with new computerized medical records.Because of what we did, there will now be police on the beat, firefighters on the job, and teachers preparing lesson plans who thought they would not be able to continue pursuing their critical missions.And ensure that all of this is done with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability, I have assigned a team of managers to make sure that precious tax dollars are invested wisely and well.Because of what we did, 95 percent of all working families will get a tax cut--in keeping with a promise I made on the campaign.And I'm pleased to announce that this morning, the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks--meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month.Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans.But as important as it was that I was able to sign this plan into law, it is only a first step on the road to economic recovery.And we can't fail to complete the journey.That will require stemming the spread of foreclosures and falling home values, and doing all we can to help responsible homeowners stay in their homes, which is exactly what the housing plan I announced last week will help us do.It will require stabilizing and repairing our banking system, and getting credit flowing again to families and businesses.It will require reforming the broken regulatory system that made this crisis possible, and recognizing that it's only by setting and enforcing 21st century rules of the road that we can build a thriving economy.And it will require doing all we can to get exploding deficits under control as our economy begins to recover.That work begins on Monday, when I will convene a fiscal summit of independent experts and unions, advocacy groups and members of Congress, to discuss how we can cut the trillion-dollar deficit that we've inherited.On Tuesday, I will speak to the nation about our urgent national priorities.And on Thursday, I'll release a budget that's sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline.No single piece of this broad economic recovery can, by itself, meet the demands that have been placed on us.We can't help people find work or pay their bills unless we unlock credit for families and businesses.We can't solve our housing crisis unless we help people find work so that they can make payments on their homes.We can't produce shared prosperity without firm rules of the road, and we can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control.In short, we cannot successfully address any of our problems without addressing them all.And that is exactly what the strategy we are pursuing is designed to do.None of this will be easy.The road ahead will be long and full of hazards.But I am confident that we, as a people, have the strength and wisdom to carry out this strategy and overcome this crisis.And if we do, our economy--and our country--will be better and stronger for it.Saturday, February 28th, 2009 Two years ago, we set out on a journey to change the way that Washington works.We sought a government that served not the interests of powerful lobbyists or the wealthiest few, but the middle-class Americans I met every day in every community along the campaign trail – responsible men and women who are working harder than ever, worrying about their jobs, and struggling to raise their families.In so many town halls and backyards, they spoke of their hopes for a government that finally confronts the challenges that their families face every day;a government that treats their tax dollars as responsibly as they treat their own hard-earned paychecks.That is the change I promised as a candidate for president.It is the change the American people voted for in November.And it is the change represented by the budget I sent to Congress this week.During the campaign, I promised a fair and balanced tax code that would cut taxes for 95% of working Americans, roll back the tax breaks for those making over $250,000 a year, and end the tax breaks for corporations that ship our jobs overseas.This budget does that.I promised an economy run on clean, renewable energy that will create new American jobs, new American industries, and free us from the dangerous grip of foreign oil.This budget puts us on that path, through a market-based cap on carbon pollution that will make renewable energy the profitable kind of energy;through investments in wind power and solar power;advanced biofuels, clean coal, and more fuel-efficient American cars and American trucks.I promised to bring down the crushing cost of health care – a cost that bankrupts one American every thirty seconds, forces small businesses to close their doors, and saddles our government with more debt.This budget keeps that promise, with a historic commitment to reform that will lead to lower costs and quality, affordable health care for every American.I promised an education system that will prepare every American to compete, so Americans can win in a global economy.This budget will help us meet that goal, with new incentives for teacher performance and pathways for advancement;new tax credits that will make college more affordable for all who want to go;and new support to ensure that those who do go finish their degree.This budget also reflects the stark reality of what we’ve inherited – a trillion dollar deficit, a financial crisis, and a costly recession.Given this reality, we’ll have to be more vigilant than ever in eliminating the programs we don’t need in order to make room for the investments we do need.I promised to do this by going through the federal budget page by page, and line by line.That is a process we have already begun, and I am pleased to say that we’ve already identified two trillion dollars worth of deficit-reductions over the next decade.We’ve also restored a sense of honesty and transparency to our budget, which is why this one accounts for spending that was hidden or left out under the old rules.I realize that passing this budget won’t be easy.Because it represents real and dramatic change, it also represents a threat to the status quo in Washington.I know that the insurance industry won’t like the idea that they’ll have to bid competitively to continue offering Medicare coverage, but that’s how we’ll help preserve and protect Medicare and lower health care costs for American