
时间:2019-05-15 09:58:44下载本文作者:会员上传


My English Autonomous Learning Report As time goes by, a busy semester has come to an end.Looking back on this semester's College English learning life, I think there is still something to be summed up.As a college student in the new era, learning English is inevitable.Although my English achievement is not very ideal, but I learned some ways to learn English well from this semester's learning process.To learn English well, we must adhere to the following points.First, recite more.In order to prevent words from being forgotten, I spend time every day remembering the words I have learned before.In the ordinary study, I will actively remember the new words and phrases in the textbook, try to understand its usage, and try to use some just words, antonyms contrast, similar words contrast and other methods to strengthen memory.Second, read more.The content of reading aloud is only limited to the contents in textbooks.Reading aloud is not for recitation purposes, but focuses on focusing on its correct pronunciation, continuous tone and so on.So I take time every morning to read the words, phrases and articles in the English textbook.Through reading aloud, I can be familiar with the use of words and words, understand the mood of English, context, and enhance my sense of language.Third, more sum up.Compared with other disciplines, the knowledge points in English are rather fragmented, so we must do a good job of collecting, collating and summarizing the knowledge points.So I usually record some bits and pieces of knowledge that I have heard from my teacher or reference books, so that I can use them later.Fourth, listen more.Listening is not just for listening tests, but also for listening comprehension.Developing a keen sense of language will help enhance discrimination and judgement, which is a very important part of English learning.So I usually listen to English songs and listen to the recording of English listening exercises copied by my teacher.Through this way, my English listening achievement has been greatly improved.Fifth, more practice.By doing a lot of exercises, we can enhance our practical experience.If I have time, I will spare some time to write some exercises, which will help me not to feel nervous during the examination.Moreover, practice makes perfect, and doing more exercises can enable me to find out the rules and cultivate my sense of language better.Learning a language itself has its own rules.These are just a means of strengthening.I think my current English level has not reached my ideal state.To really learn English well, I must start from the language itself, dig deeper into the mysteries, and strengthen the exercises one by one from words, words, sentences and chapters.I insist on doing these points every day, hoping that one day my English can reach a very high level.Finally, I would like to thank my English teacher for teaching and helping me.No matter how difficult or boring English is, I will continue to study English as hard as I can.


The report of English self-study Maly 1211021126 Because of this semester I attended Lighten-English training class and our teacher recommended the big ears English website to us, so I did not hesitate to choose it first began my independent study course in English.The station provide us massive information in English, English information-rich, informative, comprehensive coverage of English learning: including English exam;English News;English skills to improve training;Easy English resources;life English information;professional English information and so on.The site also aimed at different problem, social hot topic and phenomenon, established four thematic categories: Advanced class learning topics;exam review class topics;popular current affairs topics;holiday greetings class topics.Speaking for participating in the training, so my main concern is the large ears of spoken English training modules.Here are some of my learning experiences.The Oral Training Category included “Tribute to Mother” Speaking competitions original zone, Oral exam in the first five questions frequently asked oral exam examiner, Beautiful sound practice speaking training, VOA | BBC | CNN Radio spoken, English pronunciation, Children’s Songs | Speaking Children Story, Male singer | singer | Television film remake, Four six | IELTS | TOEFL Speaking test.These listening training articles mostly diction and beautiful, full of philosophical and there are many authentic expression of our writing helps a lot.Here's an article in which “We need friends” is explained as an example, One of the paragraphs is this“everyone needs friendship.No one can sail the ocean of life single-handed.We need help from, and also give help to, others.In modern society, people attach more importance to relations and connections.A man of charisma has many friends.His power lies in his ability to give.” we can learn some new infinite meaning and how to use a limited vocabulary to express meaning unlimited from there such “single-handed(lone), a man of charisma(someone be popular with in public), his power lies in his ability to give(his great strength resided his capability to give).In this article we can also find some other particularly useful words and phrases, like: a nodding acquaintance(点头之交),intimate(close),True friends share not only our joys but also our sorrows(True friends with us through thick and thin),in high positions

