
时间:2019-05-15 09:18:23下载本文作者:会员上传






I am Seabow, president of this company.First, I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome.As you all know, our company is one of the big names and has a long tradition.I think you must be proud of being a part of such a great company.But we cannot afford to depend on tradition alone.We need new blood like you to make our company greater and stronger.You are equipped with new knowledge, new ideas and new insights.Don’t waste them, but use them while they are fleshes.I want you to work, but not just for our company.I want you to work for yourself, and for the well being of the society.I would like to welcome you once again, and from today, let us begin to work together.商业演讲2 致欢迎辞-对于来自国外的公司考察团

I am very happy that you have come all the way from the United States to visit our company.We are very proud and honored to have a distinguished group of guests such as you to our company.Our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile.Today, they will introduce to you our newly built plant and research center.Please do not hesitate to ask questions you might want to ask.I want to extend my warmest welcome to all of you, and sincerely hope that your visit here will be worthwhile and meaningful.商业演讲




Today is one of the happiest and saddest days in my life.I am very happy that Mr.Jones has been promoted to the director of the Los Angeles branch.However, I am very sad that he has to leave us behind.As you know, for the past five years Mr.Jones has been with us, he has always been our pride, with his talent, abilities, and warm personality.He always made an extra effort to adapt himself to the Chinese way of life and business.Indeed, his absence from this office is a big loss, but it will definitely be a great gain for the Los Angeles office.Mr.Jones, we are going to miss you very much and we all wish you the very best of luck in your future.商业演讲4


Bob has always been a great boss, and I'm sure everybody agrees with me.I have never met a person who is as understanding and patient as Bob.We have thrown this birthday party not only to celebrate your forty-fifth birthday, Bob, but, more importantly, to express our gratitude for your thoughtful leadership.We all want to say “thank you” to you.It is really wonderful for all of us to grow older together and work together under Bob's leadership.And I'm sure Bob will also take the leadership in “staying young”.Happy birthday, Bob, and many more happy returns!





We want to thank all the people here for taking time out of your busy schedule at the busiest time of the year to come to our year-end party.Tonight we are very fortunate to have our friends from Johnson Company with us here to celebrate the year-end festivities together.We all hope you will be able to have a good time tasting the Chinese cuisine, drinking the Chinese wine, and, above all, enjoying the Chinese 'authentic' entertainment.Our young talented employees are going to perform.Now, let us propose a toast to this happy occasion at the end of the year.(After all the cups glasses has been filled.)

Here's to Johnson's and Good Electric!



1.authentic 正宗

2.propose a toast 举杯祝贺;

[让我们为~干杯!]是 Let's(propose a)toast to ~ 3.抽空是 take the time out of ~.[承蒙百忙之中抽空,不胜感激!]是Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule.商业演讲6


Happy New Year, everybody!

I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate the arrival of a new year.In particular, I am delighted to have the attendance of Mr.Williams and Mr.Richardson from the United Electric Company.Mr.Williams and Mr.Richardson, I really appreciate your presence here tonight.I hope you will enjoy this Chinese-style New Year's party.Please enjoy the traditional New Year's dishes such as Twan-yuan-huoo-guo and shy-jiin-way.Also, we have plenty of wine for your drinking enjoyment.I think you will be able to enjoy pouring wine to each other.I hope you will have a good time tonight, and wish every one of you a very happy new year.Let's all have fun!



Twan-yuan-huoo-guo:团圆火锅.Shy-jiin-way :什锦辣味.商业演讲


商业演讲7 祝贺升迁


Congratulations, Mr.Hoffman, on your promotion to the managing director of the personnel department.Under your directorship, I am sure the department will grow even stronger and more closely united.Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being our section director.Needless to say, You have always been a great boss, and I'm sure you will make even a greater director in the personnel department.2.为对同事的升迁

I want to say congratulations to you, Jim, for your promotion to sales manager.You have been a great colleague as well as a good friend.And I am proud of you.Good luck, Jim, and come drop by our office any time.这是相当“敏感的”演说。无论上司也好同事也罢,我们对于别人的晋升难免总会有几分“嫉妒”(ENVY)的心情。当然这种心情一旦暴露出来,演说就垮了。诸如“这次的晋升对您来说实至名归”(a promotion you richly deserve)这类赞美之辞乃属必要。



section director , 课长 colleague , 同事

come drop by, 过来玩 needless to say 不用说



On behalf of president Xu Who could not attend today, I would like to first express our cordial gratitude to you for inviting us to this wonderful wedding reception.Also, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the newly weds, Mr.and Mrs.Brown.I happen to know the Groom, Mr.John Brown quite well, through our business dealings between his company and mine.I believe Mr.Brown is by far the most competent and efficient businessman I have ever met.Obviously, his competence and efficiency even outside of his profession have also been proved, from the fact that he has today married such a beautiful and intelligent bride.Mr.Brown, with your youth and talent, I am sure that you will have a very happy married life.Let me say congratulations again to you both, and I hope you will not work too hard and leave your wife alone too often.Congratulations!



express cordial gratitude: 表达由衷的感谢

extend our warmest congratulations to:献上我们最诚挚的祝福 bridegroom:新郎

business dealings or business transactions:生意往来





Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all come to our lecture presentation this evening.Before we start off with the lecture, may I say a few words about tonight's guest speaker by way of introduction?

