单元 2 中英论坛讲话 2(精选五篇)

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第一篇:单元 2 中英论坛讲话 2


We are meeting our British friends once again by the beautiful River Thames, for our third conference.On behalf of the Chinese delegates, I'd like to thank our British colleagues for your invitation and your excellent programme.Since last year's conference, China has undergone yet more changes.尽管当前国际经济形势并不理想,但是中国的经济仍然保持了较高的增长速度。前9个月工业增长10.3%,农村经济仍然繁荣。还有一个方面使中国人民高兴:外资企业仍然大量到中国寻求发展。

Although the world economy isn't doing well, the Chinese economy has continued to grow at a relatively high rate.In the first 9 months, industrial output grew by 10.3%.The rural economy continues to prosper.There is something else that the Chinese people are happy about.Foreign companies continue to come to China in large numbers.今年1至9月,新批准外商直接投资项目18,580个,直接投资493.47亿美元,实际使用322亿美元,比去年增长20.66%.今年前3季度,中国经济增长率达到7.6%.From January to September, 18,580 foreign direct investment projects were approved, with direct investment worth 49.347 billion dollars, of which 32.2 billion dollars has been utilised.This is an increase of 20.66% on last year.In the first 3 quarters of this year,the Chinese economy grew at a rate of 7.6%.立足于促进、提高国内市场需要,是保证中国经济持续、快速、健康发展的关键。加入WTO以后,中国将更严格地遵循国际通行的市场规则,进一步对外开放。

Increasing domestic demand is the key to maintaining high growth and a healthy economy.After WTO entry,China will bring its own practices in line with the international market and will open up further.我们相信,一个13亿人口的大市场,会为拉动世界经济发展提供可观的动力。中国还要大规模开展基础设施的建设,改造和提升工业企业的装备水平,还要提高农业的生产和加工能力。

We believe that a market as big as 1.3 billion people will provide substantial impetus to the world economy.China will continue its large-scale infrastructure programme, upgrade its industrial equipment and improve agricultural production as well as its processing capability.这都需要在国际合作的环境中才能实现。今后10年,中国大约还要进口价值3万亿美元的设备、技术和产品。这意味着巨大的市场和商机。中国入世以后,国内弱势产业将面临严重挑战。

All of the above requires an environment of international cooperation.In the next 10 years, China will import about 3,000 billion dollars of equipment, technology and products.That is a massive market with huge commercial opportunities.After WTO entry, weaker industries in China will face serious challenges.在环境、能源、水资源以及经济体制改革、开发大西北、缩小贫富差距等方面,还存在许多需要解决的问题。中国已敞开大门,张开双手,欢迎包括英国在内的世界各国继续参与互利合作。中英合作伙伴关系的发展,需要两国保持健康、稳定的政治关系。

There are still many problems to be solved in environment, in energy, in water resources, in the reform of the economic system, in the development of the northwest, and in reducing the gap between the rich and the poor.China has thrown its door wide open, and reached out with open arms, welcoming UK as well as other countries in the world to continue to cooperate for our mutual benefit.The development of a partnership between China and the UK requires a healthy and stable political relationship between the two countries.不断扩大的经贸和各领域的合作关系,又有助于推动两国政治关系的发展。这符合两国人民的利益。希望我们出席这次大会的所有朋友合作努力,共同为推动中英友好合作关系的全面发展,不断作出新的贡献。

Expanding economic and trade cooperation and cooperation in other fields are conducive to the development of a bilateral political relationship.It is beneficial to the interests of our two peoples.I hope all our friends at this conference will make joint efforts, to continue to contribute to the comprehensive development of the Sino-UK relationship.