(High status),in the rank and file(Low status),a comforting word.Next, I entered the Excellent English Website, the website providing a variety of free English learning tutorial download, all have the MP3 format, with PDF, LRC format text.Including: basic, practical, recreation, schools, examinations, professional, radio and other English learning content.Learn about the advantages of a large network of English learning resources, my favorite part is the English speech.And in this section, the speech related to a large number of economic, political and cultural, and each length is not very long, so anytime we can listen to English, for me that patience is not a good man is a good choice, so I downloaded a lot of audio.And there is also a lot of inspirational speeches, listen also very well.They can not only learn English speaking skills and also often give their own cheer, why not? It is one thing unlike the big ear English that it is not synchronized online audition hearing the text, so you have to concentrate to hear.CNN is the world order dominated television news broadcast.CNN International is the world's most advanced news organizations, bringing seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day of live news coverage worldwide.It comprehensive and extensive information covering all over the world such as TV and Video news, US news, Election and political news,Justice,Entertainment,Tech,Health,Living ,Travel,Opinion,Money,Sport-sand so on.My main concern of CNN is the economic part.Business information is an indispensable part of the global news, CNN international news network to “Asia Business News”(Business Asia), “Global Business Today”(World Business Today)and “Money Line”(Money line)and other programs continued to reports, he special programs for your life with things and fashion news “popular landing”(Style with Elsa Clench)Disclosure of fashion design industry professional advice.“Riley King Live”(Larry King Live)gathered world leaders, newsmakers and celebrities around in your home, chatting with you.“World of Sports”(World Sports)Sports News reported, tight towels every day to make your dynamic and international sports events.“Hollywood Kaleidoscope”(Showbiz Today), “Computer World”(Travel Guide)and other programs are dedicated to provide you with the latest trends in these areas and messages.Here, we are concerned about the current affairs side edges can learn the language, you can also learn the latest information on the world, learn from experts and entertainment combine and you can also appreciate works to improve English writing skills and enhance their perception of life, why not do it?

Encydopedia Britannica encompasses all major disciplines of human knowledge, detailed descriptions, and important historical and contemporary figures, the detailed description of the event, its academic and authority as recognized by the world.The explain the concept was comprehensive , thoughtful and science, for example, some plants will explain from its morphological characteristics, habitat, distribution, species classification, taxonomy, and the medicinal value of plants and cultural aspects of a comprehensive introduction.Because people cultural backgrounds, ways of thinking, customs, history, tradition, and so different, is bound to cause a different understanding of the concept, and even the formation of mutually exclusive arguments, this time, it became one of the most encyclopedic knowledge of the world good wizard.Visit Australia.com is Australia’s best hotel and travel resource.It also a tour of Australia's best travel Raiders.Each study site has their own unique advantages and strengths;different sites different forums have different corresponding accommodate the crowd.As learners, we should choose their own websites or content to learn, so that we will persevere, will be interested to learn.In short, the online world is colorful scene and mix, and I believe there is always a right for you.Lastly, I must thank the teacher gave us valuable advice and learning resources to learn, I will take full advantage of these sites to improve my English proficiency.


1.[A] 12:05 [B] 11:50 [C] 11:35 [D] 10:25



题 2

2.[A] Take four pills.[B] Hesitate to take any pills.[C] Take the doctor's advice.[D] Take eight pills.2、[参考答案]C


题 3

3.[A] 7 years old.[B] 8 years old.[C] 15 years old.[D] 18 years old.3、[参考答案]C


题 4

4.[A] 1.[B] 2.[C] 5.[D] 7.4、[参考答案]D


题 5

5.[A] The woman was late for coming.[B] The woman asked the man to wait for her half an hour ago.[C] The man was annoyed by her late coming.[D] The man was quite all right.5、[参考答案]A5、[题目解释]无


Directions:In this section, you will hear several short passages or monologues.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only ONCE.After you hear a question you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then select the corresponding letter on the web page.[题数:17;分数:17分;参考时间:11分18秒]

题 612


10.[A] About a year and two months.[B] Three to five months.[C] About four weeks.[D] As a baby.10、[参考答案]A10、[题目解释]无

11.[A] Intelligence.[B] Responsibility.[C] Physical fitness.[D] Speed.11、[参考答案]D


12.[A] How to choose a guide dog.[B] The qualities of a guide dog.[C] The training of a guide dog.[D] How a guide dog helps its blind owner.12、[参考答案]C


题 1319


16.[A] Because history professors are poorly prepared.[B] Because most students are lazy.[C] Because history lectures are not delivered in an interesting way.[D] Because most students feel studying history is a waste of time.16、[参考答案]C


17.[A] In Britain.[B] In Concord.[C] In Lexington.[D] In Boston.17、[参考答案]D


18.[A] That the British would attack by sea.[B] That the British were retreating.[C] That the British were willing to sign a treaty.[D] That the British had won the first battle.18、[参考答案]A


19.[A] In 1774.[B] In 1776.[C] In 1775.[D] In 1777.19、[参考答案]C


题 2026 Section1

23.[A] More work as an instructor.[B] A higher salary.[C] A longer vacation period.[D] A research assignment.23、[参考答案]A

