
时间:2019-05-15 02:54:54下载本文作者:会员上传



禁止修改IP: 在XP中,可以:

1.点击开始,打开“运行”在运行栏中输入“gpedit.msc”(引号内的内容)然后确定,打开了组策略.2.点击用户配置下的“管理模板”----网络----网络连接.3.把“禁止访问LAN连接的属性”和“为管理员启用windows2000 网络连接设置”均改成已启用.4.OK,再看看你的本地连接属性已经成为灰色的了.但是,这个方法在Windows 7中就失效了!

在“开始/运行”中输入“Cmd.exe”,确认后打开CMD窗口,在其中分别执行“Regsvr32 /u Netcfgx.dll”、“Regsvr32 /u Netshell.dll”、“Regsvr32 /u Netman.dll”命令,就可以将上述控件从系统中卸载。当然,如果以后需要修改IP地址的话,可以上述控件逐一注册即可。注册的方法很简单,只要将上述命令中的“/u”参数去掉,就可以执行注册操作了。例如执行命令“Regsvr32 Netcfgx.dll”就完成了控件Netcfgx.dll的注册。禁止修改计算机名称: 在XP中,可以:

1.点击开始,打开“运行”在运行栏中输入“gpedit.msc”(引号内的内容)然后确定,打开了组策略.2.点击用户配置下的“管理模板”----桌面.3.把“从'我的电脑'上下文菜单中移除属性选项”设置为已启用 4.OK,再看看我的电脑属性已经失效了.运行“—>”gpedit.msc“—>”用户配置“—>”管理摸板“—>”桌面“—>把”从'我的电脑'上下文菜单中移除属性选项“设置为”启用“



regsvr32 netcfgx.dll /u /s

regsvr32 netshell.dll /u /s

regsvr32 netman.dll /u /s


regsvr32 netcfgx.dll /s

regsvr32 netshell.dll /s

regsvr32 netman.dll /s



捆绑:arp-s 00-50-ff-6c-08-75

解除捆绑:arp-d 另外,如果是在Windows2000的域环境中,可以使用组策略限制用户修改IP地址,并启用DHCP动态分配IP地址。





其次,再将控制面板窗口中的“网络”图标,隐藏起来,那么其他人根本就打不开 TCP/IP参数设置界面了。只要你打开“WindowsSys_tem(去掉”_“)netcpl.cpl”文件,然后在[don”t load]处,输入一行形如“netcpl.cpl=no”的代码,重新保存后,“网络”图标就从控制面板窗口中消失了。









第一条 信息设备分为计算机终端、交换机、路由器、服务器、打印机等

第二条 计算机终端分为涉密计算机和非涉密计算机,由本部统一购买,并建立台帐,登记配发,电脑房负责计算机的日常管理和维护维修。

第三条 计算机必须安装杀毒软件,定时查杀病毒,涉密计算机必须与互联网进行物理隔离;连接局内网的计算机,坚持做到“涉密信息不上网,上网信息不涉密”的原则。

第四条 接入局内外网的所有计算机必须实行实名制注册。计算机安全管理按照“谁运行、谁负责,谁使用、谁负责”的原则。计算机设备的使用人员是第一安全责任人,计算机设备使用人员应及时对使用设备进行注册,安装好计算机桌面终端管理系统软件,并安装指定的防病毒软件,及时对操作系统补丁、防病毒软件进行升级更新,按照要求做好安全措施。在软件安装、更新、升级过程中遇到的问题,及时报告电脑房进行协助解决。

第五条 禁止用非涉密计算机以任何形式制作、存储、处理、发布、传递涉密信息,禁止以任何形式将内网设备连接外网;禁止内网使用无线网络或具有无线功能联接互联网的设备;禁止信息内网与信息外网计算机信息设备(含笔记本电脑、打印机、扫描仪)交叉使用,并将在内网使用过的笔记本电脑、内网使用过的未注册的移动存储介质在家进行外网连接;禁止擅自卸载桌面终端管理系统软件;禁止擅自卸载省公司统一配发的防病毒软件;禁止擅自更改(含格式化)移动存储的控制策略。

