牛津英语5A Unit 3 (Part B,C)教案Microsoft Word 文档(合集)

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第一篇:牛津英语5A Unit 3 (Part B,C)教案Microsoft Word 文档

牛津英语5A Unit 3 At a Music lesson(Part B, C)教案


《义务教育课程标准实验教科书· 牛津小学英语》5A第三单元第二教时(Look, read and learn和 Look and say)。


能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 sing , dance , swim , skate , ski , make a puppet , make a model plane , play the guitar , play the violin.进一步掌握句型 I can … What can you do? I can …并且做到熟练运用。


正确运用句型 I can… What can you do? I can…



五、课前准备 1


a 相关光碟或磁带。

b 各种与本单元新词相关的图片。

c 音乐书,体育书和劳技书。

板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 3 At a Music lesson(part B, C)。



Free talk and listen to the song: we can sing and dance.(约3分钟)B

Sing a song(约2分钟)C

Presentation and practice 1


a 教师出示与音乐有关的单词和短语及相对应的图片,如唱歌sing, 演奏吉他play the guitar, etc.讲完之后对与音乐有关的4个单词(sing, dance, play the guitar, play the violin)进行一个小复习。

b 用同样的方法对与体育运动有关的3个单词(swim, skate, ski)和与劳技课有关的两个短语(make a puppet, make a model plane)进行讲解和复习。

c 让学生做小老师,带领其他同学朗读本单元新词。2

Listen and circle(约3分钟)



老师先讲解本单元重点句型:What can you do? I can …并举例练习,之后为学生提供一幅包含本单元词汇和句型的图画,让学生结合板书进行小组讨论,根据要求编写对话,然后老师抽查几组,并作适当指导。3

Fill in the blanks(约5分钟)


Say a chant(约5分钟)


Assign homework(约1分钟)

1.Read and act Part A;2.Sing the song “We can sing and dance”.七


Unit 3 At a Music lesson

What can you do? I can …



Module One

Relationships Unit One

Meet my family(First Period


Analysis of the Teaching Material

1.Page 2 is the beginning of this unit.So if the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.2.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is easy to arouse learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English skills.3.Most students have learned Oxford English for about five years so far.They can understand some words and some simple sentences.So the students may communicate each other easily in English in class now.Teaching Task(Aims)Talk about family members: 1.Draw a self-family tree.2.Talk about the partner‟s family members according to the family tree.3.Talk about photographs of their families.Teaching Key & Difficult Points Key points: 1.To draw a family tree.2.Using simple present tense to talk about family members.Difficult points: 1.To teach the students how to use “same” and “different” in a correct way.2.Using “How many” questions to find out quantity.3.How to use the long sentences to talk about the family and family members.Teaching Materials Student‟s Book 6A page 2.Cassette 6A and a recorder Photocopiable page 1-4 Some family photographs of students.Teaching Procedure Warming up: A story about a family or teacher‟s self-introduction.Pre-task preparation: 1.Draw a family tree of my family on the blackboard.2.Introduce the new vocabulary:

“meet, family, family tree, estate” 3.Teach the usage of “same”

a.“My parents and I live in different housing estates.We live far away.But last year, I moved into a new housing estate.It was really a nice big flat.So my parents came to live with us.Now they and I live in the same flat…” 3.Teach the usage of “same”

a.“My parents and I live in different housing estates.We live far away.But last year, I moved into a new housing estate.It was really a nice big flat.So my parents came to live with us.Now they and I live in the same flat…” b.Practice on “same” Question:

1)Do your grandparents live in the same flat with you? 2)Are you and your good friends studying in the same middle school? 4.Play the recorder “Look and read”

a.Draw a family tree of the Li family on the blackboard.b.Listen to the tape twice.c.Ask several questions to check if the students can understand it.d.Repeat the sentences after the tape.While-task procedures: 1.Students do the “Questions and Answers”(by using “How many”)

2.Show their family photographs and talk about them in pairs.“age”(p.2 “About you”)

3.Divide the students into groups.They take turns to introduce their partner‟s family members to the other group members.4.Let the students draw a family tree of their partner‟s family on photocopiable p.3.(Give some guided questions), and then correct them.Post-task Activity 1.Finish photocopiable p.4 2.Students write a few sentences about their family members.3.Students are required to circulate their work in groups.4.The whole class vote for the best.Homework: Oral work: 1.Read p.2 and recite it.Written work: 1.Copy the new vocabulary 2.Write five-six sentences about their families or their partners‟ families

M1U1 Meet my family

(second period)

Language focus:

Using adjectives to make comparisons Using conjunctions to link contrasting ideas Using possessive determiners to identify people Procedure: I. Warm Up Free talk – Students introduce themselves II. Pre-task 1.Guessing game-Who is she?

