
时间:2019-05-15 08:50:08下载本文作者:会员上传



What is the fuss ?吵什么? Still up?还没睡啊 God works.上帝的安排 Big mouth!多嘴驴 It doesn’t make any differences.没关系 Don’t let me down.别让我失望 Sure thing.当然

Don’t take ill of me 别生我气 Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗 Don’t flatter me.过奖了 I am going to go.我这就去 Never mind 丌要紧 Can-do 能人 Close-up 特写镜头

Don’t play possum!别装蒜!Break the rules.反规则 How big of you!你真棒!Drop it!停止 There is nobody by that name working here ,这里没有这个人。Poor thing!真可怜!Bottle it!闭嘴 Nuts!呸,胡说,混蛋 Make it up.丌计前嫌!I am the one wearing pants in the house 我当家 Watch your mouth.主意言辞 Any urgent thing?有急事么 Don’t over do it.别太过分了 You want a bet? 你想打赌么? What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?Can you dig it ?你搞明白了吗

Who wants?谁稀罕? Follow my nose.凭直觉做某事 Gild the lily 画蛇添足 I’ll be seeing you 再见 I wonder if you can give me a lift ?能让我搭一程么? My hands are full right now.我现在很忙

I might hear a pin drop.非常寂静 Why are you so sure.你怎么这样肯定?He is the pain on neck 他真让人讨厌 Is that so ?是这样么? Don’t get high hat.别摆架子 Doggy bag 打包袋 Sleeping on both ears 睡的香 Right over there.就在那里 that rings a bell 听起来耳熟 Good for you!好的很 Play hooky 矿工、旷课

It’s up in the air 尚未确定 Help me out 帮帮我 I am all ears 我洗耳恭听 Get cold feet 害怕做某事 Lose head 丧失理智 Let’s bag it.先把它搁在一边 Talk truly 有话直说 It’s up to you 由你决定 You bet!一定,当然!That is a boy!太好了,好极了 The line is engaged 占线 Get an eyeful 看个够 Don’t make up a story 丌要捏造事实 Absence makes the heart grow fonder 小别胜新婚 Shoot the breeze 闲谈 She make a mess of things 她把事情搞的一塌糊涂 Chin up 丌气,振作些 He has a quick eye 他的眼睛很锐利 Let’s play it by ear 让我们随兴所至 Why so blue ?怎么垂头丧气 Tell me when 随时奉陪 What brought you here ?什么风把你吹来了? You never know 世事难料 Hight jack!举起手来(抢劫)She'll be along in a few minutes.他马上会过来。Nothing tricky别耍花招 He is a fast talker.他是个吹牛大王。She's got quite a wad.她身怀巨款 I am dying to see you 我很想见你 I'll get even with him one day.我总有一天跟他扯平I don't have anywhere to be.没地方可去。Price is soaring, if it goes on like this ,we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling 物价直线上升,这样下去,我们锅里可没有什么定西煮饭了

None of your keyhole丌准偷看 Come on ,be reasonable 嗨,你怎么丌讲道理 Dinner is on me 晚饭我请 You don’t say so 未必吧,丌至于这样吧 Don’t get me wrong 未必吧,丌至于这样吧

You don’t seem to be quite yourself today 你今天看起来丌大对劲 Not precisely 丌见得,丌一定 Do you have any money on you 你身上带钱了么 It doesn’t take much of your time 这丌花你好多时间 We have no way out 我们没的办法 I hate to be late and keep my date waiting 我丌喜欢迟到而被别人久等 Not in the long run 从长远来说丌是这样的 It is of high quality他质量上乘

He pushes his luck 他太贪心了 I can’t make both ends meet 我上个月接丌到下个月,缺钱 It can be a killer 这是个伤脑筋的问题 You ask for it!活该


我了个去/哇靠holy crap; 额滴神啊oh my God; 我的天哪Jesus Christ; 我看行it will work; 神马东西what the hell; 傻了吧唧stupid ass; 丌用费力了Don’t bother ; 说得好fair point; 闭嘴吧你shut the fuck up; 胡说八道totally nonsense; 臭丌要脸you've got such a nerve; 牛了B了freaking awesome


Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗? Are you kidding me? 跟我开玩笑啊? Back in a moment!马上回来!Boys will be boys!本性难移!Come to the point!有话直说!Do I have to? 我一定要做吗? Don't count on me!别指望我!Don't fall for it!别上当!Don't get me wrong!你搞错了!Don't give me that!少来这套!Don't let me down!别让我失望!Don't over do it!别做过头了!Drop me a line!要写信给我!Easy come easy go!来得容易去也快!Get a move on!快点吧!Give me a break!饶了我吧!Glad you like it!很高兴你喜欢!Great minds think alike!英雄所见略同!He always talks big!他老是吹牛!He's a double crosser!他是个骗子!I cross my heart!我发誓是真的!I just made it!我做到了!I watch my money!视财如命!I'll be right back!我马上回来!I'll check it out!我去查查看!I'll see to it!我会留意的!I'm down and out!我穷困潦倒!I'm in a hurry!我赶时间!I'm not that bad!我没那么差吧? I'm short on cash!I've got the blues!我很郁闷!It's Greek to me!If I were you...=if I were in your shoes如果我是你It kills my eyes!太好看了!It's no big deal!It’s worth a try!值得一试!Just wait and see!Know what I mean? 明白我的意思吧? LetMy mouth is watering!我要流口水了!No pain no gain!None of your business!没你事!

全方位测测自己的英语水平>> She’s under the weather!她今天很忧郁!So far, so good!还过得去!Speaking of the devil!说曹操,曹操到!Stay away from me!离我远点!That makes no difference!丌都一样吗? The walls have ears!隔墙有耳!We better get going!最好马上就走!We’re all for it!我们都赞成!What’s on your mind? 你在想什么? You are the boss!你是老大!You asked for it!你自讨苦吃!You have my word!我保证!You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗? You’re pulling my leg!你开玩笑吧? You’re really kidding me!真是笑死我了!

我缺钱我完全丌懂...没什么大丌了的等着瞧’s change the subject!吃一堑长一智!!!换个话题吧









잘 한다


如果家里的小孩子把玩具弄得到处都是,家长想要责骂,但怕太严厉,就会说“잘 한다”,这里就可以翻译成“挺行啊你!”表面是表扬,其实口气是责骂。还有朋友之间开玩笑,你无可奈何,也可以用“잘 한다”,意思是“行啊你!”


这个词是个粗口词,意思是“狗崽子”和英文的“沙滩阳光”(the sun of beach → the son of bitch的委婉语)差不多。这个词虽然带有侮辱性,但在韩国年轻人打招呼或者互开玩笑的时候也常常这样叫。长辈们骂晚辈时,也常常会听到这个词。所以,如果听到这个词的时候一定要注意当时的语气和语境,不要闹出矛盾和误会。


1、너 정신병 이야?


2、너 머리에 무슨 문제 있는 거아니니?


3、너 머리에 뭐가 부족한 게 아니니?


4、네가 도대체 누구냐?


5、살기 살기 실엇지.不想活啦?!

6、지옥에 가라.见鬼去吧。













诚然,在陌生的考场和陌生的题目双重压力下,我们很少能像电视台的播音主持一样简洁规范。适当的口头语在一定程度上可以增加交流感,让考官能更好接收到我们传达的信息。但是口头语过于频繁,就会引起他人的注意,产生反感的心理。那么如何克服这个毛病呢? 口头语过多产生的原因有很多,有的是因为对所说的内容不熟练,讲了上句,忘了下句,这时就要用口头禅来争取一点思考的时间,以想下句。有的是因为日常生活中的表达习惯。还有的同学是追求高端大气的表达,能力又有限。下面我们就这两种原因来谈谈如何对症下药。















1.My first job was a net supervisor in a small company.Although I worked there for only six months, I had wide experiences in 术语.But I gradually focused on(术语).So I took part in the Red Hat Authorization test and passed it with honor.In 2010, I was accepted by the Information Department, China Unicom,in charge of专业.To be honest, this position brings me good salary and a promotion opportunity, however, I decided to apply for the Master of 术语„ And that’s why I’m here.2010年毕业在小公司做半年网管,考取红帽中级认证(Red Hat Authorization),经过三轮面试,进入中国联通的信息化部录用,系统维护工程师。工作努力、薪酬好、有提升机会、专业术语会的不多怎么办

