
时间:2019-05-15 03:43:36下载本文作者:会员上传



前进类(用来论证好的方面)1 profit from

People the world over can profit from the advancement in motorized flight.★2 A is an indispensable part of B.Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting pro-found influence on the way we live, work, play and learn.★★3 something plays a pivotal role in…

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success.★★4 enable somebody to do something

Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully.get accustomed to something

New immigrants must get accustomed to the local culture to succeed.6 Someone can utilize something

In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones.★7 something is in the best interests of someone(最符合某人的利益)Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity.8 contribute to…

Various factors contributed to his downfall

Students should not only learn academic knowledge but also do volunteer work in com-munities, thereby making contribution to their cities.9 something consolidates its status as the …

English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world.倒退类(用来论证负面的方面)1 …is attended by …(伴随着)

The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosys-tem.The more…the more…

The more vehicles on the roads;the more traffic congestion to occur.★3 A can be attributed to B

The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringentstrict enough.★4 be afflicted with

In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty.5 deprive someone of something

Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.6 something impels somebody to do …

Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accesso-ries(饰品).★7 A has rendered B + 形容词或者名词,We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technolo-gy.The fast-paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another.A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that …(如果是教育问题用UNESCO,如果犯罪问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Justice ,交通问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Transportation,建筑问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Con-struction,环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace)

A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace suggested that there were over one million mammals(哺乳动物)in lab cages(笼子)today.一个数据就说明了人类现在虐待动物的情况有多么严重。当然,请注意这里的数据编得不能太夸张,否则考官就会怀疑数据的真实性了。9 be addicted to something

In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to / preoccupied with various forms of gambling.something is the root cause of…

The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity.★★11 be confronted with something In contemporary society , we are confronted with a plethora(过剩)of violent and pornographic TV shows.★★12 pose a threat to …

In the contemporary society, the proliferation of non-biodegradable(不可降解的)rubbish poses a threat to humanity.be inundated with something(充满)

The media are inundated with detailed crime coverage.14 If,, something will ensue.(伴随)

If parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline and respect will ensue.15With the incidence(发生率)of…hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.With the incidence of driving offenses hovering at high levels, many have become dis-turbed and alarmed.★★16 something is unwarranted(不可接受的)

Experimenting upon lab animals without trying to alleviate their pain is unwarranted.17 at the expense of…

We should not develop economy at the expense of the environment.中间类 support(支持)/ oppose(反对)…on the grounds that…(鉴于)

Some oppose animal experimentation on the grounds that it is barbarous and inhumane.2 exert beneficial / detrimental / profound influence on something.In this day and age, globalization is exerting profound impact on the way we work, live, play and learn.A prevail over / outweigh / outbalance B.The advantages of punishment for driving offenders prevail over its disadvantages.4 A create / bring about / generate / breed / engender / spawn / induce B.Technological innovations have brought about profound changes to the political, economic and cultural fields.A is a key determinant of B.In an individual’s career, tenacity(不屈不挠)is a key determinant of success.★6 It is manifest that…或者It is universally acknowledged that… Undeniably,..It is manifest that globalization can bring numerous benefits to the lives of people in the Third-World countries.It is standard practice for someone to do something

In contemporary China, it is standard practice for Chinese youths to choose Hollywood blockbusters over domestic films.8 A is best characterized by …

A fine journalist is best characterized by discipline, determination and penetrating obser-vations.A constitutes…(由…所组成)

Animal experimentation, in some cases, constitutes cruel abuse of test animals.★10 someone would be well-advised to do something(做…事情是对的)Parents would be well-advised if they spend more time with their offspring.解决类

★★1 give priority to something

The government should give priority to the optimization(最优化)of its financial resources.2 dedicate A to B

The government should dedicate more money to the alleviation of chronic poverty.3 be likely to fall prey to / be vulnerable to(很易于….)

Without proper parental guidance, children are very vulnerable to the violent or porno-graphic content on TV shows.something should be condemned rather than condoned.Indiscriminate(不加区别的)copying of traditional architectural style today should be con-demned rather than condoned.it is imperative / crucial / key / essential that…或者something is of paramount / over-riding importance.To the newly-arrived immigrants, it is imperative that they adapt to the local culture promptly(及时的).something requires / necessitates / calls for …

The severe ecological problem requires / necessitates / calls for joint effort of all the na-tions on the globe.distinguish between A and B

Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong.• Topic one

• to cultivate one's independence 培养独立性

• to develop a strong sense of responsibility 培养强烈的责任感 • to foster a sense of competition and cooperation 培养竞争和合作感 • be necessary to sth 对...是必要的

