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一、Teaching contents and demands 1.Lesson 5 Dialogue Part 2 2.Lesson 6 Words Demands:Recite the text and try to make a dialogue.Make sentences according to the words.二、Difficult points 1.形容词性物主代词 2.介词的运用

三、Teaching procedure Step1.Greetings Step2.Sing English songs.Step3.Revision 1.Lesson1—3Words a.Fast reaction b.Chinese and English c.Make sentences with the word 2.Texts a.Answer my questions b.Translate my sentences

c.Recite the dialogue together 3.Have a dictation Step4.New text(T prepares three pictures)Picture 1:T inputs:What’s this?What can you see in the picture?Who’s that girl?(the girl on the red bicycle)Ss answer.(T put the name behind the picture)Guide Ss:That’s Lucy Jenkins.And she’s Robert’sister.Practice:Read after T;Answer my questions;Fast reading;Translate my sentences Picture 2:T inputs:What can you see in the picture?Look at that young man.Where is the young man? Ss answer.(Key words:in,old car)T:Who is he?(T put the name behind the picture)----That’s Paul.Paul is Lucy’s cousin.Practice:Read after T;Answer my questions;Translate my sentences.Picture 3:T :So we know.Paul is Robert’s cousin,too.Robert is Lucy’s brother.And Paul is their cousin.T: What does Paul do?---------He’s a student.Practice: Read after T;Answer my questions;Fast reading;Translate my sentences Practice:1.Read after T.Little T

3.Chinese and English 4.Fast reading,Dragon reading.Step 5:Answer the questions on page 21&Ask questions about the text Step 6:L esson 6 Words Horse :l律动

cat…dog…horse….yellow :T asks:What color is the….?

tell me about Mary/you/Beijing.taxi

Practice:Read after T;Fast reaction


一、Teaching contents and demands 1.Lesson 6 Text 2.Exercise(Demands:make sentences according to the words and phrases)

二、Difficult points 1.Numbers 2.Mater the way of answering the questions

三、Teaching procedure Step 1.Review the words.Step 2,Listen to the tape and finish the first part

Step 3:Pattern Practicecombine with the pictures on Page 23 1.A:Who is that boy?

B:Which boy? A:The boy on the silver bicycle.B:That is/That’s Roberts.Man boy girl Youngman

woman That is =That’s

Read together and have role play/ 2.A:Is Robert’s bicycle grey?

B:No.it isn’t.A:Is his bicycle silver?

B:Yes,it is.Color:grey



black yellow white Bicycle horse car taxi umbrella bag positive answer:Yes,it is.Negative answer:No,it isn’t.3.A: Tell me about Robert/

B:He’s the boy on the bicycle.A:What color is his bicycle>?

B:It’s silver.Practice:1.Read together

2,Fast reading

3.Role play

4.Let Ss make sentnces Step 3 Written exercise.&Write the conversation


Teaching contents:Review Lesson1----6

1.Review Lesson 1----6Words a.Little T b.Fast reaction c.Chinese&English d.Fast spelling 2.Texts a.Answer my questions b.Translate my sentences c.Make sentences according to the structure I give 3.Have a dictation or do some exercise


新概念英语青少版1a Unit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family!William: Hello.My name is William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen.Karen is my wife.Karen: How do you do?

William;This is Lucy.Lucy’s my daughter.Lucy: Hello!

William: This is my son, Robert.Robert: Hi!