families.I know that banks and big student lenders won’t like the idea that we’re ending their huge taxpayer subsidies, but that’s how we’ll save taxpayers nearly $50 billion and make college more affordable.I know that oil and gas companies won’t like us ending nearly $30 billion in tax breaks, but that’s how we’ll help fund a renewable energy economy that will create new jobs and new industries.In other words, I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they’re gearing up for a fight as we speak.My message to them is this:So am I.The system we have now might work for the powerful and well-connected interests that have run Washington for far too long, but I don’t.I work for the American people.I didn’t come here to do the same thing we’ve been doing or to take small steps forward, I came to provide the sweeping change that this country demanded when it went to the polls in November.That is the change this budget starts to make, and that is the change I’ll be fighting for in the weeks ahead – change that will grow our economy, expand our middle-class, and keep the American Dream alive for all those men and women who have believed in this journey from the day it began.Saturday, March 7, 2009 Yesterday, we learned that the economy lost another 651,000 jobs in the month of February, which brings the total number of jobs lost in this recession to 4.4 million.The unemployment rate has now surpassed 8 percent, the highest rate in a quarter century.These aren't just statistics, but hardships experienced personally by millions of Americans who no longer know how they'll pay their bills, or make their mortgage, or raise their families.From the day I took office, I knew that solving this crisis would not be easy, nor would it happen overnight.And we will continue to face difficult days in the months ahead.But I also believe that we will get through this--that if we act swiftly and boldly and responsibly, the United States of America will emerge stronger and more prosperous than it was before.That's why my administration is committed to doing all that's necessary to address this crisis and lead us to a better day.That's why we're moving forward with an economic agenda that will jumpstart job creation, restart lending, relieve responsible homeowners, and address the long-term economic challenges of our time: the cost of health care, our dependence on oil, and the state of our schools.To prevent foreclosures for as many as 4 million homeowners--and lower interest rates and lift home values for millions more--we are implementing a plan to allow lenders to work with borrowers to refinance or restructure their mortgages.On Wednesday, the Department of Treasury and Housing and Urban Development released the guidelines that lenders will use for lowering mortgage payments.This plan is now at work.To restore the availability of affordable loans for families and businesses--not just banks--we are taking steps to restart the flow of credit and stabilize the financial markets.On Thursday, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve launched the Consumer and Business Lending Initiative--a plan that will generate up to a trillion dollars of new lending so that families can finance a car or college education--and small businesses can raise the capital that will create jobs.And we've already begun to implement the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act--a plan that will save and create over 3.5 million jobs over the next two years--jobs rebuilding our roads and bridges, constructing wind turbines and solar panels, expanding broadband and mass transit.And because of this plan, those who have lost their job in this recession will be able to receive extended unemployment benefits and continued health care coverage, while 95 percent of working Americans will receive a tax break beginning April 1st.Of course, like every family going through hard times, our country must make tough choices.In order to pay for the things we need--we cannot waste money on the things we don't.My administration inherited a $1.3 trillion budget deficit, the largest in history.And we've inherited a budgeting process as irresponsible as it is unsustainable.For years, as Wall Street used accounting tricks to conceal costs and avoid responsibility, Washington did, too.These kinds of irresponsible budgets--and inexcusable practices--are now in the past.For the first time in many years, my administration has produced a budget that represents an honest reckoning of where we are and where we need to go.It's also a budget that begins to make the hard choices that we've avoided for far too long--a strategy that cuts where we must and invests where we need.That's why it includes $2 trillion in deficit reduction, while making historic investments in America's future.That's why it reduces discretionary spending for non-defense programs as a share of the economy by more than 10 percent over the next decade--to the lowest level since they began keeping these records nearly half a century ago.And that's why on Wednesday, I signed a presidential memorandum to end unnecessary no-bid contracts and dramatically reform the way contracts are awarded--reforms that will save the American people up to $40 billion each year.Finally, because we cannot bring our deficit down or grow our economy without tackling the skyrocketing cost of health care, I held a health care summit on Thursday to begin the long-overdue process of reform.Our ideas and opinions about how to achieve this reform will vary, but our goal must be the same: quality, affordable health care for every American that no longer overwhelms the budgets of families, businesses, and our government.Yes, this is a moment of challenge for our country.But we've experienced great trials before.And with every test, each generation has found the capacity to not only endure, but to prosper--to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.That is what we can and must do today.And I am absolutely confident that is what we will do.I'm confident that at this defining moment, we will prove ourselves worthy of the sacrifice of those who came before us, and the promise of those who will come after.Saturday, March 14, 2009 Washington, DC
