商务英语阅读教案lesson 5

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第一篇:商务英语阅读教案lesson 5

【课题】Chapter Five 【教材版本】 【教学目标】

知识目标:-将所学国际贸易的相关英语知识运用到阅读理解中 将所学国际贸易的相关英语知识运用到口语表达中



将所学国际贸易的相关英语知识运用到阅读理解中 教学难点:

将所学国际贸易的相关英语知识运用到口语表达中 教学途径:

1.小组讨论教学 2.自学练习教学







第一环节 导入(15分钟)

活动一: 要求学生小组讨论图片及相关问题

提示学生有没有跟外国人交流的经验 提示学生知道哪些跟外国人交流的礼仪

活动二:小组讨论并抢答单词联想,练习2 活动三:小组讨论并抢答注意事项联想,练习3 小组抢答在国际协商中的注意事项

第二环节 新授课(50分钟)

阅读篇章A [讲解] 详细讲解文章的内容 列出生词和长难句 [演示]

教师用幻灯片演示单词和句子 [问答] 1.Which language is often used in negotiation with foreign businessmen? 2.Do the Arabs like to express their ideas directly? [角色扮演] 将学生进行分组,调研英国人和美国人的谈判习惯,并挑选两个组员扮演美国商人和英国商人,讨论英国向美国购买玉米的合同。[问答] 小组抢答,练习5 [复习] 复习重点单词,练习6

阅读篇章B [自学练习] 学生根据课后提供的单词和句子翻译,进行自学阅读练习。[问答] 小组讨论并回答问题what is irritating and insulting to a visitor during an appointment? [问答] 小组抢答问题7 第三环节 课堂练习(15分钟)[情景模拟] 要求学生分组模拟第二篇阅读理解的第一段和第二段的相关情景。

第四环节 复习小结(8分钟)

According to your own opinion, what is important during an international negotiation?

第五环节 布置作业(2分钟)默写第一篇阅读中的核心单词



商 务 英 语

教 案

Unit 1 business letters

The first lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to learn about what marketing and market is.2.to understand the five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities.Oral English and listening : Can speak fluently.and listen and understand some information of English Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners' homework to share with each other.III.leading in Writing activity:business letters

1.introduction: usually ,a businessman spends a surprising amount of time in writing a letter ,for he can not afford a personal visit each time he wants to transact business in various parts ot the world.2.steps for writing business letters 1)layout

a letter needs your company address at top right hand corner ,date at top right hand corner below senders address,name /address of recipient beneath date on left hand side ,correct salutation ,complimentary close.2)

indentify the relevant information and present it in a suitable order.a good business letter is concise ,it keeps to the point.to write a letter ,you must organize your thoughts ,jot down the things you must say and consider how the ideas are logically related.3)Write the letter

Try to keep a balance between being formal and being friendly.since you are usually trying to get your reader to do something ,don't be sarcastic or too aggressive ,be confident ,not slavish.4)Check your work by considering the following points.3.practice one

1)students read the situation.then explains the meaning.2)students read the text ,then teacher explains the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.One.understand the objectives , one read one translate.Teacher ask :conclude the objective of reading : answer:business knowledge Teacher add:speaking , practical business ability.Two.business letters Teacher read ,students follow.then students read.Students read first silently.Teacher ask: 1.what is the general idea of the text ? 2.why a business person spends much time in writing letters? 3.what is the use of writing ? 4.what is the use of good business letters? Teacher explain the text : The phrases, making sentence,the use of words, Students in groups :translate the meaning of sentence , Three.steps for writing business letters Students read and explain each step.Step two :teacher make example :read a letter ,which is not concise ,not in order ,students smile.Four.Writing



exercise : read the practice and recite the important phrases.Lessone two

One.situation : 1.students read it.2.explain the text :in groups.,then teacher explains in detail.with its focus on ,under my name ,talk about the matter with sb.3.ask questions : a.why mr.Richard will attend the conference ? b.why mr.Richard let you draft a reply to this letter ? two.letter : 1.layout : 2.let the students read the text :para.1 for a few minutes.then ask one student read.teachert interprets.3.para.2:students read all class , and one students interpret.4.para 3 :translate.three.underline the special words and phrases.four.reply a letter.Unit 1 business letters

The second lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to learn about what marketing and market is.2.to understand the five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision 5 Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners' homework to share with each other.III.leading in 5.students read the situation ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.6.students read the letter ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.7.students write the reply to the letter.Thank you for your letter of 12th October ,2004,and I am very glad to get your order for 200 Super mobile hard disks.I am very sorry to tell you ,that our Super mobile hard disks are out of stock ,but we are producing now.200 disks ordered by you will be sent as soon as they are available ,about in two days.And the price

is $150 each,the total amount is $30,000 ,the money should be transferred into the account on completion of order.We can assure you that the disks are in high quality and the quality guarantee letter will be enclosed in each package.at last ,I must say sorry to you again for the inconvenience we bring to you.I look forward to meeting you.4.Check your work by considering the following points.1)layout

a letter needs your company address at top right hand corner ,date at top right hand corner below senders address,name /address of recipient beneath date on left hand side ,correct salutation ,complimentary close.2)indentify the relevant information and present it in a suitable order.a good business letter is concise ,it keeps to the point.to write a letter ,you must organize your thoughts ,jot dow 3)language and tone

