
时间:2019-05-14 22:12:28下载本文作者:会员上传





燕赤霞掐指一算:Heavy cloud covers moon, something bad to be happening.宁采臣背着书架,点着拐棍上

宁采臣(用拐棍点点燕赤霞):Hey,guy,what place is it?

燕赤霞:This is my ass!宁采臣怒:NO!What I’m asking is that what is the name of this place?

燕赤霞:Here is just the Lan Ruo Temple.宁采臣放下书架

燕赤霞:Hey, young man, what the hell are you doing?

宁采臣:Nice to meet you I am宁采臣.At the high-wind night,I’m homeless,so may I sleep in this temple tonight?

燕赤霞:No you can’t.There are many ghosts who suck young man’s blood!(音效:雷声,鬼魅声)

宁采臣:The Lang Lang human night, how dare the ghost?By the way, if there are ghosts, why aren’t you afraid of?

燕赤霞:I’m not afraid cause I’m the one who catch ghost.You can stay if you don’t believe and don’t get scared if you are eaten by ghost.宁采臣:So if I follow you,i’m safe!~宁采臣拿出一个画轴

燕赤霞:What’s this?

宁采臣:This is the painting of my goddess!燕赤霞展开画卷,一副蒙娜丽纱的画像。

燕赤霞:Mona Lisa?!Ok, it’s time to sleep!宁采臣:打呼噜




燕赤霞:Am I ugly to that level? 一条白丝带飘过,朝宁采臣方向飞去。

燕赤霞:Who’s there!


燕赤霞:God!Ning`s in an ? danger!




宁采臣:Who are you?Why are you alone, at the mid-night, in the isolated hill?

聂小倩:I am Nie Xiaoqian.A bad man teased me right now and I ran away.Scholar, I am so scared~~


宁采臣:Don’t be afraid!The bad guy sexually harass you,do you have any resistance?

聂小倩:No, the only thing I can do is to run away.宁采臣:哎,girl,when you encounter such kind of thing another,you must be desperate resistance,yell it loudly!

聂小倩:Yell what? 宁采臣:雅蠛蝶!

聂小倩:You are teaseing.并且打了一下宁采臣,画轴掉了出,聂小倩拿了起来。

聂小倩:What is this?

宁采臣:OH, this is the painting of my goddess!

聂小倩:Ahh?!Why do you have the painting of me?

宁采臣:Is you?OH!It’s you!陷入爱河的音乐

聂小倩:Oh, such a handsome boy!

宁采臣:Such a beautiful girl!I wish I can marry her!突然鬼魅音乐,铃铛声。

聂小倩:Oh no!you have to go now!


宁采臣:Damn it,The bay guy is hounding this!Hurry up!I protect you!聂小倩:It is very kind of you scholar, but you are too weak to protect yourself not to mention protect me.宁采臣:What can I do for you?

聂小倩:You run first!If we have Yuanfen, we will meet again in the future!宁采臣:I also think so,I’m leaving, girl, take care of yourself。


燕赤霞:How dare you monster!You again!Here dare you to stay here to harm the common people!

聂小倩:I have told you I am a good ghost!Why don’t you believe me!Mr.Yan, run away quickly, my grandma is coming soon!燕赤霞:It couldn’t be better, I will kill you both!燕赤霞与聂小倩剪刀石头布,聂小倩、燕赤霞都出剪刀出5次一直没能决定胜负 宁采臣上场


聂小倩:采臣,How do you come back!宁采臣:I….I’m lost….。燕赤霞趁机将聂小倩抓到手中 宁采臣:(对燕赤霞)Lay down this girl,otherwise don’t blame me,I will kill you with one punch„„


宁采臣:(摇摇晃晃地站起来)is it you that will sexually harass xiaoqian?A beast in human face!燕赤霞:She is a ghost!

宁采臣:What?She’s a ghost?小倩,is it true?

聂小倩:采臣,listen to me carefully~ I was a little little girl, lived near Lan Ruo temple, did daily farmer work, peace and ordinary.But one day a ghost fell in love with my father.She didn’t like me so she kill-kill-killed me.After my death she even forced me to kill young men!宁采臣:Xiaoqian, you„„ 燕赤霞:Are you clear? 聂小倩:采臣,I don’t want hurt you.宁采臣:you…You sing so well…It has been a long time since I heard such a wonderful music.But,you,, you are truly a ghost?

