
时间:2019-05-15 00:15:10下载本文作者:会员上传





Describe a dish you often eat and like

Ok, so I've been asked to speak about my favourite dish.Well, that's tough because I could probably name about 50 dishes that I could call my favourite.But I think the dish that I seem to love whenever I go out is a dish called Suan Do Jiao Rou Muo.It consists of beans, which are a little bit sour and come with finely cut up meat.It is not a dish that you would call luxurious, but it is a dish that I would miss if I were to go without it for too long.The basic style of it is quite simple.It is a dish that you might find in Sichuan, Hunan, or maybe another province that likes spicy dishes.There are lots of chilies in it and the taste has an interesting balance of being spicy, slightly salty and slightly sour.It is that balance that I think is really important, because if you don't cook it well it could be a disaster.Most restaurants will serve it in Hunan and Sichuan, but you can also find it

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


around the country if the restaurant carries a few Hunan dishes on its menu.It's considered a good idea to eat it with a bowl of rice because rice can soften some of the saltiness of it.I think one big reason I like it is because it is nutritious.The beans are good for you and the meat is not usually prepared in too much oil.But that balance that I talked about of being slightly sour but also being spicy and a bit salty is what makes it so delicious.It is the right dish to have if you are looking for something filling.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/




PART1:自我介绍部分。有些考官会跟你先聊几句,有的直奔主题,先问what's your full name.第二问你what I should call you.之后一般都会问答what are you doing?是工作或者学习,针对学习或工作问几个问题。问hometown的几率也比较高。之后就不一定了,可能会问节日、电影、音乐、颜色、数字、鸟类等等话题,可以考前看下预测,针对性复习。




Part one简答题部分几乎覆盖了题库的所有话题,全国考场频次最高的话题有

Hometown、Major、Food & diet、House & apartment、Photography、Future job、Language等。

Part two部分以事件题居多,其次是物品题,高频话题有人物类的A Happy Person、A Famous Person,地点类的An important city、A natural beauty,事件类的Future Work Plans,An experience you have to be polite,A free day,物品类的Advertisement,A work of painting or sculpture,A childhood toy,TV program等。


(1)有些话题在part one和part two部分可能同时出现,可以一起准备,比如在成都、天津等考场简答题及话题卡部分同时出现了TV program。

(2)雅思口语话题也会与最近的时事相关,比如最近全国各地经常下暴雨,在广州、深圳等考点就常考Your Favorite Weather的话题。最近伦敦举办奥运会,很多考点都涉及到TV program和sports之类的话题。

(3)话题卡部分人物类话题尽量进行合并整理,如A Happy Person和An Interesting Old Person可以进行合并。

Part one部分话题汇总

Hometown、Major、Food & diet、House & apartment、Photography、Future job、Public transport、Name、A childhood toy、Family、Relatives、Drawing、Clothes、Computers、Leisure time、Birthday、Sports、Language、Punctuality(about time)、Wedding、Driving、Primary & Elementary school、Friend、Evening Activity、Hobby、TV program、Shopping、Flower、Color

Where did you learn English?

What difficulties you have in learning English?

What's the most popular car in your country?

What kind of car do you like? Why?

新东方预测:在接下来的7月后半个月及8月份的考试中,part one 部分可能高频出现的话题有:Hometown, major, house & apartment, Meals & food , Public Transport, sport, Evening activity, future jobs, Wedding, TV program等。

Part two部分可能出现的高频话题有:A lake/river that you have visited,The First Day of Your Course or Your Work,A work of art,An important city in your country,Electronic device,A happy family news A Childhood Trip,The difficult thing you ever challenged等等。






What’s your favourite festival?

What do you most enjoy about it?

Tell me about the most important festival in your country.What special food and activities are connected with this festival?

Do you think festivals are important for a country?

Do people in you town celebrate any festival from different country?

How do you compare the Chinese festivals with the western festivals?

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/






2、PART 3。那今天,百利天下雅思小编就从这三部分来给大家讲讲每一部分主要考哪些常见话题,及如何在每一部分提高自己的口语能力。本节雅思口语三大部分常考话题,请看详细内容。

PART 1 日常场景话题



PART 2 常见核心类话题:







PART 3 社会相关话题比较多





雅思口语常考的part3话题:environment 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语常考的part3话题:environment的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!

1.Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?

2.Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?

3.Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?

4.Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?

1.Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?


全球变暖:global warming/ temperature rise/ carbon emission/ ice glaciers and caps melt/ sea level rise/ fishing industry/ residents living in coastal areas

空气污染:air pollution/ exhaust from cars and factories/ burning of fossil fuels

水污染:water/ ocean pollution/ chemical runoff/ untreated sewage

白色污染:white pollution/ plastic bags/ non-biodegradable materials

水土流失:soil erosion/ soil fertility decrease 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

乱砍乱伐:deforestation/ unbalance ecosystem/


The most serious pollution that is widely discussed these days is global warming.With the increasing carbon emission and the loss of ozone layer, the global temperature is on the rise, which makes the ice glaciers and caps melt and the sea level increase.Therefore, many coastal areas have been flooded and people living there become displaced.2.Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?

