
时间:2019-05-15 10:26:16下载本文作者:会员上传


Review of American TV series ‘American Horror Story’

American Horror Story(AHS)is an American horror television series created and produced by the famous television screenwriter, Ryan Murphy.Described as an anthology series, each season is conceived as a self-contained miniseries, following a different set of characters and settings, and a storyline on its own.Some plot elements are inspired by true events in history.The first season to the fifth season is called ‘Murder House’, ‘Asylum’, ‘Coven’, ‘Freak Show’ and ‘Hotel’ respectively.AHS has been one of my favorite television shows because first of all, I am a huge horror story fan.And also, AHS has amazing casting and wonderful script.I can learn a lot of culture and history of America by watching AHS.It helps me get useful information about different cultures in different countries.Let’s put aside the horror part of the TV series, I want to say something about the points that touched me hard in AHS.I will take season 3 for instance.The story is about the coven.A group of witches’ descendant gathered in New Orleans from different places.A mysterious all-girls boarding school has opened in there to protect and house young women who carry this unique bloodline, and keep them from the dangers of the outside world.There is a supreme, who is the most powerful witch of their generation but no one knew who she was.They needed to find out who the one and only supreme is, and she will be the leader to lead other girls to strengthen the coven and fight against the enemies.First, each season of AHS talks about LOVE.Maybe expressing in different ways, but I can exactly see love everywhere.In Season 3, witches love each other.Although they play tricks on each other to fight for the future leader, but when enemies come, they always care about others and fight together against the evil force.I can also see the love between the old supreme and her daughter, who is the teacher in witches’ school.They may have bad relationship due to many problems, but when daughter was blind someone with someone else's frame up, her mother is the first one rushing to the hospital, and the one that take care of her day after day.Second, AHS is fighting for the equal rights.Each season talks about equality.In season 3, there is a character called Delphine LaLaurie.She hates black people, and likes torturing her black household slaves, and murdering them in cold blood.Her behave angered the voodoo(a Afro-American religion)queen, and the queen makes her became the immortal prisoner, buried underground over 300 years.United States was a country of immigrants, so racism is always mentioned through years.In history, black people are treated in a unfair way and always fighting for equal rights.As time goes by, The situation gets better but still needs improvement.Not only the black people, there are many other kinds of people suffering from the unkind treatment such as women, homosexuals and disabled people.The world needs equality and we need to support the people who are fighting for equal rights.This is my review of American Horror Story, I learn a lot of culture and history about America through it and I cannot wait to see the next season later this year.2016.6.20 14730110 Zhao Jianqiao



This movie is complicated and gets people thinking.In a way, it expresses a deep horrific feeling that what will be if your life is in endless cycle.The movie tells a story about a single mother named Jess.Jess went sailing with her friends encouraged by her friend, Greg.However, they encountered storm, forcing them to take refuge in a big cruise.To their surprise, the cruise was empty meanwhile Jess feel that she has been there before.Soon, a masked woman attacked them and Jess was only one survived.But Jess found the masked woman has same appearance with her.Jess concluded that she can escape only when she killed everyone.To she expect, she came home.But she saw herself in her home.The scene was totally same with that morning’s.She killed that herself.Thinking it best to get out of town, she heads off with her son in back and the body in the trunk.When her attention is diverted, she accidentally encountered traffic accident, causing her car to flip over, killing her son and throwing the body of Past Jess out onto the road.A Taxi driver comes to her and tells her that the little boy can't come back, then she goes in shock and leaves with him to go to the harbor thinking that she can save her child, and the cycle repeats as ever.When I finish the movie, I feel desperate because of the Jess’s life.She wants to be a good mother and have a regular life but she is dead.Then she is desperate to compensate her son and traps in cycle.Her only motivation is her son.She can’t stop killing others and keeps struggling.May be the taxi driver is Death, when she answered she will back, she makes a contact with Death.But as a punishment of she don’t keeping promising, she was trapped in a endless cycle.Another thought is that the start is the place that everything ends.11113619Rita


The Film Review of Forrest Gump: Perfect art of successful people


outline: film story theme(影片主题)

film performance practices(影片表现手法)

the screen image of Forrest(影片银幕形象)

the film social significance(影片社会意义)

