受因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师”。因此,笔者认为,趣味教学的核心问题是:创造一个和谐融洽的 师生关系;轻松、愉快的学习环境;采用灵活多变的教学方法,让学生做中学,学中用,从而激发兴趣,学得 主动,提高效率。由于教师的素质不相同,教学对象不同,使用教材不同,因而进行趣味教学没有也不可能有 固定的模式可循。但趣味教学所探讨的这些方面和所要追求的效果是相同的。本文愿就此谈点拙见,以期引起 同仁的兴趣,共同探讨这个问题,来推动中学英语教学。和谐、融洽师生关系
教和学是一对矛盾,作为矛盾双方的代表教师和学生如何和谐融洽师生关系,对完成教学目的至关紧要。青少年的心理特点告诉我们,这个年龄段的学生“亲师性”较强。如果他们对某个老师有好感,他们便对这位 老师的课感兴趣并分外重视,肯下大气力,花大功夫学这门课,因而成绩卓著。这种现象大概就是我们常说的 “爱屋及鸟”吧!反之,如果他们不喜欢某一位老师,由于逆反心理,他们也就不愿学或不学这位老师的课。这种现象也是大家司空见惯的。
所以,教师要深入学生,和学生打成一片,了解学生的兴趣,爱好,喜怒哀乐 情绪的变化,时时处处关心学生,爱护学生,尊重学生,有的放矢地帮助学生。让你在学生的眼中不仅是一位 可敬的师长,更是他们可亲可近的亲密朋友。当然,这并非说他们的缺点不可批评,可以听之任之。而是批评 和表扬是出于同一个目的的爱护他们。因而批评的方式比批评本身更重要。要让他们不伤自尊心,人格不受侮 辱。从内心让他们感到教师的批评是诚挚的爱,由衷的爱护和帮助。这样,也只有这样师生才能关系和谐,感 情融洽,兴趣盎然地进行学习。创造一个轻松愉快的学习环境
传统的教学模式和方法,总是教师“一言堂”,课堂上教师总是向学生灌输,学生始终处于消极、被动的 学习地位,没有什么轻松、愉快而言,因而也就无兴趣可谈。即使那些认真学习的学生,也无非把自己当作知 识的记忆器,为分数不得已而为之。但就多数而言,由于不感兴趣也就逐渐放弃英语学习,从而导至“两极分 化”,教学质量不佳。
课前,可根据教学内容,由教师用学生听懂和大致听懂的英语讲一个幽默笑话,一则谚语,或由学生进行 课前三分钟英语会话练习,自由演讲,自由谈,集体唱一首英语歌曲。从而活跃气氛,激发学生兴趣。完成教 学前的预热活动。
英语有一则谚语说,“良好的开端,就是成功了一半。”(A good beginning is half done),导入新课 要讲究艺术。根据教学内容你可设置一个悬念吸学生;也可提出一个发人深思的问题,抓住学生;也可从直观 教具和演示开始。教学中,不能课本搬家,大声念一遍,小声念一遍,就算进行了教学。要善于用教室的人和 物、直观教具如图片、挂图、简笔画,设置情景。语言总是和情景连在一起的,没有没情景的语言,有了情景 学生才印象深刻、声形意有机结合,学得才有趣,掌握才准确。教师讲解节忌繁、杂、重,(即繁琐、杂乱、重复)。要精讲,长则生厌。要变讲为提问,学生大量的时间是参与而不是旁观者,学中用,用中学。只有这 样学生才感兴趣。要注意在实践中满足学生的“成功欲”,不同水平,不同层次的问题和语言材料,要由不同 水平,不同层次的学生实践。这样,每个学生都可品尝成功的喜悦和成就感。从而情趣大振,热情倍增。一旦 学生出了差错,不要埋怨训斥、责怪,要注意纠正错误的技巧保护学生的积极性不受挫折。一堂课就是一个完 整的艺术品,不仅要有一个好的开始和发展,也要有一个好的结尾。根据不同的情况下课前可给学生设置一个 新的“悬念”,留一个耐人寻味的问题,放一遍课文录音,让学生小结一下课堂主要内容,唱一首歌曲等。
单一的教学方法是乏味的。既使是一个好的方法,经常用也就失去了它的魅力。为了激发学生的兴趣,保 持学生的兴趣,巩固学生的兴趣,教师要认真钻研教材,根据教学内容的不同,如初学、巩固、和复习,就不 能用一样的方法,这就要求教师付出心血,不断地探索,不断地追求。在教学中,这应该是教师大有作为的地 方。
教句子开始可进行听力比赛,看谁最先说出所听的句子,看谁读得好。进而进行单词组句比赛等等,都可 提高学生兴趣,比老师一遍一遍地讲,学生一遍一遍地读,效果好得多。
外语教学应主要放在课内,向45分钟要质量。但要学好英语光靠每周几次英语课是不够的。所以,我们 还要大力开展课外教学活动。但这种话动,不应是课内教学的继续,也不应是无组织的放任自流。教师应根据 不同的班级,不同层次,不同水平,不同爱好的同学,进行适当地组织。比如,有目地的培养骨干,开展英语 游戏、开演唱会、朗诵会,讲演比赛,识词默写比赛,作文比赛,听力比赛,等等,既可各班进行,也可同年 级、全校进行。其目的是活跃学生课外生活,巩固课内学的知识,创造英语的气氛,培养学生学英语兴趣,使 课内外结合,相得益彰。
以上几方面只是简单地勾划了趣味教学所涉及的一些方面,如何在这些方面或更多的方面进行探讨,我认 为那是大手笔,非本人能力所及,这里只想“抛砖引玉,”能得到同行的赐教不胜荣幸。
二、会说简单的句子,如:What is your name? My name is Amy.How are you? I am fine,thank you,and you?并会进行简单的英文对话表达。
Content abstract: language learning itself is relatively dull, and with the student to listen to the teacher tells blindly of the teaching form, certainly will makes students' learning interest disappeared Albert Einstein said: “interest is the best teacher” is interested in power, when students interested in the things, they have a desire for knowledge, to strengthen the students' desire to strengthen the knowledge teaching the language of the cold interest is difficult to interesting as, teaching and do it with how to stimulate students' interest in study, and keep it, make it become interested in studying,语言学习本身是较为枯燥无味的,而一味以教师讲、学生听这种教学形式,势必使学生学习兴趣荡然无存。爱因斯坦说过:“兴趣是最好的老师”。兴趣可谓动力,当学生对该事物产生兴趣,他们就有求知欲,要增强学生的求知欲望这就要加强趣味教学。冷冰冰的语言是很难令人感兴趣的。正如,教学得法便事半功倍。如何激发学生的学习兴趣,并保持它,使之成为他们学习的兴趣,这就要考虑趣味英语教学。这个与众不同的教学方式会给我们收获惊喜的
English teaching of interest
Keywords: learning atmosphere , teaching method , with the relationship between teachers and students, both inside and outside the classroom
Introduction: the author think, the interest teaching is the key problem: relaxed, happy learning environment;the flexible teaching methods;Create a harmonious
teacher-student relationship, and to make students learn from fear of change for love to learn.Make them learn English and lively rise, let the students do the middle school, sentences.Change their learning mentality, improve their learning ability and efficiency.To get the fun of learning.Learning from the class only obtain the knowledge is very difficult, intelligent teaching method is inside and outside the class union, to extracurricular practice, this paper discusses the mystery of knowledge.The so-called knowledge comes from practice, different teacher, the different teaching object will not affect interesting English teaching.Pooling of strength to discuss this problem interest teaching, to promote English teaching.Still can study out different teaching methods, the diversity of teaching methods.一,create a pleasant atmosphere The past teaching modes and methods, and always with the teacher as the center