维护和平稳定 推动结构改革 增强发展新动能


中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强
































Uphold Peace and Stability, Advance Structural Reform and Generate New Momentum for Development

Special Address by H.E.Li Keqiang

Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

At the World Economic Forum annual meeting 2015

Davos, 21 January 2015 Professor Klaus Schwab, President Simonetta Sommaruga, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to come to Davos again after five years to attend the World Economic Forum annual meeting 2015.Davos is a town of peace and serenity, yet the world outside is not tranquil.We need to work together to shape the world in a new global context.I was told that Davos used to be a resort for recuperation from lung diseases, and the later discovery of Penicillin changed that.Now it is a place for people to gather and pool their wisdom for “brain-storm”.Personally, I find this more than relevant, because our world also needs new forms of “Penicillin” to tackle new challenges that have emerged.Admittedly, the world today is by no means trouble-free.Regional hotspots, local conflicts and terrorist attacks continue to flare up, posing immediate threats to humanity.Global economic recovery lacks speed and momentum.Major economies are performing unevenly.Commodity prices are going through frequent fluctuations.And signs of deflation have made the situation even worse.In fact, many people are quite pessimistic about the future of the world.They believe that the guarantee of peace is weak, and the prospect of development is elusive.A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.Indeed, old problems can no longer be solved by clinging to the outdated mindset of confrontation, hatred and isolation.Dialogue, consultation and cooperation must be explored to find solutions to new problems.It is important that we draw lessons from history, and pool our collective wisdom to maximize the convergence of interests among countries.Fortunately, in time of hardship and trial, mankind have always been able to find the courage to get out of the predicament and move ahead through change and innovation.In a world facing complex international situation, we should all work together to uphold peace and stability.This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world’s anti-Fascist war.To uphold peace and stability serves the interests of all people in the world.The world order established after World War II as well as generally recognized norms governing international relations must be maintained, not overturned.Otherwise, prosperity and development could be jeopardized.The Cold War and zero-sum mentalities must be abandoned.The “winner takes all” approach will not work.Regional hotspots and geopolitical conflicts must be resolved peacefully through political means.Terrorism, in all its manifestations, must be opposed.China remains committed to peaceful development and regional stability.And China has no intention to compete with other countries for supremacy.Peace in the world must be cherished the same as we cherish our eyes, so that the achievements and benefits of civilization, including reason and justice, will prevail.In a world of diverse civilizations, we should all seek to live in harmony.Cultural diversity, like biodiversity, is a most precious treasure endowed to us on this planet.And human society is like a garden where all human civilizations blossom.Different cultures and religions need to respect and live in harmony with each other.While maintaining the natural close ties among those with whom we see eye to eye, we also need to respect those with whom we disagree.Like the vast ocean admitting all rivers that run into it, members of the international community need to work together to expand common ground while accepting differences, and seek win-win progress through inclusive cooperation and mutual learning.In a world facing volatile economic situation, we should all work to promote opening-up and innovation.What has happened since the outbreak of the international financial crisis seven years ago proves that to work in unity is the surest way for countries to get over the difficulties.We are all interdependent in this world.While we each have the right to adopt economic policies in line with national conditions, we need to strengthen macro-policy coordination to expand the convergence of interests and achieve common development.An European proverb says, “when the wind of change blows, some build walls, while others build windmills.” We need to act along the trend of our time, firmly advance free trade, resolutely reject protectionism, and actively expand regional economic cooperation.We need to build global value chains, and seize the opportunity of a new technological revolution.While the international community agree on the importance of macro-policies to the economy, they also recognize the urgency to go ahead with structural reform.Structural reform must be carried through no matter how difficult it is, as it is an effective way to foster conditions conducive to global innovation and bring about new momentum for global development.Ladies and Gentlemen,I know you are all interested in the outlook of the Chinese economy.Some of you may even worry about the possible potential impact of China’s economic slowdown and transition.To ease your concerns, let me spend more time today on what is really happening in China.The Chinese economy has entered a state of new normal.The gear of growth is shifting from high speed to medium-to-high speed, and development needs to move from low-to-medium level to medium-to-high level.This has made it all the more necessary for us to press ahead with structural reform.It must be noted that the moderation of growth speed in China reflects both profound adjustments in the world economy as well as the law of economics.The Chinese economy is now the second largest in the world.With a larger base figure, a growth even at 7% will produce an annual increase of more than 800 billion US dollars at current price, larger than a 10% growth five years ago.With the economy performing within the reasonable range and the speed of growth no longer taken as the sole yardstick, the strained supply-demand relationship will be eased, the pressure on resources and the environment will be lowered, and more time and energy will be devoted to push forward structural reform.That means, the economy