
时间:2019-05-15 09:44:06下载本文作者:会员上传



第一章 总则


第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内的企业、民办非企业单位、个体经济组织(以下统称用人单位)和与之形成劳动关系的劳动者。


第三条 省人民政府按照规定制定最低工资标准,地级以上市人民政府应当在省人民政府公布的最低工资标准中确定本市的最低工资标准。


第四条 工资支付实行按时足额、优先支付原则。


第五条 各级人民政府应当建立健全工资支付预警机制、信用监督机制和应急处置机制。






第七条 用人单位应当依法制定本单位的工资支付制度,并书面告知本单位全体劳动者。








第八条 用人单位与劳动者应当在劳动合同中依法约定正常工作时间工资,约定的工资不得低于所在地政府公布的本年度最低工资标准。


第九条 用人单位可以依法与本单位工会或者职工代表就工资支付有关事项进行集体协商,签订集体协议。

第十条 用人单位应当以货币形式按照确定的工资支付周期足额支付工资,不得拖欠或者克扣。




第十一条 用人单位应当将工资直接支付给劳动者本人。劳动者本人因故不能领取工资时,可以委托他人代领,但应当出具委托书。


第十二条 用人单位应当按照约定的日期支付劳动者工资;遇法定休假日或者休息日,应当提前在最近的工作日支付。

第十三条 用人单位与劳动者依法终止或者解除劳动关系的,应当在终止或者解除劳动关系当日结清并一次性支付劳动者工资。

第十四条 用人单位按照有关规定从劳动者工资中代扣下列款项:






第十六条 用人单位应当按照工资支付周期如实编制工资支付台账。工资支付台账应当至少保存二年。


第十七条 用人单位支付工资时,应当向劳动者提供其本人的工资清单。







第二十一条 实行计件工资的,用人单位应当科学合理确定劳动定额和计件单价,并予以公布。




第二十三条 经劳动保障部门批准实行不定时工作制的,不适用本条例第二十条的规定。




第二十五条 劳动者因事假未提供劳动期间,用人单位可以不支付工资。

第二十六条 劳动者在正常工作时间内依法参加下列社会活动的,用人单位应当支付正常工作时间工资:









第二十八条 劳动者因涉嫌违法犯罪被采取司法强制措施或者被行政拘留期间,未提供劳动的,用人单位可以不支付工资。



第三十条 合伙企业拖欠劳动者工资的,应当先以其全部财产进行清偿;合伙企业财产不足清偿的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任。








第三十六条 用人单位破产、解散或者撤销的,经依法清算后的财产应当用于优先支付劳动者工资、社会保险费。更多热门文章



 内容提纲 


二、条例与旧的有关工资支付规定相比特点 

三、各级政府及有关部门的职责 

四、用人单位工资支付行为规范 

五、工资范畴的规定 

六、劳动者工资的权利 


八、劳动者假期工资的规定 

九、劳动者病假工资的规定 



十二、对建筑领域中,工程发包、分包或者转包拖欠员工工资的处理 




一、《条例》的主要内容  适用范围  支付原则  工资定义  监督检查  法律责任

二、条例与旧的有关工资支付规定相比特点  第一,《条例》在根据劳动法的原则规定细化了规定,规范用人单位的支付行为,更具操作性。

 第二,充分体现工资是劳动报酬的基本性质。在立法中坚持在规范工资支付行为时,要体现劳动者通过劳动获得报酬的基本含义,以此作为基准点确定工资支付的各项制度、标准和界限,既确保劳动者的基本权益,也保障用人单位的用工、分配自主权。

 第三,充分体现劳动关系双方的协商权。劳动者的工资标准、调整办法都应通过劳动合同和集体合同来确定。

 第四,体现政府在工资管理方面职能的进一步转变。政府对工资支付的管理,从计划经济的直接干预转到发布宏观指导政策、制定标准和规则、划定界限以及监督检查方面。


 第一,明确要求各级政府建立健全工资管理制度。 第二,明确要建立健全监督检查制度。 第三,是要建立健全齐抓共管制度。


 一是规定用人单位要依法制定工资支付制度,并书面告知本单位劳动者;

 二是规定用人单位应通过劳动合同、集体合同等约定工资支付的标准、形式、日期等;

 三是规定用人单位应按时足额以货币形式支付工资,并提供工资单;

 四是规定用人单位要如实编制工资支付台帐,载明法定事项,并且要至少保存两年;  五是规定用人单位扣减劳动者工资的项目和行为;  六是规定了各种假期待遇的支付标准等。


 工资的范围:包括各种形式的工资(计时工资、计件工资、岗位工资、职务工资、技能工资等)、奖金、津贴、补贴、延长工作时间的工资报酬及特殊情况下支付的工资。

 明确规定了工资的形式为法定货币,实物及有价证券不能代替货币。

   





(4)参加选举、人民代表大会、集体合同协商等特定社会活动时获得工资的权利; (5)对工资支付违法行为进行举报投诉的权利。






 法定休假日、婚假、丧假、产假、看护假、计划生育假

 事假


 按照劳动合同、集体合同的约定或者国家有关规定支付病伤假期工资。

 用人单位支付的病伤假期工资标准不得低于当地最低工资的80%。


 拖欠工资,是指用人单位无法定理由逾期未支付或者未足额支付劳动者应得工资的行为。 克扣工资,是指用人单位无法定理由扣减劳动者应得工资的行为。


 租用场地、厂房的用人单位的经营者拖欠工资逃匿的,当地政府和有关部门要采取有效措施,及时组织相关单位和人员处理垫付临时生活费及追偿等事宜。

十二、对建筑领域中,工程发包、分包或者转包拖欠员工工资的处理。 一是规定业主单位的垫付责任。 二是规定了发包方垫付责任。


 一是要求各级政府要建立工资支付预警机制、信用监督机制等制度,从源头上预防拖欠工资的发生;

 二是建立健全举报投诉制度,加强监督检查,从而及时发现违法行为,尽早处理。 三是劳动者要增强法律意识,对违法行为及时举报投诉;  四是设置法律责任。


 一是可以要求工会组织协助解决,工会组织应当代表职工与用人单位进行协商;  二是可以直接向劳动保障部门投诉,劳动保障部门接到举报后,应当在7个工作日内作出是否立案的决定;立案后应当及时依法调查处理,并在60日内将处理结果告知举报人。

 三是可以依法提起仲裁或者诉讼。

           





Regulation of Guangdong Province on the Payment of Wages(Adopted at the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th People's Congress of Guangdong Province on January 19, 2005)Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the payment of wages, safeguarding the rights of employees to get remunerations for their labor, establishing a harmonious labor relationship and promoting social stability and economic development, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and administrative regulations, and in combination with the actual situation of this Province.Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to enterprises, private non-enterprise entities and individual economic organizations(hereinafter referred to jointly as employing entities)within the jurisdiction of this Province and the employees who have established labor relationship therewith.The state organs, public institutions and social organizations within the jurisdiction of this Province and the employees who have established labor relationship therewith shall be governed by this Regulation through analogy.第一章 总则