聂小倩:Yes, grandma force me to suck young men’s Yang Qi for her.But you are very straight and I don’t want to kill you.铃铛响。

聂小倩:Oh, no!Grandma is coming!Run!Run!树妖姥姥:Don’t want to go away.Today will be your festa.And I will drink your blood and eat you.聂小倩、宁采臣:雅蠛蝶!

树妖姥姥:Haha!I will kill you!

燕赤霞:Stop!树妖姥姥:燕赤霞?!You have lived in seclusion for a long time.So, don’t bother me!This is not your business!Get out of the way!燕赤霞:We are in different world, I can ignore you if you kill the bad blood.But this silly is a kind one.If you wanna kill him, you must fight with me first!树妖姥姥:Hahaha!Since you want to pretend as a hero, I will let you do down!Just show your ability!Haha!



树妖姥姥:(蒙着双眼大声惨叫)Oh my god!My eyes are broken!Dear Qian!Help me kill them quickly!聂小倩:Yes, my grandma.聂小倩突然反手一剑刺死树妖

树妖姥姥:You!You betray me!(下场即可)聂小倩:采臣!宁采臣:小倩!(刚要拥抱却抱了个空-错位抱)What’s wrong!What’s the matter with you?!

燕赤霞:Since there’s no thread from monster ?.She can go ? before the sun rise up!聂小倩:Cai Chen, he is right.Grandma is dead so my soul is free now.I have to prepare for my next life.If we have YuanFen, I want to be your wife!宁采臣:小倩,It is a hard trip before I find you,Till today we meet here,but it is the time we have to separate, you tell me, how can I willing to leave you.聂小倩(以手封住宁采臣的嘴):Kiss me,采臣,the separate can’t stop my love,if I reborn someday, I want to be your wife accompany you forever!。


燕赤霞:Hurry!The sun’s rising up soon!



相互呼唤中,聂小倩渐渐离开舞台 宁采臣扑倒在原地泪流满面



Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.怀旧之情能使美好的旧时光更美好。

promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。


Don't worry too much about the ambiguous future, just make effort for explicit being present.不为模糊不清的未来过分担忧,只为清楚的现在奋发图强。

The happiest people are not those who own all the best things, but the ones who can really appreciate the beauty of life.最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是因为他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。

Distance, it is a test of love.Many will fail, but for those who can withstand it, it has the answer :true love!距离,是爱的一种考验。很多失败了,但对于那些经受住考验的人们来说,得到的答案是:真爱。

Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride.童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.世界就像一本书,不旅行的人只读过其中一页。

While our dream is confronted with the reality.Just trample on the pain, or you’ll be beat down by it.当梦想和现实直面时,总是很痛苦的。而你要么被痛苦击倒,要么把痛苦踩在脚下。

There are always some people, miss in life, but disappear in life.总有一些人,想念在生命里,却消失在生活里。

Happiness is, two pairs of eyes, see a future.幸福是,两双眼睛,看一个未来。To love someone is very simple actually.Although he makes you cry and disappoints you, you will still can’t help holding his hand wherever he is.爱一个人,其实很简单。他让你流泪,让你失望,尽管这样你还是会走过去牵他的手,不由自主。

Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you.没有杯子,咖啡是寂寞的;没有你,我是孤独的。

You gotta learn to bend and not break even when your world caves in.你得学会弯而不折,就算你的世界将崩塌。

Remember all things are possible for those who believes.记住,只要相信了,什么都是可能的。

Honesty doesn’t mean loving only one person in the whole life.it carries the unique love from all your heart and soul when you are in love with someone.专一不是一辈子只喜欢一人,是喜欢一个人的时候一心一意、不离不弃。Preeness is not an attitude, it is one kind of satisfaction.单纯不是什么态度,而是一种满足。Please be kind, no matter how cold the world is.请你善良,无论这世界多冷漠。

Your dream is not what you find in your sleep, but what makes you not sleep.所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动的没法睡觉。For the love of dream, so everything for the dream to pay is worth it.因为热爱梦想,所以一切为了梦想的付出都是值得的。

Life is like a rolling coaster.Live it.Be happy.Enjoy life.生活就像过山车。体验它,保持快乐,享受生活。Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.生活教会我们,爱并不在于长久地凝视,而在于眺望远方同一方向的希望。

