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Unit 6单元分析


1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词和词组: goat sheep horse donkey tomatoes potatoes Are they? How many?

2、能够听懂并发出与农场相关的简单的指令,如,Shear a sheep.3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。



1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词,如hen, cow, horse, goat, lamb.2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。



2、难点在于A分的Let’s talk 和Let’s learn.四、教学时间


Lesson 31 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the words and expressions: family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother and dad.2.Teaching aids some word cards Several photos, a tape recorder, 3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings and sing a song Say “Hello” to everybody, talk something about the weather and the date.Then sing a song named “ An apple a day makes a doctor away”.2)New content Hand out a photo of many members.Introduce the family members to them.And describe them in English.At the same time the teacher shows the new word cards to them and let them read one by one.Then the students read after the tape 3 times and ask the students to remember the new words at once.Then, the teacher show the picture and let them practice them.Next let them take out their photos and practice in pairs to introduce and describe each other’s family members.At the same time the teacher write the sentence “ Come and meet my family” “This is my…” “He/She is…” “He/She has…”on the blackboard.After that , choose several students to introduce and describe his/her family members by using the sentence styles on the blackboard..4.Homework Master the new words.Listen to the tape and try to imitate.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 32 1.Teaching aids A tape recorder, a projector, some pictures

2.Teaching aims Let them master the sentences:

How many people r there in our family? Who are they? My family has…members.Let the students to master the new words and

Expressions: baby, people, member, puppy, only Baby brother.3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings

Say “Hello” to everybody and talk about the date.Sing a song.2)New content Show a picture to the students and ask “How many people are there in the family?”

Then ask “How many members are there in your family?” “Who are they?” Show them a picture of baby and a picture of puppy And teacher them the new words.Let them read

it one.Ask some one to say the main idea of the text and let them to read.Next, the students read after the tape twice.Then let them practice in groups freely.Then ask some groups to show the play.4.Bingo 5.Homework Listen to the tape and try to imitate.Recite the dialogue.The whole text and make up a new story.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 33 1.Teaching aims Let the student master the words : sister, brother, mother, father Baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse Let the students master the sentences What’s ur father(mother…)?

My father(mother…)is a doctor(farmer…).2.Teaching aids A projector, some pictures a tape recorder 3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings and sing a song After the greetings let them sing a song “ in my bedroom”.2)New content The teacher show them a photo of his family and say “ My father is An officer.My mother is a worker.I’m a teacher.” Then he asks them “What’s your father ? What’s your mother?” Then asks some ones to answer.Practice several times between teacher and students.Them in students.Hand out the pictures of the farmers and so on and let others to guess “What’s the man/woman?” Next, it’s same to the words of baseball player, doctor, driver, farmer, and nurse on the projector.And ask who can read the words.Ask some ones to read.4.Homework Let the students recite the new words and the dialogue.Write the words: sister brother father and mother on the notebook.6.Teaching notes

Lesson 34 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the words: look, young.Let them master the sentences: Who’s this man? He looks strong.Is this your…? Yes, he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.Are they farmers? They look young.Recite the whole text.2.Teaching aids A projector, a tape recorder, some pictures.3.Teaching steps 3)Greetings Say “Good morning”to all the students.4)Warming up exercises Review the exercise “Let’s do”.5)New content Show one picyure on the projector and ask “Who’s this man?” Then say “He looks strong.” Let the students to guess who is he.After that, tell them the Chinese meaning of looks and how to

Use it.Then tell the students the main idea of the story in Chinese.Let them read the text after the teacher sentence by sentence.Then read after the tape twice.Give them 3 minutes to

Practice in groups.Choose several groups to come to the front To act out the story.Hold a compitation in 4 groups to see which One is the best.4.Game Do the exercise “Let’s chant” on page 74.Read after the tape, and do After the teacher.5.Homework Recite the whole text and make up a new play.6.Teaching notes

Lesson 35 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the new words: Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.2.Teaching aids A tape recoder, a projector 3.Teaching steps

1)Greetings Say “Hello” to all the students.2)Revision Ask several groups to come to the front to act out the text.Ask several groups to come to the front to act the new story that They’ve made up after class.3)Read the words: Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.Let the students to fill in the blanks on page 75.Read the sentence and ask them to make up a new paragraph about themselves.Ask several students to say sth about himself.4)Review the chant they’ve learned last class.Choose several students to come to the front to act.5)Games

Choose 6 students to come to the front.Let them act as the Father, mother, sister, brother, uncle and aunt.Ask them to Introduce themselves first and then choose 3 students to introduce them.Play a word game to review the words the students had learned.6)Tell them sonething about the foreigners and the west countries.7)Teach them a new song named “ She’ll be coming around the mountain” 4.Homework Let the students master the new words and expressions.Ask them to make up a new dialogue after class.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 36 1.Teaching aims Let the students to master : family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby, come, who, basketball player, people, member, only, puppy, gee, look, young brother, sister, father, mother, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.Teaching aids A projector ,a tape recorde, some pictures and photos 3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings Say “Hello” to everybody, talk something about the weather and the date.Then sing a song named “ An apple a day makes a doctor away”.2)Revision Do the exercise on page 76.Ask them to do it in groups and make some coments.Do the exercise “Let’s check” listening to the tape.Then check them in pairs.Do the exercise “Let’s find out” to see how many words can they find in the letters.Tell the main idea of the story in English and ask the students to read it by themselves.Ask them to circle the difficult words and expressions.Choose one or 2 students to come to the front to tell others the meaning of the story.Then the teacher correct him/her.Read the exercise “Good to know” and say sth about it.3)Sing a song Learn a new song named “My father is a doctor”by listening to the tape.4.Homework Let them to remember the new words in this unit and recite the texts in this unit.6.Teaching notes

Recycle two Part one 1 Teaching Aims Let them review and master the sentences learned between unit4-unit 6.Master the text well.Make a new dialogue.2 Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, some cards 3 Important points Merry Christmas!Is this…

Father Christmas.What would you like?

