
时间:2019-05-15 08:32:21下载本文作者:会员上传





8.(航海日志)1530 进行消防和救生演习,1600演习结束。9.(航海日志)所有缆绳绞紧,通知机舱完车,引水员离船。10.(航海日志)开始卸各舱货物,特别注意防火措施。11.(航海日志)1010 在左舷追越一同向船,相距2海里。12.(航海日志)轻风,微浪,天气晴朗,能见度良好。

13.(航海日志)1030 减速进入防波堤内 1050 在拖轮协助下系靠3号码头。14.(航海日志)天气已经变为阴天,并伴有阵雨。15.(航海日志)大浪把上甲板右舷梯子冲走。



19.(航海日志)1125 锚离底,1130 引航员上船升H旗1205右正横防波堤1207左舷船首带拖轮。

20.(航海日志)0820 能见度降至1.5海里,通知机舱备车航行,按章节鸣放雾号。21.(航海日志)全体船员在艇甲板上集合,进行弃船演习。


25.(航海日志)1800 工人换班,晚班上船工作,开始卸No 4 舱货物。

26.(航海日志)1520 抵达指定压载水交换位置,所有压载舱开始换水。密切注意该过程。27.(航海日志)1600 检查甲板货发现冷藏集装箱压缩机不工作。通知机舱急修。28.(航海日志)启动陀螺罗经并调整复示器及核对磁罗经。29.(航海日志)调整速度和航向,检查甲板上移动物体并紧固。


航海日志记载管理规定 Deck logbook record management regulations


The basic requirements of logbook records 1.1.航海日志是反映船舶运输生产工作的原始记录和重要法定文件之一,必须严格、认真、如实地记载。

The log includes the original records reflecting the ship’s transportation production, and is one of the important legal documents, which must be strictly, earnestly and faithfully recorded.1.2.航海日志应使用不退色的兰黑或黑墨水,用中文(地名、人名、船名等可写原文)和规定的缩写代号或符号记载。字体端正、清楚,词句准确,简练,不得任意删改或涂抹。如记错或漏写,应将错误字句用红墨水笔画一横线删去,被删字句应清楚可见,改正字句后加括弧签字。

Log should be recorded in Chinese and using the specified abbreviations or symbols with the blue black or black ink, the names of place, people and ship could be written as the original.It is required that font correct and clear, the sentences short and accurate, and not any amendment or smear.If log is recorded in a wrong way or left out, the wrong words and expressions should be deleted in one horizontal red line ensuring the deletes words can be picked out clearly, and the corrected words should be written with signature in parentheses.1.3.船舶主要资料经船长审查后应由大副负责填入航海日志。

The primary data of ship shall be reviewed by captain firstly, and the chief officer is responsible for filling them into the log.1.4.左、右页应依时间对应顺序记录。

Left and right pages of the log should be recorded in order by time.1.5.大副应每天查阅其记录是否符合要求,并应逐日签字,船长对监督航海日志记载的正确和完整负全部责任,并逐日签字。

The chief officer has the responsibility to review whether the log has been recorded very well by himself and signs a signature day after day;captain has a full responsibility for the log’s accuracy and integrity, and should sign signature day after day as well.1.6.根据记载内容,事后能重新绘出当时航迹和反映当时航行和生产的主要情况。

According to the log recorded, it is required that the navigating track could be re-drawn, and the current navigating situation and conditions of major production could be reflected as well.2.航海日志保管要求 Log-keeping requirements 2.1.航海日志必须严格、认真地保管。Log must be strictly and carefully kept.2.2.航海日志由海事局统一印制,按顺序记载,不得撕毁或增添。大副负责航海日志的保管,用完后存船二年,以后送船舶所有人保存五年方可销毁。

Log book, which is printed by the MSA, should be recorded in order and is not allowed to tear or add.Chief officer is responsible for the custody of logs.The log should be kept on board for two years after used out, and then transferred to ship’s owner who would preserve the log at least five years.Until then the log will allow to be destroyed.2.3.船舶发生海事时,船长应将航海日志及有关海图妥善保管,弃船时应将其带下,以供海事调查之用。