teachers, learning is always in the negative, passive learning status, no easy, enjoyable speaking, and no interest whatsoever.As the saying goes “a good beginning is half of success”.The teacher should have the filled with enthusiasm, heart classroom, full of spirit, and the students also will mention spirit to focus on a class.Or even if so seriously study the students, also no more than a memory of knowledge is, for scores necessity.But for most, because it also gradually give up interest in English learning, teaching quality not beautiful.Polarizing man appears, such teaching effect acceptable.The classroom environment, how to stimulate students' interest in study has great influence teachers' responsibility for students is to create relaxed, happy learning environment.Environment, teacher's state of mind is a source of radiation.In order to do this, and to put into the classroom teaching, and the instrument to free and easy, energy is enough, expression to easy, and vision to warm, friendly attitude, behavior should expert, gentle, word vomit to concise, language to pure, natural and fluent, calligraphy to regulate, beautiful, layout design wants reasonable marked, etc.Teachers in teaching practice consciously train and motivate the students to learn English happy to learn, good to learn, to learn and pillow and enthusiastic.In order to weaken the traditional teaching impression on people.To “fun” “combining static” “the combination of theory and” “the teachers and students with”.Before class, but according to the teaching content, with students understand and general understand English tell a funny story, a news, or by the students and three minutes before class English conversation practice, free speech, free talk, the collective to sing an English song Thus the active atmosphere and stimulate the students' interest.Complete the preparatory activities for the preschool teaching And active classroom atmosphere, passion for teaching create conditions.Before the teacher to want to use novel class flexible ways to save new method in time to catch, because scene consideration, introduction to new want to pay attention to art.According to the teaching content you can set a suspense suck the student;Also can put forward a question, seize the students;Also can from visual AIDS and presentation started.Teaching, can't text move, read it again, small voice read it again, even if the teaching.Be good at the things and people in the classroom, visual AIDS such as the picture, the graph, brief strokes, set the scene.Language is always and scene together, did not do not have the scene language, a scene student is impressive, sound xingyi organically, and learned to interesting, master to accurately.section must avoid complex, miscellaneous, heavy(that is, the tedious, mixed and disorderly, repeat).To earnestly, long is tiresome.Want to change to speak for questions, students a lot of time is to participate, not the audience of application, and practice middle school.Only in this way a student is interested.Should pay attention to in practice to meet student “success to”, the teacher must from set out actually, according to different levels, different levels of problems and language material, and by the different levels, different levels of the students' practice.So, every student can taste the joy of success and accomplishment.And the large interest, enthusiasm and consider all the students to double the feeling.If, individual students make mistakes, and certainly don't blame reprove, blame, should pay attention to correct the wrong skills to protect the enthusiasm of students from setbacks, but to help him, to encourage his