• in one's future career/development 在未来的事业发展中

• to enhance one's social awareness/consciousness/realization 提高人们的社会意识

• to become more socially adaptable 更具社会适应性 • to keep pace with the outside world 跟上外面世界的步伐 • to build up/ establish one's confidence 建立自信

• offer somebody a sense of achievement/ accomplishment 给与成就感 • to actualize/realize one's value and capability 实现价值与能力 • to make money/earn money 挣钱

• to form a good habit of frugality/thrift 养成勤俭的习惯 • to provide a chance/opportunity for sb 提供机会 • to apply A into B 把A应用到B 中 • to apply for sth 申请

• in return/in reward 作为回报

• obtain/acquire/reap/gain/attain 获取 • cooperate and compromise 合作与妥协

• to master interpersonal skills 掌握人际关系技巧

• to ease/lessen/relieve financial strain/burden 缓解经济压力和负担

• to enjoy a more colorful and interesting campus life 享受多彩和有趣的校园生活 • to widen one's horizon 拓宽视野 • to shape one's character 塑造性格

• to exert a negative/adverse impact on one's study and life 对学习很生活产生负面的影响

• to have a positive influence on sth/sb对学习很生活产生正面的影响 • take up/occupy one’s space and time 占用时间和空间 • the sole task/ the main task 主要任务

• to make the best of/ to make full use of/ to take the advantage of 充分利用 • be essential to/be fundamental to/ be basic to 对...是很根本的

• be mature and rational/be immature and irrational 成熟和理性的/或相反 • be vulnerable to/ be exposed to 对...是敏感的/暴露在...• social evils 社会罪恶

• to go astray/be led into traps/to become lost sheep/to fall down the slippery slope 误入歧途

• to tell/distinguish/differentiate right from wrong 明辨是非 • distinguished and outstanding 特点鲜明的 • It is unavoidable that …是不可避免的

• to become money-oriented/money-pursuing/money worship 变成拜金主义 • be spiritually contaminated/poisoned/polluted 精神污染 • the bulging pockets 鼓鼓的钱包

• to lead sb to the false conception that/to make sb get wrong ideas about/to make sb misunderstand that 使人误解 • It is no use doing sth 做...没有用

• to raise /revoke/arouse doubt about the necessity/feasibility of sth 质疑...的有用性

• at the cost/price of 以...为代价

• demonstrate/illustrate/display one's ability in sth 展示在...的能力 • distract one's attention to sth 使人分心

• to keep/strike a good balance between A and B 保持A和B之间的平衡 • lag behind 落后

• give priority to sth/ attach importance to sth/ lay emphasis on sth 优先...• up side/down side merit/demerit 优点和缺点

• Topic two

• to shoulder/assume the responsibility 承担责任 • be blamed partially for sth 为...负部分的责任 • the bad behaviors of sb 某人的不齿行为

• refrain sb from sth/ prevent sb from sth 限制...做某事 • be badly spoiled 被惯坏 • pave the way for 为...铺平道路

• in terms of /as…as be concerned 就...而言 • the legitimate guardians 立法监督 • be duty-bound to do sth 有责任做...• to give proper guidance/instructions to sb 适度的引导 • to urge/spur/activate sb to do sth 引导...做

• to strengthen/consolidate the supervision over sb/sth 加强对…的监督 • remind sb of sth/remind sb to do sth 提醒...某事

• the importance and seriousness of sth...的严重性和重要性 • one's mischief and misconduct 某人的不正当行为 • attribute to /result from/owe to 归功于...• contribute to /result in/bring about/cause/lead to/give rise to 导致… • laxity/negligence/excessive permissiveness 松懈 • be closely linked/associated with 和...有紧密的联系 • specialize in sth 专注于...• consequently/ as result 因此 • resort to/ turn to sth 求助于...• corporal punishment 体罚...• one’s psychological development 心理发育

• to bear heavy psychological burden/strain 承受巨大的心理压力 • to add to the mental strain to sb 带来心理压力

• to cause the estrangement/isolation/alienation between A and B 导致A和B之间的疏远

• to worsen/exacerbate/deteriorate the relationship 恶化关系 • to damage/ruin the harmony of/ harmonious life 破坏和谐的生活

• to undermine the social stability 破坏社会的稳定性 • shield/shade/roof sb from sth 蒙蔽...• to develop a correct sense of sth 培养...的正确感

• under such circumstance/in such situation 在...的情况下 • be unbridled/untied 团结的

• take A into account/consideration 把A考虑进去 • give A some more consideration/more thought 关注A • account for/ explain 负责