4)spelling ,grammar and punctuation Practice : A customer want to buy 1000 red purses ,he thinks red purses have a good market.But you only have black purses in your company ,so you try to pursade the customer to buy the color.in fact ,black is a sign of grave ,it is popular.Especially the people in Asian countries prefer black.The price is $100 ,and the bottom price is $80.5.Marketing : 1)Para.one I Speak: Give some examples of promises which producers make in Chinese or English.2)Para.two

Student read the text.Teacher explains the text.3)para.Three: Teacher explains the text : talking : Give one example that your partner told you: he or she does marketing when buys goods.Requirement :at least speak English partly.Subject:speaking ,communicating , ability 4)para.four : Tercher explains.Passage B 市场管理哲学 1.生产概念 背景:

举例说明。并分析企业只注重生产会产生什么恶劣现象。2.产品概念 背景:

企业一般注重产品的什么方面?这样又会产生什么后果? 3.销售概念


市场营销和前面几种比较有什么优势? 5.社会市场营销概念

举例说明社会市场营销观念。Exercese :


six ONE、review passage b : 问题:下列现象各属于哪种观念?






Unit two

One.Objectives one read ,one interpret.Two.Memos

1.The class read first ,than one read.2.Interpret :one group finish 3.Steps for writing a business memo.1.)layout

Practical teaching.Requirement : 1.Students teaches.(come to the class ,and be a teacher)2.time limited:5 minutes.2)identify relevant information.3)write the memo Students explain it.Ask :what is the difference between letters and memos?

Unit 1 business letters

The third lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to learn about what marketing and market is.2.to understand the five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions : 4.how many steps you should consider when you begin to write a business letter ? 5.what kind of personal quality should you have when deal in business ? III.leading in students read the situation ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.1.students read the letter ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.department manager ,complaint letter ,old customer ,overcharged part ,refert to ,look into , 2.students read the letter.let some students correct the mistakes.3.students translate the meaning of the letter.4.students write the reply to the letter.Check your work by considering the following points.Practice four : According to the situation ,write the reply to the letter.Passage A

Learn the new words ,then teacher explains the meaning.Students read the text one by one.Teacher let students translate the meaning of the text.Exercese Page 14:2,3

Unit 1 business letters

The fourth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to learn about what marketing and market is.2.to understand the five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions : 1.what is the difference between sales and marketing ? 2.what is the most important for a business man ? III.leading in Students read the situation ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.Students read the letter ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.Students read the letter.let some students correct the mistakes.Students translate the meaning of the letter.Students write the reply to the letter.Some important words and expressions : National express service company ,regulation tax ,postage is paid ,sales manager Passage

Learn the new words ,then teacher explains the meaning.Students read the text one by one.Teacher let students translate the meaning of the text.Marketing : 1.the concept of marketing.2.the goal of marketing.3.the function of marketing Exercise Page 14:2,3

Unit 2 memos

The fifth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to learn about what marketing and market is.2.to understand the five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions : 1.Whati is four p ? 2.what is the strategy of product ,promotion ?please give some examples ? 3.teacher ask some students to translate some words and expressions.III.leading in Students read the situation ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.Students read the letter ,then translate the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.Students read the letter.let some students correct the mistakes.Students translate the meaning of the letter.Students write the reply to the letter.Some important words and expressions : National express service company ,regulation tax ,postage is paid ,sales manager Passage

Learn the new words ,then teacher explains the meaning.Students read the text one by one.Teacher let students translate the meaning of the text.Marketing


Ask students read the text ,and then trnaslate the meaning.Pay attention to the important phrases.Marketing management : 1.the production concept.2.the product concept 3.the selling concept 4.the marketing concept

5.the societal marketing concept

Discussion : How to build a profitable relationship with your customer ? Exercise

1.answer the following questions

2.match the word in column a to the word in column b.3.translate the following sentences into chinese.Unit 2 memos

The sixth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions : What is the difference between formal business letters and memos.III.leading in Practice four Translation : The statistics on total sales during the last half year which you want were attached.These statistics are in the base of the last six months.please contact me if you want the details of sales in each department or you need discuss with me

Please offer me a copy of the report you write according to the statistics.Thanks.Ask students read the text ,and then trnaslate the meaning.PASSAGE A

