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单元1 化学基础 第一课 周期表


化工系 department of chemical engineering 应化系 deparment of applied chemistry 精细化工专业 the major of fine chemical engineering


dilemma 困难的局面,进退两难的局面 periodic 周期

tabulate vt.把…制成列表 v.列表

extraordinary adj.非常的,特别的,非凡的 readily 速效的,容易的

configuratin 轮廓,组态,外形,格局,够形 atomic number 原子序数 ionization energy 电离能 ion 离子;molecule 分子;atom 原子;proton 质子;neutron 中子 electron 电子 anion(negative ion)阴离子 cation(positive ion)阳离子


氢hydrogen 氦helium 锂lithium 铍beryllium 硼boron 碳carbon 氮nitrogen 氧oxygen 氟fluorine 氖neon 钠sodium 镁magnesium 铝aluminium 硅silicon 磷phosphorus 硫sulfur 氯chlorine 氩argon 钾potassium 钙calcium 钪scandium 钛titanium 钒vanadium 铬chromium 锰manganese 铁iron 钴cobalt镍nickel 铜copper 锌zinc 溴bromine 银silver 碘iodine 钡barium 金gold汞mercury 铅lead


As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed, we find ourselves in a dilemma.当我们对原子了解的越来越详细时,我们发现我们其中处在两难之中己。With more than 100 elements to deal with, how can we keep all this information straight?由于超过100种元素要处理,我们怎样能理顺所有的信息?One way is by using the periodic table of the elements.一个方法是使用元素周期表。The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms.周期表整齐地列出了原子信息的表格。It records how many protons and electrons the atoms of a particular element contain.它记录了一个具体的元素的原子包含多少质子和电子。It permits us to calculate the number of neutrons in the most common isotope for most elements.它允许我们为大多数元素计算最常见的同位素中的中子的数量。It even stores information about how electrons are arranged in the atoms of each element.它甚至储存了每个元素的原子周围是如何安排电子的信息。The most extraordinary thing about the periodic table is that it was largely developed before anyone knew there were protons or neutrons or electrons in atoms.关于周期表的最杰出的事情是在任何人知道在原子周围有质子、中子或者电子之前被提出来。

In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, published his periodic table of the elements.在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,一位俄罗斯化学家,出版了他的元素周期表。Mendeleev prepared his table by taking into account both the atomic weights and the periodicity of certain properties of the elements.Mendeleev综合考虑元素的原子量和性质的相似性制成了他的元素周期表。The elements were arranged primarily in order of increasing atomic weight.元素主要按照原子量增加的顺序排列。In a few cases, Mendeleev placed a slightly heavier element with similar chemical properties in the same row.在一些情况里,Mendeleev把稍微重一点且性质相似的(元素)放在一列中。For example, he placed tellurium(atomic weight = 128)ahead of iodine(atomic weight = 127)because tellurium resembled sulfur and selenium in its properties, whereas iodine was similar to chlorine and bromine.例如,他把碲(原子量= 128)排在碘(原子量= 127)前面,因为碲在它的特性方面类似硫和硒,而碘类似于氯和溴。

Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table.Mendeleev在他的元素周期表中留下了许多空格。Instead of looking upon those blank spaces as defects, he boldly predicted the existence of elements as yet undiscovered.他没有认为这些空格的出现是周期表的缺陷,而是大胆的预言还有未被发现的元素的存在。Furthermore, he even predicted the properties of some of these missing elements.而且,他甚至预言一些这些未发现的元素的特性。In succeeding years, many of the gaps were filled in by the discovery of new elements.在以后的许多年中,许多空格被发现的新元素填入。The properties were often quite close to those Mendeleev had predicted.性质经常十分接近于Mendeleev已经预言的那些性质。The predictive value of this great innovation led to the wide acceptance of Mendeleev's table.这个伟大革新的预言价值是Mendeleev的元素周期表被广泛接受。

It is now known that properties of an element depend mainly on the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of the atoms of the element.现在知道一种元素的性质主要取决于元素原子最外层能级的电子数目。Sodium atoms have one electron in their outermost energy level(the third).钠原子在它们的最外层能级(第3层)里有一个电子.Lithium atoms have a single electron in their outermost level(the second).锂原子在他们的最外层能级(第2)里有一个单电子.The chemical properties of sodium and lithium are similar.钠和锂的化学性质是相似的。The atoms of helium and neon have filled outer electron energy levels, and both elements are inert.氦和氖的原子充满电子能级,并且两种元素都是无活动的。That is, they do not undergo chemical reactions readily.也就是说,他们不容易经历化学反应。Apparently, not only are similar chemical properties shared by elements whose atoms have similar electron configurations(arrangements)but also certain configurations appear to be more stable(less reactive)than others.显然,不仅是具有相似的电子构造(安排)的原子的元素具有相似的化学性质,而且某些构造看起来比其它(构造)是更稳定(更少活性)的。

