教案 任务型教学 Step 1(精选合集)

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简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《教案 任务型教学 Step 1》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《教案 任务型教学 Step 1》。

第一篇:教案 任务型教学 Step 1

Step 1.Pre-task 1.Introduce the topic: Setting a scene ,Display the multimedia picture to elicit the topic,an American boy ,Mike is new in China and wants to know about Ningde.T: Mike is an American boy.His father is a professor.He is invited to teach English in Ningde Teachers’s College.And Mike comes to China with his father.Now Mike is your new classmate.It is the first time for Mike to come to Ningde.What do you think he must know about Ningde?

(Get students to discuss in pairs.Then ask some pairs to report.Elicit “clothing, food, living and transportation” by discussing the question)(用多媒体打开一个画面引出本节课的话题,吸引学生的注意力。借助生动的画面和视觉信息进行导入激发学生学习兴趣,引发学生积极思考。)

2.A further discussion(each of the four groups discusses one of the four aspects of living)

(After eliciting “clothing, food, living and transportation’’, I divide the class into four groups, each group discuss one question.The group competition would encourage them to think creatively 引出衣、食、住、行四个方面后,将学生分成四组,每组讨论一个方面,活动性形式是小组竞赛,有利于调动学生完成任务的积极性)

(1)divide the class into four groups and have a group competition.The first group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can buy his clothes? Why? The 2nd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can eat? Why? The 3rd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can live? Why? The 4th group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can go on weekends? Why?

(The teacher give each group their grade according to their performance.)

(2)Get the four groups to take out their maps(the teacher should ask the each student to bring a map of Ningde with them in advance)and discuss.Ask them to underline the most proper places they think for Mike to go to.Ask each group to choose one place and then report and explain the reason.Give each group their grade according to their performance.(after setting the task , get the students to look at the pictures with English explanation in them presented by multimedia visual aids, the English words like ladies’room, library church, cafe)此任务布置后,让学生看并讨论由多媒体呈现的附有英文解释的图片,即表示某些地点的生词:ladies’room, library church, café、、、、、、、T:(show the slides of ladies’ room and men’s room on slides)Hers is a place.In it there are a lot of different kinds of books.We can borrow books from it.But we have to return them on time.We call this place “library”.(display the picture of church in slide shows to present the word)

T:(show the picture of cafe)Here is a place.We can drink coffe in it.we call this place “cafe”.3.Set up a new situation(what should Mike do when he gets lost?)

完成以上任务后,又设计一个新情景,目的是帮助学生复习以前学过关于“问路”的表达。(after the completion of the above task, the teacher needs to set up a new situation to help the student review the useful expressions on how to ask the way)T: Mike is new in Ningde.So it is easy for him to get lost on his way to these places(过渡).If he gets lost, what can he do?(help the students to answer: he can ask a policeman or a passerby on the way.)(get the students to review the following sentences about asking the way.)

-----Excuse me, where is downtown library ?-----Excuse me, is there a police station near here?

(elicit the following sentence pattern through revision 在复习基础上,又引出两个新句型)

T: when we ask the way , we can also say: Excuse me , can you tell ne the way to the men’s room?

Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? 4.Introduce the main task:(help Mike ask the way and tell him the way)有了前面的铺垫,很自然地引出了本节课的主任务

(It is natural to introduce the main task of this lesson after finishing the previous task.The students have laid a solid foundation for the further learning.)

T: so today’s main task is to help Mike ask the way and tell him the way so that he can reach the places he wants to go in Ningde.5.Ask the students to listen to a model dialogue(Section 2 lesson 61)

T: now let’s listen to the tape and pay attention to the way people ask the way and give the way in the dialogue.Listen first and try to answer the question:

How can A get to the library?

(the question is presented on slide)

Step 2 : Task cycle


1.students work in groups and read the map

T: suppose Mike starts from our school, he wants to go to the place you discuss just now.give him the direction.The sentence patterns in section 3, lesson 61 can help you.Then each group will choose a member to get ready to report.The reporter should try his best to say it correctly and fluently.2.Get each reporter to report.T: Other groups check their presentation while they are reporting and write down their mistakes but don’t interrupt them.(the teacher gives them prompts if necessary, but doesn’t

interrupt them.After their oral presentation, the groups evaluate each other’s performance and correct mistakes.And then the teacher offers feedbacks, evaluating their performance, correcting their mistakes if there are some left and giving each group their grades.)(教师要求各小组成员听汇报的同时,要关注汇报者指路的用语是否明确,是否最终能帮助麦克到达目的地,是否有语言、语法错误。等四组汇报完后,小组先讨论,得出结论,并向全班公布结果。此后老师做总结并按照情况结合各组打分。)

3.Set up four situations Mike may be in.(multimedia visual aids)(Get each group to choose a situation and make a dialogue.Then get each group to act out their dialogue)Situation1: one evening, after having dinner in a restaurant with his family , Mike wants to go to People’s Cinema to see a film, but he doesn’t know the way.What will he do? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation2: one day Mike goes to Nanji park((multimedia visual aids)by bike.but makes a mistake, he goes to Jintai mountain , what can he do ? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation3: one Sunday morning , Mike’s family want to go to the church(multimedia visual aids).Is there a church in Ningde? How can they get there? Please make a proper dialogue.Situation4: one day Mike and his mother are shopping in Walmart shopping mall.Suddenly Mike’s find her handbag is stolen.Her money ,mobile-phone and ID card are all in it.Mike doesn’t take any money with him.what can they do? How can they get home ? please imagine what the situation is and make a proper dialogue.Step 3:post-task 一.language focus and summary 1.Talk about the differences among the words “cross, across and crossing”.(1)get the students to translate the following three sentences and pay attention to the meaning of the underlined words(with the multimedia visual aids)1)turn left at th second crossing.2)go across the bridge.3)cross the brodge

(2)ask the students to find out the differenced of the three words based on their meanings, parts pf speech and usage.(I f one student gets the right answer, his group will get 10 points)

(3)the teacher draw a conclusion

2.get the students to summarize the useful sentences about asking the way and giving the way.(if a student tells a right sentences, his group will get 5points)1)Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital?.Where’s the(nearest)…, please?

.Is there a … near here?

.Which is the way to …?

.How can I get to …?

.Can you tell me the way to …?

.Do you know the way to …?

.Can you tell me how to get to …?

2)•Go along this road and …

•Go up this road to the end.•Go on until you reach the end.•Turn left at the … crossing.•Take the second turning on the left.•Go across the bridge.•It’s between the … and the …

•You will see … in front of you.•You can’t miss it.3.Ask the students to read these sentences correctly ,quickly and fluently, then the teacher shows again the pictures ofsome places such as church…………… Ask the students to tell these building correctly Ask them to choose a place and work in pairs to ask and answer and make sure that they can further practice the useful sentence patterns.二 :Conclusion

Work out each group’s total grades to see which group gets the highest mark an dgive the winners some bookmarks as a prize.Meanwhile encourage other groups to work harder next time an dnot to be discouraged.Step 4: Homework

Level 1: learn by heart the useful words and sentences concerning today’s topic.Level 2: Mke a new dialogue about today’s topic an dwrite it down.get ready to act it out with your partner next class.

第二篇:教案 任务型教学

Step 1.Pre-task 1.Introduce the topic: Display the multimedia picture to elicit the topic


T: Mike is an American boy.His father is a professor.He is invited to teach English in Ningde Teachers’s College.And Mike comes to China with his father.Now Mike is your new classmate.It is the first time for Mike to come to Ningde.What do you think he must know about Ningde?

(Get students to discuss in pairs.Then ask some pairs to report.Elicit “clothing, food, living and transportation” by discussing the question)

2.A further discussion(After eliciting “clothing, food, living and transportation’’, I divide the class into four groups, each group discuss one question.The group competition would encourage them to think creatively 引出衣、食、住、行四个方面后,将学生分成四组,每组讨论一个方面,活动性形式是小组竞赛,有利于调


(1)divide the class into four groups and have a group competition.The first group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can buy his clothes? Why? The 2nd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can eat? Why? The 3rd group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can live? Why? The 4th group has to discuss: Where do you think Mike can go on weekends? Why?

(The teacher give each group their grade according to their performance.)

(2)Get the four groups to take out their maps(the teacher should ask the each student to bring a map of Ningde with them in advance)and discuss.Ask them to underline the most proper places they think for Mike to go to.Ask each group to choose one place and then report and explain the reason.Give each

group their grade according to their performance.(after setting the task , get the students to look at the pictures with English explanation in them presented by multimedia visual aids, the English words like ladies’room, library church, cafe)此任务布置后,让学生看并讨论由多媒体呈现的附有英文解释的图片,即表示某些地点的生词:ladies’room, library church, café、、、、、、、T:(show the slides of ladies’ room and men’s room on slides)Hers is a place.In it there are a lot of different kinds of books.We can borrow books from it.But we have to return them on time.We call this place “library”.(display the picture of church in slide shows to present the word)

T:(show the picture of cafe)Here is a place.We can drink coffe in it.we call this place “cafe”.3.Set up a new situation:



(after the completion of the above task, the teacher needs to set up a new situation to help the student review the useful expressions on how to ask the way)T: Mike is new in Ningde.So it is easy for him to get lost on his way to these places.(过渡)If he gets lost, what can he do?(help the students to answer: he can ask a policeman or a passerby on the way.)(get the students to review the following sentences about asking the way.)