Pay attention to the important phrases.students read the passage ,then answer the questions.Activity : All the class depart into eight groups.Scene design : 一个客户通知你(外贸人员),她的货(10000个木制相框)要下周三之前出货。那么你如何安排? 主要内容如下:




2.如果你打算做一个培训公司,项目是做中小学英语的培训。你如何做市场策划。Exercise Page 28:1,2,3

Unit 2 memos

The seventh lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions : 1.What is the use of marketing strategic planning ? 2.can you talk about something about the sentence “if you fail to plan ,you are planning to fail.” III.leading in A customer named jack from America comes to your company ,and complains the defects of the products ,he bought 1000 radios from your company last month.:1.the sound effect is not clear and loud enough 2.there is a shortage of fifty ones

If you are a director in business department, you and your colleagues come to the meeting room and discuss the problems with the customer.one of your colleagues from packaging department ,and one from producing department.The customer

complains the problems.You should give the good resolution.you must satisfy the customer.the director in producing department should explain the problem about quality ,and the other one should explain the problem about the shortage ,and they should say sorry to the customer.At last your customer leaves with happiness.Exercise Page 31:2

Unit 2 memos Passage B One.New words

Students read the words.then let them translate each other.Two.passage B 1.read the part 1, need ,want ,interest :which are different ,let students give examples.Q : 1)What is market segmentation?

2)What is the objective of market segmentation? 2.part 2

1)students give examples: geographic factors affects buying.2)question:how many religions in the world? students give examples 3)

teacher give examples:different girls buy different clothes.4)Teacher asks two students : Q:1)When you buy mobile phone ,what kind of product use factors affect your buying decision ? Discussion : If we are makes of air conditioners.the prices of our products are lower, quality is so so ,our brand is not famous ,and the life tern is about 10 years.the styles are not many ,noises is in line with national standard ,and can save electric power.then we have to make market segmentaion ,if we consider the above factors ,then how to segment our market ? 3.part 3

Question :Why subtle differences between products are so important to marketing ?please make some examples.Discussion : If there are some common products ,and if you are making such kind products.What kind of subtle differences will you make ? Requirement : 1)workable

2)other students can question it.Lcd Tv ,mobile phone ,cup ,ladys’ bag ,digital camera ,ear phone ,pen ,light , 4.part 4 Question :what is the general idea of the part ? 5.the last part.Q:1.)if you can not find difference in your products ,can you make market segmentation ? 2)What are the reasons to segmentation which is pointed in the first line of the text ? Exercise : Page 31

Unit 2 memos

The eighth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions.III.leading in PASSAGE A

Keep the following things in mind : 1.细分市场或目标市场是可以操作的。


4.使用二手的资料来做调查研究,这些外部二手资料包括: 1)行业协会出版物。2)基本的研究出版物。






一、recite words

二、Example : ★纵观中国乳业,目前行业内的竞争体现如下特点:全行业增长势头强劲,液态奶企业盈利居多;企业投入规模迅速加大,产品结构和质量提高明显;国内龙头企业占据明显的市场优势,世界著名品牌主动与国内企业寻求合作。








Practical activity :

The target market decision : If your company mainly produces the products: Clothes,computers , drinks ,pens ,cars,books, Lcd Tv ,mobile phone ,cup ,ladys’ bag ,digital camera ,ear phone ,light , what kind of customer you should satisfy ?how to decide your target market according to the performance of your products ?how to segment your markets ?.Unint

一、Notices :

Read the introduction for a few minutes ,then let some students read.teacher asks some questions : 1.what is the use of notice ? 2.who gives the notice ,and to whom ? 3.what is the difference between it and memos ?


Students finish it。

practice one

students read one by one ,and then translate one by one.Exercise Page 32:4

Unit Lesson 2

一、underline the phrases:

二、Text : 1)read words

2)make sentencess with words and phrases the process has four steps.Reading material : 如何进行市场调查























四、Selling Practice : A customer in South Korea wants to buy 1000 red bags ,he thinks red ones have a good market in his country.But your company only has black ,so you try to pursade the customer to buy the black bags.In fact ,black is popular in Asian countries.And the price of each is costed $100 in present market ,and the cost is $60 in your company.Requirement :1.One student as a salesman ,the other as the customer.2.Try you best to get more profit.A customer named jack from America comes to your company ,and complains the defects of the products ,he bought 1000 radios from your company last month.:1.the sound effect is not clear and loud enough 2.there is a shortage of fifty ones

If you are a director in business department, you and your colleagues come to the meeting room and discuss the problems with the customer.one of your colleagues from packaging department ,and one from producing department.The customer complains the problems.You should give the good resolution.you must satisfy the customer.the director in producing department should explain the problem about quality ,and the other one should explain the problem about the shortage ,and they should say sorry to the customer.At last your customer leaves with happiness.Unit 3 notices

The ninth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions.III.leading in 一.Asking questions :

1.What is your advantage when you seek for a job?

