
时间:2019-05-15 08:24:25下载本文作者:会员上传



第一课: greeting 问候语 Hi/hello Good morning/afternoon/evening.Good night!告别,晚安.Collectivism 集体主义 individualism 个人主义 privacy 隐私

Hey, what is up/what’s new? “近来还好吗? Hey和Hi的区别是:hi是打招呼,Hey是引起别人注意.How are you doing? 也是打招呼不要详细回答(=how are you?)How is that going? Hey, how is everything going? How is your work going? How are your families doing? 你家人还好吗? How is your husband doing?你先生还好? How is your study /work going ? 你学习/工作进行得怎么样/还好吗/还顺利吗? 注意 : How is + 人+doing,How is +事物+ going? 声调不同,个性差异.回答有:very good/can't be better/I'm doing well/I'm well/I'm fine/ Well,it is OK /Oh,just so so /Oh,not good,really bad.How do you do?很少用了 I’m doing well.I’m well.I am fine.Oh getting be better Oh not bad.Well, it is ok.Oh.Just so so.Oh not good, really bad.A:Good morning ,Mrs Brown.How are you doing ? B: I'm doing well , thank you ,and you ? A: Well.I'm fine.How is your husband ? B: Alan was sick last week,but now he feels better!A: Please give my regards to him!Regard=treat 对待

eg:Don't treat/regard yourself as a kid.We regard him as our boss.Regard sb.as sth.句型 <2>作名词“对...有敬意” We have a regard for David.We have a regard for Michael(新东方总裁俞敏洪的英文名).BR!=best regards!<3>在email或商务信函中常见BR=best regard 最诚挚的问候

Please say hello to him!请代我向他问好 Please remember me to him!(这句比较文驺驺)二)give best regards to sb.请代...向...问候。类似表达还有 say hello to sb /remember sb to sb.再看下面一段复杂的对话:

A:Jenny,I haven't seen you in ages.You look great today.b: Thanks,John.It is really been a long time.How is everything going? A:Well,not bad,thanks.B:What's going on with your study ? A:I'm working hard on my English now.I haven’t seen you in ages.It's really a long time/It's really been long/Long time no see.3)What's going on with sb/sth? What's going on with the project/your study?这个项目/你的学习进展如何? 4)work on work on sth 忙于...I'm working hard on my homework.I worked hard on my paper and got A.work on sb = try to persuade sb 劝说 eg:-I will hope to work on him.He wants to go abroad,but I really don't want him to go.-Let's drop it.Stop working on me.5)What's up /What's new ?其回答是 Well,nothing up / not much.新东方英语900句开口篇第二课

第二课:name 关于姓名 What’s your name? You are sitting in a bar, A beautiful girl as just beside you, Hi, nice to meet you.May I have your name? / what’s your name? 在马路上这样问,用前句更加礼貌.Could you please tell me your name? Will you be convenient for you if I know your name? 例行公事,比较严肃的问法是: What’s your name? / your name?

搭讪铺垫方式:We must have met before, is it your name shale? Oh, no, my name is sarle.英文强调自我,I was myself, I am no bodys.I just belong myself.姓:Surname, last name, family name.中间: Middle name, 名 given name, first name, many many names.一般有三个名字, 中间middle name 常采用缩写格式 abbreviation 缩略,删节 Middle name can be abbreviated.This story is abbreviated.被删节的故事 Are you from the PRC? PRC= people’s republic of China USA=unite state of American USA is abbreviation of the unite state of American UN=United Nations UN is an abbreviation of the United Nations UK=United Kingdom The united kingdom of great British and Northern Ireland 回答:My name is ClarieLi.Glarie is my first name and Li is my last name.日本人和中国名字一样

Just call me Green/ my English name.My name is Carlen.问人家怎么拼用

I want to check in.Will you spell your name? My name is spelled c-l-a-I-r-e.Will you spell your surname/family name? My surname is spelled r-i-c-e.日本人也是先姓后名

My name is Tanaka Honami.Tanaka is my last / family name.Honami is my given / first name.Potential partner 潜在的合作伙伴 “Read” is not a good one(word).改用Pronounce v.Pronunciation n.Name card 名片

How to pronounce your last name? Oh, my last name is “race”!