If the ship was trouble in casualty and has to be abandoned, captain should manage to keep the log and relevant charts safe and take them off ship for the marine investigation.3.航海日志记载内容Log records 3.1.左页记录方法The left page recording method 3.1.1.航行记载部分Records during navigation每班记录两次外,当航向、风流压差值、罗经改正量有变动时,应增加记录次数。Every class should record the log for two times, when there are changes about the course, the value of airflow pressure, and compass correction, should increase the number of records.罗经航向:记录陀螺罗经和标准磁罗经度数,即罗经北和船首之间的夹角。Compass heading: Records standard magnetic compass and gyro compass degrees that is the angle between the north of compass and the bow.罗经改正量:记录陀螺罗经和标准磁罗经改正量。偏东其符号为“+”;偏西其符号为“—”。

The amount of compass correction: Record the correct volume of gyro compass and the standard magnetic compass.If turning east, give the symbol “+”, west of the symbol “-.”真航向:记录真北向(子午线)与船首之间的夹角,即真航向=罗经航向+罗经改正量(偏东其符号为“+”,偏西其符号为“—”)。

True course: record the angle between the true north that is direction of Meridian and bow, that is compass heading equals compass heading plus the compass correct volume.风流压差值:记风流压差值和符合。左舷来风或来流其符号为“+”;右舷来风或来流其符号为“—”。

The values of wind, current and pressure: record the values of wind, current and pressure and require that the symbol “+” is used to show the wind or current from portside and the symbol “-” shows that the wind or current from starboard side.计划航迹向:真北向(子午线)与海图上计划航线之间的夹角。即计划航迹向=真航向+风流压差值;左舷来风或来流其符号为“+”,右舷来风或来流其符合为“—”。

Planning track: it presents the angle between true North and the planned route in charts, which means planning track equals true course plus the value of wind, current and pressure.And the symbol “+” is used to show the wind or current from portside and the symbol “-” shows that the wind or current from starboard side.计程仪读数:记录计程仪读数,精确到1/10NMILE。

The meter device reading: Record reading of the meter device, accurate to 1/10NMILE.实测时速:记录实测船位取得的平均时速。

Measured speed: Record the actual average speed achieved by the ship's position.推进器转速:记录推进器转速表每分钟平均转数,如转数变换频繁时可记“不定”。Speed of propeller: Record the average number of revolutions of propeller tachometer per minute, if it transforms with frequent rotation, just record it “uncertain".3.1.2.气象、海况记载部分 Weather and sea conditions records每班记录二次。当遇到恶劣天气或天气突变时应增加观测和记录次数。

Record twice every class.The times of observing and recording should be increased when weather is inclement or has a sudden change.气压:记录订正后的大气压。

Pressure: Record the atmospheric pressure after revised.风向、风力:记录真风向、真风力。风向以N、NNE、NE……等十六点表示,风力以蒲氏等级表示。

Wind direction, wind: Record true wind direction, true wind.Wind direction should be represented by sixteen points including N, NNE, NE......and so on, Wind force should be represent as Beaufort scale.云量:将天空分为十等份。0为无云,10为满天云。

Cloud: The sky is divided into ten equal parts.0 means not a cloud and 10 means clouds everywhere in the sky.3.1.3.舱水测量记录。Ballast water measurement records.每日0800、1600由木匠测量两次(不设木匠的船舶,水手长负责)大副值班记录。必要时应增加测量次数并记录。

Measured twice daily eight clock and sixteen clock by the carpenter(if no carpenter set on board, the boatswain is responsible), chief officer on duty records the measurement.If necessary, increase the number of measurements and records.3.1.4.中午测算。Noon calculations for range 每日中午由二副统计填入,实际航程是根据实测船位所得的航迹线上的实际里程。The second officer is responsible for statistics the range and filling it in the log, which the actual range is based on the actual mileage of track line from actual ship's position.3.2.右页记载内容Records on the right pages 3.2.1.记事栏记载内容Records in the notes column无论航行、停泊或修理,凡有关船舶动态现象及动作,当班驾驶员均应按时间顺序逐行详细记载,交班时应在本班栏右下角签字。