I’d likesome… 4 Teaching steps 1)Revision.----How many students are there in your class----67.----Who are they?----They are… 2)New contents

First, let one student read the first paragraph, and others follow him or her.Then practice in pairs, and then act out.The same step is the other four pictures.Then make a new dialogue like that.Next, to learn the next four pictures and practice in pairs.3)Group work Give them some minutes to prepare for a new dialogue and act out.Compete in groups.4)Homework Read the text smoothly.Listen and imatate.5)Teaching notes

Part two 1 Teaching Aims Listen and color the house right colors.Master the spelling of some words.2 Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, some cards, some papers and so on.3 Important points The spelling of the words.4 Teaching steps 1)Greetings and revision Let some groups act out the dialogue in the last lesson.2)new contents

First, let some ones describe the house in the book.What are they?

What color are they?

How many? Then listen to the tape and color the house.Check.Spelling game Review the food words and read one by one.Next, the teacher gives the students some food cards.And the teacher spells the word.Then the word of the student stands up.Then ask one student to say the word and act out.Homework Master the food words.5 Teaching notes

Part three 1 Teaching Aims Chant and match.Make.Sing the song.Let’s play.2 Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, some cards, crayons and some tools.3 Important points Chant and match.4 Teaching steps

1)Greetings and revision Let some one recite the food words and do the spelling game.What’s your mother/father/uncle and so on.2)new contents Ask one pair to ask and answer like this: What’s your mother? She is a nurse.What’s your uncle? He is a driver.Then ask some pairs to introduce the person in the book.Next, listen and match.Let’s make.Make a sock using the hard paper.5)Homework Make a sock for their fathers and mothers, and say “Merry Christmas.”


Unit 2单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit 2 What time is it?

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know how to ask the time and answer the time correctly.2.Be able to describe one's own usual activities using the language items learned before.3.Learn to know some new instructions like : Time for breakfast.4.Be able to learn and make one's own schedule for usual activities.5.Learn to make a clock by oneself

Teaching Points:

Words and letters

Teaching Difficults: 1.Learn to master the words and sentences of Read and write in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.2.Learn to know the words and sentences in Let's learn and Let's talk.Teaching Methods:

TPR, Reading, Acting.Teahing Aids:

Pictures, Cards, Tape.Teaching Times:

Four Period 1

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to know the key words in this period in listening, speaking and reading.2.Learn to know the main sentences: What time is it? It's.../ It's time for....3.Try to know some instructions: Time for breakfast.Important points and difficult points: 1.Try to know and master the key words in this period.2.Learn to know and use the new sentences.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: computer, word cards, flash cards, VCD, pictures, tape, tape-recorder etc Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up a.Greetings.b.Play the tape for Ss to listen and review Story time of Unit 1, then let Ss act out the story in groups.2.Preview

a.Ask and answer.Where is Zoom? He's in the canteen.Why? He's hungry.Why is he hungry? b.What time is it? It's time for lun Free talk: Let Ss talk about what can tell us the time.E.g.The sun, the moon, the tree etc.3.Presentation a.Show Ss a clock, say and talk.Look!What is this? It's a clock.Point to 12 and ask: What time is it? It's 12 o'clock.Are you hungry? Why? It's time for lunch.b.Practice.Change the time, ask Ss quickly.What time is it? It's 9 o'clock.It's time for English class./P.E class/ music class c.Listen and repeat.Let Ss listen to the tape, repeat together.d.Game:(response quickly)Change the time in the clock, ask Ss: What time is it? To see who can answer more quickly.e.Guessing.Show Ss flash cards quickly, ask Ss to guess the words and new expressions.f.Draw and write.To draw some clocks in order to show one's own schedule.g.Listen and do.h.Exercises in the activity book 4.Homework Master the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What time Is It? music class

What time is it? P.E class

It's....English class

It's time for....breakfast lunch dinner Period 2

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the new words and expressions.2.Learn to know the main idea of the dialogue.3.Be able to listen and read the dialogue well.4.Be able to use the main sentences skillfully.5.To train the students' ability of working in groups.6.Education students to be a child hospitality.Difficult points: 1.Try to master the main sentences like: What time is it? It is....It's time for....2.Learn to understand some oral items in this dialogue like: Just a minute;School is over;Let's run;go home.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids:

Computer, picture, cards, cassette, Teaching Steps: 1.Warm up.a.Sing a song.(One Two Three...)b.Greetings.What day is it? What is the date today? c.Listen and do.(A Let's do)d.Presentation.Show some instructions: Class is over.School is over.What do you do? Go home.Let's go to the playground.Let's watch TV.e.Free talk.Show Ss a chart.Let them look and think carefully and try to say some sentences about the picture.Ask them some questions.f.Watch and listen.Let Ss watch VCD, listen carefully, try to understand the main idea of the dialogue.Explain any difficulties to help them.g.Make sentences using the following sentence drill.It's time for...Listen and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.h.Group work.Read the dialogue aloud in groups.i.Act out.Ask some groups to act out it.Or the teacher can act out John.j.Do exercise on the activity book.2.Assignment.a.Listen and read the dialogue aloud.b.Finish the exercises.3.Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What Time Is It? over

School is over.Now

What time is it now? Kid

Go home , kids.Just a minute.Let's run.Period 3 Teaching Aims: 1 Listen, speak and read the key expression.2.Understand the main sentence and try to use it skillfully.3.To train the students' ability of working in groups.4.Education students to be a child hospitality.Difficult points: omputer, Cassette, Cassette recorder, flash cards, A teaching clock.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids:

A tape-recorder

a schoolbag with some books in it Teaching Steps: 1.Warm up.a.Play a game.Try to practice the numbers.Write down some math problems like: 16+39-35 =? Ss quickly give me the answers orally.b.Greetings.2.Preview.a.Let's chant.b.Ask and answer.3.Presentation.Let's learn a.Play a game.(Guessing the time)What time is it? It's time for...It's time to...b.Make types of clock using hands.Ask: What time is it? It's 4:35.School is over.Where do you go? We go home.c.Present new sentence: It's time to go home.It's time to go to school.d.Listen and do.Give Ss some orders, let Ss do actions.e.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.f.Drills.Drill the sentence drill: It's time to...using “A Let's do”.g.Draw and say.Draw their own time table and talk about what they do in the different time.For example: It's 6 o'clock.It's time to get up.4.Assignment a.Finish the exercise on the activity book.b.Read the chant aloud.c.Copy down the words expressions Board-writing:

Unit 2 What Time Is It? get up

go to school go home go to bed It's time to....Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the key words in four skills.2.Be able to read the dialogue correctly.Be able to read and write the words and sentences well.Difficult points:

