还有我们的志愿者,他们的付出与奉献,依然让人感动。大会宣传时,他们牺牲自己的午休时间,顶着烈日在校园里的各个校区来回奔跑,张贴海报。开大会这三天,他们就一直没有停下来过。所以的会场,大会和晚会,都是他们布置的,还有你们的tea break也是他们准备的。每场会结束时,代表们都回去吃饭了,他们却还在收拾会场。提到志愿者团队,就不得不提他们的部长,王雪同学。开大会这两天,她除了要管理志愿者,还要参加考试。昨天晚上的social结束后,所有的筹委会人员都上去合影、吃蛋糕了,她却在下面带领志愿者打扫会场。我如果没猜错的话,她应该练一口蛋糕都没吃上吧。
最后,来说说我们可爱的筹委会成员吧。筹委会以外的人可能不知道,我们的大会时间与品牌社团审核时间冲突了,大家既要忙大会,还要忙答辩,有些人还要忙着排话剧。昨天那场话剧的所有演员都是我们的筹委会人员,他们精心排练了两个月才取得了最后那么轰动的效果。除此之外有些人还要忙着考试。像赵沛尧,王雪,刘家浩等。说起刘家浩,说先像大家介绍一下,他是我们social evenet的助理,由于他的部长近期出去实习了,后期的工作基本上都是他一个人完成的。他每天晚上都要忙到两三点才能睡,原本就很瘦,半个月内,又瘦了两公斤。一个大男生,现在只有90多斤,连100斤都不到。昨天一直奔波于晚会的准备,他整整一天都没有吃上饭。还有他的部长闫尊祥,他人虽在外面实习,心却一直都留在模联。为了我们的晚会,他特地请假,从阿拉山口坐了一晚上的车赶回来,今天还要急匆匆地赶回去。为了让代表少交一些会费,节省一些开支,公关部部长李大伟一直忙于拉赞助。有时候跑了两三次,都不一定能成功,有时候在外面跑了一天连饭都吃不上。还有传媒部部长王丽同学,我们所有的国家牌、胸牌、展板、海报,视频,都是她们部的工作成果。最近,为了改图,王丽经常要熬到深夜,就连开幕式的前一天,她都熬到了三点多,才最终确定了我们现在门口那块幕布的设计稿。还有给我们做视频的王金忠同学,公关部的郭梦婕同学等等,我们筹委会可爱的人真是太多了,那些动人的故事真是说不尽、道不完。能与这样的人一起做事,能够结识这样的一群朋友,真的是我加入此次筹委会最大的收获,我相信,它也将是我大学时代最宝贵的一笔财富。
1.A strong, efficient operational heart, a decision making body, should be built which would take actions such as disaster assessment and dispatching experts, provide financial help to the suffering area as the natural hazards come.Meanwhile, it should also be the information center for states to share information and take joint efforts to deal with the natural disaster;1.An alerting system platform is required for risk assessment and advisory.It can also serves as a platform for communication when emergency comes.The platform should also be responsible for testing and rehearsing Contingency planning, decision-making procedures, provision of information to the public and media.2.A training program should be set up to promote the resilience of the civilians, making them tougher in face of disasters.This training program focus on general training(training for civilians)and volunteer training.The volunteers should be dispatched to the areas hitting by disasters;3.A certain fund should be raised by states to provide financial help under the resolution of the operational heart.This fund also need help and support from the NGOs, under the joint supervision of the operational heart and the NGOs, the European Union believes that the money would be used properly and efficiently.4.An insurance institution should be established to provide the financial help after the disaster.Policies and legal systems should be built to ensure that civilians could get this insurance before the disaster.The European Union calls for other countries and NGOs like the World Bank to take efforts in maintaining the execution of this plan.2.Immediate impact phase
A.The priority of this phase: 1.Calling for governments to reinforce the establishment of emergency rescuing team;2.Strengthening the government's capacity of quickly organizing critical services such as providing food, water, sanitation, basic health care, protection from violence;3.The media spreads news letting people of other regions know the situation in affected areas thus facilitate immediate assistance.B.Most vulnerable Population Protection
1.Aids should be divided according to the gender and it should go to the most vulnerable arrears, countries or region.Women, children and elder should have priority;2.Civilian and Military Cooperation;a.Scope :very specific circumstances in complex emergencies;b.Countries all around include humanitarian community;c.Capabilities include communications services, sea and airport repairs and operation, fuel management, road and bridge repairs;d.Military is required to provide safe and secure environments to allow humanitarian actors access to deliver humanitarian aid;e.Civil-Military Coordination Section(CMCS)is the custodian of the UN guidelines and documents on civil-military coordination.3.Programs like Seasonal social safety net can be used in order to protect the most vulnerable households.It includes cash transfers, either unconditionally, or in exchange for work or training, when their reserves of money and food are lowest.Civilians can buy food for themselves, boost their local economies.C.International Cooperation 1.The regional mechanism,may appointment or cooperation with international teams.The teams shall be composed of experts and a team leader provided by the member states.The selection shall also be based on serious criteria so as to ensure that the team as a whole has available the skills needed