杨外长慕尼黑讲话 中英

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第一篇:杨外长慕尼黑讲话 中英

主席先生, 女士们,先生们:

Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, 新年伊始,很高兴有机会出席慕尼黑安全政策会议,与各位就事关当前世界和平与安全的重大问题交流看法

It gives me great pleasure to come to Munich at the beginning of the new year to attend the Munich Security Conference and exchange views with you on major issues concerning world peace and security.回首21世纪刚刚走过的10年,世界变化之大,之深刻,注定要在历史的长卷中留下浓墨重彩的一页,而中国无疑是这变化图景中的重要元素。这些天来,我翻开报纸,打开电视,几乎每天都可以看到、听到有关中国的话题。许多人都在问,一个不断发展壮大的中国将如何与世界打交道?将在国际舞台上发挥什么样的作用?因此,我想先从中国谈起。

Looking back at the first decade of the 21st century, I am convinced that the enormous and profound changes the world has experienced will leave indelible imprints in the long annals of human history.And China is without doubt an important part of the changing landscape.When I read newspapers or watch television these days, I see stories about China almost every day.Many people ask: how will China, a country ever growing and developing, interact with the rest of the world? And what role will China play on the international stage? Let me therefore begin my speech with China.就在几个月前,我们刚刚庆祝了中华人民共和国成立60周年,这是历经艰辛探索而开创出一条全新发展道路的60年。特别是改革开放30多年来,中国GDP以年均近10%的速度增长,使2.35亿人摆脱了贫困。中国实现了从高度集中的计划经济体制向充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制的历史性转变,实现了从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的历史性转变,实现了同世界从相互隔绝到利益密切相联的历史性转变。

We celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China a few months ago.In these 60 years, we have found a new development path through long and hard exploration.The past 30 years, in particular, have witnessed tremendous achievements in China, thanks to the policy of reform and opening up.China’s GDP has been growing at an average annual rate of nearly 10% and 235 million people have been lifted out of poverty.China has achieved three historic transitions: from a highly centralized planned economy to a dynamic socialist market economy, from a closed or semi-closed society to a fully open one, and from a state of mutual estrangement with the rest of the world to one of close interactions.今天的中国尽管实现了巨大发展,但困难还很多。中国存在的弱点和挑战我们自己看得最清楚。中国人均GDP刚刚超过3000美元,居世界104位。发展不平衡问题还很突出,北京上海等大城市远不能代表中国的全部,很多农村和偏远地区还很落后,还有1.35亿人每天生活费不足1美元,1000万人没有用上电。中国仍是发展中国家,真正实现现代化还需要几代人甚至十几代人艰苦努力。为了让13亿人过上全面小康生活,我们必须聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。争取和平的国际环境发展自己,又以自己的发展更好地维护世界和平,是中国出于自身和世界长远利益的战略选择。

But on the other hand, China still faces many difficulties, and we in China are most keenly aware of our weaknesses and challenges.China’s per capita GDP has just exceeded 3,000 US dollars, ranking the 104th in the world.Uneven development remains a prominent problem.Big cities like Beijing and Shanghai can in no way represent the whole of China, and many rural and remote areas are still very poor.One hundred and thirty-five million people are living on less than one dollar a day and 10 million have no access to electricity.China is a developing country and it will take the strenuous efforts of several and even a dozen generations before China can truly achieve modernization.To enable the 1.3 billion people to live a comfortable life, we must focus all our time and energy on development.We will seek a peaceful international environment to develop ourselves and at the same time contribute to the cause of world peace through our own development.This is a strategic choice that China has made.It is a choice rooted in China’s own interests as well as the long-term interests of the whole world.中国发展了,对世界是机遇,而不是威胁。历史是最好的老师,会公正地记录每一个国家走过的足迹。从古至今,“和而不同”都是中国人民十分珍惜的价值,所谓“国强必霸”的逻辑既有悖于中国的历史,也有违中国人民的意志。当代中国走的是和平发展道路,我们一贯坚持防御性的国防政策,坚定奉行自卫防御的核战略,始终恪守在任何时候和任何情况下不首先使用核武器,明确承诺无条件不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。中国军力建设的目的是明确的,就是为了维护国家安全和统一,确保国内经济社会发展顺利进行。A more developed China is an opportunity rather than a threat to the world.History is the best teacher and keeps a fair record of the paths that all countries have traveled.“Harmony without sameness” has been a much cherished value of the Chinese people since ancient times.The argument that a strong nation is bound to seek hegemony finds no supporting case in China’s history and goes against the will of the Chinese people.China today is committed to a path of peaceful development.We pursue a defense policy that is defensive in nature and a nuclear strategy solely for self-defense.We adhere to the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstance, and we have made the unequivocal commitment that we will unconditionally not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states and nuclear-weapon-free zones.China’s military development has a clear purpose, that is, to maintain national security and unity and ensure smooth economic and social development.中国发展了,仍将坚持平等待人,绝不把自己的意志强加于人。世界上的事情由一两个国家说了算的时代已经一去不复返了。我们一贯倡导并践行国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会的平等成员,应互相尊重、平等相待。我们主张的平等,不仅是形式上的平等,更是实质上的平等,要用开放的心态看待和包容世界的多样性,尊重别国价值观和自主选择的发展道路,尊重别国的核心关切,不干涉别国内部事务。将心比心,在涉及中国核心利益和重大关切时,我们也会坚持原则,捍卫自己来之不易的平等权力和正当权益。