Material:She‟s our teacher.She‟s not very young, but she‟s a little old.She‟s not very tall, but she‟s a little short.She has two big eyes with glasses, but she has a small nose on her face.2.Read and review 3.Questions and answers 1)In Ben‟s family Who is older, Ben or Kitty? Who is taller, Ben‟s father or his grandfather? 2)Look, Which ruler is shorter, this one or that one? Which book is bigger, this one or that one? 4.Read and think III.While-task 1.pair-work My ________(sth)is big , but your ________ is bigger.small





longer 2.pair-work

Your ________(sb)is young , but mine is younger.old





taller 3.Listen and read(text on p2)4.group discussion material: two photographs on p3 topic: What else can you compare with Kitty‟s family and Alice‟s? form: role-play(two Ss are members in Kitty‟s family, the others are Alice‟s family members.)5.consolidation exercises on WB p1 IV.Assignment

1.talk about your own family members by using comparison 2.GB p1 Module One Unit One Meet My Family(Third Period)Language focus: Using “How many” questions to find out the quantity Using adjectives to make comparisons Using the simple present tense to express simple truth Using the simple past tense to talk about past activities Using possessive pronouns to identify people and animals

1.Daily song 2.Daily report(day, date, weather)3.Daily talk:

(for today)How are you?(together)

How old are you?(Single)

Do you have a younger an older sisterbrother?

How old is shehe?

How many people are there in your family?(Write: There are(number)people in S1‟s family.)Pre-task preparation: 1.Ask and answer “How many” questions and use adjectives to make comparisons.Ⅰ.Ask a student: How many people are there in your family?

To elicit: There are(number)people in S2‟s family.Ask: Is S1‟s family bigger smaller than your familyyours?

To elicit: Yes, S1‟s family is biggersmaller than mine.(Encourage students to use possessive pronouns here.)

Ⅱ.Ask more students to make such comparisons.ⅰ.I make an example:

There are(number)people in my family.My family is biggersmaller than S1‟s.ⅱ.Invite students to talk.(Maybe in pairs)

A: There are(number)people in my family.B: There are(number)people in my family.A: My family is biggersmaller than yours.B: My family is smallerbigger than yours.2.Text learning.Ⅰ.Play the recording “Look and read”, students listen and answer questions.Q: How many people are there in Alice‟s family?

How many people are there in Kitty‟s family?

Is Kitty‟s family biggersmaller than Alice‟s?

Is Kitty‟s dog biggersmaller than Alice‟s?

Ⅱ.Play the recording “Look and read”, check the answers;students listen and follow in books.Ⅲ.Play the recording “Look and read”, listen and repeat.Ⅳ.Role reading.While-task procedure: 1.Invite students to compare Kitty and Alice‟s families 2.Finish the table in “A survey”.3.According to the survey table, make dialogues to consolidate “How many” questions and adjective comparisons.Ⅰ.Invite two students to make an example with me.(Use the dialogue model in “A survey”)

A: How many people are there in your family?

B:(Number).My_____, my _____, and my ____.A: There are(only)(number)people in my family.Your family is biggersmaller than mine.B: That‟s right.Your family is smallerbigger than mine.C: HisHer family is bigsmall, but mine is biggersmaller.There are(number)people in my family.Ⅱ.Give the students two or three minutes for preparation, then invite some to present.4.Play the recording “Read and act” students listen and follow in books.Post-task activity:(in groups)1.Each group forms a family.Ask the students to write about their families and compare their own family with the old woman‟s.eg.Our family was biggersmaller than the old woman‟s.We lived in a ___.Our mother knew what to do.She gave us some dinner.And then she said, “It‟s time for bed!” 2.Act out the poems.Ⅰ.Give time for preparation.Provide guidance if necessary.Ⅱ.Invite students to perform.Ⅲ.Give bars or stars as praises.Module One Unit One Meet My Family(Fourth Period)I.Warming-up A poem There was an old woman.She lived in a shoe.She had a big family.But she knew what to do!She gave them some dinner.II.Pre-task Preparation 1.Make a new story was;lived;had;knew;gave 1)a little princess(公主)palace(宫殿)owl(猫头鹰)cookies take them to the poor people 2)an old man(live)by the sea a lovely dog money buy some food for me 2.Introduce a new student--This is ….He/ she is….--Hello, … Nice to meet you./ Glad to see you.--How do you do?(when people first meet)III.While-task procedure 1.Introduce family to a new friend /classmate /teacher 2.When friends meet each other 1)--How are you ?

--I‟m fine.Thank you, and you ?

--I‟m fine, too.2)– Hello/ Hi.How is everything going?

--Pretty good./ Not bad./ just so so.3.Game: How are you? I am happy.I am very well.I am excited.I am sad.I am sick.IV.Post-task Activity Group work : At a party 1.Greet each other between friends.2.Introduce a new person to your friend or family member.A foreigner;

A teacher;

A new friend Module One Unit One Meet My Family(Fifth Period)Analysis of the Material 教材分析

Material(教材): Oxford English, Student‟s Book 6A page 6 Teaching Aims(教学目标)

Language learning objectives(知识目标)

Using adverbs to express frequency(用副词表达频率)Using the simple present tense to express habitual actions(一般现在时)

Getting familiar with the verb phrases about the things we do with our families(熟悉和家人一起做的事情有关的动词短语)Skill & ability objectives(技能目标)

Providing chances for the students to improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing(提高听说读写能力).Having the students make a poster and a short play using newly learned knowledge.(用新学知识做海报、编小品)Instructional objectives(教育目标)

Having the students know the importance of spending more time with family.Language focus(教学重点)

Main structure(语言结构):

I always /usually/sometimes/never go to the supermarket with my mum.Relevant phrases:

go to the supermarket

play football

go to the cinema

eat breakfast

do my home work

watch television

walk in the park

wash the dishes

go to the beach

Analysis of the Students学生分析

Character(特点): active, competitive, curious, good at acting, good at drawing Ability(能力): very different levels, most are weak English learners eaching Approach教学方法

