
时间:2019-05-15 08:55:07下载本文作者:会员上传


Different Criterions of Love

—simple analysis of Anna Karenina

Abstract:Anna Karenina’s love is stirring and tragic.Levin’s love is seemingly happy but insipid.Love is different when criterions are different.Why Anna’ fate is tragic and how to get true love are also analyzed in this paper.Mutual respect and consideration are the basics of love and never lose ourselves in love.Key words: noble, tragic, love, free, happiness, respect

The late 19th century of Russia, not long after the reform of serfdom in 1861, was a time of coexisting of both relic force and neonatal capitalism.It was such a particular time and situation that it tended to provoke the reflective thoughts of some great men of their day.They began to think the position of class and revolution, the fate of aristocrat and civilian, the meaning of family and marriage, the value of life and death, the belief of religion and other social problems.Tolstoy was just one of them.His Anna Karenina was based on these two main plots, the story of Anna and the story of Levin, to illustrate his view of the society.Levin, to a large extent, mimics and represents the author himself, who is a noble but loves pastoral nature and tends to live a simple country side life, and whose story reaffirms the writer’s view of life.Anna, a fairly beautiful, dignified and elegant, purity, honest and kind-hearted noble woman, whose inner world is full of romance and enthusiasm, lives an apparently happy and people envious life but finally ends up her life in a tragic way.The film begins with an unhappy family.Anna’s brother Stiva has been caught cheating on his wife, Dolly.And Anna is invited to persuade Dolly to forgive Stiva.Anna herself is married to the high-ranking, upper class Karenin, and has a lovely eight-year old son, whose marriage seems stable and united from the start.But she never knows that her coming of this time will completely change her whole life.Upon arrival at the railway station, she meets the handsome and energetic Count Vronsky, who falls in love with Anna at first sight.No matter how she tries to escape his stares, to avoid meeting him, she can never get rid of him for his love is so crazy.Finally, she can no longer control herself and resist his flooded love.Then, they become intimate, and their affair is quickly spread in the up class.What triggers the conflict between Vronsky and Karenin is Anna’s pregnant, and it is this event that let Anna make a determination to divorce Karenin and desert her beloved son.But things never go that easily.Karenin values his social pride and honor so much that he will never agree to divorce for fear that this may have a bad influence on his career.He just pretends that nothing has happened.Yet Anna cannot let go of Vronsky—she continues to see him quite often.Later, Karenin discovers how serious the affair is and then he considers divorcing Anna.It is just what Anna has long expected, so at the same time Anna and Vronsky become even closer.After having Vronsky’s baby, Anna becomes seriously ill.Anna thinks herself is going to die, and she asks Karenin to forgive her completely.At the same time, Vronsky is at her side.Though Karenin decides to revenge Anna and Vronsky at first, upon seeing Anna, he forgives her for everything she did and does not criticize Vronsky either.Vronsky seems to be humiliated by what he did and by Karenin, so he tries to commit suicide by shooting himself.But he finally gives up for he still loves Anna so much.Yet Anna recovers and forgets what she said to Karenin, once again come into Vronsky’s arms and run away with the count to Italy.Their elopement really infuriates Karenin, and he is resolute in refusal of divorce.In Italy, Anna and Vronsky indeed have a transitory happiness.But contradiction appears soon after, because Vronsky is an aggressive man after all, just like he himself says “I can do nothing here.I need a purpose”.So they come back to Russia.Here, Anna’s life becomes terrible.She is refused to see her own son, Seriozha.Her friends abandon her, ashamed of her behavior.She cannot go out in public with Vronsky, to the theater or the opera, because they would be subjecting themselves to the rumor mill.As a gentleman and a count of up class, Vronsky is unable to do without social intercourse essentially.And the key point is that he is free to go anywhere he likes and he is free to do anything.Naturally, the time he accompanies Anna becomes less and less.So Anna becomes horribly insecure, thinking that Vronsky goes out so much because he is in love with someone else.Actually, Vronsky has never changed his love towards Anna, but they just fight often because the unspoken tension that exists between them.Anna is tortured so much mentally.When she quarrels with Vronsky, she says desperately “why can’t I go out? I love you and nothing else matters to me”.Though he still loves her, she becomes doubtful.She isn’t Vronsky’s wife, but she is more than just his mistress.She depends entirely on him for internal peace and love.But what she finally realizes is that no one has the power to satisfy her emotional desires, not Vronsky nor anyone else.She was woven a complex web for herself, one she feels she can only escape by killing herself.That is what she does, jumping in front of a train.The development of Anna’s story is promoted mainly by five conflicts.These fives conflicts push the plot to another and yet another climax step by step, from which we can see how Anna put herself to a tough situation that can never be changed.The first conflict between Anna and Karenin took place when Anna went home one deep night after dating with Vronsky.She didn’t know that what is waiting for her is her husband Karenin’s warning.At that time, he only heard some rumors about her wife’s love affairs and she didn’t go that far.As a husband, he has the right to point out this and express his dignity and disaffection.However, Anna just denies it and ignores.And she also takes this chance to express her resentment, “You are always like that.You don’t like me to be dull, and then you don’t like it when I go out and enjoy myself.Stop it, you know I cannot stand it and I would like to know what all this is about”, which has lasted for long time.She pretends that she doesn’t know what has happened and just walks through Karenin that she is desperately sleepy, which let Karenin down.Though Anna’s thoughtlessness behavior and indiscretion cause herself to be talked about in society and begin to attract attention and it may disgraces Karenin’s reputation, Karenin still keeps his genteel and cultivation by saying “Anna, for God’s sake, don’t speak like that, perhaps I am mistaken.But believe me, what I say as much for my sake as for yours.I am your husband, and l love you.”