A more developed China will continue to treat others as equals and will never impose its own will on others.Gone are the days when one or two countries made decisions for the whole world.China has always maintained that all countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community and must respect one another and treat one another with equality.China’s diplomacy is guided by this principle.The equality we call for is not just equality in form, but more importantly equality in substance.All of us should embrace a diverse world with an open mind.We must respect the values and independent choice of the development path of other countries, respect other countries’ core concerns and refrain from interfering in their internal affairs.In the same vein, China, like any country in the world, will stick to principles on issues affecting its core interests and major concerns, and defend its hard-won equal rights and legitimate interests.中国发展了,将会承担更多的国际责任,绝不会做损人利己、自私自利的事情。我们深知,在这个日益相互依存的世界上,中国的前途命运与世界的前途命运日益紧密地联系在一起,只有利益共享、责任共担、互利共赢,才最符合自己和别国的利益。中国在集中精力发展自己的同时,承担着越来越多与本国国力和地位相符的国际责任。我们积极参与应对金融危机的国际合作,推动成立了1200亿美元的亚洲外汇储备库,对外签署了6500亿元人民币的国际货币互换协议。我们免除了49个重债穷国和最不发达国家的债务,向其他发展中国家提供了超过2000亿元人民币的援助。我们积极参与国际维和行动,累计向24项联合国维和行动派出上万人次,现正在执行维和任务的有2100多人,是联合国常任理事国中派出维和人员最多的国家。为了维护世界和平与安全,中国维和部队甚至付出了生命的代价。在不久前海地大地震中,8名中国维和人员不幸罹难。中国以自己的实际行动证明,我们是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的积极力量。A more developed China will undertake more international responsibilities and will never pursue self interests at the expense of the interests of others.We know full well that in this interdependent world, China’s future is closely linked to that of the world.Our own interests and those of others are best served when we work together to expand common interests, share responsibilities and seek win-win outcomes.That is why while focusing on its own development, China is undertaking more and more international responsibilities commensurate with its strength and status.We have taken an active part in the international cooperation on the financial crisis.We promoted the establishment of an Asian foreign exchange reserves pool worth 120 billion US dollars and signed with other countries currency swap agreements totaling 650 billion US dollars.We have cancelled the debts of 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries and provided over 200 billion RMB yuan assistance to other developing countries.China has been actively involved in international peacekeeping operations.As the largest peacekeeper contributing country among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, we have altogether sent over 10,000 peacekeeping personnel to 24 UN peacekeeping missions, including over 2,100 who are currently performing peacekeeping duties.Some Chinese peacekeepers even gave their lives to the cause of world peace and security.As you may know, eight of our peacekeeping personnel lost their lives in the recent massive earthquake in Haiti.China has shown with its concrete actions that it is a positive force for world peace and common development.主席先生,女士们,先生们: Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,中国的历史性变化是与世界的发展变化相伴生的。过去10年,我们所处的世界经历了怎样的变化?随着多极化、全球化深入发展,和平、发展、合作的时代潮流从未如此强劲,各国命运从未如此紧密相连,多边主义和国际关系民主化从未如此深入人心。全球化带来快速发展的同时,也带来各种问题和挑战:国际金融危机影响仍在持续,世界经济复苏前景还不明朗,气候变化、粮食安全、能源安全、公共卫生安全等全球性问题进一步显现,恐怖主义、大规模杀伤性武器扩散、跨国犯罪等非传统安全威胁依然存在,一些局部冲突和热点问题久拖不决,给世界和平与发展带来严峻挑战。

Concomitant with the historic changes in China are the new development and changes in the whole world.How should we read the changes our world has gone through in the past decade? The way I see it is this: as multipolarity and globalization gather momentum, the call for peace, development and cooperation, which represent the trend of the times, has become stronger than ever.The destinies of all countries have never been so closely linked as they are today, and multilateralism and democracy in international relations have won even greater popular support.But there is also the other side of the coin.Globalization, while generating rapid growth, has brought forth various problems and challenges.The impact of the financial crisis is continuing, and the prospects of the world economic recovery are unclear.Climate change, food security, energy security, public health security and other global issues have become more acute.Non-traditional security threats, including terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and transnational crimes persist, while some long-standing local conflicts and hotspot issues remain unresolved.All these pose grave challenges to world peace and development.面对变化了的世界,我们必须用发展的眼光看问题,用合作的姿态谋对策。要树立相互尊重、平等协商的合作观,有效维护发展中国家平等参与国际事务的权力;树立互利共赢、共同发展的利益观,推动经济全球化朝着均衡普惠的方向发展;树立互信互利、平等协作的安全观,互相尊重对方的安全利益,实现共同安全;树立相互借鉴、求同存异的文明观,推动不同文明和发展模式取长补短、共同发展;树立相互帮助、协力推进的环保观,共同呵护人类赖以生存的地球家园。Living in a changing world, we must see things in the light of their development and seek solutions with a cooperative spirit.We should foster a cooperation outlook based on mutual respect and equal consultation and safeguard the right of developing countries to equal participation in international affairs.We should foster an outlook on interests which emphasizes mutual benefit and common development, and advance economic globalization in the direction of balanced progress and shared benefits.We should foster a security outlook featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination, respect each other’s security interests and pursue security for all.We should foster an outlook on civilization that encourages mutual learning and seeks common ground while reserving differences, and facilitate exchanges among civilizations and development models for common progress.And we should foster an outlook on the environment that champions mutual support and coordinated progress, and make joint efforts to preserve planet Earth, our common home.为了促进世界和平与发展,当前尤其要处理好几个突出的热点和全球性问题。To promote world peace and development, it is particularly important that we properly manage the following hotspot issues and global challenges.近来,朝鲜半岛核问题形势有所缓和,重启六方会谈、继续推进半岛无核化进程面临机遇。朝核问题复杂敏感,涉及各方利益,只有通过对话协商,通过政治外交手段,以和平方式解决,才是符合各方共同利益的正确选择。各方应共同努力,继续接触对话,显示灵活,为重启六方会谈创造条件和气氛。中方愿与有关各方和国际社会一道,为实现半岛无核化、有关国家关系正常化、维护东北亚地区的长治久安作出不懈努力。

First, the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.Tension surrounding this issue has recently eased to a certain extent, and there is now a new opportunity to restart the Six-Party Talks and push forward the denuclearization process.The Korean nuclear issue is a complex and sensitive one, and it involves the interests of different parties.We must find a peaceful solution to this issue through dialogue and consultation and by political and diplomatic means.This is the only right choice, a choice which serves the common interests of all parties.We must all work together to keep the dialogue going, demonstrate flexibility and create conditions for the resumption of the Six-Party Talks.China will work tirelessly with other parties concerned and the international community as a whole for the denuclearization of the peninsula, the normalization of relations between relevant countries and the achievement of enduring peace and stability in Northeast Asia.我刚刚代表中国政府出席了在伦敦举行的阿富汗问题国际会议。阿富汗和平重建取得了积极进展,但仍面临恐怖主义回潮、毒品走私猖獗、重建进程缓慢等严峻挑战。实现全面稳定,需要阿各界和国际社会艰苦努力。中国作为阿富汗的友好邻邦,乐于看到一个和平稳定、独立自主、发展进步、睦邻友善的阿富汗,将继续积极参与阿富汗重建进程,与国际社会一道为阿富汗早日实现稳定和发展而努力。