2.What is your favorite job ,and give the reason ?

3.Do you know what is the use of English in a foreign trading company ? 二.Students’s teaching process

conclude the difference between memo and notice: 1.layout.2.given by leaders or bosses.3.leading relation involved 三.practice one

students read the situation ,and teacher translates it.students read the notice for a few minutes.let students read it fluently.then four students translate it.四

One.Recite some words : Two.Text p 1 Read it.In five minutes.Interpret the sentences in groups.Q: 1.2.p 2 Read it.Interpret the sentences in groups.Q: 1.The difficulties of international research.2.students talk about some cultures ,economic situations ,customs ,buying habits in different countries.P 3 Reading competition.Teacher interpret the sentences.Background :research services.Q: 1.conclude the meaning of the part.Discussion : If you want to begin a clothes shop in a city ,how to make a research plan.conclude the meaning of the part.teacher tells a story.students listen and interpret it.the topic : how coca-cola comes into foreign market.Three.Practical exercise 1.selling practce :

1.If your company attends a trade fair ,and there are two people from your company in the fair ,including a business director ,a sales clerk.Your products may be :car ,watch ,cup ,pen,computer ,clothes ,shoe,cap ,electronic dictionary etc.And a foreigner wants to buy 10,000 pieces ,please start a conversation.Requirement : 1.Each

group have a company name ,and write in on the blackboard.2.Each

group spends less than five minutes.3.The two people should talk with the customer 4.The company should make the most profit in the condition of customer’s satifaction.2.A customer in South Korea wants to buy 1000 red bags ,he thinks red ones have a good market in his country.But your company only has black ,so you try to pursade the customer to buy the black bags.In fact ,black is popular in Asian countries.And the price of each is costed $100 in present market ,and the cost is $60 in your company.Requirement :1.One student as a salesman ,the other as the customer.2.Try you best to get more profit.3.A customer named Jack from America comes to your company ,and complains the defects of the products ,he bought 1000 radios from your company last month.:1.the sound effect is not clear and loud enough 2.there is a shortage of fifty ones

If you are a director in business department, you and your colleagues come to the meeting room and discuss the problems with the customer.one of your colleagues from packaging department ,and one from producing department.The customer complains the problems.You should give the good resolution.you must satisfy the customer.the director in producing department should explain the problem about quality ,and the other one should explain the problem about the shortage ,and they should say sorry to the customer.At last your customer leaves with happiness.Pa 4 Read the text in five minutes.Translate the text in group.Q: 1.Speak difference from country to country in Eglish ? 2.discussion

How do you think of Chinese eating culture ? Pa 5: Read the text in five minutes.Translate the text in group.Q: 1.the positive side of internet 2.the negative side of internet pa 6 Read the text in five minutes.Translate the text in group.Q: What kind of information do you often get from internet ? Pa 7: Read the text in five minutes.Translate the text in group.Q:Do you want to do your business in internet in the future ?what kind of business do you want to do ?

Unit 3 notices

The tenth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures:

I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions.III.leading in PASSAGE A

Keep the following things in mind : passage A marketing research 1.Read the words : 2.read the following passage :














Unit 3 notices

The eleventh lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way :

Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions.III.passage a

Read the passage ,and then tell the general meaning one by one.then do the exercises in page 46,47.35 Exercise :

Oral english practise :

Self introduction

Unit 4 business reports

The twelveth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision Teacher ask some questions.III.unit four

business reports Read the situation one by one.Text :the business report

Students translate the title of the report.Terms of reference:read first ,then one translate it ,or one tell the general meaning.ricite some sentences.二.practical conversation : Travelling by air


A:中国东方航空公司,上午好。需要帮助吗? B:我想订两张六月九日飞往北京的机票。

A: 请稍等。对不起,先生,六月九日没有直飞北京的航班。你必须在莫斯科转机。B: 那什么时候有到北京的直达航班? A:第二天上午十点有一个班机从马德里起飞。B:好的,我要这个航班。

TWO A:先生,请问你们姓名。B:…….A:你需要头等舱还是经济舱? B:经济舱,机票多少钱?

A 两张票一共2000美元,你们可以在拿票的时候付款。B:好的,谢谢。我下个星期三来拿票。A:可以,再见。B:再见。

A …先生,很高兴见到你。旅途还愉快吗?