• be conducive/beneficial to 有益的

• to bridge the gap between 弥补...之间的代沟 • moral training道德训练

• the thorny problem 棘手的问题 • be upright and just 公正的 •

• Topic Three

• famous people/celebrity 名人 • public figures 公众人物

• to come under intense scrutiny/supervision 在...的严密监督之下 • pay for sth 付出代价

• to enrich one's leisure time/recreation/entertainment 丰富业余生活

• to become an indispensable/unalienable part of life 成为生活中不可缺少的一部分

• to have the right to do 有权做...• be curious about 对...很好奇 • the nature of people 人的本性 • decent manners 正派的行为 • eliminate/get rid of sth 摆脱…

• as far/much as possible/ to the full 至多...• be of great importance/ significance to sth 意义重大 • bring the free publicity/propaganda 为...带来知命度

• to make/create/fabricate affairs to draw/attact/grab public attention 编造事实来吸引公众的注意力

• to increase/improve/enhance one's popularity 提高知命度 • keen/fierce/intense/acute/vital competition 激烈的竞争 • compete for sth 为...而竞争 • make profit/revenue/income 盈利 • be satisfied with 对...感到满意

• be attractive and entertaining 有吸引力很娱乐性的 • to protect one's privacy 保护隐私 • to deprive sb of sth 剥夺...的权力

• the sensational coverage/report 轰动的报道 • to lead sb in constant danger 使...陷入危险中 • It is reported that 据报道

• be misleading and confusing 误导和令人迷惑的

• to produce profound negative impact on the growth of children 对儿童的成长产生负面的影响 • be equal to 等同于...• personal assault 个人攻击

• be harmful/detrimental/poisonous/pernicious to 对...是有害的

• interrupt/interfere/intervene/disturb the normal life of sb 破坏...的正常生活 • to slander/libel/insult/defame one's rivals/opponents viciously 诽谤竞争对手 • to violate/break the game rules 违反游戏规则 • be instructive and meaningful to 有指导性和有意义的 • the senseless and dull report 无聊很没有意义的报道 • focus on/concentrate on sth 关注...• artistic talent 艺术天分 • autograph hound/dog packs

• be hauled/pushed into the spotlight 成为焦点 • to behave oneself 行为检点

• by illegal/unlawful means 不合法的方式 • glamorous and charming 有魅力的 • the gossip column 八卦专栏 • mass media 大众媒体

• on the condition that/provided/if 以...为条件 • scandal sheet 丑闻

• to sneak secret shots of sb 窃听...的秘密

• to splash/over-promote/boast/over-publicize sth 吹嘘.../过分宣扬 • to tail celebrity 监视名人

• under supervision/observation/scrutiny 在...监督下 • with the permission/consent of sth 征得...的同意 • written defamation 书面诽谤 •

• Topic four

• the combination of one's capabilities and arduous efforts 能力与巨大的努力相结合

• theoretical study 理论学习

• one's endeavor and arduous efforts...的巨大努力 • count more/be more important 十分重要 • integrated factors 综合因素 • the exploitation of sth 开发...• the decisive/determinant factor • the cultivation of sth

• to provide much solid evidence 提供充分的证据 • to play a crucial role in sth 发挥了重要作用 • to prepare oneself for sth 为...做好准备

• to handle human relationship tactfully 灵巧地处理人际关系 • to endure/tolerate pressure 忍受压力

• to defy frustration optimistically 乐观地挑战失败

• to render/offer/give sb a comparatively systematic and comprehensive knowledge and various skills 带来相对系统和全面的了解 • to lay a solid foundation 打下坚实的基础 • benefit from 从中获益

• be handed down from ancestors 从祖先传承下来

• draw lesson from the failure of our predecessors 从失败中吸取教训 • to avoid detour 避免走弯路

• to distinguish/establish oneself in society 在社会中立足 • achievement and accomplishment 成就

• with the advent/coming/appearance of 随着...来临 • a sound academic background 出色的学术背景 • to communicate and cooperate with sb 交流与合作 • to acquire the interpersonal skills 获得人际技巧 • a miniature society 社会缩影 • comprehensive quality 综合素质

• EQ/emotional-quotient IQ/intelligence-quotient 情商和智商 • era of knowledge-based economy 知识经济的年代 • ivory tower 象牙塔 • give the way to 让位于…

• self-betterment/self-realization/self-actualization 自我完善 • strive for sth 努力...•

• Topic Five

• duty and obligation 责任与义务

• to heal the wounded and rescue the dying 救死扶伤 • to have plastic surgery operations 进行整容手术 • to promote vocational ethics 提高职业道德 • be entitled the right of 有...的权力 • It is suggested that 有人建议 • desire for/long for 渴望 • It is desirable that 渴望