William: And this is Paul.Paul’s my nephew.Paul: Hello!Nice to meet you!Unit 2 Lesson 3 What is it? Robert: Hey, this is good!Look, Lucy!What is this? Lucy: It's a wheel.Robert: No, it isn't!Look!It's green!It's a hat!Lucy: OK.It's a green hat.Robert: Now look!What's this? Lucy: It's a flower.It's a red flower.Robert: No, it isn't.It's a red umbrella.Lucy: OK.What's that? Robert: It's grey.Is it a bird? Yes!It's a grey bird.Lucy: No!It's a key!Robert: Right!It's a silver key.Unit 3 Lesson 5 Who's that? Annie: Who is that boy, Polly? Polly: Which boy, Annie? Annie: The boy on the silver bicycle.Polly: That's Robert Jenkins.Annie: Who's that man? Polly: Which man? Annie: The man with the black umbrella.Polly: That's Mr.Jenkins.He's Robert's father.Annie: Who's that woman with the white umbrella? Polly: That's Mrs.Jenkins.She's Robert's mother.Annie: And who's that girl on the red bicycle? Polly: That's Lucy Jenkins.She's Robert's sister.Annie: Look at that young man.Who is he? Polly: Which young man? Annie: The young man in that old car.Polly: Oh, that's Paul.Paul is Lucy's cousin.Annie: So Paul is Robert's cousin, too.Polly: That's right.Robert is Lucy's brother.And Paul is their cousin.He's a student.Unit4 Lesson 7 Robert isn't well.Linda: Hello, Karen.How are you? Karen: I'm fine.But Robert isn't very well.Linda: Oh, I'm sorry!What's the matter with him? 2 Karen: I'm not sure.He's very hot.He isn't well.Linda: Is he hungry? Karen: No, he isn't hungry.Linda: Is he thirsty? Karen: Yes, he's very thirsty.Linda: Poor Robert!I am sorry!What about the doctor? Karen: The doctor's very busy.Linda: Yes, but Robert is ill.Karen: Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry!

Unit 5 Lesson 9 Meet the neighbours Paul: Hello!My name's Paul.Claire: Hello, Paul.My name's Claire.I'm your new neighbour.Paul: Claire!That's a nice name.What do you do, Claire? Claire: I'm a student.What about you? Paul: I'm a student,too.I'm at the sports academy.(体育院校)What about you? Claire: I'm an art student.I'm at the art college.(艺术院校)Paul: Come and meet Karen.She's my aunt.She's a writer.Karen, this is Claire.Claire's our new neighbour.Karen: Hello, Claire.Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family.This is William, my husband.This is Lucy.And this is Robert.William: How do you do, Claire? Claire: Hi, everybody!Thank you for the welcome!Unit Unit 6 Lesson 11 Gossip!3 Annie: Who's that girl, Polly? Polly: Which girl, Annie? Annie: The girl over there.That tall girl with the Jenkins family.Polly: Oh, that's Claire, our new neighbour.She's an art student.Annie: She's a very pretty girl.Polly: Yes, she's clever, too.She's a nice girl.Annie: Where's she from? Is she English? Polly: No, she isn't.She's American.She's from Washington.Annie: Is her family here, too? Polly: Yes.Her father's an accountant, and her mother's a famous photographer.Look!That's her mother over there.Annie: That woman in the expensive car? Polly: That's right.She's very pretty.Annie: Pretty? She's beautiful!What about her husband? Is he handsome? Polly: Wait and see!Unit 7 Lesson 13 Where's my pen?

Karen: Where's my pen, Lucy? Lucy: Which pen, Mum? Karen: The blue one.Lucy: This one? Karen: Yes, that one.It's my favourite pen, Lucy!Lucy: Sorry, Mum!Karen: And where's my new ruler? Lucy: The long one? 4 Karen: The long silver one.Lucy: It's in my schoolbag, Mum.Karen: Oh, Lucy!Give me my ruler, please.Lucy: Here you are.I'm sorry, Mum.It's a very nice ruler.Karen: Yes, it is.Lucy: Mum!Karen: Yes? Lucy: Is this your pencil-case, too? Karen: No, it isn't.It's your father's old pencil-case.That's his favourite thing!Lucy: Sorry, Mum!It's my favourite thing, too.Karen: Oh, well!Put it on his desk.No harm done!(不要紧)Lucy: Thanks, Mum!Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night!Karen: William!Wake up!William: Mm.What's the matter? Karen: Listen!There's a noise in the living-room.It's a burglar(夜贼)!William: A burglar? Nonsense!You're right!There's a noise in the kitchen now!It is a burglar!Karen: Shh!There's a torch(手电筒)here.William: Give me the torch, please.Karen: Here it is.Oh, William!Please be careful!William: Shh!There is someone downstairs.Who's there? Who is it? Lucy: It's me, Dad!I'm wide-awake(完全清醒的), and I'm hungry.William: We're all wide-awake now!5 Karen: Oh, well!No harm done!Unit 9 Lesson 17 Red, white and...pink!