courage to face and correct them.A class is a finish the whole work of art, should not only have a good start and development, also want to have a good ending.According to different conditions can be set to give students before a new “suspense”, leave a of intriguing questions, read an article, lets the student the subtotal classroom main contents, sing a song, etc.In short, a class, always want to let students learn relaxed and happy, interest is full.二,teaching method to agile diversity, full of interest
fixed teaching method is boring.Celebrity says, taught art lies in the instruction ability, is to awaken and encourage incentive.Teach them to fish, as teach them to fish.As Confucius said, teach students in accordance with their aptitude.Enhance the students' learning ability.But a good method, often use will lose its charm.In order to arouse the students' interest, protect the students' interest, consolidate the students' interest, can't solid from traditional teacher teachers with different methods for others, we must carefully study diligently the teaching material, according to the teaching content of different, as learning, consolidate, and review the , will not use the same method, which requires the teacher pay efforts, explore, constantly in pursuit.Not much later, in the teaching, to show due to master style.1, in the interactive teaching mode
To sing form to make the students smoothly through the English introduction stage As in teaching first book class 43, the emphasis of teaching is the part of speech of the owner of the noun pronouns used.Solve the difficulties that is the core of students to describe the conclusions of nominal owner must be accurate grasp skilled, to separate describe nominal owner pronouns and term of the differences and similarities between nominal owner pronouns.First of all, I will prepared pronouns reproduce the blackboard, use q, answer, the translation, such as the communication way than principle, make students understand the proper use of all kinds of pronouns, then use the old words to fill up, each of the pronoun is a man-made arbitrary sentences, each using different pronouns, three minutes, and then I go down the platform each write down the sentence.Finally, into dialogue song, let the students to remember, finally I'll to nominal owner pronouns summaries:
T-This pen is my pen.S1-This pen is mine.T-That pen is your pen.S2-That pen is yours.T-Whose pen are there? S3-They are his and hers.T-Whose are there pen? S4-They are ours and thiers 1.1 use simplified formula difficulty, make the students can conquer difficulties.When students to the memory of countable nouns and use as well as some, the use of any hope
and daunting, the communication between teachers and students in practice after completion, students are asked to use formula groups of four summary an uncountable noun some, any usage, then appeared: an uncountable noun so remember, three meals a day to swap, breakfast of bread make tea water, lunch paper fish chicken, rice and milk dinner, after dinner to do homework assignments.Above term uncountable, to a few don't forget to add measure words.Some words for sure, sure answer also use this.For any doubt no sentence, an uncountable noun this is.1.2 use brief strokes, charts, inquiry led a, ask questions, invite individual students speak thus encouraging other students begin to speak, and finally achieve the goal of teaching.1.3 with the student to the study the game remove fear psychology.Let the students study the practice boldly.2, in the role play activity experience in learning fun English as a door to language, for students, first before them is the lack of the external language environment.In real life, students have no say English object, more didn't say English consciousness.However, according to my observation of the students, I found that they generally prefer the scene in simulation role, through the role plays, they can their the feeling of life