Well, your name precedes you.久仰大名!He preceded me to the railway station.Party was preceded by a speech.酒会之前有一个演讲。Preceding a.在以前的

In the preceding class, we have learned„ 总结:1.问名字的方式


3.怎么拼读名字,加奉承一句 新东方英语900句开口篇第三课

0301 Lesson Three Introduction介绍一下

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Danny‘s birthday party.先生们女士们,晚上好。欢迎参加Danny的生日晚会。You are welcome to...= Welcome to...Welcome home.Welcome aboard.Welcome to the New Oriental School.We welcome your suggestions.It‘s a welcome ceremony.0302 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 Nice having you here.真高兴您能来。Good morning.Good evening.Hi.Nice meeting you.It is nice to see you here.It is happy to see you here.It is pleased to meet you here.Nice to meet you.0303 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 Hope you have a good time!希望您过得愉快。Hope you have fun.0304 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下

Tony, I want you to meet an old friend of mine.Here is David Roy.David, Tony Park.Tony,我想让你见见我的老朋友。这位是David Roy。David,这位是Tony Park。

Tom, come here.I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Clare.0305 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下

Mrs.Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr.Smith, our manager.Anderson太太,请允许我介绍一下我们的经理Smith先生。introduce sb.to sb.I want to introduce Alice to you.introduce sth.We would introduce the advanced techonology from aboard.Introduction Mr.Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr.White.0306 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 The pleasure is mine, Mr.Smith.我很荣幸,Smith太太。Nice to talk to you.--Nice to meet you.--The pleasure is mine.0307 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下

Let me introduce myself.I am Susan McDonald.让我自我介绍一下。我叫Susan McDonald。Well, let me make a self-introduction.I'd like to make a self-introduction.0308 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下

Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before? 打扰一下,我们以前见过面吗? Have we met somewhere before? Excuse me, are you reading the book...? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, is this seat taken? 0309 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 Sorry, I don‘t think we have.不好意思,我想没有。Might be.Sorry, I don‘t think I know you.Sorry, I don‘t think we met before.0310 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下

Hi, it‘s you again!Is this a coincidence or what? 嗨,又是你!真巧。Hi, it‘s you!Hi, is that you? Hi, you are Susan.I haven‘t seen you in ages.What a small world!What a coincidence!0311 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 You are Susan!What a pleasant surprise!你是Susan!真巧啊!How is your husband? How are your family? 0312 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 I am afraid I have to leave now.恐怕我现在得走了。

I am afraid I have to go now.0313 Lesson Three Introduction 介绍一下 道别

Bye-bye.Good-bye.See you.See you later.See you tomorrow.So long.Until then.Take care.I hope to see you again.Let‘s keep in touch.Call me.Do you have my number? Good luck.Have a nice day.Have a nice dinner.Please give my regards to sb.新东方英语900句开口篇第四课

Englishlearning.exam8.com 来源:大耳朵英语 更新:2008-8-20 8:59:21 英语学习学习论坛 0401 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么

What is this?这是什么? What Whose where What's that? What are these? What are those? 0402 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 It‘s a cocktail.这是鸡尾酒。It‘s a notebook computer.It's a laptop computer.notebook computer desktop computer 0403 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么

It? s a mixed alcoholic drink.就是一种混合而成的酒。What‘s the notebook computer? Note book is a kind of computer.Squirrel is an animal.Swallow is a bird.What‘s mango?

Mango is a kind of fruit.What‘s coke? It‘s a kind of drink.It's a kind of soda.What's cocktail? It's a mixed of alcoholic drink.0404 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Pardon?什么? I’m a programmer.Pardon? I beg your pardon.I work with computer and I made computer programs.And people call me programmer.What did you buy yesterday? Well, I bought an cardigan.Pardon? Cardigan? Well, it‘s a kind of sweater that opens at the front.What is it? It‘s a CD.What is the CD? It is a kind of Cassette Disc that can store a lot of data information.Oh, this is a storing device.Something like that.What is Jiaozi? It‘s a kind of food eaten by Chinese people during the Spring Festival.It's a kind of pastry.It's a kind of dish.It's a kind of staple food.0405 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Whose notebook is that?那是谁的笔记本? Whose notebook is it? 0406 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么