第六条 除电脑房人员外,任何人不得随意拆卸所使用的计算机或相关的电脑设备;各部门计算机操作员所使用的计算机,如需和其他人对换,必须得计算机操作员本人同意,经相关领导签字,然后报电脑房,方可进行机器对换。

第七条 各部门的计算机操作员认真落实所辖计算机及配套设备的使用和保养责任;确保所用的计算机及外设始终处于整洁和良好的状态;对于关键的电脑设备应配备必要的继电保护电源。

第八条 对于普通计算机(即非服务器或工控机)需要长时间待机状态时,应设置屏幕保护;超过2天长时间开机时,必须做必要的重启操作。

第九条 各部门计算机操作员必须严格按照局信息中心发布的计算机终端配置指导卡,桌面终端帐户系统口令、屏保密码及应用系统口令应满足安全管理要求,禁止为空口令、弱口令;计算机用户名、密码只授予个人使用,口令密码不得泄露给他人,并时刻检查用户口令,桌面终端及防病毒软件的运行状况,以便及时发现问题。

第十条 进入局内网使用的移动存储设备必须进行实名制注册,并做好控制策略,移动存储设备使用人对自己的移动存储设备里面的保密内容负责,并且与工作相关的内容只能在保密区使用。末注册过的移动存储介质禁止内外网交叉使用。

第十一条 任何人不得擅自私拉网线,不得对网络进行有破坏性的操作,接入局内网的网络交换机、服务器、带网卡的打印机与复印机、路由器及其他带网卡占用IP地址的信息设备在不能注册的前提下需填写申请单交局信息中心申请开通。

第十二条 接入信息内网外的计算机、服务器必须安装正版操作系统及省公司统一配发的防病毒软件,并及时更新软件补丁。

第十三条 禁止将涉及国家秘密的计算机、存储设备与信息内、外网或其他公共信息网络连接;禁止在信息内网计算机存储、处理国家秘密信息;禁止在连接互联网的计算机上存储、处理涉及国家秘密和企业秘密信息。

第十四条 在内外网中禁止发生任何干扰他人、干扰网络服务和网络设备正常工作的活动。这些活动包括:在网络上发布不真实的信息、不宜发布信息及垃圾信息;散布计算机病毒及木马;使用网络进入未经授权使用的计算机、业务系统、邮箱等;不以真实身份使用网络资源,导致联网计算机系统发生阻塞、溢出、处理机忙、资源异常消耗、死机、瘫痪等运行异常。

第十五条 非特殊情况,禁止用社会电子邮箱处理与工作相关的业务,凡处理与工作相关业务必须使用国家电网公司提供的邮件系统 http://mail.sgcc.com.cn。

第十六条 任何计算机需安装软件时,由使用人向电脑房提出申请,报部门经理审批同意后,由电脑房负责安装,所有计算机的软、硬件资源必须用于与工作相关的活动,未经电脑房许可,不得在内网上加载安装任何与工作无关的软、硬件,不得擅自改变设备配置与系统设置。

第十七条 外网计算机信息设备仅用于工作使用、查询业务相关资料等合法用途,严禁使用外网计算机玩游戏、聊天、炒股等一切与工作无关的事情;严禁利用本馆网络从事危害国家安全、泄露国家机密、违法犯罪等活动;不得制作、复制、传播妨碍社会治安稳定、迷信、淫秽、色情、反动等信息。

第十八条 外来人员计算机设备或会议需求要接入局内网工作时必须办理申请,申请单至少要登记该设备物理地址、所使用IP地址、使用时段、使用系统、工作联系责任人、使用人姓名和身份证号码。工作完成后凭申请单对信息系统中扫描得到的资料进行处理,直至删除。

第十九条 各部门如因工作原因需要开通互联网功能,填写上网申请表经部门经理签字逐报总经理批准后提交给电脑房,电脑房将根据申请进行布线和开通;并且严格按照规程对计算机终端进行安全配置。

第二十条 根据计算机的非可控制性,严禁将任何工作文件文档存放桌面,对于不听劝告导致文件丢失,后果自负并按规定处理。


第二十一条 移动存储介质是指存储数据的载体,包含U盘、移动硬盘、光盘、软盘、内存卡、记忆棒等设备;