• bear the fact in mind that 记住 • be bent on profit 追求利润

• to bring disgrace/flaw/stain /shame/to their lofty occupation 为崇高的职业带来耻辱

• to be competent and responsible 有能力有责任感 • devote/exert/commit oneself to 奉献

• bring one's strong point into full play 充分发挥 • to belong to 属于

• to cure the sick/to soothe/relieve the pain 治疗/安抚...• be sad and pitiful 伤心遗憾的

• to lose compassion/sympathy 没有同情心 • to deserve sth/be worth doing 值得做 • to stress/emphasize sth 强调...• to make both ends meet 收支相抵

• to throw oneself into/devote oneself to/dedicate oneself to 投入到...• to talk in a big way/count 说大话

• to cater to/satisfy/meet/appease/suffice the need of 迎合或者满足 • earn good money/make fortune 赚大钱

• to put one's heart into one's work/ to keep one's mind on one's work 投入到工作中

• cure sb of sth 治疗

• to line one’s pocket/be gainful 有收获的

• to sully/tarnish/humiliate/flaw/stain/discredit 消除耻辱 • read one’s mentality 读懂...的心态 • beyond reproach/blameless 无法指责 • be in deep agony 极度痛苦

• give scope to one’s special skills 有发挥特殊才能的空间 • unshirkable responsibility 无法逃避的责任 • occupation moral 职业道德 • self-seeking/selfish 自私的

• sacred and lofty profession/occupation/cause 高尚的职业

1)It deserves /merits our attention that

(2)Notably / Noticeably ,It is noticeable/ notable/manifest / evident that

(3)It is advisable/ suggested that+学生应该需要学习音乐和体育,(4)It is a well-established fact that +句子 ,It is universally acknowledged that + 句子

(5)Ample / rich /countless evidence propels me to consider that +句子

(6)Both empirical experience and

Academic knowledge enables me to argue that

(7)It is far from inconceivable / incomprehensible that+句子

(8)The role of sth cannot be underemphasized/ignored / overlooked.(总结句)什么的作用是不容小视/忽略/忽视。

The role of practical subjects, such as marketing and creative writing, cannot be underemphasized.(9)With the help of sb / sth , +句子.Without xxxx, sb would never, never have done sth(重要性)

With the help of mobile phones, businessmen can easily communicate with clients around the world.Without these technological gadgets, they will never, never have reaped so much material wealth


With the help of study about history, many students are able to sharpen their analysis skill.Without it, students would never have achieved a superb leap in academic ability.公式一: 主语从句

公式:It is ……that +原本已经写好的句子


It is undeniable that +原本句子 无可否认的是

It is fair to say that +原本句子 很合理的是

It is no exaggeration to say that+原本句子 毫不夸张的说

It is worth mentioning that+原本句子 值得提到的是

It must be stressed out that +原本句子 必须着重指出是

It must be admitted that +原本句子 应该承认的是

用法: 就放在原本写好的简单句前面就可以了。


公式二: 状语前置句



More importantly, 句子(更重要的是)

To be more specific, 句子(更具体来说)

In this sense, 句子(从这个意义来说)

Accordingly, 句子(因此)

Admittedly, 句子(得承认的是)


情景:其中表达2,3,5均是万能表达,可以加在文章中超过60%的句子前面,因为写作的基本规律就是一句解释一句,进行具体化处理,同时从内容上,都是“得承认的”。表达1是替代 Further more的绝妙表达,可以表示递进。表达5是极好的替代“so”的引出结果的表达。公式三: 被动句






Computer cannot interact with students.It cannot recognize the unexpected performance of a student because of its technical restraints.Computer makes all education into a type of vocational training。


It is undeniable that(主语从句)computer cannot interact with students.To be more specific(状语前置),the unexpected performance of a student cannot be recognized(被动语态)by the computer because of its technical restraints.Accordingly(状语前置),it is fair to say that(主语从句)computer makes all education into a type of vocational training。


下面这些句子全部来自于雅思高分作文(7分水平以上),对于其它考雅思的同学来说也可以当作一个很好的参考,看看下面这些句子你的表达和这里提供的model answer是否一致,如果基本一致的话,恭喜你!说明你的雅思写作水平已经达到7分的水准啦!


It is one's practical capability that enterprises truly value.(这句话用强调句句型表达效果比较好。)

2.我认为我们发明一种新的语言来取代英语是没有必要的.I don't think it necessary to invent a new kind of language to take the place of English.(这句话有太多的同学用“instead of”来表示“取代”的意思,再次强调,instead of是介词词组,表示“......而不是......”的意思。)


People, nevertheless, hold various opinions in terms of the issue whether it is a blessing or a curse.(这句话有很多人用“good thing”和“bad thing”表示“好事”和“坏事”,在书面语中推荐用blessing和curse,绝对的less common vocabulary!)


