Describe a gift that you have received
Right, well the best gift I have received was my father's pocket watch.He gave it to me on my wedding day.You see, I know my father is not wealthy and he wanted to give me something important even though he didn't have to.He always loved this watch.I know this, because I remember one day when the watch wasn't working properly.Well, he was in quite a panic, because, he told me he felt like he was carrying around a sick baby in his belt.I always wondered what was so special about the watch.It seemed so funny to me, especially as I was growing up.Everyone else was buying those digital wristwatches, and his watch seemed like something out of the past.So I wondered if it might be an antique or a famous watch.My mother didn't say much to me, but she did tell me once that the watch wouldn't fetch much more than a few RMB if it were sold, but that my
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
father might even kill or die to protect that watch.You know, after my father died about a year ago, I asked my mother about the pocket watch.I had mainly kept it in my drawer but after he died I felt like I needed to know about this watch.My mother told me it was a watch my grandfather wore as well.You see my grandfather was killed in the war between Japan and China, and all that was found on him was this pocket watch that I guess the Japanese had neglected to take from him after they shot him.So this watch seems to carry the soul of both my father and my grandfather.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
PART1:自我介绍部分。有些考官会跟你先聊几句,有的直奔主题,先问what's your full name.第二问你what I should call you.之后一般都会问答what are you doing?是工作或者学习,针对学习或工作问几个问题。问hometown的几率也比较高。之后就不一定了,可能会问节日、电影、音乐、颜色、数字、鸟类等等话题,可以考前看下预测,针对性复习。
Part one简答题部分几乎覆盖了题库的所有话题,全国考场频次最高的话题有
Hometown、Major、Food & diet、House & apartment、Photography、Future job、Language等。
Part two部分以事件题居多,其次是物品题,高频话题有人物类的A Happy Person、A Famous Person,地点类的An important city、A natural beauty,事件类的Future Work Plans,An experience you have to be polite,A free day,物品类的Advertisement,A work of painting or sculpture,A childhood toy,TV program等。
(1)有些话题在part one和part two部分可能同时出现,可以一起准备,比如在成都、天津等考场简答题及话题卡部分同时出现了TV program。
(2)雅思口语话题也会与最近的时事相关,比如最近全国各地经常下暴雨,在广州、深圳等考点就常考Your Favorite Weather的话题。最近伦敦举办奥运会,很多考点都涉及到TV program和sports之类的话题。
(3)话题卡部分人物类话题尽量进行合并整理,如A Happy Person和An Interesting Old Person可以进行合并。
Part one部分话题汇总
Hometown、Major、Food & diet、House & apartment、Photography、Future job、Public transport、Name、A childhood toy、Family、Relatives、Drawing、Clothes、Computers、Leisure time、Birthday、Sports、Language、Punctuality(about time)、Wedding、Driving、Primary & Elementary school、Friend、Evening Activity、Hobby、TV program、Shopping、Flower、Color
Where did you learn English?
What difficulties you have in learning English?
What's the most popular car in your country?
What kind of car do you like? Why?
新东方预测:在接下来的7月后半个月及8月份的考试中,part one 部分可能高频出现的话题有:Hometown, major, house & apartment, Meals & food , Public Transport, sport, Evening activity, future jobs, Wedding, TV program等。
Part two部分可能出现的高频话题有:A lake/river that you have visited,The First Day of Your Course or Your Work,A work of art,An important city in your country,Electronic device,A happy family news A Childhood Trip,The difficult thing you ever challenged等等。
Describe your apartment or house
Ok, I've been asked to describe my apartment, but I think the apartment I live in is quite typical.It is located in the south of Hefei and it's in a very clean and convenient neighbourhood.I've lived there for about three years.We used to live in a brick house, but my father's business began to do very well so we could afford a better place.The rooms? Well, as for the rooms...there are 3 rooms.One is for my father and mother and another is for me.The other room is given to our maid.The apartment is about a hundred square meters, and it has a large living room and two bathrooms-one is in my parents' room.We have some comfortable chairs and a fairly large TV in the centre.We also have a stereo set and a karaoke set as well.I should mention that the kitchen is quite large compared to many other families because we extended it by knocking out the wall of another room.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
Now you know about the rooms.Let me tell you how I feel about the place.To tell you the truth, I don't like it very much.I mean, even though it's much larger and cleaner than the previous place, sometimes I just don't feel it's my real home.I think I got too attached to my previotE home.Also, in the brick home we knew all our neighbours but here we know nobody.I think it's just as important to have friendly neighbours.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
What’s your favourite festival?
What do you most enjoy about it?
Tell me about the most important festival in your country.What special food and activities are connected with this festival?
Do you think festivals are important for a country?
Do people in you town celebrate any festival from different country?
How do you compare the Chinese festivals with the western festivals?
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
2、PART 3。那今天,百利天下雅思小编就从这三部分来给大家讲讲每一部分主要考哪些常见话题,及如何在每一部分提高自己的口语能力。本节雅思口语三大部分常考话题,请看详细内容。
PART 1 日常场景话题
PART 2 常见核心类话题:
PART 3 社会相关话题比较多