Forrest Gump tells the story of an life experiences of the hero of the mentally retarded, reflecting all aspects of American life, from the perspective of a special group it reflects the social status in the United States.But the virtue be lacked of in the era of social was reflected in a satire “fool” the body, and thus it cause people to reflect(深思).Film unique performance practices(影片表现手法独具特色), firstly, the image of the shape of “Forrest Gump”, to subvert(颠覆)the people's traditional concept of the hero characters, he did not have the ingenuity and the ability specially, the contrary is a mentally handicapped mediocrity(平庸).The director who is to take this image of the opposite of ironic(讽刺意味的)ignorance of the people, to reflect the current social situation, in order to arouse people thinking ofsociety and their future.Secondly, the film is always a gentle attitude(温婉的态度)and witty approach(诙谐的手法)to performance figures, especially humorous language to express the character’sthinking ,so the audience can easily accept.The film director described as imaginative(导演可谓匠心独运), and received good artistic effect.Therefore, it is very successful.In the film, Forrest Gump is an honest and trustworthy, earnest, bravely face of difficulties, he is the embodiment of virtue(他是美德的化身),but also a hero because of his obsession(执着), he is convinced that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know where the next will get what taste ”but he dared to try.Only a fool would do something in the eyes of others, he will always insist on doing,so his image is particularly prominent(因此他的形象鲜明突出), so he caught everyone by surprise, and from the new look at their own.It is his dedication(执着)makes him got success, he is the nation's football star, a Vietnam War hero, ping-pong champion, millionaire, he is the hero of that era.The film succeeded in shaping the image of Forrest Gump, and reflecting the social status , satire(讽刺)and expose(揭露)the bottom of society contradictions(矛盾), and people lost values orientation(人们迷失了价值取向), as well as through the metamorphosis(蜕变)of this image in Forrest Gump, until success, it appeals to everyone from the new look of himself, thinking about social and destiny, the film has a certain effect in the wake of the people.In general , I think the film is a very successful movie



第四篇:英文观后感——《恐怖角》 Review of Cape Fear

Review of Cape Fear

The establishment of law is intended to maintain order.The so-called maintaining justice is merely a derivative of law.We can hardly tell if this notion is comprehensive and right, but it is reasonable to a great extent.And the film Cape Fear gives us strong evidence about the notion.This is a film concerning revenge.Different from the rest, it is about the revenge of an evildoer.Thus the anti-social route has resulted in its unique charm.There‟s no doubt that Cady is a bad guy, who rapes and kills others manically.Nonetheless, he has the quality of persistent and dauntless.His bitter of prison comes from his own evildoing as well as the attorney‟s plotting benefit by Cady‟s illiteracy of law.From the beginning of the film, we can imagine his life in the prison must have included the spirit of forbearing and „getting up where you fell‟.The process of his revenge is not only to beat the opposite physically but also to totally defeat his enemy and the whole world.It is because he once was „white food scraps‟.So he yells, “I am better than you;I can read better;I can learn faster;I can think higher;I can win you by talking philosophy.And I am living longer than you.I am like god and god like me;I am as large as god, he is as small as I.he cannot bow me…” when armed with thought, culture and spiritual handholds, Cady‟s energy becomes so powerful.Then „Evil can never prevail over good‟ sometimes goes pale.In opposite to Cady, Sam is the attorney standing for law and justice.Though he has punished Cady on behalf of justice by making use of his illiteracy, which shows an attorney‟s conscience higher than law, he also has the human stain.He behaves unfaithfully to his wife and sometimes hypocritically.These make the positive character unlikable to people to a certain extent.Between the two main characters, the dividing line of justice and morality is blurred.Sam‟s way of maintaining justice has given Cady a supposed punishment but has deliberately broken the law.It is a provocation to the order commonly obeyed by the society.Here law and justice were placed opposite to each other, which has provided us with a profound thinking of the primary significance of the law.



The famous movie named The Lion King ,which becomes the most successful movie in Walt Disney and gains public attractions.In the movie, the little prince whom made the African savannah awaken was born when the sun rising from the horizon.As the the king's brother scar hated Simba because Scar wanted to become the king.Scar attempted many ways to kill Simba.The most impressive thing was a time when Simba was immediately killed by Scar , but Mufasa saved Simba's life.His father's death frustrated him.Finally Simba conquered many difficulties and defeated Scar.Simba was officially announced to own the regime within the chorus of his mother and his friends.The Lion King shows us a new grand world, letting us to experience the adventures of the love and the moving of life.。



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