我个人觉得,比较真实的回答应该是没有的。因为如果有的话,其实这些问题就不会存在了,或者得到很好的缓解。而事实是,很多问题不但没有改善,而且还在恶化。那么,显然,政府做得还不够。I think governments have not done their best to deal with the environmental problems.下面就说说为啥:


Many environmental problems are affecting very large areas, so that they cannot by dealt with in a short time or be tackled by one country.以中国为例,为什么我们对于一些污染治理不够?因为,社会经济的发展,很多时候,不可避免地会造成环境的破坏。比如我们这几年非常流行的雾霾的天气,其实就是工业高速三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


Also, take China as an example, if we impose strict rules on reducing the emission and on forcing factories to release their waste with no harmful material at all, many of the industries will be influenced.The local industry will be damaged.比如汽车,如果全部环保,都用电动的,那么很多人都买不起汽车了,那么人们的出行,社会的基本效率的保持,都会收到严重的影响。

If we want to control the air pollution in the cities and replace all the existing cars with the electricity cars, many of the car users cannot afford buying cars and the productivity of the society will be reduced because they all have to take public transport instead.法律制定的得不是很完善,有些问题没有被写到法律中去。

The current legal system is not perfect, many of the urgent issues have not be included in the law.法律的处罚措施太轻,不能起到约束的作用。比如我乱扔垃圾,通常是没有人回来阻止我,或者罚款的。及时罚款,可能就5块钱,10块钱。那么,下次,我可能还会扔垃圾。假设,扔垃圾一定会被捉到,每次罚款5千,我想我这辈子都不会再丢垃圾了。

The punishment of the laws is not strict enough to restrict people from violating laws.For example, if the factory emits some chemical waste, they may not be immediately fined or only a small amount of money which is comparable to their benefit they make.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


There is limited publicity of the environmental regulations.We may have some basic idea of law carbon lifestyle, but we fail to live that way because we are not told about how to live environmental friendly or how to recycle and reuse all the waste materials.The authority should make more videos and booklets to tell people the detailed steps in becoming greener in life.3.Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?



Some of the environment issue is too broad, if we view it from a daily basis in a small region, there is almost no sign of how the problem affects daily life.For example, we all know the complexity and seriousness of global warming, but for any single day, we may fail to experience an obvious temperature rise.很多问题离我们很远,比如沙漠化,我们只有当沙尘暴吹过来的时候才有体会,平常就不会想这件事情。三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Many issues are far away from where we normally live, such as desertification.Only when we are affected by sandstorm can we realize the seriousness of the problem.还有就是,我们觉得科技的发展可以完全解决这些问题。

We may think that the advance in technology can greatly resolve all these problems.或者我们觉得这些都是政府的工作,他们已经或者一定会管理的,跟我们是没有关系的。

We may think that the protection job is the responsibility of the central government.Ordinary people can do very little thing in these matters.4.Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?



Many of the nature disasters, such as earthquake and tsunami, are actually caused only by natural forces.There is nothing to do with humans.From this perspective, it won’t be more disasters because of humans.或者我们说,人们的环保意识越来越强,环保的手段越来越先进,很多时候是可以避免以前可能会造成的问题的。

The awareness of environmental protection is raised by more publicity about environmental issues and more attention paid by international community.With 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

the more advanced techniques, many disasters can be avoided or resolved by human beings.会:


The human being has exhausted the natural resources at an alarming rate, a series of disasters due to the unbalanced ecosystem is induced because of humans.全世界的大部分的国家和人的环保意思是很差的,很多时候我们不会去细想自己的行为可能造成的环境的问题。比如,你家离超市…

The majority of the people in the world lack the sense of protecting ecosystem.They pay very little attention to the environmental consequence of their behavior.人们的很多的行为已经导致,也会导致更多的环境的灾害。比如说全球变暖,也许纵观全球,问题上升很不明显,但是这是一个平均值,我肯具体看到某一些地方的时候,会发现,上升的比较多,比如1度甚至2度。这1到2度的上升,实际上会给生态系统造成非常多的破坏,比如以海洋为例,每种鱼都有自己适合的生长温度,每一度的变化,可能就会死一批鱼,而这一批死了之后,他食物链上游的与,也就是吃它的鱼,就会变少,食物链下游的,被他吃的鱼就会增多,最后整个海洋系统就乱套了。

Many of the human activities have already caused serious disasters and is about to trigger many chain effects in the coming decade.For example, every one degree increase of the world temperature will lead to the extinction of a lots of ocean species.Then, the predators of these species will die and preys of them will proliferate, and the whole animal chain will be damaged.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com


Many of the damage by humans are irreversible.For example, a forest is removed, all the creatures living on it will be displaced and die out.最后也希望通过这个题目,呼吁一下大家对于环保的意识,希望我们都能从生活的点滴做起,做出自己的一点点的努力。不仅仅是为了大自然本身,也是为了我们自己,为了我们的后代,或者说得高大上一点,为了人类的发展和生存。




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