Tonight's guest speaker, as you all know, is Mr.Song Jiang, currently president of Vtech pacific company.He was born in ChongQing in 1965 and grew up there until he became 18 years old when he was drafted into the Chinese air force to join a special squad called “Flying Dragon.” He narrowly escaped death in the military mission, and after the War, started his own business, and now you know the rest of the story.Forty years later, he is an owner of one of the leading companies in ChongQing with the annual business of NT US$ 5 Million.Tonight he is going to talk about the secret of successful management of his company as he gives us a lecture entitled, “Strategies and Tactics for Corporate Management and Expansion” ladies and Gentlemen, Mr Song Jiang.Notes: lecture presentation:演讲会 be drafted into:征招入伍 the annual business:年营业额 strategies and tactics:战略和战术



Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all.I am Yu Lin Jeng.I am from Shanghai, China.This is my third trip to the United States, and I really enjoy staying here.I am working for a trading company as an assistant manager in the overseas distribution section.Thank you.I'm Ma Li.I am a system engineer for IBM.My job is to develop new computer software and I enjoy the job very much, because software development is very creative and imaginative work.So if anyone here is interested in computer and computer software, please let me know.We can spend hours talking about computers.Hello, everybody.I am Ning cai chen from Beijing, I am working for an agent for a electric company in Beijing.It is about five months since I came to the United States, and I miss my family very much.It'll be several months before they come here, and I hope to continue to have an enjoyable single life till then.Thanks.商业演讲




Good morning, everyone.This morning President Lee has asked you to gather here, so that we can have a special occasion to recognize some of our employees for their outstanding performance in the past year.Based on careful consideration and evaluation of performances of all the employees, the selection committee has reached the following decision: the three recipients of the outstanding Performance Award for this year are Mr.BorNan Zhang...Mr.Jun-Fan Cao...and Ms.Sheng ye.Each recipient will be presented with a cash award of($50,000)together with a certificate.Let us proceed to the presentation of awards by President Lee.(president presents the awards to the three recipients)

Needless to say, this year's recipients deserve this award for their dedication and accomplishments.Also, I would like to emphasize that every one of you who wasn't chosen today has a good chance of winning this honor.It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but you can do it, if you try hard enough.At this time I would like to close the meeting by saying that I wish you all the best of luck.公布得奖名单时,如果以从容不迫乃至稍为卖点关子的语气来进行,现场气氛即可为之高涨。其次,得奖名单的决定勿以个人名义行之,以免遭受非议。结束之前,可别忘了对未受表彰的大多数同仁表示激励之意。

商业演讲12 得奖感谢

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.President, and all the distinguished guests, I cannot believe that I have been selected as this year's recipient of the Award for Outstanding Performance.When I was informed of the announcement of my nomination, I couldn't believe my ears.In fact, I am still not sure if I really deserve this honor, because I know many of my colleagues who work harder even with a greater dedication than I do.I believe they also deserve this award, and I think I happen to represent them in accepting this award.Through thick and thin, they have always been my precious team mates, adviser, and above all, friends.I want to take this opportunity to thank them all, and want to share with them the pleasure and honor of receiving this award.Thank you very much and I'll be trying my best to contribute to further growth of our company.如果是正式的得奖感言,以 Ladies and gentlemen 来做开场白为宜。若属气氛随和的聚会,就要因场面不同而选不同的说法,这点请注意。


through thick and thin:同甘共苦中过来的 deserve this award: 堪当此奖



商业演讲13 表示感谢

First of all, I want to thank you all for coming to this party.I have thrown this party, because I wanted to thank you all for being kind to me while I have been here.Looking back, it seems like a very short five years living here and working together with you.My wife and I still remember the first day we arrived in Los Angeles, and every thing looked so huge, compared with things in Taipei.The first several months were a difficult time, but we tried very hard to adapt ourselves to the new environment, new life style, and a new place of work.There were times of disappointment, anger, and humiliation, and there were also times of joy, excitement, and happiness, Through them all, you have always been with us to share the sorrow and happiness, and we are deeply grateful to you for that.Millions of thanks to you all, and don't forget to finish your dinner before it gets cold.Notes:

being kind to me :关照

while I have been here:在我任职此地期间 through them all:始终

商业演讲14 结婚周年纪念

On behalf of all the employees invited tonight, I would like to extend our congratulations to President and Mrs.Johnson for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.Twenty-five years seems like such a long time, especially to a man like me who got married only recently.I seriously wish I would be able to learn from President and Mrs.Johnson about the secret of having a happy and enduring marriage.Customarily, a gift of silver is given on the twenty-fifth anniversary.We observe that custom, and would like to present a pair of silver ‘jeou’ cups to honor your marriage.with these cups, I'm sure your marriage will always be in a high ‘spirit'

Congratulations, President and Mrs.Johnson!


1.in a high spirit: 浓郁甘醇 2.a silver ‘jeou' cup 银酒杯




商业演讲15 餐后演说

It is a great honor and prestige to be asked to make a speech here tonight.I have chosen a rather serious, unpleasant subject for tonight's speech: it is the problem of trade friction between China and the United States.It seems that criticism is directed mainly toward China for its large trade surplus vis-a-vis the United States.As of the summer of 1997, the annual surplus amounted to some US $ 50 billion.The reason for that is that automobiles and electronic products of China are outselling the American equivalents.Criticism also goes to the closed market of China.Americans demand that China open its market for American agricultural products such as crops, fruit, and food-meat, and that the complex Chinese distribution system be simplified.However, I think the basic posture the Americans are taking needs to be changed.That is, Americans tend to assume that the Chinese are all to blame, and they also demand quick changes from the Chinese.I think what we really need is a little more patience and effort to understand each other.Mutual understanding is indispensable today when international interdependence is the rule.I hope my speech will serve as “food for thought” and that you will be able to “digest” it well.Thank you


trade friction:贸易摩擦

trade surplus:贸易盈余


distribution system:行销体系

the Chinese are all to blame:都是中国的错 food for thought:思考的食量

商业演讲16 新官上任的介绍

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all to this party to celebrate the inauguration of our new company president, Mr.Cheng-En Lin.I Would like to give a brief profile of Mr.Lin for those of you who do not know him well.Mr.Lin graduated from Tsinghua University in 1980.Right after graduation he started working for our company in the sales department.Between 1983-1995, he visited and lived in six different foreign countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, to develop our overseas market.Upon returning from abroad, he began to assume the position of executive manager of the sales department and has remained in that position until the appointment to the president this time.He is very aggressive in business, but at the same time, a good husband and a caring father of three children.Ladies and gentlemen, our new president, Mr.Cheng-En Lin!


