
时间:2019-05-15 08:15:36下载本文作者:会员上传





中国驻欧盟使团团长 宋哲大使


Communicating for Better Understanding Welcoming Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe for the Open House at the Mission

of China to the EU May, 2011


Distinguished guests, Dear young friends,上午好!

Good morning!


Welcome to the open house of the Chinese Mission.This year’s open house is rather special.Because this May, all Chinese diplomatic missions in the EU member states will open their doors to the young people.This collective move actually constitutes a flagship event of the EU-China Year of Youth.While we welcome you in our embassies and missions here, young people in China are getting involved in China-EU Youth Week, Youth Forum and other like events.We have every reason to expect that youth exchange will become the signature of China-EU relations throughout this dynamic and vigorous year.青年是世界的未来。中欧青年广泛交往,深入交流,增进友谊,相知互助,对于中欧关系的长远发展,对于中欧各自的稳定繁荣,对于世界的和谐美好,都具有积极的促进意义。中国古代圣人孔子曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,强调朋友间往来沟通会令人精神愉悦,有助于增进相互了解,深化对人生和世界的认识。德国哲学家哈贝马斯在其“交往行为理论”中提出,沟通应具有民主、多元、开放的特征,相互理解是交往行动的核心。回顾历史,我们清楚地看到,小到普通家庭,大到国际社会,只要各个成员之间进行平等、密切、坦诚的交流,就能够更加客观地看待对方,更加透彻地认识对方,更加深入地理解对方,也能够更加平衡、稳妥、审慎地处理好彼此之间的关系,而这样一种关系反过来又能够促进各成员间的良性互动与交流。可以这样认为,人与人之间加强沟通交流,有益于促进社会的团结与进步,国与国之间加强沟通交流,有益于实现世界的长久和平和持续发展。

As we often say, young people are our future.The friendship and trust our young people develop through exchanges and contacts benefit the future of China, Europe, and the world.The Chinese philosopher Confucius said well over two thousand years ago, “How happy we are, to meet friends from afar!” Because he believes that exchanges with friends promote intellectual enlightenment, facilitate better understanding, and offer deeper insights into the world and life.German philosopher Jürgen Habermas wrote in The Theories of Communicative Action that mutual understanding, a key element of the communicative action, will be achieved through democratic, diverse and open dialogues.History renders their views highly pertinent.And for both members of a family and countries in the international community, equal, candid and close exchange and communication help people develop fair views and make people more capable of understanding and appreciating each other.Based on that, we are likely to adopt a balanced and prudent approach towards each other, which works better in promoting our relationship.And a better relationship will in return create favorable conditions for further exchange and communication.Such a healthy cycle of communication makes a society united and prosperous among individuals, and makes the world moving towards long-term peace and sustained growth among different nations.那么,今天中欧青年人走到一起,交换看法,交流思想,首先应当达到一个什么样的目标呢?我认为,既不是草率地下判断、作结论,也不是拼尽气力去劝导对方、说服对方,而是要建立起一个全面、综合、立体地观察和看待对方的认知结构。我们知道,立体地观察一件物体,必须把眼光放到纵、横和垂直(即XYZ)三条轴线上。观察一个国家、一个民族也不例外,不妨沿着以下“三条轴线”启动我们的相互认知之旅。

Today, when you come together to discuss China and Europe, what is most likely that you could achieve? I don’t think it will be judgments or conclusions.Neither would I like to see you trying all out to knock the other side out in argument.Instead, I wish that above all you will help each other to set up a perception structure in order to get a comprehensive view of the other.To make an analogy, we all understand that in order to get a comprehensive view of an object, we need to lay our eyes in a 3D space just like a Cartesian coordinate system consisting of horizontal, vertical, and depth axes.Observing a nation or its people is no different.So why not launching our journey of mutual understanding following the same three-axis approach?


The horizontal axis records the evolution of human civilization.The world history is a chronicle of the rise and fall of great cultures and powers.But mankind as a whole grows ever stronger.Home to ancient civilizations, both China and Europe have also contributed our enormous share to the development of humanity.That said, the world has never been, nor will it ever be, dominated by an individual civilization for good.That’s why today, we simply cannot trace up entire human civilization to a single root.The world today is the result of centuries of clashes, exchanges, melting and converging of different cultures and civilizations.History will make the choice of our legacy and dispose of matters inconsistent with the trend of times.二是从国际格局发展的横轴看。今天我们所处的时代,经济全球化发展迅猛,各国相互依存不断加深。评估一个国家的综合实力和发展潜力,要将更多的权重放在其为全人类生产创造物质和精神财富的能力及贡献上。这就解释了为什么当前世界政治经济格局经历着重大而深刻的变化。不论是G20的出现和发展,还是世界经济、贸易、金融体系的变革,都从不同侧面体现了全球产业格局的变化和新兴经济体作用上升。有人把这种变革说成是力量转移,我认为这是促进国际体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。