Robert: Here are Paul's new pyjamas.(一套睡衣裤)Look at them!They are bright red!But they are a bit dirty.Lucy: Here are Dad's shirts.They are pure white.But they're a bit dirty, too.Put them in the washing machine.Lucy: What about your shirts? Robert: Yes.My shirts are dirty, too.Lucy: Put them in the washing machine.William: Karen!Where are my new shirts? Karen: They're in the washing machine, with Paul's pyjamas and Robert's shirts.Here you are!Two lovely clean shirts!William: Those shirts aren't white!They're pink!Karen: Yes, they are, and they're very pretty!Unit 10 Lesson 19 Jump in!Robert:Hurry up, Lucy!Here's the bus!Lucy: Wait a minute!My bag's heavy.Robert: My bag's heavy, too.Come on!Oh, no!The bus is full!Lucy: Oh, dear!Our school buses are all full.Robert: What's in your bag? Lucy: Books, of course!Robert: My bag is full of books, too.Look, there's Claire!Hello, Claire!Claire: Hello, Robert!Hello, Lucy!What's the matter, Lucy? Lucy: The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.6 Claire: Gee, they are heavy!What's in them? Robert: They're full of books, and the buses are full of people.Claire: Never mind!Here's my Mom with the car.And the car's empty.Jump in, and put your bags in, too!Unit 11 Lesson 21 Very smart!Robert: Look!These are our outfits for the school play.Karen: Oh, very smart!Look, William!William: Yes, you're both very elegant.Lucy and Robert: Thank you, Dad.William: That's an interesting tie, Robert.Robert: Um, yes, thanks, Dad.William: It's very colourful.Very unusual.Robert: Yes, um, it's my favourite tie.Karen: Those are funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you? Robert: These shoes? No, Mum.They're all right.They're right for the part.Paul: Where are my new shoes? They aren't in my bedroom.Karen and William: Oh, Robert!Paul: Hey, Robert!That's my tie!Those are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!Unit12 Lesson 23 Just like you!Jack: Claire? Claire: Yes, Daddy? Jack: Show me your new drawings, honey.Claire: OK.These drawings are new.They're all people at the sports academy.7 Jack: Hmm.They're very good, Claire!Who is this tall man with the big muscles? Claire: Oh, that's Mr.Ford.He's a teacher.He's very strong.Jack: And who are these little men?

Claire: That's Gary, and that's Tom.They're students.They're both small, but they're strong, too.They're gymnasts.(体操运动员)Jack: And who is this boy here?

Claire: That's Paul.He's a student at the sports academy.Jack: He's a handsome young man.Claire: Yes.He's very nice.Jack: Your drawings are good, Claire.Claire: Thank you, Daddy.Maybe they aren't bad.Jack: No, honey!They're great!Just like you!Unit 13 Lesson 25 Late or early

Robert: Come on, Lucy!We're late!Lucy: OK, OK!What time is it? Robert: It's eight o'clock.Hurry up!Daisy: Hi, there, kids!Are you in a hurry? Robert: Yes, we are.We're both late for school.Daisy: Never mind.Jump in!Robert: Gee, thanks, Mrs.Austen.Daisy: You're welcome!Call me Daisy, please.OK, kids!Let's go!Robert: Wow, what a speed!What a car!Daisy: Here you are!The school gates.You aren't late now.What's the matter, 8 Lucy? Lucy: Look!The gates are shut.We're both early now!Unit 14 Lesson 27 One, two, three, catch!

Karen: Give me that jar, please, Robert.Robert: Which jar, Mum? This one? Karen: No, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.Robert: Here you are, Mum!Ready? One, two, three, catch!Karen: No, Robert!Stop!Robert: What's the matter, Mum? Karen: I can't catch it!Bring it here, please!Robert: Here you are, Mum!Karen: Thank you, Robert!Unit 15 Lesson 29 That’s not fair!