inauguration: 就职典礼





商业演讲17 所属部门与职员的介绍

We are very happy that you have come all the way to visit our company.Small as it may, our company.Small as it may, our department takes pride in having close ties among the staff like a family.Let me introduce our staff, or shall I say, parents and brothers and sisters of the department? Sitting at the center of the office is the head of our department, Mr.Wang.He is our boss, but he never bosses us around.He is a very thoughtful and paternal person who protects us like a parent.Across from Mr.Wang's desk are Mr.Shong, Mr.Wu, Mr.He, and Mr.Zhou, from right to left.They are the family's older “brothers”, so to speak, because of their long and outstanding career in this department.Sitting at the corner of the room are two lovely “sisters” of our family, Ms.Chen and Ms.Liu.They have all the staff's respect and trust for their dedication to work.So that is our department.We hope you will enjoy visiting with us.Notes: small as it may: 尽管小了点

take pride in having...: 以拥有..为傲

close ties:亲密关系

boss around,be bossy:摆架子

paternal:尤如父亲的 across from:面对

dedication to work:献身工作


商业演讲18 公司俱乐部介绍

I believe the employer should serve employees not only by giving salaries, but also by providing opportunities for them to enjoy their life.In that respect, Our company has a great deal to offer.We have more than thirty activity groups organized by workers for athletic and recreational purposes.Among these groups are the Tennis Club, Basketball Club, Popular Music Club, Company Orchestra, Aerobics Club, and so on.Our tennis team is one of the best in the Shanghai area, and currently maintains a winning streak in the east of china District Tournament.Also, our company orchestra was established two years ago, and the members practice twice a week under the instructions by one of Shanghai's best conductors.And for those of you who want to have a good sweat and slim down, we have an Aerobics Club.The club welcomes any body who wants to have a good work-out and slim down, male or female.Please take advantage of these group activities and enjoy yourself.Notes:

athletic and recreational purposes: 运动与娱乐的目的be established:被成立


want to slim down,want to lose weight: 想要减肥

take advantage of:利用



商业演讲19 公司简报

It is a great pleasure to have you visit us today.I am very happy to have an opportunity to introduce our company to you.Our company was established in 1980 by Mr.Bruce Huang, the founder and first president of our company.We have been specializing in manufacturing electric appliances and exporting them to as many as twenty different countries around the world.As of 1999, our annual business gross comes up to about US$100 million, and our business is growing steadily.We have offices in Shanghai, HongKong and Beijing where about 1,100 hard-working employees are working diligently to serve the needs of our customers.In order to further develop our overseas market, we need reliable agents to effectively market our products.I hope you will seriously consider doing business with us.Thank you.Notes:

the annual business gross: 年度总营业额

working diligently:努力工作


商业演讲20 人 事

I would like to explain our company policy concerning personnel matters including promotion, transfer, retirement and so on.With a few exceptions, we announce promotions and transfers on April 1 every year.The decision about promotions is based upon the judgment of the head of the department concerned as well as the recommendations by the personnel committee.As to transfers, it it usually determined on the basis of the recommendations by the head of the department concerned.We have a flexible policy concerning transfers.That is, if an individual does not wish a transfer, she or he can decline the transfer appointment.As to our retirement policy, we set the retirement age at 60, and allow for earlier retirement if one wishes.We endeavor to give all the employees equal and fair treatment in these matters.If you want to have more information, please contact the Personnel Department.Thank you.商业演讲


商业演讲21 公司的生产与行销过程

Our company takes pride in having special production and distribution systems.Let me describe how unique they are.First, five factories that manufacture our products are equipped with dozens of computer-controlled robots that manufacture the high-quality products with incredible accuracy and efficiency.The factories virtually operate by themselves without human assistance, except for periodical inspections of the robots.Second, the distribution system of our company is also characterized by an effective use of computer.We have established on-line computer communications system with wholesale dealers across the nation in order to supply our products quickly to our customers.Thus, we have one of the nation's most efficient production and distribution systems, and we try to serve our customers in the best way we can.Notes:

dozens of~ : 数十台

商业演讲22 中美经商之道的差异

I think there are at least two differences in the way of business between Chinese and American businessmen.First, Chinese tend to have business negotiation in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to a direct manner of American businessmen.Chinese take time to see Whether their prospective business contacts are really reliable as human beings, for example, by inviting them to a party and socializing with them.In contrast, Americans act with “get-down-to-business-first” mentality.Second, the decision-making process of Chinese companies is considered to be very slow and time-consuming.This is because most Chinese companies have the bottom-up decision-making system, which involves many people in the decision-making, as opposed to the American companies, which usually operate with quick decisions made by the top management.I hope American businessmen will understand these differences in business practices and adjust to the Chinese way of business.Notes:

way of business: 经商之道

indirect:婉转的 as opposed to :相对于

prospective business partners(contacts):将来的交易对象 socialize:交际

in contrast :相对地 decision-making:决策




商业演讲23 演讲技巧











商业演讲24 演讲技巧












商业演讲25 善用 Body Language 的方法

演讲的沟通,并非全靠“言语”在进行。能够以“非言语”即所谓的Body Language 和其他为手段来表达各种信息,这已是众人所熟知的事物。根据某项研究显示,70%的沟通可说是以“非言语”为媒介来传达。