The vertical axis records the changes in international order.Greater interdependence is the prime feature of our globalised world today.Under such a context, the overall strength and development potential of a country is increasingly defined by its capacity and contribution to promoting the welfare of the world.The emergence and empowerment of the G20 and the reforms of world economic, trade and financial system all suggest that the global industrial structure is changing and roles of emerging countries are strengthening.Instead of calling this process “power shift” as some people do, I would rather say that we are on the track towards a more fair and just international order.三是从一国自身发展的垂直轴看。每一个国家、每一个民族的发展都历经起伏,在探索实验中曲折前行,不会永远一帆风顺。中国通过长期的艰苦奋斗和30多年的改革开放,才真正找到了适合自己的发展道路,并仍在前进的道路上不断自我完善。欧洲在上世纪经历两次大战的创伤后,才找到和平的处方,而走过半年多世纪的一体化道路依旧崎岖不平。我们既不应静止地看待一个国家,随意为他国贴上某种标签,也不应用自己的标准去衡量另一个国家,更不应以本国的发展模式和政治体制强加于人。

The third axis, the depth axis, marks the development path of individual countries.For any nation, the road to development cannot be all the way straight ahead.We all share moments of pride.But there are also times when we slipped.The important thing is that we learned our lessons and improved ourselves.China has worked hard and experimented through more than three decades of reform and opening up to finally lay our feet on a suitable development path.And we are not done perfecting ourselves to meet new challenges.Europe has gone through the ordeal of two World Wars before finding the right prescription for peace, and fifty years into integration, the journey towards a united Europe remains a bumpy ride.When looking at other countries, it’s important that we do not evaluate them using one’s own standards or impose one’s own political system and development model.We must abandon static perspectives and reject the habit of willfully pinning someone a political tag.虽然我比各位青年朋友年长几岁,但今天我不想把自己对中国、欧盟以及中欧关系的看法灌输给你们。今天是你们年轻人相互沟通交流的时间。我仅以自己的人生阅历和经验,向大家提供一点观察和分析问题的思路,希望中欧青年一代都能从上面提到的这“三条轴线”角度去观察、了解对方,以便形成符合事实、全面客观的观点和看法。年轻人思维活跃,善于思考,在今天这个全球化、信息化时代,应当以更加开放、宽容的心态,加强沟通交流,增进相互了解。希望通过交流,中欧青年能够摒弃不同文化、制度方面的歧见,更好地开展合作,共同应对全球性挑战,为中欧各自更加美好的未来,为建立更加稳定、繁荣、和谐的世界而不懈努力。

Now, I’ve lived for more years than many of you have.But I’m not going to pride myself on being a veteran and plant in your heads my views on China, Europe and our bilateral ties.After all, today is more of an occasion for you the young people to talk.What I was trying to do is to offer you, through my personal experience, some observations and perspectives on how to set up a fair perception.I hope that three axes approach I mentioned will in some way help you develop a truthful, comprehensive and objective image of the nation and the people on the other side.Growing up in an era of globalization and information explosion, you all have much more bright and brilliant minds.My hope is that you all have an open and tolerant heart, and will continue talking to each other to build better understanding.I’m deeply convinced that through communication, you will be able to cross over cultural barriers, remove bias over different systems, establish effective cooperation to meet global challenges, and contribute to the peace, stability, and harmony of China, Europe, and the world.今天是我们使团“开放日”活动的序曲,本月17日我们还将为前来参加“中欧青年周”活动的中国青年代表团举行大型招待会,欢迎今天到场的各位欧洲青年朋友届时再次光临,同来自中国各行各业的青年代表继续交流对话,进一步加深对中国的认知和了解。我相信,我们能够像中国总理温家宝在青年年中方开幕式上所说的那样,“把中欧友好合作的种子播撒在每个青年的心里,我们就可以携手共担前进道路上的任何风雨,我们的合作之路、友谊之路就会越走越宽广。”

Today is only the first part of our open house.On the 17th of this month we will host also here a reception for the Chinese delegation attending the China-EU Youth Week.We invite all of you to come back on that date so you can meet and talk to the Chinese youth representatives from all different sectors of society.To conclude, I wish to share with you the vision described by the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during the opening ceremony of the EU-China Year of Youth held in Beijing.He said, “The seed of friendship should be sown in every young heart.With this foundation, we can handle any storm together on the way forward, and ours will be a broad road to cooperation and friendship.”


Thank you!