for the specific situation;2.Military assets and capabilities available should be consisted with the principles of relevant United Nations Guidelines.3.Post disaster phase Planning The participation and active involvement of regional institution,and affected individuals in the planning of recovery efforts is essential;1).The planning should base on a sound ,participatory assessment fo the needs and capacities of the affected population, so that local initiatives ,resources and capacities are fully understood and used;2)This process should be signed to reach the most vulnerable population;3)External technical assistance must complement existing capacities,be conceived as supportive and not directive ,and entail a transfer of technology,know-how and capacities fo increased resilience,risk management and sustainable development.Coordination 1).Coordination and information-sharing between national and international actors involved in recovery activities are essential to avoid duplications and gaps and to optimize available resources;2).More structured and systematic support by the regional community so that national and local authorities are in a position to lead the recovery processes in a way that maximizes all available support.Secondary disaster 1).The most effective way to prevent secondary disaster is giving full to the linkage effect of the existing resources.Through establishing and perfecting the monitoring system,planning the massed route of escape and shelter to reduce the losses in secondary disaster;2).Strengthen the implementation of social safety-net mechanisms to assist the poor,the elderly and the disabled,and other populations affected by disasters.Enhance recovery schemes including psycho-social training programs in order to mitigate the psychological damage of vulnerable populations ,particularly children, in the aftermath of disasters.A.Private Partnership
We recommend:
1.Encouraging private sector to help people in disaster prone get salary for life and ger disaster-affected countries back to the healthy economics to perfect their basic instrument for the readiness of next disaster.2.Enhancing the community function fo the psychology recovery to help people out of the dark of disaster.B.Insurance recovery resources The sticking point of implementation and solution to almost every issue lies in money and financial and technology assistance should be explicitly listed.According to research ,there are already several agencies and organizations whose work is related to these aspects and capable of resolving this problem thus it is not necessary to establish other new agencies for saving money and effort.C.Secondary disaster 1.The most effective way to prevent secondary disaster is giving full play to the linkage effect of existing resources.Through establishing and perfecting the monitoring system, planning the masses route of escape and shelter to reduce the losses in secondary disaster.2.Strengthen the implementation of social safety-net mechanisms to assist the poor, the elderly and the disabled,and other populations affected by disasters.Enhance recovery schemes including psycho-social training programs in order to mitigate the psychological damage of vulnerable populations, particularly children, in the aftermath of disasters.Working Paper 1.9 Committee: United Nation General Assembly-Third Committee Topic: International Cooperation and Aid on Disaster Readiness Submitted by: Italy, Czech Republic, Austria,Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Comoros, Azerbaijan.In order to give a better salvation toward the issue, we firmly insist the following suggestions.1.An Insurance System ought to be established.Regional or national insurance is encouraged to be founded according to the features and situations of the region.Compulsory insurance towards the local people esp.In the regions where there are more threats by disasters is advised to be provided.National budget, global institutions(WB), NGOs, also enterprises(local and also multinational companies)are considered to provide the financial supports towards the insurance.2.Founding temporary disaster fund
UN suggests countries, large enterprises and international institutions(International Monetary Fund and the World Bank should establish a temporary fund aiming at reducing the effects of the climate and disaster.)