-----Excuse me, where is downtown library ?-----Excuse me, is there a police station near here?

(elicit the following sentence pattern through revision 在复习基础上,又引出两个新句型 ,)

T: when we ask the way , we can also say: Excuse me , can you tell ne the way to the men’s room?

Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital? 4.Introduce the main task:


(It is natural to introduce the main task of this lesson after finishing the previous task.The students have laid a solid foundation for the further learning.)

T: so today’s main task is to help Mike ask the way and tell him the way so that he can reach the places he wants to go in Ningde.5.Ask the students to listen to a model dialogue(Section 2 lesson 61)

T: now let’s listen to the tape and pay attention to the way people ask the way and give the way in the dialogue.Listen first and try to answer the question:

How can A get to the library?

(the question is presented on slide)

Step 2 : Task cycle



1.students work in groups and read the map

T: suppose Mike starts from our school, he wants to go to the place you discuss just now.give him the direction.The sentence patterns in section 3, lesson 61 can help you.Then each group will choose a member to get ready to report.The reporter should try his best to say it correctly and fluently.2.Get each reporter to report.T: Other groups check their presentation while they are reporting and write down their mistakes but don’t interrupt them.(the teacher gives them prompts if necessary, but doesn’t

interrupt them.After their oral presentation, the groups evaluate each other’s performance and correct mistakes.And then the teacher offers feedbacks, evaluating their performance, correcting their mistakes if there are some left and giving each group their grades.)(教师要求各小组成员听汇报的同时,要关注汇报者指路的用语是否明确,是否最终能帮助麦克到达目的地,是否有语


3.Set up four situations Mike may be in.(multimedia visual aids)(Get each group to choose a situation and make a dialogue.Then get each group to act out their dialogue)Situation1: one evening, after having dinner in a restaurant with his family , Mike wants to go to People’s Cinema to see a film, but he doesn’t know the way.What will he do? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation2: one day Mike goes to Nanji park((multimedia visual aids)by bike.but makes a mistake, he goes to Jintai mountain , what can he do ? Please imagine and make a proper dialogue.Situation3: one Sunday morning , Mike’s family want to go to the church(multimedia visual aids).Is there a church in Ningde? How can they get there? Please make a proper dialogue.Situation4: one day Mike and his mother are shopping in Walmart shopping mall.Suddenly Mike’s find her handbag is stolen.Her money ,mobile-phone and ID card are all in it.Mike

doesn’t take any money with him.what can they do? How can they get home ? please imagine what the situation is and make a proper dialogue.Step 3:post-task 一.language focus and summary 1.Talk about the differences among the words “cross, across and crossing”.(1)get the students to translate the following three sentences and pay attention to the meaning of the underlined words(with the multimedia visual aids)1)turn left at the second crossing.2)go across the bridge.3)cross the bridge(2)ask the students to find out the difference of the three words based on their meanings, parts pf speech and usage.(I f one student gets the right answer, his group will get 10 points)(3)the teacher draw a conclusion Cross:v

Across: prep

Crossing:n 2.Ask the students to tell these building correctly ,quickly and fluently, then the teacher shows again the pictures of some places such as church……………

3.get the students to summarize the useful sentences about asking the way and giving the way.(if a student tells a right sentences, his group will get 5points)1)Excuse me, which is the way to the hospital?.Where’s the(nearest)…, please?

.Is there a … near here?

.Which is the way to …?

.How can I get to …?

.Can you tell me the way to …?

.Do you know the way to …?

.Can you tell me how to get to …?

2)•Go along this road and …

•Go up this road to the end.•Go on until you reach the end.•Turn left at the … crossing.•Take the second turning on the left.•Go across the bridge.•It’s between the … and the …

•You will see … in front of you.•You can’t miss it.Ask the students to read these sentences correctly

4.Ask them to choose a place and work in pairs to ask and answer and make sure that they can further practice the useful sentence patterns.二 :Conclusion

Work out each group’s total grades to see which group gets the highest mark an give the winners some bookmarks as a prize.Meanwhile encourage other groups to work harder next time and not to be discouraged.Step 4: Homework

Level 1: learn by heart the useful words and sentences concerning today’s topic.Level 2: Make a new dialogue about today’s topic and write it down.get ready to act it out with your partner next class.




任务型教学途径在英语中是Task-based approach,所谓“途径”或通常所说的“路子”,指的是一种教学原则或理念,而不是某种具体的教学方法(method)。任务型教学途径目前被许多国家采用。大量的论著和实验资料表明,任务型教学途径是一种以人为本的,能体现语言价值的、先进的、有效的教学途径。这种教学途径实际上可以认为是以应用为动力,以应用为目的,以应用为核心的教学途径。即“为用学,用中学,学了就用。”


















































语言的学习要有大量的输入,而阅读是最主要的语言输入方式之一。这就决 定了在英语教学中阅读教学的重要地位。培养和增强学生的阅读理解能力是阅读 教学的重要目的。我国最新颁布的《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》(实验稿)明确倡导任务型教学,掀起了学习任务型教学理论的热潮。

任务型教学法是 世纪

年代兴起的语言教学方法,该方法要求教师根 据教学内容设计任务,把完成任务或解决问题作为学生努力的方向,用完成任务 的结果来衡量学生的学习效果。这种教学方法完全不同于以往的传统式教学方 式,在学术界引起了广泛的关注。笔者在查阅资料的过程中发现学者们对此教学 方法存在不同的看法,很多研究还在理论阶段,在英语阅读教学中实施任务型教 学法的效果还有待进一步检验。

基于以上情况,本论文将分别从理论和实践研究两个方面,进一步探讨和论 证任务型教学法在初中英语阅读教学中的有效性和发展前景,探讨任务型教学法 给初中英语教学课堂教学带来的巨大变化,同时挖掘在实施过程中所存在的一些 问题,并提出相应的对策。让教师能够更好地使用任务型教学法,帮助学生养成 良好的英语阅读习惯,培养阅读能力,提高学生自主学习的能力,让师生共同受 益。



Language input is really important in language-learning process, and reading is one of the most significant ways of learning a language.So the teaching of reading

plays a vital role in English-teaching activities.Developing and improving students‟

reading ability is the main purpose of English-teaching activities.New Standards for

Full-time Compulsory Education Curriculums recommends task-based teaching

method in English-learning classes, which urges more and more teachers to study

this teaching method.Task-based teaching method first started in 1980s and it is a kind of language-teaching method.It requires teachers to design a task according to teaching materials and during the lesson, students try their best to complete the task or solve the problems.We check the learning effect by how well students have completed the task.This teaching method is totally different form the traditional teaching method and it attracts great attention from academics.Different research papers shows that

academics have different opinions on task-based teaching method.Some of the research is still at the theoretical stages and they haven‟t put it widely into practice,so the efficiency of task-based teaching method still needs further test in real life

teaching practice.Because of the current situation, this thesis, both from theory and practice, researches into and demonstrates the efficiency of task-based teaching method in

the teaching of reading in Middle-school English-reading classes and the thesis shows

the bright prospects of the method as well, and it also reveals the great changes

caused by task-based teaching method in English reading classes.At the same time, the thesis tries to dig out the problems that arise in task-based teaching procedures and gives suggestions to solve the problems or try to avoid problems ahead of time by sufficient designing or preparation.The thesis tries to give teachers advice on how

to use task-based teaching method better in class to help students develop good

reading habits and improve students‟ reading skills and self-learning abilities.论文题目:任务型教学法在初中英语阅读教学中的运用





语言的学习要有大量的输入,而阅读是最主要的语言输入方式之一。这就决 定了在英语教学中阅读教学的重要地位。培养和增强学生的阅读理解能力是阅读 教学的重要目的。我国最新颁布的《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》(实验稿)明确倡导任务型教学,掀起了学习任务型教学理论的热潮。

任务型教学法是 世纪

年代兴起的语言教学方法,该方法要求教师根 据教学内容设计任务,把完成任务或解决问题作为学生努力的方向,用完成任务 的结果来衡量学生的学习效果。这种教学方法完全不同于以往的传统式教学方 式,在学术界引起了广泛的关注。笔者在查阅资料的过程中发现学者们对此教学 方法存在不同的看法,很多研究还在理论阶段,在英语阅读教学中实施任务型教 学法的效果还有待进一步检验。

基于以上情况,本论文将分别从理论和实践研究两个方面,进一步探讨和论 证任务型教学法在初中英语阅读教学中的有效性和发展前景,探讨任务型教学法 给初中英语教学课堂教学带来的巨大变化,同时挖掘在实施过程中所存在的一些 问题,并提出相应的对策。让教师能够更好地使用任务型教学法,帮助学生养成 良好的英语阅读习惯,培养阅读能力,提高学生自主学习的能力,让师生共同受 益。


I 目录

第 1 章

绪论...........................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景......................................................................................................1 1.2 问题的提出..................................................................................................1 1.3 研究意义......................................................................................................4 第 2 章

