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全新版《大学英综合教程》(第二版)学生用书第三册上海外语教育出版社 全新版《大学英语阅读教程》(高级本,第二版)学生用书第三册上海外语教育出版社 第三版《大学英语语法与练习》下册上海外语教育出版社





阅读网络平台上相应单元的Background(背景知识)和 Notes to the Text(课文注释)等。具体要求:


2)课堂上主要讲解Text A和处理与Text A相关的练习。学习Text A,主要掌握表达相关主题的词汇、短语的意义和用法,学会分析文章的语篇结构,领会相关话题的表达方法,培养自己表达相关话题的能力。2.《综合教程》课后复习: 1)网络平台上Notes to the Text, 参阅 Guide to the Exercises部分对练习的补充说明, 要求在规定时间内完成Additional Exercises部分。有关课文的问题可以在Students’ Chat-Room中与同学讨论。Text B要求学生自学。

2)通过阅读课文注释,逐步了解和领会大学英语教学中对关键词语和句型的处理,培养自己对语言的感觉,目的在于培养学生的自学能力。通过练习,巩固刚刚学习的语言知识。通过补充练习,学会自我检测和自我评估,检查自己在不同阶段的学习情况。自学Text B时,要从中掌握和领会关键词语的使用,观点的表达,以及文章的写作技巧。Students’ Chat-Room鼓励同学们通过网络平台或其他方式用英语交流思想,传递信息,目的是给同学们提供一个自由讨论的平台,逐步锻炼同学们的英语表达能力,使英语成为大家得心应手的交际工具。





Unit 1

Changes in the Way We Live

Unit 2

Civil-Rights Heroes

Unit 3


Unit 5

Giving Thanks

Unit 7

Making a Living

泛读课教学安排(大约2学时1篇课文)《阅读教程》第三册本学期我们将选择5篇课文在课堂上讲解和讨论。具体要求 课前预习:隔周至少二个小时上网络平台了解所学课文的背景知识、学习词汇, 浏览课文及课文的组成结构。

课后复习:隔周至少二个小时上网络平台做阅读练习。辅助英语学习所设的网络平台网址: http://course.pku.edu.cn 泛读课教学计划: 《阅读教程》第三册(第4,8,11,14,17,20课)(共六课)



Lesson 4

The Middle-Class Black’s Burden

Lesson 8

The Killion

Lesson 11

Human Intelligence Isn’t What We Think It Is

Lesson 14

Robert Frost’s Favorite Poem

Lesson 17

The Winner Instinct

Lesson 20

How It Feels to Be Out of Work


到网络平台上做10次听力测验。辅助英语学习所设的网络平台网址: http://course.pku.edu.cn 听说课教学计划: 《听说教程》第三册(第1,3,4,7,8,10,11单元)(共七单元)



Unit 1


Unit 3


Unit 4


Unit 7

The Business World

Unit 8

The Environment

Unit 10

The Cinema

Unit 11










3.课堂表现5分(oral presentation); 4.作文5分(2篇); 5.出勤5分;



Part I Listening Comprehension(15分)

Section A Multiple Choice(5 short conversations, spoken only once)(2.5分)Section B Multiple Choice(1 long conversation, spoken only once)(1.5分)Section C Multiple Choice(2 short passages, spoken twice)(3分)Section D Compound Dictation(a passage, spoken 3 times)(8分)Part II Vocabulary(multiple choice, 20 incomplete sentences)(10分)Part III Extensive Reading(15分)Section A Background Information-based questions(10 multiple choice questions)(5分)Section B Content-based questions(20 Yes/No/Not Given Statements)(10分)Part IV Reading Comprehension(1 passage from Reading Course 3, 2 passages from other sources, 15 multiple choice questions)(15分)Part V Writing(10分)



英语三级作文句型模板:My college life




Everything seems fresh to me when I entered the college.My college life is entirely different from the the life in high school.College life is an important stage in my life.The campus looked very large and there were so many buildings.I was very excited and curious when the first class began.I have a great number of new schoolmates who came from different parts of the country.In the library, there were so many books and several bright reading-rooms.I was determined to study hard.I lived at the dormitory, not at home, as did in high school.The great difference, I feel, is that at college I should study all by myself.It is in college that I began to live and study by myself, even plan further for myself.Meanwhile, in college I will change and become matured and fully grown up, both physically and mentally

True friends




Friends play an important part in everyone’s life.Some people make friends for their own benefits.A friend in need is a friend in deed.1)Friends influence your development, maturity and sense of responsibility.2)These people are not reallyfriends.They only want to be your friends if it is to their advantage.By this time you should know who are your true friends.3)A true friend is eager to help you whenever necessary.You can consider yourself very lucky if you have one true friend.You and your true friend have a good understanding of each other