第一条 为规范工资支付,保障劳动者取得劳动报酬的权利,建立和谐的劳动关系,促进社会稳定和经济发展,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和有关法律、行政法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内的企业、民办非企业单位、个体经济组织(以下统称用人单位)和与之形成劳动关系的劳动者。


Article 3 The Provincial People's Government shall formulate a minimum wage standard pursuant to the relevant provisions, and the people's governments at or above the level of districted city shall determine the minimum wage levels of their respective cities within the minimum wage levels as promulgated by the Provincial People's Government.The people's governments at or above the county level shall regularly announce the guiding wage and guiding wage level of the labor market, and provide guidance and services to the employing entities and employees.第三条 省人民政府按照规定制定最低工资标准,地级以上市人民政府应当在省人民政府公布的最低工资标准中确定本市的最低工资标准。


Article 4 The wages shall be paid on schedule, in full amount and with priority.Where an employee provides normal labor within the statutory working hours or the working hours as stipulated in the labor contract, the employing entity shall determine his wage standard not lower than the local minimum wage level.第四条 工资支付实行按时足额、优先支付原则。


Article 5 The people's governments at all levels shall establish and improve their respective early-warning mechanisms of wage payment, credit supervisory mechanisms and emergency handling mechanisms.第五条 各级人民政府应当建立健全工资支付预警机制、信用监督机制和应急处置机制。

Article 6 The administrative departments of labor and social security of the people's governments at all levels(hereinafter referred to as the labor and security department)shall be responsible for the guidance, supervision and inspection of wage payment by employing entities within their respective jurisdictions.The departments of industry and commerce, construction, customs, taxation, and the banks shall help the labor and security department in the respect of supervision over the payment of wages within their respective functions.Labor unions and women's federations shall lawfully maintain the rights of employees for remuneration for their labor.Any entity or individual shall have the right to report any illegal act related to the payment of wages.第六条 县级以上人民政府劳动和社会保障行政部门(以下简称劳动保障部门)负责对本行政区域内用人单位的工资支付行为进行指导和监督检查。




Chapter II Payment of Wages Article 7 An employing entity shall establish its system on the rules of wages according to law, and make it known to all the employees thereof in written form.The rules for payment of wages shall cover the following matters:(1)Ways for distribution of wages, items, standards and methods for the determination and adjustment thereof;(2)Period and date for the payment of wages;(3)Overtime wages, wages for extra working hours, wages for special circumstances, and the payment methods thereof;(4)Wages to be withheld and deducted, and the withholding and deduction matters;and(5)Other relevant matters.An employee is entitled to inquire the employing entity about the contents of the rules on the payment of wages.第二章 工资支付

第七条 用人单位应当依法制定本单位的工资支付制度,并书面告知本单位全体劳动者。








Article 8 An employing entity shall stipulate the wages for normal working hours paid to employees in the labor contract, and the stipulated wages may not be lower than the minimum wage level of that year as promulgated by the local government.Where there is no stipulation or definite stipulation in this respect, the average monthly wages of the employees as proclaimed by the county people's government at the locality where the employing entity is domiciled shall be the wages for normal working hours;where the wages actually paid are higher than the average monthly wages of employees as proclaimed by the local government, the wages actually paid shall be regarded as the wages for normal working hours as agreed on by the employees.第八条 用人单位与劳动者应当在劳动合同中依法约定正常工作时间工资,约定的工资不得低于所在地政府公布的本最低工资标准。


Article 9 An employing entity may conduct collective consultation with the labor union or employee representatives thereof in regard to the payment of wages, and shall conclude a collective agreement thereon.第九条 用人单位可以依法与本单位工会或者职工代表就工资支付有关事项进行集体协商,签订集体协议。

Article 10 An employing entity shall pay wages in currency, at the determined cycles for paying wages and in full amount.No delinquency or skimp is allowed.Where the wages are paid at the cycle of month, week, day or hour, the period for paying wages may be determined according to the month, week, date or hour.Where the system of paying wages by piecework is implemented or the wages are paid for a certain task to be accomplished, the cycle for paying wages may be stipulated according to the number of piecework done or the accomplished tasks, while if the cycle for paying wages in excess of one month, the employing entity shall pay wages on a monthly basis pursuant to the stipulations.Where an annual payment system is implemented or the wages are paid on the basis of the examination period, the employing entity shall pay wages per month according to the stipulations, and shall settle and pay them off at the end of the year or at the expiry of the examination cycle.第十条 用人单位应当以货币形式按照确定的工资支付周期足额支付工资,不得拖欠或者克扣。




Article 11 An employing entity shall pay wages directly to the employee himself.If an employee fails to draw wages due to any reason, he may entrust any other to draw it, and a power of attorney shall be provided.If an employing entity entrusts a bank to pay wages, it shall deposit the full wages into the accounts of employees themselves at the stipulated date for the payment of wages.第十一条 用人单位应当将工资直接支付给劳动者本人。劳动者本人因故不能领取工资时,可以委托他人代领,但应当出具委托书。


Article 12 An employing entity shall pay wages to its employees at the stipulated date.In the case of legal holidays or rest days, the employing entity shall pay their wages at the nearest working day in advance.第十二条 用人单位应当按照约定的日期支付劳动者工资;遇法定休假日或者休息日,应当提前在最近的工作日支付。

Article 13 When an employing entity terminates or dissolves the labor relationship with an employee according to law, it shall pay off the wages of the employee once and for all on the day when the labor relationship is terminated or dissolved.第十三条 用人单位与劳动者依法终止或者解除劳动关系的,应当在终止或者解除劳动关系当日结清并一次性支付劳动者工资。

Article 14 An employing entity may withhold the following funds from the wages of employees pursuant to the relevant provisions:(1)Individual income taxes that should be paid by employees;(2)Various social insurance fees and housing reserves that should be paid by employees themselves;(3)Alimony, estovers and child support payment that should be withheld as required by the rulings and verdicts of the people's court;or(4)Other fees that may be deducted from the wages of employees as prescribed by laws and regulations or as agreed on by both parties.第十四条 用人单位按照有关规定从劳动者工资中代扣下列款项:





Article 15 In case an employee shall compensate for the direct economic losses he has incurred to the employing entity due to his fault, the employing entity may deduct the compensations from his wages, but shall give a written notice on the reasons for deduction and the amount to be deducted in advance;otherwise, it may not deduct the wages.And the monthly wages remained after the deduction of compensations may not be lower than the local minimum wage standard.第十五条因劳动者过错造成用人单位直接经济损失,依法应当承担赔偿责任的,用人单位可以从其工资中扣除赔偿费,但应当提前书面告知扣除原因及数额;未书面告知的不得扣除。扣除赔偿费后的月工资余额不得低于当地最低工资标准。