It is not mine.It may belong to Jessie.不是我的。可能是Jessie的吧。

Sorry, I don‘t know.It‘s not mine.Yours his hers theirs Whose overcoat is it? It‘s mine.It's ours.It's his.Whose DV is this? It belongs to me.belongings 财产

All these fixed assets belong to a HongKong investor.His music belongs to the pop music.His music belongs to the classical music.It‘s my belonging.0407 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么

Up to now nobody has claimed the suitcase.到现在还没人认领这个行李箱。claim sth = say sth.I won‘t claim credit for it.claim that He claimed that he is a headmaster.He claimed that he is a reporter.He claimes that the wallet belongs to him.The big fire claimed many lives.Will you claim the watch? 0408 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Where is your umbrella?你的雨伞在哪儿? Where is it? Where is he? Where is your raincoat? Where are your rainboots? 0409 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 It‘s behind the door.在门后。It‘s behind the cabinet.He always hides behind his father.in front of sb./ sth.Where is the basketball? It‘s in front of the box.It‘s on the left hand of...It's on the right hand of....It‘s above.It‘s over.It‘s on my head.It‘s beneath.It‘s below.The boat is bellow the bridge.0410 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么

I looked for my wallet everywhere but I couldn‘t find it.我到处找我的钱包,但找不到它。Sorry, I couldn‘t find it.look for 寻找 find 找到

I looked for my wallet but I couldn‘t find it.discover 发现 0411 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么

You must have left it in your office.你一定是把它落在办公室了。

I left my umbrella in the taxi.I left my suitcase in the office.Ok, I‘ll leave it.I‘ll leave it with you.You must have done sth.Are you lying? You must have hit the bars.0412 Lesson Four Identifying Objects 这是什么

Please look for it in the hotel lost-and-found office.请到酒店失物招领处找找。My camera is gone.Is it possible you put it on your bed? No, I looked for it everywhere, but I couldn't find it.Ok, let‘s go check at the lost-and-found office.0413 Lesson Four Identifying Objects 这是什么

Do you remember where you misplaced it?你还记得不小心放哪儿了吗? 0414 Lesson Four Identifying Objects 这是什么

Can you describe your blouse?能描述一下你的衬衣吗? Can you describe your camera? 新东方英语900句开口篇第五课 0501 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 What color is your phone book? 你的电话簿是什么颜色的? red orange yellow green blue purple pink grey black white sand 土黄色 What color is it? 0502 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 The book has a red cover.这本书的书皮是红色的。My book has a red cover.cover n.皮 book cover cover girl This is the cover story.cover v.覆盖

In the morning we covered 10000 meters.I‘ll cover it.take cover You can‘t take cover under a tree when it‘s storming.0503 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 What kind of computer do you have? 你的电脑是什么样的? What brand is your car? It's a BMW.I bought a Toyota.What kind is it? What‘s the model?

It‘s a VIOS.0504 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 What size automobile do you want? 您想要多大的汽车? What size car is it? I want a small one.0505 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 What table shape do you take? 您想要什么样的桌子? angle 三角形 round 圆形 square 正方形 rectangular 长方形 oval 椭圆形

What shape do you want? What material shirt do you take? What material shirt do you wear? It‘s cotton.What style do you want? 0506 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 How much does your laptop weigh? 你的手提电脑有多重?

How much is it? = What is the price of it? 0507 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 How big is this apartment? 这套公寓有多大?

It‘s about 120 square meters.有120平米。

How big is the living-room? How big is the apartment?

Well, it‘s about 60 square meters.How big is it? = What‘s the coverage(of this apartment)? 0508 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 What is the width of the bookcase? 这个书架有多宽? wardrobe 衣柜

How wide is it? = What‘s the width of it? How long is it? = What's the length of it? How high is it? = What's the height of it? What‘s the lengh of the Great Wall?


Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 The cabinet is four meters long.这个柜子有四米长。

The wardrobe is 2 meters long.0510 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体

I’d like a small one, but my husband prefers a big one.我想要部小车,但我先生喜欢大车。prefer A to B I prefer kiwifruit to the apples.prefer to do A rather than do B I prefer to walk rather than take a bus.0511 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 Will you measure this door? 量量这扇门好吗?