If we do only the stuff we are good at, we never learn anything now.如果我们只做我们拿手的,我们就永远学不到新的东西。

We grow hether better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves.随着年龄的增长,我们不会变得更好也 不会变得更坏,而是变得更像我们自己。Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.生活有百分之十在于你如何塑造它,有百分之九十在于你如何对待它。Happy is that you are here for the breakfast in the morning and night after dinner.幸福就是,早安后的早餐,到晚餐后的晚安,你都在。

If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true.如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所有的梦想都能实现。Slow down, to listen to the sound of a bloom.放慢自己的脚步,去倾听花开的声音。

If you want to go fast, go alone.If you want to go far, go together.若要走的快,独自前行;若要走的远,结伴同行。Live like you’re dying and never stop trying.像明日将死一样活着,永远不要停止尝试。

Good love is to let you see the whole world through someone while bad love is to make you give up the world.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。

I love three things in this world.Sun, moon and you.Sun for morning, moon for night and you forever.予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。

Never expect, never assume, and never demand.Just let it be, because if it’s meant to be, it will happen the way you want it to.永不期待,永不假设,永不强求。顺其自然,若是注定发生,必会如你所愿。Every new day is a chance to change something in your life.每一天都是为生命做一些改变的一个机会。

Now,slowly began to understand, good love can stand the plain is fleeting.如今,开始慢慢懂得,好的爱情是经得起平淡流年的。

Freedom isn’t about doing what we want, but not doing what we don’t want.真正的自由不是想做什么就做什么,而是不想做什么就可以不做什么。Remember that not getting what you want is something a wonderful stroke of luck.请记住未能获得你想要的东西,有时或许是某种绝妙的幸运。Love what you do, do what you love.爱你所做,做你所爱。

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

Going to bed with a dream, waking up with a purpose.带着梦想睡去,伴着目标醒来。

With this hand, I will lift you sorrows, your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.With this candle, I will light your way in the darkness.with this ring, I ask you to be mine.执子之手,承汝之忧。愿为甜酿,盈汝之杯。但为明烛,为汝之光。永佩此誓,与汝偕老。

None of us knew the road ahead, so we just concentrated on the step before us.由于无法预知未来的路,我们只得集中精力走好脚下的每一步。

Failure does not imply you have wasted time and life.It shows you have reasons to start again.失败并不意味着你浪费了时间和生命,而是表明你有理由重新开始。

Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tited!有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是你自己站歪了。

It doesn’t matter how slow you are, as long as you’re determined to get there, you’ll get there.不管你多慢,都要要紧,只要你有决心,你最终会到达你想去的地方。Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others live.做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命的看客。As rough and tough as the world is, don’t forget to find beauty in the simple things.尽管这个世界是如此艰难,但也不要忘记发现简单的美。Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.永远好远,但若有你相伴,我愿和你共度此生。

Love like a pearl, is years honed the small universe, is the endless sea, broad and profound, silently waiting.爱似珍珠,是经年磨砺的小宇宙,是无尽的海,博大深沉,静静守候。The warm smile, if the quality.微笑向暖,安之若素。

The most valuable thing in life is not your own material , but to accompany the people around you.人生最宝贵的不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。We are never so happy nor so unhappy as we imagine.我们永远不会像自己所想象的那么幸福,也永远不会像自己所想象的那么痛苦。An optimistic attitude is not a luxury;it’s a necessity.乐观的态度不是奢侈品,而是生活必需品。



2.许多人离开家去找食物 Many people lefts their homes to go in search of food

3.她与2000年毕业不久成为了一名老师She graduated in 2000 and before long she became a teacher

4.他走到人群的面前He made hies way to the crowd

5.她张贴出一张有关学校组织去法国旅游的布告 She put up a notice about the school trip to France

6.她去牛津上大学的消息简直好得令人无法相信 The news that she went to Oxford University is too good the true