This specific disaster fund should take the responsibility to spread the information of the local people’s need and the way to the donate money by media.3.More attention towards Education
The 42nd general assembly of the United Nation passed the resolution that carrying out an event, International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, among the world, which aimed to help countries to overcome the catastrophe and rebuilt the disaster areas.We suggest that each country to promote the international Day for Disaster Reduction which plays the role of an appeal for action of decreasing the risk of unaware nature disaster and attention of disaster forecast and precaution.4.Information share
Government should cooperate with NGOs which play the role of bond between countries providing assistance and the regions suffering from disaster.1).NGOs should get the details of the disaster in those regions in time and communicate with the local government to get a better understanding of the local people’s needs;
2).NGOs should give a feedback of the information to international organizations and other countries’governments to guarantee the efficiency of information;
Governments of different countries which provide the aids should share the information;
Governments, together with NGOs should provide the public with information of secondary disasters in order to avoid the unnecessary losses;5.Rescue
Transiting the people in the disaster areas to emergency shelter, such as public squares, sport gyms and so on;
Simplifying the procedure of delivering relief materials between countries to guarantee efficiency;
Local rescue teams should cooperate with international rescue teams providing expertise.6.Fund
Media reveals ways to raise fund and supplies from the public people all around the world;
Governments, private sectors, and international organizations should keep their promise of donation to the disaster suffering areas;
Appealing for developed countries for obligating certain amount of fund for humanitarian aids.Working paper 1.7 Committee: General Assembly Third Committee Topic: International Cooperation and aid on disaster Readiness Submitted by: France, Portugal, Spain, Ireland
In order to achieve the target of higher resilience and less vulnerability and give guidance on forming a post-2005 framework, we calls on multi-stakeholders to be involved:
The international priority: Focus on the trans-boundary impacts of disasters, measuring success and leaning the lessons of implementation, especially at national level;
Take advantage of the links between climate change adaptation, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction to demonstrate progress and relevance to other processes;
Abstain from building new systems to implement the post-2015 DRR framework, but instead valorize and use existing systems and networks;
Bottom-up engagement is crucial: national international legal frameworks and policies are not enough to drive effective assessment and implementation of DRR.Rather , bottom-up engagement and education is needed.Therefore, the post-HFA framework should engage local governments from the beginning.Consider a 20 year timeframe for the framework;
The language of the new framework must be formulated with local leaders in mind;help local leaders understand the importance of disaster risk reduction and how to implement successful strategies, build their capacities and leverage their existing resources in the most effective way;
Accelerate the identification of disaster and climate risks including emerging risks, retain people-focused end-to-end early warning systems as a priority;
Pay more attention to small scale disasters which have devastating impacts on communities, especially poor households and other vulnerable groups;
Focus on developing frameworks for measuring and monitoring resilience to aid urban planning and development towards safer cities;
Strengthen the governance of disaster risk reduction with an institutional focus;
Apply evidence from the science and technology community, to ensure policy-making is sound;
Enhance principles for trans-boundary collaboration for reducing risk and vulnerabilities;
Better measurement of the success and progress in disaster risk reduction, using well-defined targets and indicators;
Involvement of multi-stakeholders:
Mayors and local governments are encouraged to organize multi-stakeholder consultations in their localities/cities and share results with national government(through HFA focal points)and UNISDR;
Ensure the participation of academia and other non-conventional actors in DRR(media, private sector, faith-based groups)is important to link with scientific evidence and bring different perspectives to the discussion.Reports of consultation outcomes can be sent to UNISDR regional focal points;
City and Municipality Leagues, Associations and other networks are invited to conduct consultation in their own domain and send their recommendation to UNISDR for publishing on the website and to be included in the process;National government
national multi-stakeholder consultations to consolidate county inputs for the post 2015 framework.It is highly recommended that local governments and cities including community representatives are invited to these;