and hope to simulation way, get satisfied.Therefore, the clever set up situation, which can overcome the defects of the native language teaching, and can make good use of elementary school students to the role play of motivation, which make the teaching active more effectively.For example, after learning phrases which mean color after, in order to deepen the students' thinking image memory, can design such game activities and their favorite friends paint shop opened, the teacher to the red, yellow, blue three kind of paint, by the students hands-on combination these 3 kinds of color, to create new color.Then, students can go to the store to buy all paint pigment, the owner and customers around “What colour do you like?” “I like blue/red/yellow/purple...” Carry out creative exchange the customer will want to buy the color that is right, the owner can sell to paint him, or the customer had to another store to buy again.Through the simulation scene, not only meet the students' role playing the psychological needs, cultivate the students' enthusiasm, still well to complete the teaching effect, kill two birds with one stone.3.Use of multimedia teaching a scene
Along with the development of computer and network, information technology has been widely used in classroom teaching, shows a digital network, intelligent trend.So the modern teaching, can't stop in the past “the blackboard-chalk” mode of teaching, and should be adapted to the psychological characteristics of elementary school students, the multimedia teaching means English teachers should fully master some of the application of information technology and let the teaching becomes lively rise, children's thinking is a specific image thinking primarily, and the language is the abstract, so use multimedia provide specific circumstance, let the students understand better..“Nine years of compulsory education full-time junior middle school English teaching outline” “point out:” using the material object, graph, tape recorder, slide projector, television, video slice,movies and the computer to carry on the English teaching, the image is intuitive, lively, help students understand their direct English“ So as a modern teaching the education, will often use pictures, material objects, tape recorder, slide projector, and video recorders auxiliary tool, using the scene and setting up the situation of teaching.In this way, it is to make the students directly, specific to get English knowledge.3.1 in Animals such as teaching, can be first recorded cows, dogs, cats Animals, such as voice, put the tape in the classroom, the students sound and color of imitation of these different animal that sound;And when the tape recorder release these animals corresponding word pronunciation, and they cheerfully loudly and read ”cow“, ”dog,“ ”cat“, in the classroom sounded the ”MouMou,“ ”may,“ ”Mimi“ animal calls and English LangDouSheng, with is a happy laughter, whole room is permeated with pleasant atmosphere.Still can use slides will teach the object or words appear, stimulate their senses, enhance the impression.Conditional word, even can be used to record like machine shoot and the text content in sight, the video teaching.For example, in the teaching
Introduced the contents of the car 3.2, the teacher can advance in the road, parking lot on different style, different styles of auto, dynamic and static car, the traveling engine sound, the horn is recorded.This will no doubt cause students is extremely thick interest, to give full play to their various senses to participate in the teaching activity.The voice and image, and the combination of language and scene blends, make students as if into the language activities of the real situation received a strong face effect.Through the china-southwest, greatly enhance the students' to remember English ability, strengthen the learning effect, to boring language learning into a relaxed video showing.So fun, and students what is there against it?