will enter a more advanced stage of development, with more sophisticated division of labor and a more optimized structure.If I could compare the Chinese economy to a running train.What I want you to know is that this train will not lose speed or momentum.It will only be powered by stronger dynamo and run with greater steadiness, bringing along new opportunities and new momentum of growth.In 2014, we followed exactly the afore-mentioned approach.In the face of downward pressure, we did not resort to strong stimulus;instead, we vigorously pursued reforms, and the government in fact led these reforms by streamlining administration and delegating power.This has motivated both the market and the business sector.GDP grew by 7.4% for the whole year, the best among major economies in the world.Over 13 million new jobs were created in cities, with both registered and surveyed unemployment rates lower than the previous year.That is, we achieved growth in employment despite the economic slowdown.CPI was kept at 2%, lower than the target set at the beginning of the year.These outcomes prove that the host of macro-regulation measures China adopted have been right and effective.More importantly, new progress has been made in advancing structural reform.Needless to say, the Chinese economy will continue to face substantial downward pressure in 2015.What shall we choose to do under such circumstances? Shall we go for even higher growth for the short term, or for medium-to-high growth and a higher quality of development over the long run? The answer is definitely the latter.We will maintain our strategic focus and continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.We will avoid adopting indiscriminate policies.Instead, we will put more emphasis on anticipatory adjustment and fine-tuning, do an even better job with targeted macro-regulation to keep the economy operating within the reasonable range, and raise the quality and performance of the economy.We are taking effective measures to fend off debt, financial and other potential risks.China’s high savings rate, which now stands at 50%, generates sufficient funds for sustaining economic growth.Besides, China’s local debt, over 70% of which was incurred for infrastructure development, is backed by assets.And reform of the financial system is making progress.What I want to emphasize is that regional or systemic financial crisis will not happen in China, and the Chinese economy will not head for a hard landing.It must be pointed out that China is still a developing country and still has a long way to go before achieving modernization.While peace is the basic condition for China’s development, reform and opening-up along with our people’s desire for a happy life constitute the strongest impetus propelling development.The space of development in China’s rural and urban areas and various regions is enormous, and the country’s domestic demand will simply generate great potential of growth.Development at medium-to-high speed for another ten to twenty years will bring even bigger changes to China and create more development opportunities for the world.For the Chinese economy to withstand downward pressure, and to maintain medium-to-high speed of growth and achieve medium-to-high level of development, we need to say “no” to traditional mindset.We must encourage innovative institutions, and press ahead with structural reform.We need to adopt more innovative macro-regulation policies and develop a more vigorous micro economy.We need to promote more balanced development of industries, between rural and urban areas and among regions.We need to ensure relatively high employment rate, especially sufficient employment for the young people.And we need to optimize income distribution and raise the people’s welfare.All this certainly calls for tremendous efforts.Yet we will stay undaunted in the face of difficulties.We will unswervingly press ahead with reform and restructuring to ensure that our economy maintains medium-to-high speed of growth and achieves medium-to-high level of development.To ensure long-term and steady growth of the Chinese economy, we need to comprehensively deepen reforms.We need to properly use both the hand of the government and the hand of the market, and rely on both the traditional and new engines of growth.We will let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation to foster a new engine of growth.At the same time, we will give better scope to the role of the government to transform and upgrade the traditional engine of growth.To foster a new engine of growth, we will encourage mass entrepreneurship and innovation.China has 1.3 billion people, a 900-million workforce, and over 70 million enterprises and self-employed businesses.Our people are hardworking and talented.If we could activate every cell in society, the economy of China as a whole will brim with more vigor and gather stronger power for growth.Mass entrepreneurship and innovation, in our eyes, is a “gold mine” that provides constant source of creativity and wealth.Speaking of this, I think of China’s rural reform conducted more than 30 years ago.The reform brought farmers’ initiatives into full play and allowed them to decide for themselves matters related to rural production and management.Consequently, the problem of hunger that previously haunted China was solved in just a couple of years.In short, a structural innovation that unleashed the creativity of the people changed the lot of hundreds of millions in China.I also think of a small village I visited two months ago in eastern China.In the village were some 700 households and over 2,800 registered online stores.Each day, more than 30 million items of various sorts were sold to different parts of the world.The story of the village speaks vividly of the hardworking Chinese people actively engaged in entrepreneurship.Going forward, China needs new sources of dynamism to carry development forward.Dynamism comes from diversity, which sparks wisdom and fosters innovation.Mass entrepreneurship and innovation serves to unleash people’s ingenuity and power.It will result in greater demand and residents’ consumption, greater social wealth, and greater welfare for the people.More importantly, it will bring opportunity for many and give people the stage to reach life’s full potential.It will also bring about greater social mobility, equity and justice.Excessive regulation discourages innovation, and