
时间:2019-05-15 00:15:05下载本文作者:会员上传



第二部分只需要准备一下几个黑体的topic就可以了,其他的可以转化成相似的话题,只需要准备20个话题,第二部分就都解决了 A.PEOPLE & ANIMAL An elder family member = An interesting elder person = A person who took care of you when you were young A friend = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A person who helped you = A neighbor = A teenager = An elder family member = An important conversation you had = A letter you got = A piece of advice = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life A person you know who speaks a different language = A teacher = An unforgettable course or lecture = An unforgettable experience A child = A public service advertisement = A story you watched on TV = A film you love = A magazine = A newspaper = A TV programme = A website = A book you read before = A childhood song you love = A fairytale character = A fairytale you love = A fairytale you were told in your childhood A famous person = A successful person = A leader = An idol = A person you want to become one day = A historical figure = A person who is good at his/ her job = A speech or a lecture you love = An unforgettable course you had = An organization / company you love = A business you want to run

An animal = An environmental problem = A public service advertisement = A film = A piece of news you watched on TV = A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took B.OBJECTS A handicraft = A thing you DIY = A painting = A piece of art = A thing you did successfully = An important decision you made A piece of electronic equipment(not a computer)= A gift you got = A thing you save money to buy = An unforgettable family event = A photo(camera)= A letter(txt)or an email = A thing you lost = A piece of electronic equipment which helps you to study English A toy in your childhood = A gift you received = An unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = An elder family member = A person who took care of you when you were little = A childhood song you love(the Birthday Song)An accessory = A piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion = A gift you received = A festival you love = n unforgettable experience you had = An unforgettable birthday you had = A moving family event = A thing you lost = A thing you save money to buy A photo = A postcard = A painting = A park or a garden = A season or month you love most = A thing you DIY A piece of furniture = A piece of art = A gift you received = A flat or a house = A thing you save money to buy A vehicle = A thing you save money to buy = A thing you want to own in the future A statue or a sculpture = A piece of art = A painting = A photo = A person you want to become in the future = An idol = A successful person = A famous person = A leader = A museum = An educational visit you had C.EVENTS A game that children love playing = A game you played in your childhood = A childhood song you love = An unforgettable stage in your life A performance or a show you love = A fashion show you love

= A public event you attended = A piece of interesting news = A stadium = An unforgettable experience you had A wedding you attended = A happy family event = An unforgettable family event = A traditional event you attended(traditional Chinese Wedding)= A public event you attended(A group wedding)= A piece of interesting news(about a group wedding)= A piece of good news you got from a phone call(from a friend)A festival = A favourite meal = A happy experience = An accessory = A gift you received = A happy event = An unforgettable experience A piece of advice you got = A letter you got = A conversation you made = The help you got = A person who helped you once = A close friend = A neighbor = A person you want to talk to = A person you want to spend time with = A positive change in your life = An important stage in your life = A visit you had A business you want to run = An ideal job = An organization = A change you want to make in the future An occasion you were late for = A traffic jam you experienced = A friend = An unforgettable experience you got = A trip that didn’t go as planned One favourite meal = A happy party you had = An important decision you made = A project you did with others = Two family members = A family(except yours)= A good cook = A thing you did successfully = A photo D.PLACES A special street = A place that features water = A relaxation place = A tourist attraction = A historical place = Your favorite place in your hometown = A season = A park = A place you love to listen to music A park or a garden = A season or month you love most = An outdoor activity = A physical activity(go for a stroll or a walk in parks)= A healthy life = A natural beauty place = A tourist attraction = A picnic you had at a park A modern building = A swimming pool = An unforgettable experience(A visit you had in the Water Cube)= A theater = A landmark in your hometown = Your favorite place in your hometown A historical place = A tourist attraction = A museum = An educational visit you had A library = A modern building = A shopping mall = A landmark in your hometown = A place you work at = A place you study at = A place you love in your hometown = A shop or a store = A place you love you listen to music A place you love to listen to music = Your favorite place in your hometown = A flat or a house A hotel = A modern building = A landmark in your hometown = A place you work at = A flat/apartment or a house = A thing you save money to buy = A place you love to listen to music A place that features water = A natural beauty place = A journey you made = A trip you took/ had = A holiday you had / An unforgettable holiday = An important city = A city you have been to = A tourist attraction = A historical place = A book you read before = A photo A polluted city = An environmental problem = A law in China = A fashion show = A performance or show you love = A piece of interesting news E.MEDIA A website = A TV programme you love = A radio programme you love = A book you read before = A newspaper you love = A magazine you love = An article you love A book you read before = A film you love = A drama you love = A performance or show you love = A drama you saw in a theater = A TV programme = A radio programme = A magazine = A newspaper A piece of news = A piece of interesting news = An unforgettable story = A newspaper = A website = A story you watched on TV = A piece of news you got from a phone call An environmental problem = An animal = A law in China = An advertisement(A commercial or a PSA)= A performance or a show you watched = A science course you took(biology/ chemistry)An advertisement = A song you love = A piece of music you fancy = A website A story/legend/fairytale you were told in your childhood = A historical story = A historical place = A tourist attraction = A book you read before = A piece of art = A statue or a sculpture A language you want to learn = A skill you want to master = Something you are good at = A change you want to make in the future = A thing you want to do but you can’t do it now