Robert: Where are Paul and Gary? Sam: They're over there, on the football field.They're with Tom and Mr.Ford.Robert: Great, we can play football with them.Hey, Paul!Can we play football with you? Paul: That's a good idea, Robert.Right.You're the captain of one side, Robert.And Sam, you're the captain of the other side.I'm the referee.Now, how many players are there? Robert: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.So there are seven on my side, and six on Sam's side.Sam: That's not fair!Robert: Yes, it is!Mr.Ford's on your side.He's very big and very strong.He can 9 play very well.He's like two players!10

第三篇:新概念英语青少版1a教案 lesson19

Unit 10


ⅠTeaching aims: 1.Words in this unit:my, your, his, her, our, your, their cameras,cars,books

2.sentences stuctures: Is your bag / Are your bags full? my, you, his, her, our, your, their My bag is / My bag's full.My bags are full.3.More regular noun plurals: cameras, cars, books Motion aims:talk about what happened in the school.Ⅱ

Teaching points:


words and sentences

difficult points: change words in Sentence structure.Ⅲ

Teaching aids

PPT words card.Recording video.Ⅳ

Teaching procedure

Step 1.Warm up / Lead in

Let's sing the song :good morning

Review the words and spell it.Game: spelling bee.Then:loading to this part.look about the pictures , can you guess what’s happen in the picture? Point out the words which your don’t know it Turn to page76.learn about the words Jump.Hurry(do an action)bus(guessing game)wait a minute.Come on!oh dear!Point to the school!People , never mind!Game : bomb game, to cosolidate the words

Step 2.listen the vedio and answer the questions What happen to the school bus? How do the go to the school at last?

Which group get the answer,then get the points

Hurry up!here’s the bus!Hurry up/ come on Give them an example about:give an example.Draw some pictures.One is full of apples , another is empty.Pay attention about full.Heavy---light full---empty

Step 3:conersations in this unit Hurry up!Here’s the bus!wait a minute!My bag is heavy!The bus is full!What’s in your bag?there are full of books Answer the question, let students to answer the same question.what’s in your bags ? What happpen on the way to school? Discuss about with themselves and answer the questions

Then listen and repeat the sentences.After that let’s act the conversations /s/


nonsense Lucy hats





Please pyjamas noise she’s

cars there’s dogs bags

Step 4: intensive learning

My / Your shirts are white.● Are your shirts white?

Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.● What color are your shirts?

They are / They're white.● Put my shirts / Put them in the washing machine.Step 5: Practice & Consolidation Here is/’s the bus.There is Claire.My bag is/’s heavy.My bag is/’s full of books.The buses are full of people.Is Lucy’s bag heavy? Is the bus empty? Are their bags heavy? What is/’s full?

Which buses are full? Whose bag is/’s full?



1a Lesson 1 Meet the family 认识一下我们全家吧!

J:JHello, my name’s William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen.Karen is my wife.K: How do you do? J;This is Lucy.Lucy’s my daughter.L:

Hello!J:This is my son, Robert.R;Hi!J:And this is Paul.Paul’s my nephew.P:Hello!Nice to meet you!Lesson 3 What is it?


Hey!this is good.Look, Lucy!What is this? It’s a wheel.No, it isn’t.Look, it’s green!It’s a hat!OK, it’s a green hat.Now look.What’s this? It’s a flower.It’s a red flower.No, it isn’t.it’s a red umbrella.OK, what’s that? It’s grey.Is it a bird? Yes!it’s a grey bird.No, it’s a key!Right!It’s a silver key.2

Lesson 5 Who’s that?

那个人是谁? Who is that boy, Polly? Which boy, Annie? The boy on the silver bicycle.That’s Robert Jenkins.Who’s that man? Which man? The man with the black umbrella.That’s Mr.Jenkins.He’s Robert’s father.Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? That’s Mrs.Jenkins.She’s Robert’s mother.And who’s that girl on the red bicycle? That’s Lucy Jenkins.She’s Robert’s sister.Look at that young man.Who is he? Which young man?

The young man in that old car.Oh, that’s Paul.Paul is Lucy’s cousin.So, Paul is Robert’s cousin, too.That’s right.Robert is Lucy’s brother.And Paul is their cousin.He’s a student.Lesson 7 Robert isn’t well罗伯特感觉不舒服 Hello, Karen.How are you? I’m fine.But Robert isn’t very well.Oh, I’m sorry!