As time goes by and the love between Anna and Vronsky becomes increasingly intense, they are at the threads of their social lives when Anna becomes pregnant.She must, obviously, tell Karenin the news, thus initiating the second conflict between Anna and Karenin.Once Anna and Karenin seeing a horse racing together, Anna is unable to hide the despair when she sees one of the riders, Vronsky, fall.Once again, Karenin feels he has the duty to oblige Anna.However, he receives the unexpected answer that Anna just confesses to him everything about the love with Vronsky.It really exacerbates Karenin.Not any husband can tolerate such thing, neither does Karenin.He decides to divorce Anna and takes their son, Seriozha, away as a punishment for her adultery.From then on, their relationship is cut up completely until Anna is dying.The next three conflicts are all occurred between Anna and Vronsky when they live together.Once people get what they want, they will become empty and contradictions present.Anna is just the case.Carrying a bad name, Anna cannot go out in public with Vronsky, to the theater or the opera, which I have mentioned above.What makes Anna angry is Vronsky’s frequent going out, which is a signal of not loving anymore in her eye.She becomes unbelieving and complaining and she always fights with Vronsky for something trifling, which makes Vronsky tired.Vronsky’s love for Anna is not as hot as before.Among these three fights, the second time is the sharpest one.Here’s the thing.Vronsky went back home seeing Anna packing luggage one day.Anna told him that she wanted to live in the country.Actually, it is a good sign for a woman who has constrained and depressed so long.No one can imagine how terrible the life was and how much mental torment she suffered the days just passed.She just cooped up in those rooms all day long and day by day, and conceived her only mental support, Vronsky, spending nights with other pretty young women.It is not easy for such a woman to make up her mind to change.“You know it came over me like an absolute inspiration.Why should we go on waiting here for the divorce? I’ve made up my mind that it shan’t influence my life anymore.” From her words, we can see the desire she wants to change, and that she can’t wait even another minute.So, if someone doesn’t do as what she wishes this moment, she will be hysterical and hopeless.And Vronsky just did such thing.He was also delight to see Anna’s change, and planned to go with her after getting things in order.But Anna saw this as a purpose to delay their departure and an excuse to stay.She associated Vronsky’s words and behavior with his changing of love for her.She was stubborn to think that he cares nothing for her.She depends entirely on him for internal peace and love.But what she finally realizes is that no one has the power to satisfy her emotional desires, not Vronsky nor anyone else.Her spiritual pillar begins to collapse.Just like she says” what I want is that you should not desert me as you are thinking of doing.No, I don’t want that.What I want is your love.But it has gone, so it is all over”.Upon this, Vronsky feels it unreasonable.What he meant was just put off their departure for a matter of 3 day while Anna accused him of lying and being dishonorable.He said that there is a limit to his endurance.It is the very fight that makes Anna have an idea to die.“Why didn’t I die?” she said to herself after fighting with Vronsky.Happy families are all alike;every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.Running side by side with Anna’s story is Levin’s, which can be said a happy one, though at first was not that happy.Levin’s story, I’ve mentioned earlier, is one that mimics the life and interests of the novelist himself.Levin, a landowner and country man comes to the city to propose to Kitty, a pretty young lady who is indulged in instead by Vronsky.She rejects Levin’s proposal and keeps her eye on the count Vronsky, however, is smitten with Anna.Levin is crushed.He goes home to the country and immerses himself totally in his relationship with the land.He writes a book about farming practices in Russia, revealing his belief that landowners should split the land with their peasants so the peasants have an incentive to work harder.This is a controversial plan as Russia becomes more industrialized.Kitty, too, is crushed by Vronsky’s disinterest.She becomes ill, and her family takes her to a spa in Germany, where she recovers and realizes that she has truly loved Levin all along.They meet again shortly, and Kitty accepts Levin’s second proposal.They marry happily and have a boy named Mitya.Kitty is a huge force in Levin’s life, helping him to come to grips with his lifelong struggle with faith and religion.She also helps Levin cope with the death of his brother Nicholas.In Tolstoy’s eyes, the two have the ideal marriage and love.Though Anna and Levin’s plot lines connect at times, Tolstoy dares only the briefest encounter between the two, near the end of the book.Levin is temporarily swept into Anna’s world, proving to Tolstoy