英语三级作文句型模板:Sports and health

Sports and health

1)健康是非常重要的 2)运动让我们保持健康。


Everyone knows how important health is.Sports help everyone to keep healthy.A healthy person can always be energetic, challenge all hardships and enjoy life to its best.Poor in health, a person can not achieve much success though he is well educated.Physical exercise can not only increase our appetite, strengthen our body but also make us sound.Leaving your TV and computer aside and come out.In winter,„..And swimming may become your favorite in summer.In one word, good health relies on sports.英语三级作文句型模板:Hobbies




Hobbies play an important part in our life.They provide a change from routine life and are usually relaxing, enjoyable, and interesting.They help one to maintain a mental and emotional balance.In our lives we enjoy many hobbies.Music is very popular.Many people play musical instruments for fun in their free hours.Sports provide other favorite hobbies.Cycling, running, tennis and ping-pong are all popular hobbies people value much.The members of my family all have different hobbies.I have always taken photography as an interesting hobby, but my sister finds stamp collecting relaxing and it takes her mind off her work.On weekends my father likes to get his mind off his work by reading good book.And my mother often plays the piano for her own enjoyment.We all have own hobbies.2013年英语三级议论型作文范文:大学生与父母道谢

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Say “Thank You” to Parents.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




According to a recent survey involving over 3000 undergraduates, 35% of university students have never said “Thank you” to their parents.Their parents have done all they could to bring them up in the past score of years, but have never been rewarded with gratitude.The subjects claim such reasons as follows.First and foremost, a quarter of the interviewed students regard it as parents’ duty to support them spiritually and financially.And it is not necessary to express appreciation to their parents.However, the majority of youngsters are aware of their parents’ tender love but are not accustomed to saying “Thank you”.Some even find a generation gap between themselves and their parents, thus feeling reluctant to express their affection for their parents.In my opinion, extending thankfulness to our parents is a way of respecting them and their love.We should express our feelings directly and bravely, but what’s more important is, we should do all that we can to reward them.2013年英语三级议论型作文范文:大学寝室自私自利现象

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Selfishness in Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




Selfishness is a bit prevailing in university dormitories.Some never care about others’ needs or offer help to their roommates.Some even interrupt others’ normal daily life by speaking loudly, turning on the loudspeakers and telephoning at midnight.As the only children in their families, most of them are the apples of their parents’ eye.They have been spoiled and are used to being satisfied.Therefore, they hardly pay any attention to others’ feelings initiatively.What they care about is how to meet their own demands and how to get what they need from others.Moreover, selfish people do not know mutual respect and mutual help are keys to harmonious dormitory life.Selfishness erodes youngsters’ mind and may well undermine their all-round development.Only when we become respectful and helpful to each other, can we create a healthy atmosphere for dormitory life.2013年英语三级作文范文:My First Day on the Campus

My First Day on the Campus

I still remember the day when I first came to the college.Being a boy of 17, I was longing for a new life as a college student;but, at the same time, I had no idea what college life would be like.That morning when the bus carried me to the gate of the college.I was so excited that my heart was beating very fast as if it would leap out of my mouth.From now on, I would be a student of this college.After registration, we were led by an instructor to the dormitory, where, for the first time, we were going to live without parents but roommates.I was so clumsy that I did not know how to make the bed and fix the mosquito net.In the afternoon, I took a walk around the campus together with my roommates.To think of studying in such a beautiful place made me feel quite proud of myself.As we were walking along, talking and laughing, a voice came into our ears, “Oh, look at these freshmen!” It was our middle-school-students’ looking that gave us away.We continued our tour of the college, inspecting every building and every garden until the sun began to set.In the evening, we sat together, talking about the past and the future.We were so excited that no one wanted to go to bed.2013年英语三级作文范文:Studying Abroad

Studying Abroad

Attending schools abroad has many advantages.In the first place, by looking at our own country from outside, we can best see the strong points and weak points of our nation and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds.Second, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic spots and making friends with the local people.Thirdly we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be improved quickly.But the most important thing in attending a foreign university is to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science and technology and make use of the first-rate facilities available.For all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for education.However, as everything has two sides, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign university.The most serious problem is the language barrier.Most of the students who are ready to go abroad do not adequate knowledge of the language spoken there.As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the instructors are saying.Besides, for lack of knowledge of the customs and way of life of the local people, they may run into trouble in dealing with various situations.Therefore, misunderstandings often arise.Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find part-tine jobs in order to help support themselves.Faced with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and some students may even fail in their courses and learn little.Therefore, given an opportunity to attend a school abroad, one must consider both sides of the factors carefully before making up his mind.On the whole, it is a good thing to go and study abroad particularly when the subject is very weak or not available in our country.But on the other hand, one must not lose sight of the disadvantages.2013年英语三级作文范文:大学扩招

Is the Expansion of Enrollment a Good Thing?

