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盐城小学英语组 Unit 4 Buying fruit(第一课时)


《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书·牛津小学英语》4B第四单元第一课(Read and say)


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some。

2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I help you? These or those? 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are these/those? They‟re….How many kilos? … kilos, please.4.初步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。


6.能有表情地流利的诵读歌谣《I like fruit》。





五、课时安排: 四课时


Step 1.Warming-up-------Greetings.-------Daily practise.T: Point to the teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.S: Teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.(do the action while speak out the word)T-S S-S

Step 2.Presentation

T: Do you like doctors/nurses/ policemen/ farmers/…? S: Yes, I do.(No, I don‟t.)

T: Do you like your English/ Chinese/ math teacher? S: Yes, I do.(No, I don‟t.)

T: Thank you.Miss Wang likes apples.Do you like apples? S: Yes, I do.(No, I don‟t.)T: What do you like, then?

S: I like pears/bananas/pineapples/watermelons/peaches/oranges/mangoes.Step 3 New words, chant and structures learning 1.New words learning

T: Oh, I see.Now, I‟ll play a game with you.It is called” Touch and guess”.Who‟d like to come to the front and have a try? S: I try.T: XXX, come here.Please touch and guess what are these in the bag? S1: Pears.T: Let me see.Oh, you‟re right.Now I‟ll change the fruits, please wait a minute.OK, who‟d like to try now? S: I try.T: XXX, you please.S2:(touching the fruits)T: What are these? S2: Oranges.T: I‟m sorry you‟re wrong.Who can touch and guess once again? S: I try.T: OK, XXX, you please.S3: Pears.T: I‟m sorry you‟re wrong, either.Let me show you: what are these in the bag?(take out the fruits in the bag)Look, they‟re lemons.Say after me, lemons.S: Lemons.T: Lemon.(point to one lemon)S: Lemon.T: Lemons.(point to all lemons)S: Lemons.T: OK, boys and girls.What are these in the bag? S: Lemons.T: Yes, you can also say: They‟re lemons.S: They‟re lemons.(Teach the words “grapes” and “ strawberries” in the same way.)

T: OK, now let‟s do „‟point to …” once again, but this time we don‟t point to the students act in different jobs, we point to the fruits.Are you ready? S: Yes.T: Good, here we go!Point to the lemons, grapes, strawberries, etc.S: Lemons, grapes, strawberries, etc.T-S S-S

2.New chant learning

T: You‟ve done a great job just now.OK, it‟s time to say a chant.Do you like it? S: Yes.T: OK.Listen to the tape carefully.(play the tape recorder)S:(Learn the chant)

T: Now, let‟s say the chant by ourselves.Strawberries, Strawberries, red and sweet.One, two, start!

S:(Say the chant and clap their hands together.)3.New structures learning

T: Very good!Excuse me, what are these in the bag once again? S: They‟re lemons.T: Do you like lemons?

S: Yes, I do.(No, I don‟t.)

T: Thank you.Boys and girls, can you guess what are those behind the bookcase? S1: They‟re lemons, too.T: No.S2: They‟re oranges.T: No, you‟re wrong.OK, I can give you a hint: they‟re red and sweet.S3: They‟re strawberries.T: Yes, how clever!You‟re right.Do you like strawberries? S3: Yes, I do.T: Can you guess what are those behind the door? They‟re yellow and sweet.S1: They‟re pears.T: No.S2: They‟re peaches.T: I‟m sorry.S3: They‟re mangoes.T: Bingo!You‟re right.Do you like mangoes? S3: No, I don‟t.Step 4.Practice

T: Now, please use the fruits you brought here to make a dialogue with your desk mates.If you didn‟t bring anything, you can talk about the pictures on page 33 in your English book.Pay attention to use the new drills in your dialogues.Now, I‟d like to give you an example.Please listen carefully.Excuse me, what are these? S4: They‟re apples? T: Do you like apples?

S4: Yes, I do.T: What are those over there? S4: They‟re lemons.T: Do you like lemons? S4: No, I don‟t.T: Oh, I see.I like lemons.May I have one? S4: Sure, here you are.T: Thank you.S4: Not at all.S:(Work in pairs.)

