
时间:2019-05-15 09:13:57下载本文作者:会员上传




Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the Reception of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Rabbit February 2011, Chinese Embassy


Distinguished guests and dear friends,再过一天就是中国农历新年。值此新春佳节来临之际,我谨代表中国驻荷兰使馆全体同事,向各位来宾和朋友致以节日的问候,衷心祝愿大家在新的一年里事业兴旺、家庭幸福、万事如意!

The Chinese Lunar New Year is coming one day later.On behalf of my colleagues of the Chinese Embassy, let me take this opportunity to extend our Spring Festival greetings to everyone, and wish you all the best in the coming year.春节是中国最重要的传统节日,也最能集中地展示中国文化的深刻内涵。对中国人来说,春节最重要的内容就是家庭团圆。无论身在何方,人们都会设法赶回家中,共享亲人的关爱、家庭的和谐、团聚的欢乐。今天我们在这里举办这样一场国际大家庭的聚会,目的就是营造一个家的氛围,在这样的气氛中,“共品中国年味,同庆兔年新春”,一起享受节日的欢乐,共同期待充满希望的新的一年。

Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China.It is also the time for observing the richness of the Chinese cultural heritage.For Chinese, during the Spring Festival everything should give way to family reunion.No matter wherever you are, you manage to get back home to enjoy and share your love and happiness with your families.As such, we see today's gathering an international family gathering.Together we will experience the festival atmosphere, celebrate the Year of Rabbit, enjoy happiness and expect a new year full of hopes.确实,随着全球化的快速发展,世界各国人民之间的联系越来越紧密,越来越像一个大家庭。在促进各国间关系发展的进程中,文化始终有着重要和不可替代的作用。沟通从文化开始。文化间的共性可以使我们克服肤色和语言的不同而相互认同,文化间的差异则为我们相互借鉴提供了可能。我衷心期待,通过文化这个桥梁,我们可以更多地相互了解,更多地相互借鉴,更多地相互信任,从而使我们的世界成为一个真正和平、和谐、繁荣的世界。

Indeed, along with the fast development of globalization, people in different nations are more closely interdependent to each other and the world is becoming an international family.In the process of promoting friendly relations among nations, culture has been always playing an important role.As I see it, real communication always starts with culture exchange.The commonalities between cultures have enabled peoples of different complexions and languages to recognize each other, while the divergences between cultures have provided us with possibilities to learn from each other.It is my sincere hope that through the bridge of culture we will better understand each other, learn more from each other and build our mutual trust even stronger, so as to make our world a real peaceful, harmonious and prosperous one.中华民族是一个多民族大家庭,56个民族的兄弟姐妹长期以来和睦相处,共同发展,也孕育了丰富多彩、充满魅力的多元中国文化。我们荣幸地邀请到中国青海省歌舞团,为大家献上一台充满浓郁中华民族风情的演出。青海省位于中国西部,是多民族聚居区,有着丰厚的文化底蕴。相信通过他们精彩的表演,大家既能充分享受艺术之美,也更深切地感受中国各民族和谐共处的美好生活,增进大家对中国和中国文化的全面了解。

Chinese nation is a big family comprised of multi-ethnic groups.The 56 ethnic groups see each other as brothers and sisters, enjoying harmonious coexistence and common development.Together we have fostered the colorful and glamorous Chinese multi-culture.Now it is my honor to present to you the famous troupe of Qinghai Province, China, who will stage a marvelous show featured with Chinese ethnic cultural traditions.Qinghai Province is located in the western part of China, where we see many ethnic groups representing different culture.I hope their excellent performance will bring you not only artistic enjoyment but also a better picture of the harmonious coexistence and happy life of Chinese ethnic groups as one big national family so as to have a more complete understanding of China and its culture.最后,祝兔年给所有的朋友带来好运、健康和幸福。我也祝愿中荷关系和各领域合作,如同兔子奔跑一样,实现跨越式发展。

Finally, I hope the Year of Rabbit will bring good luck, good health and happiness to all my friends.At the same time, it is my sincere hope that Sino-Dutch relationship and our cooperation in all fields will also achieve their leapfrog developments, like rabbit leaping, in the coming year.谢谢大家。Thank you.Hospital emergency rooms treat injured fingers all the time.Without treatment, a bad cut can lead to permanent damage.But how should a person know when a bleeding cut is serious enough to require medical attention?