Many colleges and universities have expanded their enrollment since 1998.The reasons for the expansion are as follows.Firstly, they want to keep up with the need of the job market to produce more qualified people to take up the jobs.Secondly, the expansion has entitled many high school graduates to the right of receiving higher education.Last but not least, it can raise the intellectual standards of our nation.However, studies show that the trend to expand has brought about many problems.For instance, the teaching facilities and accommodation capacities of many colleges and universities are limited and are unable to meet the demand of an ever-increasing number of the newly enrolled students.On the other hand, the average quality of the freshmen is declining.In the long run, hunting for a job will be a tough thing for the graduates and that will inevitably exert much pressure on the prospects of employment.In spite of all this, I am still confident that the expansion of enrollment is of great benefit to our society ?and is a good thing.With the development of our national economy, the problem as mentioned above will be solved if proper measures are taken.2013年英语三级作文范文:假冒伪劣产品


1.目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种现象?


Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

Nowadays in the society, there are enormous fake commodities.When you go to the supermarket, you may buy some fake food commodities.When you go to the pharmacist’s, you may buy some fake medicine.The deep root of this phenomenon lies in someone’s greed for money.In order to get a large amount of money in a short time, they try every means to produce fake commodities, without any regard for other people’s benefit and health.Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society.For example, when a person bought fake medicine, it was useless in curing his disease and really a waste of money.Sometimes fake medicine can even cause death.Fake commodities are usually sold in a lower price.It causes unfair competition in the market economy and puts the whole society in disorder.2013年英语三级作文范文:Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”

Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”




To help those who are in need is always regarded as a traditional Chinese moral.However people have to know well what the need is before the help is offered.When the need is just for some minority’s benefit and against most people’s interests, or when it is immoral or unlawful, people should not hesitate to say No.Otherwise they will put themselves into trouble.Unfortunately, there are so many such examples around us that people end up their leadership in jail or bury their glory in shame simply because they don’t’ say “No” while they should.Some people are reluctant to say “No” in front of all kinds of briberies as they want to swamp their power for money.They can’t resist the temptations of accumulating wealth in a fast but illegal way.For their own good and their friend’s favor, these people would sacrifice millions of RMB Yuan for an unproportional commission and therefore stake there future on scales of law.Other people don’t say No because of misinterpreted friendship and lack of sense of law.They never hesitate to do whatever their friends ask them to do.They believe they are helping their friends even when they are actually violating the law or local regulations.Such people will also be punished according to the degree of their misbehavior.Therefore, to help is not always doing good.People should learn to say a No when the help might hurt other people’s interests.2013年英语三级作文训练模板:文凭越高越吃香

Knowledge and Diploma




● 审题概述●


【范文】:Knowledge and Diploma

It is generally believed that a high diploma guarantees a promising future.Some people identify high diplomas with profound knowledge and exceptional competence.Companies also tend to emphasize the academic achievement of a job candidate.Like it or not, there does exist a social reality – the higher diplomas one gets, the more popular he becomes.On the contrary, other people claim that a high diploma doesn’t automatically translate into knowledge.A diploma, in their eyes, is only the acknowledgment of one’s educational experience rather than a guarantee of one’s ability.Therefore, we can never measure the depth of one’s knowledge by the grade of one’s diploma.Besides, many knowledgeable people don’t have a high diploma.Take Bill Gates for example.His dropping out of college cannot deny the fact that he is one of the world’s most learned men.So I must say no one should ever equate a diploma with knowledge, because a diploma is nothing but a proof of a short-term study while genuine knowledge needs one’s lifelong devotion.◇第一段思路点评:先陈述人们对高文凭高能力的看法,再点出这是一种社会现实。


job candidate求职者、应聘者






(1)equate a diploma with knowledge 把文凭与知识划等号

(2)nothing but a proof of a short-term study只是短期学习的证明


It’s Time to Stop Software Piracy




● 审题概述●



It’s Time to Stop Software Piracy

China has often been criticized for the rampant practice of software piracy.Take a look around.We operate on pirated Windows systems, defend PC security with pirated Kaspersky anti-virus programmes, process files with pirated Microsoft Office, draft 3D designs with pirated AutoCAD, refine pictures with pirated Adobe Photoshop, and study English with pirated Kingsoft’s electronic dictionaries and translators.It’s no exaggeration that pirated software is everywhere.The logic behind the phenomenon is simple and clear: if a pirated copy is available for just a tiny fraction of the normal price, not to speak of many of the free downloads online, who would pay for an authentic copy? Cheaper prices aside, easy access is another important factor.With such a large gathering of pirated upgrades around, who would bother to spend time and money searching the stores for an authorized yet outdated version?