任务型语言教学概述...............................................................................6 2.1 什么是任务..................................................................................................6 2.1.1 任务的定义...........................................................................................6 2.1.2 任务的类型...........................................................................................6 2.2 任务型教学法..............................................................................................8 2.2.1 任务型教学法的定义与分类...............................................................8 2.2.2 任务型教学中“任务”的设计原则...................................................9 2.3 任务型教学法的理论基础........................................................................11 2.3.1 建构主义理论.....................................................................................12 2.3.2 语言习得理论.....................................................................................12 2.4 任务型教学的国内外研究现状................................................................13 2.4.1 国外研究现状.....................................................................................13 2.4.2 国内研究现状.....................................................................................14

第 3 章

阅读教学.................................................................................................16 3.1 阅读教学的概念........................................................................................16 3.2 阅读教学的地位........................................................................................16 3.3 阅读的模式................................................................................................17 3.3.1 自上而下模式.....................................................................................18 3.3.2 自下而上模式.....................................................................................18 3.3.3 相互作用模式.....................................................................................19 3.4 阅读材料的处理方式................................................................................19 第 4 章

任务型教学英语阅读教学设计.............................................................21 4.1 任务型英语阅读教学的课堂操作模式....................................................21 目录


4.2 任务型英语阅读教学中任务设置的阶段................................................22 4.3 任务型英语阅读教学设计实例................................................................23 第 5 章

实验研究.................................................................................................28 5.1 实验概述....................................................................................................28 5.1.1 研究假设.............................................................................................28 5.1.2 研究对象.............................................................................................28 5.1.3 研究时间.............................................................................................29 5.2 研究方法....................................................................................................30 5.2.1 课堂观察.............................................................................................30 5.2.2 阅读成绩测试.....................................................................................31 5.2.3 问卷调查与访谈...............................................................................32 5.2.4 学生课堂学习自我评价表...............................................................32 5.3 研究过程....................................................................................................33 5.4 实验研究结果与分析................................................................................33 5.4.1 实验班和对照班实验前测和后测的成绩对比与分析.....................33 5.4.2 课堂观察结果及分析.........................................................................35 5.4.3 调查问卷结果及分析.........................................................................35 5.4.4 学生自我评价及访谈结果.................................................................39 5.5 研究小结....................................................................................................42 5.5.1 研究发现.............................................................................................42 5.5.2 研究启示.............................................................................................43 5.5.3 反思及教学建议.................................................................................44 结语.......................................................................................................................46 参考文献...............................................................................................................49 附录.......................................................................................................................53 致谢.......................................................................................................................61

Key words:junior high school English;Task-based Language Teaching;reading


第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



语作为主要的沟通手段之一越来越受到国人的重视。因为学好英语意味着更好的 生存条件和更多的就业机会,意味着更强的竞争实力,意味着拥有更多的学习机 会。同时,英语作为一门性的语言,世界上很多的文学作品都用英文出版,因而 学好英语能够帮助我们更好的了解和认识世界,掌握更多的知识。对于初中生来 说,能否学好英语决定着他们是否能够顺利通过中考的“独木桥”。在近期的中 考英语试题改革中,我们发现英语试卷中阅读的比重在升高,150分的考卷中阅 读的分值已经占到了三个之一。由此可见,学生阅读能力的高低在很大程度上决 定了学生的考试成绩,也就是说,学生的阅读能力在相当程度上决定着学生的未 来。随之而来的是在教学中,阅读教学的重要性也不断突显出来。

虽然英语的学习备受重视,但在国内我们学习语言最大的不足是语言环境的 缺乏。我们都知道,语言的学习不仅要有大量的输入,同时要进行不断的操练,而这里的操练不是课堂上的对话或练习,而是在实际生活中的运用,只有反复的 使用这门语言,学生才能真正地掌握它。在这种情况下,任务型教学法迎合了这 一需要。因为这一教学方法就是要求教师设计任务,创设相对真实的语言环境,让学生在明确任务的指引下,在相对自然的环境中学习和使用语言。任务型教学 最大的特点就是“做中学”,即学生的使用语言的过程中感知语言的内涵与功能,从而把语言的学习过程变成能力的培养过程,切实地提高语言的应用能力。

1.2 问题的提出

然而,通过笔者大量的听课发现,有很多一线教师对任务型教学法的理解有 偏差。有的教师觉得任务型教学法虽然在理论上有它的优势,但在实际操作中存 在着很大的问题,如课堂很难调控,学生的学习效率降低等。因而一些教师在阅 读教学中坚持使用以往的 3P(Presentation, Practice and Production)教学法。这 一教学方法是 20 世纪 70 年代在交际语言教学模式下形成发展起来的,它是上海师范大学专业学位论文

务型教学”。也有老师认为,在阅读课文后,逐一回答书后的问题,也是在完 成阅读任务,因而也算做“任务型教学”。由此可见,任务型教学在课堂实践 中仍存在一定的难度。

第四,评价体系尚未形成明确的标准。传统的阅读教学中,评价的方式 往往是以学生的成绩直观地展示出来,而任务型教学更多的是课堂生成性的 成果,教师通常需要在第一时间给出评价。对任务完成的结果评价可以是多 个维度的,并且有时存在“仁者见仁,智者见智”的评价标准,因而,有时 教师能够给与合理而恰当的评价十分重要。

1.3 研究意义

在这样的背景下,笔者想通过自己的学习和实践,探索出适合初中英语 阅读课堂的任务型教学模式,并在教学中进行检验,努力挖掘任务型教学法 在初中英语阅读课堂中的优势,并发现不足,同时提出建议,希望更多的教 师能从中受益,更好地使用任务型教学法。

同时,借助于课堂观察的第一手资料,发现并提出任务型教学法的应用 给初中英语阅读课堂带来的转变。从学生的学习模式入手,由以往的以“认 真听讲”与“做好笔记”为主的学习方式转化为在“做中学”的方式;由学 生的“独立阅读”转化到“合作学习”的方式;由师生间“讲授-倾听”为主 的学习方式到现在的“提问-帮助”为主的学习方式。与此同时,师生间的地 位也在发生着转变,教师的权威不在高高在上,在学习过程中,师生间的地 位是平等的,而学生间的关系是互助的。


通过展示语言材料、对语言进行实践以及建构成语言能力三个教学的过程。一直以来,中学英语教师基本上使用这一模式组织课堂的教学,即教师最先 呈现某个具体的语言项目,接着让学生去练习,这种操练往往是在老师的控 制下进行机械的进行,即 controlled practice activities。最后让学生用该语言 项目进行阐述。其次,教师为学生提供的阅读材料仅局限于课本上的例文,不去涉猎课外的阅读杂志,阅读量小,阅读面窄。由于不能有选择的去补充 课外的知识,教师教授的目的往往只是为了应对考试,不能从根本上学习到 语言的精髓。而且对于初中学生的要求也不高,单词要求掌握量低,这样就 会对学生阅读能力的提高产生很大的障碍。而这样的阅读教学课堂往往气氛 比较沉闷,很多时间都花在了教师的讲解与学生的机械操练上,学生虽然也 在动,但这样的动往往是被动的,无法发挥学生的主观能动性。同时,也有 一些任务型的课堂,出现了教师所提出的“上课效率低,学生进步慢”的情 况。当然,任何事物在表现它优越性的同时也存在着不足,任务型教学法也 不例外(王晓彤 2012)。随着教学的改革,必然会带来教学方法的变化,每 个教学方法都有它的优势和局限性。在教师应用任务型教学法的过程中,经 常出现下面的问题:

第一,传统教学方式难以转变。在课堂教学中,大部分教师没有尝试过 这种新的教学方法,觉得这种教学模式没有传统的教学法有效。传统的阅读 课教学法非常简单,任务具体明确,教师展示语言材料,不断强化学生的熟 练程度,教师讲授占据课堂的重要比重,并且备课并不需要耗费大量的时间 和精力。但是在任务型阅读教学法中,教学的主体由以前的老师讲解变成了


和实施来激发学生对语言学习的兴趣,对老师的能力和备课认真程度要求的 特别高(钟莉 2008)。教师要具备很强的阅读任务编导能力和课堂活动的组 织能力,并不能完全照搬教学计划,必须根据学生的水平以及需要掌握的知 识来设计材料。学生掌握课堂的主动权,学生的主体地位得到了强化。这一 系列改变让教师不知所措,尤其是一些经验丰富但保守的老教师,早已习惯 了几十年来一直使用的阅读教学法,并认为取得了很好的教学成果。所以很 多教师不愿意改变熟悉的教学思路和方法而尝试全新的教学理念。

其次,英语学习的课堂效率有所下降。主要表现在,学生会出现语言石 化现象。语言“石化”不利于学生语言运用能力的提高。在任务型教学法中,教师关注的重点是学生在语言交流上的连贯性、流利度,虽然减轻学生在学习中的恐慌和忧虑感,但是如果未能及时的纠正学生在英语学习过程中偶尔 的知识性错误,就会导致学生误以为自己掌握的语言知识都是正确的,长此 以往,很难在学生记忆中删除或改变,时间一长就会变成语言石化现象。同 时,任务型教学的课堂要求教师有很强的组织和协调能力,以及课堂的调控 能力。由于学生往往是小组活动,因而,教师如何确保学生按照教师的要求 积极参与到学习活动中,也是值得深思熟虑的事情。在真正的课堂环境中,往往会出现任务布置下去后,部分同学凑在一起聊天,完全失去了老师的监 控。在同一小组内,也会存在有的同学参与,有的同学旁观的现象。教师如 何确保学生们人人参与,并有所收获是一件很棘手的问题。