I’ve often said that I don’t believe government has the answer to every problem or that it can do all things for all people.We are a nation built on the strength of individual initiative.But there are certain things that we can’t do on our own.There are certain things only a government can do.And one of those things is ensuring that the foods we eat, and the medicines we take, are safe and don’t cause us harm.That is the mission of our Food and Drug Administration and it is a mission shared by our Department of Agriculture, and a variety of other agencies and offices at just about every level of government.The men and women who inspect our foods and test the safety of our medicines are chemists and physicians, veterinarians and pharmacists.It is because of the work they do each and every day that the United States is one of the safest places in the world to buy groceries at a supermarket or pills at a drugstore.Unlike citizens of so many other countries, Americans can trust that there is a strong system in place to ensure that the medications we give our children will help them get better, not make them sick;and that a family dinner won’t end in a trip to the doctor’s office.But in recent years, we’ve seen a number of problems with the food making its way to our kitchen tables.In 2006, it was contaminated spinach.In 2008, it was salmonella in peppers and possibly tomatoes.And just this year, bad peanut products led to hundreds of illnesses and cost nine people their lives – a painful reminder of how tragic the consequences can be when food producers act irresponsibly and government is unable to do its job.Worse, these incidents reflect a troubling trend that’s seen the average number of outbreaks from contaminated produce and other foods grow to nearly 350 a year – up from 100 a year in the early 1990s.Part of the reason is that many of the laws and regulations governing food safety in America have not been updated since they were written in the time of Teddy Roosevelt.It’s also because our system of inspection and enforcement is spread out so widely among so many people that it’s difficult for different parts of our government to share information, work together, and solve problems.And it’s also because the FDA has been underfunded and understaffed in recent years, leaving the agency with the resources to inspect just 7,000 of our 150,000 food processing plants and warehouses each year.That means roughly 95% of them go uninspected.That is a hazard to public health.It is unacceptable.And it will change under the leadership of Dr.Margaret Hamburg, whom I am appointing today as Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration.From her research on infectious disease at the National Institutes of Health to her work on public health at the Department of Health and Human Services to her leadership on biodefense at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Dr.Hamburg brings to this vital position not only a reputation of integrity but a record of achievement in making Americans safer and more secure.Dr.Hamburg was one of the youngest people ever elected to the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine.And her two children have a unique distinction of their own.Their birth certificates feature her name twice – once as their mother, and once as New York City Health Commissioner.In that role, Dr.Hamburg brought a new life to a demoralized agency, leading an internationally-recognized initiative that cut the tuberculosis rate by nearly half, and overseeing food safety in our nation’s largest city.Joining her as Principal Deputy Commissioner will be Dr.Joshua Sharfstein.As Baltimore’s Health Commissioner, Dr.Sharfstein has been recognized as a national leader for his efforts to protect children from unsafe over-the-counter cough and cold medications.And he’s designed an award-winning program to ensure that Americans with disabilities had access to prescription drugs.Their critical work – and the critical work of the FDA they lead – will be part of a larger effort taken up by a new Food Safety Working Group I am creating.This Working Group will bring together cabinet secretaries and senior officials to advise me on how we can upgrade our food safety laws for the 21st century;foster coordination throughout government;and ensure that we are not just designing laws that will keep the American people safe, but enforcing them.And I expect this group to report back to me with recommendations as soon as possible.As part of our commitment to public health, our Agriculture Department is closing a loophole in the system to ensure that diseased cows don’t find their way into the food supply.And we are also strengthening our food safety system and modernizing our labs with a billion dollar investment, a portion of which will go toward significantly increasing the number of food inspectors, helping ensure that the FDA has the staff and support they need to protect the food we eat.In the end, food safety is something I take seriously, not just as your President, but as a parent.When I heard peanut products were being contaminated earlier this year, I immediately thought of my 7-year old daughter, Sasha, who has peanut butter sandwiches for lunch probably three times a week.No parent should have to worry that their child is going to get sick from their lunch.Just as no family should have to worry that the medicines they buy will cause them harm.Protecting the safety of our food and drugs is one of the most fundamental responsibilities government has, and, with the outstanding team I am announcing today, it is a responsibility that I intend to uphold in the months and years to come.Saturday, March 21, 2009 Last week, I spent a few days in California, talking with ordinary Americans in town halls and in the places where they work.We talked about their struggles, and we talked about their hopes.At the end of the day, these men and women weren’t as concerned with the news of the day in Washington as they were about the very real and very serious challenges their families face every day: whether they’ll have a job and a paycheck to count on;whether they’ll be able to pay their medical bills or afford college tuition;whether they’ll be able to leave their children a world that’s safer and more prosperous than the one we have now.Those are the concerns I heard about in California.They are the concerns I’ve heard about in letters from