
时间:2019-05-15 09:03:12下载本文作者:会员上传


Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的深圳市服装协会会长沈永芳女士,各位来宾,女士们、先生们:

It's a great pleasure for me to join you tonight.The history of London stretches back over 2000 years.By contrast, Shenzhen is a young city whose history started a mere 32 years ago.Today, London and Shenzhen are coming together.What makes this possible is a shared big business interest.This is the fashion industry.伦敦是一座古老的城市,约有2千年的历史;深圳是一座年轻的城市,只有32年历史。今天,古老和年轻的两座城市再度相会,是由于一个令人,尤其是女士们心动的元素:时尚。

London is known worldwide as the fashion capital.Also London Fashion Week ranks as one of the “Big Four” fashion weeks worldwide.In creativity and fashion London never fails to impress people with its vitality and creativity.Shenzhen is home to the most advanced sectors of the fashion industry in China.Shenzhen is where there is the biggest concentration of Chinese fashion brands and manufacturers.Shenzhen is leading the way in China for research, development and design in the fashion sector.If you visit Shenzhen—as I hope many of you will—you will find these strengths: • Over 3,000 garment manufacturers.• More than 800 local brands.• There are around 350,000 people employed in the industry.• And last year, Shenzhen sold 8.9 billion US dollars worth of garment products.I can give you one measure of the strength of Shenzhen's fashion industry inside China.For every 10 clothing items on sale in high street department stores in Chinese major cities, 5 to 6 are made in Shenzhen.伦敦是世界知名时尚之都,每年两次的伦敦时装周是世界四大时装展示会之一,以充满活力和创意而著称。深圳是中国时装业特别是品牌服装最发达的城市之一,时装的总体研发、创意设计在中国居领先地位。现在,深圳有服装企业3000多家,自有品牌800多个,从业人员35万多,去年出口89亿美元。据说,在中国一线城市大商场销售的10件服装中,约有5至6件来自深圳。

Shenzhen is well-positioned to be China's “fashion and creative capital”.Let me explain why: First, Shenzhen is a young city.Just 32 years ago Shenzhen was a tiny fishing village.The transformation into an advanced modern metropolis is a most telling example of how China has been transformed by the reform and opening-up strategy.The phenomenal growth of Shenzhen has been driven by the strength, energy and spirit of a young population.In turn from that youth a creative zest has flourished and thus creativity is always the defining character of Shenzhen.This has produced a powerful foundation for fashion to evolve.The result is a fast developing global centre in Shenzhen of new exciting brands and design.深圳成为中国的“时尚创意之都”,我想: 一是年轻。深圳不仅是城市年轻,随着中国的改革开放才从一个“小渔村”奇迹般地发展成为一座现代化大都市,更因为它的人口构成年轻、文化氛围年轻、思想意识年轻,因而创新、创意总是这座城市的主色调,时装产业走得也是品牌和设计之路。

Second, Shenzhen is a tireless pioneer.Here was the first city of China to open to the outside world over 30 years ago.So, Shenzhen has always been a trail blazer for China.The result of that pioneering means Shenzhen is at the forefront of China's economic reform.In China this leadership is recognized as “Shenzhen Speed”!This speed of development and incredible growth are the trademark of the city.It is in Shenzhen that the Chinese people were first exposed to the fashions and dressing styles in the West.In turn Shenzhen absorbed these trends and spread these global fashion influences across China.二是开拓。深圳作为中国首批对外开放的城市之一,30多年来,始终“敢为天下先”,引领中国经济改革,创造了举世闻名的“深圳速度”,打造了全国领先的“效益深圳”,同时深圳也是最早在中国引进、传播和开创流行时尚。

Third, Shenzhen is advancing as a highly cosmopolitan city.Shenzhen is now an international city of migrants.Its people come from all over China and many parts of the world.Here, eastern and western cultures and ideas blend and inspire each other.It is now a melting point of creativity that has formed a diverse and unique Shenzhen culture.三是包容。深圳是一座“国际化的移民城市”。深圳人,不仅来自中国的五湖四海,也来自世界的五大洲。各种文化、思想在这里兼收并蓄、交汇融合,深圳的时装也是中西合璧、多彩缤纷。Shenzhen is a window into today's China.My country has reinvented herself through more than 30 years of reform and opening-up.China's social and economic development has been remarkable and the changes to her relations with the world truly historic.China is committed to continued national development and rejuvenation at home and helping create a more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.今天的深圳其实就是当代中国的一个缩影。改革开放30多年,古老的中国不断焕发青春,经济社会取得了前所未有的发展,与世界的关系发生了历史性的改变,中华民族正在实现伟大复兴,同时为构建一个和平、繁荣、和谐的世界贡献自己的力量。