第三,由于教学大纲中只提出建议教师使用任务型教学法,而没有系统 的理论学习和操作的规范,很多一线教师对“任务”的概念模糊。在一次对


2.2 任务型教学法

2.2.1 任务型教学法的定义任务型教学法的定义与分类与分类

任务型教学法以任务为载体来组织教学,学习者以参与、体验、互动、交流、合作的学习方式来完成某一任务或解决某一问题。整个活动过程,教 师帮助学生激发背景知识,充分调动学习者的活动积极性参与活动。同时,学习者充分发挥自身的认知能力,充分发挥学习者自身的认知能力,使用已 有的目的语言资源,在实践中感知、认识、应用目的语,在“做”中学,“用” 中学,在不知不觉中内化学生的知识,提高学生的语言使用能力和问题解决 的能力。Richards(2001)等人给任务的定义是:“任务是学习者在处理或理 解语的基础上完成的一个活动或行动。Lee(2000)认为:任务是(1)一次课 堂活动或练习,包括(a)一个只有通过参加者之间的交际才能达到的目的;(b)组织和编排交际的自然过程;(c)注意意义交流;(2)学习者实施某套 学习计划时,需要学习者理解、操练和使用目的语一次语言学习尝试。换句话说,任务型教学方法是以具体任务为载体,以完成任务为驱动。任务型教学法中的任务是指学生使用目标语言为达到某个目的而开展的一项 活动。在庞继贤(2000)教授眼中,所谓“任务”,简言之就是“做事”。在 “做事”的过程中,学习者始终处于一种积极的、主动的学习状态,任务参 与者之间的交际过程也是一种互动过程。为完成某项任务,学习者以此为中 心与目标,调动各种语言和非语言的资源,采用各种手段,寻求一切帮助,从而达到解决某种问题的最终目的。完成任务的同时也营造了一个积极的、有益的学习氛围。上海师范大学专业学位论文

活任务可能与我们的课堂教学内容没有直接的联系,需要教师结合教学内容 和学生的差异进行加工设计。避免任务忽略信息的交流,强调通过参与活动,在交际中完成任务。同时要注意避免重视任务结果而忽略任务的执行过程。任务设计前的分析和完成后的反思都很重要,任务后的反思既是学生对学习的反思,也是教师对任务设计的思考。因而,教师在设计任务的过程中还要 遵循以下的原则:


在确定每节课的任务时要详细介绍教学的目的,是为了培养学生某种能力,应具体联系到与教学内容相关的要求上来。有了明确的目标才能增强教学的 目的性,使教学任务落到实处(张小瑞 2011)。


教师在设计任务的时候应注意设计能让学生运用所学的知识和技能,让他们 用英语做事情。设计的活动应适合全体学生参加,而不仅是让能力高和水平好的学生参加。所以教师必须将活动设计为各种不同的形式,这样设计就可 以考虑到不同基础水平的学生,让大家都参与到其中,有话可说,有事可做,通过各组成员间的集体协作的方式完成。


任务设计要帮助学生学习英语知识、掌握语言技能和提高语言运用能力,还 要注重联系已经掌握的知识点,让学生在新旧知识的联系中理解和掌握新的 语言现象,这是任务型语言教学的根本点之一。



综合能力得到发展,任务不要仅限于课内,也可延伸到学生课外的学习生活 中去。


在任务型课堂中,教师不再只对学生进行知识的灌输,而是成为教学活动的 设计者、组织者和指导者。教师在活动中应及时对学生进行调控,尽可能的 发挥学生的主体作用,让学生运用所学的语言完成任务,在完成任务的过程 中掌握新知识,并且要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,任务的内容和方 式应尽量真实或者接近真实。

2.3 任务型教学法的理论基础

任务型语言教学是 20 世纪 80 年代由外语教学法研究者在大量研究和实 践的基础上提出来的一个有重要影响的语言教学模式,90 年代在理论上逐步 成熟。它的理论基础是“输入与互动假设”,掌握一门语言通常是在活动中使 用语言,而不是单纯掌握语言技能和学习语言知识的结果。学生根据自身知 识可以理解的输入与输出来互动,完成教师设计的任务,得以产生语言运用 的能力。任务型语言教学是交际教学思想的一种发展形态,它把语言应用的 基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学任务。其理论基础来自很多方面: 如心理语言学理论,它是研究语言活动中心理过程的理论,涉及如何掌握和 运用语言,语言怎样在现实中发挥作用等;克拉申的语言输入假说理论、斯


在完成任务的过程中,不仅有对语言系统的认知行为,也有对世界的认知行 为。语言学中则“需要寻找值得获得的、独立的.、与学生的学习和生活相关 联的图式知识领域,以便使语言学习成为达到任务目标的必要手段(Widdowson 1990)。根据语言习得的规律,要使学生掌握所学习的语言,所 设计的语言材料难易程度是应该稍高于学生己经掌握的语言知识。材料中含 有比较新的知识,但是学生能听懂或读懂,不影响学习者对意义的正确理解。如果语言材料中仅仅包含学习者己掌握的语言知识,它对语言习得毫无意义。如果太难,也失去了学习的意义。

在任务型语言教学活动中,学生注意力集中在语言表达的意义上,通过 自己已经掌握的语言和词汇来表达自己的意思。他们的主要目的是完成一个 任务,并想方设法把这个任务完成好。这样的教学环境无形中给学生提供了 一个相对自然地使用语言的机会。正是因为有了表达的需要,因而学生在潜 意识中组织语言,完成任务。

2.4 任务型教学的国内外研究现状

2.4.1 国外研究现状

英语教育学家 N.Prabhu(1980)最先将“任务型”教学法体现在教学大

纲和实践之中。1979 年,他在印度南部的 Bangalore 最早进行了任务型教学 活动的实验,开始了当时看来观点很激进的理论假设付诸于实践的大胆教学 试验。1983 年,他又提出了任务型教学途径,其方式和渠道就是教学活动。


第3章 阅读教学

阅读教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,是学生语言输入的主要途径和手 段之一。没有了阅读,学生就失去了学习知识的一个主要源头。那么,让我 们来了解一下阅读教学。

3.1 阅读教学的概念

阅读是不仅是一个认知过程,同样也是一个复杂的心理过程。是通过视 觉感知语言信号后经由大脑处理、加工,从而理解信息的意义。阅读与听力 一样,在一段时期内都被认为是被动的语言输入过程,即阅读能力吸收语言 知识的“接受性技能”。最近几年以来,伴随着心理语言学的发展,很多专家 和学者提出了在阅读与听力的过程中,人脑与外来信息是相互作用的,并指 出以前人们所认为的阅读与听力是被动吸收语言知识的看法是不准确的。外 语阅读能够正常运作,知识、技能与策略三种前提缺一不可,因为他们既有 明确的分工,又不各自为政,而是互相联系与配合的一个整体(左焕琪 2001)。

3.2 阅读教学的地位

《初中英语课程标准》中明确提出了学生要具备一定的听、说、读、写 能力以及综合运用语言的能力。在这四种能力中,“听”与“读”往往被认为 是一种语言输入的渠道,只有大量的输入,学生才能有语言的输出,即能够 会“说”与会“写”。因而,阅读就好比一个源头,一个渠道,为学生输入所上海师范大学专业学位论文

究,区分两个语言学习概念:学习和习得,学习者通过教学活动有意识地学 得语言是学习;而学习者通过交际没有意识地接触语言系统掌握了语言就是习得(Krashen 1982)。1986 年,英语教育学家 D.Nunan 编制了任务性教学 大纲。1989 年,他又提出了交际课堂的任务设计模式。介绍了任务型教学的 基本理论,使得任务型教学取得了突破(程晓堂 2004)。

斯基汉提出了任务型语言教学的目标。首先,准确程度:准确性被看来 应该放在首位,语言、语法的准确性很重要。其次,综合程度:教师要培养 学生在阅读阶段的综合能力而不是仅仅掌握单独的语法,使学生重视对语境 的使用能力,不仅是记住单词短语。第三,流利程度:通过练习大量语言输 入和输出的能力,实现流利的语言表达。

Willis 为教师在课堂上开展任务型语言教学提供了操作层面上的指导,Wi111s 在《任务型学习模式》一书中将任务型教学过程严格地分成前任务、任务环和语言焦点三个阶段。在前任务阶段,教师围绕特定的交际和语言项 目,针对不同学习阶段的特点,设计出具体、可施行的任务,主要是引导学 生进行简单活动操作;在任务环阶段,学生在执行任务后向老师和同学汇报 完成的情况;在语言聚焦阶段,学生用语言分析任务,在实际交际中体现语 言的意义。学生通过表达、沟通、协商等多种语言形式来完成老师设计的任 务,达到学习和掌握语言的目的。