Whether navigating, berthing or repairs, and all the relevant things about ships dynamic and the movement of the ship, the navigator on duty shall be documented detailedly in chronological order line by line, when hand over to the next shift, the navigator should sign a signature in the lower right corner.抵离港前Before departure and arrival 对影响航行安全的主要航行设备的试验和检查结果,艏尾吃水,特种船舶的特殊操作。

Such things should be recorded before departure and arrival at port as follows: the test and inspection results of the main navigation equipment for the safety of navigation, the draft of after and fore, and the special operations for the special ship.离靠码头(浮筒)泊位时

At the time of arrival or departure quay(buoy)berth


Information as below should be record in brief, such as operation measurement, the pilot’s name, the time and place of going on board and departure;Tug’s name, the time and dynamic of using tug including line on and off;the time of tie the first line and berthing well;the beginning time of unmooring and the time of last line off the ship.航行中Under way凡与海图作业有关事务,以及是用以保证航行安全的操作、观测、计算结果、采取的措施都应记载,主要包括但不限于下列内容:

All work related matters with the chart, and is used to ensure the safety of navigation operations, observations, calculations, measures taken should be recorded, including but not limited to the following:船位:天测、推算和交接班船位应准确到分以下小数一位的纬度记载。陆测、测深、雷达和无线电助航仪器等船位,应记其观察数据,若出现位移差时,应记其数据,以及采取的措施;

The ship's position: The ship's position that is measurement every day, calculated and the position when shifting their positions should be accurate to one decimal latitude points or less and documented.Ship’s position by land measuring, sounding, radar and radio aids to navigation equipment, should be recorded its observations, if displacement difference appears, the data of difference and the measurement has taken should be recorded.经过长时间航行后初显现出的重要物标或经过重要物标的时间,方位和距离。记录进出分道通航区域的时间,以及经过航标的时间和正横距离。

The time, direction and distance of beginning to achieve important things emerged or through the important thing.Record the time of in and out of traffic separation area, and the time of through the navigation mark and the abeam distance.改变航向的时间、船位和计程仪读数,罗经改正量的测算时间和数据(如条件允许每班或转向后,应测算罗经差);

The time, ship’s position and the reading of the meter device of changing the course, the measurement time and data about the compass correction(if conditions permit, measuring the compass deviation by each class or after turning)计程仪开启、停止时间、计程仪改正量,及测校的时间、数据和方法;

Such as the time of the meter device open and stop, the correction data of the meter device, still the time, data and methodology of checking and adjusting the meter device.开始或停止使用风流压差的时间、船位、风向、风速、流向及流速的数据; All the data including the time, ship’s position, wind direction , wind speed , current direction and current speed when starting or stopping to use air flow pressure.发现对我船安全有影响的来船情况,及避让中采取的重要措施和时间;

Situation of ship that impacts on our ship’s security, and the measurement taken and time to avoid dangerous.气象和海洋情况发生突变的时间以及所采取的安全措施; The time of occurring mutations of meteorological and oceanographic conditions, and the security measurement taken.货舱的检查和保管货物的措施;

The condition of checking cargo holds and measures for keeping cargos.每班巡回检查的情况;

The condition of tour checking each class.航道及航标改变,发现漂浮物和其他异常情况;

The changes of channels and buoys, the situation of founding floating debris and other anomalies.日出日没和关、开航行灯,升、降国旗及各种信号的时间,拨钟时间和数据; All the time and data such as Sunrise and Sunset, and off, on navigation lights, rising, falling the national flag and using a variety of signals, dialing clock and on.发生海事的情况,自救或救助它船的经过、措施及效果;