Despite these apparent benefits, the practice of software piracy should be banned, because it represents unfair competition and by nature it’s a no-win situation.But how? Two approaches are to be taken at the same time: Technically, software developers should enhance their antipiracy engineering, so that cracking the software should be virtually impossible.And legally, the government should also tighten its antipiracy laws and toughen up the penalties, so that violations should be costly.◇第一段思路点评:概述中国盗版软件泛滥的现状。


the rampant practice of software piracy猖獗的盗版软件



(1)downloads online 在线下载

(2)authentic copy正版



tighten its antipiracy laws and toughen up the penalties加强反盗版立法和盗版惩罚


Effects of Financial Crisis on College Students




● 审题概述●



Effects of Financial Crisis on College Students

Since the financial crisis swept the world, the global economy has sunk into a severe recession.It’s hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles burst, and huge sums of loans can never be retrieved.Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life.College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well.On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking.New graduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one.What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more.As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies.Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy.Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious businesspeople, or even criminal gang.In response to these threats, we students must act promptly and wisely.Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, it’s crucial that we submit high quality resumes.Therefore, we must commit more to our professional studies.Even do better, master more relevant job skills as a double security.Furthermore, apply for scholarships and grants, as these are still available and we don’t have to pay them back.As for the safety issues, trust our instinct – there’s no free lunch in this world.Anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap.Stay alert and protect ourselves.◇第一段思路点评:概述金融危机给各行各业造成的影响。


(1)severe recession严重衰退

(2)devastating effects毁灭性的后果

(3)go bankrupt破产

(4)high-return investment bubbles高回报投资泡沫




(1)slump 经济萧条、不景气、经济衰退

(2)internships 实习

(3)fall victim to 被降服、屈服于

(4)malicious恶毒的、恶意的 ◇第三段思路点评:



注意since, therefore, furthermore等关联词的使用,使句间关系更加紧密。


Enhance Awareness to Guard against Campus Thefts







Enhance Awareness to Guard against Campus Thefts

“If you don’t want to wake up and find you have no pants to wear, you’d better put them on in sleep,” goes a popular joke among students.Obviously, campus thefts have become increasingly annoying as they occur far more often than before.And it seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, purses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear.In short, anything that worth a dime is likely to be stolen.What makes students the easy targets? The reasons are not hard to find.But I believe of all these reasons, the lack of anti-theft alertness is the most important.For lack of alertness, the students tend to leave the doors and windows wide open during sleep at noon or at night in summer.For the same reason, they’ll also leave their bikes unlocked before a store or by a road, or forget to take away their personal stuff before they go out of the classroom to make a phone call.These acts undoubtedly have increased their exposure to the light-fingered monsters.In order to minimize possible losses, the students must stay on guard in the first place, as awareness of the thefts around often makes a big difference.To be more specific, the students should not hide any tempting amount of cash in the dorm.Put it in the bank instead.Besides, do not leave any valuable items unattended.Take them wherever you go.In addition, it’s advisable to develop a neighbourhood watch programme with other students in the dorm and neighbouring dorms.◇第一段思路点评:陈述校园盗窃案件发生的情况

◇语言点提示:it seems that此句型表示一种可能性



(1)What makes students the easy targets?此句引出下文

(2)anti-theft alertness防盗意识

(3)lack of alertness缺乏警惕

(4)light-fingered小偷小摸的、惯行扒窃的 ◇第三段思路点评:阐述如何加强防盗意识

◇语言点提示:注意关联词语in the first place,Besides,In addition的使用可使行文更富逻辑性。


Fire Prevention on Campus







Fire Prevention on Campus

People are alarmed by the succession of campus fires in recent years.In each of these accidents, heavy casualties were reported – houses were burned down, students lost their lives, and properties were damaged.Faced with such a chilling fact, people keep asking, “What on earth results in these repeated tragedies?”

A brief survey of them reveals that human factors still prove to be the leading causes.For example, three of these fires were caused by the students’ use of electric water-heaters.As students often leave the heaters unattended, the risks are rather high should the water in the bottle boil dry while no one is around to turn off the power.In other cases, fires were also caused by stoves, candles, cigarette butts, etc.Since most of these disasters could have been prevented if proper precautions had been taken, students should be better educated on the importance and measures of fire control.The following three reminders are of particular importance for us students: First, learn how to use a fire extinguisher.Second, double-check candles, heaters, stoves and other electric appliances, and make sure there are no open flames before leaving rooms.Lastly, do not smoke in the dorm.◇第一段思路点评:概述并引入下文


(1)此句What on earth results in these repeated tragedies? 常可作为过渡句,引出下文

(2)注意描述有关火灾客观事实,多使用被动语态,如are alarmed by,were reported,were burned down,were damaged,Faced with。

◇第二段思路点评:论述火灾的主要原因是使用电热水器,还有造成火灾的次要原因是实用电炉、蜡烛和乱扔烟蒂◇语言点提示:electric water-heaters电热水器

◇第三段思路点评:详述预防火灾的三点措施,注意使用连接词语first, second, lastly。


take precautions采取预防措施

fire extinguisher灭火器


University Students’ Pursuit of Famous Brands



● 审题概述●


【范文】University Students’ Pursuit of Famous Brands

“What perfumes are you wearing?” “Aren’t your shoes Nike’s latest release?” “I like the Mickey bag you bought yesterday.” “I hear the Jack &Jones store is on sale this week.Do you wanna come along?” Don’t feel surprised if you hear them coming out of the mouth of college students.It’s quite common to hear and see college students swapping information about the brands they like and the products they use.In fact, discussions about brand names have become one of the college students’ favourite pastimes.They learn about the latest fashion from each other, exchange tips about when and where to get the item, and buy it at their earliest convenience.“Keeping up with the Joneses” is their conviction – “If the Joneses have it, how could I have not?”