Through national cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder consultation, including local actors.Member states take stock of the lessons from managing disasters and securing development planing an investments and share those lessons at fourth session of the Global Platform for Disasters Risk Reduction in 2013;
Reinforce that a multi-stakeholder approach is required to reduce the risks of disasters.We need to recognize and work with the drivers and actors that produce change.This will require more local engagement and consultation with partners and stakeholders;Academic and science networks are well poised to help steer an guide an ongoing dialogue on linking risk assessment, diaster risk reduction methodologies, and new technological development;
National government:
National government are invited to utilize the National Platform for DRR, sub-national platform or other coordination mechanisms to seek inputs form stakeholder groups and local governments;
When participation of local governments and cities is not possible, national governments are encouraged to invite them to provide inputs by responding to suggested questions.Sub-national Disasters Management coordination bodies(such an provincial, district an commune disaster risk management committees)can facilitate discussions, using the questions an send inputs to the HFA focal points;
Provide technical and advisory support if asked by the local governments towards the consultation;
Engage finance and economic development ministries and emphasizing accountability;Invite national governments to initiate dialogues with local governments in view of the post 2015 DRR Framework an to take into account that DRR in decentralization processes as a public service;Encourage national government in addressing questions such as how to carry disaster risk assessment at national and local levels, how to help create a deeper awareness in finance an planning ministries of need to invest in disaster risk reduction, how to apply risk assessment for development planning;
Local government:
local governments, mayors and the urban community will be directly targeted through the “Making Cities Resilient” campaign list serve and events;
Participate in the on-line discussion and debates hosted by UNISDR wherever possible.Local government and urban community representatives are encouraged to participate in the on-line discussions, hosted by UNISDE wherever possible.Posting the main issues, coming out from local consultations will also help generate further debates on critical gaps and challenge;The Local Government Self Assessment(LGSAT)will be used to draw a baseline and identify the gaps and challenges, which will help to prompt a forward looking approach and identify future priorities.The LGSAT reports posted in the on-line tool will be analyzed for provoking further discussions, providing inputs to the draft framework;
Promote inclusion of Local Government representatives in all Post-2015 Framework consultations, regionally and nationally wherever feasible.Inviting local government to Regional Platform an their Post-2015 DRR consultation sessions;
Ensure that the outcomes from local government consultations are presented in the national, regional and global consultation;
Promote in local government and discussion on post 2015 DRR framework in the upcoming and planned events;Provide guidance and advisory support assistance and guidance.Local governments may contact the below mentioned focal points from partner organization if they are planning for or conducting consultations or would like to share outcomes;
Decentralization of the roles and responsibilities of disaster risk reduction should be accompanied with budgets so that local authorities have sufficient control over the necessary with budgets so that local authorities have sufficient control over the necessary resources;
At the local level, a framework to reflect inputs from people on the ground working in disaster risk reduction and resilience could provide evidence that solutions are developed an implemented locally, with special attention to make disaster risk reduction gender-sensitive;
Member States:
Through the above-mentioned consultations, prepare to share the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2013 their progress on the implementation of the commitments undertaken at the sessions of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held in 2007, 2009and 2011, as outlined in the Respective Chair’s summaries;
Engage in the consultation process for the development of a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, to be facilitated by the Strategy secretariat in accordance with General Assembly resolution 66/199;
Further develop national disaster loss databases, disaster risk mapping and financial tracking systems in order to support decision-making across all levels of Government, and that they make full use of HFA Monitor in order to support the assessment of progress made in disaster risk reduction;
Ensure that future framework and deliberations concerning sustainable development, including those at regional level, be based on practical and sound disaster risk reduction considerations, dram, inter alia, from the proposed national stocktaking exercise;
Ensure resources to and support for the further strengthening of the Strategy secretariat so that the latter can meet the challenges of the coming work on sustainable development and the development of the post-2015 disaster risk reduction framework.