1.上大学时他们相遇并相爱了They met and fell in love at allege

2.我不知道他为什么不喜欢他的女婿I don’t know why he doesn’t like his son-in-law

3.我很荣幸你们请我在大会上讲话I am flattered that you asked me to speak at the meeting

4.这会时一个乞丐眼成为一个百万富翁This will make a beggar a millionaire in a minute

1.他们的婚礼将在教堂举行Their marriage ceremony will be performed in the church

2.冰淇淋经常用作正餐之后的一种甜点Ice cream is usually served as dessert after the main course

3.士兵们装扮成了普通老板姓The soldiers disguised themselves as ordinary people

4.公共汽车太挤了我几乎赚不过身来The bus so full chat i could hardly turn around

5.这个气球是有帆布制成的形状像个猴子The balloon is made of canvas and it’s shape like monkey

1.在一个朋友家小住几天给他写一封感谢信是礼貌的做法It is polite to write a thank-you letter after staying for a few days with a friend

2.她把手指放在嘴唇前示意大家安静下来She put her finger to her lips a sign to be quite

3.他们每年可以享受30天的带薪年假They can enjoy a 30 day paid holiday every year

4.当我告诉他你要来她先的很惊讶She expressed when i toldher you were coming

5.恰恰相反许多学生更加珍惜课外与老师之间的交流On the contrary many student appreciate all the more communication with their teacher out of class

1.他们已把儿子抚养长大能自食其力了They have brought up their to sand on their own feet

2.我们请专家来担任政府顾问Experts were brought in to advise the government

3.因为这场大雨我们只好把野营推迟了We had to put off the camping as a result of the heavy rain

4.煤可以转化为煤气Coal can be converted to gas

5.这是语法练习的答案This is the key to the grammar exercises

1.他在购买服装上花了很多钱She sends a lot of money on clothes

2.计算机在办公室中起到重要作用 computers play an important role in office work

3.努力工作可以达到成功hard work leads to success

4.他们投身于我国的西部大开发they devote themselves to the development of the western part of our country

5.简参加多项学校活动jane takes part in many school activities

1.各组人民都沉在节日的气氛之中different varieties of people are in festival atmosphere

2.除非马上还清欠款否则我和你打官司i’ll take you to court unless you pay up immediately

3.我没有注意到周围的事物i was not aware of my surroundings

1.她偶尔不得不吃安眠药occasionally she had to take sleeping pills

2.这本字典的新版本还未发行the new version of this dictionary is not in use yet

3.承蒙足下推荐我已获得这份工作i got the job thanks to recommendation

4.她终于嫁给了最执着追求的她的人she eventually married the most persistent one of her admirers

5.她能很快记住许多资料she can memorize facts very quickly

1.我仍然坚持我的观点i still insist on my viewpoint

2.到时候我们会人通知你we will inform you in due course

3.我们既不打篮球也不打排球we are going play neither basketball nor volleyball

4.我总是开着窗户睡觉除非天气非常冷菜关上窗户i always keep the window open when i sleep unless it is very cold

5.你或是你的父亲今天必须见这位年轻人either you or your father must see this young man today


1.before long she was disappointed and unable to find a job so she took to the streets to do everything she could to earn money不久他没有找到工作使他很失望因此流露街头尽可能维持生计

2.The mother having heard of her daughter’s whereabouts went to the poor parts of the city in search of her daughter 妈妈听到有女儿的消息后妈妈赶往贫穷的城市寻找女儿

3.Concerned for her mother’s safety the young woman ran to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said it’s me 他考虑到妈妈的安全跑到了卧室摇醒了妈妈说是我是我4.In the eyes of Americans Thanksgiving Day is an important festival just next to Christmas

5.It dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New world who survived their first cold winter with the help of their native Indian neighbors那些早期的移民在印度安人的帮助下他们在那里度过了第一个寒冬

6.Many days before the festival shops supermarkets and restaurants decorate their show windows with colorful lights and exhibits and promise great discounts 在节日的前几天商店超市和饭店五彩缤纷的灯和美不胜收的展品装饰橱窗还说要降价

7.The lonely old folks could enjoy temporary happiness while they joined the celebration activities 当孤寡老人参加庆祝活动时获得短暂愉快

8.He thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and produce it more quickly他认为人们吃饭的关键有更多的大米和更快的生产

9.Which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants它可以给更高的收益率比原先任何植物

10.As a result of yuan long ping’s discovery Chinese discovery Chinese rice production rose by 45.5%in the 1900s由于袁隆平的发现中国的水稻产量咋20世纪90年代增长了45.5%