About this current mindset of the college students, many people may hasten to show their disapproval.They’ll probably take it to be a reflection of the students’ vanity and superficiality.And they may lecture them on the virtue of being thrifty.However, I beg to differ.For one thing, name-brand products are usually quality products.As such, they are something beautiful, endurable, and reliable.“The love of beauty is common to all,” goes the proverb;therefore, there’s nothing to blame about the pursuit of famous brands.For the other, college students are old enough to make their own decisions.Likewise, they must abide by the consequences if they make an ill-advised one.If they let their pursuit of brands eat into their budget for other more important issues, they should be able to correct their mistakes and keep everything in moderation.So this becomes no other than a good chance to learn management, isn’t it?



(1)keeping up with the Joneses要在地位和物质上比得上周围的人



Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?




● 审题概述●


【范文】Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?

All across the country a great diversity of custom-made classes are mushrooming, in which special training is provided concerning computer skills, arts, sports, and other extracurricular specialties like maths and writing.Among them language crash courses for various tests, such as CET, BEC, TOFEL, IELTS, GRE and so forth, are especially noticeable for its wide range and high attendance rate.Some consider it advisable to attend such classes while others believe it unnecessary.The former argues that it’s far more effective to command these special skills with the help of an experienced trainer than to work at them on their own.They are convinced that these training classes can make up for what is not taught in school, hence, more competitive edge over their peers.The latter group of people, nonetheless, criticize it as a sheer waste of resources.They warn that the quality of most training courses is questionable, as they are marketed to get money out of our pocket rather than get knowledge into our head.As far as I am concerned, a little bit of such special training does us no harm, but too much of it can only prove to be counter-productive.Anyhow, the deprived free time can be better invested in recreation at weekends, talking to an old friend, or simply enjoying a long-overdue vacation.◇第一段思路点评:第一句综述社会上提供知识、技能服务的各类培训班雨后春笋般兴起,第二句例举语言速成课程特别火爆。


(1)a great diversity of各种各样的(2)mushrooming迅速扩散、增加

(3)language crash courses语言速成课程


◇语言点提示:注意连接词语while,The former,They,The latter group of people等的使用,强化了上下文之间的连贯性。



(1)as far as I am concerned我认为,就我而言




1.Should College Students Live on Campus




There are an increasing number of students who choose to live off campus.Parents and university administrations understandably reacted differently.They voiced concerns about security and the threat of off-campus lifestyles getting out of control.However, college students have their own reasons for their choices.Some students prefer to live on campus for the following reasons.First, campus residents are closer to classes, the library, and other resources, so they are more likely to succeed in college and complete their bachelor’s degree in four years.Furthermore, Living in a dorm is a great opportunity to meet all kinds of new people and develop relationships with them, so students living on campus are more sociable.Last but not the least, living on campus is cheaper and more convenient.Often times, off-campus housing is more expensive than on-campus housing and while living on campus, you don’t have to worry about monthly rent payments and utility bills.Some others choose to live off campus because they believe living off campus they are more independent, with more privacy and a lot more quiet time.Living off campus gives them freedom from those dorm rules and allow them to set their own.The extra space also means that one can probably find a quiet place to study in the convenience of his own home.As for me, I’m a faithful supporter of the former group because I, living on campus myself, have witnessed and enjoyed all the convenience and happiness of doing so.To me, living on campus undoubtedly adds an important element to the complete college experience.2013年英语三级议论型作文范文:大学寝室自私自利现象

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Selfishness in Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




Selfishness is a bit prevailing in university dormitories.Some never care about others’ needs or offer help to their roommates.Some even interrupt others’ normal daily life by speaking loudly, turning on the loudspeakers and telephoning at midnight.As the only children in their families, most of them are the apples of their parents’ eye.They have been spoiled and are used to being satisfied.Therefore, they hardly pay any attention to others’ feelings initiatively.What they care about is how to meet their own demands and how to get what they need from others.Moreover, selfish people do not know mutual respect and mutual help are keys to harmonious dormitory life.Selfishness erodes youngsters’ mind and may well undermine their all-round development.Only when we become respectful and helpful to each other, can we create a healthy atmosphere for dormitory life.2013年英语三级议论型作文范文:大学生与父母道谢

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Say “Thank You” to Parents.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:




According to a recent survey involving over 3000 undergraduates, 35% of university students have never said “Thank you” to their parents.Their parents have done all they could to bring them up in the past score of years, but have never been rewarded with gratitude.The subjects claim such reasons as follows.First and foremost, a quarter of the interviewed students regard it as parents’ duty to support them spiritually and financially.And it is not necessary to express appreciation to their parents.However, the majority of youngsters are aware of their parents’ tender love but are not accustomed to saying “Thank you”.Some even find a generation gap between themselves and their parents, thus feeling reluctant to express their affection for their parents.In my opinion, extending thankfulness to our parents is a way of respecting them and their love.We should express our feelings directly and bravely, but what’s more important is, we should do all that we can to reward them.大学英语三级考试必备作文范文:个人简历