▲ 活动起源
中国大学生模联活动起源于2001年,目前在北京、上海等大城市均有国内及国际级别知名模拟联合国会议。模拟联合国是模拟联合国及其相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上的热点问题召开会议会,青年学生扮演各个国家的外交官,以联合国会议的形式,通过阐述观点、政策辩论、投票表决、做出决议等亲身经历,熟悉联合国的运作方式,了解人类所面临的共同问题,促使同学们关心时事,思考自身可以发挥的作用。模拟联合国活动已经经过了60多年的发展,风靡世界,形式多样,规模不一。▲ 活动目的模拟联合国协会,它不仅仅会对联合国机构进行模拟,还会对其它全球或地区多边组织、政府内阁、国际论坛等组织或会议进行模拟。比如
1.联合国粮食及农业组织Food and Agricultural OrganizationFAO
2.世界银行 World BankWB
3.世界儿童基金会 United Nations International Children’s Emergency FundUNICEF 4世界卫生组织 World Health OrganizationWHO
模拟联合国活动中将主要涉及和平与安全、恐怖主义、人权、环境、贫穷与发展、全球化、公共卫生等话题,所涉及的学科有历史、地理、数学、文化、经济、军事等。它将使我们在研究写作、演讲、时间管理、危机处理、团队合作、沟通与妥协等方面得到锻炼。并培养同学们自觉关心当下的世界形势,认清世界本质,从而成为一个合格的当代大学生。▲ 活动安排
▲ 大会具体流程
点名(Roll Call)
2.设定议题(Setting the Agenda)
设定议题的条件:一个委员会同时有两个或两个以上的议题待讨论。 设定议题的目的:确定多数国家感兴趣的议题为优先讨论的议题。
3.正式辩论(Formal Debate)
辩论的概念:不同于平时的辩论比赛,模联中的发言、磋商、游说等均被视为辩论。正式辩论:按照发言名单顺序进行的辩论叫正式辩论。发言名单(Speakers’ List)发言名单的产生:确定议题后,正式辩论开始。主席会请需要发言的代表举国家牌,并随机点出国家名,当代表听到自己国家被点到后,放下国家牌。主席助理同步记录,代表便可在大屏幕上看到发言名单。发言名单的作用:供各国代表根据自己既定的发言主题发表讲话。发言名单的缺点:各讲各的,主题分散,不利于促进共识的形成。追加发言机会(国家名未在发言名单上或已经完成发言),可向主席台传意向条(Page)要求在发言名单上添加其代表国家,主席会将该国家名加在发言名单最后。如代表已在发言名单上并还未发言,则不能追加发言机会。发言时间:每位代表有120秒的初始发言时间(Speaking Time),可通过动议(Motion to Set Speaking Time)更改。让渡:代表在发言时间内结束发言,可将剩余时间让渡让渡给他国代表(Yield Time to Another Delegate):让渡国A代表
让渡给问题(Yield Time to Questions):代表将剩余时间让渡给问题,主席会请需要提问的代表举牌,并随机点出代表进行提问,发言代表可在剩余时间内回答任何被提出的问题,提问时间不占用剩余时间,提问内容必须根据发言者的意思来问。这种方式可以体现发言代表的思辨、反应和口语表达能力。
让渡给评论(Yield Time to Comments):代表将剩余时间让渡给评论,主席会请需要评论的代表举牌,并随机点出代表进行评论,让渡者没有权利再一次进行观点的陈述或对评论进行反驳。这种让渡方式有一定风险,因为即使已经与盟国进行沟通,也不能保证主席所点出的进行评论的代表观点与发言代表完全一致。
让渡给主席(Yield Time to the Chair):代表将剩余时间让渡给主席,意味着自动放弃剩余时间,主席将继续主持会议。
4.非正式辩论(Informal Debate)
非正式辩论:在正式辩论的发言名单外进行的辩论。非正式辩论的类型有主持核心磋商(Moderated Caucus):将大会引入一个专题讨论上来。大会暂时脱离正式辩论发言名单而重新确定一轮发言国。讨论主题、总时间、每位代表发言时间由动议进行磋商的代表提出,全体代表投票决定是否进行该磋商。自由磋商(Unmoderated Caucus):代表可在规定的时间内自由离席交流。代表可以更为密切地和盟友们交换意见,讨论各自认为重要的任何方面的问题。非正式辩论的优点
5.问题和动议(Points and Motions)
组织性问题(Point of Order):当代表认为主席在主持会议过程中产生某种错误时,可提出组织性问题,以纠正主席错误。可以打断进程提出。Example: Point of Order!Delegate of Germany would like to remind chair that the peaking time for each speaker now is 1 minute instead of 2 minutes. 咨询性问题(Point of Inquiry):当代表对于会议程序有不明白的地方时,可以举牌向主席咨询。Example: Point of Inquiry!China would like to ensure whether the next procedure is voting.