因此,脸部表情(facial expressions)、手势(gesture)、姿态(posture)

等等,无不隐含着重要的意义。这些Body Language与言语、文化具有无法割舍的关系。或许是难得其间三味吧?很多英语学习者往往由于作法不当以致予人“东施效颦”的不良印象,所以不可不慎。

对于演说中Body Language的“东施效颦”究竟意指什么呢?心存疑惑的人想来也是不在少数吧。此处且举其一为例。在用英语说:“I don't know"的时候,有人便作出稍为摊开双手并且耸耸肩膀的Body Language。不过这项Body Language系属相当西洋式的姿势,如果由东方人来作的的话,经常带给对方颇不对劲的感觉。这就有如清末民初洋服刚刚传入中国不久时,当穿起洋服招摇过市的话总要惹人侧目的情形一般。

基本上,对于与自己不搭调的Body Language 还是少用为宜。如果刻意摆首弄姿,往往引起反效果。

重要的是,不要勉强。倘若扭捏地模仿”洋人的姿态“,不仅徒然予人卑屈的印象,而且容易招致所谓“中国人也和洋人作同样的Body Language吗?”的奇妙误解。从事演说之际最好根据自己本身的经验,采取自然形成的“Body Language”为宜。



Host: Last February, Chun Shu, a Chinese writer in her early twenties, appeared on the cover of Time magazine.She was referred to by the U.S.Editor as “...one of a group of post-eighties writers in China.” Which also includes Guo Jingming, Zhang Yueran and Han Ham All these writers recount their personal feelings and express their individuality in their works, and they have a large group of readers and supporters.However, there is some concern that the cynical attitude towards life that they express might have a negative effect on young readers.Do you also fear it will have such negative effects? Thanks.Thank you for your question.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.My topic of today's speech is “Make our Voice Heard.” Today I would like to argue in two park.First, I would like to argue why people are afraid that literatures will set a negative effect on our lives.And second part I will share some of my thoughts with you.开宗明义。演讲人首先明确的告知听众演讲的主题,使用brief introduction sentence to get attention。在临场的匆忙之中仍然想出来一个很好的题目Make Our Voice Heard,并且将自己的论述分为两部分,有条不紊,令人感叹。

Why those people are afraid of these kind of literature? I'm afraid that they are afraid of that teenagers are liked to imitate others.And teenager is just a crucial point for us to shape our personality, our view of life, and our value of the world.They're afraid of that we follow the bad example and lead a bad life in the future.And that's why my parents, my family, and even the government would like to propose where thought those kind of literature as cynical ones.本段讨论人们对此类文学作品表示忧虑的原因:担心青少年模仿。思路很清晰。也正是在正文中cover the main points。但大概由于临场的因素,出现了一些浯法方面的错误,如:I'm afraid of that…,they are afraid of that…,虽然不影响理解,仍然是个遗憾。


But I would like to share some of my thoughts with you.Before I read the book of Mr.Guo Jingming's novel, I read another fiction called the Catcher the Rye.In that book, I also read sex, violence, murder, and rebellion.But that book was regarded as one of the masterpiece in American history and awarded the Pulitzer Prize.I could not see any difference between Mr.Guo Jingming's novel and The Cateber in the Rye, because they expressed the attitude as our teenagers and adolescents we feel about the world.Now let me give you my three reasons, why we can read this kind of a book and f am not afraid of tile fears of the side effect.First, those literatures are not all bad.They have some positive points.They advocate friendship, love, loyalty, and so on.One of my roommates even cried after reading those books, He said that it is the first.., it was the first time in his life that he felt that a friendship was that precious, because the stories depicted in his novel, reflect him of the old times he spent in his high school.And he bought four books of Mr.Guo Jingming's Never Flowers in Never Dream(Meng Li Hua Luo Zhi Duo Shao)and sent them to his friends.And his friends wrote a long letter to him.I think this is what we lack today, the communication between friends.But the literature seems to bridge the gap.本段从三个方面指出此类作品不会产生负面影响的原因。首先指出第一个作品本身亦有其可取之处。并以其宦友的亲身经历为例作出了令人信服的论证。这样就使演讲personalized,so that audience can relate more easily to personal topics—they probably have similar experiences.

And the second reason is that we are not living in a world where everything is depicted as good.We are living in a world of good and evil, evil and holy.So, to that extent, if I am confined in a world where everything is depicted as good, I will feel quite perplexed when I am facing the real world.Does the real world really resemble what I read in the novel? We need something positive, also we need something cynical.And the third reason is that our generation, I believe, have the sense of self-discipline.We can make our own decision.For our parents, for our families and for the government, they should resume, assume the responsibility to remind us that what is good, what is bad, what is cynical Make our voice be heard.This is my answer and I am not afraid of tile side effects of those literature.Thank you very much.本段谈论演讲人的第二个观点:世界亦非完美无暇,文学就应该反应真实的世界。


Host: And, the topic for your speech will be...In spite of the fact that there is cutthroat competition within the film industry in China, there continues to be a steep increase in the number of applicants for places at Chinese art institutes.According to a Beiiing-based newspaper, more than ten thousand applicants waited in line on a single day to register to apply for the Beijing Film Academy.How do you perceive this struggle for stardom?

