
时间:2019-05-15 06:52:02下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 10


一、Teaching aim: New words: some, a glass of, juice, milk, a cup of, tea, coffee.(2 skills)

二、Teaching aids: a tape recorder, tapes, some pictures, a glass of juice/ milk, a cup of coffee/tea and so on.三、Teaching process: Step1(1)Free talk

(2)Play a game T say, S do.T: Turn on /Turn off …, please.S: OK./Aright.(并用动作表示出来)T: Open/ Close …,please.S: OK./Aright.(并用动作表示出来)Step2 Presentation(1)

T: Look at my hand.(手拿一个玻璃杯)What’s this? S: It’s a ….T: a glass.Teach the word “glass”

Read the word.(注意发音准确)(2)

T: Now, this is a glass of juice.(在杯子里倒入果汁)出示juice,进行教学 a: Read the word.b: say: a glass of juice / some juice(不能说,a juice)c: show: apple juice, pineapple juice,…(说词组)(3)

Teach : a glass of milk(用同样的方法教学)(4)

T :(举起一杯果汁)A glass of juice? Yes or no? S: Yes.T:(举起一杯牛奶)A glass of juice? S: No.A glass of milk.T: Good.(举起一杯茶)A glass of tea? Yes or no? S: No.T: Why? S: glass 是玻璃杯。

T: Very clever.This is a cup of tea.Teach the words “cup” and “tea”

a: Read :cup(注意单词发音,并与glass区别开来)b: Read: tea(会说 some tea 和a glass of tea)(5)T:同上教学a cup of coffee Step 3 Practice a: 利用图片或实物,进行快速反应练习b: 同桌操练a cup/ glass of …? Yes/ no.Step 4 Consolidation(1)

Listen to the tape(2)

Read after the tape.(3)

四人一组练习a cup/ glass of …? Yes/ no.Step5 Homework(1)

Listen to the tape and read after it.(2)



一、Teaching aim: New words:a cake, no, thanks, an ice-cream, a hamburger, an egg New sentences:

A …?

Yes , please./ Yes, two please./No, thanks./No, thank you.Some …?(2skills)

二、Teaching aids: a tape recorder, tapes, some pictures, a cake, a hamburger, an ice-cream, an egg a glass of juice/ milk, a cup of coffee/tea and so on

三、Teaching process: Step1 Free talk and warming up Step2 Revision Let’s say a rhyme.(跟着录音说)Milk, milk是牛奶,a glass of milk;Juice, juice是果汁,a glass of juice;Tea ,tea 是茶,a cup of tea;Coffee, coffee是咖啡,a cup of coffee.Step3 Presentation(1)

T:(扮演服务员,拿出准备的物品)A glass of milk? S: Yes, please.(教师稍作提示, 并把牛奶给他)教师再跟几个同学交谈后,让学生拿出自己的物品,进行pair work(2)a: 指名几个学生与教师交谈,当S: A …? T: No, thanks./No, thank you.b: T: Some cake?

S: No, thanks./No, thank you.c: 出示No, thanks.=No, thank you.(领读,指名读,齐读)T: A cake? S1: No, thank you./No, thanks.T: An ice-cream?...(让学生初步感知新单词,学会答语。)d:

Pair work.(用学过的单词)e:

指名表演。(3)教学单词 a: T: A cake? S: Yes, please./No,….Teach the word: a cake(先教降调,再教升调)b: 教升调时,教师伴随回答,No, thanks.I’d like an ice-cream.(show the picture : an ice-cream)Teach the word: an ice-cream(先教降调,再教升调)c:

教升调时,教师伴随回答,Yes.Two please.(并配以动作)教学句子:Yes.Two please.(跟读,指名读)d:

T: A cake? …

S: Yes.Two please.T: An egg?(出示一只鸡蛋)S: Yes.Two please.教学:an egg e:

同上教学a hamburger(4)Drill a: 教师说单词,学生拿实物,然后再交换。b: 利用新学单词练习本课句子。(可分组进行)Step3 Practice(1)看图片,听录音,想一想,他们在谈论什么?


