鉴定书 英文

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第一篇:鉴定书 英文

鉴定书 英文

According to the division of town party committee, Comrade Jiang Zemin assist mayor Comrade Jiang Zemin catch rural and financial work.In three months, the comrade seriously practice the important thought of “Three Represents”, hold to build a party for the public and governing for the people, fulfil obligation seriously, solid begin the work, always keep the ideology of advanced se-x, work initiative, creativity and practicality, better land finished each job job.One, strengthen study, improve their own quality and work ability.The comrades hold to a study as to improve their own quality and ability to work the important way.Actively participate in the town party committee study of group of center of theory and“ to speak to learn” activity, insist to use spare time to learn, and pay attention to the grass-roots level, learning from the masses, to the practice of learning.Has seriously studied the Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of“ Three Represents” and the scientific outlook on development about discuss, their policy and theoretical level and practical application level rises ceaselessly, working foresight, systematic and creative increases further, make oneself can adapt to new situation and new tasks, as needed.Two, work hard and be practical, creative work.During hanging duty, the comrades in the familiar with the work as soon as possible on the basis of adhering to the spirit of reform, grab the job, promote the implementation of, with innovative ideas to catch key, promoting overall, division of each job obtained apparent effect.It is forestry construction strides new step.Highlight the key afforestation, strengthening propaganda and education, strengthen management, increase policy to give aid to the measure such as strength, raised whole town afforestation afforest level.The town of new afforestation 3663 mus.Two is the“ peace * *” construction solid advance.In accordance with the “ col reach, a lower center of gravity, strengthening grass-roots work” requirements, and actively carry out disputes and the troubles of mediation, established the investigation, feedback, mediation, visit the “four in one ” working mechanism, ensure the contradictory dispute and the hidden troubles in time, lead to resolve that, to maintain social stability.Three is the financial construction of productive.Around build a financial system, consolidate and strengthen the existing tax base, implantation follow-up tax, the introduction of foreign tax, perfecting social comprehensive governance network, strengthening tax collection and management, increase the local revenue.The first half of the year, the town completed the local general budget of 41430000 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.4%, accounting for 60% of the plan.In addition, also participated in the“ land resettlement subsidies paid way”,“ farmer pension subsidies paid to” drafting, establish the safeguard farmer interest, promote economic development and social stability mechanism.Three, self-disciplined, establish a good image.During hanging duty, the comrades to strict demands on themselves, lead to comply with the rules and regulations, adhere to the principle, to be responsible, advocating hard work;adhere to truth-seeking and pragmatic, firm is caught fulfil, thorough enterprise, village survey, in the“ line” to solve the problem, with a pragmatic attitude and a solid style set up the party member cadre good image.The existing problems and shortcomings: the attachment for a short time, to deeply understand the basic situation enough.

第二篇:运输鉴定书 英文 (本站推荐)

运输鉴定书 英文

Aging research institute was founded in 1961, is in Beijing, Guangzhou Research Institute of chemical synthetic materials aging test station established on the basis of form.At the time of the Guangzhou aging test station was established in 1956, initially mainly with the socialist camp in the former Soviet Union, out of strategic considerations on polymer materials(plastic, rubber, paint, adhesives, fibers)are subtropical humid country climate exposure test, because the former Soviet Union in a cold climate, the addreis located in in South Asia tropical Guangzhou.After continuous development, has become the only one in the synthetic materials aging research institutions.In this country the institutions are: the chemical industry of synthetic materials aging, quality supervision and inspection center.It is through the national metrology certification legal quality inspection institutions, is China's only specialized in synthetic materials aging quality inspection of national institutions.At the same time, in 2003 through the National Laboratory Accreditation, numbered L1135.Located in Guangdong province Institute on aging quality testing agencies are: Guangdong province paint product quality supervision and inspection station, is the Guangdong provincial Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision authorized has the third party fair status, the only province specialized in coating quality inspection quality inspection agencies at the provincial level.Guangdong province chemical reagent product quality supervision and inspection station, is the Guangdong provincial Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision authorized , the only province specialized in chemical reagents for quality inspection quality inspection agencies at the provincial level.Wherein, Guangdong province paint product quality supervision and inspection station is China's national demonstration approbates supervisory management committee to the specified 3C product mandatory argument detection mechanism of.In our hospital quality institutions in accordance with the GB/T15481(IDT ISO/IEC guide 25)standards, established a perfect quality assurance system, provide just data for the society, the test result has legal effectiveneand authority.Quality inspection institutions equipped with advanced test and inspection equipment, including atomic absorption spectrometer, gas chromatograph, UV-Vis spectrophotometer with advanced level of equipment, have experienced, skilled professional and technical personnel, can provide“ fair, efficient, accurate” quality detection service.Now has passed the relevant state departments through, aviation, railway, approved by the customs in Southern China only a hazardous chemical identification and inspection of the third party institution.











委托单位 人:襄阳市公安局襄州区分局交通警察大队 被鉴定人


受理日期:2014年 月 日


鉴定日期:2014年 月 日





2013年 月 日,被鉴定人因故被致伤。



于2013年 月 日,因入院。体检:。于 月 日出院,出院诊断:。











《司法鉴定人执业证》证号420311055156 方文祥

《司法鉴定人执业证》证号420314055036 邹琦

《司法鉴定人执业证》证号420313055247 韩发玲












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