healthy competition is the way to prosperity.We will deepen reform of the administrative system.This means we will continue to abolish or delegate to lower-level governments items previously subject to State Council review and approval.We will comprehensively sort out items requiring non-governmental review and approval, and put in place a negative-list approach for market access.This will incentivize market players, and help reduce the possibility of rent-seeking and corruption.We will protect intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, and do our best to foster an environment that encourages entrepreneurship and tolerates failure.Moreover, we will give protection to all sorts of legal property rights.To transform the traditional engine of growth, we will focus on increasing the supply of public goods and services.China has made remarkable economic achievements, but inadequate supply of public goods and services remains a weak link in development.China’s capital stock on public infrastructure, in per capita terms, is only 38% that of Western Europe and 23% that of North America.The development of its service sector is 10 percentage points lower than other developing countries at similar development stages.And its rate of urbanization is more than 20 percentage points lower than developed countries.This means a massive space for increasing public goods and services.To deliver such public goods and services to improve people’s lives is the government’s responsibility.They are also important ways to boost domestic demand.This year, we have identified some key areas for investment, including building railways in central and western provinces, constructing water conservancy projects, rebuilding rundown urban areas and old houses in cities and villages, and preventing and controlling pollutions.The government will increase investment in these areas, and it will not act alone.Efforts will be made to break monopoly and reform the investment and financing systems to encourage the participation of private and foreign capitals.The model of public-private partnership(PPP), Sino-foreign cooperatives and government purchase of services will be adopted to better leverage various investment sources.I have an example here to cite.A few years ago, the plan was made to build a sewage treatment plant in a province in western China, and a total of 335 million RMB yuan was needed.The project later attracted investment from a German water company, with the German side controlling 70 percent of the total shares.Moving forward, we will deepen fiscal and taxation reform, reduce the tax and fees charged to businesses, particularly those in the service sector, and take new steps to support SMEs.We will deepen reform of the financial system, continue to promote liberalization of interest and exchange rates, and accelerate the development of small-and medium-sized financial institutions, private banks in particular, with a view to developing a multi-tiered capital market.We will speed up reform of the pricing system, substantially reduce the types and items for which the government sets the prices, and liberate price regulation to the maximum extent possible.More emphasis will be given to the government’s role in creating a favorable “soft environment”.That means better market regulation, a world-class business environment established on market principles and the rule of law.In this way, we will be able to provide efficient and quality public services to all market players.Ladies and Gentlemen,China’s reform and development will bring more business opportunities to the world.We will provide easier market access for inbound foreign investment, and explore the possibility of management based on a pre-establishment national treatment and negative-list approach.Chinese and foreign companies will be treated as equals.We will further open the financial, education, cultural, medical care, pension and other service sectors in an orderly way, and bring the experience of the China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone to other parts of China.Our aim is to help investors from across countries find “rich mines” and reap steady returns from their investment.What is more, China will explore new approaches to investment cooperation with other countries.China’s high-speed railway, nuclear power, aviation, telecommunications and other sophisticated manufacturing capacities are gradually being introduced to other countries.They could meet market demand of the recipient country, and stand the test of competition on the international market.Their export will also help open up third-country markets, as many of such products are made by joint ventures between China and a foreign country.China has put forward the initiatives to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.China hopes to work with other countries to advance these initiatives and ensure that they are brought forward in ways that meet the actual needs of countries concerned.Davos of Switzerland is a world-famous ski resort.As we understand, to be a good skier, one needs to do three things: go at the right speed, keep balance and be courageous.I believe this also holds true for the Chinese economy.What is important now for China is to adapt to the new normal.China will maintain medium-to-high speed of growth, keep a proper balance between steady growth and structural adjustment, and push forward reform with great courage and determination.China will stay firm in its commitment to reform and opening-up.It will focus on structural reform, encourage mass entrepreneurship and innovation, increase supply of public goods and services, and use the twin engines to ensure that the economy maintains medium-to-high speed of growth and achieves medium-to-high level of development.As long as we succeed in doing so, the Chinese economy will successfully overcome the “middle-income trap” and move ahead along the path of sustainable and sound development.This will in turn bring greater opportunities to the world economy.In closing, I would like to call upon the international community to forge ahead and work in unison to uphold peace and stability, embrace harmonious coexistence, and boost the impetus for openness and innovation.By doing so, I am confident we will be able to overcome whatever difficulty or obstacle that stand in our way, and bring about a better future for the world that we all call home.Thank you very much.