第二十二条 移动存储介质由本部统一购买,并建立台帐,登记配发,在局信息中心进行注册,并由电脑房负责日常管理和维护维修。

第二十三条 本部移动存储介质经注册后分为策略一和策略二,策略一移动存储介质只允许在本部内网具有访问权限并安装了客户端的计算机上使用;策略二移动存储介质分为保密区、交换区,其中保密区只能本部内网计算机上使用,交换区则可通过密码认证后与外部计算机进行数据交换。

第二十四条 策略二移动存储介质不得存储任何涉密信息,严禁将本部移动存储介质借给外单位或他人使用。

第二十五条 不再使用或不能使用的本部移动存储介质要及时上交办公室,并由电脑房对要报废的移动存储介质进行进一步确认,并与领取时的类型、电子(产品)序列号、编号等进行核对,填写销毁登记表,经单位领导批准后,送有保密资质的单位进行销毁。

第二十六条 任何部门和个人不得擅自销毁本部移动存储介质。第二十七条 借用本部移动存储介质要履行登记手续,即填写借用审批单,经部门负责人审批后借用,使用后要及时归还。

第二十八条 凡因丢失本部移动存储介质造成的数据泄密,将按照相关制度进行处理,并进行赔偿。

第二十九条 策略一移动存储介质严禁在与国际互联网相连接的计算机上使用。严禁使用该类移动存储介质存储、处理国家秘密信息。

第三十条 工作人员离职离岗前,要将所保管的本部移动存储介质全部清退,并办理移交手续。


第三十一条 本部信息内外网计算机要求按照局规定,做到桌面终端管理率100%;安全移动存储介质管力部署率100%;网络准入控制率100%;操作系统补丁安装率100。本部非企业信息内外网(除特殊非互联网或自动还原系统)的计算机要求做到操作系统补丁安装率100%,防病毒软件100%,桌面文件安全管理100%。局信息中心对信息内外网计算机的桌面终端管理系统注册率,补丁升级率、防病毒软件安装率、计算机设备违规外联情况,以及操作系统用户登录口令、门户口令为空口令或弱口令的情况进行每月一次通报。

第三十二条 凡违反第三条、第四条、第五条、第六条、第七条、第八条、第九条、第十条、第十五条、第十六条、第十八条、第二十条、第二十四条的人员,按扣200元/次*台考核。

第三十三条 凡违反第十四条、第十七条,纳入部门绩效考核并追究该部门负责人责任,按扣200元/次*台考核。第三十三条 凡违反第十二条、第十三条任何一款,纳入部门绩效考核并各按扣500元/次*台考核,部门第一负责人负连带责任,第二次及以上违反,撤出该计算机,并逐情处理或下岗处理。

第三十四条 在国网公司、省公司不定期检测及通报中,被查或通报的违规外联情况,纳入部门绩效考核,按扣500元/次*台考核,有二次及以上违反以上条款撤出该计算机,并逐情处理或下岗处理。

第三十五条 所有处罚情况,根据所在部门所使用的网络,将以书面形式上报局信息中心备查。

第三十六条 本规定自引发之日起执行。


DOS批处理设置(修改)IP、wins、计算机名及工作组名 2009-03-18 13:35 单位电脑几百台,新增电脑、维修重装系统、拆东墙补西墙等等的事,单位电脑维修人员屡做屡厌,又非做不可,总冇找到最好的办法解决ip地址、局域网共享等的方法,总也免不了手工设置。这不,设ip、工作组的事也是天天有的做。被问有冇得简单、直接点的法子?于是在网上收集了哈子,整理了个适合社会主义本单位特色的小工具。不是为了摆哈子,实为防止日后遗失,再有用得着的;再或许更多人有值得借鉴的也说不准。