people throughout this country for the last two years.And they are the concerns addressed in the budget I sent to Congress last month.With the magnitude of the challenges we face, I don’t just view this budget as numbers on a page or a laundry list of programs.It’s an economic blueprint for our future – a vision of America where growth is not based on real estate bubbles or overleveraged banks, but on a firm foundation of investments in energy, education, and health care that will lead to a real and lasting prosperity.These investments are not a wish list of priorities that I picked out of thin air – they are a central part of a comprehensive strategy to grow this economy by attacking the very problems that have dragged it down for too long: the high cost of health care and our dependence on foreign oil;our education deficit and our fiscal deficit.Now, as the House and the Senate take up this budget next week, the specific details and dollar amounts in this budget will undoubtedly change.That’s a normal and healthy part of the process.But when all is said and done, I expect a budget that meets four basic principles: First, it must reduce our dependence on dangerous foreign oil and finally put this nation on a path to a clean, renewable energy future.There is no longer a doubt that the jobs and industries of tomorrow will involve harnessing renewable sources of energy.The only question is whether America will lead that future.I believe we can and we will, and that’s why we’ve proposed a budget that makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy, while investing in technologies like wind power and solar power;advanced biofuels, clean coal, and fuel-efficient cars and trucks that can be built right here in America.Second, this budget must renew our nation’s commitment to a complete and competitive education for every American child.In this global economy, we know the countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow, and we know that our students are already falling behind their counterparts in places like China.That is why we have proposed investments in childhood education programs that work;in high standards and accountability for our schools;in rewards for teachers who succeed;and in affordable college education for anyone who wants to go.It is time to demand excellence from our schools so that we can finally prepare our workforce for a 21st century economy.Third, we need a budget that makes a serious investment in health care reform – reform that will bring down costs, ensure quality, and guarantee people their choice of doctors and hospitals.Right now, there are millions of Americans who are just one illness or medical emergency away from bankruptcy.There are businesses that have been forced to close their doors or ship jobs overseas because they can’t afford insurance.Medicare costs are consuming our federal budget.Medicaid is overwhelming our state budgets.So to those who say we have to choose between health care reform and fiscal discipline, I say that making investments now that will dramatically lower health care costs for everyone won’t add to our budget deficit in the long-term – it is one of the best ways to reduce it.Finally, this budget must reduce that deficit even further.With the fiscal mess we’ve inherited and the cost of this financial crisis, I’ve proposed a budget that cuts our deficit in half by the end of my first term.That’s why we are scouring every corner of the budget and have proposed $2 trillion in deficit reductions over the next decade.In total, our budget would bring discretionary spending for domestic programs as a share of the economy to its lowest level in nearly half a century.And we will continue making these tough choices in the months and years ahead so that as our economy recovers, we do what we must to bring this deficit down.I will be discussing each of these principles next week, as Congress takes up the important work of debating this budget.I realize there are those who say these plans are too ambitious to enact.To that I say that the challenges we face are too large to ignore.I didn’t come here to pass on our problems to the next President or the next generation – I came here to solve them.The American people sent us here to get things done, and at this moment of great challenge, they are watching and waiting for us to lead.Let’s show them that we are equal to the task before us, and let’s pass a budget that puts this nation on the road to lasting prosperity.Saturday, March 28, 2009 Washington, DC Even as we face an economic crisis which demands our constant focus, forces of nature can also intervene in ways that create other crises to which we must respond – and respond urgently.For the people of North and South Dakota and Minnesota who live along rivers spilling over their banks, this is one such moment.Rivers and streams throughout the region have flooded or are at risk of flooding.The cities of Fargo and neighboring Moorhead are vulnerable as the waters of the Red River have risen.Thousands of homes and businesses are threatened.That is why, on Tuesday, I granted a major disaster declaration request for the State of North Dakota and ordered federal support into the region to help state and local officials respond to the flooding.This was followed by an emergency declaration for the State of Minnesota.And we are also keeping close watch on the situation in South Dakota as it develops.The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency continue to coordinate the federal response.Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is helping to oversee federal efforts and she remains in close contact with state officials.Acting FEMA administrator Nancy Ward has been in the region since yesterday to meet with folks on the ground and survey the area herself.In addition, The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers is assisting in the emergency construction of levees.The Coast Guard is aiding in search and rescue efforts while the Department of Defense is helping to move people and supplies.Members of the National Guard have been activated and are on the scene as well.Hospitals and nursing homes in the area are being evacuated and residents in poor health or with special needs are being transported to higher ground.Teams from the Department of Health and Human Services are aiding in this work.And the Red Cross is in place to provide shelter and supplies for folks in need.It is also important for residents in these states to remain vigilant in monitoring reports on flood crests and to follow instructions from their state and local leaders in the event that evacuations become necessary.My administration is working closely with Governors John Hoeven, Mike Rounds and Tim Pawlenty.And I’ve been meeting with Senators Byron Dorgan, Kent Conrad, and Amy Klobuchar, as well as Congressmen Earl Pomeroy and Collin Peterson, to pledge my support.I will continue to monitor the situation carefully.We will do what must be done to help in concert with state and local agencies and non-profit organizations – and volunteers who are doing so much to aid the response effort.For at moments like these, we are reminded of the power of nature to disrupt lives and endanger communities.But we are also reminded of the power of individuals to make a difference.In the Fargodome, thousands of people gathered not to watch a football game or a rodeo, but to fill sandbags.Volunteers filled 2.5 million of them in just five days, working against the clock, day and night, with tired arms and aching backs.Others braved freezing temperatures, gusting winds, and falling snow to build levees along the river’s banks to help protect against waters that have exceeded record levels.College students have traveled by the busload from nearby campuses to lend a hand during their spring breaks.Students from local high schools asked if they could take time to participate.Young people have turned social networks into community networks, coordinating with one another online to figure out how best to help.In the face of an incredible challenge, the people of these communities have rallied in support of one another.And their service isn’t just inspirational – it’s integral to our response.It’s also a reminder of what we can achieve when Americans come together to serve their communities.All across the nation, there are men, women and young people who have answered that call, and millions of other who would like to.Whether it’s helping to reduce the energy we use, cleaning up a neighborhood park, tutoring in a local school, or volunteering in countless other ways, individual citizens can make a big difference.That is why I’m so happy that legislation passed the Senate this week and the House last week to provide more opportunities for Americans to serve their communities and the country.The bipartisan Senate bill was sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator Ted Kennedy, a leader who embodies the spirit of public service, and I am looking forward to signing this important measure into law.In facing sudden crises or more stubborn challenges, the truth is we are all in this together – as neighbors and fellow citizens.That is what brought so many to help in North Dakota and Minnesota and other areas affected by this flooding.That is what draws people to volunteer in so many ways, serving our country here and on distant shores.Our thanks go to them today, and to all who are working day and night to deal with the disaster.We send them our thoughts, our prayers, and our continued assistance in this difficult time.Saturday, April 4, 2009
In this new century, we live in a world that has grown smaller and more interconnected than at any time in history.Threats to our nation’s security and economy can no longer be kept at bay by oceans or by borders drawn on maps.The terrorists who struck our country on 9/11 plotted in Hamburg, trained in Kandahar and Karachi, and threaten countries across the globe.Cars in Boston and Beijing are melting ice caps in the Arctic that disrupt weather patterns everywhere.The theft of nuclear material from the former Soviet Union could lead to the extermination of any city on earth.And reckless speculation by bankers in New York and London has fueled a global recession that is inflicting pain on workers and families around the world and across America.The challenges of our time threaten the peace and prosperity of every single nation, and no one nation can meet them alone.That is why it is sometimes necessary for a President to travel abroad in order to protect and strengthen our nation here at home.That is what I have done this week.I began my trip by attending a summit of the G20 – the countries that represent the world’s largest economies – because we know that the success of America’s economy is inextricably linked to that of the global economy.If people in other countries cannot spend, that means they cannot buy the goods we produce here in America, which means more lost jobs and more families hurting.Just yesterday, we learned that we lost hundreds of thousands more jobs last month, adding to the millions we’ve lost since this recession began.And if we continue to let banks and other financial institutions around the world act recklessly and irresponsibly, that affects institutions here at home as credit dries up, and people can’t get loans to buy a home or car, to run a small business or pay for college.Ultimately, the only way out of a recession that is global in scope is with a response that is global in coordination.That is why I’m pleased that after two days of careful negotiation, the G20 nations have agreed on a series of unprecedented steps that I believe will be a turning point in our pursuit of a global economic recovery.All of us are now moving aggressively to get our banks lending again.All of us are working to spur growth and create jobs.And all of us have agreed on the most sweeping reform of our financial regulatory framework in a generation – reform that will help end the risky speculation and market abuses that have cost so many people so much.I also met this past week with the leaders of China and Russia, working to forge constructive relationships to address issues of common concern, while being frank with each other about where we disagree.President Hu and I agreed that the link between China’s economy and ours is of great mutual benefit, and we established a new Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the U.S.and China.President Medvedev and I discussed our shared commitment to a world without nuclear weapons, and we signed a declaration putting America and Russia on the