第一篇:2009-11-04 第106届广交会闭幕新闻发布会
高红霞 编辑
2009-11-04 第106届广交会闭幕新闻发布会
Press Release for the Conclusion of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair
Mr.Chen Chaoren
Spokesman of the Canton Fair Deputy Secretary General of China Import and Export Fair
Nov 04, 2009
Friends from Press, ladies and gentlemen,上午好!欢迎大家前来参加今天的新闻发布会。本次发布会由我和商务部外贸司商务参赞、广交会业务办主任文仲亮先生共同出席。
Good morning!Welcome to the press conference which is co-chaired by me and Mr.Wen Zhongliang, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C.and Director of the Business Office of the Canton Fair.第106届中国进出口商品交易会将于今天下午降下帷幕。在商务部直接领导下,在广东省、广州市各有关部门的大力支持和配合下,经过全体与会人员的共同努力,本届广交会各项工作进展顺利,总体运行平稳,外商到会踊跃,业务洽谈热烈,出口成交回暖迹象明显,为明年外贸出口的进一步好转打下了基础。
The 106th Session of China Import and Export Fair is going to be concluded this afternoon.Under the direct leadership of MOFCOM and with great support and coordination of relevant departments of Guangdong province and Guangzhou municipality as well as concerted efforts by our staff, the Fair of this session was going well in a balanced manner, contributing to active participation of overseas buyers, a great deal of business negotiations and clear signs of stabilization and recovery in export.And these performances lay a sound foundation for the turnaround in export of foreign trade next year.下面我向大家介绍本届广交会的主要情况。
Now I’d like to brief you on the 106th Canton Fair.一、境外采购商有所回升
Firstly, a modest rise was seen in the number of overseas buyers attending the fair
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In this session, the number of overseas buyers from 212 countries and regions was 188170, 22734 more than that of last session representing an increase of 13.7%, and 13608 more than that of last Autumn Fair, representing an increase of 7.8%.Buyers from EU and USA resumed their attendance to the Fair significantly and new buyers attending the Fair have increased.亚洲、美洲、欧洲和大洋洲到会采购商人数均保持增长,与今年春交会相比,增幅最大的是欧洲,到会37268人,增幅为31.5%,其次是美洲,到会24795人,增长15.9%,亚洲和大洋洲到会106751人和5600人,分别增长10.5%和12.7%。非洲客商略有回落,到会13756人,降幅为2.3%。
Buyer Attendance from Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania kept growing.Comparing with the previous session in April, attendance from Europe increased by the largest margin of 31.5% to 37,268, followed by the Americas, Asia and Oceania, with 24795, 106751, 5600 respectively, representing increases of 15.9%, 10.5 and 12.7%.While Africa saw their attendance slightly decreased to 13756, down by 2.3%.到会采购商人数位居前五位的国家和地区分别是:香港地区28209人;美国10860人;台湾省9329人;马来西亚7036人;伊朗6356人。老采购商到会122642人,占到会境外采购商总人数的65.2%,比今年春交会增长13.3%;新采购商到会65528人,占到会境外采购商总人数的34.8%,比今年春交会增加8318人。
The top 5 countries and regions with largest attendance were Hong Kong SAR, USA, Taiwan Province, Malaysia and Iran, whose figures reached 28209, 10860, 9329, 7036, 6356 respectively.122642 regular buyers attended the Fair, accounting for 65.2% of the total and representing an increase of 13.3% than that of previous session.And 65,528 new buyers attended this session, 8318 more than that of previous session, accounting for 34.8% of the total.二、出口成交升幅明显
Secondly, the trade volume increased significantly
The total trade volume of this session stood at USD 30.47 billion, USD 4.24 billion more than that of the previous session representing an increase of 16.2 %, while USD 1.08 billion less than that of last Autumn Fair representing a decrease of 3.4%.机电商品仍排在成交首位。机电商品成交135.9亿美元,比上届增长20.7%,占总成交额的44.6%;轻工产品成交97.6亿美元,增长16.6%,占总成交额的32.1%;