@echo off cls color 0a echo.echo #-----------------------echo 功能:IP地址及计算机名快速设置 echo 说明:供单位电脑维护人员使用

echo #-----------------------rem 当前及默认设置

for /f “tokens=15” %%i in('ipconfig /all^|find /i “ip address”')do set IP=%%i if %IP%.==.set IP= set MASK= for /f “tokens=1-3 delims=.” %%i in(“%IP%”)do set dmn=%%i.%%j.%%k set GATEWAY=%dmn%.254 set wgname= for /f “tokens=*” %%i in('wmic computersystem get workgroup')do(if not defined wgname(set “wgname=%%i”))set mywins= for /f “tokens=12” %%i in('ipconfig /all^|find /I “Primary WINS Server”')do set mywins=%%i echo %mywins% rem 本单位固定wins服务器地址 set mynewwins= rem 暂不需设dns rem set DNS1= rem set DNS2= goto BEGIN :BEGIN echo.echo 请输入以下操作选项序号并回车: echo

1、使用方法,2、显示当前设置,3、手动交互设置,4、退出 set KEY=1 set /p KEY=请输入:

if %KEY% == 1 goto USAGE if %KEY% == 2 goto CURRE if %KEY% == 3 goto MANUAL goto END :USAGE cls echo.echo 使用方法:

echo #---------------------echo



2、手动设置将一步一步要求你输入楼栋、楼层、科室拼音简码 echo 以及 ip、网关、dns等,并自动按此设置

echo 其中计算机名为你输入的楼栋+楼层+科室+ip最后一节数字。echo

3、手工设置完毕将自动重启 goto BEGIN :CURRE echo.echo 正在显示当前ip设置.......netsh-c interface ip dump echo.echo 当前计算机名为: %COMPUTERNAME% set wgname= for /f “tokens=*” %%i in('wmic computersystem get workgroup')do(if not defined wgname(set “wgname=%%i”))echo.echo 当前工作组名:%wgname% echo.netsh interface ip show wins goto BEGIN :MANUAL ECHO.ECHO.echo 请输入本机所在楼栋拼音简称(譬如办公楼输入:bgl)set /p Bq=请输入: echo.echo 请输入本机所在楼层(譬如党办在5楼输入:5)set /p Floor=请输入: echo.echo 请输入本机所在科室名简称(譬如党办输入:db,主任办公室后加A,职员办公室后加B;即dba或dbb)set /p Depart=请输入: echo.echo 请输入 IP 地址,本机当前ip为:%IP% set /p IP=请输入:

rem 网关掩码不要求输,自动填

rem set /p MASK= [请输入子网掩码MASK 地址]: rem echo.rem set /p GATEWAY= [请输入网关GATEWAY地址]: rem 暂不要求设 dns rem echo.rem set /p DNS1= [请输入主 DNS地址]: rem echo.rem set /p DNS2= [请输入第二DNS地址]: echo.if %Bq%.==.goto CURRE if %IP%.==.goto CURRE for /f “tokens=1-3 delims=.” %%i in(“%IP%”)do set dmn=%%i.%%j.%%k set GATEWAY=%dmn%.254 for /f “tokens=4 delims=.” %%i in(“%IP%”)do set addr=%%i set computername=%Bq%_%Floor%_%Depart%_%addr% set newwg=%Bq%_%Floor%_%Depart% ECHO 即将生效的 计算机名是 %computername% ECHO 即将生效的 IP 地址是 %IP% ECHO 即将生效的子网掩码 MASK 是 %MASK% ECHO 即将生效的网关GATEWAY地址是 %GATEWAY% ECHO 即将生效的工作组名是 %newwg% ECHO 即将生效的Wins地址是 %mynewwins% rem ECHO 即将生效的 主DNS 地址是 %DNS1% rem ECHO 即将生效的第二DNS地址是 %DNS2% echo.echo 请输入操作选项序号并回车:


1、马上更改,2、重新设置,3、退出 set REEN=2 set /p REEN=请输入: if %REEN% == 1 goto DO if %REEN% == 2 goto MANUAL goto END :DO echo.echo 正在更改计算机名请稍后......echo.reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlComputerNameActiveComputerName /v ComputerName /t REG_SZ /d %computername% /f > nul reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlComputerNameComputerName /v ComputerName /t REG_SZ /d %computername% /f > nul reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters /v Hostname /t REG_SZ /d %computername% /f > nul reg add HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters /v “NV Hostname” /t REG_SZ /d %computername% /f > nul echo.echo 正在更改IP请稍后......echo.echo IP地址及子网掩码设置完成