中国驻欧盟使团团长 宋哲大使


Communicating for Better Understanding Welcoming Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe for the Open House at the Mission of China to the EU May, 2011

尊敬的各位来宾,青年朋友们: Distinguished guests, Dear young friends, 上午好!Good morning!

欢迎大家出席中国驻欧盟使团的“开放日”活动。与往年不同,今年的“开放日”活动是“中欧青年交流年”的重要项目之一。在春意盎然的五月,中国驻欧盟使团及驻各成员国使馆都将敞开大门,欢迎欧洲的青年朋友们走进中国驻外机构。中欧青年周、中欧青年论坛等大型活动也将在中国陆续举办。可以说,中欧之间到处洋溢着青春的律动,传递着青春的讯息,交流着青春的生机。Welcome to the open house of the Chinese Mission.This year’s open house is rather special.Because this May, all Chinese diplomatic missions in the EU member states will open their doors to the young people.This collective move actually constitutes a flagship event of the EU-China Year of Youth.While we welcome you in our embassies and missions here, young people in China are getting involved in China-EU Youth Week, Youth Forum and other like events.We have every reason to expect that youth exchange will become the signature of China-EU relations throughout this dynamic and vigorous year.青年是世界的未来。中欧青年广泛交往,深入交流,增进友谊,相知互助,对于中欧关系的长远发展,对于中欧各自的稳定繁荣,对于世界的和谐美好,都具有积极的促进意义。中国古代圣人孔子曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,强调朋友间往来沟通会令人精神愉悦,有助于增进相互了解,深化对人生和世界的认识。德国哲学家哈贝马斯在其“交往行为理论”中提出,沟通应具有民主、多元、开放的特征,相互理解是交往行动的核心。回顾历史,我们清楚地看到,小到普通家庭,大到国际社会,只要各个成员之间进行平等、密切、坦诚的交流,就能够更加客观地看待对方,更加透彻地认识对方,更加深入地理解对方,也能够更加平衡、稳妥、审慎地处理好彼此之间的关系,而这样一种关系反过来又能够促进各成员间的良性互动与交流。可以这样认为,人与人之间加强沟通交流,有益于促进社会的团结与进步,国与国之间加强沟通交流,有益于实现世界的长久和平和持续发展。As we often say, young people are our future.The friendship and trust our young people develop through exchanges and contacts benefit the future of China, Europe, and the world.The Chinese philosopher Confucius said well over two thousand years ago, “How happy we are, to meet friends from afar!” Because he believes that exchanges with friends promote intellectual enlightenment, facilitate better understanding, and offer deeper insights into the world and life.German philosopher Jürgen Habermas wrote in The Theories of Communicative Action that mutual understanding, a key element of the communicative action, will be achieved through democratic, diverse and open dialogues.History renders their views highly pertinent.And for both members of a family and countries in the international community, equal, candid and close exchange and communication help people develop fair views and make people more capable of understanding and appreciating each other.Based on that, we are likely to adopt a balanced and prudent approach towards each other, which works better in promoting our relationship.And a better relationship will in return create favorable conditions for further exchange and communication.Such a healthy cycle of communication makes a society united and prosperous among individuals, and makes the world moving towards long-term peace and sustained growth among different nations.那么,今天中欧青年人走到一起,交换看法,交流思想,首先应当达到一个什么样的目标呢?我认为,既不是草率地下判断、作 结论,也不是拼尽气力去劝导对方、说服对方,而是要建立起一个全面、综合、立体地观察和看待对方的认知结构。我们知道,立体地观察一件物体,必须把眼光放到纵、横和垂直(即XYZ)三条轴线上。观察一个国家、一个民族也不例外,不妨沿着以下“三条轴线”启动我们的相互认知之旅。

Today, when you come together to discuss China and Europe, what is most likely that you could achieve? I don’t think it will be judgments or conclusions.Neither would I like to see you trying all out to knock the other side out in argument.Instead, I wish that above all you will help each other to set up a perception structure in order to get a comprehensive view of the other.To make an analogy, we all understand that in order to get a comprehensive view of an object, we need to lay our eyes in a 3D space just like a Cartesian coordinate system consisting of horizontal, vertical, and depth axes.Observing a nation or its people is no different.So why not launching our journey of mutual understanding following the same three-axis approach?