We asked Dr.Martin Brown, chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia.First, the medical term for a cut or tear in the skin is a laceration.Dr.Brown says the length is usually not as important as the depth.He says a long cut on a finger can likely be treated without a visit to a doctor if the wound is not very deep.MARTIN BROWN: “If you have a short but deep laceration where there's been a structure underneath that's been damaged--a tendon, a nerve, a blood vessel laceration--it may, in fact, need professional attention.”

Some injuries--like a fingertip that gets cut off--might even require surgery to repair.MARTIN BROWN: “That requires a specialist to either file down the bone or reattach the fingertip.More often, filing down the bone is what is done because reattaching a fingertip is often not successful.”

How a wound bleeds can be a sign of how serious it is.Minor cuts usually produce what is known as venous bleeding.This means the blood flows steadily from the injury.The bleeding will often stop when pressure is put on the wound.Dr.Brown says in most cases holding direct pressure with clean gauze or a cloth for four to five minutes should stop the bleeding.With a cut finger, holding the hand above the heart can reduce the loss of blood.But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force, this may be a sign of arterial bleeding.This kind of injury should be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible.Even a cut that does not require medical attention must be kept clean to prevent infection.Small cuts should be cleaned gently with clean water.Use a washcloth to clean the area if the wound is dirty.Dr.Brown says cuts should be covered with a clean, dry bandage.Bacteria and other microorganisms can enter the body through a cut in the skin.One kind of infection that can result is tetanus.The first signs of this disease include difficulty opening the mouth--often called lockjaw--and difficulty swallowing.Tetanus can be deadly.But children and adults can be protected against tetanus with vaccinations.Adults should be vaccinated against tetanus every ten years.






Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Chinese New Year Celebrations in London February 2011, Trafalgar Square, London


Mr.Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor of London, Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster, Madam Li Haifeng,资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


Mr Chu Ting Tang, Mr Leslie Ng, Ladies and Gentlemen,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年!

It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit.(Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!)


The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。无论是中国,还是亚洲、美洲和欧洲;无论是伦敦,还是爱丁堡、曼彻斯特和利物浦,各地张灯结彩,舞龙戏狮,普天共庆,四海同春。

Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world.From China and across Asia, to Europe and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating.Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,今年已经是连续第10年。它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。中国和英国都有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、伟大的发明和勤劳的人民,都为人类文明的发展做出了非凡贡献。中国和英国都是当今具有重要影响的大国,都致力于促进世界和平、稳定和繁荣。人类进步和时代潮流告诉我们,相知才能互信,合作才能共赢。让我们携起手来,为构建一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同作出努力。

This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square.It has become the largest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia.We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with.We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people.We are both proud of the contributions we have made to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity.History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


understanding, and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development.Let us join hands to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.我要感谢大伦敦市政府、西敏寺市政府和伦敦华埠商会,感谢你们的不懈努力和辛勤付出,感谢你们为增进中英人民的了解和友谊做出的贡献。今天,我也要感谢远道而来的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士以及文化部外联局舒晓公参,他们分别从中国带来了两个顶尖水平的艺术团体,与我们共庆新春,为伦敦春节庆典增色添彩。

I want to thank the Greater London Authority, Westminster City Council and the London Chinatown Chinese Association for their hard work in organising today's event and for their consistent commitment to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.I also want to thank Minister Li Haifeng and Minister Counsellor Shu Xiao for bringing two top-class Chinese art troupes to London.I am sure their wonderful performances will make today a very special day!


The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity.I wish China and Britain continued prosperity.I wish our two peoples greater happiness.And I wish our two countries an even closer friendship.谢谢!

Thank you and happy new year to you all!

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


驻英国大使刘晓明在伦敦春节庆祝活动上的致辞 2011年2月6日中午,伦敦特拉法加广场

Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Chinese New Year Celebrations in London 6 February 2011, Trafalgar Square, London 尊敬的伦敦市副市长巴恩斯先生,尊敬的西敏寺市市长华纳女士,尊敬的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士,尊敬的伦敦华埠商会主席邓柱廷先生、会长吴国强先生,各位来宾,女士们、先生们:

Mr.Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor of London, Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster, Madam Li Haifeng, Mr Chu Ting Tang, Mr Leslie Ng, Ladies and Gentlemen,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年!

It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit.(Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!)