Thank you for the difficult question.Well, to be honest with you, I'm not really familiar with the struggle for stardom thing in China.But in the city where I come from, there is this also as cutthroat as the one in Beijing here competition going on, and perhaps I can share with you the experience we have there.Let me tell you something.In the city where I come from, there is this famous singing competition going on every week.And what they do is that pick the best one, and the best one goes to the next week and it goes on and on until one day that person is eliminated.开场白中difficult的使用充分显示了演讲人的机智。因为这与普通的接题方式Thank you for the question不同。演讲者是香港人,虽然她对主持人所问的内地的情况不甚了解,是一大劣势,但她却巧妙的地使用but转而谈到香港的情况;also的使用使演讲的主题不变。同时听众理解到演讲者要从另外一个角度解释同一个问题。这种角度的变换使演讲者的劣势变成了优势。听众既为其率真而打动,又为其智慧而折服。

And there's this little five year old boy, and he has won five consecutive championships, and then, of course, there were interviews and the news coverage, and everything.And when the general public read the newspaper.They frown at it.They said, “what a silly idea, to think about becoming a star.” And when Andy Lau--I'm sure all of you blow him, tile famous singer and actor--when he read the newspaper, he said, “Wow, that's great!But ask the boy to work hard.It's not easy.” 这里演讲人以演唱比赛为切人点,以小男孩的参舞,点出了香港人对当明星十分热衷。以此呼应主持人提问。并且演讲人Support points with specifics.以典型的例子支持论点。明星刘德华在内 地有很高的知名度,他的勤奋也是众所周知,以他的话为例,让人十分信服。本段对general public和Andy Lau不同态度的对 比,可以引起听众的思考。对比之中必有抑扬,也让听众对下段演讲人过渡到自己的观点有了思 想上的准备

Ladies and gentlemen, I think if we use the word “struggle”, isn't it a bit too negative? I think better word for it is “strive.” Being a star is also profession.It is also a job that you need to work hard at.Success does not come easy.Well, if we take a look at famous actors and actresses such as lackie Chart, Chow Yun Fat, Andy Lau, Tony Lun, they are all in their mid-forties, and even fifties.Yet, what do they have in common? When they first became..., when they first started their careers as a star, or as an actor, they were described as “Cinema Poison,” meaning nobody would see their films.But did they give up? No, they didn't, they didn't give up.They have been working hard all the way.And now they are famous.All over the world.All over Asia.And are they proud of themselves? Well, I suppose so.But still they work very hard.Look at Andy Lau.He's still striving for the best all the time.Every year are awards.本段中演讲人明确地提出了自己的观点。并且在临场仍然明确地区分struggle和strive,显示出演讲人深厚的语言功底。演讲人接着由例子过渡到谈话主题:当明星是一种职业,巧妙地把struggle的主题过渡到strive,进而谈到Being a star is also a profession.把不熟悉的主题struggle过渡到谈明星的成功这个比较熟悉的话题。这种演讲技巧十分重要,因为在短暂的几十秒钟内谈论一个十分陌生的话题,实在有难度,但是这位演讲者的巧妙过渡,既没有跑题,又谈了熟悉的话题,因此这种技巧值得学习。同时,本段列举众多内地观众十分熟悉地明星成名经历作为brief examples,做论据,支持自己的观点,使论据可靠而有力。这两句话Al lover the world.All over Asia.若能调换顺序,就更加顺畅。Ladies and gentlemen, I think there's nothing wrong if you want to be a star.It's a profession.It's a job that everybody can work for it if you really want it.But there are qualities that you need to possess if you want to be a star.Of Course you have to be hard-working, like Andy Lau, like Chow Yun Fat.They're all very hard-working.And there is also something very, important.It is you have to have a genuine interest in this film industry.This genuine interest is very important.Because a lot of people are interested in the money, instead of the job.They just look at the statistics, like just now I was waiting in my room and I was reading this news article, there's a chart telling the people how many...well, how much those stars in China are making, l/Veil, if you are only attracted by those statistics, by the figures, the money, well, then, I do not think you can be a star.There are people who have a genuine interest in becoming a singer, like there are people who have been taking acting classes, who have been acting in secondary schools, in college like that.They have a genuine interest.Yet, then go for it.本段讨论了成为明星的第三个素质:感兴趣[genuine Interest],并且列举了生活中的一些实例[people only interested in money rather than film industry)来论证自己的观点。这样在立论的同时也驳斥了为金钱而当明星的错误观点。有立有废,论证严谨

Ladies and gentlemen, well, I think the competition is also good.When there's a competition, we can ensure the quality.When there's no competition, well, we have to have whatever is given to us.When there's competition, we can pick what we want.Isn't that something good? Ladies and gentlemen, it is what I think for that struggle for stardom.Thank you very much.结论部分是one—sentence review of the points she presented in her talk.由“为当明星而打拼”引申到一般意义上的竞争,既紧扣主题,又加以升华。以一个反问句Isn't it something good?结尾,进一步强化了演讲人的观点。这样的结尾达到了short and to the point的效果。通过Ladies and gentlemen提示听众演讲接近尾声,重提主持人的问题,以告知听众她一直围绕这个主题展开演讲,给听众一个完整的结尾。

本篇是获得第10届“21世纪·外教社杯”全国英语演讲比赛季军的香港选手张阿旭的即兴演讲。演讲充分显示了演讲人的机敏、临场应变能力和扎实的语言功底。通篇逻辑十分的清晰,而且演讲人娓娓道来,丝毫没有演讲的做作,却又极富感染力。在即兴演讲这一部分,本篇演讲人明显高人一筹。据演讲者本人介绍,这与她所在的学校要求学生做很多即兴的presentationn 即兴演讲(impromptu speech),顾名思义,就是指临场的、毫无准备的演讲。在前面所提到的两大比赛中,即兴演讲所占时间为1~3分钟,分值所占比重为30%~40%,在比赛中的地位十分重要。如果参赛选手想要取得优秀的成绩,那么就一定要在该部分取得高分。