The fact that the unemployment rates in quite a number of countries keep rising can not be denied.5.在给出我的观点之前,我认为看一看问题的两面是很重要的。

I hold it essential to examine the both sides of the issue before presenting my viewpoint.(这句话有几个重点:首先表示“看一看”不宜用“look at”,那是“盯着...看”的意思,examine是“仔细审视”的意思,用在这里正合适。“问题”在这里应该用issue而不是problem,因为problem相当于trouble,一定是负面的。Issue表示“有争议的问题”,大家记住,雅思作文里讨论的话题绝大多数都属于issue。此外,present属于less common vocabulary,是“give”的升级版。)

6.不同的人们对于全球化是否有利于经济的发展这个问题持有不同的看法.Different people hold various viewpoints as to the issue whether globalization is beneficial to the economic development.7.令人感到遗憾的是大多数人所在乎的仅仅就只是他们怎么样才能更多地赚到钱。It is a pity that all the majority of people care about is how they could be paid more.8.随着越来越多的妇女参与全职工作,由谁来照顾孩子已经成为了社会上的一个问题。With increasing number of women taking part in full-time jobs, who should take care of children has become a social issue.(注意with引导的成分名词后面必须跟动词的ing形式,很多同学这一题一上来就写“With more and more women take part in full-time job”是错误的。)





1.As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.就我而言,在某种程度上我同意后者的观点。

2.As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor of the test/policy.就我而言,我真的/完全支持这场测试/这个政策。

3.In conclusion/a word, I believe that… 总之,我相信......4.There is some truth in both arguments, but I think the disadvantages of…outweigh its advantages.这两种观点都有一定的道理,但我认为……的缺点超过了它的优点。

5.In my opinion/view, we should...在我看来,我们应该......6.As for me, I… 至于我,我......7.As I see it, … 正如我看到的,......8.From my point of view, ….在我看来,......9.Personally, I think… 我个人认为......10.My view is that… 我的观点是......11.I think/consider… 我认为/考虑......12.I take/hold a negative/positive view of… 我对......采取/保持消极的/积极的看法。

二、原因分析型常用句型13.There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones...有一些原因,但总的来说,归结为三大原因。

14.There are many factors that may account for…, but the following are the most typical ones.有很多因素可以解释...…,但以下是最典型的因素。

15.Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.许多方法可以有助于解决这个问题,但以下的可能是最有效的

16.Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般而言,优势可以列举如下。

17.The reasons are as follows.其原因如下。


18.Because/Since we read the book, we have learned a lot.因为我们读了这本书,我们学到了很多。

19.If we read the book, we will learn a lot.如果我们读这本书,我们就会学到很多。20.We read the book;as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we’ve learned a lot.我们读了这本书,因此/因为这个原因/,因为这,我们学到了很多

21.As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we’ve learned a lot.由于读了这本书,我们学到了很多。

22.The cause of/reason for/overweight is eating too much.超重的原因是吃太多了

23.Overweight is caused by/due to/because of eating too much.超重是由于吃得太多而引起的。

24.The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.吃太多的影响/结果是超重。

25.Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight.吃太多导致/导致超重

四、举例型常用句型26.Here is one more example.这里还有一个例子。

27.Take … for example.以……为例。

28.The same is true of…......同样是真实的。

29.This offers a typical instance of...这提供了一个关于......典型的实例。

30.We may quote a common example of… 我们可以引用一个关于......共同的例子。

31.Just think of… 仅仅想到想到......五、结合全文归纳总结句型

32.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 通过上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论......33.Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that… 考虑到所有的因素,我们可以得出结论......34.Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that… 从所提供的所有证据来看,我们可以得出结论......35.All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that… 所有的证据都支持可靠的结论......36.From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that… 从上面提到的,我们可以得出这样的结论......37.To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that… 为了总结/得出结论,我们发现......38.In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is… 简而言之/总之,这是......39.Therefore/Thus/Then, it can be inferred/concluded/deduced that...因此,可以推断出......40.From/Through/According to what has been discussed above, we can come to/reach/arrive at/draw the conclusion that….从/通过/根据上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论…… 41.It is believed that… 被认为......六、议论文常用句型42.It is a fact that….…..是一个事实 43.It is well-known that… 众所周知…… 44.There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…… 45.I think that...我认为......46.Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer… 与流行的想法相反,我更喜欢......47.Some people say/believe/claim that… 有人说/相信/声称......48.It is generally believed that… 人们普遍认为......49.It is widely accepted that…......是被广泛接受的 50.It is argued/held that… 有人认为......51.While it is commonly believed that…, I believe… 虽然人们普遍认为……,我相信......52.It can be concluded that...可以得出结论

53.People’s views vary from person to person.人们的观点因人而异。


54.The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how…......表显示出/ 反映出......55.The graph provides some interesting data regarding… 这张图表提供了一些关于......的有趣的数据。