第二篇:雅思口语Part 2最难的话题

雅思口语Part 2最难的话题


雅思口语一项是考生们难准备的一项考试,因为它要求考生的综合能力很强,所以准备的时候考生们都会参考已考话题,和预测的话题来进行最后的冲刺,今天就为大家总结了雅思口语Part 2中最难的话题,有些话题相对抽象,让考生不知道该怎么样准备。现在就来了解一下吧:

我们发现Part 2中考生们普遍认为的难题主要难在以下三个方面:




不熟悉的话题如并未亲身经历过的事件或并未拥有过的东西常常会造成考生最害怕的结果:无话可说,难以开口;如果对话题的理解有偏差,即便一直在说,也会文不对题,且中途无人指正,容易越说越偏,找不到重点;相对抽象的话题易使考生说不到具体的点,考官听不到“故事”,分数自然也就上不去。下面列出今年考试中许多考生心中Part 2的十道“最难”题,不妨来探讨一下它们的难点所在和应对方法。

NO.1 A Good Law

Describe a(piece of)(good)law in your country.You should say:

· what the law is

· how you first learned about this law

· who benefits from this law(or, who is affected by this law)

and explain why you think this is a good law


难点解析:众多考生公认的难题。平时即使比较关注法律,但真的要具体去谈,即使用中文有条有理地说出来也会有难度。相对Part 3可能由此展开的法律的重要性、公平性、适用性等较概括的讨论,Part 2的具体化让考生们尤为头疼。


为它们相对比较融入自己的生活,也就比较好发挥。当然,选择比较有中国特色的法律来展开就更好,比如计划生育政策”one-child policy”,在中国人口众多的基本国情下,它所带来的好处以及受益人也会相对好描述,考官也可以从中获取一些新的信息。

NO.2 A Historic Site

Describe an interesting historic site(in your country)that you visited.You should say:

· where it was

· what you saw at this site(or, what it looked like)

· what role it played in history

and explain what interested you about that place



备考策略:考前可以结合其它描述地点或建筑的话题一起准备:Describe a museum/an old building/your favorite building/an important traditional building等,例如北京故宫里的建筑,即是古老而传统的建筑,又是很重要的博物馆,也可以是自己最喜欢的建筑。甚至还可以把它放到Describe the best tourist attraction in China,或者可以描述里面的an interesting exhibition,所以只要提前做好充足的功课,遇到其它问题也都可以迎刃而解。

NO.3 A Success

Describe a particular success you would like to achieve(in the near future).You should say:

· what it is

· how difficult you think it will be

· what you should do to prepare for this

and explain why you want to succeed in doing this



备考策略:人们怎样定义成功其实通常都是在Part 3里对于该话题的延续性讨论,在Part 2里一定要根据题目所给的线索开门见山地提出自己的成功目标,譬如想要获得学校的某个奖项,或者想要完成工作中的某个项目,然后描述目标的困难性何在,如何去准备,以及实现这个成功后的意义等。这样话题的描述才会有完整性可言。

NO.4 A Place Not Polluted

Describe a place which is not polluted.You should say:

· where this place is

· what it looks like

· what kind of place is not polluted

and explain what you think about pollution




NO.5 A Stage of Your Life

Describe an important stage of your life/an enjoyable stage of your life.You should say:

· how old you were

· where you were living at the time

· what you were doing during this stage

and explain why you think this was an important/enjoyable stage of your life话题类别:Event


备考策略:以前也曾考过诸如某段时光的话题,而且相对来说还比较具体,如:Describe the most enjoyable moment in your childhood/Describe a busy time in your life等等,里面考生基本都会谈到某件或某些具体的事,而这些其实都可以作为人生某个阶段的影射,描述完某些具体时刻发生的具体事情,再来总结在人生的童年阶段是无忧无虑的快乐,因此对以后开朗乐观性格的形成产生重要影响,又或是在刚毕业时是充实的忙碌,因此为事业的发展打下良好的基础等就更有说服力了。

以上就是雅思口语Part 2最难话题,可以看出,虽然整体难度是在雅思口语三个部分中还是比较适中的,但是雅思口语Part 2还是要求学生有比较强的自己扩展话题的能力,这样才有可能在雅思口语Part 2获得高分。




1, What do you like about your studies?