In Mendeleev's table, the elements were arranged by atomic weights for the most part, and this arrangement revealed the periodicity of chemical properties.在Mendeleev的周期表中,大部分元素按照原子量安排,而且这种安排显示了化学性质的周期性。Because the number of electrons determines the element's chemical properties, that number should(and now does)determine the order of the periodic table.因为电子的数量决定元素的化学性质,所以数量应该(并且确实)决定周期表的顺序。In the modern periodic table, the elements are arranged according to atomic number.在现代周期表里,元素根据原子序数安排。Remember, this number indicates both how many protons and how many electrons there are in a neutral atom of the element.记住,这个序数表示,在元素的一个中性原子中,有多少质子和电子。The modern table, arranged in order of increasing atomic number, and Mendeleev's table, arranged in order of increasing atomic weight, parallel one another because an increase in atomic number is generally accompanied by an increase in atomic weight.现代的周期表,按原子序数增加排列,Mendeleev的周期表,按原子量增加排列,两者平行(差不多),因为原子序数的增加通常伴随着原子量的增加。In only a few cases(noted by Mendeleev)do the weights fall out of order.只有少数情况(Mendeleev注明)下原子量不按照规律。Atomic weights do not increase in precisely the same order as atomic numbers because both protons and neutrons contribute to the mass of an atom.原子量不会精确的随军原子序数的增加而增加,因为原子的重量是由质子和中子共同决定的。It is possible for an atom of lower atomic number to have more neutrons than one with a higher atomic number.有可能会有原子序数低的原子比原子序数高的原子有更多的中子。Thus, it is possible for an atom with a lower atomic number to have a greater mass than an atom with a higher atomic number.因此,原子序数低的原子比原子序数高的原子有更高的原子量是可能的。Thus the atomic mass of Ar(no.18)is more than that of K(no.19), and Te(no.52)has a mass greater than that of I(no.53);see the periodic table.因此,在周期表中,18号Ar原子量大于19号K,52号Te原子量大于53号I。

The modern periodic table has vertical columns called groups or families.现代周期表有垂直栏,称为族或者同族。Each group includes elements with the same number of electrons in their outermost energy levels and, therefore, with similar chemical properties.每族包括在最外层能级上具有相同电子数目的元素,因此,它们具有相似的化学性质。The horizontal rows of the table are called periods.周期表中水平的行称为周期。Each new period indicates the opening of the next main electron energy level.每个新的周期意味着下一个主要的电子能级的开始。For example, sodium starts row three, and the outermost electron in sodium is the first electron to be placed in the third energy level.例如,钠开始第3 行,并且钠的最外层电子是被放在第三能级中的第一个电子。Because each row begins a new energy level, we can predict that the size of atoms increases from top to bottom.因为每行开始于一个新的能级,所以,我们能够预言原子的大小从上到下增加。And since electrons are easier to remove when farther from the nucleus, we can also predict that the larger the atom the lower its ionization energy, the energy needed to remove an electron.既然电子离核越远越易除去,那么我们可以预测原子越大,其电离能越低,除去电子所需的能量越低。


第一节 元素周期表优秀教案


第一节 元素周期表


人教2003课标版 1学情分析








4教学过程 4.1 第一学时

教学活动 活动1【讲授】元素周期表 【引入】到目前为止人类已经发现了112种元素。这些元素性质不同,有的性质活泼,易与其他元素形成化合物,有的性质不活泼,不易与其他元素形成化合物,等等。为什么他们的性质不同?他们之间存在什么联系?为了解决以上问题,今天我们来学习元素周期表。第一章 物质结构 元素周期律 第一节 元素周期表


1829年,德国人德贝莱纳根据元素性质的相似性提出了“三素组”学说。归纳出五个“三素组”,即Li Na K Ca Sr Ba P As Sb S Se Te Cl Br I 1864年,德国人迈尔发表了《六元素表》,在表中对于相似的元素六种、六种的进行了分族

1865年,英国人纽兰兹把当时已知的元素按相对原子质量的大小顺序排列,发现从任意一种元素算起,没到第八种元素就和第一种元素的性质相似,犹如八度音阶一样。他把这种规律叫做“八音律” 1869年,门捷列夫发表了第一章元素周期表 【投影】门捷列夫图片及其第一张元素周期表






There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium

And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium,And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium,Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium

And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium

And gold, protactinium and indium and gallium(inhale)

And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium.There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium

And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium

And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium,And bismuth, bromine, lithium, beryllium and barium.There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium

And phosphorous and francium and fluorine and terbiumAnd manganese and mercury, molybdinum, magnesium,Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and cesium

And lead, praseodymium, and platinum, plutonium, Paladium, promethium, potassium, polonium, and

Tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium,(inhale)

And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.There's sulfur, californium and fermium, berkelium

And also mendelevium, einsteinium and nobelium

And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc and rhodiumAnd chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper,Tungsten, tin and sodium.These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard,And there may be many others but they haven't been discovered.你认识几个啊·!!
























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