4.For the game teaching In the life play is the nature of the child, especially children, nature good, move, ready to participate in game activities If can dissolve the game of knowledge, and make the students in interest is full game practice of knowledge, leap to jump in learn English the student is very willing to accept it.This makes them kill two birds with one stone, and they will be more easy to understand knowledge.Though just a few minutes, but it can active classroom atmosphere, and stimulate students' interest of interest.For example, I teach body parts of words face, mouth, nose, ear, I will be a few students call to the board and let them do ”Touch you r hair/face/mouth/nose/ear“ and so on the movement, do right, students of the said, ”Yes!“ Do wrong, students of the said, ”no!“ said: ”Touch your face.“ let the whole class do the action.Through this game, students can be easily mastered these words, and finally they will remember this.5.In personality display activities exciting participation enthusiasm Everyone has to show his to get others to recognize the wish, this in elementary student body more fully embodied.So I take every opportunity to let students combined with his own knowledge knowledge, with personalized way to show yourself, students are very
willing to participate in these activities, learning the enthusiasm improved.For example.Let the students made with rich individual character of the works.The primary school English textbooks in many of the content is closely connected with the student life, selected topic is to the actual needs of elementary school students as a starting point, are students side, side, so can make some design around the content of individualized activities.For example, the study of self introduction this unit, lets the student for a business card design, which include the Name, Age, School, Class.三, the harmony, the harmonious relation between teacher and students From philosophical Angle look on teaching and learning is a pair of contradictory, as contradictions representatives of both sides teachers and students how to harmonious relationship between teachers and students, to complete the teaching objective essential.The psychological characteristic of teenagers tells us that the age of the students ”kiss division sex“ is stronger.If they have a favorable to a teacher, and they went to the teacher's class and particularly interested in value, Ken call, spend big effort to learn this lesson and outstanding.This phenomenon is probably we often speak of ”love house and bird“!Conversely, if they don't like a teacher, because the rebellious attitude, they also did not want to learn or not learn the teacher's class.This kind of phenomenon also is everybody commonplace.A teacher's love in the teaching plays an important role, especially close move and QiDaiGan is not to be lack of them.In the teaching of the teachers to student's concerned about hot, students to teacher's respect, is the key to the success of teaching.Therefore, the teacher should thoroughly students, and students has a genius, understand the student's interest, hobbies, laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness mood changes, those who care about students, care for the students, respect students, targeted to help students.Let you in the eyes of the students not only is a respectable teachers, but also they can close a close friend of the kind.Of course, this is not said their faults criticize not, can leave it as it is.But criticism and praise is from the same purpose of take good care of them.So the way criticism than criticism itself is more important.To let them do not hurt the self-respect, the personality from Wu shameful.From the heart to let them feel the teacher criticism is sincere love and heartfelt love and help.Then, and only then can a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, are feeling well, interest to learn.四, inside and outside the class combined Foreign language teaching should be mainly on teaching in class, to 45 minutes to quality.But if you want to learn English well light a few times a week English lesson is not enough.So, we need to vigorously carry out after-class teaching activity.But this kind of words move, should not be teaching in class continues, also should not be without organization is unwinding, according to inside and outside the class teaching content of differences, plan before class.Let the students to participate in the extracurricular practice do combining theory with practice.Conclusion: the teacher should according to different classes, different levels, different
levels, different interest of the students, in the teaching tache according to the student the psychological characteristics of their respective, accept ability, establish the teaching goal, to encourage more students.A successful English teachers to consciously train the student in the teaching of English the lasting fun learning,.Therefore, to create a relaxed learning environment, organize the student to carry on the wide range of language practice activity, through a variety of means to stimulate the students' practice of heat power, and in the long teaching process always keeps the interest for language practice activity create good time.References: 1.HuangXueYong, the primary school English < http://www.xiexiebang.com/YingYu/ > ”appeal“ teaching ramble.”Primary school teaching under the 23, 1998 issue Chinese people's university newspapers published data center 2.HongZhiFang, the play is learn-the United States the characteristics of primary school education ".Yangpu education(Shanghai)proceedings 1998,2,51-52.3.PangShi let, classroom teaching art theory.The education review, October 2000 The people's university of China center published books and newspapers 4.During Ming(Ed.), the influence factor of forming the student main body role and control.The teaching methods and practical art series of(6)the international culture publishing companies 5.Peng lakefront poem(Ed.), the classroom teaching theory, the principle of communication.The super teachers < http://www.xiexiebang.com > encyclopedia britannica rollup Chinese society press, 1999.