path to a new treaty to further reduce our nuclear arsenals.Tomorrow, I will lay out additional steps we must take to secure the world’s loose nuclear materials and stop the spread of these deadly weapons.Finally, I met yesterday with our NATO allies and asked them for additional civilian support and assistance for our efforts in Afghanistan.That is where al Qaeda trains, plots, and threatens to launch their next attack.And that attack could occur in any nation, which means that every nation has a stake in ensuring that our mission in Afghanistan succeeds.As we have worked this week to find common ground and strengthen our alliances, we have not solved all of our problems.And we have not agreed on every point or every issue in every meeting.But we have made real and unprecedented progress – and will continue to do so in the weeks and months ahead.Because in the end, we recognize that no corner of the globe can wall itself off from the threats of the twenty-first century, or from the needs and concerns of fellow nations.The only way forward is through shared and persistent efforts to combat fear and want wherever they exist.That is the challenge of our time.And if we move forward with courage and resolve, I am confident that we will meet this challenge.Saturday, April 11, 2009 I speak to you today during a time that is holy and filled with meaning for believers around the world.Earlier this week, Jewish people gathered with family and friends to recite the stories of their ancestors’ struggle and ultimate liberation.Tomorrow, Christians of all denominations will come together to rejoice and remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ.These are two very different holidays with their own very different traditions.But it seems fitting that we mark them both during the same week.For in a larger sense, they are both moments of reflection and renewal.They are both occasions to think more deeply about the obligations we have to ourselves and the obligations we have to one another, no matter who we are, where we come from, or what faith we practice.This idea – that we are all bound up, as Martin Luther King once said, in “a single garment of destiny”– is a lesson of all the world’s great religions.And never has it been more important for us to reaffirm that lesson than it is today – at a time when we face tests and trials unlike any we have seen in our time.An economic crisis that recognizes no borders.Violent extremism that’s claimed the lives of innocent men, women, and children from Manhattan to Mumbai.An unsustainable dependence on foreign oil and other sources of energy that pollute our air and water and threaten our planet.The proliferation of the world’s most dangerous weapons, the persistence of deadly disease, and the recurrence of age-old conflicts.These are challenges that no single nation, no matter how powerful, can confront alone.The United States must lead the way.But our best chance to solve these unprecedented problems comes from acting in concert with other nations.That is why I met with leaders of the G-20 nations to ensure that the world’s largest economies take strong and unified action in the face of the global economic crisis.Together, we’ve taken steps to stimulate growth, restore the flow of credit, open markets, and dramatically reform our financial regulatory system to prevent such crises from occurring again – steps that will lead to job creation at home.It is only by working together that we will finally defeat 21st century security threats like al Qaeda.So it was heartening that our NATO allies united in Strasbourg behind our strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and contributed important resources to support our effort there.It is only by coordinating with countries around the world that we will stop the spread of the world’s most dangerous weapons.That is why I laid out a strategy in Prague for us to work with Russia and other nations to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons;to secure nuclear materials from terrorists;and, ultimately, to free the world from the menace of a nuclear nightmare.And it is only by building a new foundation of mutual trust that we will tackle some of our most entrenched problems.That is why, in Turkey, I spoke to members of Parliament and university students about rising above the barriers of race, region, and religion that too often divide us.With all that is at stake today, we cannot afford to talk past one another.We can’t afford to allow old differences to prevent us from making progress in areas of common concern.We can’t afford to let walls of mistrust stand.Instead, we have to find – and build on – our mutual interests.For it is only when people come together, and seek common ground, that some of that mistrust can begin to fade.And that is where progress begins.Make no mistake: we live in a dangerous world, and we must be strong and vigilant in the face of these threats.But let us not allow whatever differences we have with other nations to stop us from coming together around those solutions that are essential to our survival and success.As we celebrate Passover, Easter, and this time of renewal, let’s find strength in our shared resolve and purpose in our common aspirations.And if we can do that, then not only will we fulfill the sacred meaning of these holy days, but we will fulfill the promise of our country as a leader around the world.Saturday, April 18, 2009 It’s not news to say that we are living through challenging times: The worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.A credit crisis that has made that downturn worse.And a fiscal disaster that has accumulated over a period of years.In the year 2000, we had projected budget surpluses in the trillions, and Washington appeared to be on the road to fiscal stability.Eight years later, when I walked in the door, the projected budget deficit for this year alone was $1.3 trillion.And in order to jumpstart our struggling economy, we were forced to make investments that added to that deficit through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.But as surely as our future depends on building a new energy economy, controlling health care costs and ensuring that our kids are once again the best educated in the world, it also depends on restoring a sense of responsibility