Second, Afghanistan.I just attended, on behalf of the Chinese government, the international conference on Afghanistan in London.Afghanistan has made headway in its peace and reconstruction endeavor, but it still faces daunting challenges, including the resurgence of terrorism, rampant drug trafficking and slow progress in reconstruction.To bring full stability to Afghanistan requires the arduous efforts of people of all sectors in that country and the entire international community.As a friendly neighbor, China hopes to see a peaceful, stable and independent Afghanistan that enjoys development and good neighborliness.We will continue to take an active part in Afghanistan’s reconstruction process, and work with the rest of the international community for the early realization of stability and development there.伊朗核问题发展到了一个重要阶段。有关各方应从大局和长远出发,进一步加大外交努力,保持耐心,采取更加灵活、务实和主动的政策,通过对话与谈判全面、长期、妥善解决伊朗核问题,维护国际核不扩散体系和中东地区的和平与稳定。中方愿与国际社会一道,继续为推动解决伊朗核问题发挥建设性作用。Third, the Iranian nuclear issue.This issue has entered a crucial stage.The parties concerned should, with the overall and long-term interests in mind, step up diplomatic efforts, stay patient, and adopt more flexible, pragmatic and proactive policies.The purpose is to seek a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution through dialogue and negotiations and uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East.China will make concerted efforts with the international community and play a constructive part in settling this issue.气候变化问题是当今全球面临的重大挑战。回顾世界200多年的工业化历程,只有不到10亿人口的发达国家实现了现代化,但全球资源和生态却付出了沉重代价。这种发展模式不可持续。我们必须大力加强应对气候变化的国际合作。哥本哈根气候变化会议取得了积极成果,但远不是终点,而是新的起点。各方应在《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》基本框架下,坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,巩固《哥本哈根协议》凝聚的共识,切实兑现各自承诺,做出各自努力。中国政府高度重视气候变化问题,并采取了一系列重大举措。我们在1990年至2005年单位GDP二氧化碳排放强度下降46%的基础上,承诺到2020年单位GDP排放比2005年下降 40%-45%。在如此长时间内这样大规模降低二氧化碳排放,需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力。中国政府言必信、行必果,将坚定不移地为实现甚至超过上述目标而努力。

Fourth, climate change.Climate change is a major challenge facing the world today.A review of the history of industrialization shows that over the past 200 years and more, only developed countries, with a combined population of less than one billion, achieved modernization, and their modernization came at a huge cost of global resources and the eco-environment.It represented an unsustainable development model.We must enhance international cooperation to counter climate change.The Copenhagen conference produced positive outcomes, but it was by no means the end of our endeavor.It only signified a new beginning.All parties should stick to the basic framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, adhere to the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, build on the consensus shown in the Copenhagen Accord, and meet their respective commitments through credible actions.The Chinese government, for its part, takes climate change very seriously, and has adopted a series of major steps in this regard.China’s carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP were cut by 46% between 1990 and 2005.Building on that, we have committed to lowering CO2 intensity by 40-45% by 2020 from the 2005 level.To reduce CO2 emissions on such a large scale and over such an extended period of time will require tremendous efforts on our part.The Chinese government will honor its word with real actions, and do its best to achieve and even exceed this target.主席先生,女士们,先生们: Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,德国是我此次欧洲之行的最后一站。此刻,身处欧洲历史名城慕尼黑,我想谈谈对中欧关系的看法。今年是中国与欧盟建交35周年,经过双方共同努力,中欧之间已经建立起全方位、宽领域、多层次的全面战略伙伴关系。当前,伴随世界的大发展大变革大调整,中欧关系站在新的历史起点上。双方互为最重要的经贸合作伙伴之一,在推动多边主义、和平解决国际争端等方面拥有广泛共识,在解决气候变化等诸多全球性问题上需要密切合作。中欧共同利益在扩大,在全球事务中的共同责任在增加,合作的基础在巩固,交流协作在加强,这将赋予中欧关系更强大的生命力。Germany is the last stop of my trip to Europe.Being in Munich, this famous historic city, I would be remiss if I did not touch upon China-Europe relations.This year marks the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the EU.Thanks to the joint efforts of the two sides, China and the EU have established a comprehensive strategic partnership that is all-dimensional, wide-ranging and multi-tiered.The major development, transformation and adjustment of the world have brought China-EU relations to a new historical starting point.China and the EU are among the most important economic and trade partners of each other.We share broad consensus on promoting multilateralism and seeking peaceful solutions to international disputes, and we need closer cooperation in addressing climate change and other global challenges.Our common interests are expanding, our shared responsibilities in international affairs are increasing, the foundation of our cooperation is getting stronger and exchanges and coordination between us are growing.All these will lend a powerful boost to China-EU relations.中国政府一贯高度重视欧洲,始终把对欧关系作为中国外交的优先方向之一。我们高兴地看到,随着《里斯本条约》正式生效,欧盟一体化建设进入新的发展时期。我们乐见欧洲在国际事务中发挥更大、更积极的影响,也期待着与欧方共同开创中欧关系更美好的未来。

The Chinese government attaches great importance to Europe and relations with Europe have always been high on its diplomatic agenda.We are pleased to note that with the Lisbon Treaty coming into effect, EU integration process has entered a new stage.We hope to see a Europe that plays a bigger and more active role in international affairs, and we look forward to working with Europe for an even brighter future of China-EU relations.中欧关系的未来,有赖于双方始终从战略高度和长远角度把握彼此关系,珍惜和发展来之不易的局面,使其不因一时一事受到干扰;有赖于双方相互尊重、平等相待,照顾彼此的核心利益和重大关切;也有赖于欧洲更客观理性地看待中国,认识到一个发展的中国对欧洲是机遇,而不是挑战。我们并不期待双方在所有问题上看法一致,有分歧并不可怕,只要我们秉持开放包容精神,共识必将大于分歧,共赢必将大于摩擦,合作必将成为主流。

To achieve such a brighter future, we must manage our relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, cherish and build on the progress that we have worked so hard to achieve, and see to it that the relations are not obstructed by any individual incident at any particular time.We must respect each other, treat each other as equals, and accommodate each other’s core interests and major concerns.It is our hope that Europe will see China in a more objective and sensible light, and recognize that China’s development is not a challenge but an opportunity.We do not expect China and Europe to see eye to eye on each and every issue, and we need not be afraid of our differences.As long as we both embrace an open and inclusive spirit, we will have more consensus than differences and more mutual benefits than frictions, and cooperation will be the defining theme of China-EU relations.德国是欧洲有重要影响的大国,中德关系是中欧关系的重要组成部分。近年来,中德以应对国际金融危机为契机,加强各级别沟通和磋商,深化务实互利合作,两国关系保持了积极向上的发展势头。面对当前错综复杂的国际形势和各种严峻挑战,我们愿与德方一道,着眼大局,立足长远,增进互信,密切合作,将中德具有全球责任的伙伴关系推向更高水平。