(2)T:I’m hungry.Let’s go to food shop.教师边说边在黑板上贴出所学食品 a: 教师扮演店员,给学生进行示范

b: 学生扮演店员及顾客角色运用学过的句型进行交际.Step 4 Homework(1)听说本单元单词和句型。(2)听读课文。


Unit 10

Thank you A …? Yes, please.Some …? Yes.Two please.No, thanks.= No, thank you.第三课时

一、Teaching aim:



3、Say a rhyme “Green tea”

二、Teaching aids: some pictures, some food, some toys, tapes, a tape record

三、Teaching process: Step 1 Free talk Step 2 Revision 1.Review the words: a glass of milk, a hamburger, a cup of tea, an egg,….(1)



Play a game a : 让一个学生蒙上眼睛,拿食品让他闻,其他学生问:Guess.What is it? b: 四人一小组进行游戏。

(4)Listen and judge.(D Fun house)a: 找出a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h 所对应的食品,并用英语说出来。b: Listen and judge c: 再听一遍,边听边检查。

2、Review the sentences(1)T: I’m hungry.Let’s go to the food shop.(事先指名一个学生做营业员站在布置好的食品店里。)S: A …? T: Yes, please./No, thanks.(2)Let’s go to the toy shop.(同上创设在商店购物的情景。)

S: A …?

T: No.A …, please.S: OK.(3)让学生拿出自己所带的食品,玩具,文具等,创设成商店,进行分组练习。Step 3 Presentation

1、C Look and say(1)Show Picture1, Who can act it out? 指名两个学生上台表演。

(2)Look at the other pictures.(自由组织表演)(3)指名表演,鼓励学生有不同的表演。

2、Let’s say a rhyme.(Green tea)(1)Look at the picture and listen to the tape.(2)Read after the tape.(3)Read it yourself.Step 4 Practice Open the workbook.A

Listen and judge(1)说出图上物品的名称。(2)Listen and judge.(3)Check B Listen and draw(同上教学)C Listen and match

(1)说出人物名字和物品名称。(2)Listen and match Step 5 Homework(1)Read the dialogue of Part A and the words of Part B.(2)自由组织练习购物情景。


Unit 12


1、词汇: Clothing items: a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a sweater,a coat, a shirt, a blouse.Vehicles: a car, a bus, a bike, a plane.Places: a zoo, a park, a cinema, the Great Wall, a supermarket.Things in a roo: a dorr, a windows, a box, a basket, a light, a TV, a tap, a Walkman

Food and drinks: a cake, a hamburger, an egg, juice, an ice-cream, tea, coffee, milk

People: a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, tall, short, long, fat, thin, big, small


Look at

Look,this is


Look at his/her

It’s nice.How nice!

Great!Let’s go to


All right.OK.Let’s go

Great, but how? Close/open

Turn on

Turn off

I’m sorry.All right./ok/Good.A/An

? Some

? Yes,please.Oh,no/No,thanks.He’s/She’s



教学内容: P70 A Listen and colour

P73 C Look and say(1、What are they saying? Talk to your partner(s).)

Workbook: P36-38 A、B、C 教学目标:




磁带、录音机、挂图。教学过程: Step1:

Free talk:(1)Hi/ Hello, I’m x x.Nice to meet you.(2)复习Unit11中的自我介绍。Step2: Presentation.1、Review colour words:(1)T: What’s this in English?

S: It’s an apple.T: Yes, it’s a red apple.(呈现a red apple)学生跟教师读

an apple

a red apple 顺带复习:an orange

an elephant 再复习颜色: a green orange

a grey elephat(2)教师用颜色卡片呈现表示颜色的词,引导学生复习颜色。(3)用表示颜色的词和其它名词搭配成词组或句子操练。

T:(出示词卡)a bike

a black bike S: Yes, this is a black bike.T(呈现词卡)What’s that in English? S: It’s a basket.T: It’s a black basket.S: No, it’s a brown basket.T:(呈现词卡)What’s this in English? S: It’s a door.T: What colour is it? S: It’s blue.(注意,学生若回答成:It’s blue.,教师要给指正。)(4)完成Listen and colour.学生认读每幅图中的物品和颜色。同桌互相指读。


参考答案:1 a blue coat a green apple

a black car

a red blouse a brown basket an orange plane a yellow pear a white box


2、Review some sentences(1)Look at„„ T: What’s that in English? S: It’s a T-shirt.T: Yes.What colour is it? S: It’s white.T:Yes.It’s a white T-shirt.Look at my new T-shirt.S: It’s nice./smart.引导出Look at„„