56.The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows.数据/统计/数据可以解释如下。

57.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that… 数据/统计/数据使我们得出这样的结论。

58.As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, … 如图/图表/表格中所示/显示/展示,......59.It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that… 从表/图/图中看......是清楚的/明显的。

60.The vertical/horizontal axis stands for… 垂直/水平轴代表......61.There was rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/slight/gradual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in … 在......的发展中有迅速/明显/大/急剧/显著/缓慢//轻微/逐渐的上升/增加/减少/下降/下降/下降/变化。

62.The percentage remained steady/stable.百分比保持你定。

63.The figures stayed the same.这些数字保持不变。64.The figures bottomed out/peaked at… 这些数字在......降到最低/升到最高

65.The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during… 这些数字在......期间降到最低/达到顶峰/处于稳定水平。












前面的工作仅是一个开始,最重要的工作还在后面,对“错题集”中的错题,不一定说订正得非常完美了,就证明你这一知识的漏洞就已经弥补好了。对于每一个错题,还必须要 查找资料或课本,找出与之相同或相关的题型,并作出解答。如果没有困难,说明这一知识点,你可能已经掌握了,如果还是不能解决,则对于这一问题的处理还要再深入一点。因为在下一次测试中,在这一问题上,你可能还要犯同样的错误。












因此,把犯过的错误写在本子上是一个切实可行的好办法,一方面便于集中查阅自己犯过的错误,另一方面便于翻看。把错题集中记录到一个本子上,看到曾经出现过的问题,同 8 时翻看课本里面相应的内容,这样边记边看效果会更显著。由于每一科学习的好坏程度不一样,所犯的错误肯定不同,这一点在我的错题集上也会有所反映,记载下来的错误越多,说明我对这一科的掌握还存在很大的不足,也需要投入更多的精力。在高三复习化学时,由于我底子不厚实,而化学的概念又比较多,所以在我的错题集里记录下来的错题比别的学科要多一些。通过错题集,我及时调整了复习计划,加大了复习化学的力度,使高考化学成绩有了很明显的提高。临近高考的时候,我把我的几个错题本集中在一起看,每个学科的错误都被我重新集中扫视了一遍,每一次错误都被我牢牢记在心里,并且以最佳状态做好了防范。






下面这些句子是雅思基础班语法课的作业,所选句子全部来自于雅思高分作文(7分水平以上),对于其它雅思班的同学来说也可以当作一个很好的参考,看看下面这些句子你的表达和这里提供的model answer是否一致,如果基本一致的话,恭喜你!说明你的雅思写作水平已经达到7分的水准啦!


It is one's practical capability that enterprises truly value.(这句话用强调句句型表达效果比较好。)

2.我认为我们发明一种新的语言来取代英语是没有必要的.I don't think it necessary to invent a new kind of language to take the place of English.(这句话有太多的同学用“instead of”来表示“取代”的意思,再次强调,instead of是介词词组,表示“......而不是......”的意思。)


People, nevertheless, hold various opinions in terms of the issue whether it is a blessing or a curse.(这句话有很多人用“good thing”和“bad thing”表示“好事”和“坏事”,在书面语中推荐用blessing和curse,绝对的less common vocabulary!)


The fact that the unemployment rates in quite a number of countries keep rising can not be denied.5.在给出我的观点之前,我认为看一看问题的两面是很重要的。

I hold it essential to examine the both sides of the issue before presenting my viewpoint.(这句话有几个重点:首先表示“看一看”不宜用“look at”,那是“盯着...看”的意思,examine是“仔细审视”的意思,用在这里正合适。“问题”在这里应该用issue而不是problem,因为problem相当于trouble,一定是负面的。Issue表示“有争议的问题”,大家记住,雅思作文里讨论的话题绝大多数都属于issue。此外,present属于less common vocabulary,是“give”的升级版。)

6.不同的人们对于全球化是否有利于经济的发展这个问题持有不同的看法.Different people hold various viewpoints as to the issue whether globalization is beneficial to the economic development.7.令人感到遗憾的是大多数人所在乎的仅仅就只是他们怎么样才能更多地赚到钱。It is a pity that all the majority of people care about is how they could be paid more.8.随着越来越多的妇女参与全职工作,由谁来照顾孩子已经成为了社会上的一个问题。With increasing number of women taking part in full-time jobs, who should take care of children has become a social issue.(注意with引导的成分名词后面必须跟动词的ing形式,很多同学这一题一上来就写“With more and more women take part in full-time job”是错误的。)


Sentence Structure


1....Be(beneficial, important, essential, required, crucial, vital, critical, challenging, difficult, harmful, detrimental, exposed, subject, vulnerable)to something 练习:过度工作对工作者的健康有害。