The horizontal axis records the evolution of human civilization.The world history is a chronicle of the rise and fall of great cultures and powers.But mankind as a whole grows ever stronger.Home to ancient civilizations, both China and Europe have also contributed our enormous share to the development of humanity.That said, the world has never been, nor will it ever be, dominated by an individual civilization for good.That’s why today, we simply cannot trace up entire human civilization to a single root.The world today is the result of centuries of clashes, exchanges, melting and converging of different cultures and civilizations.History will make the choice of our legacy and dispose of matters inconsistent with the trend of times.二是从国际格局发展的横轴看。今天我们所处的时代,经济全球化发展迅猛,各国相互依存不断加深。评估一个国家的综合实力和发展潜力,要将更多的权重放在其为全人类生产创造物质和精神财富的能力及贡献上。这就解释了为什么当前世界政治经济格局经历着重大而深刻的变化。不论是G20的出现和发展,还是世界经济、贸易、金融体系的变革,都从不同侧面体现了全球产业格局的变化和新兴经济体作用上升。有人把这种变革说成是力量转移,我认为这是促进国际体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。The vertical axis records the changes in international order.Greater interdependence is the prime feature of our globalised world today.Under such a context, the overall strength and development potential of a country is increasingly defined by its capacity and contribution to promoting the welfare of the world.The emergence and empowerment of the G20 and the reforms of world economic, trade and financial system all suggest that the global industrial structure is changing and roles of emerging countries are strengthening.Instead of calling this process “power shift” as some people do, I would rather say that we are on the track towards a more fair and just international order.三是从一国自身发展的垂直轴看。每一个国家、每一个民族的发展都历经起伏,在探索实验中曲折前行,不会永远一帆风顺。中国通过长期的艰苦奋斗和30多年的改革开放,才真正找到了适合自己的发展道路,并仍在前进的道路上不断自我完善。欧洲在上世纪经历两次大战的创伤后,才找到和平的处方,而走过半年多世纪的一体化道路依旧崎岖不平。我们既不应静止地看待一个国家,随意为他国贴上某种标签,也不应用自己的标准去衡量另一个国家,更不应以本国的发展模式和政治体制强加于人。The third axis, the depth axis, marks the development path of individual countries.For any nation, the road to development cannot be all the way straight ahead.We all share moments of pride.But there are also times when we slipped.The important thing is that we learned our lessons and improved ourselves.China has worked hard and experimented through more than three decades of reform and opening up to finally lay our feet on a suitable development path.And we are not done perfecting ourselves to meet new challenges.Europe has gone through the ordeal of two World Wars before finding the right prescription for peace, and fifty years into integration, the journey towards a united Europe remains a bumpy ride.When looking at other countries, it’s important that we do not evaluate them using one’s own standards or impose one’s own political system and development model.We must abandon static perspectives and reject the habit of willfully pinning someone a political tag.虽然我比各位青年朋友年长几岁,但今天我不想把自己对中国、欧盟以及中欧关系的看法灌输给你们。今天是你们年轻人相互沟通交流的时间。我仅以自己的人生阅历和经验,向大家提供一点观察和分析问题的思路,希望中欧青年一代都能从上面提到的这“三条轴线”角度去观察、了解对方,以便形成符合事实、全面客观的观点和看法。年轻人思维活跃,善于思考,在今天这个全球化、信息化时代,应当以更加开放、宽容的心态,加强沟通交流,增进相互了解。希望通过交流,中欧青年能够摒弃不同文化、制度方面的歧见,更好地开展合作,共同应对全球性挑战,为中欧各自更加美好的未来,为建立更加稳定、繁荣、和谐的世界而不懈 努力。

Now, I’ve lived for more years than many of you have.But I’m not going to pride myself on being a veteran and plant in your heads my views on China, Europe and our bilateral ties.After all, today is more of an occasion for you the young people to talk.What I was trying to do is to offer you, through my personal experience, some observations and perspectives on how to set up a fair perception.I hope that three axes approach I mentioned will in some way help you develop a truthful, comprehensive and objective image of the nation and the people on the other side.Growing up in an era of globalization and information explosion, you all have much more bright and brilliant minds.My hope is that you all have an open and tolerant heart, and will continue talking to each other to build better understanding.I’m deeply convinced that through communication, you will be able to cross over cultural barriers, remove bias over different systems, establish effective cooperation to meet global challenges, and contribute to the peace, stability, and harmony of China, Europe, and the world.今天是我们使团“开放日”活动的序曲,本月17日我们还将为前来参加“中欧青年周”活动的中国青年代表团举行大型招待会,欢迎今天到场的各位欧洲青年朋友届时再次光临,同来自中国各行各业的青年代表继续交流对话,进一步加深对中国的认知和了解。我相信,我们能够像中国总理温家宝在青年年中方开幕式上所说的那样,“把中欧友好合作的种子播撒在每个青年的心里,我们就可以携手共担前进道路上的任何风雨,我们的合作之路、友谊之路就会越走越宽广。”

Today is only the first part of our open house.On the 17th of this month we will host also here a reception for the Chinese delegation attending the China-EU Youth Week.We invite all of you to come back on that date so you can meet and talk to the Chinese youth representatives from all different sectors of society.To conclude, I wish to share with you the vision described by the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during the opening ceremony of the EU-China Year of Youth held in Beijing.He said, “The seed of friendship should be sown in every young heart.With this foundation, we can handle any storm together on the way forward, and ours will be a broad road to cooperation and friendship.”