S-S pair work.S: Look at my„„/Look at this„„/Look at that„„

S: It’s nice/ How nice./„„

(2)、Let’s go to „„

OK /Great/ But how? By „„

T: Look at this picture(呈现表示动物园的图)Where is it ? S: Zoo.T: Good.It’s a Zoo.Let’s go to the zoo, now.S: Ok./Great T: By bike ?(呈现bike)S: OK /NO.By bus.引导出:Let’ go to „„ By „„ ? S—S pair work: 例如:S1:Let’s go to Dan Yang ,now ?

S2:Good ,but now ? S3:By bike S4:Oh, no ,by bus(3):完成C部分中P72

1、Picture a.b教师提示用“Look at” 说,同时复习long/short

2、Picture c.d教师提示用“Let’s go to „„”说 Step3.Consalidation 完成练习册P36---38 ABC 方法:






教学内容:P71 B Listen and circle P73 C Look and say(2.What are they saying Talk

to your partner(s))Work Book:P39---40 教学目标:



相关的词卡:表示长短、大小、胖瘦的词卡家电、文具、动物、服装的词卡。教学过程: step:1.Free talk 1.J: Hello.What’s your name? S: I’m „.J: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you too.2.S: Introduce your self step: 2.Prerentation: 1.Rezien the word(文具、动物、服装、家电等)J:Let’s play a game.a.快速出示图片或实物

S:抢答单词(a ruler /a dog „„)

b.J: What’s missing? 出示数张图片,快速抽去一张。S:快速说出单词


(dog /cat;door /window;pen /ball pen;telephone /walkman;„.)S:同时说出两个单词

2.Revien the words:(tall /short fat /thin)a.J: 出示一把长尺 S: a ruler tall /short 出示一把短尺 a ruler big /small J:将长短尺同时出示

J—S:a long ruler(长尺)a short ruler 短尺 J:出示长短铅笔

S: a long /short pencil b.J:出示胖、瘦两只猫的图片

S:用形容词表达 a fat cat a thin cat c.同上用图片比较练习tall/short big /small 3.Listen and circle a.S: Look and say(看图说一说各图表示物品)b.S—S:(相互说一说)c.放录音,学生听内容并圈出 d.全面重听一遍并核对

录音: 1.a short ruler 2.a tall zebra 3.a thin cat 4.a green window 5.an orange telephone 6.a white chial 4.Rvien some sentences:(1).Turn on /off „„ J: „„ come here ,please.S: OK.J: Turn on the light ,please.S: All right.(打开车灯)。

J: Turn off the light please.S: Ok.S—T.S—S : pair work(turn on /off „„)(2):open /close J: Ok.Class.Let’s play a game.Open your pencil—box /book.S:Ok.J: Close your„„ S: All right.S—T.S—S : pair work(3):“饮料”

J: What’s this?(图片)S: Coffee.A cup of coffee.J: A cup of coffee.S: Yes, please./ No, thanks.S—S :A cup of tae? /A glass of milk / juice? Yes, please./ No, thanks.(4).食品

J: Some cake? S: Yes, please.S: An ice—cream? J: No, thanks.S—S : pair work(5).完成 P73 What are they saying ? a.Picture a.b b.Picture c.d Step3.Consolidation 完成练习册 Unit12 D.E 方法:




4、再听一遍,巩固听听。Step.4 Homework

1、读单词 P77—P78

2、听磁带,读课文。Uint7—Uint12 Blackboard Design: Turn on /off the „„

Open /close the „„ Ok /All right A cup of „„

Some „„ ? /An „„ ? Yes, please./No,you.thank


Unit 8Let’s go to the park.一、Teaching aims

1、Words: a park a cinema a zoo a supermarket the Great Wall a bus a car let’s how great by bike/ car/ plane/ bus

2、Sentences: Let’s go to….All right./OK.Let’s go.But how? By….Let’s go to… by….二、重点难点

1、熟练掌握Let’s go to…极其回答All right./OK, let’s go./Good./Great.But how?