23、[题目解释]观察本题的四个选项,work、salary、vacation和assignment暗示对话很可能与工作相关。而这题选项中出现finish his degree好像又与学习有关,有些矛盾。而当听音时,就会发现原来是学生做兼职工作。对话中女士开门见山地提到Frank的助教工作,接下来对他的工作给与了肯定,提到keep the Teaching Assistant on a little longer,也就是希望Frank继续工作一段时间,后面的对话都是围绕此话题展开。至于salary和vacation对话中没有涉及。

24.[A] He'll start next week.[B] He wouldn't enjoy it.[C] He would like time to decide.[D] He wants his adviser's opinion.24、[参考答案]C

24、[题目解释]顺着第一题的思路,本题考查男士对工作有什么想法。女士征求意见时,男士表示I sure would,接着用but进行转折,表示不确定,又列举了自己的情况,最后要求have a few days to think about it,确定答案为(C)。长对话与短对话的区别之一就是长对话的答案有时可以从多个方面推导,因为长对话更能体现连贯性和一致性。

25.[A] Finish his degree in the fall.[B] Let someone else read his evaluation.[C] Consider taking fewer courses.[D] Get more teaching experience.25、[参考答案]D

25、[题目解释]but后的内容往往很重要,本题考查的重点正在此处。女士说不希望男士耽误学业,但用but进行转折,认为男士应该consider getting more experience in the classroom,这与前面希望他继续当助教的意思是一致的。

26.[A] Frank's talent for teaching.[B] Frank's interesting approach to research.[C] A present he received for graduation.[D] A congratulatory letter from the department.26、[参考答案]A

26、[题目解释]女士赞扬男士You seem to have a real gift,gift一般有两个意思,即礼物(present)和天赋(talent)。整个对话中,女士对男士的能力赞赏有加,不难看出gift表示talent的意思。

题 2733


30.[A] Two hundred dollars.[B] Three hundred dollars.[C] Two thousand dollars.[D] Three thousand dollars.30、[参考答案]C

30、[题目解释]在听录音之前预览所有选项,可以猜测本篇对话涉及的内容很可能与银行有关。本题的问题正是女士问男士的话“how much money do you want to deposit to start with”,只要留意到男士的回答“Two thousand dollars”,就能马上得出答案(C)。

31.[A] To buy some national debt.[B] To open a savings account.[C] To ask the interest rate.[D] To withdraw some money.31、[参考答案]B

31、[题目解释]男士说“I'm on my way to the bank"是为了open a savings account,即选项(B);接下来,女士再次提到open a savings account,这其实是降低了此题的难度。

32.[A] He has to use a password.[B] He has to show his ID card.[C] He on13/ needs to fill out a withdrawal form.[D] He needs to fill out a withdrawal form and hand in the check book.32、[参考答案]D

32、[题目解释]男士问withdraw money是否方便,女士很热心,不但回答他取钱非常easy,而且告诉他如何取钱——need to fill out a withdrawal form and hand in your check book together with it,即选项(D)。

33.[A] Both time deposit and current deposit have the same interest rate.[B] The interest rate is high for current deposit.[C] The interest rate is low for time deposit.[D] The interest rate varies with different kinds of deposit.33、[参考答案]D

33、[题目解释]女士说银行有两种存款方式-time deposit and current deposit。后来,男士问女士是否知道存款的interest rate,女士说 “For current deposit it is very low”,言外之意就是For time deposit it is high。选项(D)是对此的归纳总结。如果知道interest rate、current deposit和time deposit的意思分别是“利率”、“活期存款”和 “定期存款”,根据常识,只看选项就可以排除其他三项。

题 3440


37.[A] To ask for help finding a job.[B] To ask him to give her some advice.[C] To invite him to go shopping with her later.[D] To find out what he's doing during the summer.37、[参考答案]B

37、[题目解释]根据Denise说话的内容,他已经得到了一份管理一个在购物中心的一家服装店的工作,可是他的一个教授告诉他,他可能能参加一个在Wayfarer Hotel的暑期培训计划。这两个机会他都不想错过,可见他是向Kelly征询意见的。而从Kelly最后说if I were you,I'd take it anyway也可判断Ken是在给他提供意见,因此答案选(B)。

38.[A] He might get a good job later.[B] He could stay at a hotel at a discount.[C] He might be able to get course credits for her work.[D] It'd give him a chance to make a tot of money immediately.38、[参考答案]A

38、[题目解释]根据对话中it might lead to something with them after graduation.They're one of the biggest hotel chains in the area,其中lead to something with them after graduation指的是毕业后能得到一份好工作,因此答案选(A)。

39.[A] He'll have to work at the hotel during the school year.[B] He'll have to work long hours.[C] His rent will be expensive.[D] It doesn't pay very well.39、[参考答案]D