Noboday can measure the depth of this lake.Can you measure the importance of the return of HongKong to the embrace of the motherland? You can‘t measure a student by his score.0512 Lesson Five Describing Objects 描述物体 Will you measure this door? 量量这扇门好吗? measure tape 卷尺 measure n.take the measure of sb.reticent 沉默寡言的 measurement n.度量衡

the metric system of measurement measurable adj.可衡量的 epidemic disease 流行性疾病 We find the loss is measurable.half measure 折中

What‘s the half measure? 新东方英语900句开口篇第六课 0601 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 Who are you? 你是谁? who what whose where how Who‘s who.0602 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 I am Sally, a new secretary with your firm.我是你公司的新秘书Sally。My name is Claire.I am Claire.I’m a friend of your son.I’m a classmate of your daughter.I am a new secretary.Who are you? What are you? Who do you think you are? What do you think you are? general secretary 总书记 Secretary of State 国务卿

Secretary of Department of National Defence 国防部长 Secretary General 联合国秘书长 0603 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 You are the English teacher, aren‘t you? 您是英语老师,对吗?

You are the boss, aren‘t you? 0604 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 Are you Mr.Green, the office manager? 你是业务经理Green先生吗? secretary office manager director the president CEO = Chief Executive Officer chairman of the board the staff accountant teller salesman the market researchers Are you the partner of this firm? 0605 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 He might be spokesman of today‘s press conference.他可能是今天新闻发布会的发言人。

He might be the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry.host 主持人 hostess 女主持人 announcer 播音员 broadcaster 播音员 anchormanss MC = Master of Ceremonies司仪 0606 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 Where do you come from? 你是哪儿的人? hometown 0607 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 I am from Shanghai.How about you? 我是上海人,你呢? I am from South Korea.I am from France.I am from Canada.Our new English teacher comes from Great Britain.0608 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 Toronto is Michelle‘s home town.多伦多是Michelle的故乡。Hebei province is my hometown.0609 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 What do you do for a living? 您干什么工作? What are you? What do you do(for a living)? What‘s your job? Wha't your occupation? 0610 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 I work for the government.我为政府工作。

I’m a teacher(with the New Oriental School).I work for a foreign enterprise.I’m working in a state owned enterprise.0611 Lesson Six Identifying People 你是谁 Who cares? 管它呢。gossip 闲谈

care 在乎 I care for you.care for sth.喜欢 Would you care for a cup of tea? I don‘t care for tea.我不喜欢喝茶。I don‘t care.我不在乎。care about = worry about I care about my father‘s health.careless careful carefree 新东方英语900句开口篇第七课

0701 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 What does Cindy look like? Cindy长得什么样儿? appearance 外表

look v.看 n.长相、样子 What does she look like? 0702 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。The eyes are the window to your heart.blonde 金发碧眼的 black dark hazel 褐色的 emerald eyes 淡绿色眼睛 liquid eyes 水汪汪的眼睛 expressive eyes 会说话的眼睛 0703 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。

black hair 黑色的头发 light yellow hair 淡黄色头发 fair hair 淡黄色头发 golden hair 金色头发 brunette hair 栗红色头发 grey hair 灰白头发 long hair 长发 short hair 短发

pony tail 马尾辫 Claire wears a pony tail.straight hair 直发

curly hair 卷发 wavy hair 波浪发 0704 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。

high bridged nose 高鼻梁的鼻子 flat nose 扁鼻子 snub nose 蒜头鼻 sexual mouth sexy mouth lips 嘴唇 forehead 前额 cheek 面颊 cheekbone 颧骨 high cheekbones 高颧骨 jaw 下巴

0705 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 What sort of build is Philip? Philip身材如何? build sth.v.We built a shelter in two days.built up one‘s business

He built up his business from nothing.building 建筑

high-rise building 高层建筑 build shape figure 身材 What sort of build is he? 0706 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 He is a big guy.他是个大块头。