2.4.2 国内研究现状

我国外语界对任务型阅读教学的研究起步比较晚,最初主要对国外的理 论借鉴,随着新课题和教材的使用,越来越多优秀的教师尝试将理论应用到上海师范大学专业学位论文


3.3.3 相互作用模式

随着研究的不断深入,研究者们认识到以上两种模式信息的传递都是单 向的。在实际的阅读过程中,背景知识、词汇和句法知识都在发挥着重要的 作用。目前对阅读教学影响最大的是相互作用模式,1997 年鲁梅哈特创建 了这种模式,认为阅读是一个自下而上和自上而下相互作用的过程,任何单 一的语言知识不能促成对阅读材料的真正理解。相对于另外两种模式,相互 作用模式更加全面的描述了阅读的过程对教学实践的重大启示。它强调外界 情境与学生心境的协调,指出阅读过程不仅仅是一个死板机械的过程,而是 认知以及情感的过程,要求学生具有较高的素质和水平。

3.4 阅读材料的处理方式

《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》中对中学生在阅读能力上提出的 要求为:“能借助词典阅读包括信件、广告、说明等形式的语言材料,理解意 思,并能在整体理解文章的基础上进行推测判断;能理解标志、图表提供的 文字信息;能不借助词典读懂含 3%-5%的生词的语言材料;能从网络等文字 读物中获取基本信息。”(程晓堂

2004)此外,对初中生课外阅读量的要求是 不低于 20 万字。这就要求教师对于阅读材料进行分析和处理,设置不同的任 务,从而培养学生不同的阅读能力。教师要对文本进行深层次的解读,从而 从不同的视角挖掘阅读材料。目前,教师主要从以下五个不同的视角解读与 使用阅读材料。上海师范大学专业学位论文

第4章 任务型教学英语阅读教学设计

我们充分地了解到了任务及任务型教学,也知道了阅读教学的重要性。那么如何在英语阅读教学中使用任务型教学法,把任务型教学与阅读教学有 机地结合起来,发挥任务型教学的优势呢?接下来,笔者将探讨的是任务型 教学的课堂操作模式与任务设置的不同阶段。

4.1 任务型英语阅读教学的课堂操作模式

许多一线教师和学者认识到了初中英语阅读教学存在的弊端,开始探索 新的教学模式。他们感到现代英语阅读课的根本任务不仅仅是完成阅读教学 中语言知识的传授,更重要的是教师能够通过阅读材料,协助学生深化课文 的深层含义来掌握阅读的技巧和学习的方法,并且能够延伸到课文的内涵,具体就是结合社会生活中的相关背景,提升学生认知能力,而任务型教学模 式正迎合了这些需要。一些教师开始广泛地采用任务型教学模式进行授课。他们的课堂经常分为以下几个步骤:

首先是任务呈现,由教师来设计情境,使学生置身于需要完成的任务情 景的氛围中。教学的目的是让学生完成某个任务,而这个任务是真实的,是 学生要通过努力而达到或通过沟通与交流而完成的。教师往往先针对一个话 题组织讨论,然后布置任务。



Key points:

1.to use nouns to identify people 2.to describe a person‟s job

Teaching procedure:


Teacher‟s activities Students‟ activities Purpose

Warm-up Playing the recording of a song

Listening and singing

To get students‟ attention and lead in

Pre-reading 1.Asking students to brainstorm people‟s jobs

2.Introducing a friend of mine and asking questions.3.Encouraging students to make guesses by showing pictures and

teaching new words by asking questions.1.Thinking about the jobs they know and sharing in class

2.Answering questions.3.Looking at the pictures and making guesses.Learning new words.1.To review jobs known by students.2.To give students a general idea on how to talk about a job.3.To give students chances to read

pictures and introduce new words: block, plans of buildings, construction company,type 上海师范大学专业学位论文

人为本,以学生为本”的理念。知识的讲解以“需要”为基础,而非强行的 “填鸭”。学生是带着心理上的“渴望”而学习,而非“不得不记住”。

再次是巩固新知,通过师生共同协作,结合具体的任务进行交流,使学 生所学到的知识加以巩固。

最后是灵活运用,教师给学生提供具体材料,或者学生结合自己的学习要求设计一些与他们的生活、学习贴近的情景。在这一环节,教师所要做到 的是把文本知识与学生的生活实际相联系,让学生有一种亲临其境的感觉。在这种真实感觉的带动和感染下,学生真实地使用语言。在语言表达上,学 生更加注意的是意思或意义的传播,而非完全把精力放在语言形式上,学生 是为思想或情感的沟通而使用语言。

4.2 任务型英语阅读教学中任务设置的阶段

在阅读教学中,根据教学的需要以及对学生多种阅读能力的培养,教师 在不同的教学环节会提出不同的任务。

首先在阅读前(pre-reading),教师往往提出与话题相关的问题或带领学 生进行头脑风暴,来激发学生的背景知识。同时,可能让学生通过浏览阅读 文章的标题或图片,来预测文章内容,并鼓励学生提出问题。这些往往被认 为是前任务阶段,用于降低阅读难度或激发学生的阅读兴趣。

在阅读中(while-reading),学生可以带这些问题阅读。同时,教师在每一 遍阅读前要给予学生相应的任务。如第一遍阅读往往是要求学生在有限的时


T: Do you know how to stay healthy? Answer the question.To review and share While-ta sk T: Read the passage and try to find “what‟s the passage about?” and “How to be a healthy child?” Read the passage and answer the questions.To read for gist and useful information Show pictures of children with

different problems.Ask students to judge whether

he/she is healthy or not.Read the

information of each child and judge whether he/she is healthy or not and give suggestions.To check students‟ understandings and to practice the sentence pattern:

“What should he/she do if he/she wants to stay healthy?”

1.Play the recording sentence by sentence 2.Ask students to read by themselves 3.Ask students to read together 1.Repeat the sentences

2.Read by himself/herself

3.Read together 1.To help students practice their pronunciation

2.To self-check and ask for help if it‟s necessary

3.To read and get familiar with the passage

Show a short dialogue

Pair work To practice the sentence pattern step by step

Post-task Ask students work in groups to make a poster

Make a poster To finish the task Homewo rk

1.Write a passage on the topic „A plan for my weekend‟ 2.Recite the passage


-29 Produce)教学法。

表 5-1 实验对象基本情况



班级学生数 25


七年级第一学期期末英语成绩(100 分)

63.4 64.2


47.6% 48.1%

比较实验班和对照班的英语平均分及阅读部分的得分率发现两个班学生 英语水平相近,通过阅读得分率可见,两个班的学生在阅读方面都比较薄弱,阅读能力无显著差异。

5.1.3 研究时间

本实验始于 2012 年 9 月,到 2013 年 1 月为止,历时 4 个半月。上海师范大学专业学位论文

表 5-3 学生课堂参与情况观察表


Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 … Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Student 5

Student 6


这一观察表用于记录课堂上每个学生在活动中的参与情况。在每个空格 内,教师需要记录每个同学的发言次数与该同学在每个活动中的参与情况,从而反映学生的课堂参与度。

5.2.2 阅读成绩测试


实验对象进行了前后两次的阅读测验。前测时间为 2012 年 9 月初,而后测的 时间为 2013 年 1 月中旬。两次测试的时间间隔为 4 个半月。为了检测试卷的 有效性,笔者准备 3 份阅读测试材料,均为阅读考试题目,满分为 35 分。在 同年级的(3)班选出两名同学进行测试,对试卷进行检测。选取效度较高的 两份试卷作为本次试验的前测及后测题目。

表 5-4 测试题目的有效性检测

学生 1 学生 2 试卷 1 29 分分

试卷 2 23 分分

试卷 3 26 分分

经测试,选取试卷 1 与试卷 3 分别作为实验前测和后测的题目。两套试 卷难易度差距不大,后测题目稍难于前测题目。前测时间为七年级开学的摸 底考试,即 2012 年 9 月初。后测的时间为七年级第一学期期末考试,即 2013 年 1 月中旬。

5.2.3 问卷调查与访谈

笔者于 2012 年 9 月接班初期,对学生进行问卷调查,从而了解学生英语 阅读的兴趣,分析和总结学生英语阅读方法的掌握和使用情况。同时,通过 问卷与访谈相结合的形式,了解学生所喜欢的课堂组织形式和学生在阅读方 面存在的主要问题。

5.2.4 学生课堂学习自我评价表

表 5-5 学生课堂学习自我评价表


()次 活动环节,我的参与情况为





进行了一次测验,满分为 35 分,以评估实验的效果。实验结果如下:

表 5-6 实验前实验班与对照班英语阅读能力比较





实验班 9 47.6% 7.57 对照班 13.5 48.1% 5.29

表 5-7 实验后实验班与对照班英语阅读能力比较






12 56.7% 10.36 对照班 13 51.2% 4.27

表 5-6 显示在实验前,实验班学生阅读的得分率为 47.6%,而对照班的 阅读得分率为 48.1%,在平均成绩上看,两个班级同学的分数相差甚微。同 时,两个班级学生的最高分相差一分,最低分相差 4.5 分,同一班级最高分 与最低分差距为别为 30 分和 26.5 分,说明学生阅读能力方面的整体情况相 差不大,有很强的可比性。但实验班的标准差比较大,说明实验班学生比对 照班学生成绩的差异性大,学生的阅读能力存在更明显的差异。基于之前对测验题目的检测,表明后测题目比前测题目稍难。因而表 5-7 表明在实验后,实验班的阅读得分率为 56.7%,而对照班的得分率为 51.2%。在阅读测试的最高分和最低分方面,实验班和对照班均有提高。表明经过四 个半月的学习,阅读成绩都有一定的进步,但实验班的进步水平高于对照班。实验班的阅读得分率提高 9.1%,而对照班的得分率提高仅 3.1%。同时,实验