One、recite some words Two、practical employment :

If you graduated from Jinhua Vocational College

.Then you want to find a job in the talents market.And one day ,you go to the market.And find some positions of a company.You are interested in one job.Then you enquire something about the job ,so the interview begins.Requirement : 1.Each group dispatchs one student to apply for one job.2.Each job hunter should speak English fluently.3.each job hunter should introduce himself/herself ,and answer some questions relate to the job.Employment

Lantian media organizations to become China's best integrated media experts, established in 1997, is headquartered in Beijing.The company is mainly involved in the field of IT business, communications, chemical, clients include multinational corporations and local international famous brands.We have Nearly 100 employees, and more than 90% from 4A advertising company and world famous enterprises.Humanity management is a solid foundation for the growth of our team and the high quality of our products is the principle of service to customers.As the rapid development of our company ,we need to employ some talents : 3.Business Assistant in Foreign Trading

Department.daily job :help the director to prepare documents ,deal with daily business matters , recept customers.Requirement : 1.)good oral english 2.)good communication skills ,good computer skills 3.)business techniques 4)Diligent, careful, honest, studious 2.Office clerk : daily job : answering telephone, processing information, the reception the guests, arranging meeting.Requirement : 1)good oral english.2)good communication skills ,good computer skills.3)careful , 3.English teacher

daily job : teach the other employees’english ,mainly the business english.Requirement : 1)good oral English.2)good teaching skills 3)be responsible to the job



Unit 4 business reports

The thirteenth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims Employment : One.Introduce yourself : Two.Read a paragraph Three :Translation:

Thank you for your letter of 20 January 2004.We are disappointed to hear that our price for cigarette lighters is too high.We have known that our goods had damaged in shipment.That a great deal ,we must try our best to satisy our customers.Marketing is very impront to a business.Four.Answer questions.If you are a businessman ,how to develop your customers.Unit four One.Translation


2.代表我 3.2008年9月4日的来信 4.支付条款


6.向你做真诚的道歉。7.look into the matter

8.take measures

9.concept of market 10.core marketing function 11.keep the promises 12.make efforts to

Two.Reading competition 1.This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London

from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones.Yours faithfully 2.Dear Mr./ Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr.Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department.Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully Three.translation :







Four.english topic : 1.Homework: Page 58:2.3

Exercise : One.Interpretation

Two.translation :

Unit four

1.You are an employee of TAIDA electronic company.2.I would like to attend the international fair in GuangZhou next month.3.International demand for these products seemed to be up and this might be a good year for your company to develop your business globally.4.Will you please draft a reply for me to this letter on my behalf ,tell them our products are out of stock.5.I am writing to order 3000of your caps at your advertised price of $ 2 each.Three.Asking questions : Requirement :the student who are called by teacher ask the other any question with an except of personal secret.If any one failed ,his or her number will be written on the blackboard.and there will be a little punishment.the punishment will be dicided by the class.Unit 5 leaflets

The fourteenth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business leaflets

2.to understand and use language in order to be striking..Reading: 1.to understand what product refers to and different types of products.2.to learn how the price affects cosumer’s buying decision and how the price should be set.42 Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision answer the following questions :please point out what type of decision making do the following decision makings belong to ?

1.buying an apartment 2.buying skirts

3.buying a soap 4.buying a leather belt

5.buying a drink 6.buying a washing machine

7.buying a basketball III.teaching process : One.read the new words.Writing activity : 1.introduction :student completes.2.steps for writing a leaflet.students complets.3.practice one : read in groups.translate in groups.4.practice

There is a new film ,the name is :san guo yan yi.you need write a leaflet.Answer questions : 1.what is your routine job when you work in MeiCheng town primary

school ? 2.what is your option ,when you have two choices ,one is a primary school teacher ,the other is an secretary in a trading company ?and why ? 3.how do you think of self –esteem ? 4.what kind of capability do you have ? Reading activity :

exercises : page 70:5.43 One.outline the words.Two.words and expressions Make sentences: 1)太晚回去不方便。


4)这是一个有着良好声誉的公司。5)总统应该由全民选举。Three Text : Reading.Questions : 1.conclude the idea of part 1? 2.what are two kinds of products we know? 3.are all the things in the world products? 4.what is the meaning of the last sentence ? outline the words and expressions.make sentences :refer to :school

Unit 4 business reports

The fifteenth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing business letters.2.to understand and use language related to business letters.Reading: 1.to understand why marketing strategic planning is so important to an organization and how to make such a planning.2.to learn what market segmentation fefers to and the factors that might influcence the market segmentation.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.Revision 8.the use of leaflet: 1).it is about a sales or a bargain

2)it is about legal rights and rules 3)it is about person’s responsibility 9.what is the rule of a leaflet : 1)easily to read 2)eye catching

3)address,date ,phone ,contacting person 4)slogan,figures,not full sentence , III.Writing activity:leaflets 1.students teaching : teacher point out the mistakes and merits of teaching.2.steps for writing leaflets

1)layout The rule : Easy to read ,eye catcing ,contain an address and a date

2)indentify the relevant information and present it in a suitable order.3)Write the letter Pay attention : a.full sentences are not necessary

b.slogans may be useful for pursuading

c.figures are also used to give information briefly and clearly 5)Check your work by considering the following points.a.layout(is your layout proper)b.information(have you collected all the relevant information and made it up logically)c.language and tone(are your language and tone appopriate.)d.spelling ,grammar and punctuation(have you checked your spelling ,grammar and punctuation)1.practice three