The condition of occurring maritime accident, the progress, measures and results of self-help or rescuing the other ship.自动舵与手操舵转换的时间。

The shifting time of automatic and manual steering rudder.锚泊、系泊及移泊情况,气象、水文情况。日视出没,升降旗和号型、号灯开关时间、装卸货时应记开工/停工时间,舱号和原因、各舱装卸货情况、船舶首尾吃水、安全巡视情况、油舱洗舱、打入或打出压舱水的时间和情况。

Anchoring, mooring and shifting berth situation, meteorological and hydrological situation.Day as the haunted, flags of rising and falling and shapes, the time of turning the signal lights on and off, start / shutdown time when loading and unloading, cabin number and the situation of the loading and unloading cargo, ships aft-draft and fore-draft, the safety inspection situation, and the time and circumstances of tank washing, ballast and deballast water.补给淡水和燃料的时间及数量、船舶主要部分设备的预防检修措施、船舶厂修的主要项目及进度情况。

The time and amount of supplying fresh water and fuel, the maintenance measures for the main part of the equipment, the major projects and progress of ship repairs in the dockyard.3.2.2.重大事项记录栏Major items recording column 由船长或大副填写。记载船上非经常性及较重大事件。如发生海事,人员伤亡事故,对救生、消防及防污染设备检查的时间和情况、应急学习的时间、地点及经过情况,离港货物燃料、淡水、压载总量,船首尾吃水,稳性数据,船长和大副调动及交接手续办理完毕时间及航海日志记载中有严重错漏的更正。

This column is completed by the master or chief officer, which records non-recurring and more significant events on board.For example, the event of maritime, casualty;the time and situation of checking equipments of life-saving, fire and pollution prevention;the time, place and process of emergency learning;the quantity of cargo;the remaining fuel, fresh water and ballast volume;ship’s after and fore draft;the ship’s stability;the time of transfer captain and chief officer and the time of completing the transfer formalities;and the correction states when there are serious errors in the log.


The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

As we can see,from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a computer in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with.Under eachone of them Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”.Obviously, the two characters under the computer are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of computer people’s writing ability has deteriorated.This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of computer.There is no doubt that our life has become much easier owing to the conveniences computer has brought, However, people have depended so much on computer that they can hardly do things wewll without it, which result in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and communication ability,In this sense,computer has made go backward.Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side of computer.As far as I am concerned,we should limit the time we spend on computer and try to develop as many habits as possible in spare time.


This year summer vacation, I read the American well-known writer Hemingway's novel “ old person and sea ”.I extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully.The novel description is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull.The senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up.Afterwards and further because in the big marlin wound fish fishy smell brought in several crowds of shark fish snatches the food, but the old person still did not hope like this to give up, finally highlighted encircles tightly, returned to the big fish belt the fishing port, lets other fishermen not admire already.When I read “ the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place...” When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance.Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly.We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.When I read “ the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish's life, it was static static floats on the water surface...” When, my heart also liked together the big stone falls.I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above.Just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success.We also must study senior fisherman's spirit in life, handles the matter does not fear the difficulty, only then can obtain successfully.Was reading the big fish's smell of blood is smelled by one crowd of shark fish, struggled swims snatches the food, old person's left hand happen to in the convulsions, he only could use the right hand, with wooden stick,the mouth and so on all was allowed to use for the weapon self-defense which attacked, and finally expelled this crowd of shark fish.But the big fish's meat was already eaten one most, but the old person also charmingly criticized oneself the left hand “ this work time actually was resting ” time, I also was subdued by the old person optimistic spirit.In the life, some losses are inevitable, we should treat by the optimistic manner, cannot be calculating.Finally, the novel sees by one youth the senior fisherman fully has 18 foot long big marlin in the measure, once more described this fish's hugeness, explained senior fisherman overcomes the difficulty was big, non-was more common than.The novel eulogized the spirit which the senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous diligently did not struggle, we also should like his such, could not satisfy the present situation, should positively to above, do any matter all is relentless, meets difficultly must welcome difficultly above, could give up halfway in no way.Only has this, we only then can obtain a bigger success and the victory.4,My comments and some ideas I have already heard of this masterpiece for many years,peope love it,prise it,and respect it.But when I finished it,at the first moment,I just wonder:Actually,Our human-beings don’t know what we really want,what we dream for,and what we fight for.Many people admit and prise this belief that the man is not made for defeat,a man can be destroyed but not defeated,but what about other creatures in the world,to some extense,in the whole universe?No matter what kind of person we are,or how small or humble we are,it doesn’t matter.What matters most is whether we know what we want to purchase through our life.At finally,what impressed me a lot is that child with great naïve and loveliness!The child took the beautiful and bright days back for the old man.We human beings are really a kind of strange creature.We can accept death,but when facing the failure,it will call for all of our strenth and courage.What’s I want to say at the end of this report is that:don’t hesitate any more!Enjoy yourself and your beautiful,even gray days!

