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A Speech by The Duchess of Cambridge at SportsAid’s 40th Anniversary Dinne


Kensington Palace June 2016

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.It is an absolute pleasure to be here with you tonight tocelebrate SportsAid’s 40th anniversary.Some of you may know that I love sport.I love cheering on teams and athletes that I ampassionate about.I love the physical challenge sport presents and the mental strength it givesus all.And I love the way it so often brings people together to work as part of a team.I suspect many of you in this room may feel the same.The brilliance of SportsAid is in reallyunderstanding just how much athletic competition gives to our country as a whole.By investingin young sporting talent, they ensure that there is a strong pipeline of inspirational heroes.These athletes then serve as motivators to everyone in the UK to get involved, get active, andembrace the power of sport to make us happier and healthier.With little over 50 days to go until the Games begin in Rio, the next Olympiad is almost here.Aswe did in London in 2012, we will see a new generation of sporting stars emerge into thespotlight.We cannot wait to meet the next SportsAid champions – the next Chris Hoys and KatherineGraingers who will remind us all of the magic and power of sport.So, thank you all for supporting the incredible work of SportsAid.I am immensely proud to betheir Patron and I can’t wait to cheer on our team competing in Rio.I do hope you enjoy tonight’s very special occasion.Thank you.


英国凯特王妃在儿童福利院“树屋”的演讲时间:2012-06-17 21:55来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3177次

Speech at the Treehouse Hospice in Ipswich

by Kate Middleton, The Duchess of CambridgeMar 201




First of all, I'd like to say thank you.Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron but thank you also for inviting me here today.首先,我想说谢谢你们。谢谢你们不仅接受我成为赞助人,也谢谢你们邀请我今天来到这里。

You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honoured to be here to see this wonderful centre.我感受到了热情的欢迎,也非常荣幸能到此参观这个精彩的中心。

I am only sorry that William can't be here today;he would love it here.A view of hisis that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.唯一感到遗憾的是威廉今天不能来,他一定会爱上这里。我想和你们分享他的一个观点:有了团队合作,我们可以完成所有任务。

What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.你们在这里取得的所有成就都卓越非凡。

You as a community have built the Treehouse;a group of people who have made every effort to support and help each other.是你们共同创建了这个“树屋”,全力支持和帮助彼此。

When I first visited the Hospice in Milton, I had a pre-conceived idea as to what to expect.Far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home.Most importantly, it was a family home, a happy place of stability, support and care.It was a place of fun.当我第一次访问密尔顿的临终关怀所时,我曾有一个先入为主的观念。这家临终关怀医院远不是收治患病儿童、让人沮丧的地方,而是一个家。最重要的是,它是一个家庭,一个充满安定、支持和关心的幸福所在,是一个充满欢声笑语的地方。

Today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun.For many, this is a home from homefeelings of love and of hope-offer a chance to families to live a life they never thought could be possible.你们所激发出的爱与希望之情,令无数家庭重燃未敢奢想的生活信心。

So thank you again for inviting me here today.I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do.Thank you.因此,我要再次感谢你们今天邀请我来到这里。能够为东安格利亚儿童收容所献一份力,参与到这项可以改变他人生活的事业,我感到无比骄傲和自豪。谢谢大家。








First of all, I'd like to say thank you.Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron but thank you also for inviting me here today.You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honoured to be here to see this wonderful centre.I am only sorry that William can't be here today;he would love it here.A view of hisis that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.You as a community have built the Treehouse;a group of people who have made every effort to support and help each other.When I first visited the Hospice in Milton, I had a pre-conceived idea as to what to expect.Far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home.Most importantly, it was a family home, a happy place of stability, support and care.It was a place of fun.Today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun.For many, this is a home from homefeelings of love and of hope-offer a chance to families to live a life they never thought could be possible.So thank you again for inviting me here today.I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do.Thank you.






First of all, I'd like to say thank you.Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron but thank you also for inviting me here today.You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honoured to be here to see this wonderful centre.I am only sorry that William can't be here today;he would love it here.A view of hisis that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.You as a community have built the Treehouse;a group of people who have made every effort to support and help each other.When I first visited the Hospice in Milton, I had a pre-conceived idea as to what to expect.Far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home.Most importantly, it was a family home, a happy place of stability, support and care.It was a place of fun.Today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun.For many, this is a home from homefeelings of love and of hope-offer a chance to families to live a life they never thought could be possible.So thank you again for inviting me here today.I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do.Thank you.


摘要: Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, made her first public speech as a royal Monday in Ipswich at the opening of a facility called the Treehouse, part of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices.Transcripts:

First of all, I’d like to say thank you.Thank you for not only accepting me as your Patron, thank you also for inviting me here today.You have all made me feel so welcome and I feel hugely honoured to be here to see this wonderful centre.I am only sorry that William can’t be here today.He would love it here.A view of his—that I share—is that through teamwork, so much can be achieved.What you have all achieved here is extraordinary.You as a community have built the Treehouse;a group of people who have made every effort to support and help each other.When I first visited the Hospice in Milton, I had a pre-conceived idea as to what to expect.Far from being a clinical, depressing place for sick children, it was a home.Most importantly, it was a family home, a happy place of stability, support and care.It was a place of fun.Today I have seen again that the Treehouse is all about family and fun.For many, this is a home from home—a lifeline, enabling families to live as normally as possible, during a very precious period of time.What you do is inspirational, it is a shining example of the support and the care that is delivered, not just here, but in the children’s hospice movement at large, up and down the country.The feelings you inspire—feelings of love and of hope-offer a chance to families to live a life they never thought could be possible.So thank you again for inviting me here today.I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do.Thank you.



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