1)studnets read the situation ,then translate the meaning of the text.1)teacher points out some phrases.3)students read the text ,then ask some students read.4)then a student explains the meaning.pay attention to the important phrases.46 Ⅳ.passage a product Read the new words.Paragraph one : Students read ,then translate the meaning.Teacher ask :the two classes of products.V.exercise : Page 75,3,4


Unit 6 lists

The sixteenth lesson

Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing lists.2.to understand and use language related to lists.Reading: 1.to learn the advertising objectives and the major types of advertising media..2.to learn the definition of personal selling ,its process,advantages and disadvangages.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.comunication : 1)what is your felling of practice ? 2)what did you learn from the practice ? III.Writing activity:lists


1.students read the paragraph

2.teacher asks : what is a list ? Under what circumstances do you use a list ? Layout

Students reads ,ask one student speak the layout.47 Indentify the relevant information and present it in a suitable order.Write the list

Language in lists should be short ,brief ,and to the point.Check your work by considering the following points.a.layout(is your layout proper)b.information(have you collected all the relevant information and made it up logically)c.language and tone(are your language and tone appopriate.)d.spelling ,grammar and punctuation(have you checked your spelling ,grammar and punctuation)practice one paragraph one

teacher asks a question : why some companies in developed countries move to the other developing countries ? paragraph two

phrases :as well as :make a sentence paragraph two

students read the paragraph ,translate the meaning one by one.teacher asks : if your company meets a low cost competition ,what kind of steps should you take ? phrases :a range of stragegies , paragraph three phrase :weak point teacher asks : what is the strong point of japanese companies ? passage a

reads the new words : teacher tests the students.advertising development teacher asks : what is the advertising development?what factors cause advertising development? Advertising objectives Discussion : What is the objectives of ads?

Unit 6 lists

The eighteenth lesson Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing lists.2.to understand and use language related to lists.Reading: 1.to learn the advertising objectives and the major types of advertising media..2.to learn the definition of personal selling ,its process,advantages and disadvangages.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.comunication : III.Introduction

Teacher asks questions : 1.What is a list ? 2.What kind of advertisement you have watched before attracted you deeply ? Types of advertising media : Merits and shortcomings Public service advertising

Who organizes the public ads? Organize advertising yourself and use an advertising agency Teacher ask :

If your company sells caps ,what kind of media should you choose ?and what is the reason ? Debate : Ads has advantages in modern society ,ads has disadvantages in modern society Exercise : Page 95

Unit 6 lists

The nineteenth lesson Properties: Recorder,multifunctional media , Teaching Objectives: Writing: 1.to Practise writing lists.2.to understand and use language related to lists.Reading: 1.to learn the advertising objectives and the major types of advertising media..2.to learn the definition of personal selling ,its process,advantages and disadvangages.Teaching way : Let the students practise ,and make some discussion ,create some situations.Teaching Procedures: I.Showing the teaching aims II.comunication : III.Introduction

Teacher asks questions : 1.how many tpyes of ads media do you know ? 2.if the customer is the college student,which kind of advertisement media would you choose ?why ? Types of advertising media : Merits and shortcomings Public service advertising

Who organizes the public ads? Organize advertising yourself and use an advertising agency


Unit One


Ⅰ Objectives

1.grasp the main idea 2.appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activies Ⅱ Language Points 1.new words

self-esteem,schooling,stern,limitation,muster,respond,aimlessly,dusk,meekly,demanding,cautiously,falsely,reluctant,slip,strew,stun,depression… 2.idioms & Expressions Contribute to, muster the courage, respond to, drop out, stare at, get through, pull out, start over…

3.Sentence structure With rows and row of people seats at rows and rows of Bring her to knock on a door As the days passed Walk up the long flight of stairs to With chin on chest …

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

5th-8nd period: excises and integrated skills Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st-2nd period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ  Pre-reading Tasks: 1.What job do you like best? why.2.The class is divided into two groups based on different ideas and debate on the topic: what do you think of college students’ taking part-time job in their spare time?  While-reading Tasks:

1.Ask Ss read the whole text and find out the main idea and structure 2.devided the text into four parts and find out main idea of each part.3.Ask Ss to skim each para and discuss some questions according to exercises.cture of the text. Homework: 1.retell the text by their own words 2.Finish exercises.3.Finish reading II.二.3st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