Studying is an arduous but rewarding process.I love my studies.What I like most about studies is the sense of fulfillment and the feeling of self-improvement.I am motivated to enlarge my vision through studies.Each time I obtain interesting knowledge I feel satisfied.2, What is your major? Do you like it?

My major is international economy and trade.Yes, I love it!I learn to use lateral thinking and pay more attention to current affairs and international economic issues.My major offers comprehensive coverage of finance, mathematics, economics and trade, I have covered a lot of ground through my major in the past college year.It really helps to form the basis of my future career.That’s why I love my major.3, Is there anything you don’t like about it?

Well, yes.As we know, international economy and trade is a major which first started in western countries.Most of the classical theories are provided in English.As I see it, however, some Chinese versions cannot convey those precious information and ideas exactly.Besides, my English level is limited.It would be hard for me to understand those 名著 wholly.So this is the thing I don’t like about my major.It would be great if Chinese people could provide original ideas and knowledge on my major.4, What do you do on your first day in this school/university?

Hmm, I was excited(换个高级点的词汇)on my first day in the university.I had an orientation tour of the campus led by(高年级的学长), later I attended a welcome meeting on which I met the principle and other faculty and staff.The ambience there was pretty inviting.It was great.5, Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, basketball is my biggest passion in life.I love to play basketball especially in the summer time.It is a game I really enjoy, so I play it whenever I can get willing partners.Playing basketball is a strenuous sport that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise.I am hoping basketball will help me build up my stamina.The main reason I like the game is that playing basketball fosters team spirit and corporation.Each time I play basketball I get to know new people and my relationship with my friends gets better.We can forget all the unhappiness and feel refreshed again.I love basketball.6, What do you usually do at weekends?

Well, there is no exaggeration that I expect weekend everyday.Because I can always do things I want to.Sometimes I am tired of the daily grind and want to get away from it all.Usually, I play basketball on a weekly basis to let off steam.I.Normally, I sleep in on Sundays.Later I will go to the(图书馆)to get prepared for the coming week days’ studies.7, What do people usually do to relax in your country?/ what kinds of

leisure activities are popular in china?

Well, in truth I would have to say that really depends.For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity would be playing online games.Take the famous online game Wow as an example, as far as I know, the game has more than 20milion users in china.Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah jiong(麻将), because as you know, this traditional Chinese game is often regarded not only as a game but also a good way to socialize with family members ot neighbors in China.


Exciting sport: Skiing

Skiing is one of the most exciting sports I’ve ever experienced.The equipments you need to to ski include skiing suit, boots, skiing boards and the sticks.Often, we ski in mountains where there’s snow.You first go to the upper side of a slope by a cable car usually.There are different slopes to choose from, according to your skills.And then you could start your snow travel.When skiing, you should bend down to keep balance and control direction by using the sticks.It is dangerous to keep your back straight or to look at the ground.By doing so, you may fall down easily.At first, I felt scared when sliding so fast from high.My coach told me that the more you feel scared, the more likely you will fall down.After several practices, I left behind the fear and begin to enjoy the excitement.It’s just like flying, flying above the white snow in the sun.Hearing the sound of wind, you’ll get the excitement.Famous mountains for skiing include Alps in Swisserland, mountains in Canada as well as those in Northeast China.It is easy to get hurt when skiing.So its important to wear helmets and knee pads in case of accident.Appliance: Microwave oven:


中式婚礼 大办宴席 新娘在家准备 等新郎接亲 新郎到女方家 女方隔着门问新郎问题 刁难新郎 答对可入 进入后 双方吃面、鸡蛋、花生,取和美之义。后新郎抱女方下楼 到宴会厅 举办婚礼 有主持人、还有交换戒指等西式婚礼的过程。

Pollution in your region:


Law in China: Marriage law/Intellectual Property Rights Law

但是人们都不重视知识产权 盗版软件 盗版音乐

Work of art:

Transport in your city:

Beijing is a city with

You’ve a lot of choices: by foot, by bike, bus, subway, taxi and so on.每天挤地铁


国家图书馆 历史悠久 藏书最多 身份证即可进入 可以看书、上网、借书 音乐厅、咖啡厅 会召开各种活动

交通方便 成为我的精神餐厅



第五篇:雅思口语part 1自我介绍集锦


雅思口语part 1自我介绍模板集锦(4)


General Introduction

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China.With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D.graduate program.Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science &Technology(NUST)--widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools.During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0)ranked top 5% in the department.In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only.This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST.I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis &dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant.This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D.program.My future research

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research(especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



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