谢谢大家!Thank you!



Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe at the Reception Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the European Union 尊敬的巴罗佐主席,瓦西里乌委员,莱万多夫斯基委员,阿尔梅达总司长,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Respected President Barroso,Dear Commissioner Vassiliou and Commissioner Lewandowski, Director-General Almeida, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今天,我们怀着喜悦的心情相聚于此,隆重庆祝中欧建交35周年。首先,我要特别感谢巴罗佐主席拨冗出席今天的庆祝招待会,这再次充分显示了欧盟对发展中欧关系的重视。It is a great pleasure to be here on this joyful occasion, celebrating the 35th anniversary of the China-EU diplomatic relations.First of all, I wish to thank President Barroso for joining us this evening as we all know you have a very tight schedule.I want to say that your presence here today again gives full testimony of the great importance the European Union attaches to developing relations with China.35年前的今天,时任欧共体委员会副主席索姆斯访华,与中方达成了建交共识。自那时以来,中欧各自发生了巨大变化,中欧关系亦走过了不平凡的历程,取得了非凡的成就。Thirty-five years ago, then Vice President of the European Commission Baron Christopher Soames paid a visit to China, during which decision was made to establish diplomatic ties between China and the EEC.Since then, significant changes have taken place in both Europe and China, and so has our relations, which has come through an eventful journey and attained extraordinary achievements.这是中欧政治关系不断走向成熟的35年。特别是近年来,中欧关系成功实现跨越式发展,相继迈上建设性伙伴关系、全面伙伴关系和全面战略伙伴关系三个台阶,建立了领导人会晤、经贸高层对话等重要机制。中欧关系已成为世界上最具影响力的双边关系之一。Over these thirty-five years, our political relations have been maturing.Especially in recent years, leapfrog developments in our relations took us three steps forward-from constructive to comprehensive, and then to comprehensive strategic partnership.Today, there are, between us, annual summit, high-level economic and trade dialogue, and many other important political consultation mechanisms.Together we have made our bilateral relationship one of the most influential bilateral relations in the world.这是中欧经贸合作成果不断丰富的35年。建交之初,双边贸易额仅有24亿美元,大约相当于目前两天的贸易额。如今,欧盟已成为中国第一大贸易伙伴、最大进口来源地、出口市场和技术引进来源地。中国则成为欧盟第二大贸易伙伴和增长最快的出口市场。中欧经贸合作为各自的经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。

Our economic cooperation and trade has been booming.In 1975, the annual bilateral trade volume between China and the EU was only 2.4 billion US Dollars, roughly equivalent to what we could currently achieve in two days.However, today the EU is China's largest trading partner and export market, as well as the biggest source of import and technology transfer.China is the EU's second largest trading partner and the fastest growing export market.Business cooperation has contributed a great share to our respective economic and social progress.这是中欧人文交流与合作不断深化的35年。双方各个领域合作不断加深,各个层次人员往来频繁。目前中国在欧盟的留学生接近20万,欧盟在中国工作的人数超过15万。近年双方举办的多项大型人文交流活动获得巨大成功,有力地促进了了中欧人民间的相互了解和友谊。Our people-to-people exchanges have been widening.We are enjoying frequent personnel exchanges at all levels and our cooperation continue to deepen and expand.Nearly 200,000 Chinese students are studying in Europe and more than 150,000 EU citizens are working in China.In recent years, we have also effectively promoted mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples through a number of major public events of cultural and people-to-people exchanges.这是中欧在国际事务中合作不断推进的35年。中欧作为长期交流互鉴的两大古老文明,国际舞台上两支重要力量,在携手应对全球挑战,促进世界和平与发展方面理念相通,利益交融。双方在国际和地区事务中密切沟通和配合,为推动世界多极化和加强全球治理做出了不懈努力。