New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids:

a tape-recorder

some cards Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up a.Chant together with actions.b.Daily report.What day is today? What is the date today? It's March,...What's the weather like today? 2.Preview.a.Using the schedule, ask and answer.Say: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.It's 7:00.Answer: It's time for breakfast.b.Play a game: Show Ss the time, choose any one to say like this: It's...It's time for....3.Presentation: Group competition: Divide Ss into four groups, try to say the time quickly.a.Listen to the tape.Let the Ss understand the contents.b.Give Ss some questions for the dialogue, ask them to answer randomly.c.Listen and repeat.d.Ask some pairs to act out.e.Play a game.Ss show their own schedule, they play the game in pairs.A: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.It's 12 o'clock.B: It's time for lunch.f.Write the words and the main sentences by themselves.4.Consolidation and extension a.Finish the exercise on the activity book about B Read and write.b.Copy down the words and the main sentences one line each.c.Make a clock by themselves.Board-writing:

Unit 2

What time is it? 8:30

It's time for English class.9:45

math class 3:20

Chinese class 4:15

music class 5:00



Unit 6 Meet my family


教学内容: A/Let’s learn Let’s play 教学目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.2.能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。


听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother 教学难点:

理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义。教学过程:


1、播放第二册学生用书Unit 2《Father and mother》的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。

2、教师在黑板上画出family tree,请孩子把father mother等贴在family tree相应的位置上,大声读一读。

3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my„.She/He is.„进行介绍和描述。


1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。教师:I have a big family.How many people in my family? 学生回答。再问:How many people in your family.鼓励孩子回答。This is my mother.This is my

father.They are my parents.教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle.This is my aunt。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother.My aunt is my father’s or my mother’s sister.”

2、播放课件:教师说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people in Amy’s family.Who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。

3、教师分别出示Amy的家庭成员的照片,让孩子说说单词。让孩子扮演Amy。其他孩子表演Amy的家庭成员,孩子用“This is my„.” 介绍家庭成员。


1、Listen to a song 《Come and see my family 》



(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)边看视频边学唱《Come and see my family 》 课后反思:



A/Let’s talk Let’s count 教学目标:


2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。教学重点:

熟练掌握句型How many „are there„?的用法并能在实践中运用。教学难点:

理解Let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用。教学过程:


1、Sing the song(上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲)鼓励孩子边唱边演

2、单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答

3、教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片码成一沓,问:“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片藏在身后,问:“How many cards in my hand?”


1、教师出示上一课Let’s learn部分的课件。说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people are there in my family? Who are they?” 引导学生回答:“They are my father, my mother, my aunt ,„”


教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:How many people are

there in my family? Who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”There are „people in the picture.They are my„.”来回答。

3、教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:How many people are there in my family?。学生说:“There are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“My family has 6 members.”

4、教师提问一些学生How many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用My family has „ members.的句型说一说。


5、教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“That’s only 3”学生跟读练习。


播放课件,让孩子边听边看。但学生在最后一组对话发生疑问时,教师说:“But, that’s only 6.”学生提出疑问时,教师指着小狗说:“Gee, and my little puppy.”puppy的含义。让孩子跟读课文。

7、Let’s count(本节课授课中,根据各小组回答问题和听讲情况,教师为每组设立一个苹果树,随时根据学生的表现贴苹果评价)教师和学生一起总结:问:“How many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。



1、Who are they? 教师快速出示Amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜Who are they? 学生小组游戏。


一学生蒙上眼睛,几组学生分别clap hands、step feet、knock at the door, 让孩子猜一猜How many people are there? 运用句型: How many people are there in your family? 课后反思:

Who are they? My family has „members


教学内容:A/Let’s spell 教学目标:






一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 让学生背诵字母表或唱字母歌。2. 复习五个元音字母的发音

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1. 呈现单词,学生自读。


3)观察每个词中不同颜色的字母是什么? 4)每个词的发音有什么规律? 5)你能举出其他的例子吗? 2.全班总结

1)学生发言 2)学生补充 3)教师强调 3.听力练习4.书写单词

1)教师范写 2)学生练习书写








B/Let’s talk Let’s play 教学目标:


2.能够听懂、会说句型What’s your father?My mother is a doctor.并能做替换练习。

3.会唱歌曲“Father and Mother” 教学重点:

词汇:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.句型:What’s your father? My father is a doctor.教学难点:

单词发音:baseball player My father is a doctor.中的“a” 的强调。教学过程:


1.做游戏:教师出示单词father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, 让学生认读。2.教学歌谣:可爱的home。Home是我可爱的家,墙上的picture美佳佳。

右边的woman是mother, 左边的man是father.可爱的friend是谁呀?

是我student 人人夸。

3.Sing a song《Come and see my family》


1.Talk about the family: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? 2.模仿老师说句子,做连锁游戏:My mother is thin, she likes music.What about your mother/father/brother/sister„? 3.教师指着自己说:I’m a teacher.再指着一名学生说:He is a student.然后自问自答:What’s he? He is a student.教师问学生:What’s he? 引导他们说出:He is a student.4. 教师出示画有医生、护士和农民的图片,问学生:What’s he/she?引导他们说出:He/ She is a doctor/nurse/farmer.并教读这三个单词。

5.教师分别出示画有football player和driver的图片,启发学生通过提问What’s he/she?来得知答案。并学习football player, driver.6.看教学视频课件做对话练习。可参考的对话内容:

What’s your father? My father is a doctor.He’s tall.He likes sport.What’s your brother? He’s a football player.He’s strong.He likes sports.What’s your mother? My mother is a nurse.She’s thin.She likes music.What’s your father? My father is a driver.He’s fat.He likes

playing computer games.What’s your grandpa? He’s a farmer.He likes painting.7.跟读课文。

8.看B/Let’s learn的课件,学习单词。

9.教师引导学生模仿从事各种职业的动作,教师发指令“Act like „” 10.两人一组操练Let’s play的内容,一人发指令,一人做动作。教师可适当告诉学生一些其他职业的词汇。


1.猜猜看。教师请一个学生上来表演人物,要求表演出人物的职业、外貌特征和兴趣爱好,让其他学生猜:He is a„/ He’s „/He likes„ 2.计时猜词竞赛