Li Ming

P.O.Box 237, Beijing University

5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100871

Tel: 62768888 Email: Liming@163.com

Career Objective: A position with management potential in the banking business specializing in international corporate financing

Educational Background:

Sept 2003 to Beijing University

July 2007 Major in International Business Management

Main courses include English, Computer, Business

Management, Accounting, International Commercial Law

Work Experience:

July 2006 to Bank of China

June 2007 Internship, Secretary to Deputy Manager of Marketing

Draft business correspondence

Schedule deputy manager’s appointments

Qualifications: University graduation certificate and bachelor degree to be conferred upon graduation(2007)

College English Test Band 4 June 2005

Honors & Awards: Twice awarded scholarship by Beijing University

2005& 2006

Special Skills: Familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel

Ability to work independently

Outstanding Organizational skills

Experience: President of Student Union 2003-present

Personal Data: Date of Birth: 9/17/1984

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Unmarried



Part II Vocabulary

21.The couple are unable to have children of their own, so they decided to _____ a daughter.A、adoptB、adjustC、adaptD、appoint

22.I find this book of great _____ in helping me get along well with others.A、wealthB、priceC、usefulnessD、value

23.I’m sure I have seen that man before but I can’t _____ where.A、remindB、retellC、recallD、recognize

24.Convenience foods which are ready for cooking are _____ in grocery stores.A、availableB、capableC、acceptableD、probable

25.They had a heated discussion on the topic but came to no _____.A、endB、ideaC、resultD、conclusion

26.In the past few years the school has _____ a lot of money improving the teaching equipment.A、costB、paidC、spentD、taken

27.The school bus got out of ____ on the way to school this morning, so all the students were late.A、wokB、functionC、powerD、order

28.Road safety should be taught to young children to _____ road accident.A、avoidB、refuseC、denyD、ignore

29.It is difficult to _____ what the long-term effects of the reform will be.A、investigateB、informC、broadcastD、predict

30.His _____ novel is more interesting than any other novels he’s ever written.A、firstB、latestC、formerD、later

31.It’s time for us to take measures to stop water _____ as it is getting more and more serious.A、conditionB、pollutionC、standardD、population

32.Jack invited me to his birthday party but I didn’t _____ his invitation.A、acceptB、receiveC、answerD、reply

33.We don’t think anyone can _____ us with being irresponsible for the students.A、chargeB、accuseC、scoldD、blame

34.To my horror, I found my drinking was starting to have a _____ effect on my work.A、harmlessB、negativeC、uniqueD、positive

35.I don’t want to get _____ in the argument about whom to blame.A、interestedB、involvedC、absorbedD、focused

36.Wearing a bright-colored silk dress, she _____ in the crowed.A、stood outB、stood upC、stood forD、stood by

37.– Mr.Smith hasn’t got married, has he? – Yes, he has._____, he has a daughter already.A、As a matter of factB、As a ruleC、InsteadD、However

38._____, the floor is wet.We have just cleaned it.A、Look aroundB、Look backC、Look outD、Look down.39.– Would you do me a favor and take me the box upstairs? – _____.A、My pleasureB、Never mindC、With pleasureD、I’m glad to hear that

40.Henry tried many times to _____ smoking but failed.A、give outB、give inC、give offD、give up

Part III Structure

41.I can’t stand him.He always talks as if he _____ everything.A、knowB、has knownC、knewD、had known

42.I’m sorry, but there are _____ for Sunday’s concert.A、no tickets availableB、not tickets available

C、no available ticketsD、not available tickets

43.All flights _____ because of the terrible weather, the Smiths had to go back to the hotel.A、had been canceledB、being canceledC、having been canceledD、were canceled

44._____ for your laziness, you could have passed the entrance examination.A、If it were notB、Had it not beenC、Weren’t itD、If it had been not

45.Once upon a time, _____ known by the name of Rip Van Winkle.A、a man lived thereB、there lived a manC、lived there a manD、lived a man

46.He said that he would take part in the oral English contest, _____ is most unusual for him.A、thisB、itC、thatD、which

47.– Do you want to see my driver’s license or my passport? – Oh, _____.A、either one will doB、either does wellC、all will doD、each will be fine

48.A language lab with 40 computers _____ to the middle school as a gift.A、was givenB、would have givenC、were givenD、had given

49.He _____ to have the examination yesterday evening, but he went to the concert instead.A、would comeB、must have comeC、need comeD、should have come

50.Linda _____ an essay about customs in China last week and I wonder if she has finished it.A、wroteB、has writtenC、was writingD、had written

51.Is this the washing-machine that you want _____?

A、to have been repairedB、is repairedC、to be repairedD、will be repaired

52.I don’t think you have met him before, _____?

A、don’t IB、haven’t youC、do ID、have you

53.The foreign languages school has a large collection of books, _____ are in English.A、many of themB、many onesC、many of whichD、many books

54.Do you think _____ possible to master a foreign language within two months?