Our cooperation in international affairs has been intensifying.Ancient civilizations though we are, China and Europe are taking up roles as major powers today.In the past, we shared with each other evidence of our best practices.Today, we share common interests and similar concepts as we commit ourselves to closer communications and coordination in international and regional affairs for a multipolar world and stronger global governance.上周,巴罗佐主席对中国进行了成功的访问。这是一次恰逢其时的重要访问。在中欧建交35周年之际,欧盟一体化进程随着《里斯本条约》实施而迈向新的阶段之时,巴罗佐主席率新一届欧委会部分委员访华,并出席上海世博会开幕式,不仅彰显了欧盟领导人的战略远见,也向外界发出了积极强烈的政治信号。双方领导人进行了极富建设性的坦诚、深入对话,取得了许多重要共识。双方均表示将继续相互支持彼此发展道路,坚持从战略高度与长远角度看待和发展中欧关系,加强双边合作,深化人文交流,共同应对金融危机、气候变化、能源安全等全球性挑战。我坚信,此访必将成为未来中欧更紧密战略伙伴关系的一个新起点。Last week, President Barroso paid a successful visit to China.The visit is well-suited on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of our diplomatic ties, when the EU is entering a new stage of development with the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty.The visit of President Barroso and commissioners, and their attendance at the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo not only demonstrated the strategic vision of the EU leadership, but also send out a strong positive political message.Leaders from the two sides had very constructive, open and in-depth dialogues, and reached many important consensus.Both pledged to continue to support each other, committed to viewing and developing China-EU relations from a strategic height and a long-term perspective, strengthen bilateral cooperation, deepen cultural exchanges, and jointly tackle global challenges such as financial crisis, climate change, and energy security.I strongly believe that this visit will certainly serve as a new starting point for our closer strategic partnership in the future.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen, 邓小平先生曾说过:“欧洲和亚洲实际上是一个大陆,你们在西边,我们在东边,把我们联系在一起的因素比人们想象到的要多得多。”中欧关系具有深厚的战略、政治、经济和文化基础,在当今国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化以及中欧各自发展进入关键阶段的新形势下,中欧关系完全可以发展得更好,更加具有活力,更加富有成果。为此我们应:

Mr.Deng Xiaoping used to remark and I quote, “Europe and Asia are in fact on a same continent.You sit in the west, and we are by the east.There are far more things that connect us than we could ever imagine”, unquote.Given our profound strategic, political, economic, and cultural ties, as well as the complex changes in the international environment, I see no reason that we could not get to a better place for our bilateral ties of greater vitality and achievement as we go through the important period of our respective development.In this connection, we should live up to the following goals.—坚持中欧关系的连续性,始终从战略高度和长远角度把握中欧关系,以更广阔的全球视野和与时俱进的思维方式,审视和处理双边关系。

We should commit ourselves to the continued development of our relations from an overarching and strategic angle with global vision and a new manner of thinking.—坚持中欧关系的稳定性,始终相互尊重,平等相待,加强相互理解、信任和支持,求同存异,重视并妥善处理彼此重大利益和关切。

We should commit ourselves to the steady development of our relations by respecting each other, treating each other as equals, giving each other stronger support, and by increasing mutual understanding and trust.We need to seek common ground while putting aside differences, and properly accommodate each other's major interests and concerns.—坚持中欧关系的战略性,始终坚持互利共赢,共同发展,合作应对各种全球性问题和挑战,促进世界的和平、稳定与发展。

We should commit ourselves to strategic China-EU relations of mutually benefit and win-win progress.We need cooperation to address global challenges and promote world peace, stability, and development.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen, 抚今追昔,我们在为过去35年中欧关系取得的成就感到骄傲的同时,更有理由对未来35年的中欧关系充满信心和期待。我们愿与欧方共同努力,共创中欧关系更加美好的未来!Looking back, we are filled with pride of what we have achieved in our relations over the past thirty-five years.Looking ahead, we are full of confidence and expectations of what to be achieved in the coming thirty-five years.Let us join hands and work for a brighter future!谢谢大家。Thank you!现在,我荣幸地邀请巴罗佐主席共同为中欧建交35周年纪念封揭幕。

Now, I have the honor to invite President Barroso to join me in unveiling the commemorative envelop for the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the EU.





Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the 48 Group Club Women

IcebreakersJune 2011, Portcullis House


My Lords, MPs, Mr Stephen Perry, Ms Lillian Davies,Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴出席48家集团俱乐部“女性破冰者”组织成立仪式。我谨致以热烈的祝贺。

I most warmly welcome this initiative of Women Icebreakers by the 48 Group Club.Also I would like to congratulate Ms Lillian Davies, and the Treasurer of the 48 Group Club, Ms Mei Sim Lai.I learned that it is through their efforts we have gathered today a very distinguished group of British women.I applaud this new initiative that will make a contribution to deepening and strengthening links between China and Britain.In a fast changing world, it becomes ever more challenging to keep pace with levels of understanding between the nations of the world.In turn that means there is an ever increasing need for boosting the work of the 48 Group Club.The spirit of the 48 Group Club's commitment to 'developing positive relations with China' has never been more important.参加今天这个活动前,我脑子里一直在迸现几个数字。