比赛规则:教师准备好写有英文单词doctor, farmer, nurse, driver, teacher, student, baseball player的单词卡。每个小组依次到教室前面参加比赛。比赛前,小组内的第一名学生坐在椅子上,其他学生面对该名学生蹲在地上。教师站在这名学生的椅子后面,手拿单词卡放在他的头上。比赛计时3分钟,教师最好指派一名学生帮忙计时。比赛开始,教师出示第一张单词卡,蹲在地上的学生要看着这个单词用动作或语言来表述出此单词的含义。(如用语言表达则不能直接说出单词的中文意思,如果说出,视为犯规。)坐在椅子上的学生要根据组内同学的表述来说出英文单词。猜对计分并换人。第二名学生坐在椅子上,继续猜词。如有学生没猜对单词则不能换人,教师出示下一张单词卡让该学生继续猜,直到猜中单词时才可换人。按此规则小组内的学生轮流坐到椅子上进行猜词,直到计时停止,比赛结束。最




B/Draw and say Read and write 教学目标:

1.能听、说、认读本课句型Is this your father?What’s your mother? He looks strong.并能在情景中运用。

2.能听懂、会说本课对话,并在实际情景中运用。3.理解会说Read and write 部分内容。教学重点:

理解句型Is this your„? What’s his/her job? 教学难点:

句型: Are they farmers?的运用 教学过程:


1.让学生认读单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.Look





a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player.(二)呈现新课(Presentation)

1.教师提问:What’s your mother/father? 学生回答问题后,继续问其他学生。

2.教师指着一学生家庭照片上的人物问:Is this your mother/father? 启发学生回答:Yes, she /he is.No, she/he isn’t.3.教师指着一学生照片上的两位老人说:They look old.Are they

your grandpa and grandma?引导学生回答:Yes, they are my grandpa and grandma.教师再继续问:Are they workers ?鼓励学生用Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.来回答。

4.教师分别出示Amy的叔叔,姨,爸爸、妈妈和爷爷、奶奶的图,问学生:Who are they? 5.让学生观看教学课件后回答问题。

出示uncle的图片问:Who’s this man? What’s his job? 出示aunt的图片问:Is this Amy’s aunt? What’s her job? 出示father的图片问:Is this Amy’s father? What’s his job? 出示mother的图片问:What’s her mother? What’s her job? 出示grandpa和grandma的图片问:Who are they? Are they farmers? 6.跟读课文。


1.教师课前收集学生父母的照片,分别出示给全班学生看,让他们用句型Is this your„?来 猜照片上是谁的父母。


来。其他学生通过他们的动作表情,用Are they„?来猜他们所表演的是哪种职业。课后反思:



B/Let’s check Story time.教学目标:

1.通过对本单元的学习,能够正确完成Let’s check等的练习。2.学会唱英文歌曲。

3.通过自己阅读,小组交流,教师解疑等方式,能理解Story time.教学重点:

能够正确完成Let’s check等的练习。教学难点:

通过自己阅读,小组交流,教师解疑等方式,能理解Story time。教学过程:

(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 指教室中的各个事物复习单词。

2. 游戏:教师念单词的前一个或两个字母,学生迅速从指出并读出单词。

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1. 小组合作,完成课本练习。1)自己做 2)组内交流

3)班内回报 2.Let’s check 1)做练习2)朗读句子 3. 学唱歌曲

Let’s sing 4.Story time 1)自己阅读 2)小组讨论交流 3)回答教师问题 4)跟读句子 5)尝试表演






Unit 6 Meet my family


教学内容: A/Let’s learn Let’s play 教学目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.2.能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。


听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother 教学难点:

理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义。教学准备:Family tree,本课时单词图片、课件。教学过程:


1、播放第二册学生用书Unit 2《Father and mother》的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。

2、教师在黑板上画出family tree,请孩子把father mother等贴在family tree相应的位置上,大声读一读。

3、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my„.She/He is.„进行介绍和描述。


1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family? 教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上family tree的顶端。教师:I have a big family.How many people in my family? 学生回答。再问:How many people

in your family.鼓励孩子回答。This is my mother.This is my father.They are my parents.教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle.This is my aunt。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother.My aunt is my father’s or my mother’s sister.”

2、播放课件:教师说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people in Amy’s family.Who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。

3、教师分别出示Amy的家庭成员的照片,让孩子说说单词。让孩子扮演Amy。其他孩子表演Amy的家庭成员,孩子用“This is my„.” 介绍家庭成员。


1、Listen to a song 《Come and see my family 》



(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)边看视频边学唱《Come and see my family 》 课后反思:



A/Let’s talk Let’s count 教学目标:


2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。教学重点:

熟练掌握句型How many „are there„?的用法并能在实践中运用。教学难点:

理解Let’s talk中句子的含义,并能进行初步的运用。教学准备:Let’s learn图片,本课时课件 教学过程:


1、Sing the song(上节课扩展练习的中的歌曲)鼓励孩子边唱边演

2、单词抢答: 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答

3、教师少拿一张卡片,让孩子猜猜。“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片码成一沓,问:“How many cards in my hand?” 教师将卡片藏在身后,问:“How many cards in my hand?”


1、教师出示上一课Let’s learn部分的课件。说:“This is Amy’s family.How many people are there in my family? Who are they?” 引导学生回答:“They are my father, my mother, my aunt ,„”


教师分别请几名学生拿着自己的家庭照片提问:How many people are there in my family? Who are they?”大家试着猜一猜,用句子:”There are „people in the picture.They are my„.”来回答。

3、教师让学生猜一猜自己的照片:(把照片在孩子面前晃一下)问:How many people are there in my family?。学生说:“There are 6 people in your family.”教师说:“My family has 6 members.”

4、教师提问一些学生How many people are there in the picture?将答案写在黑板上,再请孩子用My family has „ members.的句型说一说。


5、教师指着人数较少的家庭说:“That’s only 3”学生跟读练习。


播放课件,让孩子边听边看。但学生在最后一组对话发生疑问时,教师说:“But, that’s only 6.”学生提出疑问时,教师指着小狗说:“Gee, and my little puppy.”puppy的含义。让孩子跟读课文。

7、Let’s count(本节课授课中,根据各小组回答问题和听讲情况,教师为每组设立一个苹果树,随时根据学生的表现贴苹果评价)教师和学生一起总结:问:“How many apples are there on the tree?”引导学生回答。



1、Who are they? 教师快速出示Amy 的家庭成员照片,让孩子猜猜Who are they?