个人特权问题(Point of Personal Privilege):当代表觉得在会场上个人有任何不适时,可以提出各人特权问题,以求得主席团的帮助和解决。Example: Point of Personal Privilege!Delegate of Algeria cannot see the screen clearly.Would you mind turning the characters bigger?动议(Motions):代表出于商定会议议程、修改发言时间、进行非正式辩论的目的而提出的需要投票表决的建议。动议更改发言时间(仅在正式辩论中):如果代表认为发言时间过长或过短,可动议更改发言时间。Example: France motions to shorten the speaking time from 2 minutes to 1 minute.动议进行有主持核心磋商:此动议意味着代表试图使正式辩论阶段过渡到非正式辩论阶段。Example:China motions for a moderated caucus.The total time is 5 minutes, and each delegate has 1 minute.动议进行自由磋商:此动议意味着代表试图使正式辩论阶段过渡到非正式
辩论阶段。Example: India motions for a 15-minute un-moderated caucus.6.投票(Voting)
与会各国代表必须着正装(西装,皮鞋,领带)言行举止代表均代表自己本国形象▲ 活动预算
2012.2.14 模拟联合国规则流程简图
一. 活动目的:
在经济全球化的今天,世界是再无一个孤立的国家,各个区域的发展、变化皆会影响整个世界的发展趋势。作为中国的当代青年,决不可对国家实事闭目塞听,而应持续关注全球的发展动态。二. 活动宗旨:
激发热情 Generating young passion 社会责任 Social responsibility 想象创新 Imagination for innovation 勇于尝试 Willing to try 追求卓越 Excellence in execution 三. 大赛主题:美帝衰落妒忌中国崛起 四. 活动对象:全校学生 五. 参赛形式:
(二)根据给出的大赛主题进行模拟联合国大会会议模式 六.活动时间:2011年4月20日——2011年4月23日 七.主办单位:工学院宁海就业指导部
指导单位:工学院宁海就业指导中心 八.活动形式: 1.阅读背景资料 2.会场上书写大量文件 3.听取各代表团发言阐述各自的论点
4.由邀请到的老师和主席团成员做裁判决定哪个班级的表现 九.活动安排:
4、具标准如下: 团队印象分40% 解说分30% 问答分30%
活动时间:2008年4月 26日(下午2时,大会历时:3小时左右)
注:李蕾。网络宣传由网宣小组负责。网宣小组成员:向红、陈君梅、胡尉尉、黄习容。宣传工作是重中之重,辛苦两组同学及时、切实负起责任。联系院、校记者()。社会记者:(邀请:老师(戴轶、俞怀宁、夏安凌老师)、政法学院学生会主席、支书、学习部长、学生班主任 五院联合组织的各院主席。(主席、支书、班长负责)。
方法:A)主席宣读备选议题(如A,B 两议题),询问是否有代表愿意就为何选A(或B)阐明自己观点。支持讨论议题A(或B)的国家,提出动议,主席随机点名形成支持A(或B)的两组代表队,由双方交替发言(60S/人)。
[注] 对已经做过陈述的国家进行质询,即当某国代表(A国)对某个已发
two、改变发言时间和质询时间three、介绍决议草案four、提出或介绍修正案five 休会
two 代表通过动议要求改变发言时间(原90秒)或质询驳辩时间(原3分钟)。动议提出后立即表决,须简单多数通过。three 提交和介绍草案
当一份草案得到大会主席批准,并有20% 的国家(起草国+附议国)签字后进入是否进行介绍的动议。动议提出后立即表决,须简单多数通过后,该决议草案将由起草国(多个国家须内部经协商派一代表)介绍。
8)代表签字 9)记者招待会。