netsh interface ip set address name=“本地连接” source=static addr=%IP% mask=%MASK% echo 网关地址设置完成

netsh interface ip set address name=“本地连接” gateway=%GATEWAY% gwmetric=0 rem echo 主DNS地址设置完成

rem netsh interface ip set dns name=“本地连接” source=static addr=%DNS1% register=PRIMARY rem echo 第二DNS地址设置完成 rem netsh interface ip add dns name=“本地连接” addr=%DNS2% index=2 echo 更改工作组:%wgname%为%newwg% wmic computersystem where Name=“%COMPUTERNAME%” call JoinDomainOrWorkgroup Name=“%newwg%” echo 设置wins: %mynewwins% netsh interface ip delete wins “本地连接” all netsh interface ip set wins name=“本地连接” source=static addr=%mynewwins% echo 重启电脑

%systemroot%system32iisreset.exe /reboot /timeout:0 goto END :END echo.echo 退出


English Film Title Translation and the Methods of

Current Title Translation

班级:外语系英语09-01班 学号:...............姓名:.......English Film Title Translation and the Methods of Current Title Translation

Abstract: This paper begins with the prevalence and impact of English film in China.It discusses the importance of English film title translation and the methods and theories of current title translation.Also, this paper summarized some of the methods.Key words: English film;title translation theory;principle


Film can create miracles---just like all those people who sit in the theater thinking from reality to dream world know.Fascinating stories with perfect pictures, shocking music, and great close-up scenes make you forget yourself completely.The aftertaste of a classic film is endless.The thought of the scenes make you get goose bumps, an exciting or eager showing in your eyes.People call movie the seventh art after the literature, drama, music, dance, painting and sculpture.But, it’s not just an art.It is an art that has lots of audiences and that suits both refined and popular tastes.Today, cross-cultural communication is more active than ever.The main channel of cultural transmission is movie, in which the spirit of national culture and ideology can be characterized by the content;And the influence of movie is so large that it can't be matched by other art forms.There are two reasons for that.On one hand, economic and cultural development stimulates the emerging film and television-dubbing career to flourish.On the other hand, the popularity of cable television and home video as well as the improvement of the technology(video, VCD and DVD)play an important role in fueling the film’s spreading.Since the first movie introduced to China in 1896, the Chinese film industry has undergone enormous changes.Shoot technology innovation makes the film a great audio-visual impact to the audience, and watching movies has become very common and very stylish entertainment in people’s lives now.In addition, the demand for foreign films, especially English films, is growing highly.Facing to these foreign language films, the primary task is translated them into Chinese, and the translation of the film title is one of the most important part.II.The functions of English film title translation

The film title is a link connecting the audience and film;it has the enormous influence to the film box office.First, except actor's exquisite performing skill, philosophy dialogue as well as gorgeous picture, whether a good film can attract the audience has the direct relation with a film title which is pregnant with meaning and can make people think a lot.The film title is a film's brand trademark.In the multitudinous film advertisement newspaper, the film title is always in the extremely striking position, and it is playing the role which leads attention directly.As a film, the title is seen firstly by the audience.Therefore, every movie screenwriter and director will highly summarize his movie content, and take as the title the one that can both express one's ideas expressively and appeal eyeballs.Second, the film express certain ideas to the audience to pass certain information, and the film title should also highlight the video content, convey the theme information and establish the entire film emotional tone.Film titles can not only summarize the content of the film succinctly , reveals the theme of the film, and make the audience seize the film's style and substance , but also inspire the imagination of the audience and watching desires with its distinctive form of language.Excellent film titles like the outstanding literary works, should be concise the summary of the content of films, succinctly revealing the theme, and stimulate the audience's imagination.The perfect unity of a good title and the good content will allow the audience to get the influence of the arts and the joy of beauty.III.Film title translation

Since the first English language film was introduced to China, there are already three decades till now.This period, the translator made constantly efforts and improvements, and formed some common translation methods.Currently, there are more and more English films introduced into China.The translation industry also formed a relatively fixed translation theory, specifically;there are the following three theories:

A.The literal translation or free translation

Literal translation and free translation are two representative methods of translation in the history of translation.Due to variations in people's understanding of literal translation and free translation, there are someone accept both of these methods, someone accept just one, someone accept neither.However, in terms of the perspective of describing translation or transfer translation, literal translation and free translation is always meaningful.Literal translation and free translation is designed to faithfully express the ideological content of the original and reproduce the original art.Simply put, the literal translation means the translation methods and sentence structure is more similar to the original sentence, but does not rule out some adjustments at the phrase level.Free translation means discarded the original expression, and find a synonymous expression equivalent to the original, or make major changes or adjustments to the original sentence structure.1.Literal translation

Carefully understands the literature name and film title, we can find different types.Therefore, the translation methods vary.The following types suit for the Literal translation.Protagonists name or description for the title.Such as: Hamlet

(哈姆雷特)Romeo and Juliet

(罗密欧与朱丽叶)David Copperfield


The place where the story happen for title,Such as:

Wuthering Heights


(芝加哥)Stories for titles, such as: The merchant of Venice

(威尼斯商人)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

(汤姆索亚历险记)Gulliver's travels

(格列佛游记)The other types, such as: Great Expectations

(远大前程)Pride and Prejudice

(傲慢与偏见)The Call of The Wild


These titles are just a few words, but they reveal the author's intention and the true state of mind.It represents the author's effort and reflected the monumental piece of substance and essence of the film.Therefore, for those that can be translated literally must be translated by literal to keep the work formerly original and make the title and content unite in harmony.Especially when it comes to the film named after the main character.The hero is the typical character live in specific times and specific environments that are created by the author, such as Shakespeare’s Hamlet and a-Q in the works of Lu Xun.They have a distinct character, image, and destiny.The principles and methods of translation of film title or translation of literary works are the same.Both of them take the breadth of its audience and the diversity of appreciation level into account, therefore, the translation should be simple and popular, easy catchy and implying the subtle meaning.Film title suitable for literal translation should be translate as literal as possible in order to convey the information formerly and maintain the perfect unity of the original title and content.That should be a basic principle and method of the film title translation.This type title just needs to be image, vivid, concise in the text, and it can fully reproduce the content of formerly.Such as: description of a walk in the clouds is the love story of a pair of young men and women filled with the vineyards of grapes flowers, so the film is literally translated as the Walk in the Clouds, while maintaining the formerly known as the meaning and full of poetic.Such cases are: the age of innocence(The Age of Innocence), natural born killers(Natural Born Killers), the perfect world(better world), death on the Nile(Death on the Nile)rain man(Rain Man)superman(superman), citizen(Citizen Kane), Schindler’ s list(Schindler's List)

2.free translation

Certain English film title contains very few words and the language is simple.It is apparently lightly, but the connotation is actually rich and pregnant with meaning, does not reveal.If this kind of film title translates literally, it will be difficult to reach its contents, reveal its charm.Therefore, when translation must rest on the entire book content, the original book title intention, and unit the target language characteristic, sets up a new name.In order to concise its content to reflect its implication, and executes the literary talent slightly to make the translated name and the original work style coordinates.For example: Gone With the Wind

(飘)Waterloo Bridge


(生死时速)Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde(化身博士)

B.Integration of literal translation and free translation

English and American films have a number of titles in simple and concise, but moral implication and difficult to grasp.In addition, some titles originated from allusions, meaning rich and obscure, hard to check.It is difficult to understand the implied meaning of the original title.People must think about the whole content or check allusions, carefully wondering and hashing, accurately understand the intent of author when translate them.Based on the foundation of literal translation of original titles ,translator plus word or change word to some key words to make translation semantic clearly , such as: a Farewell to Arms