一学生蒙上眼睛,几组学生分别clap hands、step feet、knock at the door, 让孩子猜一猜How many people are there? 运用句型: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? My family has „members 课后反思:


教学内容:A/Let’s spell 教学目标:






教学准备:Let’s spell 动画课件


一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 让学生背诵字母表或唱字母歌。2. 复习五个元音字母的发音

(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1. 呈现单词,学生自读。


3)观察每个词中不同颜色的字母是什么? 4)每个词的发音有什么规律? 5)你能举出其他的例子吗? 2.全班总结

1)学生发言 2)学生补充 3)教师强调 3.听力练习4.书写单词

1)教师范写 2)学生练习书写








B/Let’s talk Let’s play 教学目标:


2.能够听懂、会说句型What’s your father?My mother is a doctor.并能做替换练习。

3.会唱歌曲“Father and Mother” 教学重点:

词汇:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.句型:What’s your father? My father is a doctor.教学难点:

单词发音:baseball player My father is a doctor.中的“a” 的强调。教学准备:B Let’s learn 单词图片,本课时课件。教学过程:


1.做游戏:教师出示单词father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, 让学生认读。2.教学歌谣:可爱的home。Home是我可爱的家,墙上的picture美佳佳。

右边的woman是mother, 左边的man是father.可爱的friend是谁呀?

是我student 人人夸。

3.Sing a song《Come and see my family》


1.Talk about the family: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? 2.模仿老师说句子,做连锁游戏:My mother is thin, she likes music.What about your mother/father/brother/sister„? 3.教师指着自己说:I’m a teacher.再指着一名学生说:He is a student.然后自问自答:What’s he? He is a student.教师问学生:What’s he? 引导他们说出:He is a student.4. 教师出示画有医生、护士和农民的图片,问学生:What’s he/she?引导他们说出:He/ She is a doctor/nurse/farmer.并教读这三个单词。

5.教师分别出示画有football player和driver的图片,启发学生通过提问What’s he/she?来得知答案。并学习football player, driver.6.看教学视频课件做对话练习。可参考的对话内容:

What’s your father? My father is a doctor.He’s tall.He likes sport.What’s your brother? He’s a football player.He’s strong.He likes sports.What’s your mother? My mother is a nurse.She’s thin.She likes music.What’s your father? My father is a driver.He’s fat.He likes playing computer games.What’s your grandpa? He’s a farmer.He likes painting.7.跟读课文。

8.看B/Let’s learn的课件,学习单词。

9.教师引导学生模仿从事各种职业的动作,教师发指令“Act like „” 10.两人一组操练Let’s play的内容,一人发指令,一人做动作。教师可适当告诉学生一些其他职业的词汇。


1.猜猜看。教师请一个学生上来表演人物,要求表演出人物的职业、外貌特征和兴趣爱好,让其他学生猜:He is a„/ He’s „/He likes„ 2.计时猜词竞赛


比赛规则:教师准备好写有英文单词doctor, farmer, nurse, driver, teacher, student, baseball player的单词卡。每个小组依次到教室前面参加比赛。比赛前,小组内的第一名学生坐在椅子上,其他学生面对该名学生蹲在地上。教师站在这名学生的椅子后面,手拿单词卡放在他的头上。比赛计时3分钟,教师最好指派一名学生帮忙计时。比赛开始,教师出示第一张单词卡,蹲在地上的学生要看着这个单词用动作或语言来表述出此单词的含义。(如用语言表达则不能直接说出单词的中文意思,如果说出,视为犯规。)坐在椅子上的学生要根据组内同学的表述来说出英文单词。猜对计分并换人。第二名学生坐在椅子上,继续猜词。如有学生没猜对单词则不能换人,教师出示下一张单词卡让该学生继续猜,直到猜中单词时才可换人。按此规则小




B/Draw and say Read and write 教学目标:

1.能听、说、认读本课句型Is this your father?What’s your mother? He looks strong.并能在情景中运用。

2.能听懂、会说本课对话,并在实际情景中运用。3.理解会说Read and write 部分内容。教学重点:

理解句型Is this your„? What’s his/her job? 教学难点:

句型: Are they farmers?的运用 教学准备:Read and write 动画课件 教学过程:


1.让学生认读单词:baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.Look and




a teacher/doctor/nurse/farmer/driver/baseball player.(二)呈现新课(Presentation)

1.教师提问:What’s your mother/father? 学生回答问题后,继续问其他学生。

2.教师指着一学生家庭照片上的人物问:Is this your mother/father? 启发学生回答:Yes, she /he is.No, she/he isn’t.3.教师指着一学生照片上的两位老人说:They look old.Are they your grandpa and grandma?引导学生回答:Yes, they are my grandpa and grandma.教师再继续问:Are they workers ?鼓励学生用Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.来回答。

4.教师分别出示Amy的叔叔,姨,爸爸、妈妈和爷爷、奶奶的图,问学生:Who are they? 5.让学生观看教学课件后回答问题。

出示uncle的图片问:Who’s this man? What’s his job? 出示aunt的图片问:Is this Amy’s aunt? What’s her job? 出示father的图片问:Is this Amy’s father? What’s his job? 出示mother的图片问:What’s her mother? What’s her job? 出示grandpa和grandma的图片问:Who are they? Are they farmers? 6.跟读课文。


1.教师课前收集学生父母的照片,分别出示给全班学生看,让他们用句型Is this your„?来猜照片上是谁的父母。



来。其他学生通过他们的动作表情,用Are they„?来猜他们所表演的是哪种职业。课后反思:



B/Let’s check Story time.教学目标:

1.通过对本单元的学习,能够正确完成Let’s check等的练习。2.学会唱英文歌曲。

3.通过自己阅读,小组交流,教师解疑等方式,能理解Story time.教学重点:

能够正确完成Let’s check等的练习。教学难点:

通过自己阅读,小组交流,教师解疑等方式,能理解Story time。教学准备:Let’s check 动画课件,Let’s sing 动画。教学过程:

(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 指教室中的各个事物复习单词。

2. 游戏:教师念单词的前一个或两个字母,学生迅速从指出并读出单词。


1. 小组合作,完成课本练习。1)自己做 2)组内交流

3)班内回报 2.Let’s check 1)做练习2)朗读句子 3. 学唱歌曲 Let’s sing 4.Story time 1)自己阅读 2)小组讨论交流 3)回答教师问题 4)跟读句子 5)尝试表演









教学内容:Let’s start Let’s chant A.Let’s learn

Let’s find out 教学目标:a.能听、说、读、写本课四会单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path..b.能够听、说、认读单词sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature.c.能够完成Let’s find out 中找图片区别的任务。d.学会吟唱Let’s chant.教学重点:掌握有关自然景物的单词: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature.教学难点:mountain, sky, cloud的发音及“找找图片的区别”中要求学生用There be句




一、Preparation 1.Free talk.2.师生齐唱歌曲In a small house.3.看看说说。让学生看着教室里的物品用There be 句型说句子,越多越好。

二、Presentation 1.教学sky、cloud a.老师在黑板上画一个,问学生:What’s this? 学生能回答出:It’s the sun.T:Where can you see the sun? 老师可以帮助学生回答:We can see it in the sky.老师带读sky, 强调“sky”在该词中的发音,并列出fly.b.操练。T:What can fly in the sky? S: …can fly in the sky.(bird, balloon, plane, leaf, cloud)

c.老师顺势在黑板上画简笔画,一朵似山似树的云cloud.(可有很多猜想形状)T: Does the cloud also fly in the sky ? The clouds float in the sky.带读。d.学生重复cloud.可以联系“ou”组合 cloud, mouse, house, mountain等。T: What does the cloud look like? S: The cloud looks like a ….(horse, baby, a mountain)

2.教学mountain, forest, grass, flower I think the cloud looks like a mountain.a.Ss try to spell the word mountain(老师可以用简笔画勾勒出山的形状)b.Are there any famous mountains in China?… Mountain(the Yellow Mountain…)c.What’s in the Changbai mountain? There is /are……(让学生自己先说一说,如:animals, trees, 顺势引出forest, grass, flower.老师可以同时用简笔画在山上画出。老师带读,学生跟读并拼读

d.操练。T:What can we do in the forest?(have a picnic, draw pictures,..)Can we smoke in the forest? We can’t ….in the forest.T: What can we do on the grass?(play football, fly the kite…)

3.教学lake, river, path.在山峰的底部画两条曲线,让学生猜猜是什么。可以根据需要画上小船或行走的人,来引出river, path.有bath---path.让学生自己读出单词。然后在河流的上游画出圆形的湖泊,引出lake.有cake---lake.学生自己读出单词。

4.操练。What can you do in the river/lake? 让学生自己说句子。最后引出a nature park 5.听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。


三、Practice 1.快看快读。老师随即抽取本课单词卡,学生快速站起读出单词。2.看图片,说单词。

3.Let’s chant.老师播放P68的歌谣,学生吟唱。

4.Let’s find out..老师引导学生观察课本的四幅图片,可以先逐一描述如: There is a….in Picture1.然后让学生分组讨论,并用There be 句型说出他们的不同。

四、Production “ 争做临沭小导游”老师可以举出一些临沭著名的景点,如仓马山,红石湖,沭河故道等等,假如你是一名导游的话,该如何向游客们介绍呢?让学生先在小组内讨论,再比赛。

参考句子: There is ….There are….五、Progress 1.做基础训练的相关题目。

2.小结。复习本课所学知识,以P68 Let’s chant 结尾,让学生反复吟唱。Homework 画出自己喜欢的自然公园,并用英语配上文字说明


教学内容:A.Let’s try Let’s talk Pair work C Pronunciation 教学目标:a.能听、说、认读There is a ……in the city.Is there a ….in the park? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.并能在实际情景中运用,通过给句型的询问处理实际问题。b.了解字母组合er, or, wh在词中发音。教学重难点:掌握句型Is there a ……in the…? Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.与区分Is this/that…? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.教学准备:1.教师准备两张自然公园的图片、录音机、磁带、纸盒、单词卡。2.上节课的家庭作业图片。


一、Preparation 1.播放Let’s chant P68, 师生一齐吟唱。

2.快看快拼。老师快速出示Let’s learn 中的单词卡,学生快速拼出,并说出汉语意思。

二、Presentation 1.新知呈现 老师呈现一个盒子同时摇动盒子,让学生根据盒子晃动时发出的声音猜


T: What’s in the box? Can you guess? S: I think there is /are…..T:(接学生所说,转换句型): Is there …… in the box? 老师打开盒子揭示答案:Ss:There is a picture in the box.T: Yes, there is.老师带读。可以换个东西再猜,引出No,there isn’t.b.趣味操练:考考老师 老师背对学生,某一学生当着其他学生的面往盒子放一件物品,教师根据声音,用所学句型猜物品名称。

Ss: What’s in the box? T: Is there a … in the box? Ss: No, there isn’t.T: Is there a ….in the box?

Ss: Yes, there is.c.小组间问答,替换操练。

2.Is there a …… in Hongshihu Park?(或其他学生知道的景区)T:(老师呈现红石湖公园的图片)What’s in Hongshihu Park?

Is there a lake in the park?

Ss: Yes, there is.可以让学生互相提出其他的问题并作答(也可以利用P71 Let’s try中的两幅图片,让学生观察后问答)3.Let’s talk.T: Zhang Peng and John are talking about a nature park.Is there a river in the park? Listen and answer.播放录音,学生听录音。回答问题。4.学生听录音,跟读。模仿录音中的语气和语调。同桌之间互相分角色朗读。

三、Practice 1.利用课本中其他三副图,学生在小组内替换句型,作对话,并请几组展示。

2.Pair work.学生拿出自己上节课作业,自己最喜欢的自然公园图片,小组内询问。老师可先给个示范。老师先拿出自己的图片,不能让学生看 见。T: What’s in my picture?

Can you guess?