11.But if you probe a little deeper you will find that personal circumstances and a better quality of lite are the two most compelling factors driving people away from their offices如果你再深入研究你会发现个人的境况和更好的生活质量是促使人们离开办公室的两个最值得关注的原因

12.On an overcrowded tube i was commuters were being pushed around tempers were being fraved and a few people were crying 我在拥挤的地铁里上下班的人推推挤挤有些人发脾气有些人呼喊

13.As a Chinese learn of english your problems when it comes to writing probably have to do with organization of content and basic sentence structure对学习英语的中国人来说写作时你会遇到内容组织和基本句子结构等一些问题

14.In that case you work in a specific field with specific challenges that may not be covered in this course你在一个特殊的环境里工作有特定的写作挑战二我们的课程不可能满足所有学生的要求

15.You will then save the new version and carry on with occasional editing and improving每次编辑环节之后你的文本会有所改进你应该保存这些新版本并继续不时的编辑和改进

16.Of course you will have to allow yourself some time to put what you have learned into practice and practice eventually makes you perfect 当然你你不得不把你自己学到的东西运用实践最终你使你自己更完美

17.If you say the word communication most people think of work and sentences 说起交流大多数人想到单词和句子

18.Although these are very important we communicate with more than just spoken and written words.indeed body positions are part of what we call body language虽然这些单词和句子很重要但我们并不只是用口语和书面语交流身势语是我们说话的一部分

19.We see examples of unconscious body language very often yet there is also learned body language which varies

from culture to culture我们经常看到无意识的身势语但也有习得的身势语习得的身势语在不同的文化中各不相同 20.The internet chat room is a new and popular forum in which people meet new friends from around the word stories of chatters falling in love are very common 网络聊天室是一个新的流行的论坛,使人们认识新朋友来自世界各地的故事,也爱是很常见的21.However some experts say chat chatting can be addictive and they point out that problem lies in the chatters然而一些专家说聊天可能上瘾,他们指出问题在于聊天者本人


一.3D Channel 三维通道

1.3D Channel Extract 提取三维通道 2.Depth Matte 深度蒙版 3.Depth of Field 场深度 4.Fog 3D 雾化 5.ID matte ID蒙版

二.Audio 音频 1.Backwards 倒播

2.Bass/Treble 低音和高音 3.Delay 延迟

4.Flange/Chorus 变调和合声 5.High-Low Pass 高低音过滤 6.Modulator 调节器

7.Parametric EQ EQ参数 8.Reverb 回声

9.Stereo Mixer 立体声混合 10.Tone 音质

三.Blur/Sharpen 模糊与锐化 1.Box Blur 方形模糊 2.Channel Blur 通道模糊 3.Compound Blur 混合模糊 4.Directional Blur 方向模糊 5.Fast Blur 快速模糊 6.Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊 7.Lens Blur 镜头模糊 8.Radial Blur 径向模糊

9.Reduce Interlace Flicker 减少交错闪烁(与高斯模糊相似)10.Sharpen 锐化

11.Smart Blur(没什么效果的模糊效果)12.Unsharp Mask 反遮罩锐化

四.Channel 通道

1.Alpha Levels Alpha色阶 2.Arithmetic 运算 3.Blend 混合

4.Calculations 计算

5.Channel Combiner 通道组合 6.Compound Arithmetic 复合计算 7.Invert 反相

8.Minimax 扩亮扩暗

9.Remove Color Matting 删除蒙版颜色 10.Set Channels 设置通道 11.Set Matte 设置蒙版

12.Shift Channels 转换通道 13.Solid Composite 实色合成

五.Color Correction 颜色修正 1.Auto Color 自动颜色

2.Auto Contrast 自动对比度 3.Auto Levels 自动色阶

4.Brightness/Contrast 亮度和对比度 5.Broadcast Colors 广播级颜色 6.Change Color 转换色彩

7.Change to Color 定向转换色彩 8.Channel Mixer 通道混合 9.Color Balance 色彩平衡

10.Color Balance(HLS)色彩平衡HLS 11.Color Link 色彩链接

12.Color Stabilizer 色彩稳定器 13.Colorama 彩光 14.Curves 曲线 15.Equalize 均衡 16.Exposure 暴光

17.Gamma/Pedestal/Gain 伽马/基色/增益 18.Hue/Saturation 色调/饱合度 19.Leave Color 保留颜色 20.Levels 色阶