(人鬼情未了)One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

(飞越疯人院)Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die

(生死大权)Night Killer


C.The literal translation adds the explanation

Due to the different style of film and different points between British and Chinese language, some titles translated by word will be too abstract, implicit and irrelevant with story content.People may feel dull, and it cannot make any guiding effects.Therefore, for these titles, translator should appropriately plus a text which can reflect hero image or film content when translate them.Based on the foundation of literal translation, according to the content of film, it will play a finishing touch to the characters and film content for example,Oscar(猎犬奥丝卡传奇), it will bursting bald if literal translation for AO SI KA(奥丝卡), also will be easily confused with Oscar Ward.Adding the word of dog , it generally works very well.And Comeback(故里噩梦), plus the word of nightmare ,it greatly enhance the attraction and literary character.Lime Light(舞台灯光), Patton(巴顿将军), Legal Eagles(法网神鹰), this is the case.Film title translation is not only the conversion of language but also a cultural exchange.Translation needs follow the correct principles and methods, needs more inspiration and rigorous attitude , in order to make the translation of well-known and widely accepted.In recent years, we widely introduce the foreign works and films, but the introduction of the original books and films are very scarce, these are mostly translated works.Taking the important role of a film title into account, the film producer make efforts to find a proper title that can lead full content, highlight the theme and must be simple and concise, have a profound message.Moreover, the producers try to make the title to be a pair of eyes that can reveal the individuality and give the deep impression to the audience.From the title, people can understand the content of the work, the hero's image, and have a desire for the whole film.People named the film like this, the same as the film title translation.Someone may think the translation of film names is an easy shot, but translating well was not an easy thing actually.It is necessary to conform to the language specification, and should be full of charm;it is necessary to be faithful to the original content of the title, and should be reflect to the original language features of the title.So the translation of film names is the artistic recreation.However, it is not until after more than 100 years of the introduction of first foreign films in China, translation of film names begin to get its due attention.Early research on the subject, such as Brief Discussion on Foreign Film Tittles Translations(Lin Qiuyun, 1996)and Discussion on the Translation of Film Names(Ning zhishou life, 1997), simply emphasizes the translation skills and ignore the cultural and commercial characteristics of the movie title.After entering the 21st century, based on the original translation theory, scholars began to study the features of the film titles from different perspectives.Fore example, He Ying(2001)analysis the characteristics of the movie title from the source of the movie title ,style , feature and category , and made a literal translation, free translation, transliteration and another translation.Fang Yongbin, Wang Xiaotong(2005)study from the advertisement feature and cultural characteristics.Now, researchers increasingly attach importance to the film title value reflected in cultural exchanges, business profits and the artistic.IV.The principle that film titles translation should follow

A.Cater for the content of the original film, reflecting the themes of the original film, outstanding original film style

A good film should have a clear theme.Battle about cops and robbers or description of love, to reflect social ethics or science fiction.Film styles vary with different themes.Cops-and-gangsters films give a twist, such as


《生死时速 》

The Rock


The French Connection;


Romance or romantic lingering, or patience, often give the taste, such as

Waterloo Bridge

《魂 断蓝桥》 The Bridges of Madison County

《廊桥遗梦》 The Piano

《钢琴别恋》 Ghost


Social and ethical topics serious, warning or enlightenment to people, such as The Kramer VS Kramer

《克雷默夫妇》 Rain M an;

《雨人 》

Fantastic, fantasy, and horror and science fiction films are often set in one about the fantasy world that does not exist in the real world, such as

The E.T.《外星人 》 Batman

《蝙蝠侠》 Jurassic Park


Translations should be able to properly reflect the content of the original movie, its themes, and highlight their style.United States 1939 film taken of Waterloo Bridge Love Story about a pathetic: in 1914, during the first world war, in London, in an air raid alert, luoyi·kelaoning and ballet dancer Myra met Captain young military officers on Waterloo Bridge, they just clicked immediately, and soon fall in love.However, as the war lovers cannot become family members.The heroine buried on the Waterloo Bridge under the wheels, and eliminating kill.Translator translate title is relevant to the Waterloo Bridge movie content, reflects the original tragic, is just right.Translator use “broken souls” to make it more acceptable to the audience.United States comedy Mrs.Doubtfire, talking about a story of a divorced man Daniel Hillard dressed up as a fat old woman going to his ex-wife's domestic every day in order to be able to see the children.Comedy scenes continue to appear in the film did some marvelous impressions.The translation is FEI MA XIAN SHANG(肥妈先生).The use of “MOM” and “Sir” highlighted the comedy style very well.YUN ZHONG MAN BU(云中漫步),the translation of the United States film A Walk in the Clouds are rated as the best.Original title literally means “in the cloud”.Description of a pair of young men and women filled with scent of grape vineyards in the moving story of love.Vineyards in the movie named “cloud” covers a wide, green a, enveloped, is like a dream, love the heroine walks in the park.How romantic and poetic!This translation is in line with the film theme of romantic love, to read “full of poetic, one Kiss, saw a cloud-like grape flowers smell the aroma of melts your heart all into” and “translation of Jacob was decent, image better, meaning long”(He Yue sensitivity, 1997), really colorful, and dominated!B.Concise, easy to remember