Germany is an important country with considerable influence in Europe, and relations with Germany are part and parcel of China’s overall relations with Europe.In recent years, China and Germany have intensified communication and consultation at various levels and stepped up practical and mutually-beneficial cooperation in response to the international financial crisis.China-Germany bilateral ties have maintained dynamic growth.Today, in the face of the complex international situation and various grave challenges, China and Germany must bear in mind the larger and long-term interests and further enhance mutual trust and cooperation.China is ready to join Germany in a common effort to elevate our partnership of global responsibility to a higher level.主席先生,女士们,先生们: Mr.Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,德国文豪歌德曾经说过,“单枪匹马总归无力,合群永远是仁者的最高需要。”站在21世纪第二个10年的起点,我们迎来了充满希望和挑战的新时期。和衷共济、合作共赢是时代的要求,也是各国实现安全与发展的必由之路。中国愿与世界各国并肩努力,携手合作,不断推进全球的普遍安全,开创人类繁荣进步的美好未来!

The German literary giant Goethe once said, “Whatever man lays hold of and deals with, the individual is not enough.Society remains the highest need of any honest man.” As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, we are heralding the dawn of a new era full of hope and challenges.United actions and win-win cooperation represent the call of the day and offer the only viable pathway to security and development for all.China will work in concert with other countries to advance common security and build a splendid future of prosperity and progress.谢谢大家。Thank you.


深化理解共识 促进合作发展

——在第十一届中国发展高层论坛年会上的演讲 外交部长杨洁篪

Pursue Development Through, Greater Understanding and Cooperation--Speech at the 11th Annual Meeting of the China Development Forum by H.E.Yang Jiechi, Minister of Foreign Affairs

各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们: Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴参加“中国发展高层论坛2010年会”,并向大家介绍中国的外交政策。今天是二十四节气的春分,中国人讲“春分麦起身,一刻值千金”。值此世界经济萌发新芽、但复苏基础仍然脆弱的关键时刻,本届论坛以“中国与世界经济:增长·调整·合作”为主题,邀请国内外经济、学术界知名人士共聚北京,听取各方声音,凝聚各方智慧,共商应对金融危机和后危机时代挑战之道,具有重要意义。在此,我预祝本次高层论坛取得圆满成功!

It is a distinct pleasure for me to join you here at the 2010 annual meeting of the China Development Forum and talk about China's foreign policy.Today happens to be the Spring Equinox, one of the 24 seasonal division points under the traditional Chinese calendar.We Chinese say, “Every minute is as precious as gold on the Spring Equinox, for this is the day when wheat starts to grow.” And we are indeed at a critical moment.We have seen green shoots in the world economy, but the recovery is yet to firm up.A forum with the theme of “China and the World Economy: Growth, Restructuring and Cooperation” at such a point in time cannot be more fitting.I see in the audience well-known businessmen and scholars from both home and abroad.Your insight and wisdom will inspire us in our effort to counter the financial crisis and challenges in the post-crisis era.I wish the forum a great success.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 今年是新世纪第二个十年的开局之年。刚刚过去的十年既是危机与变革的十年,也是合作与发展的十年。世界多极化、经济全球化的发展更加迅猛,多边主义和互利共赢的理念更加深入人心,和平、发展、合作的时代潮流更加强劲。伴随美国“9·11”恐怖袭击事件、伊拉克战争、国际金融危机、发展中国家整体实力上升等一系列国际大事,世界加速进入经济大振荡、体系大变革、格局大调整、合作大发展的新阶段,出现一系列新特点新趋势。

This year kicks off the second decade in the new century.The 10 years that has just passed is a decade of crisis and transformation, and of cooperation and development.The process towards a multi-polar world and economic globalization has unfolded at a faster pace.The concept of multilateralism and win-win progress has won greater popularity.And the trend of our timeshas gained stronger momentum.A host of major events, including the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the war in Iraq, the international financial crisis, and the rise of the overall strength of developing countries have hastened the arrival of a new era in the evolution of the global landscape.It is an era marked by economic fluctuations, institutional overhaul, structural adjustments and above all, greater cooperation among countries.There have occurred several new features and trends.一是国际金融危机的深层次影响继续显现,世界经济发展方式酝酿新的重大变革。金融危机使世界经济一度陷入严重衰退,目前经济开始企稳回升,但深层次问题并未根本解决。金融危机加速了经济发展方式的转变,为世界经济带来新的机遇和增长点。各国着眼于“后危机时代”的发展趋势,加紧调整各自经济增长和发展战略,力争在未来综合国力竞争中占据主动。

First, a new, major transformation in the global economic growth pattern is in the making amidst the continuing impact of the international financial crisis.The world economy, once plunged into deep recession in the wake of the financial crisis, is now stabilizing and picking up.But deep-seated problems have not been fundamentally addressed.The financial crisis has accelerated the transformation of the economic growth pattern and brought new opportunities and growth points to the world economy.All countries are busy adjusting their strategies on economic growth and overall development in order to gain an advantageous position in the competition of comprehensive national strength in the post-crisis era.二是国际经济体系进入改革和构建的重要时期,建立更加公正合理的国际秩序的呼声更加强烈。金融危机使现行国际经济金融体系的弊端暴露无遗,改革成为普遍共识。二十国集团峰会实现机制化,国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际机构改革迈出重要步伐,全球经济治理机制逐步向着更具代表性、更加公平高效的方向发展。但国际经济体系改革十分复杂,改革进程将是漫长和曲折的。

Second, the global economic system has entered an important stage of reform and development, and there is a stronger call for a more just and reasonable international order.The financial crisis has laid bare the flaws in the current international economic and financial system, and the need for reform is widely acknowledged.As a result, the G20 summits have become institutionalized.The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international institutions have taken significant steps towards reform.And the global economic governance structure is moving towards greater representation, justice and efficiency.But reform of the international economic system will be a long and tortuous process, as it involves extremely complex factors.三是国际力量对比格局出现新的此消彼长,发展中国家整体实力继续上升。发展中大国日益成为全球经济增长的重要引擎。这有利于推动世界格局朝着相对均衡的方向发展。但发展中国家经济社会发展水平仍然相对滞后,实现发展经济、消除贫困的目标任重而道远。

