
时间:2019-05-15 08:27:47下载本文作者:会员上传









Pros and cons of working from home At present, there are lots of people who choose to work at home.However, everything has two sides, working at home is no exception.Have a look at the benefits of working at home, 1 the home office working environment, can decorate completely by you.Can be placed according to their preferences office facilities, and even the decoration of the room, wallpaper of choice is up to you to decide.2 the home office means that we don't waste time on the way to the office, just finished the work, you can immediately and family together.3 working at home is one of the biggest benefits of low cost.If you work at home, all costs will be minimized.Then, we have a look less work at home, there are some specific: 1 generally speaking, leased office will in general(adjacent)Business District, and the place you live in is generally in the living area.In the business district, no influential work often heard playing football, barking dogs, children crying and various living area child, voice.And the home is not the same, such as: someone comes to the door, and family.In addition, it is easy to become tardy to work at home, because you are very easy to be walked out of the room, have a look the television series, and then spent the afternoon.Say you feel a little tired, you may lay asleep.A similar situation let you slowly become lazy, delay.This is my work at home for good and bad simple analysis.


The computer plays the vital role in ours life, the computer may help us to

handle very many matters: The data computation, the study entertainment, the office automation, the control production, draws money automatically, long-distance correspondence ……

The computer news fast development promoted its popularization.Now besides the personal computing which finds at everywhere, each kind of portable computer also arises at the historic moment.The computer is playing the very major role in ours life.Cannot have in us when question, we may access the net the consult material, some quite big data may use the computer to calculate......We may learn very many knowledge in the computer

The computer also has many is bad, if to the elementary student, I wants to say plays the computer the question.Now the family economical level

enhanced, the elementary student vision dropped actually, this is plays the computer the fault.The advantage very are also many, for example chats, said the topic and so on some beneficial games can cause elementary student's after school life to be more interesting.But cannot sink confuses in the computer games.Some real matter meant, a child, For computer games in hypothesized duty battle, own jumped from an upper story.Therefore, plays the computer not to be able to fall, after on the one hand which falls to does not have the advantage.The high tech product increases day by day, Computer these high tech product, Has brought many conveniently to the people, Might also bring the misfortune to the people.Today I want to schoolmates said, That is regarding yours vision.Many children just were giving birth to, Eye all well, May perhaps be because watches the television, Plays the computer, Each one has all taken to bring with the eyeglasses.On our class, Some 70% schoolmate are almost the nearsightedness, My eye also very is originally good, May march into the higher grades, Also starts to drop.This police has shown us, Plays the computer, May, Watches the television, No reason why not.However, If you want to have a pair of beautiful health eye, Anything must have a limit.If your eye for a long time in television and under computer accompanying, I believed, That cannot have the good result.电脑在我们的生活中起着重要的作用,电脑可以帮我们做很多事情:数据计算,学习娱乐,办公自动化,控制生产,自动取款,远程通信……













Nowadays, internet has made much large change.More and more people don’t go out.If people needsome things, they would shop online.There is no doubt that shopping online can savemuch time and energy.People only sit aside a computerand press mouse constantly.Then, the wares will besent to home.Of course, the price may be lower than store’s.Every coin has two sides.Shopping online means that people can’t touch the goods after they pay for it.So good quality needs luck.People who like shopping online enjoy themselves when they run over the photos of goods.And other people are happy with going window-shopping well.In a word, shopping online is not only a way of shopping but also a style of life.It is imaginable thatthe beneficiaries are the man who don’t want to be company with woman.



关于广告的利与弊 英语作文 The advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement 广告的利与弊中文翻译,英文见下方 广告在当今社会中无处不在。看起来无论你走到哪里,她都会映入你的眼帘:超市、地铁、车站、公共建筑的墙体、垃圾桶甚至T恤衫。广告的内容可以关于

关于广告的利与弊 英语作文

The advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement





The advantage and disadvantage of the advertisement 英文,中文翻译,请见上面。

Advertisement is omnipresent in our modern society.It seems wherever we go, such small ads will greet our eyes: the supermarket, the subways, the stop sighs, the walls of public buildings, the garbage cans, and whatsoever.The ads can be about everything from selling mobile phone, renting houses, treating difficult diseases to producing fake diplomats.(from domestic articles to machinery, from toys to aircrafts.)It’s no exaggeration that we live in the world of advertisement.The advantage of the ads is self-evident.They provide us with a good collection of goods and service, from which we can make our best choices.For the manufacturer, they can take advantage of the ads to project the characters of their products so as to seize the vision of the consumers and gain them huge profits.joozone.com

However, we cannot belittle the disadvantages of the ads.①To many ads do spoil our daily life and waste our time.They interrupt the TV programs, filling our letterbox, and ruin our appreciation of nature in place of interests.People often feel burdened with the ads instead of satisfying with them.②On the other hand, some of the ads are illegal, spreading false information and planning to treat people who are eager to solve their problems.



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