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Machinery and electronic products still lead in trade volume.The trade volume of machinery and electronic products reached USD 13.59 billion, accounting for 44.6% of the total and increased by 20.7% over the previous session.The trade volume of light industry products reached USD 9.76 billion, accounting for 32.1% and went up by 16.6%;The trade volume of textiles and garments reached USD 3.42 billion with an increase of 5.9% and accounting for 11.2% of the total.商品成交普遍回升。主要成交商品有:家用电器成交53.1亿美元,增长11.3%;五金工具成交26.1亿美元,增长22.6%;服装及衣着附件成交17.9亿美元,增长10.5%;纺织品成交16.3亿美元,增长1.4%;运输工具成交14亿美元,增长23.4%。
The majority of products saw a rise in trade volume on a whole.The major transaction includes: The trade volume of household electrical appliances reached USD 5.31 billion, 11.3% up;the trade volume of hardware reached USD 2.61 billion, 22.6% up;the trade volume of clothes and accessories was USD1.79 billion, 10.5% up;the trade volume of textiles was USD 1.63 billion, 1.4% up;the trade volume of transportation vehicles was USD 1.4 billion, representing an increase of 23.4%.传统市场成交回暖,新兴市场有增有减。与今年春交会相比,欧盟、中东和美国仍列成交前三位,分别为93.3亿美元、42.6亿美元和40亿美元,比今年春交会增长23.3%、3.3%和20.9%,占总成交额的30.6%、14%和13.1%。新兴市场方面,巴西成交大幅提升,成交10.7亿美元,增长98.8%。东盟成交出现下滑,成交15.5亿美元,下降19.9%。
Export to traditional markets was rebounding while to emerging markets was both up and down.Comparing with the previous session, the trade volume of EU, the Middle East and US still remained the Top 3, with USD 9.33 billion, USD 4.26 billion and USD 4 billion, increased by 23.3%, 3.3% and 20.9%, accounting for 30.6%, 14% and 13.1% of the total respectively.Some of the emerging markets saw both ups and downs in their trade volume.Brazil has achieved USD 1.07 billion by a big margin, representing an increase of 98.8%.While ASEAM suffered a decline with USD 1.55 billion, down by 19.9%.民营企业依旧是成交主力。民营企业成交195.9亿美元,国有企业57.5亿美元,外商投资企业52.3亿美元,比今年春交会分别增长17.5%、10.2%和18.1%,所占比重分别为64%、18.9%和17.1%。
Trade volume of private sectors still remained a main force.The trade volume of private sectors, state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises reached USD 19.59 billion, USD 5.75 billion and USD 5.23 billion, increased by 17.5%, 10.2% and 18.1% over the previous session, accounting for 64%, 18.9% and 17.1% of the total
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Exports from coastal provinces were positive.In terms of trade volume, the top 5 provinces are: Guangdong with USD 9.21 billion, Zhejiang with USD 3.94 billion, Jiangshu with USD 3 billion, Shandong with USD 2.32 billion and Anhui with USD 1.7 billion.品牌展区成交良好。本届广交会品牌展区共成交99.9亿美元,比上届增长28.4%,占总成交额的32.8%。
Trade volume in Brand Zone was robust.The trade volume in Brand Zone of this session stood at USD 9.99 billion, up by 28.4% over the previous session and accounting for 32.8% of the total.电子商务网上成交活跃。广交会官方网站累计访问量为11676.1万次,增长6.6%;电子商务网上累计意向成交额为4168万美元,增长18.7%。
Trade volume of online transaction was resilient.Online visits to the Canton Fair’s websites accumulated to 116.76 million times, increased by 6.6%.The intended turnover of online transaction reached USD 41.68 million, increased by 18.7%.本届广交会与上届相比,采购商到会和成交都出现了两位数的增长,表明中国外贸形势出现明显的企稳回升的势头,但与去年秋交会相比,成交仍略有下降,说明还存在很多不稳定、不确定的因素。
Comparing with the previous session, double digit growth in both buyers’ attendance and trade volume has been made, indicating clear signs of stabilization and recovery in foreign trade.However, comparing with the last Autumn Fair, the turnover mildly decreased which demonstrated some unsteady and uncertain factors still exist.三、继续加大对知识产权的保护力度