This is the 4th time “Fashion Shenzhe” has been held in this world fashion city.I have confidence that this event will continue to be a showcase for Shenzhen's fashion industry.In turn it is a great opportunity for Shenzhen designers and manufacturers to be exposed to the influences of international markets and world fashion trends.I expect this event to show China's rich, inclusive cultural heritage.It will boost China-UK commercial relations.It is also a way to strengthen the understanding and friendship between our two nations.现在,“时尚深圳”第四次走进“时尚伦敦”。我相信,它将继续充分展现深圳时装产业的实力和水平,获取国际市场信息,领略世界时尚风潮;同时,传播璀璨的中国文化并显示其开放包容,促进中英两国经贸关系发展,增进两国人民的理解和友谊。

I wish “Fashion Shenzhen” a great success!祝此次“时尚深圳”活动取得圆满成功!

Thank you.谢谢。

第二篇:2010胡平华女士在2010年伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动上的讲话 中英对照



Speech by Madam Hu Pinghua at the Fashion Shenzhen Event of London Fashion

Week 2010 18 September 2010


Madam Shen Yongfang, Mr Lu Jian, Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴出席伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动。我谨代表驻英国大使刘晓明对深圳市代表团表示热烈欢迎,并对此次“时尚深圳”活动的举办表示衷心祝贺!

It is my great pleasure to attend the Fashion Shenzhen event as part of the London Fashion Week.On behalf of my husband Ambassador Liu Xiaoming, I wish to warmly welcome the delegation from Shenzhen and offer my congratulations on the Fashion Shenzhen event.伦敦是世界知名时尚之都,据设在纽约的“全球语言观察”(GLM)组织今年8月的最新排名,伦敦全球排名第三。伦敦时装周则是世界四大时装周之一,以多元化及充满活力和创造力著称,被称为最具创意、最不媚俗的时装周,亦被称为新锐设计师的摇篮。今年是深圳连续第三次组团参加伦敦时尚周,我认为“时尚深圳”这一活动具有多重意义。

London was listed in August as the world's number three fashion capital by the New York-based Global Language Monitor.As one of the “big four” fashion weeks in the world, the London Fashion Week is famous for its diversity and creativity, and for being a cradle for promising young designers.This is the third year for Shenzhen to join the London Fashion Week.I believe Shenzhen's participation is important in many ways.第一,深圳就是“创新”、“创意”的代名词。众所周知,深圳是中国改革开放的先驱和样板。就在本月初,深圳刚刚庆祝了特区成立30周年。经过30年的不懈努力,深圳从一个边陲小镇发展成为一座现代化大城市,创造了世界工业化、现代化、城市化发展史上的奇迹。深圳的发展得益于创新与突破,而这正是时尚的要义和灵魂。

First, Shenzhen is a known for its innovative capacity.It is a fore-runner of China's reform and opening-up.It just celebrated the 30th year of its Special Economic Zone status earlier this month.People talk about the Shenzhen Miracle, as it was transformed from a fishing village to a modern big city in just 30 years time.Bold innovation has made this miracle possible, the same innovation that is crucial to the fashion industry.第二,深圳是中国时尚创意产业的前沿城市。深圳时装业总体研发、设计水平在中国国内居领先地位,2009年实现产值约130亿英镑,其中50%为出口。当前,深圳正力争打造中国乃至国际性的“时尚创意之都”。通过参加国际知名时装周,深圳既可展现自身时装产业发展水平,更可了解英国市场和世界时尚风潮。

Secondly, Shenzhen leads the fashion and creative industries in China, in terms of research, development and design, with an output value of 13 billion pounds in 2009, half of which came from export.Shenzhen is now working hard to build itself into a fashion and creative capital not just in China but also in the world.Joining top international fashion weeks can help Shenzhen to showcase its fashion industry and learn more about UK and global market trends.第三,时装是展示中华文化的一个重要元素。时装不仅是形和款,更是民族风韵和文化精神的体现。深圳举办此次时尚活动,既可向英国观众介绍具有深厚积淀的中国文化,又可展现当代中国人的精神风貌。