Ss: Is there a …..? T: No, there isn’t 等等。

3.Let’s try.Listen and circle.四、Production 1.小小画家。老师手持一幅画,学生通过询问完成画图,画好之后学生根据图进行介


2.Pronunciation a.老师呈现含有er,or,wh 字母组合的四组词,让学生自己拼读,然后总结读音规则。还可以让学生说一说其他符合这一规则的词


五、Progress 做基础训练的相关题。Homework:

听录音,读Let’s talk 对话,并做一个相似的对话写下来。


教学内容:A.Read and write Group work C Story time 教学目标:a.能够听、说、读、写句型: Is there…….? Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.b.能用Is there ….? Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.谈论假日照片。

c.能够培养良好的阅读习惯,理解Story time的故事内容。

教学重难点:学生掌握“Is there ……? Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.” 句型,培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力是本课的难点。教学准备:1.教师准备自己的假日风景照,词卡 2.学生准备自己的假日照片。教学过程:

一、Preparation 1.Sing the song “My Small Bedroom”.学生跟录音唱歌。

Ask two questions according to the song words.a.Is there a small closet in the bedroom? b.Is there a picture in the bedroom? 2.小小记忆王, 快速出示单词卡,让学生快速拼出。

3.Play a guessing game.What is in the picture?(让几个学生背对图片,用Is there a …..? 句型来提问,其他学生看图回答。)

二、Pre-reading Ask the students: Is this picture nice? Who are the children? They are on holidays.During the holiday, you don’t go the school, you can play games, go to the park, or do the

things what you like.Write “holiday picture” on the blackboard.Show my own holiday picture and say: This is my holiday picture.The students read after me, then show their own holiday

pictures.三、In-reading 1.General reading: Wu Yifan has a holiday picture, too.What’s in his picture? Read the dialogue on Page 72, and choose the answers below:

读课本的对话,选出正确的答案。()1.Is there a forest in the park? A.Yes, there is.B.No, there isn’t.()2.Is there a river in the park? A.Yes, there is.B.No, there isn’t

()3.Is there a lake?

A.Yes, there is.B.No, there isn’t

()4.Is the park pretty? A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.2.Detailed reading: It’s a pretty park.What’s it like? Read the dialogue carefully

and answer the following question: What’s the nature park like? There is …………

3.Read and write: Does Wu Yifan like the park? Read the dialogue and finish the

sentences on Page 72.4.Listen and read.Listen twice.5.The students read the dialogue loudly in pairs.四、Post-reading

1.Ask some pairs to reads the dialogue out.2.Give some key words to retell the dialogue.Key words: holiday picture, a nature park, a forest, a river, a lake, like.Ask some students to retell the dialogue.3.Pair work: Talk about their holiday pictures.4.创设情景,手机响,引出下面的对话:

T: Hello!

S: Hello, Miss Liu.Let’s go to the park, ok?

T: Is there a river in the park?

S: Yes, there is.T: Is there a lake in the park?

S: No, there isn’t.T: Ok, let’s go.给学生六个去玩的风景区,以小组为单位询问风景区里有什么,小组交流后再展示。

五、Progress 做基础训练的相关题。

Homework: 听本课录音,并熟读对话。

2.你的假期都去哪里玩的呢? 用你刚学习的知识写写你的所见所闻吧,一定非常的有趣。


教学内容:B.Let’s learn Pair work C.Good to know Let’s sing 我的设计

教学目标:a.能够听、说、读、写单词:bridge, house, road, building, tree.b.能够听,说、认读单词village, city.c.能够运用句型:There are … in……


教学重点:掌握五个有关自然景物的单词:bridge, house, road, building , tree.句型

“There are….” 教学难点:“There is ……”和“There are…..” 之间的区别及单词的复数运用与读音。教学准备:1.老师准备录音机、磁带。本课单词卡片2.老师准备相关课件或图片、简笔画。



1.Let’s sing: My bedroom.(P66)

2.Let’s chant.(P68).二、Presentation

1.教学bridge ,house, village tree a.老师出示一张有河,有桥,有房子等的图片(或用课件展示)T:Look!This is a picture of a nature park..What’s in the nature park? 让学生用:There is /are….来描述图片。当有学生说:There is a river in the park.老师可以接着问:What’s over the river? 让学生观察图片,并由fridge----bridge 可让学生


T:What bridge do you know in our country?(让学生多说几个有名的大桥)。T: Yes, you know so many.There are many bridges in China.带读复数形式。b.接着指着图中的房子说:There is a house in the picture, too.学生对house 并不陌生。然后指出There are many houses in the picture.老师带读houses T: How many houses are there in the picture?(引导学生用“There are ….houses in

the picture.” 来回答)c.T:(指着图片或课件上有很多houses)Is this a nature? Ss: No.T: It’s a village.带读单词。

T: My mother’s home is in the village.Is your grandma’s/grandpa’s home in


Ss: Yes, it is.T: What’s in the village? You can use: There is…../ There are… in the village.Ss: There are many houses(horses, hens, goats ,trees and so on)in the village.(学生如果说出tree,老师可顺势带读,学生已经会读)

2.教学city, building, road.a.老师可以出示有高楼,马路等繁华的城市图片。指着楼房问

T:Is this a house? Ss: No, it isn’t.T: Yes, it’s a building.带读单词。然后指着许多的高楼说:There are many…….让


T: There are so many buildings.Is it a village?

Ss: No, it isn’t.T: Yes, it’s a city now.带读city(在A Let’s talk 中以学过)T:Beijing is a big city.Do you know any other city?(让学生说有名的城市)

T:What’s in the city?

Ss: There are many buildings(shops, cars, parks)b.接上个环节,老师指着纵横的马路说:There are many roads in the city.带读单词,也可以由boat 引出。

3.听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。


三、Practice 1.看图片,说出单词。

2.What’s missing? 老师先出示几张单词,然后快速抽调一张,让学生说出被抽掉的单词,并说出汉语意思。

3.让学生根据课本P73页的图片用“There are …./There is…….”造句。

4.Pair work.两人活动:同桌之间一起找一找、说一说城市,乡村的异同。注意:将城乡共同具有的景物填入两个椭圆的交集中。

四、Production a.人气指数测试。老师将城市、山村图片分别贴在黑板的下面,喜欢城市的学生介绍城市的优点,然后老师就在城市图片上方画一面红旗,类似的,喜欢乡村的学生介绍乡村的优点,最后看一看喜欢哪儿的学生多。

b.Good to know: 老师介绍熊猫的生活习性,教育学生要保护熊猫,保护自然环境。

c.播放歌曲:The panda.学生跟唱。

五、Progress 做基础训练的有关题目。

Homework: 1.听录音,读本课单词。2.做一张自己喜欢的城市或乡村的图片,用英语标示景物名


U6B2(对话课)教学内容:B.Let’s talk Let’s try Let’s play C.Let’s check 我的设

计 教学目标:a.能听懂,会说句型:Are there …….? 及答语“Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.”并在实际情景中运用。b.能独立完成Let’s check部分的听力测试。教学重点: 听、说、认读句型“Are there any……? “Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.” 教学难点: 在“Are there any……?”句型中运用any;在实际情景中灵活运用以上句型