T: Ask some pairs to act their dialogues out.T: Take out your books and turn to page 30, let‟s read after the tape.S:(Read after the tape, and then read in groups/ pairs.)Step 5.Consolidation

T: I know my father and mother like apples.Do you know what fruit do you father and mother like? After class, use the words and sentences we have learnt today to ask your father and mother what do they like.If you don‟t know how to say the fruits‟ names, you can go and ask the greengrocers or bring them to the school and ask me.Then finish this table.Next class, I‟ll check it out.That‟s all for this class.Homework

Oral work: 1)Read the content on page 30 and 32.2)Practise the chant on page 37 and try to make a similar one.3)Finish the table below: Fruits father mother

grandfather grandmother

Written work: Copy the new words and finish part E of the workbook.第二课时



2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I help you? I‟d like some… How many kilos?…kilos, please.渗透询问价格的日常交际用语: How much …? … yuan.3.能正确表达每重量单位的单价。


Step 1.Warming-up and revisions 1.Dialy practise: Point to….(review the new words which are taught in last period)2.1)Say the chant with actions.2)Ask some students to say the chants which are written by themselves.S1: Watermelons, watermelons, red and green.S2: Lemons, lemons, yellow and sour.S3: Grapes, grapes, purple and green.S:…

3)Check the table which should be finished after last class.T: Excuse me, XXX.What do you father and mother like? S1: They like watermelons.T: Excuse me, XXX.What do you grandfather and grandmother like? S2: They‟re like peaches.T: Oh, I see.I like peaches, too.Step 2.Presentation

T: With the table in your hand, I think we can do some shopping now.We can buy some fruits for our father and mother.Boys and girls, what are these on the desk? S1: They‟re apples.S2: They‟re bananas.S3: They‟re pears.S4: They‟re strawberries.S5: They‟re oranges.T: Look, I also put some fruit over there.D o you know their names? If you don‟t know, you can ask me.S1: Excuse me, Miss Wang!What are those over there? T: They‟re sugar canes.S2: What are those over there, Miss Wang? T: They‟re lichees.S3: What are those over there? T: They‟re tomatoes.S:….Step 3.New structures learning


1公斤/千克:one kilo(1 Kg)3.5公斤/千克: three point five kilos 1磅:one pound(1 p)

5元/千克:five yuan a kilo(5元/Kg)

3.5元/磅:three yuan five jiao a pound(3.5元/p)2.Can I help you? I‟d like some….How many kilos? …kilos, please.T: Now, I‟m a shop assistant.You can buy fruits from me.Can I help you? S: I‟d like apples.T: How many kilos? S: Two kilos, please.T: OK, here you are.S: Thank you.Goodbye!T: Bye!T-S

T: I also like to buy some fruits for my father and mother.Who‟d like to be the shop assistant? S: I try.T: OK.You, please.S1: Can I help you?

T: I‟d like some strawberries for my mother.S1: How many kilos?

T: One kilo, please.How much are they?(Take out the purse in order to help the student understand the meaning of this sentence.)S1:Ten yuan.T: Here you are.And I‟d like some sugar canes for my father, too.S1: How many kilos?

T: Three kilos, please.How much are they? S1: Ten yuan.T: No, eight yuan.S1: OK.T: Here you are.S1: Thank you.Goodbye!T: See you.S-T S-S

Step 4.Practice

T: Now I‟ll divide you into four groups.You can do some shopping in the classroom.The students of group one are the shop assistants in Lianhua supermarket.Group two are the shop assistants in Rt-market.Group three and four are the customers.OK, you can go now.S:(Do the shopping.)

T: OK, the students of group one and group two also like to buy some fruits.So let‟s exchange now.The students of group three are the shop assistants in Lianhua supermarket.Group four are the shop assistants in Rt-market.Group one and two are the customers.S:(Do the shopping.)Step 5.Consolidation

T: Now please open your books and turn to page 31.Let‟s read after the tape.Are you ready? S: Yes.T: OK, here we go.S:(Read after the tape, then read in groups/ pairs.)