Third, the global balance of power has gone through new changes, and the collective strength of developing countries continues to rise.Major developing countries are becoming important engines of the global economy.This will help bring about balanced development of the global architecture.But on the other hand, developing countries still fall behind developed countries in terms of economic and social development.They have to work long and hard to meet the target of economic growth and poverty eradication.四是国际关系进入新一轮调整互动期,围绕全球性问题的国际合作不断深化。气候变化、能源资源安全、粮食安全、公共卫生安全等全球性问题更加突出,任何国家都无法单独应对。越来越多的国家认识到,冷战思维、零和博弈等思想不合时宜,同舟共济、互利共赢才是生存和发展之道,在竞争中合作、在合作中发展成为处理相互关系的普遍共识。

Fourth, a new round of adjustments and interactions has begun in international relations, and international cooperation on global issues keeps deepening.Climate change, energy and resources security, food security, public health security and other global issues have become more acute, and no country can deal with these problems alone.More and more countries have come to realize that the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game theory are out of date.The right way to survive and thrive is to stick together in tough times like passengers in the same boat and pursue mutual benefit and win-win progress.It is widely agreed that in handling international relations, countries should seek cooperation in the course of competition, and promote development through cooperation.女士们,先生们

Ladies and Gentlemen,21世纪头十年,中国也走过了不平凡的历程。我们成功举办北京奥运会,有效抵御国际金融危机,在应对气候变化等全球性问题上发挥了重要作用。我们全面深化与世界各国的友好合作,促进以和平方式解决国际争端和地区热点问题,推动国际秩序向着更加公正合理的方向发展。这一切彰显了中国负责任的国际形象和独特建设性作用,表明中国是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重要力量。

In the first ten years of this century, China has traveled an extraordinary path.We have successfully held the Beijing Olympic Games, effectively dealt with the international financial crisis, and played an important role in tackling climate change and other global challenges.We have deepened friendly cooperation with all countries, promoted the peaceful settlement of international disputes and regional hot-spot issues, and worked for a more just and reasonable international order.All this demonstrates China's image as a responsible country and underscores our unique and constructive role in international affairs.It shows that China is a staunch force for world peace and common development.中国以自身的发展促进了世界的发展。据统计,2009年中国经济对世界经济增长的贡献率达到50%,已经成为世界第二大进口国和全球最大新兴市场。中国积极参与应对金融危机的国际合作,在危机肆虐期间人民币汇率保持基本稳定,推动成立了1200亿美元的亚洲外汇储备库,对外签署了6500亿元人民币的国际货币互换协议,为促进本地区和世界经济的稳定与发展起到了重要作用。中国采取了一系列应对气候变化的重大举措,推动哥本哈根气候变化会议取得积极重要成果,为推进应对气候变化的国际合作做出了积极贡献。

China's development has brought benefits to the world.Statistics show that in 2009, China contributed 50% to world economic growth and became the second largest importing country and the largest emerging market.We have taken an active part in international cooperation on the financial crisis and played an important role in promoting stability and development of the regional and global economy.In the height of the financial crisis, we kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable, facilitated the establishment of the Asian foreign exchange reserve pool totaling 120 billion US dollars, and signed currency swap agreements worth 650 billion RMB yuan.We have adopted a series of major steps to meet the climate challenge, made great effort for positive and important outcomes at the Copenhagen conference and active contributed to international cooperation on climate change.中国承担着越来越多与本国国力相符的国际责任。我国已经兑现对联合国《千年宣言》的承诺,向120多个发展中国家提供了经济援助,累计免除49个重债穷国和最不发达国家的债务。我们向发生地震、海啸等灾害的国家积极捐资捐物,并派遣多支医疗队和救援队赴当地实施人道救助。中国积极参加联合国国际维和行动,是安理会常任理事国中派出维和人员最多的国家,累计向24项联合国维和行动派出上万人次,中国维和官兵甚至付出了生命的代价。中国在实现自身发展的同时,正在尽最大的努力,为世界和平与发展的崇高事业做出力所能及的重要贡献。China is assuming increasing international responsibilities commensurate with its capability.We have fulfilled our commitments under the UN Millennium Declaration, provided economic assistance to more than 120 developing countries, and cancelled the debts owed by 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least developed countries.We have given assistance, both in kind and in cash, to countries hit by earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, and sent out medical and rescue teams for humanitarian relief on many occasions.We are an active participant in UN peacekeeping operations and we are the largest contributor of peacekeeping personnel among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.So far we have dispatched more than 10,000 personnel to 24 UN peacekeeping missions, and some Chinese peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice.All these are vivid examples which show that while promoting our own development, we are doing our utmost to contribute to the lofty cause of world peace and development.同时,中国的基本国情和面对的困难也不容忽视。中国人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,现在乃至今后相当长的时期内都是发展中国家。我国人均GDP排在世界100位之后,尽管30年间脱贫人口接近于美国全国的人口,但贫困人口总数在世界上仍然排名第二。我国居民消费水平还处在较低层次,目前仍有1000万人没有用上电。我国还处在全球产业链的低端,科技研发和高端制造业等方面的竞争力还较弱,出口几亿件衬衫才能换回一架空客或波音飞机。我国发展进程中面临的难题世所罕见,哪一个解决起来都很不容易。在我们这样一个拥有十几亿人口的发展中大国实现现代化,还需要付出艰苦努力,还有很长的路要走。

On the other hand, one must always remember China's basic national conditions and the difficulties we face.China has a large population.Our economic foundation is weak and our development is uneven.China's per capita GDP is lower than that of at least 100 countries.Yes, in the past 30 years the number of Chinese lifted out of poverty almost equals the total population of the US, but we still have the second largest number of poor people in the world.Our consumer spending is still at a fairly low level.There are 10 million Chinese who have no access to electricity even today.China is at the lower end of the global industrial chain and lacks competitiveness in scientific research and development and high-end manufacturing.We need to export hundreds of millions of shirts in order to buy one Airbus or Boeing.The difficulties that we face in our development are unmatched anywhere in the world, and none of the difficult issues has easy solutions.We are and will remain a developing country for a long time to come.To achieve modernization in China, we must make strenuous and unremitting efforts.中国的外交以维护国家的主权、安全和发展利益,以促进世界的和平与发展为己任。在涉及国家核心利益的问题上,即使是在十分贫穷落后的年代,我们也是铮铮铁骨、毫不妥协。同时也要看到,中国走的是和平发展、互利共赢的道路。中国的发展来源于自身的经济社会进步,而不是对外武力扩张。中国的发展不以牺牲别国利益为代价,不追求利益最大化,而是坚持把共同利益的蛋糕做大,把自身利益与世界人民的共同利益结合起来,实现共同发展。中国的发展靠的是改革开放和对外合作,通过互利互惠,在实现自身快速发展的同时,也为世界经济做出了贡献。中国的发展得益于一个总体和平稳定的国际环境,我们也以自己的发展更好地促进世界和平与繁荣。中国的发展坚持的是相互尊重、平等相待、求同存异、开放包容的精神,既使将来强大了,也绝不把自己的意志强加于人。总的说,中国的发展不会损害任何国家的利益,而会给世界带来更多的机遇,更大的贡献。