Learner-centered Teaching以学生为中心 Task-based learning(任务型教学法)

Communicative Language Teaching(语言交际法)Teaching Strategy 教学策略

Relaxed classroom atmosphere 轻松的学习氛围.Real-life situations 真实的情景 Main Activities主要活动

Competition 比赛

Poster 海报 Board-writing design 板书设计

I always

go to KFC/the supermarket with my mum.usually


never Warm-up Salad English Short play Useful Expressions Video录像


Short play小品表演

Charity begins at home.(Make your own family happy before you help others.)Pre-task preparation Create a situation: I want to introduce four new classmates to you.Do you want to meet them now?(Yes.)But before you can see them, you have to answer my questions.Make sure that your answers are right.If not, you can‟t see your new classmates.(to arise their curiosity)Review the seven days in a week by asking questions and then show the answers.(通过提问复习一星期的七天)A: How many days are there in a week? B: What are they? Read in chorus: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Elicit the following sentences.I always

go to KFC/the supermarket with my mum.usually


never Make sentences and match the right person.(sometimes, always, never, usually)

Play the recording: Look and learn.Students listen and repeat with their books closed.(a long-term practice on listening)Listen and repeat 听然后复述 Read and check读然后检查 Act 表演

While-task procedure Guessing Game What else can you do with your family?

(If they can‟t guess some of the things, I may ask a student to do actions and let the other students guess.)Students read the verb phrases together after they have guessed all the things.★Students look at the table in “About you”, give them an example with the first line: I usually walk in the park with my mum.★ Ask individual students to choose the thing and the adverb to make sentences like the example.★ Students finish the table in “About you” individually, and

then write a simple report using the main structure: I always/usually/sometimes/never …with my… ★ Students share their reports in small groups of four.★

Ask some students to read their reports in front of the class.Post-task procedure Make a poster Imagine that you are new student to the class and you are going to introduce yourself to your classmates.Make a small poster with both pictures and sentences to say something about the things you do with your family.Make sure that you use “always, usually, sometimes, never”.Let‟s see whose poster is the most beautiful.(通过画图和写句子介绍自己和家人一起做的事情,简单而有趣)Short play Name of the programme(节目名称):Family Studio(家庭演播室)Topic(话题): Things I do with my Family.(I am busy, but I do a lot of things with my family.)

Four roles(4 个角色): a TV announcer(主持人), three big stars(any big stars that you like)(任何你们喜欢的明星)

(把自己想像成喜欢的名人来演小品,提高积极性,激发兴趣)The students will present their work to the whole class.任务汇报 Assignment: Ⅰ.Workbook page 2 Ⅱ.Grammar Practice Book Page 3

Module 1 Unit 2 Good friends Language focus: Using „like to‟ to express preferences e.g.I tike to play and dress up, too.Using common expressions to introduce oneself e.g.Hi!I‟m Annie Wang from Flat 3C.Using „too‟ to express addition e.g.I like to skate and cycle, too.Pre-task preparation 1 Draw a floor plan of a 14-floor block on the board.There are five flats on each floor, A-E.Ask the students to read poem and find out which floors and flats the characters live on/in.Invite the more able students to circle the flat on the floor plan on the board.Ask the less able students to put the names of the characters in the correct flats.2 Have the students read the poem silently again.Ask them to find out what those characters like to do.3 Play the recording: Read a poem.Students listen and follow in their books.4 Play the recording again.Students listen and repeat.5 Introduce: dress up.Say: I don/'t like to dress up.I like to wear T-shirts and jeans.Who likes to dress up in the poem? What do the other characters like to do?

While-task procedure 1 In groups of four, students read the poem aloud.Each reads a verse.2 Ask the students to read the sample poem in About you.Divide the students into groups.Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 15 to each student.Students are required to tick the activities they like to do and write a poem about themselves.Put the work of the group members together to form a long poem.Ask the less able students to do the controlled task on Photocopiable page 16 first.3 Groups take turns to read their poems to the class.4 Put all the poems together to make an anthology.Put it in the class library.Post-task activity Workbook page 5

Consolidation Grammar Practice Book 6A pages 6-8

Oxford English(Shanghai Edition)Practice and Assessment Series 6A Part 1, Module 1, Unit 2 presents further grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as listening, reading and writing skills development tasks.


7A Unit 8 教案

Comic strip and welcome to the unit Teaching Aims: 1.Learn some new words about fashion.2.Arouse the students’ interests in fashion and learn to enjoy nice things.Step 1.Lead-in

Enjoy a short video about a fashion show, teach the word “fashion”.And draw the Ss’ interest in the following words and expressions.Step 2.Presentation

Show some pictures to learn the new words: fashion n.时装;时尚,风尚 think about 考虑

spend vt.度过;花费(钱、时间等)lazy



n.(女子穿的)短上衣,衬衫 tie

n.领带 lend vt.借给

Step 3.Learn some words about clothes

Present the words about clothes and make sure Ss know each word then fill in the boxes in PA on Page 93.Step 4.Borrowing things

1.Listen to the conversation between Millie and Mum, then answer

1)What does Millie need for the fashion show?

2)Why doesn’t she wear Mum’s blouse?

2.Read aloud and then make a similar conversation about borrowing things from others.A: Can you lend me/ us …?