2、熟练地运用Let’s go to… by….表达自己的意愿。






四、教学过程 第一课时

Step 1 Free talk T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you.And you.T: I’m fine, too.T: XX, go to school now.S: OK.Goodbye.T: XX, go to bed now.S: All right.Good night.Step 2(用多媒体呈现地点图片的一部分,)T: Look at the picture.Guess, what’s this? S: 公园,花园 T: Oh’ let me see.CAI: This is a park.(Twice)Teach park – a park Practice Train work.Group work.T: Ok, next, what’s this? S: Guess.T: Yeah, let’s see it.CAI: This is a cinema.(twice)Teach Practice:

Train work.Boys read then girls read.Use the same way to teach “zoo”.T: Now, look at this picture.What’s this? S: Guess.T: Let me see.CAI: This is the Great Wall.Teach “the Great Wall”.重点纠正Great.Use the same way to teach “a supermarket”.Step 3 consolidation

1、T: Look at these pictures.(读完随手贴上去)

S;Say the words.(先一个一个读,再一组一组读)

2、Listen to the tape.Read after it.3、快速认读图片,看看谁的反应最快。(最后呈现park)Step 4 T: Now, boys and girls, look here.(Use a doll)Let’s go to the park.(Twice)

All right.T(doll): Let’s go to the park.S: All right.T: Who can act the doll? S&T: Let’s go to the park.S: All right.Teach: Let’s go to the park.(Train work)T-S(Model): Let’s go to the park.All right.T: XX, Let’s go to the cinema.(出示图片)S: All right.Exchange.S: Let’s go to the cinema.T: OK, let’s go.(牵着学生的手一起去)Teach: “let’s go”

T: Let’s go to the cinema/ park/ zoo/ supermarket/ the Great Wall.S: OK, let’s go.S-S Step 5 Listen to the tape.Read the dialogue.Step 6 Act T: 你最喜欢去什么地方?邀请你的好朋友一起去,OK?(给学生门票)学生讨论,上台表演。

Unit 8


Step 1 Free talk T: Good morning ,boys and girls.S: Good morning.T: Let’s go to the park.S: All right.(S——S)T: Let’s go to the cinema.S: OK,let’s go.(S——S)Step 2 Teach the new words 1(把交通工具的玩具放在一只口袋里)T: Let’s play a game.I have some toys.Let’s touch and guess.(学生touch,然后 guess,如 car)T: Oh, it’s a car.Teach “car”

(train work)(T use bodylanguage)→ by car Teach : by → by car Practise: Train work 3 Use the same way to teach “ bus ,plane , bike “ Practise: 一人做动作,一人说by … T——S(Model)S——S Step 3 Teach the new sentences 1 复习地点单词,图片呈现。(完成后将图片贴至黑板)

2(指一图片)T: Let’s go to the park.S:All right./OK.Let’s go.T: Who can invite me ? S: Let’s go to the zoo.T: Good , but how ?

(bodylanguage 提示)S: By bike.(twice)Teach: Good,but how? Practise: T——S & S——S : Let’s go to the …

Good ,but how?

By bike.↓ 3


Let’s go to the …

Great ,but how?

By...Teach : Great.Practise: Pair work Step 4 The text 1 Listen to the tape.2 Read the dialogues.Step 5 Make and play(Fun house 2)教师制作两转盘,一是地点,一是交通工具,选两个学生,一生抽地点,另一生抽交通工具,根据图片进行对话:

S1: Let’s go to … Ss: But how? S2: By …

Unit 8

第三课时 Step 1 Free talk 1 T(手拿门票):Let’s go to …

S: All right./OK.Let’s go./ Good.But how? T: By… T(做出相应的动作):Let’s go to … by …

S: All right./OK.Let’s go./ Good./Great.Step 2 Look and say 1 Take out the picture 生讨论 2 教师对第一幅图进行示范 T: Let’s go to school by bike.S: All right./ OK.Exchange :

S——S 3 学生在教师的指引下讨论完成练习另外三幅图,并表演,检查 Picture 2: Let’s go to the park by bus.All right.Picture 3: Let’s go to the supermarket by car.OK.Picture 4: Let’s go to the Great Wall by plane.Good.Step 3 Fun house Look at the picture and understand the meaning.2 Listen to the tape and finish the exercise.3 Check the answer.Step 4 Exercise book Listen to the tape and finish the exercise.2 Listen and repeat.3 Check the answer.Step 5 Say a rhyme 1 Listen to the tape.2 Read after the tape(or teacher)3 Try to read it together.