Thirdly, more efforts were made to strengthen IPR protection
This session has received 710 complaints concerning infringement of IPR.1113
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enterprises were complained, and 689 enterprises were confirmed to be suspected of infringement of IPR.3 complaints were found in the International Pavilion.2 enterprises were complained, and no enterprises were confirmed to be suspected of infringement of IPR.The number of complaints from the National Pavilion, enterprises being complained, and enterprises being confirmed to be suspected of infringement of IPR increased by 21.8%, 48.6%, and 43% respectively.Patent issues accounted for 68.1% of the total as the major complaint cases.四、推动内外贸对接取得成效
Fourthly, progress in match-making conference for redirecting exports to the domestic market was achieved
Based on the experience of initiating first-ever held match-making conferences for redirection of exports to the domestic demand for domestic buyers last session, we, in this session, strengthened our efforts to actively promote this endeavor by extending invitation to domestic procurement representatives, applying special tags for 18,347 enterprises as recognition for their participation, setting up Domestic Procurement Centre(hereinafter short for DPC)in the first and second phases for the first time, holding Canton Fair forums, etc.In this session, 7,504 domestic procurement representatives attended the Fair.DPC received 15 and 21 domestic enterprises in the second and third phase with 19 and 28 stands respectively.Match-making negotiation was conducted between domestic buyers and foreign trade enterprises.五、有效提升展会服务水平
Fifthly, exhibition service level was improved effectively
In this session, our exhibition service was improved continuously and full preparation also was made in terms of healthcare guarantee, security, stand dismantling and construction.Moreover, emergency plans were adopted for appropriate coordination at the Fair.All these efforts had been warmly accredited by many overseas buyers and
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exhibitors.As of Nov 3, Overseas VIP Club received around 3000 VIP overseas buyers in total.本届广交会积极提高展会水平,扩大招商范围,加强宣传力度,推动内外贸对接;大会现场人气旺盛,气氛热烈,成交活跃,广大媒体都给予了积极的报道,从而进一步扩大了广交会的影响。此外,媒体还对来自全国各地的出口企业积极应对金融风暴及贸易壁垒、推进转型、不断创新、扩大成交所进行的积极探索,所取得的成功经验,对广交会所反映的国际、国内市场信息和动态,进行了客观、充分、深入的报道。据统计,本届广交会共有95家中外新闻媒体335名记者应邀到会采访。我谨代表广交会新闻中心,对大家的辛勤劳动和敬业精神表示衷心的感谢!
In this session, the measures we adopted have gained positive remarks from the media, namely, upgrading of exhibition service, extension of business promotion, intensified publicity, and the promotion of the match-making conference for redirection of exports to the domestic market and active participation.Moreover, the press made objective, complete and in-depth reports on the proactive measures to advance transformation, innovate and expand transaction by governments at all levels, local business administrative departments and exporters across the country aimed at fighting against the financial crisis and trade barriers.They also covered the successful experience, market information from home and abroad reflected through the Canton Fair.According to statistics, 335 journalists from 95 Press from home and abroad participated in the Fair at our invitation.Hereby, on behalf of the Press Center of the Canton Fair, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your excellent work and dedicated spirit.祝各位工作顺利,生活愉快!
Wish you a successful career and a pleasant life.明年春暖花开时节,我们再相见!