B: Of course.A: What size/ colour is/ are your …? B: …

A: Oh, it’s … but … can … it/ them.B.OK then.A: Thank you, …

Step 5.Listen and fill in the blanks.Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo on Page 92, then fill the blanks:

Eddie is ________ about what to wear.But Hobo tells him dogs don’t _______ clothes.So Eddie wants to ________ ten more minutes in bed.He is a ______ dog.Step 6.Read and act

Read aloud the conversation in groups, then present the comic strip on the screen for the Ss to act out the conversation.Step 7.Explain 1.wear 穿着,戴着(表示穿、戴的状态)

put on 穿上,戴上(表示穿戴的动作)

e.g.She likes wearing red.她喜欢穿红色。

It’s cold outside.Put on your coat.外面冷,穿上外套。2.think about sth.考虑某事;想起某事

e.g.She is thinking about how to spend her holiday.她正考虑如何度假呢。Don't think about it any more.不要再去想这事了。

3.what to wear

意思是“穿什么”,英语中“疑问词+ to do ”是一个短语而不是句子。

e.g.I don’t know what to do.我不知道该怎么办?

Let me tell you how to do it.让我告诉你如何做这件事。4.spend vt


常用结构(1)Sb.+ spend +time/money doing sth.(2)Sb.+ spend + money on sth.e.g.He spends a lot of time playing football every day.他每天花大量时间踢足球。

How much does she spend on clothes every year? 她每年在衣服上花多少钱?

5.spend ten more minutes = another ten minutes

再花十分钟 e.g.We need five more chairs.6.lend sb.sth.= lend sth.to sb.把某物借给某人

e.g.Can you lend me your bike? 你能把自行车借给我吗?= Can you lend your bike to me? 注:lend 是“借给”,而英语中的borrow

是指句子的主语将东西借进,含义是“借来”。常用结构是borrow sth.from sb.“向某人借某物”。e.g.Can I borrow your rubber? 我可以借用你的橡皮吗? Step 8.Exercises

一、根据Millie 与Mum的对话内容填空:

Millie wants her mother to _______ her some clothes for the _________ show.Her mother’s red ________ is ________ 4.It’s too large for her.but she thinks Sandy can _______ it because Sandy is tall.So she borrows it from her mother.二、翻译:

1.她正在考虑去哪度假(holiday)。2.我可以再吃两个苹果吗? 3.你穿多大尺码的鞋? 4.Tom经常将自行车借给我。Homework: 1.Act out the two conversations in pairs after class.2.Preview the new words in Reading.Reading I Teaching Aims: 1.Learn some new words about fashion.2.Practise reading skills by learning Millie’s article.Step 1.Presentation Present the new words: lady



(pl.gentlemen)先生;君子 style

风格,样式 trainer



舒适的,使人舒服的 popular

受喜爱的,受欢迎的 among

在(三者或以上)中 purple


灰色(的)smart 衣着讲究的;聪明的;精干的 cool

酷的,绝妙的 cotton 棉;棉织物 scarf

(pl.scarves)围巾 both


(复)牛仔裤 silk

(蚕)丝;丝绸 wool 羊毛,羊绒 boot


both… and …

…和… 都;不仅…而且… be made of … 由… 制成 Step 2.Lead-in

Present two pictures about a fashion show and ask: What are they doing? Are you interested in it? Step 3.Reading

1.Listen to Millie’s article and answer the questions:

1)Where do they hold the fashion show? 2)How many students are there in this show? 2.Read the article and complete the form:

3.Complete B1 on Page 95.4.Read aloud the article and put T or F in the blanks.5.Complete B3 & 4 on page 96.Step 4 Homework

1.Read aloud the article and underline the difficult parts.2.Remember the new words in this lesson.Reading II Teaching Aims: 1.Learn the language points in this article.2.Learn to describe a fashion show.Step 1.Revision The students are having a fashion show in the school _______ in the ________.Millie wears _______ clothes.She thinks trainers are __________ to wear, so they are popular _________ young people.Simon’s shirt is _______ and his trousers are ________.He looks _______.______ Amy _______ Daniel wears blue ________.Young people also like to wear them.Sandy looks ________ because she is in red _______ blouse, a ______ wool skirt and a pair of red __________.Step 2.Explain 1.trousers, jeans本身就是复数,其数量的表达要用 a pair of 这样的短语,这样的短语作主语时要由pair 的单复数形式来决定谓语动词形式。e.g.The jeans are popular among young people.There is a pair of jeans in the bag.The two pairs of trousers are different.2.look cool 看上去很酷

当look的译为“看起来,看上去” 的意思时是连系动词,这种动词后面可以接形容词作表语,但不能接副词,e.g.You look happy today.(正)(happy是形容词)

You look happily today.(错)(happily 是副词,不能作表语)

 本课短文中的look cool, look smart,look modern中look都是连系动词。3.both 两者(都)

(1)这个词只能用于两者或两部分时,三者及以上的“全,都”要用all。e.g.His parents are both teachers.There are 40 students in our class.We are all Chinese.(2)“both of + 名词复数/ 宾格代词”作主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。

Both of them work in Beijing.(3)both … and …

…和… 都;不仅…而且… She can both sing and dance.她不仅会唱歌而且会跳舞。4.Here comes Sandy.西蒙来了。

这是一个以Here 开头的倒装句,句子的真正主语是Sandy。请观察here 开头的倒装句的两种不同情况:

Here comes the bus.(主语是名词the bus)

Here it comes.(主语是代 it)