It is the bounden duty of Chinese diplomacy to safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests and promote world peace and development.On issues concerning core national interests, we have always been steadfast and unyielding, even when we were very poor and backward.It is also important to note that China has always been committed to peaceful development and win-win cooperation.First, China's development has been made possible by our dedicated efforts on the economic and social fronts, not by armed expansion abroad.We don't pursue development at the expense of others or seek to maximize our own gains in developing external relations.Quite the contrary, we have been working to broaden shared interests and combine our interests with the common interests of the people of the whole world in order to achieve common development.Second, China's development is the result of reform, opening up and cooperation with others.By pursuing mutual benefit, we have both achieved rapid development at home and contributed to the growth of the world economy.Third, our development has benefited from a generally peaceful and stable international environment, and our development has in turn contributed to world peace and prosperity.Mutual respect, equality, seeking common ground while reserving differences, openness and inclusiveness-these are the principles underpinning China's development.I want to stress that even when we become developed in the future, we will never impose our will on others.To sum up, China's development, instead of hurting the interests of any country, will only bring more opportunities and make greater contribution to the whole world.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,2010年是世界格局和国际经济体系继续发生深刻复杂变化的一年,也是我国继续应对国际金融危机、保持经济平稳较快发展、加快转变经济发展方式的关键一年。温家宝总理在政府工作报告中,对今年外交工作的基本目标和主要任务进行了重要部署。我们将紧紧围绕党和国家的中心任务,全方位开拓对外关系,坚定地维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,重点要完成好以下几项工作:

The year 2010 will continue to see profound and complex changes in the international landscape, including the global economic architecture.It will also be a crucial year to China's efforts to counter the global financial crisis, maintain steady and fast economic growth, and speed up the transformation of economic growth pattern.In his government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao laid out our basic foreign policy objectives and essential tasks for this year.In keeping with the central tasks of the Party and the state, we will further reach out to the world and firmly uphold sovereignty, security and development interests.Priorities on our diplomatic agenda for this year include the following:


First, vigorously pursue all-round diplomacy.To enrich and improve all-round diplomacy, we will further develop our relations with major countries, strengthen good-neighborliness with surrounding countries, and enhance solidarity and cooperation with developing countries.We will pursue bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, and country and region-specific diplomacy and subject-specific diplomacy in a coordinated way.二是为国内保稳定、促发展、转变经济发展方式创造更好的外部环境。我们将加大经济外交工作力度,积极配合实施“引进来”、“走出去”战略,继续参与应对金融危机的国际对话与合作,坚决反对保护主义,与各国一道,共同推动世界经济的全面复苏和发展。

Second, build a better external environment to serve our domestic effort of maintaining stability, promoting development and speeding up transformation of economic growth pattern.We will step up economic diplomacy and support the “bring in” and “go global” strategies.We will continue to engage in international dialogue and cooperation to tackle the financial crisis and firmly oppose protectionism.We are ready to work with all other countries to put the world economy back on track.三是重点搞好峰会外交和世博外交。今年是多边峰会的高峰年。中国领导人将出席二十国集团金融峰会、上海合作组织峰会、“金砖四国”峰会、亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议、第三次世界议长大会、东亚领导人系列会议等一系列重大多边外交活动。我们将继续以多边峰会为重要平台,积极参与国际体系变革,维护发展中国家利益,推动应对气候变化等国际合作不断向前发展。

Third, ensure success of summit diplomacy and World Expo diplomacy.As you may know, there will be quite a number of multilateral summit meetings this year.Chinese leaders will attend the G20 summits, the SCO summit, the “BRIC” summit, the APEC economic leaders' meeting, the 3rd world conference of speakers of parliaments, the East Asia leaders' meetings, and some other important multilateral events.We will continue to take multilateral summit meetings as an important platform to actively engage in the reform of the international system, uphold the interests of developing countries and drive forward international cooperation in addressing climate change and other issues.上海世博会是我国继北京奥运会之后举办的又一场国际盛会,也是第一次在发展中国家举行的世博会。届时可能将有近百位外国政要莅临上海,许多外国观众也会纷至沓来。世博会不仅是上海的、中国的世博会,更是世界的世博会,为各国人民展示发展成果、增进了解与友谊、促进共同发展提供了重要平台。中国将举全国之力,集世界智慧,将上海世博会打造成一座世界人文交流的友谊之桥。

The Shanghai World Expo will be another grand international event hosted by China following the Beijing Olympic Games, and it will be the first time that the Expo is held in a developing country.Around 100 foreign dignitaries are expected to come to Shanghai for the event, along with a large number of visitors from various parts of the world.The World Expo belongs not only to Shanghai and China, but also and more importantly, to the entire world.It will offer an important stage for people around the world to showcase their achievements, enhance mutual understanding and friendship and promote common development.We will marshal the full resources of the country and pool the wisdom of the whole world to make the Expo a bridge of friendship and exchanges among people across the globe.女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen,“他山之石,可以攻玉”。在当前世界各国重新认识和思考发展理念、合作应对全球性挑战的关键时刻,借鉴包容、博采众长成为必然选择。“听取世界的声音,探索中国发展之路”是中国发展高层论坛的宗旨。我相信秉持这一宗旨,本届论坛一定能为增进中国与世界的对话、理解与友谊做出积极而独特的贡献。让我们携手努力,为促进各国之间的合作、为推动世界和平与发展的崇高事业,不断贡献自己的智慧和力量。

There is an old Chinese saying which goes, “There are other hills whose stones may serve to polish jade”.It means that advice from others may help one overcome one's own difficulties.At this critical juncture when all countries are rethinking what development concept to follow, and when all of us are coming together to meet global challenges, it is all the more important for us to be open and inclusive and learn from each other.The China Development Forum is designed to “hear the voice of the world and explore the path for China's development”.I am convinced that, with this purpose in mind, the forum will play an active and unique role in enhancing China's dialogue, understanding and friendship with the rest of the world.Together, let us contribute our wisdom and strength to international cooperation and to the lofty cause of world peace and development.



