
时间:2019-05-15 09:18:15下载本文作者:会员上传


Many people have offered me valuable help in my thesis writing, including my tutor, my classmates and my parents.Firstly, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to Prof.Mu Jinjiang, my tutor who, with extraordinary patience and consistent encouragement, gave me great help by providing me with necessary materials, advice of great value and inspiration of new ideas.It is his suggestions that draw my attention to a number of deficiencies and make many things clearer.Without his strong support, this thesis could not been the present form.My heartfelt thanks also go to Prof.Xia hou, my teacher of thesis writing course , for his help in the making of this thesis as well as his enlightening lectures from which I have benefited a great deal.Then, I pleased to acknowledge my classmates for their invaluable assistance throughout the preparation of the original manuscript.They graciously make considerable comments and sound suggestions to the outline of this paper.Besides, I am extremely grateful for my roommates for their cooperation, comments, and wise advice, although their advice is not always taken, where faults and infelicities remain.Finally, in particular, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents for their support;they provided the computers for me to search for information.It is of great help for me to finish this thesis successfully.I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my tutor, for his constant encouragement and guidance.He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis.Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wang Jinsheng, who led me into the world of translation.I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Ms.Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and Han Xiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years.I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.例子3

Acknowledgments I would like to express my gratitude to all those------helped me during the writing of this thesis.I------acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms.Sun Yanlan, who has offered me--------suggestions in academic studies.In the preparation of the thesis,she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with--------advice.Without her patient-------, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not------possible.I also-----a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from-------devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and have--------prepared for the thesis.I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting me without a word of complaint.例子4


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me during the writing of this thesis.I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor Professor Zhu Jimei.I do appreciate her patience, encouragement, and professional instructions during my thesis writing.Also, I would like to thank Miss Wen Pingzhen and Miss Li Wenying, who kindly gave me a hand when I was making the questionnaire among the college English learners.Last but not the least, my gratitude also extends to my family who have been assisting, supporting and caring for me all of my life.例子5


I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Wang Shuting, for his valuable instructions and suggestions on my thesis as well as his careful reading of the manuscript.I feel grateful to all the teachers in the College of Foreign Languages of China University of Petroleum who once offered me valuable courses and advice during my study.My sincere thanks are also given to Pro.Dai Ruiliang and Pro.Sun Chengrong.from whose lectures I benefited greatly.Last but not least, I owe much to my friends and classmates for their valuable suggestions and critiques which are of help and importance in making the thesis a reality.例子6


Grateful acknowledgment is made to my supervisor Mr.Chen Fang who gave me considerable help by means of suggestion, comments and criticism.His encouragement and unwavering support has sustained me through frustration and depression.Without his pushing me ahead, the completion of this thesis would be impossible.In addition, I deeply appreciate the contribution to this thesis made in various ways by my friends and


When this thesis is completed, i would like to give my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and students who give me a lot of great help.Firstly, I am sincerely appreciate my supervisor Prof.Shi Falin.Thanks for his warm care and careful guidance.During the writing process,he helps me a lot.From the thesis proposal,architecture of the paper to the finally paper,he give me a ardent guidance.And he puts forward many valuable advices no matter the topic selection and conception of thesis,or the research methods.He gives me a lot of careful and meticulous edification and generous help.Especially his wide range of knowledge,rigorous attitude toward research and strict working style make me learn a lot.Without his help,there would not have been this thesis presented.Secondly, i would give my sincere gratitude to all my good friends for they offer me a large number of materials and suggestions.They also.supervise me and spend their free time to help me revise my paper and point out my inadequacies and they also offer me their suggestions and amendments.Without their positive and unselfish help,i can not finish my paper in time.Finally, i would like to thanks my teachers and students again for their great help.