See you next April.6 / 6
第二篇:-广交会闭幕 企业转型升级迫在眉睫
广交会闭幕 企业转型升级迫在眉睫
gxg365.org 男装品牌,GXG官网,GXG官方旗舰店
在第106届中国进出口商品交易会闭幕新闻发布会的讲话 广交会副秘书长、新闻发言人 陈朝仁 2009年11月4日
Press Release for the Conclusion of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair Mr.Chen Chaoren Spokesman of the Canton Fair
Deputy Secretary General of China Import and Export Fair Nov 04, 2009 新闻界的朋友们,女士们,先生们: Friends from Press, ladies and gentlemen, 上午好!欢迎大家前来参加今天的新闻发布会。本次发布会由我和商务部外贸司商务参赞、广交会业务办主任文仲亮先生共同出席。
Good morning!Welcome to the press conference which is co-chaired by me and Mr.Wen Zhongliang, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C.and Director of the Business Office of the Canton Fair.第106届中国进出口商品交易会将于今天下午降下帷幕。在商务部直接领导下,在广东省、广州市各有关部门的大力支持和配合下,经过全体与会人员的共同努力,本届广交会各项工作进展顺利,总体运行平稳,外商到会踊跃,业务洽谈热烈,出口成交回暖迹象明显,为明年外贸出口的进一步好转打下了基础。
The 106th Session of China Import and Export Fair is going to be concluded this afternoon.Under the direct leadership of MOFCOM and with great support and coordination of relevant departments of Guangdong province and Guangzhou municipality as well as concerted efforts by our staff, the Fair of this session was going well in a balanced manner, contributing to active participation of overseas buyers, a great deal of business negotiations and clear signs of stabilization and recovery in export.And these performances lay a sound foundation for the turnaround in export of foreign trade next year.下面我向大家介绍本届广交会的主要情况。Now I’d like to brief you on the 106th Canton Fair.一、境外采购商有所回升
Firstly, a modest rise was seen in the number of overseas buyers attending the fair 第106届广交会共有212个国家和地区的188170名境外采购商到会,与今年春交会相比增加22734人,增长13.7%;与去年秋交会相比增加13608人,增长7.8%。来自欧盟、美国的采购商数量明显恢复,新客商到会增多。
In this session, the number of overseas buyers from 212 countries and regions was 188170, 22734 more than that of last session representing an increase of 13.7%, and 13608 more than that of last Autumn Fair, representing an increase of 7.8%.Buyers from EU and USA resumed their attendance to the Fair significantly and new buyers attending the Fair have increased.亚洲、美洲、欧洲和大洋洲到会采购商人数均保持增长,与今年春交会相比,增幅最大的是欧洲,到会37268人,增幅为31.5%,其次是美洲,到会24795人,增长15.9%,亚洲和大洋洲到会106751人和5600人,分别增长10.5%和12.7%。非洲客商略有回落,到会13756人,降幅为2.3%。
Buyer Attendance from Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania kept growing.Comparing with the previous session in April, attendance from Europe increased by the largest margin of 31.5% to 37,268, followed by the Americas, Asia and Oceania, with 24795, 106751, 5600 respectively, representing increases of 15.9%, 10.5 and 12.7%.While Africa saw their attendance slightly decreased to 13756, down by 2.3%.到会采购商人数位居前五位的国家和地区分别是:香港地区28209人;美国10860人;台湾省9329人;马来西亚7036人;伊朗6356人。老采购商到会122642人,占到会境外采购商总人数的65.2%,比今年春交会增长13.3%;新采购商到会65528人,占到会境外采购商总人数的34.8%,比今年春交会增加8318人。
The top 5 countries and regions with largest attendance were Hong Kong SAR, USA, Taiwan Province, Malaysia and Iran, whose figures reached 28209, 10860, 9329, 7036, 6356 respectively.122642 regular buyers attended the Fair, accounting for 65.2% of the total and representing an increase of 13.3% than that of previous session.And 65,528 new buyers attended this session, 8318 more than that of previous session, accounting for 34.8% of the total.二、出口成交升幅明显
Secondly, the trade volume increased significantly 第106届广交会出口成交额为304.7亿美元,比今年春交会增加42.4亿美元,增幅为16.2%;比去年秋交会减少10.8亿美元,降幅为3.4%。