Here you are.(主语是you)5.be made of …

由… 制成

Sandy’s blouse is made of silk.桑迪的衬衫是由丝绸制成的。6.be popular among …


Jeans are popular among young people.Step 3.Exercises


1.Good evening, ________(lady)and _____________(gentleman)!2.You will feel ___________(comfort)if you wear trainers.3.Whose ________(scarf)are these? 4.My T-shirt is ________(make)of cotton.5.His red and grey tie ________(match)his clothes.6.Look!Amy is ________(wear)a blue scarf.二、完成句子:



8.Amy正穿一件红色的羊毛短裙。Step 5.Interview You are an interviewer.You want to interview Millie about the fashion show.Work in pairs, try to ask at least five questions about the show.Homework 1.Recite this article.2.Remember the language points in this lesson.Grammar Teaching aims: Learn the use of the present continuous tense.Step 1.Presentation Present the new words: write to, wait for, look for… Step 2.Lead-in Present three pictures in gif.and ask: What are they doing? /What am I doing? /What is he doing? Help them to answer and tell them they are using the present continuous tense.Step 3.Grammar



主语+ am/ is /are + v-ing...肯定句:

主语+ am/ is / are not + v-ing...I am not eating.You/ We/ They are not eating.He/ She/ It is not eating.二、动词ing形式的构成:

Exercise 1: Complete Part A on Page 97.三、现在进行时一般疑问句的构成及回答: I am eating.→ Am I eating?

Yes, I am./ No, I am not.(或 No, I’m not.)

You/ We/ They are eating.→ Are you/ we/ they eating?

Yes, we/you/ they are.No, we/ you/ they are not(或用缩写aren’t)He/ She/ It is eating.→ Is he/ she/ it eating? Yes, he/she/it is.No, he/she/it is not.(或用缩写isn’t)规律:将be 动词移到主语前面。注意:肯定回答时主语be动词不能缩写,否定回答时be动词和not可以用完全形式也可以用缩写。

Exercise 2: Complete Part B on Page 98.四、语法补充:

(一)现在进行时可以表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。Look!He is reading in bed.(说话时正在进行)Mr Green is writing a new book.(现阶段正在做)


如果句子中带有鲜明的时间状语,如:now, 或带有Look, Listen 等暗示动作正在发生,或有表示现在的上下文语境时,我们常用现在进行时。Listen!She is singing in the next room.—Where is your mother? — She is cooking dinner.(三)注意点:

(1)现在进行时的谓语动词由“be 的某种形式+ 动词ing 形式” 这两部分构成。这时be是个助动词,没有实际意思,只起构成时态的作用。同学们在使用现在进行时时千万不要忘了用be动词。

We having breakfast.(错)We are having breakfast.(正)(2)有些动词一般不用进行时,如:know, understand(理解), love, like, want, hope, hear, see等。

(3)双写末尾一个辅音字母再加ing形式的动词的条件参考书本P121。这个规律不易掌握,所以同学们可以在学习英语的过程中学到一个双写词就记住它,慢慢体会规律。以下是已经学过的一部分双写词:shop, run, get, swim, begin, stop, cut, hit,forget等。Homework Remember the new words in this lesson.Integrated skills

Teaching Aims: 1.Practise listening skills by listen to a conversation.2.Practise speaking skills by talking about different materials of the things.Step 1.Presentation Present the new words by showing some pictures: go for sth.去做某事,去参加 fit for


think of

认为;想起;考虑 glove

n.手套 leather n.皮革


adj.光滑的,平坦的;顺利的 lovely adj.可爱的;亲切友好的 hat

n.(有檐的)帽子 Step 2.Lead-in

Show a picture of a lady and let Ss discuss what she is going to do? Step 3.Listening 1.Listen to a conversation and complete A1 on page 99.2.Listen to the conversation again and complete A2 on page 99.3.Complete A 3 according to A1 & A2.Step 4.Speak-up 1.Listen and answer: 1)What colour are Kitty’s gloves? 2)What are the gloves made of? 3)What is Amy’s hat made of? 2.Read after the recorder.3.Talk about different materials of the clothes your classmates wear like this.Step 5.Explain 1.go for sth.去从事(某项活动或运动),去参加

go for a walk 去散步

go for a meeting 去开会

go for a dinner

去吃晚饭 2.am/ is / are going to do sth.打算做某事

—What are you going to do tomorrow?


—I’m going to see my grandparents.我打算去看望我的外祖父母。3.What do you think of … ?

(= What do you think about …?)


What do you think of this film? 你觉得这部电影怎样?

It’s so boring.太无趣了。4.plan(to do)sth.计划(做)某事


They are planning a school trip.他们正计划一次学校组织的旅游呢。5.They’re made of leather.be made of 由 …… 制成,通常表示该成品仍看得出原材料。

This bottle is made of glass.这个瓶子是由玻璃制成的。

be made from 由……制成,表示该制成品看不出原材料。

Paper if made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。

6.feel soft and smooth 摸上去柔软光滑

feel 感觉,摸上去(是连系动词,后常接形容词)

I’m not feeling well.我觉得有点不舒服。(well 作“健康的,身体好的”之意时是形容词,而不是副词)11 7.sb + look + 形容词+ in + 颜色

= 颜色 +look + 形容词+ on sb.意为“ 某人穿某种颜色怎样怎样” You look good in red.= Red looks good on you.你穿红色很好看。Step 6.Exercises 翻译句子:



是丝绸制成的。5.—你觉得这本书怎么样 ?