Article 16 An employing entity shall compile ledgers for the payment of wages on the basis of the cycles of payment of wages, and keep them for at least two years.The ledgers for the payment of wages shall mainly specify the date and cycle of payment, the names of employees, working hours, the items and amount of wages payable, the items and amount withheld and deducted, the amount of wages actually paid, as well as the vouchers issued by the bank on the entrusted payment of wages or the signatures of employees, etc.第十六条 用人单位应当按照工资支付周期如实编制工资支付台账。工资支付台账应当至少保存二年。


Article 17 When an employing entity pays wages, it shall provide lists of wages to the employees themselves.When an employing entity extends the working hours or arranges employees to work on rest days or legal holidays, it shall put corresponding wages and remunerations on the list of wages If the employing entity fails to do so and can not prove the payment, it shall be regarded as a failure to pay corresponding wages and remunerations.The items and amount on the list of wages shall be identical with the ledgers for the payment of wages.An employee has the right to consult and verify his list for payment of wages.第十七条 用人单位支付工资时,应当向劳动者提供其本人的工资清单。




Article 18 Daily wages shall be determined pursuant to the monthly wages deducted by the average monthly working days as prescribed by the State, while hourly wages shall be determined pursuant to the daily wages deducted by the average daily working hours, which may not be more than 8 hours.第十八条日工资按照劳动者月工资额除以国家规定的月平均工作天数确定;小时工资以日工资除以日工作时间确定,日工作时间不得超过八小时。

Article 19 Where an employee enjoys such vacations as legal holidays, annual leave, leave for going home to visit their families, wedding leave, leave for arranging funeral, maternity leave, nursing leave, and vacation for childbirth, etc., this shall be regarded as normal labor offered by the employee and the employing entity shall pay wages to him.第十九条劳动者依法享受法定休假日、年休假、探亲假、婚假、丧假、产假、看护假、计划生育假等假期期间,用人单位应当视同其正常劳动并支付正常工作时间的工资。

Article 20 When an employing entity arranges employees to work overtime or extends their working hours, it shall pay the overtime wages and wages for the extended working hours to the employees pursuant to the following standards:(1)Overtime wages and remunerations shall be paid at the rate of 150% of the daily or hourly wages of the employees themselves for the extended working hours in a working day;(2)Overtime wages and remunerations shall be paid at the rate of 200% of the daily or hourly wages of the employees themselves in case the employees work at the rest day and the employing entity fails to arrange for their rest at a later time;or(3)Overtime wages and remunerations shall be paid at the rate of 300% of the daily or hourly wages of the employees themselves in case the employees work at legal holidays.第二十条用人单位安排劳动者加班或者延长工作时间,应当按照下列标准支付劳动者加班或者延长工作时间的工资报酬:




Article 21 Where the system of paying wages by piecework is implemented, an employing entity shall properly determine the ration of piecework and the unit price of piecework, and make them public.The specific ration of piecework shall be one that can be completed within the legal working hours by 70% or more employees at the same post of the entity.In case an employing entity arranges employees to work beyond the normal working hours after they complete the rationed labor, it shall pay overtime wages and wages for the extended working hours pursuant to Article 20 of this Regulation.第二十一条 实行计件工资的,用人单位应当科学合理确定劳动定额和计件单价,并予以公布。



Article 22 Where the system of comprehensive calculation of working hours is implemented upon approval of the labor and security department, the part of the actual working hours of an employee which exceeds the accumulative statutory working hours within the period of comprehensive calculation period shall be considered as the extended working hours, and the employing entity shall pay wages pursuant to the prescriptions in Item(1)of Article 20 of this Regulation.Where an employing entity arranges employees to work in legal holidays, the employing entity shall pay wages pursuant to the prescriptions in Item(3)of Article 20 of this Regulation.第二十二条 经劳动保障部门批准实行综合计算工时工作制的,劳动者在综合计算周期内实际工作时间超过该周期内累计法定工作时间的部分,视为延长工作时间,用人单位应当依照本条例第二十条第(一)项的规定支付工资。在法定休假日安排劳动者工作的,用人单位应当依照本条例第二十条第(三)项的规定支付工资。

Article 23 In case the system of non-regular working hours is implemented upon approval of the labor and security department, the Article 20 of this Regulation will not be applicable.第二十三条 经劳动保障部门批准实行不定时工作制的,不适用本条例第二十条的规定。

Article 24 In case an employee stops his work for treatment due to his illness or non-work-related injury, an employing entity shall pay wages for sick leave in accordance with the stipulations of the labor contract or the collective contract or the prescriptions of the State during the medical period as prescribed by the State.And the sick leave wages paid by the employing entity shall not be less than 80% of the local minimum wage level.Where there are different prescriptions in any law or regulation, such prescriptions shall prevail.第二十四 条劳动者因病或者非因工负伤停止工作进行治疗,在国家规定医疗期内,用人单位应当依照劳动合同、集体合同的约定或者国家有关规定支付病伤假期工资。



Article 25 An employing entity may not pay wages to an employee during his private affairs leave.第二十五条 劳动者因事假未提供劳动期间,用人单位可以不支付工资

Article 26 When an employee participates in any of the following social activities in accordance with law during the normal working hours, the employing entity shall pay wages to him as he has offered normal labor:(1)Lawful exercise of the right to vote or the right to be elected;(2)Lawful exercise of functions as a deputy to the people's congress or member of the people's political consultative conference;(3)Participation as a deputy in a meeting held by such organizations as the government, party, trade union, communist youth league or women's federation at the level of township(town)or higher;(4)Participation in court proceedings as a people's assessor;(5)Participation in the activities of a trade union as a non-off-the-job member of a grassroots committee of the trade union;(6)Participation in the negotiation for the collective contract as a representative of employees;or(7)Any other circumstance as prescribed by any law or regulation.第二十六条 劳动者在正常工作时间内依法参加下列社会活动的,用人单位应当支付正常工作时间工资:








Article 27 Where an employee is sentenced by the people's court, and put under surveillance or taken into custody but placed on probation, or sentenced to a fixed term of imprisonment but on probation, if the employee continues to normally work for the former entity during the periods of parole, surveillance outside prison, or waiting for trial on bail, it shall pay wages to him.第二十七 条劳动者被人民法院判处管制、拘役适用缓刑或者有期徒刑适用缓刑,被假释、取保候审、监外执行期间,为用人单位提供正常劳动的,用人单位应当支付工资。