Overworking is detrimental to workers’ health.2.Be of benefit(value, importance, interest, concern)to something 练习:在有关小孩成长的重要事情上,父母应该和小孩商量。

Parents should consult children on matters of importance to children’s development.3.Be likely(unlikely, able, unable, willing, unwilling ,reluctant, pleased, inclined, prone)to do something 练习:环境主义者倾向于反对高密度种植。

Environmentalists are inclined to disagree with intensive farming.4.The main purpose(objective, function, duty, key, priority)of somebody/something is to do something 练习:学校的主要功能是传播知识。

The main function of schools is to impart knowledge.5.Be aware(mindful, wary, conscious)of something 练习:很多父母现在意识到儿童早期教育的重要性。

Many parents are now aware of the importance of early childhood education.6.Be familiar(satisfied, obsessed, preoccupied, concerned)with something 练习:很多父母现在满脑子都是他们的职业。

Many parents are completely preoccupied with their careers.7.Be under threat(under pressure, under scrutiny, at sick of)练习:因为缺乏资金,很多的学科项目有倒闭的风险。

Many scientific projects are under threat of closure due to lack of funding.8.It is important(necessary, easy, difficult, reasonable, imperative, pointless)to do something 练习:否认父母在小孩早期教育的重要性是没有理由的。

It is pointless to deny the importance of parents in children’s early education.常用的“主语+不及物动词”的句型

9....disappeared/vanished/emerged/surfaced/occurred/happened 练习:当国家付出努力提高经济的时候,问题出现了。

Problems have surfaced when countries make an effort to develop their economies.10.Something increased(climbed/grew/rose/dropped/declined/slid/slipped/plummeted)练习:电子商务在GDP的比重越来越重要。

E-commerce has increased in importance as share of GDP.11.Something contribute to(lead to, result in, result from, give rise to, consist of, make up)something 练习:工业化导致资源的耗尽。

Industrialisation has contributed to the depletion of resources.By Wendy_ZYZ 1

12.Somebody focus on(rely on, depend on, belong to)something/somebody 练习:有些人的娱乐只有网络。

Some people rely exclusively on the Internet for entertainment.常用的“主语+及物动词+宾语”的句型

13.Have a positive(negative, adverse, chronic, cumulative, profound)impact/effect on something 练习:全球化对一个国家的文化认同感有着深远的影响。

Globalisation has a profound impact on a country’s cultural identity.14.Choose(decide, intend, refuse, endeavour, struggle, arrange)to do something 练习:很多打工族选择参加网络课程来提升他们的知识。

Many working people have chosen to update their knowledge by attending online courses.常用的“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语”的句型

15.Encourage(prompt, motivate, require, allow, enable, invite, permit, urge, persuade, empower, expect, anticipate, force)somebody to do something 练习:老师要求小孩去遵守规则。

Teachers require children to obey some rules.16.Prevent(discourage, deter)somebody from doing something 练习:教育会防止罪犯再次犯罪。

Education can prevent offenders from committing crimes again.17.Consider(regard, perceive, treat, deem, recognise)somebody/something as somebody/something 练习:一些国家,尤其是发展中国家,将旅游行业看做是更重要的行业。

Some countries, developing countries in particular, regard the travel industry as an important industry.常用的“被动语态”的句型

18.Somebody is encouraged(motivated, required, permitted, invited, urged, persuaded, empowered, compelled, expected, tempted, entrusted)to do something 练习:小孩被鼓励着去发展他们的爱好。

Children are encouraged to pursue their hobbies.常用的主语从句

19.It is clear(true, obvious, apparent, unquestionable)that...练习:很明显的是,父母的行为对孩子的世界观有直接的影响。

It is clear that parents’ behaviour has a direct impact on children’s world view.20.It should be noted(recognised)that...练习:需要注意到的是,有些动物实验不是为了开发药物。

It should be noted that some animal-based tests are not for the development of medicine.21.It is worth mentioning(noting, emphasising)that...练习:值得一提的是人们的平均工作生涯比几十年前要长。

It is worth mentioning that the average working life is now longer than decades ago.22.It is widely believed that...练习:众所周知的是,教育帮助小孩为以后的成年期准备。

By Wendy_ZYZ 2

It is widely believed that education prepares children for adulthood.23.It can be argued that...练习:有人可能会说,在家里做饭比吃快餐要贵。

It can be argued that cooing meals at home is more expensive than eating fast food.24.It is not surprising that...练习:无可置疑的是,劳逸结合对很多人现在都是挑战。

It is not surprising that work-life balance is now a challenge to many people.25.It is not unusual that...练习:不足为奇的是,女人有时候需要辞职,为了照顾小孩。

It is not unusual that women have to quit jobs for childrearing responsibility.常用的主语从句