各位来宾、各位朋友,女士们,先生们:distinguishedguests ,ladies and gentlemen:


I’m very delighted to attend the first annual congress of the Boao forum in Asia。I'd like to get together with u to discuss the problem of the regional cooperation and development of Asia.亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口。资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。上个世纪中,亚洲的巨变和崛起,谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志。展望新世纪,曾经拥有光辉灿烂历史的亚洲,必将创造出更加绚丽多彩的文明。

Asia is the biggest continent of the world with its population counting for 60% of the globe.It’s resource is abundant ,history is long and the culture is deep.The great changes and expandingofAsialast centuary has turned glorious pages for its development ,and has become an obvious mark of the progress of the human being.looking forward to the future,with its glorious past ,Asia must continue to create richer and more brilliant culture.近年来,在亚洲国家共同努力下,包容、平等和渐进的地区合作意识日益增强,开放、健康和互利的合作局面正在形成。亚太经合组织不断发展,东亚区域合作方兴未艾,“上海合作组织”顺利运转。去年11月,我国与东盟国家一致同意今后10年内逐步建立中国-东盟自由贸易区,有关方面正就启动谈判进行接触。这些将为亚洲国家和地区扩大交流、深化合作,提供重要渠道和机制。但是,与欧洲和北美区域合作相比,亚洲区域合作相对落后。一段时间以来,许多方面对亚洲区域合作的发展方向提出不少独到见解。这里,我谈几点看法: In recent years ,with concerted efforts of Asian country, a

torlerant ,equal ,and progressing awreness of regional cooperation is

increasing, a situation ofopen healthy and benefiting for each other is taking shape.APEC is stagrringly growing , Regional cooperation of east Asia is in the ascendant.the shanghai organization of cooperation is going well.Last year in November I agreed with EU countries that we’ll build a free-trading zone of China-EU ,gradually , the parties concerned are talking to each other for starting the negotiation , all of those will provide important machnism for Asian countries and regions to intensify cooperation ,increase exchanges.But compare to Europe and north American regional cooperation ,ours fall behind relatively.For recent some time, many thoughts were came up with for the direction of Asia’s regional cooperation ,by the way ,I’d like to express my view:


First one: make the economic cooperation top priority,further intensify comprehensive cooperation.it’s the first priority for every country to develop

economy.From the actual need and practical perspective, we could take the trade, traffic, agriculture, information,energy as the prior zone of cooperation,Expanding to other areas gradually.第二,立足现有合作渠道,不断扩大合作范围。东亚、南亚、西亚和中亚地理上相对独立,经济发展各有特色。从便利性和有效性看,应首先加强次区域合作,在此基础上,积极探索泛亚合作的途径。

The second: standing from the present channel, gradually expand

cooperation area.east asia,south asia ,west asia and central asia ,each of them has an independent position in geography, economy develops with their own characters.from the convenience and effectivity, we shuld strengthen sub-region cooperation,based on thatto explore new ways to pan-asia’scooperation.第三,进一步拓展双边合作,增强区域合作的基础。加强双边合作,有利于推动地区合作的顺利发展。区域合作也有利于为双边开辟更广阔的空间。两者可以形成良性互动。

The third one: further intensify two way cooperation, consolidate the

foundation of regional cooperation..it’s benefit to promote the development of regional cooperation to intensify two way trade cooperation.Regional

cooperation is also benefit to open up a broader space for two sides.They can promote each other’s development.第四,实行开放式地区合作。开放是亚洲文化的传统,合作不可能自我封闭,更不应形成排他性集团。亚洲国家应通过APEC、Asia-和东亚-拉美合作论坛等渠道,进一步加强与各大洲国家的合作。