The total trade volume of this session stood at USD 30.47 billion, USD 4.24 billion more than that of the previous session representing an increase of 16.2 %, while USD 1.08 billion less than that of last Autumn Fair representing a decrease of 3.4%.机电商品仍排在成交首位。机电商品成交135.9亿美元,比上届增长20.7%,占总成交额的44.6%;轻工产品成交97.6亿美元,增长16.6%,占总成交额的32.1%;纺织服装成交34.2亿美元,增长5.9%,占总成交额的11.2%。Machinery and electronic products still lead in trade volume.The trade volume of machinery and electronic products reached USD 13.59 billion, accounting for 44.6% of the total and increased by 20.7% over the previous session.The trade volume of light industry products reached USD 9.76 billion, accounting for 32.1% and went up by 16.6%;The trade volume of textiles and garments reached USD 3.42 billion with an increase of 5.9% and accounting for 11.2% of the total.商品成交普遍回升。主要成交商品有:家用电器成交53.1亿美元,增长11.3%;五金工具成交26.1亿美元,增长22.6%;服装及衣着附件成交17.9亿美元,增长10.5%;纺织品成交16.3亿美元,增长1.4%;运输工具成交14亿美元,增长23.4%。
The majority of products saw a rise in trade volume on a whole.The major transaction includes: The trade volume of household electrical appliances reached USD 5.31 billion, 11.3% up;the trade volume of hardware reached USD 2.61 billion, 22.6% up;the trade volume of clothes and accessories was USD1.79 billion, 10.5% up;the trade volume of textiles was USD 1.63 billion, 1.4% up;the trade volume of transportation vehicles was USD 1.4 billion, representing an increase of 23.4%.传统市场成交回暖,新兴市场有增有减。与今年春交会相比,欧盟、中东和美国仍列成交前三位,分别为93.3亿美元、42.6亿美元和40亿美元,比今年春交会增长23.3%、3.3%和20.9%,占总成交额的30.6%、14%和13.1%。新兴市场方面,巴西成交大幅提升,成交10.7亿美元,增长98.8%。东盟成交出现下滑,成交15.5亿美元,下降19.9%。
Export to traditional markets was rebounding while to emerging markets was both up and down.Comparing with the previous session, the trade volume of EU, the Middle East and US still remained the Top 3, with USD 9.33 billion, USD 4.26 billion and USD 4 billion, increased by 23.3%, 3.3% and 20.9%, accounting for 30.6%, 14% and 13.1% of the total respectively.Some of the emerging markets saw both ups and downs in their trade volume.Brazil has achieved USD 1.07 billion by a big margin, representing an increase of 98.8%.While ASEAM suffered a decline with USD 1.55 billion, down by 19.9%.民营企业依旧是成交主力。民营企业成交195.9亿美元,国有企业57.5亿美元,外商投资企业52.3亿美元,比今年春交会分别增长17.5%、10.2%和18.1%,所占比重分别为64%、18.9%和17.1%。
Trade volume of private sectors still remained a main force.The trade volume of private sectors, state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises reached USD 19.59 billion, USD 5.75 billion and USD 5.23 billion, increased by 17.5%, 10.2% and 18.1% over the previous session, accounting for 64%, 18.9% and 17.1% of the total respectively.沿海省份出口形势喜人。成交额列前五位的是:广东92.1亿美元;浙江39.4亿美元;江苏30亿美元;山东23.2亿美元;安徽17亿美元。
Exports from coastal provinces were positive.In terms of trade volume, the top 5 provinces are: Guangdong with USD 9.21 billion, Zhejiang with USD 3.94 billion, Jiangshu with USD 3 billion, Shandong with USD 2.32 billion and Anhui with USD 1.7 billion.品牌展区成交良好。本届广交会品牌展区共成交99.9亿美元,比上届增长28.4%,占总成交额的32.8%。
Trade volume in Brand Zone was robust.The trade volume in Brand Zone of this session stood at USD 9.99 billion, up by 28.4% over the previous session and accounting for 32.8% of the total.电子商务网上成交活跃。广交会官方网站累计访问量为11676.1万次,增长6.6%;电子商务网上累计意向成交额为4168万美元,增长18.7%。
Trade volume of online transaction was resilient.Online visits to the Canton Fair’s websites accumulated to 116.76 million times, increased by 6.6%.The intended turnover of online transaction reached USD 41.68 million, increased by 18.7%.本届广交会与上届相比,采购商到会和成交都出现了两位数的增长,表明中国外贸形势出现明显的企稳回升的势头,但与去年秋交会相比,成交仍略有下降,说明还存在很多不稳定、不确定的因素。
Comparing with the previous session, double digit growth in both buyers’ attendance and trade volume has been made, indicating clear signs of stabilization and recovery in foreign trade.However, comparing with the last Autumn Fair, the turnover mildly decreased which demonstrated some unsteady and uncertain factors still exist.三、继续加大对知识产权的保护力度
Thirdly, more efforts were made to strengthen IPR protection 本届共受理涉嫌侵权投诉710宗,被投诉企业1113家,认定涉嫌侵权企业689家,其中进口展区涉嫌侵权投诉3宗,被投诉企业2家,认定涉嫌企业为零;出口展区受理投诉宗数、被投诉企业数、最终认定涉嫌侵权企业数分别比上届增加21.8%、48.6%和43%。专利类案件投诉依然是主要投诉类型,占总投诉量的68.1%。