-35 生 词 我 会:








后期 13 2 7 12 4 7 3 考试的阅 读题目对 于 我 来 说:

很轻松,很 简单



读不懂,不 理解 前期







后期 8 11 12 10 5 3 2 阅 读 方 法

进行阅读 练习时,我会:

先题目再读 文章











后期 21 10 2 10 4 1 0 我喜欢的 阅读方式 是:(可多 选)

和同学一起 阅读、交流


先 独 立 阅 读,再交流

教师指导阅 读








后期 9 10 8 2 19 14 12

表 5-9 调查问卷的结果表明了学生在学习态度、阅读的能力和阅读方法 上的转变。

在学习态度方面。问题一是对学习兴趣的调查,我们都知道兴趣是最好 的老师,一旦学生对英语阅读产生了兴趣,那么他们对待英语阅读的态度就 会发生巨大的变化。会由被动的、强迫式的学习转化为主动的、积极的学习。这种转变具体表现在两方面:



着任务去阅读,在明确的阅读目标的带动下,学生更容易理清文章的脉络,找到问题的答案。而在阅读方式上,学生独立阅读的比例在升高,他们不在 完全依赖老师。同时,学生们开始学会合作学习,在相互帮助中提高。

5.4.4 学生自我评价及访谈结果

通过对学生自我评价手册的收集,笔者看到任务型英语阅读教学的课堂 存在以下五个优势:

第一,每个学生都有至少一次发言的机会。学生的发言可以是举手发言,可以是在小组内的发言。由于活动形式的多样,每个学生都有机会在全班面 前或在小组内交流、表达自己的观点和看法,或对任务的解决出谋划策。

第二,学生课堂参与度提高。由于小组的分工,每个学生有不同的任务。学生可以根据自己的情况,完成力所能及的工作。如在海报制作的过程中,运用自己的艺术特长,对作品进行美化。这也体现了让不同的学生有不同的 收获,在体验中成长。

第三,学生的学习方式开始转变,同伴间相互学习的机会增多,培养了 合作能力。随着小组活动的增多,学生间相互交流,共同进步。同时,学生 的团队协作意识也在增强。

第四,学生明确学习内容,在明确目标的指引下为解决问题或完成明确 任务而努力。由于任务的提出,学生在学习中目标更加明确。

第五,学生更容易体会到满足感和成就感。每节课学生都在尝试解决问 题,学生的学习过程既是为题解决的过程,伴随着问题的解决,学生会更加 直观地体会到成就感,从而增加学习的自信心。上海师范大学专业学位论文

讨论或表演。记得以前,别人对我说:“Thank you!”的时候,我竟然一时反 应不过来该怎么回答。还有一次,妈妈的外国同事打电话过来,问到:“May I speak to Linda?”

当时妈妈不在家,我突然不知道说什么好。可是现在在课 堂上,我们会有这样的情景练习,我觉得自己有了更多的使用语言的机会,也有了自信。以前害怕妈妈的同事打电话过来,可现在我还期待呢,正好能 练习一下自己的口语!希望老师在分组时,能把成绩好的同学分在我的组,这样我能得到更多的帮助。

学生 L1(基础薄弱):我觉得还可以。以前我就坐在自己的位置上听老 师讲,经常会思想开小差,我只有强迫自己不停地记笔记。说实话,笔记记 好了我也不会看,因为觉得无聊,看了也没有用。阅读对于我来说太难了。现在的课堂,有时同学会帮助我,我也能回答一些简单的问题。有时,老师 布置了任务,我也能帮上同学一点忙,能帮助想主意。比如上次学到问路,我们小组的同学方向感不是很好,而我的特长就是认路,所以我就在纸上画 好路线,由同学来说,我们小组顺利完成了任务,得到了你的肯定,我感觉 挺好的!我希望老师把任务设计的很简单,最好和英语基础没有太大的关系,就比如你设计的“问路”场景,这样的问题我也能参与。

学生 L2(基础薄弱):

我英语基础不好,我不喜欢英语课。以前,我甚 至不知道老师一节课在讲什么,也就不听了。现在,周围的同学课堂上表现 得都很积极,很多以前上课不声不响的同学现在也举手发言了,我知道很多 时候是周围同学在帮忙。我觉得自己现在至少知道一节课老师在讲什么了。可由于我的基础太差了,很多单词都不认识,我觉得阅读对于我来说还是太



通过访谈笔者了解到,目前我在实验班所采取的任务型教学法是受大部 分同学欢迎的,尤其是英语学习有一定基础的同学。他们觉得现在的课堂更 有生机和活力,由于活动形式的多样,他们可以通过不同的方式展示自己。相对于以前的阅读课堂教学,老师提出了明确的任务,学生则在任务的引领 下,采取行动解决问题,这样的课堂给了他们更多的发现问题、解决问题的 机会。随着问题的顺利解决,学生们的学习自信不断建立,学习自主性增强,学生的合作意识也在不断增强。对于基础比较薄弱的同学来讲,活跃的课堂 氛围也在无形中影响着他们的学习热情,由于任务的设置贴近生活,所以基 础薄弱的同学也有参与课堂活动的机会,他们也能发挥自己的长处,但这部 分同学更需要老师和同伴的帮助,对于他们来讲,独立完成学习任务还比较 困难。

5.5 研究小结

5.5.1 研究发现

1.在英语阅读课堂中,任务型教学法的使用极大地提高了学生的阅读兴趣。学生从兴趣出发,学习英语的积极性和主动性也产生了变化,主要表现为课 堂发言更加积极,课堂参与度极大提高,学生开始在课余时间自主阅读、学习。

2.任务型教学法的使用,丰富了课堂教学的组织形式。除了师生互动外,更 多的是学生间的生生互动,相互合作学习。这样的课堂改变了传统的以教师上海师范大学专业学位论文


3.任务的设计要有实用性。任务的设计要有意义,并体现教学实效,不 能为了活动而活动,增添课堂的活跃性不代表牺牲课堂的高效率,要考虑到 时间成本。活动的设计要围绕着如何实现教学目标而展开,即学生活动的过 程就是学生的学习过程。

4.要关注个体差异。任务型教学的实验结果表明,任务型教学加大了学 生的个体差异。这就要求教师关注到每个个体,在任务设置的过程中要明确 目的。对于成绩优秀的学生要采取“极限催化”的方式,即提出有一定挑战 性的任务,让学生把征服困难、完成任务作为一种乐趣,培养自觉学习意识 和自主学习能力。而对于成绩中等的学生,则要把握学生的特点,设计难易 相当的任务,多为他们提供机会,体验成功,不断挖掘学生的潜力,促进其 发展。而对于基础相对薄弱的学生,在任务设置的过程中,我们要帮助他们 弥补基础,培养兴趣,有些任务可以反复操练,帮助提高。

同时,教师要分外注意评价的标准和尺度。同一个问题,学生可能会采 取不同的办法去解决。对于同一件事情,学生也可能有不同的观点。而教师 的评价往往会影响到学生的学习情绪及学习信心。作为教师,在教学过程中 我们更多地要把自己定位为学生的同伴,多给予学生肯定和鼓励或建议。


一个人或者是学习小组通过自主学习或者合作来完成任务。这样就可以使任 务型教学有序的进行。


堂中进行任务型教学的能力。众所周知,任务型教师对教师提出了新的挑战。在传统的教学模式中,教学内容与节奏更多地掌握在教师的手里,教师在课 堂上起到了很大的作用,教师能够引领课堂的发展方向。而任务型教学的课 堂会出现更多的生成性问题,这就要求教师有丰富的知识和应变能力来引导 和帮助我们的学生,顺利地完成学习任务。

再次,改变对学生的评价机制。教师要加强对每个学习小组的管理和引 导,及时对学生的表现进行评价,纠正学生出现的一些错误语言知识,及时 预见各种会出现的结果,并制定好相应的补救措施。尤其是课堂纠错,教师 要掌握好纠错的时机和方法,在以操练口语为目的的教学课堂,教师不能过 分纠结与学生的语法或单词的错误,与本课教学目标无关的小错误,教师要 学会忽略和暂缓纠正,或者是借助同伴纠错以及学生的自我纠错,从而达到 沟通的目的。但值得一提的是,教师的评价对学生学习的积极性起着十分重 要的作用,正面的激励必然会提升学生对学习信心。

最后,教师要加强自身的实践能力和水平,认真备课,精心设计材料,在教学实践中要把任务目标落实到位,通过多种方法来检测学生的学习情况,引导他们养成良好的学习习惯,加强交流并强化各组间的竞争,形成一种良 好的学习氛围。教师在任务型语言教学提供材料的过程中,多媒体教学占据 着重要地位。利用多媒体和网络来辅助任务型语言课堂教学是目前最佳的方