It may be helpful to share with you my thoughts on this occasion in the context of a few numbers.首先是“一”,这是我出任中国驻英大使以来第一次出席妇女活动。第一次活动本身也是一种“破冰”,这与今天成立的组织的名称也十分吻合。这既是一种巧合,也是一种必然,说明中英关系发展到今天,仍需要更多的破冰者,他们不分年龄,不分性别。

First the number one.This is the first women's event I have attended as Chinese Ambassador to the UK.I believe this is also an ice-breaking in some ways.This may be just a coincidence, but it also indicates how relevant the ice-breaking spirit remains.We do need new people, who are dedicated to the China-UK friendship, to join the ranks of ice-breakers like you, regardless of age or gender.其次是“二”,即两个妇女组织。这里我还愿代表我夫人,转达另一个妇女组织的祝贺。或许你们还不知道,中国驻英使馆也有一个非常活跃、成员众多的“非政府组织”——妇女小组,由使馆女外交官和外交官夫人组成,而“CEO”就是胡平华女士。中国驻英使馆妇女小组愿与“女性破冰者”建立“长期、特殊、战略伙伴关系”。今后,两个姊妹组织可加强往来与交流,并联合举办一些丰富多彩的活动,共同促进中英了解与友谊。

Next is the number two.By this, I meant two women's organisations.Let me say a few words on behalf of my wife Hu Pinghua.In my Embassy we have a very active group too.We nickname it an NGO, 'Non Governmental Organisation'.I am of course referring to the Chinese Embassy Women's Group.It is a fair large group and draws its membership from women diplomats and wives of the Embassy staff.The CEO of this NGO is no other than my wife Pinghua.As head of the Women's Group, she has asked me to convey a message to the Women 'Icebreakers'.The message is that her Women's Group is ready to establish a long-term, strategic and special partnership with the Women 'Icebreakers'.Pinghua also proposes that the two Women's Groups set up close contact and co-host events to promote understanding and exchanges between the people of our two countries.再者是“三”。我们都知道,50多年前,“破冰者”成立,打开中英正常贸易大门。3年前,“青


Next is the Number three.We all know that the 'Icebreakers' were founded more than half a century ago.They broke the trade embargo imposed on China and so reopened trade between China and the UK.Three years ago, we saw the birth of the 'Young Icebreakers'.This initiative mobilises and encourages young people to contribute to China-UK relations.Today we are gathered here at the launch of Women Icerbreakers.So, I must congratulate the 48 Group Club on 'breaking the ice' for the third time.The three ice-breaking missions may have happened at different times in very different contexts with the support of different people, but they all serve the same purposetaking China-UK relations to a new level.The launch of the 48 Group Club Women Icebreakers cannot have happened at a better time.It coincides with the visit by Premier Wen Jiabao and that has created a solid foundation and favourable environment for China UK relations.最后是“50%”。可能人所皆知,中国有句著名的话:“妇女能顶半边天。” 在英国,我注意到女性的社会地位越来越高。本届英国议会下院女性议员有139位,创下历史之最。在中国,女性同样在各行各业大显身手,与男性平分秋色。就增进中英了解与合作来说,事实上,女性尽管人口占一半,但发挥的作用会“事半功倍”,因为女性具有特殊的辐射效应,她们的背后是所有家庭成员。所以,我对“女性破冰者”寄予厚望,期望你们成为推动中英关系发展的一支重要力量。我们会全力支持你们,并与你们一道,为中英关系长期稳定健康发展共同做出不懈努力。

The final number in my mind is five, or 50% or a fractionUK relations.谢谢。

Thank you.


标注:时间:2011-09-06 16:23来源:口译网




Let's Plant a Beautiful Future--Speech by H.E.ZhangYan on Launching Ceremony of China-India Green

Initiative 26 August 2011, Shilaj, Ahmedabad, Gujarat


Dear students and the faculty, Ladies and Gentlemen,下午好!

Good afternoon!