An old man sailed on sea for ages, only to bring back a large colossal marlin skeleton,a worn-out boat, and his exhausted body.In Ernest Hemingway’s novel , there is only simple plot, and characters pure as water drops.However, no battle can be more glorious , and no story can be more appealing than it.I firmly refer it to story of hero.“A man can be destroyed, but he can never be defeated.” The strong notes came out not from the old man’s mouth, but from the bottom of his heart.Though he doesn’t accomplish his initial goal, he is not a failure.On the contrary, he is remembered as, hero.Yes, no one can doubt that when he defended for the skeleton of marlin in the billows;When he raised up his powerful arms, grabbing the harpoon when attacked by a troop of sharps;When his profound, sea-like eyes shines the fearless perseverance.Though I don’t believe in fate, I believe that everything in the world has its limits.When encountering his limits, the old man doesn’t break down.He continues to sail, to fight, to push his boundaries, to challenge with fate and limits.I realized that our own lives are just like a vast ocean, splendid and miraculous, but dangerous with reefs as well.The waves can push you to an unbelievable climax, but in a blink of eye, it can also take away all your happiness without empathy.So, when it comes to failure, most of us get cold feet conspicuously.As a matter of fact, those who fight with limits are born to be nearer to so-called “failure”.For example, those who have devoted themselves to exploring the mystery of nature invariably end up in vain.Those who are dedicated to reform the society is more likely to be the first sacrifice.Only those comfortably staying in their own limits are constantly succeeding.However, this kind of “success” only dues to his rival has surrendered long before, or he himself has never engaged in the battle.No applause for this kind of “winning by default”.After reading this book, I understand that during the course of life, failures only belong to the one that compromise to limits.As long as you haven’t lose heart, you still have faith, you still preserve in fighting against limits till the day your weapon is broken like the old man’s, little by little, inch by inch, you will push the boundaries of hinders forward, and one inch is sure to be a beautiful leap.And that is not how you grow up, but how you stand up on your own.And virtually, that is the way human beings evolve.Chances are that life gives you little in rewards of your endeavors, and God may leave you with nothing but an empty marlin skeleton.But we ought to set the old man as our model;cling to his is attitude towards life through the changing era.Let’s dance on the wave of life, savor resolute in the gust of wind, and appreciate passion through the waves.For this is what life all about.Remember, you have become a hero when you fight till the last moment!


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    鉴定书 英文

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    海底总动员 玩具总动员1、2 马达加斯加1、2 料理鼠王 小鬼当家 查理与巧克力工厂 哈里波特系列 仙境之桥 纳尼亚传奇 功夫熊猫 冰河世纪......


    海南公路HainanHighway 前言Preface 目录Content 干线公路ArterailHighway 东线高速公路EasternLineFreeway 西线高速公路WesternLineFreeway 海文高速公路HaiwenFreeway 海......


    结尾,期待面试 I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience. Sincerely, Caoqiang 开头 My name is Liu Ling Yun. Thank you......


    Morning/Afternoon,sir/Mis !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can su......