 Retell text I & review  Check exercises  Explain important words in reading II and check exercises  Homework: 1.role playing activity 2.Finish extension exercises.3.prepare a speech about self-esteem 三.5th-6th period: extension exercises

 role playing activity  Check exercises

Unit Two


Ⅰ Objectives

1.grasp the main idea 2.appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activies Ⅱ Language Points 4.new words

etiquette,courtesy,representative,gracious,occasional,beverage,vary,ritual,verbal,offense,acknowledge,routine,chitchat,rigidly,casual,loosely,socialize,collegial 5.idioms & Expressions count for much, boil down to, call for, take offense, frown on, cut short, get the messgae … 6.Sentence structure Get along with one another Although corporate cultures vary form business to business and even from region to region

Look the other way …

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

5th-8nd period: excises and integrated skills Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st-2nd period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ  Pre-reading Tasks: 1.The class is divided into several groups to discuss about business etiqutte, and share together. While-reading Tasks:

4.According to text, what is necessary for a god employee? 5.Should everyone know how t.greet visitors and make them feel comfortable?And why? 6.Ask Ss to skim each para and discuss some questions according to exercises.cture of the text. Homework: 1.retell the text by their own words 2.Finish exercises.3.Finish reading II.二.3st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

 Retell text I & review  Check exercises  Explain important words in reading II and check exercises  Homework: 1.role playing activity 2.Finish extension exercises.3.prepare a speech about self-esteem 三.5th-6th period: extension exercises

 role playing activity  Check exercises

Unit Three


Ⅰ Objectives

1.grasp the main idea 2.appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activies Ⅱ Language Points 7.new words

keyboard, dedicate,bakery,aisle instantly,subtotal,nutritional,sort,fraction,deli,delivery 8.idioms & Expressions send out,dedicate,link up, account for, set foot in … 9.Sentence structure View items by category or by brand Sort products instantly by nutritional contents Create personal shopping lists to save time …

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

5th-8nd period: excises and integrated skills Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st-2nd period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ  Pre-reading Tasks: 1.The class is divided into several groups to discuss about the differences between the ways of traditional shopping and vitual shopping. While-reading Tasks:

7.what kind of store will change the way we shop? 8.The oneline shopping service is free,isn’t it? 9.How is the food you have ordered delivered to you?

cture of the text. Homework: 1.retell the text by their own words 2.Finish exercises.3.Finish reading II.st-th二.3 4 period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

 Retell text I & review  Check exercises  Explain important words in reading II and check exercises  Homework: 1.role playing activity 2.Finish extension exercises.3.prepare a speech about self-esteem th-th三.5 6 period: extension exercises

 role playing activity  Check exercises

Unit Five


Ⅰ Objectives

1.grasp the main idea 2.appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activies Ⅱ Language Points 10.new words

tip,assert,shape,count,financing,potential,competitor,lowlife,head,aggressively,supplieive,prospect,regard sore,tough,provided,upset,warehouse,acquiesce 11.idioms & Expressions go around,in turn,head for,in this/that case,keep sb’s cool … 12.Sentence structure View items by category or by brand Sort products instantly by nutritional contents Create personal shopping lists to save time …

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

5th-8nd period: excises and integrated skills Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽: Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st-2nd period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ  Pre-reading Tasks: 1.The class is divided into several groups to discuss about different kind of business reputation. While-reading Tasks:

10.what is the most valuable asset one can have in business? 11.what is reputation according to the author? 12.what are the tips to establish a good business reputation?

cture of the text. Homework: 1.retell the text by their own words 2.Finish exercises.3.Finish reading II.二.3st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

 Retell text I & review  Check exercises  Explain important words in reading II and check exercises  Homework: 1.role playing activity 2.Finish extension exercises.3.prepare a speech about self-esteem th-th三.5 6 period: extension exercises

 role playing activity  Check exercises

Unit Seven


Ⅰ Objectives

1.grasp the main idea 2.appreciate the spirit demonstrated in the text 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activies Ⅱ Language Points 13.new words

dimension,mobility,earnestly,mobile,stride,fascination,booth,freeform,saga,conventional,startling,expense,welter,hindrance,flair,dramatic 14.idioms & Expression at the expense of ,think nothing of, pick up,at length,refer to, by mistake,apprise of, sort out,turn out,have a word with,ring off 15.Sentence structure Add a fresh dimension to the comedy of life Self-importance gets a positive boost by the mobile phone Each spoke on independent phones with great energy and at enomous length to someone somewhere…

Ⅲ 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

5th-8nd period: excises and integrated skills Ⅳ 教学重点及难点:

Important language points in the text Ⅴ 教学内容的深化及拓宽:

Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class.Ⅵ 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted.Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction.Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school.More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.Ⅷ 教学步骤Steps 一.1st-2nd period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ  Pre-reading Tasks: 1.The class is divided into two groups to discuss about the advantage and disadvantage about mobile phone. While-reading Tasks:

13.Is it true that mobile phones have become popular? 14.what was described as the mobile-phone sofeshoe shuffle? 15.what’s the new meaning of the concept ‘wrong number?