即兴演讲对于使用母语演讲的人来说都非常困难,更何况是使用非母语演讲的选手?这部分非常具有挑战性,主要考察选手多方面能力:思维能力、逻辑能力和语言能力。思维能力是指选手在毫无准备的情况下对某一问题的分析能力,对问题理解的深度和宽度等;逻辑能力主要指选手是否有全局观,是否能合理搭筑整个演讲的框架,所阐述观点的层次性是否清晰;而语言能力则是指选手即席用英语进行交流沟通的能力,可检验选手的英语语言熟练度和准确度如何。那么如何应对即兴演讲呢? 在定题演讲部分,我们讨论了衡量一篇演讲好坏的普遍原则。这些原则对所有类型的演讲都适用,即兴演讲也不例外。在做即兴演讲时,也要从以下四个方面着手:内容、结构、语言以及台上演讲风格等。

内容 在讨论即兴演讲的内容之前,先了解几个在近几年大赛即兴演讲中出现的题目。

Is marking western holidays a sign of a modern China or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests Do you think university education should be more open-minded?

Are we becoming too susceptible to advertising?

Which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend?

If you were one representative of Peoples Congress, what advice would you give the government?





正如前面讨论过的那样,论据的类型最基本可分为三种:实例、统计数字以及引用别人的言语。对于即兴演讲来说,现场能够找到恰当的统计数字是非常困难的。因此在即兴演讲时,引用别人的言语和用实例来证明是最常见的两种方式。那么应该选择哪种类型的例子来做论据呢?在比赛现场上进行即兴演讲时,最切实可行的、最容易做到的就是用自己或自己周围发生的例子来说明你的观点,信手拈来,不用绞尽脑汁,演讲起来最自如,最自信;这样做无形之中也强化了自己的可信度,比较容易打动听众。如在“21世纪(爱立信杯”2003年第8届全国英语演讲比赛中获得第二名的南京大学学生王媛在即兴演讲中是这样说的,“If indeed I had a chance to choose for my life again, I think the time setting I would choose is in the late 1970s and the early 1980s.That was when the Chinese government began to adopt the policy of reform and openness.And the place setting I would choose is in some places in the western part of China.Why? Let me share with you my reasons.Well, when I firstly saw this, errr, heard this topic, I think it reminded me of an experience a few years ago.I still clearly remember that, uhh, at that time, some fellow students and I went to visit a primary school in a very poor village and we were working as tutors there.There, all the classrooms were in a very old building and many windows and doors were broken, so, when it was raining, all the children had to move to a corner in order not to get wet.Inside the classroom, five to six children were sharing one desk normally shared by two and many of the desks and chairs were broken, too.And immediately after we began to teach them English, it became very clear to us that many of these students were very diligent and were very willing to work hard.But later on, as we talked among ourselves, we got to know that they, many of them, could not finish their schooling just because of poverty.I think that this experience enabled us to see that we belong to a few group of, a group of few people that are fortunately enough to receive a college education.”







在“21世纪(澳门之星杯”2006年第11届全国英语演讲比赛中复旦大学的胡懿在即兴演讲(Should laws be fixed or flexible?)中是这样说的,“Well, actually, very accidentally this morning, when we were sort of ”imprisoned“ in that preparing room, actually we had a fierce debate over law.And now I would like to share some of my thoughts with you on whether we should adopt flexible laws or fixed laws.Well, first of all, I admit that there are some cases of injustice in our society.For example, last year there was a famous case of Wang Bingyu, which aroused a great controversy in society.Actually Wang Bingyu was a migrant worker, who failed for several times to get his payment from his boss.And obviously that boss treated him very badly.He didnt send him to hospital when he was ill, and he didnt treat him with very good food and also made him make, do extra work without any extra money.And out of a rage, Wang killed several of the, several people in charge, out of a great rage.And that case aroused a great controversy in society.Actually when I read the story, I did show some sympathy for that guy, because I think it was the fault of the boss in the first place.It was him that didnt pay him the payment that he deserved.So I feel sympathetic for him.”






切题最重要。一般而言,选手拿到的题目都是以问题的形式出现的。你需要表明在这个问题上的立场和观点,决不可以含糊其词,态度闪烁不定,站在中间,既谈好处又谈弊端。如果坚持这样,那么评委和听众就会认为你是在逃避,你的观点不明确,态度不明朗,那也就很难胜出。这点在CCTV杯演讲比赛中尤其重要,因为即兴演讲是为以后的辩论做准备。例如在2005年CCTV杯演讲比赛中,一位学生抽到的题目是, “Who should be the focus of investment in sports, the general population or potential Olympic champions?”当时他的回答是不偏不倚的,很显然二者都应该被照顾到,给予资金的扶持。但问题是,在这种情况下,他必须要做出选择,而不能徘徊于两者之间。否则,评委和听众就会怀疑你的态度和出发点,演讲效果自然也就大打折扣。



* 观点本身能够站得住脚,有充足的材料可以说明论证。

* 表达观点的语言本身要严谨,准确,尽量避免绝对化的字眼,如 “never, every, all, nothing, nobody“等,这些绝对化判断太容易遭到攻击。