获取信息。教学准备: 1.教师准备录音机和录音带、本单元单词卡。2.教师准备相关的课件或


3.教师、学生各自准备硬币若干枚 4.学生准备一幅乡村图片 教学过程:

一、Preparation 1.Let’s sing.My Bedroom.2.快速记忆。老师快速出示2-4张单词卡,让学生快看几秒钟后,说出所看单词。3.互通有无。老师先问某一学生“Is there a shelf in your home?”学生回答后,再接着


二、Presentation 1.教师出示 village 图片,注意在出示图片时动作要快,给学生很短的时间来观看,然后收起图片说:This is my village.What’s in it? Guess, please!教师提问:Are there any … in the village? 板书并带读问句。此种快速看图的方法还可以训练学生观察能力。教师尽量就图画多问一些句子,让学生掌握答句的同时熟悉问句,如:“Are there any buildings in the village?”当学生回答没有时,引导他们说:No, there aren’t.从而引出肯定回答:Yes, there


2.再让学生看一遍图片,根据记忆,向老师提问,教师要引导学生说:Are there any … in your village?(可以用汉语解释some 和any 的用法)3.Let’s talk.让学生带着两个问题听录音,找答案。

Are there any bridges in Zhang Peng’s village?

Are there any tall buildings in his village? 4.学生听录音,跟读。模仿录音中的语气和语调,同桌之间分角色朗读。5.同桌之间利用课本的另三幅图片进行对话练习,选几组在班上说一说。


教师拿出一枚硬币,与同学一起确定一面为正,一面为反,同时将学生分为正负两大组。提问:Are there any rivers in your village? 并转动硬币,硬币停止在正面,2组学生一起回答:Yes, there are.正组得分。反之,2组学生一起回答:No, there aren’t.负组得分。教师示范几次后,让学生拿出各自的硬币,同桌一组做游戏。

2.Let’s play----说你说我

教师让学生拿出准备好的乡村图画。学生分小组进行活动(4—6人均可)。用句型Are there any… in your village? Is there a… in your village? 询问伙 伴的图画,由伙伴进行回

答Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.四、Production 模拟记者招待会。首先,老师帮助学生确定一个主题:我们县城要开发一个自然公园。请一些学生担任县长及其他官员,坐在台前,其他学生扮演记者对政府官员提问。例如:

Are there any lakes in the nature park?

Can we run on the grass?

五、Progress 1.Let’s try.完成 Let’s try 部分的Listen and circle活动 2.Let’s check 教师播放录音,让学生勾出与录音内容相符的一项。


Homework: 1.听本课录音,读对话。2.模仿对话,采访你周围的人,并把对话写下来。

U6B3(读写课)教学内容:B Read and write Pair work C Task time 我的设计 教学目标:a.能够听、说、读写本课句型:Are there any…….? Yes, there are.No, there


b.能用“There be…..”句型(陈述句、一般疑问句等形式)介绍山村并描述其特



教学重点:掌握句型:Are there any….in the….? Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.” 的书写及在实际情景中的灵活运用。单词fish的单复数同行。


教学准备:1.教师准备景物单词卡和B Read and write部分的挂图 2.教师准备录音


3.生准备水彩笔,胶水,剪刀等绘画工具 教学过程:

一、Preparation 1.Let’s chant.P68

2.拼单词 做拼单词的游戏:教师出示一张单词图片,如:house,请学生按座位顺序拼读,第一个学生说“h”,第二个学生说“o” 第三个学生说“u”,第四个学生说“s”,第五个


二、Pre-reading 1.真真假假游戏。老师先做示范。老师先说问题:Are there any birds in the tree? 学生根据现实生活经验判断:Yes,there are.或:No,there aren’t.然后让学生自己提问并回答。

2.老师在黑板上画一条河,问:Is there a river in the picture? 再加上一条鱼:Is there a fish in the river? 接着再画上几条问:Are there any fish in the river? 并板书,让学生观



三、In-reading 1.教师出示本部分的挂图,左右两张图画分别标为图1和图2。教师说一个句子,学生迅速找到图画并报出图片号码。如:教师说:There are many small houses.学生说:

Picture2.以下句子供教师参考:There are many rivers in the village.There are no lakes in the village.There are many bridges in the village.There are many mountains near the village.2.教师给3—4分钟的时间,学生自学本部分的内容。自学过程是学生对已学知识的回顾,是对所学知识的了解,是认读能力的培养,是自主学习的训练。学生在初步了解学习内容的基础上明确自己词句掌握情况,哪些认识、哪些不会。学生就不懂的地方提问,教师解答。训练学生自主思考,质疑的同时掌握知识内容。

3.在学生自学之后,教师带领学生看挂图,说说挂图中的内容。如:There are many mountains in picture 2.There are many rivers in the village.4.让学生再读课本对话,指导学生完成Finish the sentences 的练习。完成过程中教师


四、Post-reading 1.评你评我 教师让学生4人一组相互评判,有两个人分别扮演Sarah和Chen Jie,另两个人作评委,评判个角色的扮演情况。之后,俩俩交换。2.复述Sarah’s village 和Chen Jie’s village.老师可以给出一些关键词。如:

Sarah’s village:like, rivers and bridges , fish Chen Jie’s village: like, mountains, no tall buildings, pandas

3.Pair work教师可以让学生用教材中的图片分小组讨论。如:Are there any tall

buildings in your village? No, there aren’t.4.“我爱我家乡”小小演讲家。给学生几分钟准备时间,让学生用英语介绍自己的家乡,其他学生做评委,看谁说的流利,介绍的好。

五、Progress 让学生做本单元B Read and write 部分的基础训练题。



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