Today we have learnt how to buy fruits in English.That‟s all for today.Homework

Oral work: 1)Read page 30-32 after the tape.2)利用33页上给出的句型,根据33上四幅图的情景与同桌合作编一个小对话,要求真实可信。

Written work: Finish part D of the workbook.第三课时


1.熟练掌握“四会”单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。

2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语These or those? 3.能结合实际情景正确运用Can I help you? I‟d like some… These or those?

How many kilos? …kilos, please.等句型。


Step 1.Warming-up and revisions 1.Review the chant < I like fruits>.2.Review how to say the kilos and price.T: How much a kilo?(Take out the card: 5元/Kg)S: Five yuan a kilo.T: How much two kilos? S: Ten yuan two kilos.T: How much a pound?(Take out the card: 2.5元/p)S: Two yuan five jiao a pound.T: How much four pounds? S: Ten yuan four pounds.T:(More practise.)Step 2.Presentation

T: Some students told me they haven‟t bought fruits last class.So let‟s give them a chance to continue.XXX, come here, please.T: Can I help you?

S1: I‟d like some strawberries for my grandmother.T: OK.How many kilos? S1: One kilo, please.T: OK, here you are.S1: How much are they? T: Eight yuan five jiao.S1: OK, here you are.T: Thank you.Goodbye!S1: Bye-bye!T-S S-S

Step 3.New structures learning 1.How about…? Here‟s the money.T: OK, all of us have bought things in the classroom now.I‟m very happy.Oh, I forgot one important thing, I haven‟t bought things for you, my students.I must buy something for you.Who can be the shop assistant now? S: I try.T: OK, you please.S1: Can I help you?

T: I‟d like to buy some sugar canes for my students.How much a kilo? S1: Six yuan a kilo.T: En, how about five yuan a kilo? S1: OK.How many kilos?

T: Let me see.Five kilos, please.S1: Here you are.T: How much are they?

S1: Twenty-five yuan, please.T: Here‟s the money.S1: Thank you.Goodbye!T: See you!T-S

2.These or those? The … ones, please.T: I have bought some sugar canes for my students, they‟re so heavy.I still want to buy some pineapples and strawberries for my students.Who can buy them for me? S: I try.T: OK, you please.T:(Act as the shop assistant.)Can I help you? S2: I‟d like to buy some pineapples for my teacher.T: These or those?(Point to the pineapples.)S2:The big ones.How much a kilo? T: The big ones are ten yuan a kilo.S2: Five kilos, please.T: OK, here you are.Fifty yuan, please.S2: Here‟s the money.T: Thank you.Goodbye!S2: Bye!S-T

Step 4.Practice

T: Thank you.You‟ve done a good job.Now, class, I‟ve opened a company.The customers can book all kinds of fruits in it.I have to buy the fruits for them now.Oh, the telephone is ringing.I have to answer the telephone.Who can buy the fruits on the cards for me now.S: I try.T: OK, this card is for you.…(Give the cards to some students.)Card 1: apples 3元/Kg 2 kilos Card 2: pears 2.5元/Kg 4 kilos

Card 3: Strawberries 4元/Kg 1 kilo …


Step 5.Consolidation

S: Hand in the fruits to me.T: Thank you very much.The fruits are for you.That‟s all for this lesson.Homework

Oral work: Read and practise Unit 4

Written work: Copy the new words and drills.第四课时



2.能在实际情景正确综合运用Can I help you? I‟d like some… These or those?

How much …? … yuan.How about…?