学生的理解和运用能力。生动的形象有助于学生把知识融于生动的情景之中,使课堂教学内容贴近学生的现实生活,提高学习兴趣,培养创新能力。任务 型教学法同样对学生的素质要求也较高。学生在任务型教学中要积极参与到 其中,主动参加以任务为核心的实践活动,在实践活动过程中学生要扔掉包 袱,不怕犯错误,勇于尝试新的学习模式。


为确保实验结果的科学性,笔者所选取的实验班和对照班英语阅读成绩 相差不大。但在实验过程中,笔者也发现,两个班存在着很大的个体差异,以及学习氛围的不同,这些无法进行调控的因素,势必会影响到实验结果的 科学及有效性。加上实验时间不长等因素,在某种程度上这些因素也可能会 影响到实验的结果的科学及准确性,也就是说本研究还存在着一定的不足之 处和局限性。


Teaching [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.[11]Rivers, W.M.Interactive Language Teaching [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.[12]Skehan, P.A Cognitive Approach to Language Teaching [M].Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.[13]Skehan, P.A Framework for the Implementation of Tasked-based Instruction [J].Applied Linguistics 17(1996): 38-62.[14]Widdowson, H.G.Aspects of Language Teaching [M].Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.[15]Wills, J.A Framework for Task-Based Learning [M].U.K.: Longman Addison-Wesley, 1996.[1]程晓堂.任务型语言教学 [M].北京:高等教育出版社,2004.[2]方文礼.外语任务型教学法纵横谈 [J].外语与外语教学 2003(9): 17-20.[3]葛文山.简论任务型教学模式在基础英语教学中的实施 [J].中小学英 语教学与研究 2003(1):8-11.[4]龚亚夫、罗少茜.课程理论、社会建构主义理论与任务型语言教学 [J].课程,教材,教法 2003(1):49-53.[5]姜晶.任务型教学法在英语精读课上的应用 [J].齐齐哈尔师范高等专 科学校学报 2010(6):145-146.[6]廖晓青.任务型教学的理论基础和课堂实践 [J].中小学外语教学 2001(11):10-12.参考文献

-51 报 2011(3):79-81.[19]钟莉.任务型教学法中英语教师的角色转变 [J].成都大学学报 2008(2):64-65.[20]庄志琳等主编.英语阅读教学中的材料处理:解读与使用 [M].杭州: 浙江大学出版社,2012.[21]左焕琪.外语教学展望[M].上海:华东师大出版社,2001.附录


7.我在英语 课 堂 上 的 表 现是:





8.进行阅读 练习时,我 会:

A.先 看 题 目,再看文 章

B.先 看 文 章,再看题 目



9.我喜欢的 阅读方式是:(可多选)

A.和同学一 起阅读,相 互帮助 B.自己独立 阅读

C.先独立阅 读,再与同 学交流

D.教师指导 阅读

10.阅读题目 中,我认为 很 难 的 是 :(可多选)

A.通篇理解 题,即找出 文 章 的 中 心 思想






Reading comprehension A.True or False

France is a western country which covers an area of 547,030 sq km.The capital---Paris is the largest city in the country.In the middle of the country,there is a large agricultural area.In France, wheat, cereals, sugar beets, potatoes, wine grapes;beef, diary products;fish are very popular.France is famous for the wine and the modern fashions.Paris is called the flower city in the world.In Paris, there are a lot of famous parks, tree-lined road and the Eiffel Tower.The western Disney Park is not far from the centre of Paris.There are more than 70 museums, large squares and churches in Paris.France is not only famous for the beautiful areas, but also for the fashions and the delicious food.()1.Paris is the largest city in the world.()2.People in France plant a lot of crops such as wheat and potatoes.附录


C.Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage.Ann and her mother are going to the Great Wall ___1___a Sunday morning.It is a fine morning.They are sitting in a big bus.Many people are in the bus, they are from ___2____ countries.Some are Americans and some of them come from England.They all want to visit the Great Wall.There are two Chinese in the bus.One is driving the bus;____3____ is a

young girl.She speaks English ___4___.She is now talking about the Great Wall to them in English.She ___5__ them many stories.There is an old saying(谚语): ‘He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man‟.They all want to see it very much.()1.A.on B.at C.in D.by

()2.A.the same B.same C.different D.the different()3.A.the other B.another C.other D.others()4.A.good B.well C.better D.best()5.A.told B.tell C.to tell D.tells

D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.People in Shanghai like eating.And Yu Garden is f_______ for its snack food.There are many good restaurants and they are always full of people at the weekend.You can try many kinds of nice food such a___ fried chicken and rice

dumplings.People from all over the w_____ enjoy eating at these places b_______ the food is cheap and d_________.E.Answer the questions.At the Barber's Shop(理发店)

Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was

not happy with the result(结果).When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and

said, “What has happened to your hair, Jack?” Jack said, “I tried a new barber's

shop today, because I wasn't quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems

even worse.” Bob agreed(同意).“Yes, I think you're right, Jack.Now I'll tell you what to do when you go into a barber's shop next time: look at all the barber's hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him.” “Why shall I go to 附录


him?” Jack asked.“But that would be foolish!” “Oh, no, it wouldn't,” answered

Bob.“Who cut that man's hair? Just think it.He couldn't cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it.So you know he can't be the worst barber.”

1.Why was Jack not happy when he went out of the barber‟s shop? He was not happy because __________________________.2.Did Jack change a new barber‟s shop this time? ___________________________________

3.Who can‟t be the worst barber in this passage? _______________________

4.Did Bob give Jack a good suggestion? ________________________ 5.What do you think of Bob?



I.Reading comprehension A.True or False

Mr.Black, Ann‟s father, works in a hospital.He‟s friendly to the patients.So he‟s very busy all the time.Ann is seven and begins to go to school.She often watches TV at home and she knows a lot.Some of her friends usually go travelling abroad,but her father doesn‟t have time.Mr.Black and his wife can only take their

daughter to some cities in England.This summer, Mr.Black has got some time.He‟s going to take his family to

Iceland(冰岛).Ann is very excited and tells her friends about it.“Why are you going to travel to Iceland, Ann?” asks a girl.The little girl does not know how to answer.She thinks for a few minutes and

says, “We‟re going to see it before it melts.”

()1.Mr.Black makes machines in a factory.()2.Mr.Black can‟t take his family to travel abroad because he has no time.()3.Ann often stays at home instead of travelling abroad.()4.The underlined word “excited” may mean tired.()5.Ann thinks Iceland will melt.附录


()3.Wine in France is not popular.()4.There are seventy museums, large squares and churches in Paris.()5.France is only famous for its scenic areas and nice food.B.Choose the best answer

Mr.Evans works in Sydney.Last week he had a two-week holiday, but he

didn‟t know where to go.He said to his friend Robert, “I hate the hot weather

here, but I can‟t find a cool place in Australia.Where shall I take my holiday?”

‘That‟s easy,‟ said Robert, „You can go to Moscow.Snow and ice are covering the ground there now.‟

Mr.Evans agreed with his friend.He bought a plane ticket and soon got to

Moscow.He had a happy time there.But one day he got into trouble.After lunch

he went to a park outside the city.He saw a dog following him while he was

walking past a house.It was hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat, But he had no piece of bread or cake in his pockets.He tried to send it away, but it began to bark at him.Just at that moment, he saw a stone on the ground.He

tried to pick it up but he couldn‟t.‘How strange these Russians are!‟ Mr.Evans said to himself, „They do not tie their dogs, but firmly tie the stones!‟()1.Mr.Evans is _____

A.American B.Russian C.Australian D.Chinese

()2.Mr.Evans didn’t like _____ in Australia.A.hot weather B.cool weather

C.rainy weather D.cold weather

()3.Mr.Evans went to Moscow ______

A.by train B.by bus C.by air D.on foot

()4.The word ‘bark’ means ‘______’.A.跳




()5.Mr.Evans couldn’t pick up the stone because ______.A.it was too cold

B.was too heavy

C.Russians tied the stone to the ground

D.it was no stone at all



B.Choose the best answer

One evening, after work, I got on a train, found a seat and sat down.A man was next to me.He was reading a book.I had nothing to do, so I read the same book with the man.I read a page and sat back, waiting for him to turn it.After a while, I found he

didn't turn the page.He just kept on reading.There weren't many words on the page to read.There were a lot of pictures in the book.So I turned to the man and said, “You know, you really read slowly.”

“What do you mean?” he asked.“Well,” I told him, “I read that page in about a

minute, and you've spent about ten.And you are still reading, you know.” I went on, “If you learn to read faster, you can read more.”

He thought about that for a second or two.“If I read too fast,” He said at last,“my paper won't last to my station.”