Article 28 In case an employee is suspected of committing a crime and thus is put on judicial compulsory measures or taken into administrative custody, and fails to work for the entity, the employing entity may not pay wages to him.第二十八条 劳动者因涉嫌违法犯罪被采取司法强制措施或者被行政拘留期间,未提供劳动的,用人单位可以不支付工资。

Article 29 In case the decision of an employing entity on discharge of labor relationship shall be rescinded upon a ruling or is adjudicated as void, the employing entity shall pay the wages for the period of illegal discharge of labor relationship to the employee, and the wage standard shall be the wages for normal average working hours of the employee himself within the previous 12 months;while if the employing entity has obtained the unemployment insurance, he shall return it to the institution responsible for the social insurance in full amount.Where there is any dispute on the period as prescribed by the preceding paragraph, it can be adjudicated by the labor dispute arbitration committee or the people's court.第二十九 条用人单位解除劳动关系的决定被裁决撤销或者判决无效的,应当支付劳动者在被违法解除劳动关系期间的工资,其工资标准为劳动者本人前十二个月的平均正常工作时间工资;劳动者已领取失业保险金的,应当全部退回社会保险经办机构。


Article 30 If a partnership defaults in payment of wages of its employees, the wages shall be first paid by all the properties of the partnership;if the properties of the partnership are not sufficient for the wages, each partner shall assume unlimited and joint liability for payment.第三十条 合伙企业拖欠劳动者工资的,应当先以其全部财产进行清偿;合伙企业财产不足清偿的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任。

Article 31 In case the operator of an employing entity that has leased the worksite or plant and defaults in the payment of wages and escapes, the local government and the relevant department shall adopt effective measures and timely organize the relevant entities and personnel for handling the affairs, such as the advanced payment of temporary living cost and the recovery of wages.第三十一条 租用场地、厂房的用人单位的经营者拖欠工资逃匿的,当地政府和有关部门应当采取有效措施,及时组织相关单位和人员处理垫付临时生活费及追偿等事宜。

Article 32 In case a contractor who does not have the qualification of an employing entity as prescribed by Article 2 of this Regulation defaults or skimps the wages of employees, the employing entity that provides the project shall pay the wages in advance, and then recover its losses against the contractor.第三十二 条不具备本条例第二条规定的用人单位资格的承包人拖欠或者克扣劳动者工资,作为发包方的用人单位应当先支付工资,更依法向承包人追偿。

Article 33 Where an entity undertaking the project(owner)fails to allocate funds for or settle for the prices of the project pursuant to the stipulations in the contract, and causes the construction entity's default in the payment of wages of employees, the labor and security department may order it to pay the wages of employees in advance within the amount of unsettled prices for the project.In case the subcontractor of an engineering project defaults or deducts the wages of employees, the party that provided the engineering project shall pay the wages of employees within the amount of unsettled prices for the project.The advanced payment shall be used to offset the prices of the project.In case the party that provides the engineering project illegally contracts or subcontracts the project, or illegally allows any other to undertake the project in the name of its own, and causes the default in payment of wages, the wages of employees shall be paid in advance by the party that provides the engineering project.第三十三条 建设单位(业主)未按照合同约定拨付或者结清工程款,致使施工单位拖欠劳动者工资的,劳动保障部门可以责令建设单位(业主)先行垫付劳动者工资,先行垫付的工资数额以未结清的工程款为限。分包建设工程的承包人拖欠或者克扣劳动者工资的,分包建设工程的发包人在未结清的工程款额度内先行垫付劳动者工资,垫付部分抵扣工程款。分包建设工程的发包人违法分包、转包或者违法允许他人以本企业名义承揽工程发生拖欠工资的,由分包建设工程的发包人垫付劳动者工资。

Article 34 In case the wages of employees are defaulted prior to the merger or division of an employing entity, the defaulted wages shall be paid at the time of the merger or division;if they can not be paid, the merged or divided employing entity shall pay the defaulted wages.第三十四 条用人单位合并或者分立前拖欠劳动者工资的,应当在合并或者分立时清偿拖欠的工资;不能清偿的,由合并或者分立后的用人单位清偿拖欠工资。

Article 35 In case the shutdown or shutout of an employing entity is caused by the fault of the employees themselves, the employing entity shall pay wages to the employees as they have offered normal labor if it is within one payment cycle(the maximum period shall be 30 days).In case it exceeds one payment cycle, wages may be paid according to the work offered by the employees on the basis of the standard newly stipulated by both parties.If the employing entity does not arrange for the employees to work, it shall pay living expenses to the employees at the rate of 80% of the local minimum wage standard.The living expenses shall be paid until the enterprise resumes its operation or production, or the labor relationship is dissolved.第三十五 条非因劳动者原因造成用人单位停工、停产,未超过一个工资支付周期(最长三十日)的,用人单位应当按照正常工作时间支付工资。超过一个工资支付周期的,可以根据劳动者提供的劳动,按照双方新约定的标准支付工资;用人单位没有安排劳动者工作的,应当按照不低于当地最低工资标准的百分之八十支付劳动者生活费,生活费发放至企业复工、复产或者解除劳动关系。

Article 36 In case an employing entity goes bankrupt, is terminated or dissolved, the properties thereof after liquidation shall be primarily used for paying wages and social insurance fees it owed to the employees.第三十六条 用人单位破产、解散或者撤销的,经依法清算后的财产应当用于优先支付劳动者工资、社会保险费

Chapter III Supervision and Inspection Article 37 The people' government at or above the county level shall establish an early-warning system on the payment of wages in accordance with the actual situation of its own jurisdiction on the payment of wages.The labor and security department may exercise focused surveillance over those employing entities that have defaulted in the payment of wages of employees for two or more months or for accumulatively three or more months, or may make it public if the circumstance is serious.An employing entity listed into the focused surveillance over the payment of wages has paid the defaulted wages of employees, and no new default has occurred within six months, the labor and security department shall remove the focused surveillance, and announce the removal thereof within the originally announced scope.第三章 监督检查

第三十七条 县级以上人民政府根据本行政区域内工资支付的实际情况,建立工资支付预警制度。


Article 38 The people' government at or above the county level shall establish an early-warning system on the payment of wages.In case any collective event is caused due to the default or skimp of wages of employees, the labor and security department shall, according to the emergency handling mechanism, handle it together with the relevant department, which shall give their cooperation.第三十八条 县级以上人民政府应当制定工资支付应急预案。因拖欠、克扣劳动者工资引发群体性事件的,劳动保障部门应当根据应急预案,迅速会同有关部门处理,有关部门应当配合。