How many kilos? …kilos, please.等句型。


Step 1.Free talk

What are these/ those? How much …? … yuan.How many kilos? … kilos, please.Step 2 Act the chant < I like fruits>

Step 3了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。

thin think three thank … there those that this… Step 4 Listening practise

!.Finish the workbook of Unit 4 2.Check the answer.Step 5 Practice










A 4




教材名称:pep 小学英语 四年级(上)

Unit 6 At a PE lesson




Unit 6At a PE lesson(Comic Sans MS,加粗三号)


1、能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词time, left, right, touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot.(宋体,小四)


本单元通过一堂体育课引出“按指令做动作”这一语言项目(中文:宋体,小四;英文:Comic Sans MS,小四)

Unit 6(第一课时)(Comic Sans MS,三号)

一、教学内容(黑体,加粗四号)ARead and say


1.会听、说、读日常交际用语: Stand in a line.Let’s do some exercise.(中文:宋体,小四;英文:Comic Sans MS,小四)


1.会听、说、读、写单词:time, left, right, stop, touch.(中文:宋体,小四;英文:Comic Sans MS,小四)


1.单词time, back, right, with意思和句子Touch „ with „的意义。



(中文:宋体,小四;英文:Comic Sans MS,小四)


Step 1.Free talk(Comic Sans MS,加粗四号)Timing: 15 min

1.T: Good morning, boys and girls.(Comic Sans MS,小四)


1. Read the text three times after the tape.(Comic Sans MS,小四)


Unit 6At a PE lesson(A)

(Comic Sans MS,小四)












Know the fruits 教学目标:


(2)能够运用句型what is this?it is a/an…进行对话,注意单词在名词前a/an的变化。教学重难点:


教学准备:不同颜色的卡片、水果、水果卡片、多媒体课件。教学方法:实物教学法、游戏法。教学过程: 课前小游戏










和开始的游戏一样,只是把我们的水果换成我们刚刚学习的单词来进行。如“apple蹲 apple蹲 apple蹲完 banana蹲”。已达到巩固的效果。


(1)教师手拿水果卡片提问:“这是什么?”学生回答“苹果”,这一句用英语怎样表达。大屏幕出示what’s this?it’s a/an„的对话语音,老师及时在黑板上板书新句型what’s this?it’s a/an„。让学生把刚学的单词运用起来,(如:老师手拿苹果,问:what’s this?学生回答it’s an apple.)强调apple、orange的首字母是元音字母,所以单词前必须是an(如:an apple、an orange),而banana、grape、pear是辅音字母开头,所以单词前加a(如:a banana、a grape、a pear)。再通过师生互动、生生互动交流进行对话练习,首先是全班跟读,接着是师问生答,最后是同桌之间到小组之间的生生问答,达到巩固且能掌握并熟练运用。(2)玩句型接龙游戏

其中一竖排同学每个座位上摆放不同的水果,由第一个人开始问what’s this?第二个同学回答,回答完了之后又问第三个同学,一次类推。(回答对的同学,水果就属于他,回答错了的同学水果就不属于他)


今天我们一起学习了新的水果单词apple、orange、banana、grape、pear,以及新的句型what’s this?it’s a/an„和单词在名词前a/an的变化,课下同学们要多读并多用学过的单词句子与同学们交流哦。




2、Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Ability aim: Emotional aim:

3、Key points: Difficult points:

4、Teaching procedures Step1:Greeting!Step2:Leading in/lead-in Step3:Presentation Step4:Practice Step5:Summary Step6:Homework


Unit 5 Text A What Are Friends For?

Teaching Objectives:

By the end of the unit, students will be better able to

1.understand the varied parts friendship plays in one's life and be better friends themselves;

2.use about 30 new words and 10 new phrases and expressions in brief conversations, translation and preliminary writing tasks;

3.use the subjunctive mood with implied condition in real life communication;4.read material of a similar topic and degree of difficulty;

5.Know how to write concisely by avoiding overstated, pompous words and redundant phrases.Teaching Methods:

Audio lingual Method;Presentation;Discussion;Question-answer.Important/Difficult Points:

New words and expressions: chat, turtle, model

Pick up, happen to, CD player, out of touch, put in perspective, betrayed confidence on the planet, get rid of, in good/bad shape Some sentences in the text are difficult to understand, such as I was thinking about how everybody can’t be every thing to each other, but some people can be something to each other, but some people can be something to each other;Wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition;They have beautiful homes filled with special handmade things presented to them by villagers in the remote areas they have visited in their extensive travels.Teaching Procedure: Step 1.Warming Up(30 mints)

1)Work in pairs or groups, and discuss the following questions. 1.Do you have different kinds of friends? How do you classify them?



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