Thirdly, fashion is an important window on the Chinese culture.It is not just about fabric or style.It also embodies a nation's culture.Today's event is a good opportunity to introduce to the British public the rich and splendid Chinese culture and the modern spirit of China.It helps the fashion industries of the two countries to forge closer links.总之,伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动一举多得,不仅是两国时装产业的一次交流活动,更是中英两国文化的一次近距离接触;不仅有利于促进中国时装产业由“中国制造”向“中国设计”和“中国创造”转化发展,也有利增进中英两国人民的相互认知和了解。

This event is also part of China's drive to go from “made in China” to “designed in China” and to “created in China” in the fashion industry.This will also contribute to greater mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.最后,我预祝此次活动取得圆满成功。祝大家度过一个轻松愉快、赏心悦目的夜晚!

To conclude, I wish the event a complete success and wish all of you an enjoyable evening.谢谢。

Thank you.

第三篇:驻英大使2011伦敦时装周“时尚深圳”活动致辞 20110919(本站推荐)



Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at ’Fashion Shenzhen’ During 2011

London Fashion Week

Grand Connaught Rooms, 19 September 2011


Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,伦敦是一座古老的城市,约有2千年的历史;深圳是一座年轻的城市,只有32年历史。今天,古老和年轻的两座城市再度相会,是由于一个令人,尤其是女士们心动的元素:时尚。

It‟s a great pleasure for me to join you tonight.The history of London stretches back over 2000 years.By contrast, Shenzhen is a young city whose history started a mere 32 years ago.Today, London and Shenzhen are coming together.What makes this possible is a shared big business interest.This is the fashion industry.伦敦是世界知名时尚之都,每年两次的伦敦时装周是世界四大时装展示会之一,以充满活力和创意而著称。

London is known worldwide as the fashion capital.Also London Fashion Week ranks as one of the „Big Four‟ fashion weeks worldwide.In creativity and fashion London never fails to impress people with its vitality and creativity.深圳是中国时装业特别是品牌服装最发达的城市之一,时装的总体研发、创意设计在中国居领先地位。现在,深圳有服装企业3000多家,自有品牌800多个,从业人员35万多,去年出口89亿美元。据说,在中国一线城市大商场销售的10件服装中,约有5至6件来自深圳。

Shenzhen is home to the most advanced sectors of the fashion industry in China.Shenzhen is where there is the biggest concentration of Chinese fashion brands and manufacturers.Shenzhen is leading the way in China for research, development and design in the fashion sector.If you visit Shenzhen – as I hope many of you will – you will find these strengths:

· Over 3,000 garment manufacturers.· More than 800 local brands.· There are around 350,000 people employed in the industry.· And last year, Shenzhen sold 8.9 billion US dollars worth of garment products.I can give you one measure of the strength of Shenzhen‟s fashion industry inside China.For every 10 clothing items on sale in high street department stores in Chinese major cities, 5 to 6 are made in Shenzhen.深圳成为中国的“时尚创意之都”,我想:

Shenzhen is well-positioned to be China‟s “fashion and creative capital”.Let me explain why:


First, Shenzhen is a young city.Just 32 years ago Shenzhen was a tiny fishing village.The transformation into an advanced modern metropolis is a most telling example of how China has been transformed by the reform and opening-up strategy.The phenomenal growth of Shenzhen has been driven by the strength, energy and spirit of a young population.In turn from that youth a creative zest has flourished and thus creativity is always the defining character of Shenzhen.This has produced a powerful foundation for fashion to evolve.The result is a fast developing global centre in Shenzhen of new exciting brands and design.二是开拓。深圳作为中国首批对外开放的城市之一,30多年来,始终“敢为天下先”,引领中国经济改革,创造了举世闻名的“深圳速度”,打造了全国领先的“效益深圳”,同时深圳也是最早在中国引进、传播和开创流行时尚。

Second, Shenzhen is a tireless pioneer.Here was the first city of China to open to the outside world over 30 years ago.So, Shenzhen has always been a trail blazer for China.The result of that pioneering means Shenzhen is at the forefront of China‟s economic reform.In China this leadership is recognized as „Shenzhen Speed‟!This speed of development and incredible growth are the trademark of the city.It is in Shenzhen that the Chinese people were first exposed to the fashions and dressing styles in the West.In turn Shenzhen absorbed these trends and spread these global fashion influences across China.三是包容。深圳是一座“国际化的移民城市”。深圳人,不仅来自中国的五湖四海,也来自世界的五大洲。各种文化、思想在这里兼收并蓄、交汇融合,深圳的时装也是中西合璧、多彩缤纷。