Article 39 The labor and security department shall establish and improve the supervision and inspection system of employing entities on the payment of wages, regulate the supervision and inspection procedures, and exercise surveillance over the payment of wages by employing entities, and handle the illegal acts, if any.When the labor and security department inspects the payment of wages by employing entities, the employing entities shall faithfully report their respective situations, provide the relevant materials and certificates, and may not resort to fraud, obstruction or refusal.第三十九条劳动保障部门应当建立健全对用人单位工资支付行为的监督检查制度,规范监督检查程序,依法对用人单位工资支付情况进行监察,对违法行为进行处理。


Article 40 The labor and security department shall establish and improve the system for reporting and complaining illegal acts related to the payment of wages, set up mail boxes of tip-off and complaint, announce the phone numbers for tip-off and complaint, provide convenience for employees to tip off or make complaints, and shall keep it secrets for the informer.After the labor and security department receives any report or complaint, it shall decide whether to put it on file and inform the result to the informer or complaining person within seven working days;and if the investigation for any illegal act is necessary after the case is put on file, it shall be concluded within 60 days from the day when the case is put on file.Where the circumstance is complex and the time for handling of the case needs to be extended, it shall be subject to the approval of the labor and security department, but the extended time may not exceed 30 days.第四十条 劳动保障部门应当建立健全对工资支付违法行为的举报投诉制度,设立举报投诉信箱,公布举报投诉电话,为劳动者举报投诉提供便利条件,并为举报人保密。


Article 41 The labor and security department shall establish and improve the system of labor legality and credit archives of employing entities including the payment of wages, promote the appraisal system on the labor legality and credit, or may make public those employing entities that seriously default or skimp the wages of employees at the media, job centers or places of employing entities, and report the relevant conditions to the relevant departments and entities, such as the department for industry and commerce and the bank.第四十一条 劳动保障部门应当建立健全包括工资支付情况在内的用人单位劳动守法诚信档案,推行劳动守法诚信评价制度;对拖欠、克扣劳动者工资情况严重的用人单位,可以通过传播媒体或者在职业介绍场所、用人单位工作场所等地点予以公布,并将有关情况告知工商、银行等有关部门和单位

Article 42 The people' government at or above the county level shall strengthen its supervision and inspection of the law enforcement of the labor and security departments on the payment of wages.A higher labor and security department shall strengthen its supervision and inspection of law enforcement of its subordinate labor and security departments, and shall order them to make corrections within the time limit if it finds that any subordinate labor and security department does not make any act or makes an illegal or improper disposal decision on the illegal act of an employing entity.第四十二条县级以上人民政府应当加强对劳动保障部门工资支付执法情况的监督检查。上级劳动保障部门应当加强对下级劳动保障部门工资支付执法情况的监督检查,发现下级劳动保障部门对用人单位工资支付的违法行为不作为或者作出的行政处理决定违法、不当的,应当责令其限期改正。

Article 43 If an employing entity is under any of the following circumstances, the employee has the right to report and complain it to the labor and security department:(1)Default or deduction of wages of employees;(2)Wages paid to employees is lower than the local minimum wage level;(3)Refusal to pay or failure to pay overtime wages to employees for their overtime work or the their extension of working hours according to law;(4)Any other act in violation of the lawful rights and interests of employees for wages and remunerations.第四十三条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,劳动者有权向劳动保障部门举报投诉:





Article 44 In the case of any dispute on the payment of wages, the employing entity shall assume the burden of proof.If the employing entity refuses to provide or fails to provide within the time limit the relevant vouchers on the payment of wages and other evidence and materials, the labor and security department, the labor dispute arbitration committee or the people's court may make a ruling based on the amount of wages and other evidence as provided by the employee.If both the employing entity and the employee fail to produce evidence on the amount of wages, the labor dispute arbitration committee or the people's court may calculate and decide it by referring to the average wages of the same post in the same entity or the average wages of local on-the-job employees and pursuant to the principle of being favorable to the employee.第四十四 条因工资支付发生争议,用人单位负有举证责任。用人单位拒绝提供或者在规定时间内不能提供有关工资支付凭证等证据材料的,劳动保障部门、劳动争议仲裁委员会或者人民法院可以按照劳动者提供的工资数额及其他有关证据作出认定。


Article 45 A trade union may supervise the employing entity in respect of its observance of the relevant laws and regulations on the payment of wages, and shall have the right to ask the employing entity to make corrections for any illegal act or circulate a notice to the labor and security department.In case the employing entity refuses to make corrections or the operator escapes, the trade union can represent the employees to request the local labor and security department to handle it in accordance with law, and if the employee files a labor arbitration or lawsuit, the trade union shall offer support and assistance.第四十五条 工会组织对用人单位遵守工资支付法律、法规的情况依法进行监督,发现违法行为的,用权要求用人单位改正,并及时向劳动保障部门通报。用人单位拒不改正或者经营者逃匿的,工会组织可以代表职工请求当地劳动保障部门依法处理,劳动者申请劳动仲裁或者提起诉讼的,工会组织应当依法予以支持和帮助。

Article 46 In case an employing entity defaults or skimps any wages, the employees may request the trade union to help resolve it, and the trade union shall represent the employees and consult with the employing entity, and help the employing entity to maintain the normal production and working order.第四十六条 用人单位拖欠或者克扣工资,劳动者要求工会组织协助解决的,工会组织应当代表职工与用人单位进行协商,并协助用人单位维护正常的生产、工作秩序。

Chapter IV Legal Liabilities Article 47 In case an employing entity consecutively defaults or deduct the wages of employees for more than two months or is under exceptionally serious circumstances, the labor and security department shall order it to make corrections and make an administrative sanction decision.In case the employing entity refuses to carry out the administrative sanction decision within the prescribed time limit, the labor and security department may apply to the people's court for enforcement.第四章 法律责任

第四十七条 用人单位连续拖欠或者克扣劳动者工资二个月以上或者情节特别严重的,劳动保障部门应当责令其改正并作出行政处理决定。用人单位在规定的期限内拒不执行行政处理决定的,劳动保障部门可以依法申请人民法院强制执行。

Article 48 In case an employing entity is under any of the following circumstances, the labor and security department at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections;if it fails to make corrections within the prescribed time limit, it may be imposed with a fine of 5,000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan, and its legal representative may be fined 1,000 yuan up to 5,000 yuan:(1)Failure to formulate rules on the payment of wages and announce it to all the employees thereof;(2)Failure to pay wages to employees in the form of currency;(3)Failure to settle the wages and pay it to the employee in a lump sum on the day when the labor relationship is terminated or discharged;(4)Failure to faithfully formulate ledgers on the payment of wages;or(5)Failure to provide a list of wages to the employees themselves.第四十八条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,由县级以上劳动保障部门责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,可以对用人单位处以五千元以上一万元以下的罚款,并可以对其法定代表人处以一千元以上五千元以下的罚款:






Article 49 In case an employing entity is under any of the following circumstances, the labor and security department shall separately order it to pay the wages and remunerations to the employee within the time limit, pay the gap between the local minimum wage level and the wages of the employee, or pay the wages for overtime work or extended working hours.If the employing entity fails to pay within the time limit, it may be ordered to pay extra compensations to the employee as calculated at the rate of 50% up to 100% of the amount payable:(1)Default or skimp of the wages of employees;(2)Wages paid to employees is lower than the local minimum wage level;(3)Refusal to pay or failure to pay overtime wages to employees for their overtime work or extended working hours according to law.第四十九条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,由劳动保障部门分别责令限期支付劳动者的工资报酬、劳动者工资低于当地最低工资标准的差额、加班或者延长工作时间的工资。逾期不支付的,责令用人单位按照应付金额百分之五十以上一倍以下的标准计算,向劳动者加付赔偿金:




Article 50 In case an employing entity is under any of the following circumstances, the labor and security department shall impose it a fine of 10,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan in light of the following circumstances:(1)Refusing or impeding any labor and security administrative law enforcer in their lawful implementation of public affairs;(2)Failing to submit written materials as required by the labor and security department, disguising the truth of facts, issuing false evidence, or concealing or destroying evidence;or(3)Refusing to make corrections as ordered by the labor and security department, or refusing to fulfill an administrative sanction decision as made by the labor and security department.第五十条 用人单位有下列行为之一的,由劳动保障部门视情节轻重,处以一万元以上二万元以下的罚款:




Article 51 In case an employing entity defaults in the payment of wages by abscond, which makes the employees hard to recover their wages and further causes any incident that seriously affect the public order, the legal representative or operator of the said entity shall be dealt with by the public security organ;if any crime is constituted, it shall be subject to criminal liabilities.Where an incident that seriously affects the public order is caused due to the default or skimp of wages by the employing entity, the legal representative or main operator of the said entity shall come to the scene within 24 hours and help the labor and security department to handle the incident;if he fails to do so, the labor and security department shall impose a fine of 10,000 yuan up to 50,000 yuan on him.第五十一条 对采取逃匿等方式拖欠工资,致使劳动者难以追偿其工资而引发严重影响公共秩序事件的用人单位的法定代表人或者经营者,由公安机关依法处理;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


Article 52 Where the labor and security department or any of its functionaries violates this Regulation and commits any of the following acts, its higher administrative department or supervision department may order it/him to make corrections;where the circumstances are serious, the principal and other person that is held to be directly responsible shall be imposed with administrative sanctions:(1)Failure to establish the system of reporting illegal acts related to the payment of wages of employing entities;(2)Failure to keep secret for informers;(3)Failure to promptly deal with the reports of employees or the handling suggestions as put forward by the trade union pursuant to Article 45 of this Regulation;or(4)Failure to start up the emergency handling mechanism for a collective incident.第五十二条 劳动保障部门及其工作人员违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由其上级行政机关或者监察机关责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:





Article 53 Where the labor and security department or any of its functionaries commits any of the following acts, the main principal and persons that is held to be directly responsible shall be imposed with administrative sanctions;and be subject to criminal liabilities if any crime is constituted:(1)Neglecting its/his duties, or abusing its/his functions;(2)Seeking for personnel interests by making use of its/his authorities;or(3)Divulging any business secret of an employing entity.第五十三条 劳动保障部门及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,可以根据情节轻重,给予主要负责人及直接责任人员行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任:




Chapter V Supplementary Provisions Article 54 The following terms in this Regulation shall mean as follows when they are used therein:(1)The “wages” refer to the whole remuneration in cash for labor provided by the employing entity to the employee himself pursuant to the quantity and quality of labor offered by the employee, which, as a general rule, includes: wages in any form(hourly wages, wages by pieces, wages for posts, wages for duties, wages for skills, etc.), premiums, allowances, and subsidies, overtime wages and wages and remunerations paid for special circumstances, etc.;but does not include: various social insurance fees and housing reserves assumed by the employing entity as prescribed by relevant provisions, labor protection fees as prescribed by the labor and security department and the supervisory and administrative department of production safety, and the welfare fees and incomes from non-remuneration for labor as prescribed by the State, such as the one-child subsidies, family planning awards, funeral fees, and consolation money, etc.(2)The term “wages for normal working hours” means the remunerations for labor that shall be paid by the employing entity to the employees for their normal labor as provided within the legal working hours, which does not include the following items: a.wages for extended working hours;b.allowance for working in such special working environments or conditions as middle shift, night shift, high temperature, low temperature, underground, poisonous and harmful environments, etc.;c.welfare and benefits of employees as prescribed by laws, regulations and the State.(3)The “minimum wage” refers to the minimum remuneration for labor that shall be paid by the employing entity to the employees for their normal labor as provided pursuant to the preceding provision within the legal working hours.(4)The “default in payment of wages” refers to an act by which an employing entity fails to pay within the time limit or fails to pay the full wages of employees without any legal cause.(5)The “skimp of wages” refers to an act by which an employing entity skimps or reduces the wages of employees without any legal cause.(6)A “private non-enterprise entity” is a social organization run by an enterprise, public institution, social group, any other social strength or an individual citizen by making use of non-state assets, and engaged in non-profitable social services.第五章 附则 第五十四条 本条例中下列用语的含义是:







Article 55 Any dispute between an employee with its employing entity due to the amount of wages payable shall be dealt with pursuant to the provisions on the handling of labor disputes.Article 56 This Regulation shall come into force as of May 1, 2005.第五十五条 劳动者与用人单位因工资支付数额发生争议的,应当按照劳动争议处理规定处理。

第五十六条 本条例自2005年5月1日起施行。



【发布文号】-----------【发布日期】2005-01-19 【生效日期】2005-05-01 【失效日期】-----------【所属类别】地方法规




广东省人民代表大会常务委员会 1月19日2005年


第一章 总则

第一条 为规范工资支付,保障劳


第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内的企业、民办非企业单位、个体经济组织(以下统称用人单位)和与之形成劳动关系的劳动者。