The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。无论是中国,还是亚洲、美洲和欧洲;无论是伦敦,还是爱丁堡、曼彻斯特和利物浦,各地张灯结彩,舞龙戏狮,普天共庆,四海同春。Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world.From China and across Asia, to Europe and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating.Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,今年已经是连续第10年。它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。中国和英国都有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、伟大的发明和勤劳的人民,都为人类文明的发展做出了非凡贡献。中国和英国都是当今具有重要影响的大国,都致力于促进世界和平、稳定和繁荣。人类进步和时代潮流告诉我们,相知才能互信,合作才能共赢。让我们携起手来,为构建一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同作出努力。

This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square.It has become the largest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia.We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with.We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people.We are both proud of the contributions we have made to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity.History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual understanding, and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development.Let us join hands to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.我要感谢大伦敦市政府、西敏寺市政府和伦敦华埠商会,感谢你们的不懈努力和辛勤付出,感谢你们为增进中英人民的了解和友谊做出的贡献。今天,我也要感谢远道而来的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士以及文化部外联局舒晓公参,他们分别从中国带来了两个顶尖水平的艺术团体,与我们共庆新春,为伦敦春节庆典增色添彩。

I want to thank the Greater London Authority, Westminster City Council and the London Chinatown Chinese Association for their hard work in organising today's event and for their consistent commitment to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.I also want to thank Minister Li Haifeng and Minister Counsellor Shu Xiao for bringing two top-class Chinese art troupes to London.I am sure their wonderful performances will make today a very special day!


The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity.I wish China and Britain continued prosperity.I wish our two peoples greater happiness.And I wish our two countries an even closer friendship.谢谢!

Thank you and happy new year to you all!



Mr.Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor of London, Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster, Madam Li Haifeng, Mr Chu Ting Tang, Mr Leslie Ng, Ladies and Gentlemen, 我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年!

It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit.(Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!)春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。无论是中国,还是亚洲、美洲和欧洲;无论是伦敦,还是爱丁堡、曼彻斯特和利物浦,各地张灯结彩,舞龙戏狮,普天共庆,四海同春。

Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world.From China and across Asia, to Europe and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating.Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,今年已经是连续第10年。它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。中国和英国都有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、伟大的发明和勤劳的人民,都为人类文明的发展做出了非凡贡献。中国和英国都是当今具有重要影响的大国,都致力于促进世界和平、稳定和繁荣。人类进步和时代潮流告诉我们,相知才能互信,合作才能共赢。让我们携起手来,为构建一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同作出努力。

This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square.It has become the largest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia.We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with.We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people.We are both proud of the contributions we have made to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity.History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual understanding, and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development.Let us join hands to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.我要感谢大伦敦市政府、西敏寺市政府和伦敦华埠商会,感谢你们的不懈努力和辛勤付出,感谢你们为增进中英人民的了解和友谊做出的贡献。今天,我也要感谢远道而来的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士以及文化部外联局舒晓公参,他们分别从中国带来了两个顶尖水平的艺术团体,与我们共庆新春,为伦敦春节庆典增色添彩。

I want to thank the Greater London Authority, Westminster City Council and the London Chinatown Chinese Association for their hard work in organising today's event and for their consistent commitment to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.I also want to thank Minister Li Haifeng and Minister Counsellor Shu Xiao for bringing two top-class Chinese art troupes to London.I am sure their wonderful performances will make today a very special day!最后,在这象征着活力和富庶的兔年,在这春天即将来临的时刻,我衷心地祝中英两国繁荣昌盛!祝中英两国人民幸福安康!祝中英关系取得新的更大的发展!

The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity.I wish China and Britain continued prosperity.I wish our two peoples greater happiness.And I wish our two countries an even closer friendship.谢谢!

Thank you and happy new year to you all!


标注:时间:2011-09-06 16:23来源:口译网




Let's Plant a Beautiful Future--Speech by H.E.ZhangYan on Launching Ceremony of China-India Green

Initiative 26 August 2011, Shilaj, Ahmedabad, Gujarat


Dear students and the faculty, Ladies and Gentlemen,下午好!

Good afternoon!


It's a great pleasure for me to participate in this event to launch the China-India Green Initiative.I would like to thank Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and India-China Economic and Cultural Council for their efforts to organize this meaningful event.My thanks also go to Huawei Telecommunication India and ZTE Telecom India, two Chinese telecom companies in India and ADANI Company of India for supporting the project.亲爱的同学们,当今世界面临全球变暖和环境恶化所带来的巨大挑战。国际社会正协同合作,想方设法努力解决各种问题。正如我们所知,除了减少温室气体排放,植树造林也是缓解温室效应的一个有效途径。树木通过吸收二氧化碳和净化空气,在保护生态系统方面发挥了重要作用。因此,今天你们的植树活动非常重要和及时,事实上你们为保护地球、为人们营造更加绿色和宜居的环境作出了具体贡献。我得知你们每个人将种植两棵树,这些树以你们的名字命名。而这些树植入了射频识别等新技术,你们可以通过电脑或手机远程观察树木的生长过程,帮助你更好地照顾这些树木。我相信,在你们细致的照料下,这些树木每天都将茁壮成长。