第四篇:英语教学趣味游戏 详细介绍
种类:智力 目的:可以用以初中生英语单词,短语,句子等的朗读,用以提升学生的兴趣
规则:在带领学生朗读英语单词或者短语时,将一些单词或者短语旁边放上“地雷”(用红色字体来代表有地雷的单词,短语,句子,其它单词为白色;或者将有地雷的词语写在黑板上),这些有地雷的单词,短语或者句子片段是不能读的,如果学生读了,地雷就会爆炸,其它同学就朝着他或她说:one two three bomb!升级:
in the class :
lion panda
T:let’s play a game--touch and
bomb!S:ok T: there are
landmines in
words, if you read them ,the landmines will bomb ,others will say
toward the person who read :one
three bomb!Do you
get it ? S:yes.T:Let’s start!Next ,teacher will read them.and students follow.When the red
read by certain students ,the teacher should lead the others to say one two three bomb toward those who say it.Update
add difficulty
and make students more
concentrated , teacher can read these words
in any order.After every word is
read 3 times ,teacher
can tell students
the rule changes.T:ok.now ,the
landmine has been put in
white words ,if
read white words ,they will bomb!After practicing
every words times ,the game
over.T:touch and bomb
over!lets study
some new things.
Preliminary talking about the aids of Stick Figures in primary
English teaching
[English Abstract]Line Drawings by definition, simple streamlined, general-with one is simple and easy.Strokes among several performance will be a thing, an action or a scene of a plot;Another aspect is the general strong, can provide better, more accurate expression meaning to overcome complex picture of the students often scattered attention, causing misunderstanding shortcomings.It can be used for almost all classes and all-links.Stick picture is for visual teaching aids, students through simple view, understanding and can be expressed as impressed by that magic stick picture is conducive to the effective development of teachers teaching, to guide class, the new words, the sentences, the syntax, the text.Magic stick picture Education Textbooks can abstract translation of the problems in a specific and tangible.Enable students through careful observation stick picture painted understood each one taught by the main contents and the key content.From different movements, different circumstances composed picture is a very interesting story.Then stick picture in teaching used properly will have a multiplier effect, so that the quality of teaching huge increase accelerate the pace of quality education.[key words]pleasant teaching;emotion;interest;stick figures