26....reveals/indicates/suggests/shows that...练习:白手起家的一些富豪的成功展示了正式教育未必像预想的那么重要。

The success of some self-made billionaires indicates that formal education may not be as important as expected.27....believe/argue/hold/suggest/claim/realise/contend/agree that...练习:人们倾向于相信,年轻人缺乏工作经验是个明显的缺点。

People tend to believe that young people’s lack of work experience is a clear disadvantage.28.It is important to realise/recognise/acknowledge/note/remember/bear in mind that...练习:需要意识到有些资源是不可更新的。

It is important to realise that some resources are non-renewable.29.It is commonplace to argue that...练习:音乐对大部分人的职业成功不是重要的,这是个常见的说法。

It is commonplace to argue that music is not essential to the career success of most people.30.It is reasonable to believe that...练习:文化普及可以减少贫穷,这一看法是合理的。

It is reasonable to believe that literacy can help eliminate poverty.31....aware(convinced)that..练习:人们现在意识到他们在全球化社会需要克服语言障碍。

People are now aware that they should overcome language barriers in a globalised world.常用的表语从句

32.One main argument is that...练习:一个主要的观点是网络教育适合成人学生的需要。

One main argument is that online education suits the needs of adult students.33.The main reason is that...练习:网络购物如此普遍的主要原因是它符合人们生活繁忙的特点。

The main reason for online shopping’s popularity is that it matches people’s busy schedule.34.The advantage(benefit, consequence, counterargument, difference, disadvantage, downside, explanation, fact, implication, possibility, problem)is that...练习:可以解释小孩反社会行为的是:小孩用极端的方式表达他们的不满。

The main explanation for children’s anti-social behaviour is that children tend to express their dissatisfaction radically.By Wendy_ZYZ 3

35.The question remains whether...练习:这个问题仍然存在:是否天性比后天的因素更能够预测人的行为。

The question remains whether nature predicts one’s behavior more reliably than nurture.36.It seems/proves that...练习:女性已经被证明在很多职业和男人表现的一样的好。

It proves that women work as well as men do in many occupations.37.One important point to note is that...练习:一个主要的观点是著名的运动员有时候对年轻人是一个模范。

One important point to note is that famous athletes are sometimes an inspiration to younger generation.38.Another fact to bear in mind is that...练习:另外一个大家要记得的事实是,小孩并不意识到教育的实践意义。

Another fact to bear in mind is that children do not realise the practical value of education.常用的同位语从句

39.Despite the fact that...练习:尽管人们讨厌规则,他们事实上在人生很多时候会接受规则,甚至制定规则。

Despite the fact that people hate rules, they in fact accept rules or even set rules from time to time during the course of their lives.40.Due to/in view of the fact that...练习:因为乡村经济一般是比较落后,乡村移居城市是可以理解的。

Due to the fact that rural economies are normally backward, the rural-to-urban shift is understandable.41.This is evidenced by the fact that..练习:全球化的证据是很多跨国企业占据了很多国家的市场。

Globalisation is evidenced by the fact that multinational enterprises now dominate the market in many countries.42.There is little evidence that...练习:没有什么证据证明,观众可以有效地分析广告的信息。

There is little evidence that viewers can critically analyse the messages of advertisements.43....can come to the conclusion that...练习:我可以得出结论:现代娱乐未必对一个人的创造力有伤害。

I can come to the conclusion that modern entertainment may not be detrimental to one’s creativity.44.There can be little doubt/there is no denying that...练习:无可置疑的是,科技发展是一个国家经济腾飞的前提。

There can be little doubt that technological advances are the precursor of a country’s economic boom.45.It goes without saying that...练习:无可置疑的是,人的身体强度随着年龄增长而下降。

It goes without saying that one’s physical strength declines with age.46.It can be explained/justified by the fact that...练习:保护老建筑主要是从这么一个事实获得支持:这些建筑有文化和历史的价值。

The preservation of older buildings can be justified by the fact that these buildings are of

By Wendy_ZYZ 4

cultural and historical value.47.It lies in the fact that...练习:父母强调教育。这是基于一个事实:教育看来可以提高小孩的工作前景。

Parents emphasise education.It lies in the fact that education appears to improve children’s job prospects.48.There is a growing recognition that...练习:越来越让人注意的是,出国度假的人越来越多。

There is a growing recognition that more people than ever before vacation overseas.49.There are growing concerns that...练习:人们越来越关注到:媒体广泛报道犯罪会影响观众的行为。

There are growing concerns that the extensive media coverage of crime can affect viewers’ behaviour.50.I am of the view that...练习:我的看法是没有社会是可以很好地工作,加入没有规则去监督市民的行为。

I am of the view that no society functions properly without rules governing citizens’ behaviour.By Wendy_ZYZ 5



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