 Homework: 1.retell the text by their own words 2.Finish exercises.3.Finish reading II.二.3st-4th period: readingⅠ&Ⅱ

 Retell text I & review  Check exercises  Explain important words in reading II and check exercises  Homework: 1.role playing activity 2.Finish extension exercises.3.prepare a speech about self-esteem th-th三.5 6 period: extension exercises

 role playing activity  Check exercises



















1.英文求职信 2.个人简历 3.面试





1.邀请函 2.感谢信 3.祝贺信 4.电子邮件




1.启事与通知 2.备忘录 3.商务报告 4.会议纪要 5.商务会议




1.名片 2.简章

3.商品使用说明书 4.推销函 5.交易会



英语经济类文书 [教学重点]



1.询盘与回复 2.报盘与还盘 3.订单与合同












第五篇:商务英语教案Unit 13a Production

BEC Preliminary

Unit 13a Production Objectives: To enable Ss to talk about production processes and problems at work

To practise listening for specific information

To review the passive Important points:Ss listen to a telephone call about arranging a marketing conference and answer true/false questions before filling in a form.Difficult points:Ss scan advertisements about three conference venues for specific


Materials needed: Cassette-Pass Cambridge BEC Preliminary

I.Teaching Procedure

Listening 1

Ss order the stages of the baguette making process before listening to the Production Manager to check the order.Ss then listen again and label the machinery in the bakery.Speaking

Ss say what happens at each of the machines in the production line.Language focus

Ss review the passive.Vocabulary

Ss match verbs and nouns taken from the typescript.Ss think of another noun to go with each verb.Speaking

Ss describe a process using as many verbs as possible.II.Language Points 要点解析(听力1 录音文字稿)

1. They’re weighed and fed automatically into mixers.用料称好重量之后,被自动送入搅拌机中。

2. To increase the shelf-life of the baguettes.以延长面包的保存期。

3. … the dough enters the first prove for ten minutes.生面团进入第一个发酵机,在那里放上十分钟。Prove 为动词 prove(发酵)的名词形式,此意指用来发酵面团的机器。

4. You have to let it stand for a while so the yeast can react before you form it.让面团流在那里一段时间,让酵母发酵后再制成面包。动词 stand 的意思是处于某种状态;react 的意思是:起作用,反应。5. This is called proving.这个阶段叫做发酵。

6. The prove stage is very Important.If the bread doesn’t prove properly, you can’t bake it.发酵阶段很重要,如果面包发的不好,烤出来的面包就不好。

III.Grammar 要点解析

英语动词有两种语态:主动态和被动态。主动态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动态是由助动词(be)的一定形式+及物动词的-ed分词构成。以I/ask 为例,谓语动词的被动语态形式有:

BEC Preliminary


I am asked


I was asked 一般将来时

I will be asked


I would be asked 现在进行时

I am being asked 过去进行时

I was being asked 现在完成时

I have been asked


I had been asked 被动语态主要用于以下几种情况:

1. 不知道或没有必要知道动作的执行者是谁,例如:The books are written for children.这些书是为儿童写的。2. 动作的承受者是谈话的中心(这时可带有by引起的短语),例如:The letter is written by the manager.这封信是由经理写的。3. 出于礼貌措辞婉转等方面的考虑,不愿说出动作的执行者是谁,例如:You are asked to give a presentation.请你介绍情况。

4.当动作执行者不是别人时,例如:The house was damaged by the store.房子被暴雨毁坏了。


Listening 2

Ss work in pairs and decide which type of problems would be most common at the bakery.Ss then listen to the Production Manager and check their answers.Ss listen again and complete sentences halves with when and if.Language focus

Ss review the difference between when and if.Ss match sentence halves and complete them with whenlif.Grammar 要点解析

一个人如果说when 则肯定某事将发生。一个人如果if, 则不能肯定某事是否会发生。试比较:

1. I’ll see you at Christmas when we’re all at Sally’s place.我们圣诞节时全都在萨利处聚会,那时我会见到你。(我们肯定会在萨利处)

2.I’ll see you August if I come to New York.如果我到纽约,8月份我会去见你。(也许我能来纽约,也许不能)


Language focus

Transformation exercise(passive).Writing

Describing a process(from a flow chart).Vocabulary

Word fields(machines / processes).Exam practice

Memo writing(Writing Test Part 1).Homework Review what has been learned

BEC Preliminary

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    Lesson5 Who is hungry教案(本站推荐)

    冀教版小学英语 Student Book 6 Lesson5 Who is hungry?教案 教学目标: 1、知识目标: 理解并灵活运用下列句型 : Who is hungry? I am/ He is/She is / We are / They are hun......


    教案编写模板一、要求 1、教案请按下面所列格式编写,页面设置为纸张,上下左右2厘米,;2、每课时40分钟;3、教案于11月15日前完成并上交。二、模板 封面格式:A 4 小学英语教学法 (......