Third, Shenzhen is advancing as a highly cosmopolitan city.Shenzhen is now an international city of migrants.Its people come from all over China and many parts of the world.Here, eastern and western cultures and ideas blend and inspire each other.It is now a melting point of creativity that has formed a diverse and unique Shenzhen culture.今天的深圳其实就是当代中国的一个缩影。改革开放30多年,古老的中国不断焕发青春,经济社会取得了前所未有的发展,与世界的关系发生了历史性的改变,中华民族正在实现伟大复兴,同时为构建一个和平、繁荣、和谐的世界贡献自己的力量。

Shenzhen is a window into today‟s China.My country has reinvented herself through more than 30 years of reform and opening-up.China‟s social and economic development has been remarkable and the changes to her relations with the world truly historic.China is committed to continued national development and rejuvenation at home and helping create a more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.现在,“时尚深圳”第四次走进“时尚伦敦”。我相信,它将继续充分展现深圳时装产业的实力和水平,获取国际市场信息,领略世界时尚风潮;同时,传播璀璨的中国文化并显示其开放包容,促进中英两国经贸关系发展,增进两国人民的理解和友谊。祝此次“时尚深圳”活动取得圆满成功!

This is the 4th time „Fashion Shenzhen‟ has been held in this world fashion city.I have confidence that this event will continue to be a showcase for Shenzhen‟s fashion industry.In turn it is a great opportunity for Shenzhen designers and manufacturers to be exposed to the influences of international markets and world fashion trends.I expect this event to show China‟s rich, inclusive cultural heritage.It will boost China-UK commercial relations.It is also a way to strengthen the understanding and friendship between our two nations.I wish „Fashion Shenzhen‟ a great success!


Thank you.


刘晓明大英图书馆“中国之窗”赠书答谢会讲话时间:2010-05-15 16:00来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1548次


刘晓明大使在大英图书馆举办的答谢“中国之窗”赠书项目招待会上的讲话 大英图书馆 2010年5月11日

Remarks by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Reception Hosted by the British Library to Celebrate “Window to China” British Library, May 11, 2010

尊敬的大英图书馆董事会主席科林·卢卡斯爵士,大英图书馆馆长林恩·布林德利女士, 中国国家图书馆副馆长常丕军女士,各位来宾,朋友们:

Sir Colin Lucas, Dame Lynne Brindley, Madam Chang Pijun, Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴今晚出席大英图书馆举办的答谢“中国之窗”赠书项目招待会。欢迎常副馆长率领的中国国家图书馆代表团来英交流。

It's a great pleasure to join you at tonight's reception to celebrate the “Window to China”.I would also like to warmly welcome Madam Chang Pijun and her colleagues from the National Library of China.我抵英时间不长,今天,是我第一次来到大英图书馆,却有一种似曾相识的感觉。我想,一个原因是大英图书馆作为世界最大的图书馆之一久负盛名,而且它与马克思的渊源在中国是众所周知。另一个更重要的原因是无论我走到哪里,促进双方图书馆之间的合作都是我工作的一部分。

This is my first visit to the British Library.But I do not feel as if I was a stranger here.For one thing, the British Library has a long standing reputation as one of the world's leading libraries.It is particularly well-known in China because of its association with Karl Marx.Furthermore, libraries are centers of knowledge and progress.As ambassador, I see it as an important part of my mission to strengthen knowledge and understanding between China and my host countries, an inherent part of which is to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between libraries.我在担任驻埃及大使时,曾多次造访有“人类文明世界的太阳”之称的亚历山大图书馆,并积极促成在亚历山大图书馆举办“中国汉字展”;出任驻朝鲜大使后,又代表中国政府向朝鲜国家图书馆——平壤人民大学习堂赠书。现在我担任驻英大使,推动中英图书馆之间的交流与合作仍将是我工作的重要一环。