This session has received 710 complaints concerning infringement of IPR.1113 enterprises were complained, and 689 enterprises were confirmed to be suspected of infringement of IPR.3 complaints were found in the International Pavilion.2 enterprises were complained, and no enterprises were confirmed to be suspected of infringement of IPR.The number of complaints from the National Pavilion, enterprises being complained, and enterprises being confirmed to be suspected of infringement of IPR increased by 21.8%, 48.6%, and 43% respectively.Patent issues accounted for 68.1% of the total as the major complaint cases.四、推动内外贸对接取得成效
Fourthly, progress in match-making conference for redirecting exports to the domestic market was achieved 继上一届广交会首次向国内采购商开放,举办广交会内销对接洽谈会后,本届广交会加大了力度,积极推动内外贸对接,包括扩大邀请国内采购代表,在愿意进行内外贸对接的18347家出口企业展位上加贴特殊标志,在第二、第三期首次设立国内采购中心,举办广交会论坛等。本届广交会实际到会的国内采购代表共7504人;国内采购中心第二期有15家国内采购企业参展,设19个展位;第三期有21家国内采购企业参展,设28个展位。国内采购企业和外贸企业进行了对接洽谈。
Based on the experience of initiating first-ever held match-making conferences for redirection of exports to the domestic demand for domestic buyers last session, we, in this session, strengthened our efforts to actively promote this endeavor by extending invitation to domestic procurement representatives, applying special tags for 18,347 enterprises as recognition for their participation, setting up Domestic Procurement Centre(hereinafter short for DPC)in the first and second phases for the first time, holding Canton Fair forums, etc.In this session, 7,504 domestic procurement representatives attended the Fair.DPC received 15 and 21 domestic enterprises in the second and third phase with 19 and 28 stands respectively.Match-making negotiation was conducted between domestic buyers and foreign trade enterprises.五、有效提升展会服务水平
Fifthly, exhibition service level was improved effectively 本届广交会继续完善展会服务,在卫生保障、安全保卫、撤展换展方面均作了充分准备,制定相应预案,妥善协调,得到了广大采购商和参展商的好评。截止11月3日,“广交会境外贵宾俱乐部”共接待VIP采购商近3000人。
In this session, our exhibition service was improved continuously and full preparation also was made in terms of healthcare guarantee, security, stand dismantling and construction.Moreover, emergency plans were adopted for appropriate coordination at the Fair.All these efforts had been warmly accredited by many overseas buyers and exhibitors.As of Nov 3, Overseas VIP Club received around 3000 VIP overseas buyers in total.本届广交会积极提高展会水平,扩大招商范围,加强宣传力度,推动内外贸对接;大会现场人气旺盛,气氛热烈,成交活跃,广大媒体都给予了积极的报道,从而进一步扩大了广交会的影响。此外,媒体还对来自全国各地的出口企业积极应对金融风暴及贸易壁垒、推进转型、不断创新、扩大成交所进行的积极探索,所取得的成功经验,对广交会所反映的国际、国内市场信息和动态,进行了客观、充分、深入的报道。据统计,本届广交会共有95家中外新闻媒体335名记者应邀到会采访。我谨代表广交会新闻中心,对大家的辛勤劳动和敬业精神表示衷心的感谢!
In this session, the measures we adopted have gained positive remarks from the media, namely, upgrading of exhibition service, extension of business promotion, intensified publicity, and the promotion of the match-making conference for redirection of exports to the domestic market and active participation.Moreover, the press made objective, complete and in-depth reports on the proactive measures to advance transformation, innovate and expand transaction by governments at all levels, local business administrative departments and exporters across the country aimed at fighting against the financial crisis and trade barriers.They also covered the successful experience, market information from home and abroad reflected through the Canton Fair.According to statistics, 335 journalists from 95 Press from home and abroad participated in the Fair at our invitation.Hereby, on behalf of the Press Center of the Canton Fair, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your excellent work and dedicated spirit.祝各位工作顺利,生活愉快!
Wish you a successful career and a pleasant life.明年春暖花开时节,我们再相见!See you next April.谢谢大家!Thank you!