21.Levels(Individual Controls)色阶(个别控制)22.Photo Filter 图片过滤 23.PS Arbitrary Map 映象

24.Shadow/Highlight 阴影/亮光 25.Tint 色彩

六.Distort 扭曲

1.Bezier Warp 贝塞尔曲线弯曲 2.Bulge 凹凸镜

3.Corner Pin 边角定位 4.Displacenent Map 置换 5.Liquify 液化 6.Magnify 放大

7.Mesh Warp 网格变形 8.Mirror 镜像 9.Offset 位移

10.Optics Compensation 镜头变形 11.Polar Coordinates 极坐标转换 12.Reshape 形变 13.Ripple 波纹 14.Smear 涂抹 15.Spherize 球面化 16.Transform 变换

17.Turbulent Displace 剧烈置换 18.Twirl 扭转 19.Warp 弯曲

20.Wave Warp 波浪变形

七.Expression Controls 表达式控制 1.Angle Control 角度控制

2.Checkbox Control 检验盒控制 3.Color Control 色彩控制 4.Layer Control 层控制 5.Point Control 点控制 6.Slider Control 游标控制

八.Generate 产生(以前叫渲染)1.4-Color Gradient 四色渐变 2.Advanced Lightning 高级闪电 3.Audio Spectrum 声谱 4.Audio Waveform 声波 5.Beam 光束

6.Cell Pattern 单元图案 7.Checkerboard 棋盘格 8.Circle 圆形 9.Ellipse 椭圆

10.Eyedropper Fill 滴管填充 11.Fill 填充 12.Fractal 分形 13.Grid 网格

14.Lens Flare 镜头光晕 15.Lightning 闪电

16.Paint Bucket 油漆桶 17.Radio Waves 电波 18.Ramp 渐变 19.Scribble 涂写 20.Stroke 描边 21.Vegas 勾画

22.Write-on 书写(有遮罩的功能)

九.Keying 键控

1.Color Difference Key 色彩差异键控< 2.Color Key 色彩键控 3.Color Range 色彩范围 4.Difference Matte 差异蒙版 5.Extract 提取

6.Inner/Outer Key 轮廓键控

7.Linear Color Key 线性色彩键控 8.Luma Color Key 亮度键控 9.Spill Suppressor 溢色抑制

十.Matte 蒙版工具

1.Matte Choker 蒙版清除 2.Simple Choker 简单清除

十一.Noise/Grain 杂色/噪点 1.Add Grain 添加颗粒

2.Dust/Scratches 蒙尘与划痕 3.Fractal Noise 分形噪波 4.Match Grain 匹配噪点 5.Median 中值 6.Noise 杂色

7.Noise Alpha Alpha杂色 8.Noise HLS HLS杂色

9.Noise HLS Auto 自动HLS杂色 10.Remove Grain 清除噪点

十二.Paint绘画 1.Paint 绘画

2.Vector Paint 矢量绘画

十三.Perspective 透视 1.3D Glasses 3D视觉 2.Basic 3D 基础三维 3.Bevel Alpha Alpha导角 4.Bevel Edges 边缘导角 5.Drop Shadow 投影

6.Radial Shadow 径向投影

十四.Simulation 仿真 1.Card Dance 卡片动画 2.Caustics 腐蚀 3.Foam 水泡

4.Particle Playground 粒子游乐场 5.Shatter 爆碎

6.Wave World 水波 十五.Stylize 风格化

1.Brush Strokes 画笔描边 2.Color Emboss 彩色浮雕 3.Emboss 浮雕

4.Find Edges 查找边缘 5.Glow 辉光 6.Mosaic 马赛克

7.Motion Tile 运动拼贴

8.Posterize 多色调(相当有16位色32位色)9.Roughen Edges 粗糙边缘 10.Scatter 扩散

11.Strobe Light 闪光灯 12.Texturize 纹理化 13.Threshold 阈值

十六.Text 文字

1.Basic Text 基本文字 2.Numbers 数字

3.Path Text 路径文字 4.Timecode 时间代码

十七.Time 时间 1.Echo 重影

2.Posterize Time 招贴画 3.Time Difference 时间差异 4.Time Displacement 时间置换 5.Timewarp 时间扭曲