What’s the matter with him? I’m not sure.He’s very hot.He isn’t well.Is he hungry? No, he isn’t hungry.Is he thirsty? Yes, he’s very thirsty.Poor Robert.I am sorry.What about the doctor? The doctor’s very busy.Yes, but Robert is ill.Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry.Lesson 9 Meet the neighbors.认识一下邻居们!Hello!My name’s Paul.Hello Paul.My name’s Claire.I’m your new neighbor.Claire, that’s a nice name.What do you do, Claire? I’m a student.What about you? I’m a student too.I’m at the sports academy.What about you? I’m an art student.I ’m at the art college.Come and meet Karen.She’s my aunt.She’s a writer.Karen, this is Claire.Claire’s our new neighbor.Hello, Claire.Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family.This is William, my husband.This is Lucy and this Robert.How do you do, Claire.Hi, everybody.Thank you for the welcome.Lesson 11 Gossip闲谈!Who’s that girl, Polly? Which girl, Annie? The girl over there.The tall girl with the Jenkins family.Oh, that’s Claire, our new neighbor.She’s an art student.She’s a very pretty girl.Yes, she’s cleaver too.She’s a nice girl.Where’s she from? Is she English? No, she isn’t.She’s American.She’s from Washington.Is her family here, too? Yes.Her father’s an accountant.And her mother’s a famous photographer.Look!That’s her mother over there.That woman in the expensive car? That’s right.She’s very pretty.Pretty? She’s beautiful.What about her husband? Is he handsome?

Wait and see!Lesson 13 Where’s my pen? 我的铅笔在哪儿? Where’s my pen, Lucy? Which pen, Mum? The blue one.This one? Yes,that one.It’s my favorite pen, Lucy!Sorry, Mum.And where’s my new ruler? The long one? The long silver one.It’s in my school bag, Mum.Oh, Lucy!

Give me my ruler, please.Here you are.I’m sorry, mum.It’s a very nice ruler.Yes, it is.Mum!Yes? Is this your pencil-case, too? No, it isn’t.It’s your father’s old pencil-case.That’s his favorite thing.Sorry, Mum!

It’s my favorite thing, too.Oh, well.Put it on his desk.No harm done.Thanks, Mum.Lesson 15 A bump in the night夜深人不静!William, wake up!Mm.What’s the matter?

Listen, there’s a noise in the living room.It’s a burglar!A burglar!Nonsense!You are right!There’s a noise in the kitchen, now.It is a burglar.Shh!There’s a torch here.Give me the torch, please.Here it is.Oh, William.Please be careful!Shh!

There is someone downstairs.Who’s there?Who is it? It’s me, Dad.I’m wide-awake, and I’m hungry.We’re all wide-awake now!Oh well, no harm done!Lesson 17 Red, white and pink红的、白的和粉红的!Here are Paul’s pajamas.Look at them.They are bright red!But they are a bit dirty.Here are Dad’s shirts.They are pure white.But they are a bit dirty, too.Put them in the washing machine.What about your shirts? Yes, my shirts are dirty too, Put them in the washing machine.Karen!Where are my new shirts? They’re in the washing machine, with Paul’s pajamas and Robert’s shirts.Here you are.Two lovely clean shirts.Those shirts aren’t white.They are pink.Yes, they are,and they are very pretty!Lesson 19 Jump in上车吧 Hurry up, Lucy.Here’s the bus.Wait a minute!My bag’s heavy.My bag’s heavy, too.Come on!Oh, no!the bus is full!Oh, dear!

Our school buses are all full.What’s in your bag? Books, of course.My bag’s full of books, too.Look, there’s Claire.Hello, Claire!Hello, Robot!Hello Lucy!What’s the matter Lucy? The buses are all full.And our bags are very heavy.Gee, they are heavy.What’s in them?

They are full of books and the buses are full of people.Never mind.Here’s my mom with the car.And the car’s empty.Jump in, and put your bags in , too.Lesson 21 Very smart真神气

Look!These are our outfits for the school play.Oh, very smart!Look, William!Yes, you’re both very elegant.Thank you, Dad.That’s an interesting tie, Robert.Um, yes, thanks, Dad.It’s very colorful.Very unusual.Yes, um, it’s my favorite tie.Those are funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you? These shoes? No, Mum.They’re all right.They are right for the part.Where are my new shoes? They aren’t in my bedroom.Oh ,Robert!Hey, Robert!That’s my tie!Those are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!