Film is an art suit for both refined and popular tastes, and it is a popular form of entertainment too.In a sense, it is a commodity should be widely circulated.In order to make it easier to spread, movie title should be concise and easy to remember.This probably is the “usefulness“ said by He Yuemin.Actually many films translation is consistent with the requirements.Such as: Star Wars




My Fair Lady


On the Golden Pond


Bathing Beauty


It is not difficult to see that these translations use only a few words to translate all the content and meaning of the original movie.Moreover, most of them only four words, just as Chinese idioms, reading full of rhythm, easy catchy and easy to remember and spread.Also some translation of the movie title failed to meet this requirement.Feng HuaZhan(1980), said he saw a movie called the Qipulian·Bolongbeisiku.This title makes him very disgusted, because it is hard to remember and struggled to speak.C.Film title conformed to the Chinese language standard, and suited to our viewers enjoys habit.It should be said that some films do not need translator design, just translate it with the corresponding Chinese according to the equivalence principle.Of course, the premise is not to cause the audiences understand difficulties and must conform to the Chinese language standard.For example, the American adventure spy film named North by Northwest.Someone will translate it to XI BEI PAIN BEI(西北偏北).Through the title, viewers do not know what the film about, and it is not in line with Chinese language specification.Therefore, this translation is not desirable.Another translation of the film DIE HAI FENG YUN(谍海风云)is a good translation.Which give the suspense, highlights the style of spy film, clear and concise, while correspond to the Chinese language specifications.English films always use the owner's name or location as the title of the story.There is also the case in our China film, but less.Chinese films’ habit is to use the title to summarize the content of substance.Therefore, the translation of English film Hamlet as HA MU LEI TE(哈姆雷特)is in line with our habits.Oliver Twist translated as WU DU GU ER(雾都孤儿)is better than translated as the AO LIE FU TUI SI TE(奥列佛 退斯特).Because the former give us the place where the story take place(fog city, London)and the identity of the main character(an orphan).The Chinese audience can accept it easily.The American film Gone with the Wind(LUAN SHI JIA REN;乱世佳人)based on the same name novel is a good example.The ”LUAN SHI(乱世)“ explain the background of the story(the civil war), ”JIA REN“ named the heroine of the movie and showed the heroine’s frustrated experience.Look at an example.There is a film about American campus life, called Mr.Holland's Opus, The film tells the story of a remarkable music teacher, Holland.Holland works hard for 30 years in his teaching positions.He was ”not rich, not famous, but his achievements beyond fame and wealth ".He influences every student of the school.He is the Orchestra's conductor, each student is his notes, and every student is his works(Opus).Name of the literal translation is the HE LAN XIAN SHENG DE ZUO PIN(贺兰先生的作品), but now it is translated into the CHUN FENG HUA YU(春风化雨).The new translation has a deeper meaning than the formerly and show the movie extraordinary story, allows viewers to experience a teacher’s permeated personality charm.(Cai Weidong, 2000:104-105).At the same time, wonderful translation is like a piece of art, for people to enjoy the beauty of art.V.The conclusion When the importance of English film titles translation increasingly be reflected,I believe that people will intensify research on this area of expertise, moreover, the translation theory and principles I mentioned will make some significances on the development and improvement of the title translation.After continuous efforts, the translation of English film titles will be more standardization, and the usefulness, the literariness and the scientific nature of the translation will greatly enhance.Bibliography [1] Searle, John R.Speech Acts [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1969.75.[2]贺莺.电影片名的翻译理论和方法[J].外语教学,2001(1)[3]林秋云.外国电影片名翻译简论[J].上海科技翻译,1996(3)[4]陈炼 陈育.外国电影片名的翻译[J].湖南商学院学报,2003(9)















































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