—很有兴趣。Homework 1.Remember the new words and the language points in this lesson.2.Preview the next lesson.Study skills & Task Teaching aims: 1.Learn syllables in words.2.Write about the S’s own fashion design.3.Review the important points in this unit.Step 1.Presentation

Present the new words by showing some pictures: jacket

n.夹克衫,短上衣 feature n.特征 material n.材料 design

n.设计;构思 model




include vt.包括,包含

Step 2.Learn syllables in words.1.英语单词可以划分成音节。一个单词可能分成一个、两个、三个或更多音节。例如:

clean,late, feel, tea, at



fashion about




2.Listen to A and repeat the words: 3.Listen to B and write down the number of syllables in the blanks.Keys: 2,3,21,2,3,1,4 4.Listen and complete C & D on page 101.Keys:


special, weekend, present,children, football, modern D:

3, 5, 6, 7 Step 3.Read Part A on Page 102 and answer the following questions: 1.What is the shirt made of? 2.What colour is the jacket? 3.What are the trainers made of?

Step 4.Task 1.Listen and complete the form.2.Read aloud the article and then try to complete Part C.Step 6.Exercises


1.I’m thinking about ______.A.what to do it

B.how to do

C.to do what

D.how to do it 2.She always spends a lot of money ____



C.buys D.to buy 3.Can she ___ you her dictionary?





4.This pair of trousers ____ made of leather.A.is



D./ 5.Look!Here _____ two bus.A.come


C.is coming

D.are coming 6.It’s six o’clock.Sandy ____ a letter.A.writes


C.is writeing

D.is writing 7.---____ you ___ with her now?

---No, I’m not.A.Do;play



D.Do, playing 8.She looks ____ with her new hat.A.beautifully





1.你能把你的深蓝色的夹克衫借给我吗? 2.这件男衬衫摸上去柔软光滑。3.她不仅会唱歌而且会跳舞。4.瞧!他正在河里游泳。


6.白色和其他任何一种颜色都可搭配。Homework Review all the new words and language points in this unit.




TheFirstLesson [Teachingcontent] Unit3welcomeandListening

[Teachingaimsanddemands] knowledgeaims:

1.learnthenewwords,especially,somepersonalpronounsandsomeusefuladj,likebigandstrong,smallandthin,tallandthin,tallandslim,shortandpretty.2.Ssgettoknowthegrammar:Inasimplepresenttensesentence,whichincludes“be”,whencanSsuse“am,is,are”? Abilityaims:





ProjectorandStudents’book [Teachingprocedure] Pre-teaching 1.Teachthenewwords Askthestudentstoreadallofthenewwordsbeforeteaching.onestudentreadsfivewords,sothattheteachercancorrecttheirmistakesinphonetics.2.Askstudentstoreadallofthenewwords,sothattheyarefamiliarwiththembeforecomingintothetext.3.Theteacherneedn

’tleadthembyhimself/herself,becausestudentshavealreadylearnedthewordsintheprimaryschool,andtheyareallveryeasyandusualwords.4.Asforthespellingofthenewwords,therearesomeinwhichstudentsalwayshavedifficulty,suchas,classmate,twelve,polite,helpful,England,English,America,Americanandknow.Step1Presentation Haveacasualchatwithstudents,askingthesequestions: Doyouhavefriends?

whoarethey? whoisyourbestfriend?

what’shis/hername? Sothattheteachercanleadtothesubjectofthisunit.Step2welcometotheunit 1.Askthestudentstoreadthedialoguesofthispartfirst,andseeiftheycanreaditcorrectly.2.Askthemtoreadthedialoguesagaintograspthemeaningofit,andanswerthesequestions: what’sthenameofthegirlinapinkdress?







3.Guidestudentstoreplaceallofthenamesinthedialogueswiththenamesoftheirclassmatesandusesomesimilarwordsandsimilarsentencestomakeanotherdialogueoftheirown.Forexample,I’mtwelve=I’m12yearsold,I’m12years.I’mtwelvetoo=I’malso12.Heispoliteandhelpful=Heishelpfulandheispolite 4.LetSsdoPairworkandgivestudentschancestoshowtheirdialogues.Step3

Listening 1.Pre-listening.1)AskstudentstoreadthepairsofwordsinPartA,andtheninstructthemtofindtheoppositewordofeachword.2)Afterwards,askstudentstomakesentenceswitheachwordandeachpair,usingthestructure:


“sb.is…and…” 3)

Atlast,theteacherasksquestionslike: whoisbigandstronginourclass?










TheSecondLesson [Teachingcontent] Unit3


[Teachingaimsanddemands] knowledgeaims:



1.Inasimplepresenttensesentence,whichincludes“be”,whencanSsuse“am,is,are”? 2.knowthedifferencebetween




[Teachingprocedure] Step1.RevisionandPre-speaking 1.Reviewgrammar.主语控制谓语,谓语动词什么时候用am,is,are,要看主语,口诀:









yes,theyare.No,theyaren’t.3.Askstudentstoreadthemandcopythemagainandagain.Step2Speaking 1.Askthestudentsreadthedialoguemodelsinthispart,andcorrecttheirmistakesinphonetics.2.Directthemtoplaytheroleinordertobefamiliarwiththestructureofthedialogue.3.Guidestudentstoreplacethebluewordsandphrasestomaketheirowndialoguesaccordingthepicturesinthispart,followingthedialoguemodels.4.Pairworkandgivestudentschancestoshowtheirdialogues.Step3Reading 2.Askstudentstoreadthedialogueinthispartbythemselvestwice,andgetreadytoanswerthesequestions: what’sthenameofthegirl?