Dear Students.Today, the world is facing with mounting challenges posed by the global warming and environmental degradation.The international communities are joining their efforts by taking various kinds of measures to meet the challenges.As we all know, apart from reducing green house emission, reforestation is also an effective way to mitigate the green house effect.Trees can play an important role in protecting eco-system by absorbing carbon dioxide and cleaning the air.Therefore, your noble initiative today is very significant and timely, by which you are in fact doing concrete contribution to the protection of our planet and making it greener and more livable to human being.I am told that each of you will plant and adopt two trees.The trees will be named after you.New technology, such as Radio Frequency Identification, will also be used to monitor the growth of the plants through your computer or cell phone at a distant place, helping you take better care of the trees.I am sure under you meticulous care these trees will flourish day by day.中国和印度都高度重视保护环境,并致力于加大环境保护力度,以减轻全球变暖的趋势。在中国,我们将每年的3月12日作为植树节。中国已与包括印度在内的其他国家就气候变化问题开展全面合作。同时,我们积极采用新的环保技术生产绿色和清洁能源。

China like India attaches great importance to the protection of environment and committed to contribute her share to mitigate the trend of the global warming.In China, we have set aside a special day as Tree Planting Day and have carried out comprehensive cooperation with India and other countries on climate change issues.At the same time, new and environmentally friendly technologies are employed to produce green and clean energy.亲爱的同学们,中国有一个古老谚语“十年树木,百年树人”。中国和印度的人口中很大一部分是年轻人。你们将是我们两国的未来。近年来,两国在教育和文化等领域开展了多个合作项目。中印双方积极推动学生交流计划、中文和印地语教学以及建立中印校际伙伴关系等,这些项目都富有成效。近年来,已有490名印度学生获得中国政府提供的奖学金,在中国学习各种专业。目前已有超过9000名印度学生在中国学习,2000多名中国学生在印度学习。相对于两国庞大的人口基数,这些数字显得渺小。我们仍有大量契机扩大双方在教育领域的合作,特别是在高等教育方面的合作。2011年是中印交流年,我衷心希望,中印两国在教育,文化和人员交流方面取得新的进展。

Dear students.In China, there is an old proverb saying that “it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to bring up a generation of people”.Both China and India have a big percentage of young population.You are the future of our two countries.In recent years, both countries have carried out many cooperative projects in the fields of education and culture.Student exchange programs, Chinese and Hindi language teaching and intercollegiate partnership are going on actively, producing positive result.In recent years, already 490 Indian students have received Chinese Government scholarships and studied various disciplines in China.Currently more than 9000 Indian students are studying in China and over 2000 Chinese students in India.In view of our two big populations, the figures are too small.There are still abundant opportunities for us to expand cooperation in educational field, especially in higher education.2011 has been designated as the Year of China-India Exchange by leaders of two countries.I earnestly hope that two countries can make new headway in educational, cultural and people-to-people exchanges.亲爱的同学们,在两国领导人和两国人民的关心和共同努力下,中印关系正全面均衡发展。中印战略合作伙伴关系更加稳固,政治互信不断加强。经济上,中国和印度已经成为彼此的主要贸易伙伴。在国际舞台上,两国在许多问题上有着共同利益和相似立场,并发挥着越来越重要的作用。我们认为,中印关系已超越双边范畴,具有全球和战略意义。中国和印度是致力于和平与发展的伙伴。让我们携起手来,为两国和两国人民,为世界建设一个更加美好的未来。

Dear students.With the care and joint efforts of leaders and people of two countries, China-India relations are developing in an all around manner.Strategic Cooperative Partnership between China-India is gaining momentum and mutual political trust has been enhanced.Economically, China and India are already major trading partners to each other.In the international arena, both countries share similar interests and positions on many issues and are playing an increasing significant role.We are of the view that China-India relations have gone beyond the bilateral context and acquired the strategic and global dimension.China and India are partners for peace and development.Let's join our hands to work for a better future for our two countries and two peoples as well as to the whole world as well.最后,我衷心祝愿中印友谊与合作像今天种下的树木一样茁壮成长!

Finally, I sincerely wish the friendship and cooperation between China and India will grow like trees stronger and stronger day by day!


Thank you.



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