在2011年非政府组织新年招待会上的致辞 外交部部长助理 程国平钓鱼台国宾馆 2011年1月12日

Toast at the New Year Reception for NGOs by Assistant Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping Diaoyutai State Guesthouse 12 January 2011

尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今晚很高兴与各位新老朋友相聚,共贺新年。我谨代表外交部并以我个人的名义,向各位来宾致以最美好的节日祝福,向一年来所有关心和支持非政府组织工作的朋友们表示衷心的感谢!

Tonight, it gives me great pleasure to gather with my friends, both old and new, to celebrate the New Year.I would like to extend, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in my own name, the warmest festive greetings to all of you and heartfelt thanks to all the friends who have been supporting the work of non-governmental organizations.刚刚过去的2010年,对世界和中国人民来说都是不平凡的一年。这一年,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,世界经济总体摆脱金融危机阴霾、步入复苏轨道,气候变化、能源资源安全等全球性问题更加突出,国际和地区热点问题此起彼伏,世界和平发展面临的机遇和挑战都前所未有。这一年,面对国际国内环境的复杂变化,中国人民团结一心、开拓进取,战胜青海玉树地震、甘肃舟曲特大泥石流等自然灾害,确保经济平稳较快发展,成功举办上海世博会、广州亚运会和亚残运会,顺利完成嫦娥二号卫星探月任务,胜利实现“十一五”规划确定的目标任务,得到了世界各国的广泛理解和认可。

The year 2010 which is just behind us has been an eventful year for the world and Chinese people.In 2010, the trend toward multi-polarity and economic globalization gained momentum and the world economy emerged from the shadow of the financial crisis and embarked on the track of recovery.Global issues including climate change and energy and resources security became more pronounced and international and regional hotspot issues kept flaring up.World peace faced unprecedented opportunities and challenges.In the face of complex changes in the international and domestic environment, the Chinese people united as one and overcame such natural disasters as the Yushu earthquake and the massive Zhouqu mudslide and ensured steady and relatively fast economic development.We successfully hosted the world Expo 2010 Shanghai, the Asian Games and Asian Para Games in Guangzhou, accomplished the Chang’e-2 lunar probe mission and fulfilled the objectives and tasks under the 11th Five-Year Plan.We have won widespread understanding and recognition from countries around the world.2010年,也是中国境内外非政府组织蓬勃发展、成绩显著的一年。这一年,中国社会组织快速增长。登记注册的社会组织总数已超过43万,在推进社会发展、改善民生、促进公益事业、实现千年发展目标等方面发挥着积极而独特的作用。这一年,更多的境外非政府组织来华开展合作,与中方合作单位在教育、卫生、环保、慈善和社会福利等领域开展了大量活动,为中国的经济社会发展发挥了有益的补充作用,进一步加强了中国与世界的交流。特别值得一提的是,玉树地震和舟曲泥石流灾害发生后,包括救助儿童会等在内的多家境外非政府组织与灾区人民感同身受,为救灾重建做出重要贡献,所展示出的专业水平、敬业精神和友好情谊,给中国人民留下了深刻印象。

The year 2010 also witnessed vigorous development and remarkable achievements of domestic and overseas NGOs in China.In the course of the year, China’s social organizations enjoyed fast development.The number of registered social organizations exceeded 430,000 and they played a positive and unique role in promoting social development, improving people’s livelihood, advancing the cause of social welfare and achieving the Millenium Development Goals.More overseas NGOs came to China for cooperation and carried out many activities with their Chinese partners in the fields of education, health, environmental protection, charity and social welfare.They served as a useful complement for China’s economic and social development and further enhanced China’s exchanges with the world.It is particularly worth mentioning that in the aftermaths of the Yushu earthquake and the Zhouqu mudslide, many overseas NGOs including Save the Children felt the pain of the people in the disaster-affected areas and made important contribution to our disaster relief and reconstruction efforts.The professionalism, dedication and frendship they displayed left the Chinese people with a deep impression.同样也是在这一年,包括外交部在内的中国多个政府部门与境外非政府组织的交往与合作呈现新局面,取得新进展。去年8月,我们首次以政府部门、学术机构和外国非政府组织三方合作的形式举办了“全球化背景下的非政府组织研讨会”。我们还积极协助有关境外非政府组织在云南贫困地区开展扶贫合作项目,促成有关非政府组织参加国情社情考察活动。今天,我们又首次举办非政府组织新年招待会,邀请有关部委、外国驻华使馆、国际组织驻华代表机构、地方外办、国内外非政府组织和学术机构的代表共同参加,充分体现了中国政府对境外非政府组织的高度重视。

In 2010, the interactions and cooperation among chinese ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and overseas NGOs made fresh headway.Last August, we held the seminar on NGOs in Globalization, the first one in the form of trilateral cooperation among the government, academic institutions and overseas NGOs.We provided active assistance for the poverty relief programs of relevant overseas NGOs in poor areas of Yunan Province and facilitated relevant NGOs’ participation in field trips to enhance their knowledge of china’s national conditions.Today, we are hosting the New Year Reception for NGOs for the first time, and have invited representatives of relevant ministries and departments, local foreign affairs offices, foreign embassies, representative offices of international organizations, domestic and foreign NGOs and academic institutions.This fully show the great importance the Chinese government has attached to overseas NGOs.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 2011年是新世纪第二个十年的开启之年,也是中国“十二五”规划的开局之年。“十二五”规划确定了中国未来五年经济社会发展的主要目标和任务,明确提出“要培育扶持和依法管理社会组织,支持、引导其参与社会管理和服务”。在此,我愿重申,中国政府高度赞赏境外非政府组织的积极作用,欢迎和支持境外非政府组织来华活动。我们衷心希望境外在华非政府组织,能够更加积极地参与到中国政府和人民努力实现“十二五”规划的进程中来,紧密结合中国经济社会发展的实际需求,遵守中国的法律法规,继续在扶贫、抗灾、环保、教育、医疗、慈善领域与中方合法组织开展务实合作,为促进中外交流、推动中国经济社会发展作出新的贡献。中国政府也将加大力度为境外非政府组织在华开展友好交流与合作提供便利。

The year 2011 marks the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century and also the first year for the implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan of China.The 12th Five-Year Plan sets out the main objectives and tasks for China’s economic and social development for the next five years and clearly states that we should “foster and manage according to law social organizations, and support them in participating in social management and services and provide guidance for them”.Here I would like to reaffirm that the Chinese government highly appreciates the positive role of overseas NGOs and welcomes and supports your activities in China.We sincerely hope that overseas NGOs will be more actively involved in the efforts of the Chinese goverment and people to implement the 12th Five-Year Plan in the light of the actual demands of China’s economic and social development.We hope that overseas NGOs will abide by china’s laws and regulations and continue to conduct practical cooperation with lawful chinese organizations in poverty reduction, disaster relief, environmental protection, education, medical care and charity, thus making fresh contribution to china’s exchanges with other countries and China’s economic and social development.The chinese government will do more to provide convenience for overseas NGOs to conduct friendly exchanges and cooperation in China.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen, 新年伊始,万象更新。我们期待着在新的一年里继续与各位朋友保持良好合作,共同为推动中国经济社会发展、促进人民福祉作出更大的贡献!