When I was Ambassador to Egypt, I visited the Library of Alexandria many times, which is known as the sun of the civilized world.I have also worked to bring an exhibition of Chinese Characters to the library.During my ambassadorship in the DPRK, I donated books to the Korean national library on behalf of the Chinese Government.Here as Ambassador to the UK, I am even more enthusiastic about facilitating exchanges between libraries as a vehicle for spreading knowledge, understanding and friendship among the people.我很高兴地得知大英图书馆和中国国家图书馆保持着长期良好合作关系。双方的交流与互访非常密切,去年下半年,布林德利馆长应邀参加了中国国家图书馆百年馆庆纪念活动。谈到两馆合作,不能不提及“国际敦煌项目”。由于我曾在甘肃担任省长助理,对敦煌有着特殊的感情。敦煌文献是人类文明的珍贵遗产,它不仅属于中国,也属于世界。两馆合作9年来,将敦煌文献数字化,不仅推动了文献保护修复与研究的国际合作,而且也是对世界文献研究的一大贡献。

I am glad to learn that the British Library and the National Library of China have developed a sound partnership based on close communication and regular exchanges.Last year, Chief Executive Dame Brindley attended the centennial celebration of the National Library of China.Any mention of the cooperation between the two libraries will not be complete without reference to the International Dunhuang Project.Dunhuang has a special place in my heart, as I worked as Assistant Governor of Gansu Province, the home province of Dunhuang.The Dunhuang manuscripts are precious legacies of human civilization that belong not just to China, but also to the world.The digitalization of the Dunhuang manuscripts as part of the 9-year cooperation between the two libraries is not only conducive to international protection and restoration of ancient manuscripts, but also contributes immensely to global research in this area.自2006年起,大英图书馆开始接受中国国家图书馆的“中国之窗”赠书项目,迄今为止接受赠书约3500册件。这些图书成为英国读者了解中国发展、感知中国文化的重要资源。图书是记录人类文明的载体,图书馆是人类文明成果的集散地。各国图书馆之间加强交流与合作,这有利于实现全球文明成果的共享,增进人民间的理解和友谊,促进各国的共同进步和发展。

From 2006 on, the British Library became a beneficiary of the “Window to China” project sponsored by the National Library of China and has received 3,500 books by far.These books have become an important resource for British readers to understand China and appreciate Chinese culture.我祝愿中英两国图书馆在图书交换、学术研究、技术研发等领域的交流与合作能取得更多丰硕成果,为两国公众开启更多认识和了解彼此的窗口,为促进两国人民之间的友谊做出更大贡献。

While celebrating the “Window to China”, I hope libraries of our two countries will work together to open up more windows for people to better understand each other and contribute more to strengthening the friendship between our two peoples.谢谢大家。

Thank you.原文链接:http://






Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Chinese New Year Celebrations in London February 2011, Trafalgar Square, London


Mr.Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor of London, Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster, Madam Li Haifeng,资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


Mr Chu Ting Tang, Mr Leslie Ng, Ladies and Gentlemen,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年!

It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit.(Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!)


The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。无论是中国,还是亚洲、美洲和欧洲;无论是伦敦,还是爱丁堡、曼彻斯特和利物浦,各地张灯结彩,舞龙戏狮,普天共庆,四海同春。

Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world.From China and across Asia, to Europe and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating.Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances.春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,今年已经是连续第10年。它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。中国和英国都有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、伟大的发明和勤劳的人民,都为人类文明的发展做出了非凡贡献。中国和英国都是当今具有重要影响的大国,都致力于促进世界和平、稳定和繁荣。人类进步和时代潮流告诉我们,相知才能互信,合作才能共赢。让我们携起手来,为构建一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同作出努力。

This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square.It has become the largest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia.We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with.We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people.We are both proud of the contributions we have made to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity.History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


understanding, and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development.Let us join hands to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.我要感谢大伦敦市政府、西敏寺市政府和伦敦华埠商会,感谢你们的不懈努力和辛勤付出,感谢你们为增进中英人民的了解和友谊做出的贡献。今天,我也要感谢远道而来的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士以及文化部外联局舒晓公参,他们分别从中国带来了两个顶尖水平的艺术团体,与我们共庆新春,为伦敦春节庆典增色添彩。

I want to thank the Greater London Authority, Westminster City Council and the London Chinatown Chinese Association for their hard work in organising today's event and for their consistent commitment to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.I also want to thank Minister Li Haifeng and Minister Counsellor Shu Xiao for bringing two top-class Chinese art troupes to London.I am sure their wonderful performances will make today a very special day!


The Year of the Rabbit stands for vitality and prosperity.I wish China and Britain continued prosperity.I wish our two peoples greater happiness.And I wish our two countries an even closer friendship.谢谢!

Thank you and happy new year to you all!

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



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