十八.Transition 切换

1.Block Dissolve 块面溶解 2.Card Wipe 卡片擦拭 3.Gradient Wipe 渐变擦拭 4.Iris Wipe 星形擦拭 5.Linear Wipe 线性擦拭 6.Radial Wipe 径向擦拭 7.Venetian Blinds 百叶窗

十九.Utility 效用 1.Cineon Converter 2.Color Profile Converter 3.Grow Bounds 4.HDR Compander 5.HDR Highlight Compression


STUDENT NUMBER: A12120272 NAME: Shilei CLASS: English 1202

Inorder to find out what the life it was in the past in China, I intervewed a grangpa in our shool’s little park, who is at about his 60s.Q(Question): Hello, nice to meet you.Thank you for accepting my interview.A(Answer): Nice to meet you too.Q: Em, you look like about at 60s, right? Would you like to tell me when people mostly used bikes? A:Yeah, I was born in 1953 and I’m 61years old now.Actually, you know China was been named of “The Kingdom of Bicycle” in the past.I remember my grandpa told me that bicycle was introduced in China in the late 19th century.Then in 1960s, 1970s, when I was a young man, bicycle along with sewing machine and watch became the necessary three-major-items of marriage.Bicycle became really popular in the 1980s, it was the most important and most universal vehicle at that moment, the famous brands included “Yong jiu”, “Fenghuang”, “Feige”.The flow of thousands of bicycles during the rush hour was extremly awesome which made China became “The Kingdom of Bicycle”.You might cannot realize that kind of feeling, but you have to know who had a bicycle at that time woule be jealous by others, especially our young guys.Q: But a bicycle must be very expensive at that time, right? A: Certainly!One bicycle costed about 200 yuanat that time while people’s salary just a few dozen yuan.It’s very precious.Q: Em, what about bus? When buses appeared? And how the buses of today compare with the buses when you were young? A: Haerbin’s buses were developed in the 1950s.When I was young , buses in Haerbin were still not widespread, just several bus-lines were operated.What’s more, the buses’ environment and situation were not very well when compared with the buses of today.Q: Well, I got it.How life was in your 20s’, 30s’, and 40s’? And every day life how it changed when you grew older? A: In my 20s’ , what I remember most was that you had to take the tickets or certificates to buy all the things you wanted and needed , and the number of those stuff was fixed by government, so you couldn’t buy a lot even you had money.Like the liquor, you had to buy it in state-run stores with certificate.If you wanted more, you might suppose to borrow the certificate from other family which was begrudge to buy the liquor , for the numeber of liquor was limited.And later, the individual business appeared and became more and more, so you could buy anything with money in stores.Since followed the policy of reform and opening, our daily lives became more and more colorful.Q: Do you rememberhow life changed when tall building were built? A:Em...In fact, the tall building didn’t bring much impact on our lives.At the beginning, we might feel shocked or wondering, but later we gradually accustomed to it.You can see, there are tall building everywhere nowadays.Q: What do you miss about the old days and what you do not miss? A: What I miss...May be the simplicity and kindness of those people, besides, at that time, they worked harder and braver.But I enjoy the high life quality of today, comprehensive health care system, varieties of entertainments, convenient public transit, etc.You know, the life in the old days is difficult.A: Yeah, sure it is.Alright then, thank to your narration, I know more details about the life in the old days, thank you!Q:It’s my pleasure!为了了解过去中国的生活是什么样的,我在学校的小公园里采访了一位60多岁的老爷爷。



问:你看起来大概60岁左右对吗?您能不能跟我讲一下人们用自行车最多是在什么时候呢? 答:当然。我出生于1953年,今年都61岁了。事实上,中国在过去被称为“自行车王国”呢。我记得我的姥爷告诉我自行车是在19世纪后期引进中国的。在六、七十年代,那时候我还年轻,自行车和缝纫机、手表是年轻人结婚必备的“三大件”。自行车真正流行起来是在80年代,那个时候自行车是最重要、最普遍的交通工具,出名的牌子有“永久”、“凤凰”、“飞鸽”。那个时候上下班高峰期自行车流非常壮观,中国也因此被称为“自行车王国”。你们现在可能体会不到那种感觉,但是在那个时候拥有一辆自行车是让人非常羡慕嫉妒的,特别是我们年轻人。















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