how dangerous a character like Anna is to Levin’s world.As Anna and Levin’s stories are contrasted, Tolstoy makes a thematic case, though Levin, for pre-industrial societies as the major source of happiness, wealth and sustenance.He advocates the idea of caring for the land as if it was the wealth of the world, and he labels the land as the only mutual association which can bind societies and families together.Tolstoy shows us the valuable role of rural society in preserving the family.Through Anna, Tolstoy associates city life with vice.That Anna is a creature of the social, urban world makes her character revolve less around virtue, and more around romance sex, and societal affirmation.So, what on earth contributes to Anna’s tragedy? Identifying the reasons for a social phenomenon which involves several complicated factors is far from an easy task.But achieving some is still within possible.Among all the reasons, I should put first the evil value, religion doctrine and moral law of up class which maintains the aristocracy.Actually, there were many noblewomen having affairs with other men and they were proud of this.They won’t be criticized and punished as long as they don’t make it public and their husbands’ name is not disgraced.However, Anna is above the noble society and she is not willing to be a mistress.She is faithful to her own heart and pure torrid love.She is brave enough to make it public and defy the inveracious noble society.But how could she, a petit woman, fight against the predominant aristocracy.She has no choice but to be expelled out of the circle.Then, Karenin is also responsible for her death.He is 20 years older than Anna, and his only interest is his position and honor.Have been living in officialdom for so long, he becomes indifferent and vapidness.Living with such a dull man for 8 years, Anna becomes lonely and eager to be free.So when she meets the dashing count Vronsky, she can no longer resist the temptation.Comparing two of them, Anna chose Vronsky stoutly.Though she hesitated at first and ever tried to maintain the harmonious family, she was smitten by the unprecedented happiness completely.And for such happiness, Anna abandoned everything, reputation, position, wealth and beloved son.What she did was unforgivable in the noble’s eye and she had no chance to turn her head back.And then, Anna herself is liable for her own tragedy.First, her class origin determines her fate.She was born noble, but what she chases is individual liberation of bourgeois.Though her pursuing of happiness is human nature, her cost is so high.She didn’t think about it that her chasing of pure love would hurt her husband at the same time, which would lead to her husband’s revenge.And having a son and setting a foothold on the up class is the mainstay of her existence.But she just ignored all of this and her levity brought her heavy price.Second, her value of love is illiberal.She set her all happiness upon Vronsky, so once she lost his love, she lost everything including herself.This can be illustrated by Byron, “Love is just a part of life of a man, but all the life of a woman.” She loves him so much that she fears to lose him one day.And she becomes complaining and skeptical, thus losing Vronsky’s love finally.From Anna’s and Levin’s story, what can we learn? There is Levin’s monologue at the beginning of the film “The fear of dying without ever knowing love was greater than the fear of death itself”.To someone, it is yes.But what should we keep in mind when we handle our love things? Anna’s spirit, her sacrifice of everything for love, her listening to her own heart, should be admired, because it is a flame of humanity, but when facing reality we have to consider more.After all, we are live in a society, and it is not a Utopia.When we chase our rights and happiness, we should make sure that others’ legal rights are not harmed, especially those who love us so much.Only caring about ourselves and don’t even think about the feelings of the people around us is not only an action of selfish, but also a behavior of immaturity.Mutual respect and consideration are the basics of love.Levin’s story has proved this point.Though he has a plain face, maybe ugly, and 16 years older than Kitty, he gets her true love in the end.Another important doctrine should be born in our mind is that love is just a part of our life.If we have it, we thank God.If not, we are still ourselves and we still can make our life prosperous.Anna, to some extent, gets what she wants, living with Vronsky, but she is over caring about him.She can’t live without his love.She fears too much, and doesn’t know how to handle.She just complains and gets angry, thus leading to Vronsky’s loathing.So, believe in love but never lose ourselves in it and never complain, our life will be bright.References: 1.期刊论文 张会艳 简析安娜•.卡列宁娜的悲剧根源—理论界 2008,””(5)2.杜宗义 俄国资本主义发展时期的社会活动的生活画卷 1979 3.期刊论文 卢丽萍 悲剧的艺术—论《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲剧及艺术根源—安徽文学(下半月)2009,””(4)4.期刊论文 荆煜君 安娜•卡列尼娜悲剧成因分析—文学教育(上)2009,””(3)5.期刊论文 郑舒婷 关于《安娜•卡列尼娜》爱情描写的现代思考