0707 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Will is tall and quite lanky.Will高高瘦瘦的。He is tall and lanky.He is stout.He is chubby.She has small build.She is slim.crooked nose, big eyes, thick eyebrows 0708 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 She takes after her mother.她长得像她妈妈。take after 继承

I take after my mother.0709 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 Roy looks exactly like his father.Roy长得很像她父亲。He looks exactly like...They could be twins.33 look-alike contest 模仿秀 You could be twins.0710 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's round face.他蓝蓝的眼睛随父亲,圆圆的脸庞随母亲。He has Andy Liu‘s crooked nose.He has his build.You have your mother‘s eyes.0711 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

Tracy is a typical Brooks with her high cheekbones.Tracy颧骨高高的,一看就是Brook家的人。ears mouth nose eyes eyebrows cheek forehead jaw lips 0712 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

From her appearance, I would guess she is Asian.从外表看,我猜她是亚洲人。She is European.She is African.From her appearance, I would guess she is Japanese.34 From her appearance, I would guess she is Italian.Asian American 亚裔美国人 Chinese American 美籍华人 ABC = American Born Chinese She is African American.She is Asian American.She is Hispanic American.0713 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

Ray is popular with parents because he is very polite.Ray彬彬有礼,家长们都很喜欢。Our teacher is popular with us.Jay Zhou is popular with youngster.graceful 优雅的 0714 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

Tom is a quiet man but his wife is extremely talkative.Tom话不多,但他太太嘴特别碎。She can talk your ears off.She can talk my ears off.shy cheerful easy-going stubborn optimistic pessimistic sensitive

conservative liberal open minded 0715 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌 My brother has a good personality.我哥哥性格很好。How do you like him? He has a good personality.He has a strong personality.You have no personality.0716 Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌

Jim always wears a brown overcoat these days.这些天Jim总是穿一件棕色的大衣。I wear a blouse today.I wear a necklace today.I wear a watch today.I wear a pony tail.He wears a beard.Claire is wearing a smile.Never judge a person by his looks.千万不要以貌取人。Beauty is but skin-deep.美丽只是一张皮。


Lesson Three Introduction介绍一下

OK ,everybody ,welcome back ,and now we come to another class of structure.And today ,we are going to introduce you introduction.Two way ,self-introduction ,introduce you to the others.Today we are going to set to you in a situation,the situation is a party.Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Danny‘s birthday party.先生们女士们,晚上好。欢迎参加Danny的生日晚会。

welcome a.受欢迎的

You are welcome to...= Welcome to...Welcome home.Welcome aboard.Welcome to the New Oriental School.welcome vt.欢迎

We welcome your suggestions.welcome n.It‘s a welcome ceremony.Nice to meet you.It is nice to see you here.Nice having you here.It is happy to see you here.It is pleased to meet you here.Hope you have a good time.Hope you have fun.Only that guy is pretty good ,and I want to know him.I want to know that one ,would you introduce him to me ?

Hey Tom ,come here ,I want you to meet an old friend of mine.Tom, I want you to meet an old friend of mine.Here is David Roy.Tom, come here.I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Clare.Rule :


senior person :

Would you want to kown......introduce sb.to sb.I want to introduce Alice to you.introduce sth.We would introduce the advanced techonology from aboard.Introduction

Mr.Anderson, please allow me to introduce Mr.White.I want you to meet.....please allow me to introduce....I want to make a self-introduction.It's my plessure....The pleasure is mine, Mr.Smith.我很荣幸,Smith太太。

--The pleasure is mine.Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?


Have we met somewhere before?

Excuse me, are you reading the book...?

Excuse me, what time is it?

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

May I introduce myself ?

Sorry, I don‘t think we have.不好意思,我想没有。

Might be.Sorry, I don‘t think I know you.Sorry, I don‘t think we met before.Hi, it‘s you again!Is this a coincidence or what?


Hi, it‘s you!

Hi, is that you?

Hi, you are Susan.I haven‘t seen you in ages.What a small world!

What a coincidence!

You are Susan!What a pleasant surprise!


How is your husband?

How are your family?

I am afraid I have to leave now.恐怕我现在得走了。

I am afraid I have to go now.Bye-bye.Good-bye.See you.See you later.See you tomorrow.So long.Until then.Take care.I hope to see you again.Let‘s keep in touch.Call me.Do you have my number?