* 观点需要限制和修饰。要用发展性的眼光来处理你的观点。以上面那个题目来为例,如果既有大量资金扶持运动员又能让普通群众受益,那是最好的,但这是一种理想的画面。现实往往和理想有一段距离,现阶段没有足够的资金平衡二者的利益,答案又是什么呢?你可以有自己的看法和答案,但一定要有充足的论据支持。请注意:刚才我使用了现阶段三个字。这就意味着是用发展的眼光来看到问题,不仅要看到事物的现阶段,也要看到将来发展的方向——也就是期望得到的理想状态,即两类人群都会受益。

* 承认你的观点有修正和完善的余地。你的观点可能只是你目前认识的一个方面,或者是现阶段你的一种想法,它仍然有完善的余地

第三篇:英语技巧: 进行演讲

英语技巧: 进行演讲


“早上好,欢迎参加此次关于...的演讲(Good morning, and welcome to this presentation on …)”

“我叫(姓名),我是(公司名)的(销售经理)。(My name is(first name, surname), and I’m the(sales manager)at(company name).)”

“首先,欢迎大家参加此次演讲。(First of all, I’d like to welcome you to our presentation.)”


“如果在我演讲的过程中有任何问题,请随时提问。(If anyone has any questions while I’m giving the presentation, please feel free to ask.)”

或者: “如果有问题,我将在演讲结束时进行回答。(If you have questions, I’d be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.)”


“我将从了解(当前形势以及自去年以来的改进)开始。(I’d like to start by looking at(the current situation and how it has improved from last year).)”

“让我们从了解(销售数据)开始。(Let’s begin by having a look at(the sales figures).)” “我将从(展示我们今年的成绩)开始。(I’m going to begin by(showing you what we achieved this year).)”

“然后,我将简要地谈一下(我们仍面临的挑战)。(“Then I’ll briefly talk about(the challenges which still face us).)”

“然后,我会讲一下(如何应对这些挑战)。(After that, I’m going to consider(how we might tackle those challenges).)”

“接下来,...(Next, …)”

“最后,...(And finally, …)”


“好的,我们已了解了(当前形势)。(OK, so we’ve had a look at(the current situation).)现在转到下一要点。(Now let’s turn to the next point.)”

“是的,我们已讲过了(我们仍面临的问题)。(Right, we’ve covered(the problems which still face us).)下面,我们来了解一下...(Next, I’d like to look at …)”

“我已讲了有关(去年发生的事)。(Well, I’ve told you about(what happened last year).)现在,我们来看一下...(Now let’s look at …)”


“首先,...(Firstly, …)”

“第二,...(Secondly, …)”

“接下来,...(Next, …)”

“一方面,...另一方面,...(On the one hand, … On the other hand, …)”


“有什么问题吗?(Does anyone have any questions?)”

或者仅说: “有问题吗?(Any questions?)”

“有人对此有评论吗?(Would anyone like to comment on that?)”

“有人对最后的评论有不同观点吗?(Does anyone disagree with that last comment?)”


“谢谢您问这个问题!(Thank you for asking that!)”

“很高兴您提到这个问题!(I’m glad you raised that!)”


“如果您不介意的话,我想在稍后回答该问题。(“I’d like to come to that point a bit later on, if you don’t mind.)”

“这是个很有趣的问题,我们在接下来的演讲中会谈到它。(That’s an interesting point, and we’ll come to it a bit later in the presentation.)”

“实际上我现在不想回答它。(I’d actually rather not answer that now.)我可以稍后回答吗?(Could I deal with it a bit later?)”


“好的,现在让我们休息(十分钟/十五分钟)。(OK, let’s have a(ten-minute/fifteen-minute)break now.)”

“现在让我们休息一下,十五分钟之后再重新开始。(Let’s break for coffee now and meet again in a quarter of an hour.)”


“现在我开始讲(欧洲的当前形势)。(Now I’d like to move on to(what’s been happening in Europe).)”

“现在让我们转到(美国的形势)。(Let me now turn to(the situation in the United States).)” “现在我们来讨论一下(今年将发布的产品)。(I’d like now to discuss(the products we’ll be launching this year).)”


“那么让我们来更详细地考虑一下该问题。(So let’s think about that in more detail.)” “让我们审视一下最后一点。(Let’s examine that last point.)”

“那么这真正意味着什么?(So what does that really mean?)”

“现在,这对我们意味着什么呢?(Now, what does that mean for us?)”

“那么,这将如何影响(我们本季度的成绩)?(So how will that affect(our output this quarter)?)”


“例如,...(For example, …)”

“比如,...(For instance, …)”

“给大家举个例子,...(To give you an example of this, …)”

“一个恰当的例子是...(A good example of this is …)”

“为了解释最后一点,我给大家看一下...(To illustrate that last point, I’d like to show you …)”


“让我们总结一下好吗?(So let’s sum up, shall we?)”

“那么,我们可以从该问题总结出什么呢?(So, what conclusions can we draw from all this?)” “我来概括地总结一下。(I’d like to briefly recap.)我今天已讲述的是...(What I hope I’ve shown you today is …)”

“让我简要总结一下今天讲述的内容。(Let me summarise briefly the points we’ve covered today.)”

“我来总结一下要点,...(To sum up the main points, …)”

“那么,我再重复一遍今天下午讨论的内容。(So, let me just remind you once again what we’ve discussed this afternoon.)”


“非常感谢大家参加今天的演讲!(Right, well thank you all very much for coming!)”

“今天的演讲到此结束了,非常感谢您的参加!(We’ve come to the end of the presentation, so thanks very much for being here today!)”

“如果没有其他问题,我们今天的演讲就到此结束。(Well, if there are no more questions, we’ll finish for today.)谢谢您!(Thank you!)”