第四篇:小学英语 3A全册教案教案 牛津版

Unit 1

一、Teaching Aim


Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name?





a bird、a dog、a cat、a monkey、a zebra、a panda、a、tiger an elephant



二、The difficults of teaching


What’s your name?


三、Teaching Aids






四、Teaching Process




Lesson 1

一、Teaching Aim

1、Can listen say and read these sentences:Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name?


二、The difficults of teaching 正确掌握Hello/Hi,I’m…

What’s your name?的语音语调,会进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名

三、Teaching Aid




四、Teaching Process Step 1

Free talk1、T: Good morning ,boys

and girls.Welcome back to school.Chen.I’m your English teacher this term.From now on , you can call me Mr Chen.S:(齐)Miss Qiu

2、T: Show“Miss” S: read “Miss” Step 2


My name is Mr

1、(1)T:(到学生面前)Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu T:(站到学生旁边引说)I’m…

T:(开火车练说)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Qiu S: Hello/Hi, I’m…

(2)T: show these word: Hi Hello I’m S: learn to say



用心 2 S: pair work(小小组练说、全班交流)(3)T:(拿


等五人图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(LiuTao YangLing Mike Nancy)


S:(拿David等人图片开火车练说)Hello/Hi,I’m David… T: Hello/Hi ,I’m Miss Qiu

2、(1)T:(手拿洋娃娃)Hello/Hi, I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? T:(示范说)I’m TianTian T:Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu.What your name? S:(拿洋娃娃)I’m TianTian(2)T: Now boys and girls,look here!Please read after me.Show: What’s your name? S: read: name/your name/What’s your name? T:(向三人说)Hello/Hi,I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? S123: I’m… Exchange S:Hello/Hi, I’m… What’s your name? T:(拿人物图片)I’m David…(3)T:(把图片给学生)

S: pair work(小组交流、全班交流)

3、(1)T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David.What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m LiuTao T:(走向该生)Hello/Hi, LiuTao.S: Hello/Hi,David(2)T:(开火车)Hello/Hi,….S: Hello/Hi,…(3)S: pair work



用心 3 Step 3


1、Open your book and listen to the tape

2、Read after the tape

3、Pair work(小小组练读、全班分角色读)Step 4


1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape

2、Act the dialogue

五、板书设计 Lesson 1 Hello/Hi,I’m… What’s your name? I’m…


爱心用心 4

Lesson 2

一、Teaching Aim


2、Can listen say and read these words :a bird、dog、a cat、a monkey、a ze bra、a、panda、a tiger、an elephant


二、The difficults of teaching 八个动物单词的读音

三、Teaching Aids 八张动物全身像及半身像、五张人物图片、四个动物玩具

四、Teaching Process Step 1 Free talk

1、T: Hi/Hello,I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? S:I’m…(利用人物图片)

3、Act the dialogue S: Hi/Hello,I’m…

What’s your name? S:I’m…

Step 2 Presentation

1、(1)T:(show doll and say some times)What’s this? It’sT: a bird(升调)a bird(降调)S: Read toghter S:Read one by one T: Show the rhyme: bird bird 是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳(2)The same way learn: a cat、a dog、a monkey(3)practice A: respond



用心 a bird 5 a B:模仿动作猜动物

2、(1)、T:(show card and say)What’s this ? It’s a panda T: a panda(升调)a panda(降调)S:Read toghter S:Read one by one T:Show the rhyme: panda panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝(2)、The same way learn:a zebra、a tiger、an elephant(3)practice Step 3 Practice