Good luck.Have a nice day.Have a nice dinner.Please give my regards to sb.共有2人向本资料提供了听力原文,其中被采用了1篇,当前有0篇待审批,有1篇未被采用!查看明细>> 如果您有更好的听力原文,欢迎提供给大耳朵,如果被采用,您将获得20到100金币的奖励! 荐:e-say 电话英语,与外教一对一




11、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望。

2、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。

3、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。

4、Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.冬天,将自身从被窝里掏出来,是人生最难的任务之一了。

5、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.将来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能由于习惯了过去,就逃回过去。

6、I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away.我爱这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。

7、Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence.被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。

8、Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.胜利是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。


21、Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好!

2、Never forget to say “thanks”.永远不要忘了说“谢谢”!

3、Keep on going never give up.勇往直前,决不放弃!

4、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

5、Believe in yourself.信任你自身!

6、I can because i think i can.我行,由于我信任我行!

7、Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言语!

8、Never say die.永不气馁!

9、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日毕!

10、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备是今天做到最好!

11、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.Once time is wasted, life is wasted.你不能变化你的过去,但你能让你的将来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。

12、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.知识变化命运,英语成就将来。

13、Don't aim for success if you want it;just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.如果你想要胜利,不要去追求胜利;尽管做你自身热爱的事情并且信任它,胜利自然到来。

14、Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。

15、Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。

16、Justice has long arms.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

17、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

18、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕。

19、Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.君王发狂,百姓遭殃。

20、Kings have long arms.普天之下,莫非王土。

21、Knowledge is power.知识是力量。

21、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

22、Learn and live.活着,为了学习。

23、Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.好人越学越好,坏人越学越坏。

24、Learn not and know not.不学无术。

25、Learn to walk before you run.先学走,再学跑。

26、Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。

27、Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹麻烦。

28、Let the cat out of the bag.泄漏天机。

29、Lies can never changes fact.谎言终究是谎言。

30、Lies have short legs.谎言站不长。

31、Life is but a span.人生苦短。

32、Life is half spent before we know what it is.人过半生,方知天命。

33、Life is not all roses.人生并不是康庄大道。

34、Life without a friend is death.没有朋友,虽生犹死。

35、Like a rat in a hole.瓮中之鳖。

36、Like author, like book.文如其人。

37、Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。

38、Like for like.一报还一报。

39、Like knows like.惺惺相惜。

40、Like mother, like daughter.有其母必有其女。

41、Like teacher, like pupil.怎样的老师教怎样的学生。

42、Like tree, like fruit.羊毛出在羊身上。















看一下我们的英语教育,初中的时候学了很多弱智的句子,除了初中的考试,到哪里也用不到,你会跑到美国指着一个钢笔问老外,“What“s this?”,”Is this a pen? "老外会想,这么大一个人了,连钢笔都不认识,简直一个白痴。根本不会理你。就算你是初中生,问这样的问题也是很弱智的。这种情况一直延续到高中,大学。











面对英语学习中的苦恼,听说读写译,你最头疼的是哪个?你可能会说,除了阅读,我都头疼。尤其是听说。这使我想起一个故事:有一个硕士生到外企面试,人力资源总监问,你英语水平怎样?硕士回答说,“我考过了六级,这是我的证书。。。” 人力资源总监说,“不要给我看证书,你以为我不知道四六级证书是怎么考出来的?咱们用英语随便聊聊。” 硕士生一听,顿时脸色有如zombie,“千万不要让我说英语哇,请给我出两道最难的选择题,我用排除法瞎蒙法一定能作对!”


但是很多人仍然对做选择题乐此不彼,这真是一件本末倒置的事情!学英语是为了去做选择题吗?作选择题可以有效的提高英语水平吗?想都不用想,答案当然是‘Absolutely NOT!’。

你想学好英语首先要认识到这个误区,并且尽量少作选择题。做英语习题实际上是英语学习的Killer,因为你把大量的时间花费在做选择题上,得到的结果是自尊心严重受挫,而且英语水平提高有限,甚至本来明白的做题以后也可能迷糊了。以至于一谈到英语,大多数人都会惶惶的说,“Sorry,my English is very poor!”











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