55.It was in this factory _____ “West Lake” sewing machines were made.A、whereB、thatC、in whichD、there

56.– David speaks English very well.– _____.A、So he does, and so do youB、So does he, and so you do

C、So he does, and so you doD、So does he, and so do you

57.The wooden house is still in excellent condition _____ it was built over 100 years a


58.I am strongly against his proposal that the plan _____.A、be cancelledB、will be cancelledC、to be cancelledD、shall be cancelled

59._____ I want to know is how long it will take to finish the building.A、ThatB、WhichC、WhatD、Whether

60.The project _____ by the end of 2004 has benefited 100,000 people in the city.A、completedB、being completed C、having been completedD、to be completed

Part IV Reading Comprehension

Passage One

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:

Why don’t birds get lost on their long migratory(迁徙的)flight? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years.Now they are beginning to fill in the blanks.Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours.But what about birds that fly mainly by night? Tests with artificial(人造的)stars have proved conclusively that certain night-flying birds are able to follow stars in their long-distance flights.One such bird – a warbler – had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky.Yet it showed an inborn ability to use stars for guidance.The bird’s cage was laced under an artificial star-filled sky at migration time.The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins.Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.Scientists think that warblers, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance.But stars are apparently their main means of directed flight in the night.What do they do when stars are hidden by clouds? Apparently, they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines and river courses.But when it is too dark to see these, the warblers circle helplessly, unable to find their way.61.Which of the following is NOT true about migratory bird’s flight?

A、Some birds fly mainly by day.B、Some birds fly mainly by night.C、Birds like to fly during daylight hours.D、Birds depend on the sun or stars to guide them.62.What do we know about the experimental warbler?

A、It was set free for the experiment.B、It had never flown freely outdoors.C、It had never been placed under the sun.D、It had lost its way in its daylight flight.63.What do we know about warblers as a whole?

A、They do not have intelligence.B、They tend to take the same route as other birds.C、They do not need to learn to fly in the right way.D、They cannot sense changes in the position of the moon.64.What does the passage say about warblers’ sense of direction?

A、They get lost under star-filled sky.B、They lose their way when it is too dark.C、They are not able to see clearly at night.D、They usually depend on clouds for direction.65.What does “fill in the blanks” in the first paragraph mean?

A、“to do the exercise”B、“to take the test”

C、“to know the right words”D、“to know the answer”

Passage Two

Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:

How men first learned to invent words is unknown.All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other;and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down.Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations – the things they bring up before our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience;and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the happy and sad events of our past;the more we read and learn, the larger the number of words that mean something to us becomes.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to out minds and feelings.This attractive use of words is what we call literary style.Above all, the real poet is a master of words.He can express his meaning in words which sing like

music, and, by their position and association, can move men to tears.We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them correctly, or they will make our speech dull and silly.66.Which of the following did men invent first?


67.Why did men invent language?

A、To be different form animals.B、To make their ideas known to others.C、To make nice sounds for others to hear.D、To have something to write down with.68.Which of the following is true of words according to the passage?

A、Their power is beyond imagination.B、They last longer than signs or sounds.C、They remind people of their past experience.D、They enable people to live longer and read more.69.Why does the author mention “poet” in the last paragraph?

A、A poet is full of great thoughts and feelings.B、A poet is an example of good language users.C、A poet tells of the glad and sad events of his past.D、A poet knows more sounds and words than others.70.What is the best title of the passage?

A、Language and Its Use.B、Language and Human Experience.C、Poet: A Master of Words.D、How Language Came into Being.Passage Three

Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:

In the 1800s, trains roared into stations.They were symbols of progress and expansion.They played as much of a role in America’s history as presidents and generals.The first American railroads were built in the late 1820’s.The early railroads provided cheap transportation for shippers and travelers.To encourage the railroads to expand into unsettled land, President Millard Fillmore signed a series of landgrant acts(土地拨赠法案)in the 1850’s.These acts gave the railroad companies ownership of land that ran along the railways.In return for the land, the railroads carried government traffic at reduced rates.The railroad companies sold much of their land to farmers and cattlemen, who then shipped their goods on the trains.The importance of the railroads became clear during the Civil War.During the war, trains carried troops, arms, and supplies.One reason that the North won the war is that it had more use of the railroads.Between 1865 and 1900, railroads grew rapidly.The first transcontinental(跨越全洲的)route was completed in 1869.This track made easier for pioneers to cross the Rocky Mountains and settle the West.And the railroads brought new people to the West even before the trains started running.Thousands of Chinese and Irish laborers helped to lay down the tracks.71.When were the first American railroads built according to the passage?

A、Around 1800.B、Around 1830.C、Around 1860.D、Around 1890.72.Which of the following is NOT a result of the landgrant acts of the 1850’s?

A、The railroads expanded into unsettled lands.B、Farmer and settlers received land for free.C、The government could pay less for its railroad use.D、Farmers and cattlemen bought land form the railroads.73.What was one of the reasons that the South was defeated in the Civil War?