Lesson 23 Just like you 就像你一样 Clair? Yes, Daddy? Show me your new drawings, honey.Ok.These drawings are new.They are all people at the sport academy.Hmm.They are very good , Claire.Who is this tall man with the big muscles?

Oh, that’s Mrs.Ford.He’s a teacher.He’s very strong.And who are these little men? That’s Gary, and that’s Tom.They are students.They are both small.But they are strong , too.They are gymnasts.And who is this boy here?

That’s Paul.He’s a student at the sport academy.He’s a handsome young man.Yes, he’s very nice.Your drawings are good, Claire.Thank you, Daddy.Maybe they aren’t bad.No, honey.They are great.Just like you!Lesson 25 Late or early 晚了还是早了 Come on, Lucy.We’re late.OK,OK!What time is it? It’s eight o’clock.Hurry up!Hi, there, kids!Are you in a hurry? Yes, we are.We’re both late for school.Never mind.Jump in.Gee.Thanks, Mrs.Austen.You’re welcome.Call me Daisy, please.OK, kids.Let’s go!Wow, what a speed!What a car!Here you are.The school gates.You aren’t late now.What’s the matter, Lucy? Look!The gates are shut!We’re both early now.Lesson 27 one, two, three catch!一、二、三,接住!

Give me that jar, please, Robert.Which jar, Mum? This one? No, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.Here you are, Mum.Ready?one, two, three ,catch!No, Robert!Stop!What’s the matter ,Mum? I can’t catch it.Bring it here, please!Here you are, Mum.Thank you Robert.Lesson 29 That’s not fair


Where are Paul and Gary? They are over there, on the football field.They’re with Tom and Mr.Ford.Great, we can play football with them.Hey, Paul!

Can we play football with you? That’s a good idea, Robert.Right.You’re the captain of one side, Robert.And Sam,you’re the captain of the other side.I’m the referee.Now how many player are there? 1,2,3,4,5,6,……13,so there are seven on my side, and six on Sam’s side.That’s no fair!Yes, it is.Mr.Ford’s on your side.He’s very big and very strong.He can play very well.He’s like two players.


Unit 1 Meet the family!认识家人!关于家人的单词。国际音标/I / /i:/的学习。

重难点:1.面对面介绍他人句型:This is …..也可用于介绍事物。一般疑问句:Is this ….?肯定会回答:Yes, it is.No,it isn’t.2.打招呼的方式。Hello!How do you do? Hi!Nice to meet you!3.物主代词第一人称,第二人称,第三人称表达方式。4.特殊疑问句whose 的用法:Whose is this hat? It’s my hat.Unit 2 What is it? 国际音标:/e//æ/ 1.它是什么?What is it? It is a/an… What is this? What is that? this 与that的区别

2.表示颜色的形容词放在名词的前面,修饰名词。要问颜色what color…? 冠词用法:不定冠词a和an, 表示泛指,即任何一个。

a 用在以/h/ /w/等这样以辅音开头的名词或名词组前(注意不是辅音字母)。

an 用在以/ ʌ / / ə /等以元音开头的名词或者名词组前面(注意不是元音字母)。


Unit 3 Who’s that? 国际音标:/ɒ// ɔː/ 10至20的表达方式。

1.特殊疑问句:Who 是对‘‘谁’’来提问,回答who的提问通常用that’s+人名或某人的身份。


主格:she,he,it,they,we 物主代词:her,his,its, their, our 2.方位词:on 在…上面,under在…下面,in 在…里面,介词用法:with有,带有。

4.冠词用法:定冠词the表示特指即特定的一个。a/an 表示泛指,即任何一个。

Unit 4 Robert isn’t well.学习关于询问别人身体状况说话方式。国际音标:/ʊ/、/u:/ 21至30的表达方式。

1.主系表结构:”主语+系动词(am, is, I)+(表语)其他成分。肯定句形式:主语+am(is,I)+其他。如I am fine.否定句:主语+am(is,I)+not+ 其他。如Robert is not well.一般疑问句;am(is,I)+主语+其他。如 Is he hungry? 特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头。如

How are you? 注意be 动词的形式:主语是‘我‘时用am,主语是你,你们,我们,他们,它们,她们以及超过一个人的名字时,用“are” “她,他,它和单个人名”时用“is”。

口诀: 我用am,你用are,is用在她,他,它,复数后面全用are,火眼金睛认不差。

2.How…?表示“…怎么样”如How is your brother?