and accountability to our federal budget.Without significant change to steer away from ever-expanding deficits and debt, we are on an unsustainable course.So today, we simply cannot afford to perpetuate a system in Washington where politicians and bureaucrats make decisions behind closed doors, with little accountability for the consequences;where billions are squandered on programs that have outlived their usefulness, or exist solely because of the power of a lobbyist or interest group;and where outdated technology and information systems undermine efficiency, threaten our security, and fail to serve an engaged citizenry.If we’re to going to rebuild our economy on a solid foundation, we need to change the way we do business in Washington.We need to restore the American people’s confidence in their government – that it is on their side, spending their money wisely, to meet their families’ needs.That starts with the painstaking work of examining every program, every entitlement, every dollar of government spending and asking ourselves: Is this program really essential? Are taxpayers getting their money’s worth? Can we accomplish our goals more efficiently or effectively some other way? It’s a process we have already begun, scouring our budget line by line for programs that don’t work so we can cut them to make room for ones that do.That means ending tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas;stopping the fraud and abuse in our Medicare program;and reforming our health care system to cut costs for families and businesses.It means strengthening whisteblower protections for government employees who step forward to report wasteful spending.And it means reinstating the pay-as-you-go rule that we followed during the 1990s – so if we want to spend, we’ll need to find somewhere else to cut.And this Monday, at my first, full Cabinet meeting, I will ask all of my department and agency heads for specific proposals for cutting their budgets.Already, members of my Cabinet have begun to trim back unnecessary expenditures.Secretary Napolitano, for example, is ending consulting contracts to create new seals and logos that have cost the Department of Homeland Security $3 million since 2003.In the largest Department, Secretary Gates has launched an historic project to reform defense contracting procedures and eliminate hundreds of billions of dollars in wasteful spending and cost overruns.And I commend Senators McCain and Levin – a Republican and a Democrat – who have teamed up to lead this effort in Congress.Finally, in the coming weeks, I will be announcing the elimination of dozens of government programs shown to be wasteful or ineffective.In this effort, there will be no sacred cows, and no pet projects.All across America, families are making hard choices, and it’s time their government did the same.That is why I have assembled a team of management, technology, and budget experts to guide us in this work – leaders who will help us revamp government operations from top to bottom and ensure that the federal government is truly working for the American people.I have named Jeffrey Zients, a leading CEO, management consultant and entrepreneur, to serve as Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget and as the first ever Chief Performance Officer.Jeffrey will work to streamline processes, cut costs, and find best practices throughout our government.Aneesh Chopra, who is currently the Secretary of Technology for Governor Kaine of Virginia, has agreed to serve as America’s Chief Technology Officer.In this role, Aneesh will promote technological innovation to help achieve our most urgent priorities – from creating jobs and reducing health care costs to keeping our nation secure.Aneesh and Jeffrey will work closely with our Chief Information Officer, Vivek Kundra, who is responsible for setting technology policy across the government, and using technology to improve security, ensure transparency, and lower costs.The goal is to give all Americans a voice in their government and ensure that they know exactly how we’re spending their money – and can hold us accountable for the results.None of this will be easy.Big change never is.But with the leadership of these individuals, I am confident that we can break our bad habits, put an end to the mismanagement that has plagued our government, and start living within our means again.That is how we will get our deficits under control and move from recovery to prosperity.And that is how we will give the American people the kind of government they expect and deserve – one that is efficient, accountable and fully worthy of their trust.
This weekend, I’m traveling to Toronto to meet with members of the G20.There, I hope we can build on the progress we made at last year’s G20 summits by coordinating our global financial reform efforts to make sure a crisis like the one from which we are still recovering never happens again.We’ve made great progress toward passing such reform here at home.As I speak, we are on the cusp of enacting the toughest financial reforms since the Great Depression.I don’t have to tell you why these reforms are so important.We’re still digging ourselves out of an economic crisis that happened largely because there wasn’t strong enough oversight on Wall Street.We can’t build a strong economy in America over the long-run without ending this status quo, and laying a new foundation for growth and prosperity.That’s what the Wall Street reforms currently making their way through Congress will help us do – reforms that represent 90% of what I proposed when I took up this fight.We’ll put in place the strongest consumer financial protections in American history, and create an independent agency with an independent director and an independent budget to enforce them.Credit card companies will no longer be able to mislead you with pages and pages of fine print.You will no longer be subject to all kinds of hidden fees and penalties, or the predatory practices of unscrupulous lenders.Instead, we’ll make sure credit card companies and mortgage companies play by the rules.And you’ll be empowered with easy-to-understand forms, and the clear and concise information you need to make the financial decisions that are best for you and your family.Wall Street reform will also strengthen our economy in a