A、The South was short of military supplies.B、Only the North owned railroads and trains.C、The South failed to make good use of railroads.D、The North used railroads to attack the Southern army.74.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A、Railroads grew rapidly between 1865 and 1900.B、Railroad construction created a lot of jobs.C、Trains carried Chinese and Irish laborers to the West.D、The first railroad that reached the West was completed in 1866’s.75.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A、Railroads grew rapidly between 1865 and 1900.B、Railroads played an important role in American history.C、Trains helped pioneers to cross the Rocky Mountains.D、Trains controlled American economy in the 19th century.Part VI Translation from Chinese into English





85.– 我能不能把你的书带回家,明天还给你?– 行。


21.A 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.D 50.C 51.C

52.D 53.C 54.B 55.B 56.A 57.D 58.A 59.C 60.A 61.C 62.B 63.C 64.B 65.D66.B 67.B 68.C 69.B 70.A71.B 72.B 73.C 74.C 75.B 81.We are going to place large orders with you if you reduce your price by 5%.82.Kids like parents whose words are in accordance with their deeds.83.Through social practice we can learn a lot which can not be got from books.84.It is reported that the U.S.President will visit China next February.85.--Can I take your book home and return it to you tomorrow?--Ok.2006年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试试卷答案 Part I Listening Comprehension

Part II Vocabulary


Part III Structure


Part IV Reading Comprehension

keys: 61.C62.B63.C64.B65.D

keys: 66.B67.B68.C69.B70.A

keys: 71.B72.B73.C74.C75.B

Part V Translation from English into Chinese

76.Still, there is much parents can do to help their kids develop and enjoy a lifelong interest in reading.your answer:


77.Until you discover what your child likes to read, select books that you loved when you were small and new stories that strike your imagination.your answer:


78.To get your child hooked on reading, set aside a regular time each day to enjoy a book together.your answer:


79.If you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself, you’re sending a message that reading isn’t much fun.your answer:


80.When you go out shopping and your child asks for something, buy a book.They’re cheaper than toys and a far better investment in your child’s future.your answer:

key:当你出去购物,你的孩子要求买些东西时,就买本书。书比玩具便宜,也是对你孩子将来更好的投资。Part VI Translation from Chinese into English


your answer:

key:We are going to place large orders with you if you reduce your price by 5%.82.孩子们喜欢言行一致的父母。

your answer:

key:Kids like parents whose words are in accordance with their deeds.83.通过社会实践,我们可以学到许多书本上学不到的东西。

your answer:

key:Through social practice we can learn a lot which can not be got from books.84.据报道美国总统将于明年二月访问中国。

your answer:

key:It is reported that the U.S.President will visit China next February.85.– 我能不能把你的书带回家,明天还给你?– 行。

your answer:

key:--Can I take your book home and return it to you tomorrow?--Ok.


Unit 1

I.Choose the best

1.USA Today is known as America’s newspaper and is _______ to all 50 states.A.contributedB.distributedC.attributedD.tributed

2.The aim of the newspaper is to ________ its readers ________ all the information they need to successfully run their businesses.A.supply… withB.supply… toC.supply… forD.supply… as

3.The New York Times is an American daily newspaper ________ in New York City.A.featureB.supplyC.publishedD.distinguish

4.About half of the museums in the USA ____________ history.A.are divided toB.are divided inC.are devoted toD.are devoted in

5.Scientists believe they may have discovered the secret of why women ________ to live longer than men.A.intendB.intendsC.tendsD.tend

6.Mary is interested in politics and always ______________ the latest news.A.keep in touch withB.keep fromC.keep up withD.keep on with

7.Many newspapers __________ advertisement support for their survival.A.depend onB.depend inC.rely inD.rely on

8.We found ______ difficult for us to describe the details.A.heB.thisC.thatD.it

9.Louise Brown, ______ in England, is the world’s first test tube baby.A.bearB.was bornC.bornD.bearing

10.People _____ in cities can enjoy more of modern life

A.liveB.livingC.livedD.are living

II.Fill in the blanks according to the text

In the modern world, it is important to be(1)_______.Success in many fields depends(2)______ getting the(3)______ information.To(4)____ ____ ____ what is happening in the world, well-informed people read newspapers and news magazines.They(5)______ ____ the news on the radio and they watch it on television.Owners of home computers can even receive their news directly(6)_____ the wire services — news agencies that(7)_____ newspapers, magazines, radio and television(8)_____reports — through special telephone links.III.Translation

1.The Sunday papers, on the other hand, are intended to entertain as well as inform, and they tend to be read leisurely by all members of the family.2.They contain articles about the important national and international news of the week, and special sections are devoted to news about such areas as business, science, education, and arts.3.a great number of TV channels






2013年 第136号








2013年12月21日(星期六)08:00开始 2012级英语三级12115-12130班

2013年12月22日(星期日)08:00开始 2012级英语三级12131-12145班,2013级13301、13302班。


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