The fourth: implement an open regional cooperation.It is our tradition to implement reform and opening up.And it can not be done by oneself, also it should not exclude others.Asian countries should further intensify cooperation with countries from other continents through APEC, Asia-Europe meeting and East Asia-Latin America Cooperation Forum


China is a member of asia.In the past 20 years, china has unswervingly maintain the policy of reform and opening up to accelerate the development of our economy and improve people’s livelihood.With the coming of the new centuray, the modernization drive has come into a new stage, and national economy will continue to increase by the rate of 7% every year.The new leaping development of china’s reform and opening-up and modernization drive will not only benefit our people tremendously ,but also offer great opportunityto open grand space for the economic cooperation betweenaisaand the world.加入世贸组织,是中国对外开放的新起点。我们将在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。中国将进一步向亚洲和世界开放,向各国的企业家、投资者开放。我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,取消非关税壁垒。我们也将不断完善法治,创造更加公平、透明和可预见的市场环境。同时,我们还将大力实施“走出去”战略,鼓励中国各种所有制企业走向世界。

It is a new beginning for china’s opening up to join the WTO.We’ll

continue towidely and deeply join the economic cooperation and competition of the globe.We’ll further open up to asia and the world as well as business man and investor from other countries.A promise is a promise, we’ll decrease tariff and clear non-tariff barriers , also we’ll improve our leagal system to create a market environment that is more equal,clear and predictive.At the same time ,we’ll carry out the the strategy of going out, encourage the ownership enterprisesto go out to the world.中国人民热爱和平,中国的发展需要和平。中国经济的发展,不会对任何国家和地区构成威胁。无论现在还是将来,中国始终是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重要力量。

We Chinese people love peace, china’s development needs peace.China’s economic development is not and never will be a threat to any other country and region.China is playing an important role to safeguard world peace and promote common development, no matter now or in the future.亚洲人民勤劳智慧,自强不息,这是亚洲过去取得辉煌成就和创造灿烂明天的重要法宝。中国人民愿与亚洲各国人民一道,携手共创新世纪亚洲的美好未来。with diligent work and sustained efforts, the asian people has made great achievement in the past and will also creat a bright future for themselves.Chinese people are willing to work together with friends from other asian country to build a glorious future for asia in the new centuary.














各位来宾、各位朋友,女士们,先生们:distinguished guests ,ladies and gentlemen: 我很高兴参加博鳌亚洲论坛首次年会。我愿意与大家共同探讨新世纪新亚洲区域合作与发展的问题

I’m very delighted to attend the first annual congress of the Boao forum in Asia。I'd like to get together with u to discuss the problem of the regional cooperation and development of Asia.亚洲是地球上最大的洲,聚居着世界60%的人口。资源十分丰富,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。上个世纪中,亚洲的巨变和崛起,谱写了亚洲发展的辉煌篇章,也成为人类社会进步的显著标志。展望新世纪,曾经拥有光辉灿烂历史的亚洲,必将创造出更加绚丽多彩的文明。

Asia is the biggest continent of the world with its population counting for 60% of the globe.It’s resource is abundant ,history is long and the culture is deep.The great changes and expanding of Asia last centuary has turned glorious pages for its development ,and has become an obvious mark of the progress of the human being.looking forward to the future,with its glorious past ,Asia must continue to create richer and more brilliant culture.近年来,在亚洲国家共同努力下,包容、平等和渐进的地区合作意识日益增强,开放、健康和互利的合作局面正在形成。亚太经合组织不断发展,东亚区域合作方兴未艾,“上海合作组织”顺利运转。去年11月,我国与东盟国家一致同意今后10年内逐步建立中国-东盟自由贸易区,有关方面正就启动谈判进行接触。这些将为亚洲国家和地区扩大交流、深化合作,提供重要渠道和机制。但是,与欧洲和北美区域合作相比,亚洲区域合作相对落后。一段时间以来,许多方面对亚洲区域合作的发展方向提出不少独到见解。这里,我谈几点看法: In recent years ,with concerted efforts of Asian country, a torlerant ,equal ,and progressing awreness of regional cooperation is increasing, a situation of open healthy and benefiting for each other is taking shape.APEC is stagrringly growing , Regional cooperation of east Asia is in the ascendant.the shanghai organization of cooperation is going well.Last year in November I agreed with EU countries that we’ll build a free-trading zone of China-EU ,gradually , the parties concerned are talking to each other for starting the negotiation , all of those will provide important machnism for Asian countries and regions to intensify cooperation ,increase exchanges.But compare to Europe and north American regional cooperation ,ours fall behind relatively.For recent some time, many thoughts were came up with for the direction of Asia’s regional cooperation ,by the way ,I’d like to express my view:


First one: make the economic cooperation top priority,further intensify comprehensive cooperation.it’s the first priority for every country to develop

trade, traffic, agriculture, information,energy as the prior zone of cooperation, Expanding to other areas gradually.第二,立足现有合作渠道,不断扩大合作范围。东亚、南亚、西亚和中亚地理上相对独立,经济发展各有特色。从便利性和有效性看,应首先加强次区域合作,在此基础上,积极探索泛亚合作的途径。

The second: standing from the present channel, gradually expand cooperation area.east asia,south asia ,west asia and central asia ,each of them has an independent position in geography, economy develops with their own characters.from the convenience and effectivity, we shuld strengthen sub-region cooperation,based on that to explore new ways to pan-asia’s cooperation.第三,进一步拓展双边合作,增强区域合作的基础。加强双边合作,有利于推动地区合作的顺利发展。区域合作也有利于为双边开辟更广阔的空间。两者可以形成良性互动。

The third one: further intensify two way cooperation, consolidate the foundation of regional cooperation..it’s benefit to promote the development of regional cooperation to intensify two way trade cooperation.Regional cooperation is also benefit to open up a broader space for two sides.They can promote each other’s development.第四,实行开放式地区合作。开放是亚洲文化的传统,合作不可能自我封闭,更不应形成排他性集团。亚洲国家应通过APEC、Asia-和东亚-拉美合作论坛等渠道,进一步加强与各大洲国家的合作。

The fourth: implement an open regional cooperation.It is our tradition to implement reform and opening up.And it can not be done by oneself, also it should not exclude others.Asian countries should further intensify cooperation with countries from other continents through APEC, Asia-Europe meeting and East Asia-Latin America Cooperation Forum


China is a member of asia.In the past 20 years, china has unswervingly maintain the policy of reform and opening up to accelerate the development of our economy and improve people’s livelihood.With the coming of the new centuray, the modernization drive has come into a new stage, and national economy will continue to increase by the rate of 7% every year.The new leaping development of china’s reform and opening-up and modernization drive will not only benefit our people tremendously ,but also offer great opportunity to open grand space for the economic cooperation between aisa and the world.加入世贸组织,是中国对外开放的新起点。我们将在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争。中国将进一步向亚洲和世界开放,向各国的企业家、投资者开放。我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,取消非关税壁垒。我们也将不断完善法治,创造更加公平、透明和可预见的市场环境。同时,我们还将大力实施“走出去”战略,鼓励中国各种所有制企业走向世界。

It is a new beginning for china’s opening up to join the WTO.We’ll continue to widely and deeply join the economic cooperation and competition of the globe.We’ll further open up to asia and the world as well as business man and investor from other countries.A promise is a promise, we’ll decrease tariff and clear non-tariff barriers , also we’ll improve our leagal system to create a market environment that is more equal ,clear and predictive.At the same time ,we’ll carry out the the strategy of going out, encourage the ownership enterprises to go out to the world.中国人民热爱和平,中国的发展需要和平。中国经济的发展,不会对任何国家和地区构成威胁。无论现在还是将来,中国始终是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重要力量。

We Chinese people love peace, china’s development needs peace.China’s economic development is not and never will be a threat to any other country and region.China is playing an important role to safeguard world peace and promote common development, no matter now or in the future.亚洲人民勤劳智慧,自强不息,这是亚洲过去取得辉煌成就和创造灿烂明天的重要法宝。中国人民愿与亚洲各国人民一道,携手共创新世纪亚洲的美好未来。with diligent work and sustained efforts, the asian people has made great achievement in the past and will also creat a bright future for themselves.Chinese people are willing to work together with friends from other asian country to build a glorious future for asia in the new centuary.

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