It's a great pleasure for me to participate in this event to launch the China-India Green Initiative.I would like to thank Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and India-China Economic and Cultural Council for their efforts to organize this meaningful event.My thanks also go to Huawei Telecommunication India and ZTE Telecom India, two Chinese telecom companies in India and ADANI Company of India for supporting the project.亲爱的同学们,当今世界面临全球变暖和环境恶化所带来的巨大挑战。国际社会正协同合作,想方设法努力解决各种问题。正如我们所知,除了减少温室气体排放,植树造林也是缓解温室效应的一个有效途径。树木通过吸收二氧化碳和净化空气,在保护生态系统方面发挥了重要作用。因此,今天你们的植树活动非常重要和及时,事实上你们为保护地球、为人们营造更加绿色和宜居的环境作出了具体贡献。我得知你们每个人将种植两棵树,这些树以你们的名字命名。而这些树植入了射频识别等新技术,你们可以通过电脑或手机远程观察树木的生长过程,帮助你更好地照顾这些树木。我相信,在你们细致的照料下,这些树木每天都将茁壮成长。

Dear Students.Today, the world is facing with mounting challenges posed by the global warming and environmental degradation.The international communities are joining their efforts by taking various kinds of measures to meet the challenges.As we all know, apart from reducing green house emission, reforestation is also an effective way to mitigate the green house effect.Trees can play an important role in protecting eco-system by absorbing carbon dioxide and cleaning the air.Therefore, your noble initiative today is very significant and timely, by which you are in fact doing concrete contribution to the protection of our planet and making it greener and more livable to human being.I am told that each of you will plant and adopt two trees.The trees will be named after you.New technology, such as Radio Frequency Identification, will also be used to monitor the growth of the plants through your computer or cell phone at a distant place, helping you take better care of the trees.I am sure under you meticulous care these trees will flourish day by day.中国和印度都高度重视保护环境,并致力于加大环境保护力度,以减轻全球变暖的趋势。在中国,我们将每年的3月12日作为植树节。中国已与包括印度在内的其他国家就气候变化问题开展全面合作。同时,我们积极采用新的环保技术生产绿色和清洁能源。

China like India attaches great importance to the protection of environment and committed to contribute her share to mitigate the trend of the global warming.In China, we have set aside a special day as Tree Planting Day and have carried out comprehensive cooperation with India and other countries on climate change issues.At the same time, new and environmentally friendly technologies are employed to produce green and clean energy.亲爱的同学们,中国有一个古老谚语“十年树木,百年树人”。中国和印度的人口中很大一部分是年轻人。你们将是我们两国的未来。近年来,两国在教育和文化等领域开展了多个合作项目。中印双方积极推动学生交流计划、中文和印地语教学以及建立中印校际伙伴关系等,这些项目都富有成效。近年来,已有490名印度学生获得中国政府提供的奖学金,在中国学习各种专业。目前已有超过9000名印度学生在中国学习,2000多名中国学生在印度学习。相对于两国庞大的人口基数,这些数字显得渺小。我们仍有大量契机扩大双方在教育领域的合作,特别是在高等教育方面的合作。2011年是中印交流年,我衷心希望,中印两国在教育,文化和人员交流方面取得新的进展。

Dear students.In China, there is an old proverb saying that “it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to bring up a generation of people”.Both China and India have a big percentage of young population.You are the future of our two countries.In recent years, both countries have carried out many cooperative projects in the fields of education and culture.Student exchange programs, Chinese and Hindi language teaching and intercollegiate partnership are going on actively, producing positive result.In recent years, already 490 Indian students have received Chinese Government scholarships and studied various disciplines in China.Currently more than 9000 Indian students are studying in China and over 2000 Chinese students in India.In view of our two big populations, the figures are too small.There are still abundant opportunities for us to expand cooperation in educational field, especially in higher education.2011 has been designated as the Year of China-India Exchange by leaders of two countries.I earnestly hope that two countries can make new headway in educational, cultural and people-to-people exchanges.亲爱的同学们,在两国领导人和两国人民的关心和共同努力下,中印关系正全面均衡发展。中印战略合作伙伴关系更加稳固,政治互信不断加强。经济上,中国和印度已经成为彼此的主要贸易伙伴。在国际舞台上,两国在许多问题上有着共同利益和相似立场,并发挥着越来越重要的作用。我们认为,中印关系已超越双边范畴,具有全球和战略意义。中国和印度是致力于和平与发展的伙伴。让我们携起手来,为两国和两国人民,为世界建设一个更加美好的未来。

Dear students.With the care and joint efforts of leaders and people of two countries, China-India relations are developing in an all around manner.Strategic Cooperative Partnership between China-India is gaining momentum and mutual political trust has been enhanced.Economically, China and India are already major trading partners to each other.In the international arena, both countries share similar interests and positions on many issues and are playing an increasing significant role.We are of the view that China-India relations have gone beyond the bilateral context and acquired the strategic and global dimension.China and India are partners for peace and development.Let's join our hands to work for a better future for our two countries and two peoples as well as to the whole world as well.最后,我衷心祝愿中印友谊与合作像今天种下的树木一样茁壮成长!

Finally, I sincerely wish the friendship and cooperation between China and India will grow like trees stronger and stronger day by day!


Thank you.



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