办法1)说永远对的:Being open to new theories and new ideas is important, especially in telecommunications.Knowledge from field work tells others what you can do, but that from theoretical studies tells others how you’re inventive, creative and sensible.I think postgraduate studies at this university can give me a mental power and realistic approach.接受新的理论、新思想、新的挑战是很重要的,所以准备考研、工作中学习的知识来自经验,但是必须有理论的验证,才有继续发展

办法2:挑选一个熟悉的,用自己的经历简述:The cutting-edge technology focuses on 自己会的术语.Its guideline is like this: A company needs a powerful machine, and wants to lower its cost.So as an engineer, I tried to put some out-of-date equipment and servers together.To do so, I had to use some integrated technology, for example,(用简写和代码代替:VM, WWK and AMX).现在的前沿技术是„,其基本设想为,公司处于成本节约,将一些即将淘汰的、低配置的设备或者服务器通过软件技术以逻辑的形式进行整合、以得到一台功能强大的高性能计算机,这样做,就必须运用合成技术,如„

办法3:不提理论,说自己的职责:The team had to work round the clock and checked it up from time to time.In this way, the whole system wouldn’t crash.Other feedback mechanism includes术语(如一些常用的设备或者零部件名称:如servers, data base as well as hard disc)


直接说“我不清楚”就可以了,别硬撑着:In this process, I’m in charge of the maintenance of servers.So my knowledge in 不熟悉的领域is limited.Sorry, it is difficult for me to say more.But I know that it is important, and it is my plan to keep track of its latest trend.In this way, I can improve my analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities, especially during my postgraduate studies.由于我在这个工作过程中主要负责服务器维,其他领域的知识有涉及,但是不熟悉,但是我也逐渐意识到它在专业中的重要性,尤其是在我读研期间。


改专业:I show keen interest in the law studies, the commercial and economic laws in particular, even though my major is Economics.You might ask me why, well, let’s tell you like this.Economics are too abstract, full of terms, far away from the real world.I don’t mean that economics is useless, and I don have nothing against it.But law studies seem more challenging,凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!

and promising for my future career.My plan is like this: start my work in a law firm and work as a lawyer so that I can try my best to help the clients, who they’re and where they’re from, whether they’re rich or poor.That’s why I made up my mind to change my major and applied for this law school.我对法学感兴趣,尤其是商法和经济法,尽管我的专业是经济,您可能问我为什么该专业,嗯,这么说吧,经济比较抽象,术语多,脱离现实世界。当然我不是说经济没有用,对它也没有偏见。不过我觉得法学更挑战性,也更有前途:我的计划是:在律所开始我的工作,尽己所能帮助客户,无论他们是谁,来自哪里,是贫穷还是富有。所以我决定改专业,申请法学院。



Good morning(afternoon), my dear professors.I am much honored to be here for your interview.My name is „, 23 years old.City born and city bred, I come from PDS, the lovely hometown for me.My undergraduate period has accomplished in July 2012.After graduated from the „ Department of „University, I have been working in the „as a physician for about half a year.And now, I am trying my best for a key to your esteemed university.Generally, in my view, I am a hard working student.Although my understanding on medicine was vague when I was accepted by a medical college four years ago, I knew that it was a serious subject and was closely related to human lives.So I worked hard to keep a high level of academic standards and won the scholarship several times.During my internship(school)years, I show keen interest in many topics like internal medicine, especially Cardiology and Neurology(biotic experiments).They help me gain a deep understanding on a variety of medical issues, and heighten my ability to independently carry out medical cases(research).Furthermore, I am open-minded, quick in thought and action.In my spare time, I have broad interests, such as reading, travelling, painting, playing the piano and guitar, sometimes entering for some challenging competitions.During my junior year, I had engaged in the Contests of Commercial Planning, which demanded us to present our prospectus, publicize it in practical and debate with competitors.It helps me improve my communication skills and cultivates my good command of Microsoft Office System as well as other computer programs, Photoshop Iebook, for example.Well, I am a person with great perseverance as well.When preparing for the first examination, I insist on doing exercises everyday, no matter what the weather was like.And just owing to this, I could keep fit and concentrate on my study.At last, I am much appreciated to have an opportunity to work with many noted professors here and talented classmates.Thank you for listening.2 页 共 2 页


The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

As we can see,from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with.Under eachone of them Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”.Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer.There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought, However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things wewll without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability,In this sense,computer has made go backward.Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side of computer.As far as I am concerned,we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many habits as possible in spare time.



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