With the beginning of the new year, everything takes on a new look.We look forward to continuing our good cooperation with our friends in the coming year and working together to contribute more to China’s economic and social development and the well-being of the people.现在,我提议: 为世界和平与发展,为中外双方的友好合作,为各位来宾的健康,干杯!

I now propose a toast, To world peace and development, To our friendly cooperation, and To your health, Cheers!



Distinguished guests, dear alumni, faculties and students, good morning to all of you


Today we are gathered here excitedly and happily to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Minzu University’s establishment.In this cheerful day, on behalfof all Minzu University’s faculty and students, Iextend my warmly welcome and cordial gratefulness to all of distinguished guests and alumni from far and near.Thank you all of you to participate this exciting anniversary in good faith and witness this historic moment.中央民族大学是中国共产党和中央人民政府为解决民族问题,培养少数民族干部和高级专门人才而于1951年创建的高等学校。在党和国家的高度重视下,学校1978年被批准为国家重点大学,1999年、2004年先后进入“211工程”和“985工程”国家重点建设大学行列。时光荏苒,学校创办至今整整一个花甲。60年的风雨兼程,几代人的心血浇灌。60年来,中央民族大学在党和国家的亲切关怀下,在国家民委直接领导下,逐步发展成为以文科为主体,以民族学科为特色,“文、理、艺、管”各科兼备的社会主义综合大学。

Minzu University was established in 1951 under the CCP and central government’s instruction in order to solve ethnic problems, develop leaders from ethnic minorities and train high-level professionals.Because of CCP and government’s high attention, our university was recognized as one of the national key universities.And ranked in “211 project” and “985 project”(two projects of construction of high-level universities).Time flies as an arrow;our university has been established for 60 years since 1951.During the past 60 years, we have gone through trials and hardships;we have dedicated ourselves heart and soul.Under the loving care of the party and government and direct leadership of State Ethnic Affairs Commission, our universityhas developed as a comprehensive socialistic university including disciplines of “liberal arts, science, fine arts and administration” in which liberal arts is the body and ethnic disciplines are features.今天之民大,拥有18个学院,覆盖10个学科门类的69个本科专业,60个硕士学位授权点,1个公共管理专业硕士(MPA)授权点,23个博士学位授权点,为培养杰出人才提供了强有力的保证。学校拥有一支高素质、高水平、民族成分众多的师资队伍,拥有专职教师1000余人,其中正副教授529名。学校也拥有先进的仪器设备、功能完善的实验室,为学生的能力培养提供了很大的空间。

Today, Minzu University has eighteen schools, covering 69 majors in ten disciplines;60 master’s degree authorizationorders;1 MPA master’s degree authorization order and 23 doctor’s degree authorization orders, which assures the development of excellent talents.Now the faculty from multi-ethnic backgrounds is of high quality and high level, composed of more than 1000 full-time teachers in which are 529 professors and vice professors.Also, the university possesses advanced equipment and multi-functional labs which give good opportunities to students to improve their capability.作为我国民族团结的缩影和展示我国民族工作成就的窗口,民大弘扬着“美美与共、知行合一”的大学文化与治学精神。56个民族的智慧和文化在校园汇聚一堂,各民族丰富多彩的语言、风俗,绚烂多姿的服饰、歌舞以及琳琅满目的民族特色小吃,融汇成了民族团结的交响乐章。独特的文化氛围和良好的教育教学资源,使每一位民大学子尽享民族大家庭的温馨,并且历练出跨文化的视野。

As the epitome of ethnic unity and the window of ethnic work achievement, Minzu University promotes the university culture and academic spirit of “diversity in harmony, knowing in doing”.In Minda, wisdom and culture from 56 ethnic minorities are gathered where various languages, customs, gorgeous clothes, singing and dancing, a great variety of special food form different minorities give rise to a splendid symphony of ethnic unity.It is unique cultural atmosphere and good educational resources that provide students in Minda the family warmth and trans-cultural horizon.60年风雨沧桑,自强不息; 60年文化传承,薪火相传;近年来,在国家民委、教育部和北京市政府的大力支持下,校园建设力度强劲,办学条件不断改善。学生的生活学习均已实现数字化管理;给全校宿舍安装空调的工程在逐渐展开;新校区的建设也开始起步,民大致力于为每一位学子提供更好的学习生活环境,成为各个民族学子梦想起飞的摇篮。

Having been through wind and rain in the past 60 years, Minda is still striving for the future.Having passed the Minda spirit down in the past 60 years, Minda is still carrying her faith.These years, due to strong support from State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Bureau of Education and Beijing Government, compass construction is booming and school conditions are improving gradually.Student’s learning and living have achieved digital management.The program of installing air-conditioner for students is being carried.The construction of new compass is starting now.Minda devotes itself to create a better studying and living environment for every student and to become the cradle where every student can fly their ambition.学校60年的发展成就,凝结着历届学校领导和校友们的心血和智慧,凝结着各级领导、社会各界朋友的关怀和支持,凝结着各兄弟学校的关心和帮助,凝结着在校师生的执着与奉献。在此,我谨代表学校向你们表示崇高的敬意和诚挚的谢意!校庆是里程碑,更是每一个民大人的郑重承诺:全体民大人必将坚守教书育人的信念,以60周年校庆为起点,继承和发扬光荣的办学传统,用奋进的足迹书写民大新的辉煌。

In university’s 60 years developing achievement contains endless efforts and wisdom from school’s leaders in every tenure and many alumni;contains care and support from leaders at all levels and friends from all sectors of community;contains care and help from all brethren colleges;contains persistence and dedication from all faculty and fellow students.Hereon, I would like to express my great respect and sincere thankfulness to all of you on behalf of the university.This anniversary is not only a milestone, but also a serious promise and a new starting point of every Minda person: Minda people must keep the faith of passing knowledge and educating citizens;inheriting and promoting outstanding educational tradition;striving to write new chapters in the beautiful future.敬祝各位领导、各位来宾、各位校友 老师们同学们身体健康,万事如意!

At last, I wish every distinguished guests, dear faculty, staff and students a healthy body and a smooth life.




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