
时间:2019-05-14 22:59:07下载本文作者:会员上传





Describe a festival from your country

I have been asked to talk about a popular festival, so I'd like to tell you all about Spring Festival.The festival is basically a celebration of the new year and a farewell to the old year.According to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year should start sometime in early February or late January.It is celebrated just to usher in a new year and to get rid of the demons from the older generation.I don't know the history of the New Year Festival that well.I only know that it is a festival that has basically been celebrated in a very similar way for hundreds of years, and that it mixes a bit of religion, superstition and festivity of the new season.I do know that it used to be celebrated a lot in the streets with a big parade and two dragons chasing a ball.We still do that now, but not as much;mostly you will find that at the Miao Hui carnivals.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


People celebrate it by decorating their house with various emblems and also by getting together, having a big dinner, and giving hongbao, which actually means “red packets”.You see, in our Spring Festival we don't give presents.Instead, a married couple will give a single relative or friend a red packet with money in it.As for the dinner, it can vary-there's no dinner that we have to eat.In the west, I know you usually eat turkey.But in Beijing most people eat dumplings, and part of the fun is just sitting around and making them.Together with all our family members, we often sit around and gamble by playing cards or Mahjong, which is a very famous type of game with chips, played a bit like Bridge, but of course much different.On the second day, we often go around and visit friends.Another way people celebrate Spring Festival is by dressing up in new clothes, and we often go out and attend what we call Miao Hui, which are simply outdoor carnivals, which basically sell a lot of things, and they hold a few events like Chinese opera.I think that the reason Spring Festival is so popular is because a lot of our economy is planned around it.I mean even though we do think of January as the beginning of the year officially, many think of Spring Festival as the real beginning of the financial year.Also, because the holiday stretches for 15 days, it gives many people a chance to reunite

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


with their family for the longest period of the year.In that sense you could say that it is like Christmas in the west.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/





【Question】What type of food do you like best?


1、Fresh vegetables and fruits are my favorite, but it doesn't mean i am a vegetarian.I just keep a regular intake of them daily.2、Seafood is my favorite, especially shrimps.They are low in calories and fat.They are natural healthy food.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/





Tell the interviewer your favourite activity

Well, my favourite hobby is shopping!Now I know you must be thinking this is not really a hobby but to me it is.I mean, it's interesting and it takes skills to do it well.So I'm going to tell you how to shop properly.To begin, you need time.You may need some money or you may not, depending on what your intention is.You need to be able to understand the retail profession, and understand that not everything that seems like good quality is good quality.Price may give you some clue, but the key to shopping is getting something of high quality at a low price.First, I always try to go to shops where the business is not too good.It must be a place where the store is good and they carry good products, but perhaps it's just not in a popular location, or perhaps they have some problems with advertising.Its good to find a store that is in a reasonably competitive area, so they know you can just walk to the next store if you have to.Small stores are usually a bit cheaper and you can

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


usually bargain.You need to be a bit of an actor when you shop and just check out the prices of many different types.You also need to be nice to the sales staff, because they often deal with so many pushy and rude people that they feel more generous when they come across a more polite person.You also need to show them that you know about the product and ask a few questions about the features.You want to tell them that there are products that have more features or are superior, but you are willing to consider this one if the price is right.That way you are putting the pressure on them.To get better at this you have to do a lot of it and try different strategies.You need to be yourself and not take anything personally.After all, it's always possible to get a better deal somewhere else, but if you manage to get a reasonable deal, then you can feel satisfied that you've achieved something.Don't act arrogantly just because you are the customer.People are human and they may want your money, but not at the expense of their face or pride.I think it's a good skill to learn because in life you have to learn to do business and still keep good relations with others, so it's important to do shopping well.Also you can obviously save a lot of money.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/





Describe a gift that you have received

Right, well the best gift I have received was my father's pocket watch.He gave it to me on my wedding day.You see, I know my father is not wealthy and he wanted to give me something important even though he didn't have to.He always loved this watch.I know this, because I remember one day when the watch wasn't working properly.Well, he was in quite a panic, because, he told me he felt like he was carrying around a sick baby in his belt.I always wondered what was so special about the watch.It seemed so funny to me, especially as I was growing up.Everyone else was buying those digital wristwatches, and his watch seemed like something out of the past.So I wondered if it might be an antique or a famous watch.My mother didn't say much to me, but she did tell me once that the watch wouldn't fetch much more than a few RMB if it were sold, but that my

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


father might even kill or die to protect that watch.You know, after my father died about a year ago, I asked my mother about the pocket watch.I had mainly kept it in my drawer but after he died I felt like I needed to know about this watch.My mother told me it was a watch my grandfather wore as well.You see my grandfather was killed in the war between Japan and China, and all that was found on him was this pocket watch that I guess the Japanese had neglected to take from him after they shot him.So this watch seems to carry the soul of both my father and my grandfather.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/





Describe your apartment or house

Ok, I've been asked to describe my apartment, but I think the apartment I live in is quite typical.It is located in the south of Hefei and it's in a very clean and convenient neighbourhood.I've lived there for about three years.We used to live in a brick house, but my father's business began to do very well so we could afford a better place.The rooms? Well, as for the rooms...there are 3 rooms.One is for my father and mother and another is for me.The other room is given to our maid.The apartment is about a hundred square meters, and it has a large living room and two bathrooms-one is in my parents' room.We have some comfortable chairs and a fairly large TV in the centre.We also have a stereo set and a karaoke set as well.I should mention that the kitchen is quite large compared to many other families because we extended it by knocking out the wall of another room.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


Now you know about the rooms.Let me tell you how I feel about the place.To tell you the truth, I don't like it very much.I mean, even though it's much larger and cleaner than the previous place, sometimes I just don't feel it's my real home.I think I got too attached to my previotE home.Also, in the brick home we knew all our neighbours but here we know nobody.I think it's just as important to have friendly neighbours.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



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