Unit 5 Meet the neighbours!学习关于职业的词汇。国际音标:/ ʌ/、/a:/ 31至40表达方式

1.祈使句:一般表示命令、指示、或者提出建议、要求或者劝告等。主语是是听话人即you,主语省略,2.主格:she, he, it, they, we, I, you 宾格:her, him, it, them, us, me, you 3.选择疑问句:

Is he a student or a teacher? 回答语不用yes和no。

而是根据实际情况回答: He is a student.或He is a teacher.4.你是做什么工作的?

What do you do? What’s your job? Unit 6 Gossip!学习关于国家以及哪国人的词汇。国际音标:/P/、/b/ 41至50表达方式。


Where are you from? What nationality are you?

Unit 7 Where’s my pen? 学习关于学习用具的词汇。国际音标:/t/ /d/ 51至60表达方式。

1.有两个形容词修饰名词顺序:更具体的那个形容词紧挨着名词,所以本节课的表示形状的形容词放在前,描述颜色的形容词放在后面,紧挨着名词。The long silver one。2.复习方位介词:on,in,under 3.One指代一个前面提到过的事物,one前通常要加限定词the、a/an+形容词、this、that、which等。

This是“这”,事物就在我面前。That是“那”事物远在那一边。It不分远近。代替上文已出现。4.祈使句:Give somebody something=Give something to somebody.表示“给某人某物”。

5. No harm done= There is no harm done.没关系!用来表示委婉地回答别人的道歉。

Unit 8 A bump in the night!学习关于家里各个房间的单词。国际音标:/k//g/ 1.There be 句型:

肯定形式:there be + 某人/某物+表示地点的短语。如There’s a noise in the living room.否定形式:在be动词加not,如There is not a noise in the living room.一般疑问句形式:把be 动词提前。Is there a noise in the living room?

2.复习方位介词:on,in,under,Near在…附近,注意:downstairs表示方位,但它不是介词,是副词。介词后面要接名词或者代词作宾语,downstairs后面没有接名词或者代词作宾语。2.祈使句: Wake up!Listen!Please be careful!

Unit 9 Red, white and ….pink!国际音标:/s//z/ 61至70表达方式。1.的复数形式变化规则







Put them in the washing machine.Unit 10 Jump in!国际音标:/θ//ð/ 71至80表达方式。1.形容词性物主代词:

My我的, your你的;你们的, his他的, her她的, its它的, their他们的, our我们的

2.Be 动词要与主语保持主谓一致。主语是单数用is,主语是复数或者you用are

Unit11 Very smart!国际音标:/ei/ 81至90表达方式。

1.This, that, these, those的联系和区别




This is my tie.This tie is very colorful.That is my tie.That tie is very colorful.These are my new shoes.These shoes are very beautiful.Those are my new shoes.Those shoes are very beautiful.Unit12 Just like you!国际音标:/ai/ 91至100表达方式。

关于职业的新单词:gymnast,workman,schoolboy,schoolchilld,office worker。

1.复习主格:she, he, it, they, we, I, you 宾格:her, him, it, them, us, me, you 2.特殊名词的复数形式:

Man-men,woman-women, workman-workmen, child-children, pyjamas只有复数形式,people意思是“人们”,没有单数形式。

Unit13 Late or early!国际音标:/ ɔɪ/ 1.学习整点时间的表达法和对时间的提问: What time is it?= What’s the time? It’s eight o’clock.2.人称代词排序规律:


复数人称顺序是第一人称、第二人称、第三人称。如You and he are both late.I and he are both late.We and they are students.3.Call 用法:call+代词宾语+名字 Call me Daisy,please.4.祈使句: Let’s..!“让我们…” Let’s go!我们走吧!

Unit14 one,two,three,catch!国际音标:/ əʊ/ 1.祈使句:

Bring something/ somebody here.把某人或某物带来。Bring it here,please.2.介词新成员:

方位介词:beside在…旁边,in front of 在…前面,behind在…后面。



Unit15 That’s not fair!国际音标:/aʊ/ 1.针对数量进行提问:How many? How many 后面加名词复数进行提问。How many players are there? There are three.2.复习名词变复数的规则。



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