1、Show the rhyme and say together bird bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳 dog dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪 cat cat 是小猫,小猫 cat喵喵喵 monkey monkey是小猴,小猴monkey爱吃桃 panda panda是熊猫, 熊猫panda是国宝 zebra zebra是斑马,斑马zebra浑身是条纹 tiger tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王

elephant elephant是大象,大象elephant体如墙


3、look and guess(出示八张动物半身像)T:(教给方法)a dog(升调)S: Guess Step 4 Consolidation

1、Open your book and listen to the tape

2、Read after the tape

3、Fun house: Listen and circle Step 5 Homework



用心 6

1、Listen to the tape and read after the tape

五、板书设计 Lesson 2 图1



panda 图2



zebra 图3



tiger 图4





用心 elephant 7

Lesson 3

一、Teaching Aim




二、Teaching Aids


2、“Look and say”中的图片

三、Teaching Process Step 1 Free talk

1、Listen a song : “Hello ”song

2、Greeting T: Hi/Hello, I’m Miss Qiu.What’s your name? S: I’m… T:Hi/Hello… S:Hi/Hello…

3、Act the dialogue(三组)

S: Hi/Hello, I’m… What’s your name? S:I’m…

Step 2 Presentation

1、Show picture 1of “Look and say”(1)、T:Look at the picture


说)The boy is David.The girl is YangLing.Wh at are they saying?Let’s make a dialogue T:(拿图片)Hello/Hi ,I’m YangLing.What’s your name? S:(拿图片)Hello/Hi, I’m David(2)、Ask two students, one act Yang Ling , one act David, make a dialogue



用心 8 S:… S:…

2、Show other pictures(1)、T:What are they saying? Please talk to your partner S:Pair work(2)、Act the dialogue Step 3 Practice

1、Sing asong(1)、Listen to the tape(2)、Sing after the tape(3)、Sing together

2、Do exersices T:Open your book,let’s do some listening(1)、Listen and judge T: Talk to your partner,what are they saying S:Talking T:Listen and judge(2)、Listen and draw T:(出示动物图片)What’s this? S: Respond S:Listen and drow(3)、Listen,find and circle T: What are these? S: Find and say S:Listen, find and circle Step 4 Homework(1)、Listen to the tape



用心 9(2)、Read the text and these words 专心

爱心用心 10

四、板书设计 Lesson 3 图1

图2 图3


第五篇:小学英语 3A全册教案(7)教案 牛津版

Unit 7 一teaching aim 1words:look,look at.,her,.his,a shirt, new ,a blouse, a jacket, a sweater, a T-shirt..a dress, a skirt, a coat ,.smart.pretty, nice.2 sentences look at …..It is smart/pretty./nice.How nice.This /That is her/his …

二Difficult and important points 1能听懂,会说Look at …及其应答It is smart/pretty/nice/.How nice.能用This is …和That is …介绍物品.2 a dress ,a skirt ,a T-shirt ,a jacket.a sweater,a coat ,a shirt.a blouse,和物主代词 his,her 以及形容词new.三 teaching aids 人物像,衣服及图片

第一课时 四 教学过程

step 1 :free talk T:hi.Boys and girls.S Hi, Miss… T good morning ,class.S good morning T hello, how are you? S Fine,thank you.T I am fine,too.T Hello, how are you ? S:Not so good.T I am sorry.T Hello, I am …,what is your name? S I am ……

T Nice to meet you.S Nice to meet you ,too.教师拿出doll,this is ketty.S Nice to meet you.拿出衣服This is a shirt(重复几遍)把单词图卡片贴在黑板上,teach “shirt”学生跟读,同法学习jacket ,blouse, sweater.中间穿插一个游戏1教师说英语,学生拿衣服,2 学生说英语,教师拿衣服.或衣服图片 step 3 sentences T look,l this is my blouse.(讲两遍)1 teach “look,”train practise 2让学生用这种句型介绍自己的衣服和文具.3在学生介绍时,教师引出”It is nice” teach “It is nice.” 4 把look ,this is my… “ It is nice.”进行表演 step 4 1将刚才在近处的东西放到远处, 呈现that is 比如 look ,that is my shirt 学生猜测到(that is my shirt)的意思 2 teach “that is train practise make sentences(students)用I t is nice.How nice回答



用心 4让学生用这两个句型进行四人小组对话 step 5 指一女生的衣服: This is her blouse.This is her pencil box This is he r doll 指一男生

Her jacket? No,no,no Her shirt ?NO,no,no Her book?NO,no,no 先说出Her的意思,teach her ,用her 组词