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找讲师、公开课,上诺达名师网,中国最大的培训平台 http://qy.thea.cn/









在大众面前说话必须忍受众目睽睽的注视。当然,并非每位听众都会对你报找讲师、公开课,上诺达名师网,中国最大的培训平台 http://qy.thea.cn/











找讲师、公开课,上诺达名师网,中国最大的培训平台 http://qy.thea.cn/








为了营造沉着的气氛,讲话稍微慢点是很重要。科学的发音取决于科学的运气,有些演讲者时间稍长就出现底气不足,感觉口干舌燥、声音走调。这些都影响演讲效果的发挥。气息是声音的原动力,科学地运用运气发音方法可以使声音更加甜美、清亮、持久、有力。要达到这个目的,平时要加强训练,掌握胸腹联合呼吸法。其要领是:双目平视、全身放松,无论是站立还是坐姿,胸部稍向前倾,腹部自然内收。吸气方法是:扩展两肋,向上向外提起,感到感到腰带渐紧,找讲师、公开课,上诺达名师网,中国最大的培训平台 http://qy.thea.cn/




找讲师、公开课,上诺达名师网,中国最大的培训平台 http://qy.thea.cn/



























































the first time i saw bao was in XX, the year when thomas and uber cup was held.at that time he was playing against li zongwei, who is also a good player from malaysia.bao beat him.to tell the truth, at first the reason why i liked him was just because i thought he was pretty.*(maybe it is not a suitable word, but i think no better word can describe him, he is really pretty!)from that time, i have focused on him.then gradually, i found that he not only has good appearance, but also has a talent for badminton.he is very tall, about 1.90 meters.he is the tallest one among all the players in the chinese badminton team.in XX, he is chosen as the flag holder stands for china in the opening ceremony in the 15th asian games held in doha.it was the first time that the badminton players were chosen to take over the special task, before which time, it belonged to the basketball players.it was a great honor.and it also proved that bao was an excellent athlete.we are all proud of him.he began to play badminton when he was at primary school.in XX, he won his first good medal, which was significant to him, in guangzhou.because of that, he entered the chinese badminton team.as he is as old as lin dan, who is the top one in the world, he is always put into a situation which(转载自本网http://,请保留

此标记。)is not good to him.he seldom beats lin dan, so he gained a name which is called’千年老二’.in fact, his techniques are comprehensive, but he is lack of passion, the desire to win is not so strong.so he always has misplays.due to this, he seldom wins the gold medal.i think this is related to his character.he is easygoing and couth;he looks as if he will never get angry with anybody.so this affects him while he is playing badminton.in a period of time, critical voice has come towards him.he is under great pressure.he was not in the best state.but recently he cheers up again.several days ago, the chinese badminton championship XX was held in guangzhou.i went to see him on saturday.i was very excited, and i shouted loudly, hoping he could hear me.there is no doubt that he won the game.before he went away, he waved hand to us, how excited i was at that time!the next day, he beat li zongwei again and he won the man’s single gold medal.all of us are very happy.after 7 years, which could be a long time for an athlete, he proved himself again in guangzhou, which is considered as his lucky place.i think this will be the energy of his advancing.and i hope he can keep this fighting will and win the gold medal in the 29th olympic games held in beijing!

best wishes!



in the matter of courage we all have our limits.there never was a hero who did not have his bounds.i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit.i have found mine a good many times.sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected.i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.http://

i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room.i should be at the e(转载自本网http://,请保留此标记。)nd of the room facing all the audience.if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me.you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you;you never can tell what they are going to do.i'll sit down.中文:







my dear teachers,fellow students and friends: good afternoon.as we all know, the earth is a planet almost covered by water,and it is water made every thing on the earth lively.water is also one of the important part of our environment.though,is there really so much water for us to clean,to produce many things,to play with? how much water are there on the earth then?

most of the water is in the oceans or locked away as ice.the largest volumes of fresh water are stored underground as groundwater,imagine there is only one barrel of water in the world,then there is only a spoon of it on the land,and the water we can use is only a drop of it.now i have to remind all of you here that the single drop of water is never as clean as before,it has been polluted severely by our human beings.there is a very beautiful river in paris.it is the seine,it runs across the city,people drink coffee, chat on the bank in the day,at night,they enjoy the beautiful scenery in the boat,songs from the river fly into the sky made the river more attractive, the seine is a famous symbol of france;on the west coast of pacific ocean there lies the modern city shanghai,another river which used to be a very important transportation route runs through the center of the city,people respected and regard it as“mother”.it is the"suzhou river,but l believe that few of you would sit beside it,people will be scattered by the terrible smell of(转载自本网http://,请保留此标记。)water when walk by.i have to say it is extremely dirty!and we all know that a lot of beautiful rivers in the world also are sharing the same fate with suzhou river.who is the devil? i can't help asking.many human activities and their by-products have the potential to pollute water.please have a look along the banks of the river, large and small industrial enterprises discharge dirty

water, tons of garbage were thrown into the river, the water contained so much that it can't clean itself.compared with the dramatic development in many sides of shanghai,the suzhou river has become a black point of the appearance of city.fortunately, the government has control the situation now, we are happy to see some parts of the river has become clean again, and we even can find fish sometime.the unique earth is the only planet full of lives, the water is just like the blood in the active body, protecting water is saving ourselves.not to waste a single drop of water, otherwise, the only drop of water we could keep in the future would be our tear!

my dear friends, mankind still faces a great difficulty in solving the problems of the environment and development, and there is a grand task to perform and along way to go.the middle school students in china will always cooperate with the young people of the world to protect the environment.the future is ours to build!

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