39、[题目解释]Denise在谈到暑期的培训项目时说the problem is that I wouldn't be making nearly as much money as 1 would be working in the clothing store,由此可见(D)项正确。

40.[A] Visit the hotel.[B] Work in the clothing store.[C] Continue her job search for a while.[D] Make extra money while taking classes.40、[参考答案]D

40、[题目解释]Kelly最后说如果是她,她就会参加暑期培训,接着说You can always get a job during the school year next year to make a few extra bucks,(D)项是对此的同义转述。






























在 21世纪的今天,网络资源不断发展,我们应当抓住这位新的好老师,合理利用网络资源,取长补短。在网络中独立学习,多与别人探讨学习,使自己的知识面不断拓展,从而使自己获得更多的知识,促进我们走向成功的未来。



自主学习部分: 1 1,7,13,18,22,25 自我效能 2 2,8,14,19,23,26,28,30 内在目标 3 3,9,15,20,24,27,29 学习控制 4 4,10,16 外在目标 5 5,11 学习意义 6 21,6,12,17 学习焦虑 7 31,37,43,49,54,58,61,63,65,67,68,69,一般方法 8 32,38,44,50,55,59,62,64,66,学习求助 9 33,39,45,51,56,60 学习计划 10 34,40,46,52,57,学习总结 11 35,41,47,学习评价 12 36,42,48,53 学习管理 蓝色为反向计分。


1我经常能从学习中找到乐趣 2我努力学习是为了以后有好的前途 3如果我付出必要的努力,我一定能解决大多数的问题 4我努力取得好成绩是为了获取奖学金 5我认为大学里学习的东西对我很有用 6我经常为了学习的事情紧张焦虑 7我能安排好我的学习时间。8我想通过大学学到更多有用的知识 9如果我付出足够的努力,就能理解学习的内容 10我非常关心自己的学习成绩在班里的排名 11我想我能够把学习到的知识应用到实践中 12考试的时候,如果不能回忆起所学的知识,我会感到很紧张 13我经常从学习中获得满足感 14我努力学习是为了以后能找到好的工作




18我对学习感兴趣 19我努力学习是为了完善自我 20学习失败是我努力不够

21考试时,我担心自己会考得很差 22我觉得自己的自我控制能力很强 23对我来说,掌握所学的知识是重要的 24对设定的目标,我经过努力总能实现 25我能处理好学习与课外活动的关系 26我认为广泛地阅读课外读物对学习很重要 27如果我尽力去做的话,我总是能够解决难题的 28我努力学习是为了增强自己的能力 29凭我的能力,我能够掌握要求掌握的知识 30学习的成功是我努力的结果

31我会选择适合我的环境去自修 32我经常和老师交流学习问题

33我对每个星期要做的事情都有一个安排 34我通常都能把握学习的重点和难点 35我的学习计划对我的学习帮助很大 36对于不感兴趣的课我经常逃课


38课堂上有不懂的地方,我会在课余休息时向老师或同学请教 39我常把任务完成的情况和我的目标进行比较 40我对大学的学习很适应 41我经常考虑如何改善我的学习

42上课时我经常会想别的事情,而没有真正听老师在讲什么 43我先安排时间做最重要的事情 44课前我会有选择的进行预习

45每学期初我都会有一个大致的学习计划 46考试前我会对知识做系统的汇总、总结 47我现在的时间安排对我的学习帮助很大

48我经常因夜里玩游戏太多或上网时间太长而睡眠不足 49即使考试题很难,我也会尽最大努力去完成考试 50我会安排时间读老师推荐的参考书 51我利用多种方法以加强学习效果 52在学习过程中,我经常会及时总结经验 53我常常对自己的工作什么时候完成没有一个期限 54我觉得学习方法很重要


56心情不好的时候,我也能坚持把学习任务完成 57在完成一个目标后我会很快的制定新的目标 58在擅长的科目上,突然考了低分,我会认真检讨自己 59作业发回后,我很关心错在什么地方及教师的评语 60发现计划和现实不协调时,我会调整学习计划 61考试时我会跳过难题先做容易的试题 62学习时,我喜欢做笔记,以帮助记忆 63对学习成绩不好的科目,我会想办法努力赶上

64我经常会将不会做或做错的题目进行归类,并及时补缺补漏 65学习时,我会用自己的话来理解重要的知识

66发现自己解题的答案与其他同学不同时,我马上与同学讨论交流 67我注重劳逸结合以达到最好的学习效果 68我会在课外学习在课堂上没有听懂的内容 69不同时候我会选择不同的学习方法或内容



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