师:look,this is her … 学生 it is nice Look, this is her Look.this is her ……..学生就会跟老师说这个句型, 听录音,指出你所听到的

step 6学生看找老师的动作说句型”This is ….That is …” step 7 listen to the tape


step 1.free talk T: Hello, what is your name? S :My name is …

T: Look, this is my sweater.S :Oh, it is nice.T :Thank you.T :Look, that is my blouse.S: It is nice.T: Thank you.T :(教师示意,交换)T :It is nice.S : Look,.This is my new book.T :It is nice.S :Look,that is my shirt.Step 2: 教师指着一女生,让学生说 S: This is her blouse.指另一个女生 S :This is her T-shirt.教师指着另一个男生,边指边说: T: This is his shirt.(重读)

T :This is his pencil-box.(多说几遍)Teach “his’train practise T :This is his …

That is his 让学生练习这两句 Step 3 1review the words that we have learned 2 study the new word 拿出一件长裙what is this ? 教师呈现:dress, teach “dress” practise 同法学习“skirt,coat ,T-shirt” 3,play a game



用心 教师画简笔画,学生猜猜看究竟是什么,step 4 T:Look,this is my blouse.Look at my blouse(twice)Teach “look at “ train practise

教师教授歌谣“Look,look,look,look at my …” 学生用这个句型来编写歌谣

在练习的过程中,呈现出look at his/her..如指一男生说:look,look,look,look at my pen 教师改成 look,.look,look,look at his pen.让学生举一反三,引出look at her… step 5 在上一环节教师可渗透It is smart.then teach “It is smart”(动作呈现)师:look at his … 生: It is smart.Look at her … It is smart 生生对话:check it listen to the tape 教师指着一女生

T :Look at her blouse.S :It is smart.T;Yes, we also can say “It is pretty”

Teach “It is pretty” 同法根据“it is smart”T:Look at my blouse.S :It is smart/pretty.T:Thank you.(拿一件新衣服()

Look at my new … S:It is smart/pretty.重读:new 且提醒新旧东西

左边:新文具盒,右边:旧文具盒;(NEW?)NO,teach “new”

new book.my new book.New pencil.my new pencil, 学生照例子举例子

T:Look at my new skirt.S :It is pretty.(twice)Exchange and pair work T :listen to the tape and read after it


Step 1 Review



T: What’s this? S: A shirt/ T-shirt/ sweater.Step 2: Fun house 1








Step 3 Free talk T: Hello, I’m XX.What’s your name? S: I’m XX.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.T: Look at my new blouse.S: It’s pretty.T: Look at his new shirt.S: It’s smart.T: Look at her dress.S: It’s nice.Step 4 Look and say

1、Shoe the pictures to students.2、教师对第一幅图进行示范。T: Look at his jacket.S: It’s nice.T: Look at his pencil-box.S: It’s nice.3、学生在教师的指引下将另外三幅图讨论,表演。


Step 5 区分 “Look, this is…” 和 “Look, that’s…”

1、教师先说“Look, this is…”。再利用身边的东西说“Look, that’s…” 学生在这个过程中跟着教师说。


3、全班分成四组,四人一组讨论,进行表演,可让学生适当增加一些内容,如:“Hello,…” Step 6 Listen a song Step 7 Exercise book Listen and judge



3、Listen to the tape and do it

4、Check the answer Step 8 Sing a song “Goodbye”


Step 1 Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss/ Mr….T: How are you? S: Not bad, thank you.T: Look at my shirt.S: It’s smart.T: Look at her blouse.S: It’s pretty.T: Look at his … S: Oh, it’s nice.Step 2 Listen or sing a song.专心


用心 Step 3: 复习巩固表示颜色的词


2、先把衣服卡片给学生看一遍,将其中的一张放在背后,让学生猜。如:A dress? No.A skirt? Yes.3、教师再拿出颜色卡片,问学生“What colour is it?” 学生回答:“Blue.”等。Teach “what colour?” Practice.4、在所有颜色问过以后,把颜色卡片放在衣服卡片后,让衣服卡片的中空部分显示出背后颜色卡片的颜色。

5、教师问“What colour?” 学生答:“Blue/ yellow….”

6、请学生上台把颜色卡片和衣服卡片加以随意组合,藏于背后,让其他学生猜。Step 4 Finish the exercise book A

1、Look at the picture.2、listen to the tape

3、listen and circle

4、check B

1、look at the picture

2、listen and write the colour

3、colour the things




用心 5



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