number of other ways.We’ll make our financial system more transparent by bringing the kinds of complex trades that helped trigger this crisis – trades in a $600 trillion derivatives market – finally into the light of day.We’ll enact what’s called the Volcker Rule to make sure banks protected by a safety net like the FDIC can’t engage in risky trades for their own profit.We’ll create what’s called a resolution authority to help wind down firms whose collapse would threaten our entire financial system.Put simply, we’ll end the days of taxpayer-funded bailouts, and help make sure Main Street is never again held responsible for Wall Street’s mistakes.Beyond these reforms, we also need to address another piece of unfinished business.We need to impose a fee on the banks that were the biggest beneficiaries of taxpayer assistance at the height of our financial crisis – so we can recover every dime of taxpayer money.Getting this far on Wall Street reform hasn’t been easy.There are those who’ve fought tooth and nail to preserve the status quo.In recent months, they’ve spent millions of dollars and hired an army of lobbyists to stop reform dead in its tracks.But because we refused to back down, and kept fighting, we now stand on the verge of victory.And I urge Congress to take us over the finish line, and send me a reform bill I can sign into law, so we can empower our people with consumer protections, and help prevent a financial crisis like this from ever happening again.
This week, I spent some time in Racine, Wisconsin, talking with folks who are doing their best to cope with the aftermath of a brutal recession.And while I was there, a young woman asked me a question I hear all the time: “What are we doing as a nation to bring jobs back to this country?”
Well, on Friday, we learned that after 22 straight months of job loss, our economy has now created jobs in the private sector for 6 months in a row.That’s a positive sign.But the truth is, the recession from which we’re emerging has left us in a hole that’s about 8 million jobs deep.And as I’ve said from the day I took office, it’s going to take months, even years, to dig our way out – and it’s going to require an all-hands-on-deck effort.In the short term, we’re fighting to speed up this recovery and keep the economy growing by all means possible.That means extending unemployment insurance for workers who lost their job.That means getting small businesses the loans they need to keep their doors open and hire new workers.And that means sending relief to states so they don’t have to lay off thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers.Still, at a time when millions of Americans feel a deep sense of urgency in their own lives, Republican leaders in Washington just don’t get it.While a majority of Senators support taking these steps to help the American people, some are playing the same old Washington games and using their power to hold this relief hostage – a move that only ends up holding back our recovery.It doesn’t make sense.But I promised those folks in Wisconsin – and I promise all of you – that we won’t back down.We’re going to keep fighting to advance our recovery.And we’re going to keep competing aggressively to make sure the jobs and industries of the future are taking root right here in America.That’s one of the reasons why we’re accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy and doubling our use of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power – steps that have the potential to create whole new industries and hundreds of thousands of new jobs in America.In fact, today, I’m announcing that the Department of Energy is awarding nearly $2 billion in conditional commitments to two solar companies.The first is Abengoa Solar, a company that has agreed to build one of the largest solar plants in the world right here in the United States.After years of watching companies build things and create jobs overseas, it’s good news that we’ve attracted a company to our shores to build a plant and create jobs right here in America.In the short term, construction will create approximately 1,600 jobs in Arizona.What’s more, over 70 percent of the components and products used in construction will be manufactured in the USA, boosting jobs and communities in states up and down the supply chain.Once completed, this plant will be the first large-scale solar plant in the U.S.to actually store the energy it generates for later use – even at night.And it will generate enough clean, renewable energy to power 70,000 homes.The second company is Abound Solar Manufacturing, which will manufacture advanced solar panels at two new plants, creating more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs.A Colorado plant is already underway, and an Indiana plant will be built in what’s now an empty Chrysler factory.When fully operational, these plants will produce millions of state-of-the-art solar panels each year.These are just two of the many clean energy investments in the Recovery Act.Already, I’ve seen the payoff from these investments.I’ve seen once-shuttered factories humming with new workers who are building solar panels and wind turbines;rolling up their sleeves to help America win the race for the clean energy economy.So that’s some of what we’re doing.But the truth is, steps like these won’t replace all the jobs we’ve lost overnight.I know folks are struggling.I know this Fourth of July weekend finds many Americans wishing things were a bit easier right now.I do too.But what this weekend reminds us, more than any other, is that we are a nation that has always risen to the challenges before it.We are a nation that, 234 years ago, declared our independence from one of the greatest empires the world had ever known.We are a nation that mustered a sense of common purpose to overcome Depression and fear itself.We are a nation that embraced a call to greatness and saved the world from tyranny.That is who we are – a nation that turns times of trial into times of triumph – and I know America will write our own destiny once more.I wish every American a safe and happy Fourth of July.And to all our troops serving in harm’s way, I want you to know you have the support of a grateful nation and a proud Commander-in-Chief.Thank you, God Bless You, and God Bless the United States of America.