毕业论文致谢1 First of all, I would like to thank my mentor professor Xiang Ji During my pH.d., teacher Ji teach by precept and example,and let me learn a lot such as how to be a good man and learn the truth.In my doctoral thesis research in the face of a huge field, teacher Ji in the topic direction, the paper structure, thesis methods and other aspects are tirelessly inspired and guided by me, step by step in order to guide my progress.The years of my the most memorable time in my life。Teacher Ji rigorous academic attitude and a strong spirit of innovation always infected me, urging me, encourage me, and it will benefit me all my life, along with me on the academic road of the future.Secondly,thank to Professor Jian Xia,School of architecture and urban planning of Suzhou University of science and technology, Xia teacher from the research materials and research methods, and many other aspects of my paper to provide a great help, So that my paper is possible to complete.I would like to thank Prof.Liu Zuyi of Suzhou University of Science and Technology for their excellent guidance and review of my paper.I benefited a lot.I would like to thank Professor Jiang Chang of the School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, for giving me a great idea of my thesis.Their suggestions in the field of underground space are very enlightening for the paper.Their help made the paper go smoothly.Thanks to the Tsinghua University School of architecture professor Weimin Zhuang and Beijing University of Technology School of architecture and urban planning of professor Jian Dai on my thesis detailed review.Thanks to the China University of Mining and Technology School of mechanics and civil engineering professor Junwu Xia on my thesis guidance and comments.I would like to thank the senior engineer of Chen Jun, Jiangsu Provincial Planning and Design Institute, for his important help during my research.I would like to thank Professor Lian Si of Suzhou University of Science and Technology for their valuable suggestions.Thanks to Professor Yingxin Zhu of the School of Architecture for my patience.I would like to thank the chief architect of Rongguo Hu of China Academy of Building Research for my important suggestion.Thanks Hui Wang Associate Professor, Jie Hong associate professor, teacher Chao Luo, teacher Chaochao Chu and Rui Ma, Jun Lan, Hao Wang, Jian Tong Zhao, Da Zhang, Dong Wang, Xinbin Liang, Jiaqi Zhu and other teachers, The discussion of the paper and the warm help.Thanks Huiyu Sun for helping me.Thanks Yang Yang for helping me.Thanks Yunmin Jiang for helping me.Finally I would like to thank my parents for many years of my training, and in my study and research with great encouragement and life of my spirit on the full support.致谢2

Thanks to my tutor Professor ChenFei , this paper was completed under the guidance of the tutor.Without the guidance, encouragement and financial support , the paper can not be successfully completed.I have fruitful results and deep feelings in the five years of successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study.Tutor's excellent quality of behavior, rigorous attitude, the spirit of innovation, ability to grasp the overall situation and sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height, selfless work spirit for students to establish a model of a subtle role, this is also the most valuable wealth that tutors impart to students.In this regard, I would like to pay deep tribute to my tutor.Thanks to Professor Tian Zuzhi, he has been taking the utmost care it from selection of subject to completion of this thesis.Even in his busy schedule, Professor Tian also took time to read the article, and put forward many valuable comments and suggestions, so that the author benefited greatly.I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and respect to Professor Tian Zuzhi.Grateful to professor Li Aimin, associate professor Meng Deyuan, associate professor Liu Shanzeng, postdoctoral Qiu Bingjing for the guidance and help in the theoretical analysis and experimental research of the paper.Express heartfelt gratitude to the leadership and staff of Xuzhou five Ocean Science and Technology Ltd, which received great support in the design, manufacture and assembly process of the experimental platform , especially the Mr Deng Zhipeng, Mr Meng Zhigang , Mr Wu Hongzhi, Engineer Yue Fuliang and other workshop Masters.Thank you for the help and care given by the teachers, brothers and sisters in the laboratory and life.Thank you for the happy time they spent with me for five years.Thanks to my family for their care, understanding and support,their selfless dedication and silent hard work is the driving force and courage for me to move forward.In the coming days, I will repay them with all my heart with gratitude.I would like to offer my highest respect and sincere thanks to my family.Thank you for the relevant expert and scholar to review my thesis in their busy schedule, and put forward valuable guidance and suggestions.In this regard, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the experts and scholars.致谢3 I would never have been able to successfully finish this Ph.D thesis without the guidance of my supervisor, and help from my friends as well as support from my family.First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Prof.Cao Yijun for his extensive guidance on my research work: from the topic of the thesis, experiments, to the writing of this thesis.His immense knowledge, rigorous attitude and tireless teaching greatly benefited me.I would like to thank him for the advice he provided on both research as well as life in general.Besides my supervisor, I would like to thank Liu Shaofang, professor of Public Foreign Languages at CMUT, who taught me how to write professional thesis in English and laid a good foundation for my doctoral degree.In addition, I am grateful to all teachers from School of Chemistry and Engineering at CUMT, for their help on scientific research methods.Last but not least, a special thanks to my family for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and my life.I would not be in the position where I am now without their love, encouragement and understanding.















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