IsSammiagirloraboy? Howoldisshe?









Grammar 1.Reviewgrammar.谓语动词什么时候用am,is,are,要看主语,主语控制谓语,口诀:












Task 1.Explainwhattheformofthispartisabout,andfirstly,askstudentssomequestionsorallyaccordingtotheform.2.Guidestudentstofinishtheblank-fillingexercise.3.Afterthat,leadstudentstoreadthearticleagainandagain.Step6Summary,andfurtherknowledgeandability 1.weareallchinese.=weareallchinesestudents 2.Englandhasothernames,suchasBritain,Uk 3.Englishmeans“英国的,英国人的,英语”,butitdoesn’tmean“英国人”.SoSscansay“sheisEnglish.”or“SheisanEnglishgirl.”,butcan’tsay“SheisanEnglish” 4.TeachSsthecorrectwordorderofthephrase“fournewclassmates”.5.并列成分的最后一个之前加如:Sheissmall,thinandpolite.Step7

Homework 1.copythetransformationsofasimplepresenttensesentence,whichincludes“be”:theinterrogativeform,affirmativeandnegativer




本单元的会话主要是通过Mr.Green上的一堂音乐课引出“谈论能力”为话题,学习Can you „?Yes, we can./No, we can’t.I can„ What can you do? 等句子。在会话教学中,教师要尽可能的运用直观教具,如图片、体态语等,为学生创设直观情境,以帮助学生正确理解本单元所出现的句子的功能和意义,并引导学生进行操练、练习、运用,使学生能够在日常交际活动中熟练运用这些句子。

本单元出现的日常交际用语有Listen to the song, please.Now, follow me, please.Yes./OK./All right.等,教师在教学中可以边演示、边说这些句子,使学生在正确理解及听的懂的基础上能够进行口头表达和熟练运用。


E部分Look and read版块是个幽默小对话,教师在指导学生看图时,要提醒学生故事中两个男孩动作的危险性,平时不要模仿。对话中出现的新单词只要求学生能够听懂、会说、会读,并能在日常交际中初步运用。

教学要求: 1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a lesson, a song, can, sing, dance, play, lesson, listen, swim, make, ride, put, can。2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Can you „? Yes, I /we can./No, I /we can’t.I can „ What can you do? 3能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型Listen to „, please.Now, follow me, please.Yes./OK./All right.OK.Let’s start.Let’s sing it together.4 4初步掌握情态动词can的基本用法。

5了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。6能有表情地演唱歌曲We can sing and dance。





The First Period


5A.Unit 3 A部分 Read and Say

二、教学目标: 1能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。





四、课前准备: 准备本课会话的投影片。


黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。


A Listen to a song 听歌曲 We can sing and dance.B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习1出示图片,让学生看图认读单词,复习以前所学的词汇。sing , dance, play the violin, 2活动:听听、说说、做做。学生听教师口令边说、边做动作,巩固以前所学词汇。

D Presentation and drill新授和操练 1出示图片,让学生认读并试着拼读单词。sing , dance, play 2师生问答,学习学习并操练Can you„? 及其答语和What can you do?句型。

T : Boys and girls, can you sing the song “We can sing and dance”?

Ss: No, we can’t.T : What can you sing?

S1: We can sing “In the classroom”.T : What can you sing?

S2: We can sing “Hello!How are you?”

T : Can you sing “Where is the Thumb King?”

S3: No, I can’t.T : What can you do?

S4: I can play the piano.T : Shall we learn the song “We can sing and dance” now? Please listen to the song.3在师生问答中,教师通过手势、表情引出单词learn, listen,教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读,并拼读。4出示本课所听歌曲的歌词,让学生看歌词,跟唱,引出句型Now follow me, please.Let’s sing it together.教师示范发音,通过手势、表情让学生理解该句的意思,后让学生分层次练说句型。5出示本课对话的投影片,教师简介图片内容,让学生了解对话的背景。


E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固 1让学生听录音,模仿跟读。


F 布置作业:


G 板书设计

H 教后记

The Second Period


5A.Unit 3 B部分 Look, read and learn

二、教学目标: 通过复习能正确熟练掌握A部分会话,并能表演对话。


熟练掌握B 部分 Look, read and learn中出现的四会单词。


四、课前准备: 准备本课会话的投影片。

准备录音机和磁带。4准备本课B部分出现的四会单词的图片。黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。


A Listen to a song 听歌曲 We can sing and dance.B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习1 出示本课对话投影片,师生看图问答。

2 学生看图小组内表演对话。3 出示图片,让学生看图认读单词,复习以前所学的词汇。sing , dance, play the violin, play the piano, skate, ski, swim, a puppet, a model plane 4 活动:听听、说说、做做。学生听教师口令边说、边做动。

D Presentation and drill新授和操练 1出示B部分单词的图片,让学生看图,分层次拼读单词。2 出示一张纸,教师边把纸叠成一架飞机,边说make a plane,教师示范make的发音,让学生静听、模仿、跟读、拼读。