第三条 省人民政府按照规定制定最低工资标准,地级以上市人民政府应当在省人民政府公布的最低工资标准中确定本市的最低工资标准。


第四条 工资支付实行按时足额、优先支付原则。


第五条 各级人民政府应当建立健全工资支付预警机制、信用监督机制和应急处置机制。

第六条 县级以上人民政府劳动和社会保障行政部门(以下简称劳动保障部门)负责对本行政区域内用人单位的工资支付行为进行指导和监督检查。





第七条 用人单位应当依法制定本单位的工资支付制度,并书面告知本单位全体劳动者。








第八条 用人单位与劳动者应当在劳动合同中依法约定正常工作时间工资,约定的工资不得低于所在地政府公布的本最低工资标准。


第九条 用人单位可以依法与本单位工会或者职工代表就工资支付有关事项进行集体协商,签订集体协议。

第十条 用人单位应当以货币形式按照确定的工资支付周期足额支付工资,不得拖欠或者克扣。




第十一条 用人单位应当将工资直接支付给劳动者本人。劳动者本人因故不能领取工资时,可以委托他人代领,但应当出具委托书。


第十二条 用人单位应当按照约定的日期支付劳动者工资;遇法定休假日或者休息日,应当提前在最近的工作日支付。

第十三条 用人单位与劳动者依法终止或者解除劳动关系的,应当在终止或者解除劳动关系当日结清并一次性支付劳动者工资。

第十四条 用人单位按照有关规定从劳动者工资中代扣下列款项:





第十五条 因劳动者过错造成用人单位直接经济损失,依法应当承担赔偿责任的,用人单位可以从其工资中扣除赔偿费,但应当提前书面告知扣除原因及数额;未书面告知的不得扣除。扣除赔偿费后的月工资余额不得低于当地最低工资标准。

第十六条 用人单位应当按照工资支付周期如实编制工资支付台账。工资支付台账应当至少保存二年。


第十七条 用人单位支付工资时,应当向劳动者提供其本人的工资清单。





第十八条 日工资按照劳动者月工资额除以国家规定的月平均工作天数确定;小时工资以日工资除以日工作时间确定,日工作时间不得超过八小时。

第十九条 劳动者依法享受法定休假日、年休假、探亲假、婚假、丧假、产假、看护假、计划生育假等假期期间,用人单位应当视同其正常劳动并支付正常工作时间的工资。

第二十条 用人单位安排劳动者加班或者延长工作时间,应当按照下列标准支付劳动者加班或者延长工作时间的工资报酬:




第二十一条 实行计件工资的,用人单位应当科学合理确定劳动定额和计件单价,并予以公布。



第二十二条 经劳动保障部门批准实行综合计算工时工作制的,劳动者在综合计算周期内实际工作时间超过该周期内累计法定工作时间的部分,视为延长工作时间,用人单位应当依照本条例第二十条第(一)项的规定支付工资。在法定休假日安排劳动者工作的,用人单位应当依照本条例第二十条第(三)项的规定支付工资。

第二十三条 经劳动保障部门批准实行不定时工作制的,不适用本条例第二十条的规定。

第二十四条 劳动者因病或者非因工负伤停止工作进行治疗,在国家规定医疗期内,用人单位应当依照劳动合同、集体合同的约定或者国家有关规定支付病伤假期工资。



第二十五条 劳动者因事假未提供劳动期间,用人单位可以不支付工资。

第二十六条 劳动者在正常工作时间内依法参加下列社会活动的,用人单位应当支付正常工作时间工资:








第二十七条 劳动者被人民法院判处管制、拘役适用缓刑或者有期徒刑适用缓刑,被假释、取保候审、监外执行期间,为用人单位提供正常劳动的,用人单位应当支付工资。

第二十八条 劳动者因涉嫌违法犯罪被采取司法强制措施或者被行政拘留期间,未提供劳动的,用人单位可以不支付工资。

第二十九条 用人单位解除劳动关系的决定被裁决撤销或者判决无效的,应当支付劳动者在被违法解除劳动关系期间的工资,其工资标准为劳动者本人前十二个月的平均正常工作时间工资;劳动者已领取失业保险金的,应当全部退回社会保险经办机构。


第三十条 合伙企业拖欠劳动者工资的,应当先以其全部财产进行清偿;合伙企业财产不足清偿的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任。

第三十一条 租用场地、厂房的用人单位的经营者拖欠工资逃匿的,当地政府和有关部门应当采取有效措施,及时组织相关单位和人员处理垫付临时生活费及追偿等事宜。

第三十二条 不具备本条例第二条规定的用人单位资格的承包人拖欠或者克扣劳动者工资,作为发包方的用人单位应当先支付工资,更依法向承包人追偿。

第三十三条 建设单位(业主)未按照合同约定拨付或者结清工程款,致使施工单位拖欠劳动者工资的,劳动保障部门可以责令建设单位(业主)先行垫付劳动者工资,先行垫付的工资数额以未结清的工程款为限。



第三十四条 用人单位合并或者分立前拖欠劳动者工资的,应当在合并或者分立时清偿拖欠的工资;不能清偿的,由合并或者分立后的用人单位清偿拖欠工资。

第三十五条 非因劳动者原因造成用人单位停工、停产,未超过一个工资支付周期(最长三十日)的,用人单位应当按照正常工作时间支付工资。超过一个工资支付周期的,可以根据劳动者提供的劳动,按照双方新约定的标准支付工资;用人单位没有安排劳动者工作的,应当按照不低于当地最低工资标准的百分之八十支付劳动者生活费,生活费发放至企业复工、复产或者解除劳动关系。

第三十六条 用人单位破产、解散或者撤销的,经依法清算后的财产应当用于优先支付劳动者工资、社会保险费。

第三章 监督检查

第三十七条 县级以上人民政府根据本行政区域内工资支付的实际情况,建立工资支付预警制度。



第三十八条 县级以上人民政府应当制定工资支付应急预案。因拖欠、克扣劳动者工资引发群体性事件的,劳动保障部门应当根据应急预案,迅速会同有关部门处理,有关部门应当配合。

第三十九条 劳动保障部门应当建立健全对用人单位工资支付行为的监督检查制度,规范监督检查程序,依法对用人单位工资支付情况进行监察,对违法行为进行处理。


第四十条 劳动保障部门应当建立健全对工资支付违法行为的举报投诉制度,设立举报投诉信箱,公布举报投诉电话,为劳动者举报投诉提供便利条件,并为举报人保密。


第四十一条 劳动保障部门应当建立健全包括工资支付情况在内的用人单位劳动守法诚信档案,推行劳动守法诚信评价制度;对拖欠、克扣劳动者工资情况严重的用人单位,可以通过传播媒体或者在职业介绍场所、用人单位工作场所等地点予以公布,并将有关情况告知工商、银行等有关部门和单位。

第四十二条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对劳动保障部门工资支付执法情况的监督检查。上级劳动保障部门应当加强对下级劳动保障部门工资支付执法情况的监督检查,发现下级劳动保障部门对用人单位工资支付的违法行为不作为或者作出的行政处理决定违法、不当的,应当责令其限期改正。

第四十三条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,劳动者有权向劳动保障部门举报投诉:





第四十四条 因工资支付发生争议,用人单位负有举证责任。用人单位拒绝提供或者在规定时间内不能提供有关工资支付凭证等证据材料的,劳动保障部门、劳动争议仲裁委员会或者人民法院可以按照劳动者提供的工资数额及其他有关证据作出认定。