在千姿百态的万物世界中,无论它有多么复杂或繁琐的造型,其实都可以归纳为简单的几何形状,那就是简笔画。简笔画英语叫做stick figures或match pictures, 也就是火柴棍搭成的画。它的特点是图形简单、形象鲜明、幽默风趣、简单易学,使用方便。只须几笔就能表现一种动物、一个人物、一个行动或一个情景等。利用简笔画教英语,可以使学生的逻辑思维与形象思维结合起来,有利于学生外语思维能力的培养。前苏联教育家霍姆林斯基曾经给予它很高的评价,他认为:“这种在讲课中随手画下的图画,比起现成的甚至比起彩色的图画来都有很大优点。”通过简笔画这一形象化方式在教学活动中的运用,可以调动学生的形象思维能力,把大脑充分利用起来,发挥潜在因素的作用,这对于帮助学生理解问题,提高教学质量是很有意义的。
2、简笔画在英语课堂教学中的辅助作用 2.1为语言教学创设直观情景
简笔画可以边讲边画,随需所画,给学生以想象的空间。教师在引导学生思路,引诱学生思维的过程中,使语言与绘画互相配合,更容易实施启发式教学。例如,教学What’s this? It’s a fridge.时,教师可以在黑板上画一条竖线,问学生:What’s this?学生自然答不出,产生疑点。接着,教师又画等长平行的另一条竖线,再问:What’s this? 学生还是回答不出。然后,教师画上下两条横线连接两条竖线,再问:What’s this? 这时学生的思维活跃起来,并按照自己的理解进行推测,如:It’s a door/a box/a book.等等。之后,教师迅速画出第三条横线,再问:What’s this? 学生暂时又处于困惑状态,产生第二个疑点。这时,教师可迅速画完最后两笔,并因势利导向学生发问:It’s a door? No, it’s a fridge.在上例中,学生随着教师所作的简笔画不断开动脑筋,思考,尝试,再思考,再尝试,在教师的启发和引导下说出各种可能的答案,从而增加了开口的机会。
简笔画夸张,活跃,幽默,更容易激活人的想象,刺激人的交流愿望,因情生趣,因趣而交流。画一个哭泣的小女孩在一个破碎的风筝边,令学生情不自禁问:What’s wrong with the girl? Her kite is broken.可以说,简笔画在激发学生兴趣,吸引学生注意,辅助学生理解所学语言方面有更大的优势。
3、简笔画辅助英语教学的具体应用 3.1利用简笔画形象直观地教授单词
一些介词,如in, on, under等,用简笔画可以将它们抽象的意义具体而明晰的表达出来。只要我们开动脑筋,各种单词都能用一副简单的图画来表示。在课堂教学中,我发现最受学生欢迎的莫过于我设计的一些简单的卡通画了。它们虽然简单,却有较强的趣味性,最能吸引住孩子们童稚的心。在孩子们的思维意识里,一切事物都可以互相交流。因此,我常将各种静物设计成卡通形象,让孩子们来跟“他们”交朋友。例如,在介绍一系列文具时,我将这些文具“打扮”成一个个的小伙伴与学生们相识、交流、互相介绍、互相问好,取得了意想不到的学习效果。学生们一看,铅笔、钢笔等,还在对他们笑呢!还在跟他们打招呼呢!他们别提多高兴了,同时也轻松学会了这些单词。
一幅幅简单的画可以将生活中各种场景栩栩如生地再现入课堂。加上一点想象力,学生就犹如置身于生活之中,将他们所学的知识运用起来。有时由于要操练的内容较多,容易让学生觉得枯燥、乏味。我们还能利用简笔画快捷、易绘的特点,针对教学的需要灵活绘制,适时控制信息量,分解教学难点,化整为零,让学生一步一步扩大知识量,由浅入深地学习。在教句型:What're they? They're birds.How many birds are there? There are„„时,我运用了这样一副简笔画:
如学习小学英语第七册第九课时,我把大鸟和小鸟的故事用几副图片来表示: 一边出示图片,一边描述场景,激起了学生浓厚的学习兴趣,学完之后,大部分同学光看图片基本上就能把课文复述出来了。
在教授What are you doing? I’m running./ swimming / jumping / Climbing/flying等与运动有关的语言知识时,在第一个班级我就呈现了一幅真正的运动会的场景。学生们虽然也感兴趣,但兴致不太高。在第二个班级我将场景变成一个森林动物运动会,别提孩子们多喜欢了!他们很快学会了有关的语言知识。连平时对英语最不感兴趣的一个学生也能说出几个简单的词。
2、添画。让学生在某个最基础的画面上添画,由于给出的信息量少,还有广阔的空间供学生自由想象,任意发挥。这种方法不仅能复习词汇、练习句型,还能培养学生创造性思维的能力。在复习各种动物的词汇时,我给出一个简单的圆,让学生添画。结果学生的作品姿态各异,真是琳琅满目,美不胜收!在回答:What’s this? 时,大家都争相把自己的作品拿出来回答:It’s a panda.It’s a cat等。
我们还能将评价与教学巧妙地结合在一起。在教boy, girl和各种人体部位时,我利用单词的特点,先形象地设计了一个男孩、女孩的头像,再在上面边教边学,添加各种人体部位,并将之与评价结合,把学生分为男、女两组,哪一组更主动更积极,哪一个头像就会更完善、更漂亮。学生在学会之后,不仅能迅速准确的说出身体的各个部位,而且对boy, girl这两个词印象特别深刻,取得了良好的效果。
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