E Practice and consolidation.练习和巩固 1 竞赛活动:学生看图,分组认读、拼读单词,看哪组说得又快又准确。

2 小组活动:用make和play组词,看哪组扩展的多。

3 小组推选代表汇报组词情况。

F 布置作业


G 板书设计

H 教后记

The Third Period


5A.Unit 3 C部分 Ask and answer

二、教学目标: 复习本单元所学词汇。进一步掌握Can you„? 及其答语Yes, we can./No, we can’t.I can„。

掌握句型What can you do?及其回答I can„。

三、教学重、难点: 四会掌握句型Can you„? 及其答语Yes, we can./No, we can’t.I can„。

2 四会掌握句型What can you do? I can„

四、课前准备: 准备本课会话的投影片。准备本课B部分出现的四会单词的图片。

准备本课C部分出现的图片。黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。


A Learn to a song 学唱歌曲 We can sing and dance.B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习1 出示本课对话投影片,师生看图问答。

2 学生看图小组内表演对话。3 出示图片,让学生看图认读单词,复习以前所学的词汇。

D Presentation and drill 新授和操练 1 出示本单元单词图片,让学生看图用I can„造句。试着让 学生边造句边做动作。2 师生问答,运用What can you do? I can„句型。竞赛活动:连锁操练。一个学生边做动作边说I can„然后问另一个学生What can you do?依次类推。出示C部分第一幅图,教师与一个学生示范,后其他学生 在小组内模仿、练说。


E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1 学生五人一个小组,看图对图片进行小组操练。

2 小组汇报表演。

3 游戏活动:看看、说说。

F 布置作业:


G 板书设计

H 教后记

The Fourth Period


5A.Unit 3 D部分 Look , read and complete

二、教学目标: 复习本单元所学对话和词汇。


三、教学重、难点:四会掌握句型„can„, but „can’t „

四、课前准备: 准备D部分出现的图片。在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。


A Learn to a song 学唱歌曲 We can sing and dance.B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习1 出示本课对话投影片,学生看图用英文描述。

2 学生表演对话。出示图片,让学生看图认读单词,复习所学的词汇。让学生看图,用图片中的词汇造句。学生边造句边做动作I can „

D Presentation and drill 新授和操练 1教师示范句型,边说边板书:I can swim, but my mother can’t.通过动作、表情让学生理解并让学生学说。2学生小组内模仿句型、练说。

3小组汇报。4出示图片,描述图片内容:The boy can swim, but the girl can’t.分层次让学生练说。5指导学生看图,谈论图片。6要求学生小组内完成每幅图下的句子。7教师出示投影片,让学生校对句子,后集体朗读。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固 游戏活动1:做做、说说。请一个学生到台前表演动作,另一个学生模仿不出来,让台下学生运用The boy can swim, but the girl can’t.句子来描述。

游戏活动2:小组了解各自的特长,后每个小组推选一名学 生汇报。

F 布置作业


G 板书设计

H 教后记

The Fifth Period


5A.Unit 3 E部分 Look and read, F部分Fide and seek, G部分Listen and repeat

二、教学目标: 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇。能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语和含有情态动词can的句型。

听懂、会说、会读并理解E部分 Look and read。




能正确地运用句型Can you „? Yes, I /we can.No, I /we can’t.I can „ what can you do? 并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。

四、课前准备: 准备E、G部分出现的投影片。

准备本课对话和词汇的投影片和图片。在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。


A Sing a song.表演唱英文歌曲We can sing and dance.B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生认读并拼 读本课四会单词。用竞赛活动的形式鼓励学生参与。出示本课对话投影片,学生看图用英文描述。


D Look and read 出示D部分的投影片,指导学生看图,引出生词ride, put,Aah,教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读。师生问答,运用生词组成句子。Can you ride a bike? Can you put a „on your head?通过问答的形式加深学生对生词的理解和运用。在学生理解的基础上,让学生边听录音边看图,理解对话。让学生听录音模仿、跟读,并在熟读的基础上学生小组内分角色朗读、表演。

E Listen and repeat 出示单词投影片,让学生认读after, basketball, class, dance这四个词。

分层次朗读单词,让学生体会字母a在单词中的发音。出示前两个单元E部分的投影片,让学生比较字母a在其 他单词中的发音。


F Hide and seek 游戏活动:捉迷藏。既可以是学生躲藏,也可以是藏学习用品。教师示范,后让学生自己组织游戏。小组开展游戏活动。

G Sing a song.表演唱本课的英文歌曲

H 布置作业


I 板书设计

J 教后记

The Sixth Period


5A.Unit 3综合练习,本课练习册

二、教学目标: 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇和句型。能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语并能运用所学句型描述、交流各自的特长。能熟练完成本课的练习册。

三、教学重、难点: 熟练地掌握本课出现的动词和动词短语。能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。


四、课前准备: 准备本课词汇的图片。准备录音机和练习册听力部分的录音。黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。


A Sing a song.表演唱英文歌曲We can sing and dance.B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生认读并拼读本课四会单词。出示本课对话投影片,学生看图用英文描述。



D Practice 练习Listen and number先让学生了解图意,后听音标号,集体校对。Listen and choose.先让学生连锁认读单词,后听音选择正确的答案,同桌校对。

Put in the missing letters.填入所却字母。让学生独立完成。Put the words in the correct order.先小组讨论,后成句连词。每组选派一个代表板书句子,后集体校对。Look and write.看图写句子。先小组讨论,后小组汇报。

Look and complete.看图完成对话。课后完成并小组内进行表演。

E 布置作业


F 板书设计


G 教后记:

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