()1.The story happened ______.A.in the station

B.on the train

C.in the reading room

D.on the school bus

()2.The writer read the same book with the man beside him because ______.A.he found the book was very interesting

B.he didn't have anything to do

C.he liked reading picture books D.his own book is not interesting()3.The man read ______.A.very fast

B.very slowly

C.as fast as the writer

D.faster than the writer()4.Why did the writer tell the man to read fast? A.Because the writer wanted to read the next page.B.Because the writer thought he could learn more if he read faster.C.Because the writer wanted to teach him how to read.D.Because the writer didn't like the man.()5.Why did the man read in this way? A.Because he was waiting for the writer.B.Because he enjoyed the pictures very much.附录



三年前,我欣喜万分的收到上海师范大学外语学院在职教育硕士入学通知 书。作为一名非师范专业的毕业生,我一直觉得自己在教学中缺乏深入、系统的 理论指导,虽然不断努力,但仍觉得自己进步缓慢。然而,上海师范大学给了我 这样一个机会,让我再一次走进校园,接受文化的熏陶以及思想上的洗礼。在这 里,我感受到了老师们严谨的治学态度、浓厚的学术气息以及不断进取的学习氛 围。正是这样的人文环境感染了我,激励着我,让我重拾学习的热情,不断努力,不断进取!

感谢每一位任课教师!感谢卜友红老师,您用自己一口纯正的英音深深地征 服了我们每一个人,至今我还保留着您为提高我们的发音水平而亲自为我们录制 的音频资料。感谢武成老师,在您的身上,我不仅学到了专业的知识,更被您的 绅士风度和敬业精神所深深折服!感谢裘雯老师,您的博学与温婉深深地影响了 我们每一个人,在您的课堂上,我们感受到了语言的生命,语言的美!在此,我 也要感谢我们年轻的辅导员门长蓉老师,没有您辛勤的付出,多次的友情提示、沟通协调,我们的学习生活不会如此美好而顺利!

在此我更要感谢是我的导师周曦副教授,她在百忙之中认真听取我的介绍,在她的鼓励、关心和支持下,我确立了论文的方向。在之后的沟通中,尤其在论 文工作计划的确立阶段,周老师也为我提供了宝贵的建议。

最后,也要感谢我的家人和同事,有了你们的支持和鼓励,我才能克服重重 困难,最终完成论文的写作。尤其是我所在教研组的同事们,由于你们的参与,我才得到了课堂观察的第一手资料,从而能够对自己的教学进行及时而有效的反 思!

三年的学习时光转瞬即逝,但在这个过程中我体会到的求知的快乐,被关心 的温暖将永远伴随着我!感谢身边的每一个人!



C.Because he wanted his reading to last until he got to his station.D.Because his eyes are not very good.C.Choose the proper words to complete the passage Dear Tom,Thank you for your gift and I was __1__ to receive your letter, asking what

advice I can give you on how to become a newspaper reporter in the future.First, learn __2__ to use a computer.This is one of the things you should do.You can __3__ learn some skills at school or buy a book to teach yourself.At school you should learn how to __4__ and write your own language well.Outside your school there are __5__ many things you can do to prepare for a

newspaper job.When you read newspaper news, notice how it is written.You

should also __6__ some time discovering how your city government works and how some of the business meetings are going on.The more you know about them, the more successful you will be.If you have some other questions, please write to me again.Yours,Jim





















D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Jingmao Tower is the fourth h_______(1)building in the world.Every year, it

attracts a lot of t_______(2)from all over the world.Jingmao Tower is in a combined style between Chinese traditional style and western style.It is the symbol construction of Shanghai.It is in the c_______(3)of Lujiazui Financial Area.Our family visited Jingmao Tower today.You can get there b____(4)underground.And if you live near it, you can w_______(5)there just like our family.We went 附录


on to the eighty-eighth f_______(6)of Jingmao Tower.We saw the whole view

of Shanghai there.Please come to Jingmao Tower, and you will get some unexpected gains there.1.h__________



4.b_________ 5.w__________


E.Answer the questions

Traveling to every part of the world gets easier, but how well do we know and

understand each other? Here's a simple test.Imagine you are planning to hold a

meeting at four o'clock.What time should you expect your foreign business friends to arrive? If they are Germans, they'll arrive on time.If they are Americans, they'll probably be 15 minutes early.If they are Englishmen, they'll

be 15 minutes late, and you should allow about an hour late for the Italians.The British seemed to think that people would always understand what they did

because English was widely used.However, they found they were completely wrong.For example, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss

business matters and have a drink during the meal.The Japanese prefer not to

work while eating.Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know each other and they don't drink at lunchtime.The Germans like to talk about business before dinner.The French like to eat first and talk afterwards.They need to eat and drink well before they discuss anything.1.What time do Germans arrive when they go to a meeting?


2.According to the passage, if a group of English-men, Americans and Italians

hold a meeting, who will be the last to arrive?

__________________________________________________________ 3.Japanese like to talk about business at lunchtime, don't they?

___________________________________________________________ 4.What do the British like to do during the meal?














8A Unit7 Environment任务教学课例

(一)教学内容 教材:《英语》(English)八年级上册(上教版 主编:G McArthur, P Etherton, 倪雅菁)

内容:Reading A The world needs your help!使用年级:八年级(初二)


第一部分为导入部分,浏览文章的第一段与每段的标题,回答以下问题: 1.What is the name of the book? 2.A consumer buys and uses things.What do you think a green consumer is? 3.What do you think the main topic of the book is? 4.How many topics does the review cover?


The world needs your help!The Young Green Consumer Guide says that our world is in danger.We must do something to save Earth.There are many environmental problems.What are they?

The greenhouse effect The writer asks us to imagine Earth inside a kind of greenhouse.The atmosphere around Earth acts like the glass.It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out.It is important to us all.“Without it, Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon.”

“The trouble is that our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals---in the front of gases---and it is keeping in too much heat!” This will cause the level of seas to rise and drown cities and even whole countries.The act of destroying rainforest 1 The burning and cutting down of the trees is making the greenhouse effect worse because trees take in harmful gases.It will also cause floods because trees can help hold soil together, and soil absorbs water when it rains.Bad habits Many of our habits cause pollution, especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.This creates mountains of rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas.For example, people throw away as many as seven billion drink cans in the UK every year.That is enough to reach from Earth to the moon.How can we save Earth? In order to save our world, the book is asking us to become “green consumers”.That is, we should only buy and use “environmentally friendly” things.These things will not damage the environment.第三部分为阅读理解的选择题,如下: 1.Because of pollution, __________.A.not enough sunlight is reaching Earth B.not enough heat is leaving Earth 2.The greenhouse effect causes the level of seas to __________.A.rise B.fall 3.If we cut down more trees, the greenhouse effect will be __________.A.worse B.better 4.Many people use things only once and the throw them away.This __________ rubbish.A.reduces B.creates 5.The book’s aim is to make __________.A.young people protect the environment more B.more young people become consumers



(三)教学过程步骤 1.任务呈现


(1)让学生浏览文章的第一段与每段的标题,回答第一部分的问题,使他们对 该阅读材料的题材与结构有所了解。(2)让学生通读整篇文章,并完成第三部分的选择题,使他们掌握一些细节内容。

(3)四人小组活动:每个组员说出自己所知道的环境问题,并说出其危害与解决这些问题的措施。组长以关键词的形式记录每个组员所说的内容。句型:Nowadays, there are many environmental problems around us, such as…(e.g.: the air pollution).This problem makes…(e.g.: the air get worse and worse, and causes the greenhouse effect).(4)教师分发一张信纸给每个学生,让他们根据自己对文章的理解和日常生活的观察,写出温室效应的表现、人们过度砍伐树木的现象以及其他各种破坏环境的行为。











在该课例中,学生需要和笔友讨论两国的环境问题,随着全球环境问题的日益突显,这在真实生活中是完全有可能出现的,因此该任务涉及和在真实世界里 一样的语言运用过程,具有一定的真实性。其次,由于每个学生观察细致度的不同,他们所了解到的环境问题总会有些不一样的,须通过语言进行协商确定,从而使该任务体现出交际性,而在交际过程中,双方关注的是语言意义而非语言形式。学生通过讨论、对比,归纳出当今社会存在的主要的环境问题及其危害与解决措施,并最终以电子邮件的形式发给英国笔友,因此该任务有明确的交际性结果。学生作品由最初的关键词、提纲转化成篇章,任务得到升华,进一步加深了他们对环境问题的了解,从而达到了该篇阅读理解的目的。

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    摘 要:在英语教学的过程中,任务型教学法具有重要的作用,它能够使得学生学习兴趣得到提高,同时培养学生学习的技巧和方法,使其更好的应用到学习过程中去。任务型教学法是一种新型......


    浅谈英语教学中的任务型教学 江苏省泰兴市分界初中 张春美 关键词:任务型 教学 内容摘要:任务型教学活动要有明确的教学目的和可操作性,活动必须贴近生活,情境交融;活动必须面向......


    《小学英语任务型教学理论与实践》成果展示 陈俊老师提出《小学英语任务型教学理论与实践》研究课题以来,其“在趋于真实的任务中去做事、做有意义的事,在实际运用语言的过程......


    任务型教学在初中英语教学中的运用课题实验研究方案 一、实施任务型教学课题的前提 当前,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,而这必须建立在学生语......


    lthes任务型教学设计 石家庄正定车站街学校王艳芳 Teahingntent:lthes Teahingais: nledgeais: :Thestudentsntherds“resssirtbluseshirtseater” 2:Thestudentsana......