第四十五条 工会组织对用人单位遵守工资支付法律、法规的情况依法进行监督,发现违法行为的,用权要求用人单位改正,并及时向劳动保障部门通报。用人单位拒不改正或者经营者逃匿的,工会组织可以代表职工请求当地劳动保障部门依法处理,劳动者申请劳动仲裁或者提起诉讼的,工会组织应当依法予以支持和帮助。

第四十六条 用人单位拖欠或者克扣工资,劳动者要求工会组织协助解决的,工会组织应当代表职工与用人单位进行协商,并协助用人单位维护正常的生产、工作秩序。

第四章 法律责任

第四十七条 用人单位连续拖欠或者克扣劳动者工资二个月以上或者情节特别严重的,劳动保障部门应当责令其改正并作出行政处理决定。用人单位在规定的期限内拒不执行行政处理决定的,劳动保障部门可以依法申请人民法院强制执行。

第四十八条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,由县级以上劳动保障部门责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,可以对用人单位处以五千元以上一万元以下的罚款,并可以对其法定代表人处以一







第四十九条 用人单位有下列情形之一的,由劳动保障部门分别责令限期支付劳动者的工资报酬、劳动者工资低于当地最低工资标准的差额、加班或者延长工作时间的工资。逾期不支付的,责令用人单位按照应付金额百分之五十以上一倍以下的标准计算,向劳动者加付赔偿金:




第五十条 用人单位有下列行为之一的,由劳动保障部门视情节轻重,处以一万元以上二万元以下的罚款:




第五十一条 对采取逃匿等方式拖欠工资,致使劳动者难以追偿其工资而引发严重影响公共秩序事件的用人单位的法定代表人或者经营者,由公安机关依法处理;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


第五十二条 劳动保障部门及其工作人员违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由其上级行政机关或者监察机关责令改正;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:






第五十三条 劳动保障部门及其工作人员有下列行为之一的,可以根据情节轻重,给予主要负责人及直接责任人员行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任:




第五章 附则

第五十四条 本条例中下列用语的含义是:







第五十五条 劳动者与用人单位因工资支付数额发生争议的,应当按照劳动争议处理规定处理。

第五十六条 本条例自2005年5月1日起施行。




第一条 为维护劳动者通过劳动获得劳动报酬的权利,规范用人单位的工资支付行为,根据《中华人民共国和劳动法》有关规定,制定本规定。

第二条 本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内的企业、个体经济组织(以下统称用人单位)和与之形成劳动关系的劳动者。国家机关、事业组织、社会团体和与之建立劳动合同关系的劳动者依照本规定执行。

第三条 本规定所称工资是指用人单位依据劳动合同的规定,以各种形式支付给劳动者的工资报酬。

第四条 工资支付主要包括:工资支付项目、工资支付水平、工资支付形式、工资支付对象、工资支付时间以及特殊情况下的工资支付。

第五条 工资应当以法定货币支付给劳动者本人。不得以实物及有价证券替代货币支付。

第六条 用人单位应将工资支付给劳动者本人。劳动者本人因故不能领取工资时,可由其亲属或委托他人代领。用人单位可委托银行代发工资。用人单位必须书面记录支付劳动者工资的数额、时间、领取者的姓名以及签字、并保存两年以上备查。用人单位在支付工资时应向劳动者提供-份其个人的工资清单。

第七条 工资必须在用人单位与劳动者约定的日期支付。如遇节假日或休息日,则应提前在最近的工作日支付。工资至少可以每月支付一次,实行周、日、小时工资制的可按周、日、小时支付工资。

第八条 对完成一次性临时劳动或某项具体工作的劳动者,用人单位应按有关协议或合同规定在其完成劳动任务后即支付工资。

第九条 劳动关系双方依法解除或终止劳动合同时,用人单位应在解除或终止劳动合同时一次付清劳动者工资。

第十条 劳动者在法定工作时间内依法参加社会活动期间,用人单位应视同其提供了正常劳动而支付工资。社会活动包括:依法行使选举权或被选举权:当选代表出席乡(镇)、区以上政府、党派、工会、青年团、妇女联合会等组织召开的会议;出任人民法庭证明人;出席劳动模范、先进工作者大会;《工会法》规定的不脱产工会基层委员会因工会活动占用的生产或工作时间;其它依法参加的社会活动。

第十一条 劳动者依法享受年休假、探条假、婚假、丧假期间,用人单位应按劳动合同规定的标准支付劳动者工资。

第十二条 非因劳动者原因造成单位停工、停产在一个工资支付周期内的,用人单位应按劳动合同规定的标准支付劳动者工资。超过一个工资支付周期的,若劳动者提供了正常劳动,则支付给劳动者的劳动报酬不得低于当地最低工资标准;若劳动者没有提供正常劳动,应按国家有关规定办理。

第十三条 用人单位在劳动者完成定额或规定的工作任务后,根据实际需要安排劳动者在法定标准工作时间以外工作的,应按以下标准支付工资:




第十四条 用人单位依法破产时,劳动者有权获得其工资。在破产清偿中用人单位应按《中华人民共和国企业破产法》规定的清偿顺序,首先支付欠付本单位劳动者的工资。

第十五条 用人单位不得克扣劳动者工资。有下列情况之一的,用人单位可以代扣劳动者工资:





第十六条 因劳动者本人原因给用人单位造成经济损失的,用人单位可按照劳动合同的约定要求其赔偿经济损失。经济损失的赔偿,可从劳动者本人的工资中扣除。但每月扣除的部分不得超过劳动者当月工资的20%。若扣除后的剩余工资部分低于当地月最低工资标准,则按最低工资标准支付。

第十七条 用人单位应根据本规定,通过与职工大会、职工代表大会或者其他形式协商制定内部的工资支付制度,并告知本单位全体劳动者,同时抄报当地劳动行政部门备案。

第十八条 各级劳动行政部门有权监察用人单位工资支付的情况。用人单位有下列侵害劳动者合法权益行为的,由劳动行政部门责令其支付劳动者工资和经济补偿,并可责令其支付赔偿金:



(三)低于当地最低工资标准支付劳动者工资的。经济补偿和赔偿金的标准,按国家有关规定执行。第十九条 劳动者与用人单位因工资支付发生争议的,当事人可依法向劳动争议仲裁机关申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决不服的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。

第二十条 本规定自一九九五年一月一日起执行。



声明:本文内容由互联网用户自发贡献自行上传,本网站不拥有所有权,未作人工编辑处理,也不承担相关法律责任。如果您发现有涉嫌版权的内容,欢迎发送邮件至:645879355@qq.com 进行举报,并提供相关证据,工作人员会在5个工作日内联系你,一经查实,本站将立刻删除涉嫌侵权内容。







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