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安娜此次来是为了哥嫂调解关系的,安娜的哥哥儿女双全,家有贤妻,却还在外拈花惹草,在家与家庭教师搞暧昧,老婆不与他闹翻 才奇怪呢,安娜顺利调解了哥嫂关系。

在接下来的舞会上,几乎每个女孩都把自己打扮的纯洁如天使,只有安娜一袭黑色天鹅绒长裙,也真的宛如一只高贵的天鹅。察觉到沃伦斯基对自己的爱意,处于对家庭的考虑,同时也不想让吉蒂伤心,安娜很快结束了自己的旅程,没想到沃伦斯基那厮竟然紧追不舍,多次舞会,聚会后,安娜芳心被打动,俩人形影不离。但纸是包不住火的,流言蜚语渐渐传开。渐渐地也传到了安娜的丈夫耳中,可安娜的丈夫卡列宁是怎样的一个人呢—— 其貌不扬,在官场中却是个地位显赫的人物,是一个“完全醉心于功名”的人物。他根本不懂





















有个词组叫做fade out ,逐渐淡出。一个日本女作家用它来形容男女之间退色的关系,准确无比,一语中的。所有的颜色都会退色,但红色最能显现退却的程度,因为它是极致的绚烂鲜 艳,稍有差池便失去色泽,“每到红处便成灰,”红色原是最经不起摔打的颜色。爱情就是红色,玫瑰的红,血红,浓烈的那么容易颓败而灰头土脸。


要是安娜没有自杀,而是沉溺于酒精或鸦片直至焦虑而死,渥沦斯基只会耗尽了爱意,用一种居高临下的怜悯埋葬了她,然后继续莺莺燕燕,歌舞升平,信步周旋于淑女名媛之间,但安娜死去的方式让他良心上的愧疚弥补了爱情上的缺陷,于是,一个人死去了,另一个人在追悔中了却残生,难道爱情一定要以悲 剧来升华?而这又真的是爱吗?也许仅仅是对失去的东西人人固有的痛彻肺腑的追悼?如果不爱那么深,结局是不是就不会那么伤人?曾经情深几许,到最后,竟只能“独个悔多情”。


当安娜与渥伦斯基在火车站台第一次相见时,“但是感到他非得再看她一眼不可„当他回过头来看的时候,她也掉过头来了,她那双在浓密的睫毛下下面显得 阴暗了的、闪耀着的灰色眼睛亲切而留意地盯着他的脸、似乎是在寻找什么人似的”一见钟情固然以悲剧结尾,可浪漫的邂逅却让我沉醉在美妙的、沉静的境界中。赛马场上安娜的失控表露了他们的恋情,安娜生下了他的孩子,卡列宁的宗教宽容让安娜感谢又愤怒,安娜与渥伦斯基出国了,又回来了,安娜遭到了社交界以及家 庭的抛弃,而渥伦斯基却重新踏进社交圈,醉心于自己美好的前途,悬而未决的离婚协议、肝肠寸断的念子之情、自私深沉的爱情独占心理,这一切既让安娜体会到 了八年的无爱婚姻里丧失已久,又让她平静的心灵经历了一场喜怒哀怨的风暴。而我也随着安娜的故事沉浮时而兴奋,时而忧伤,时而挣扎。尤其到了后面,安娜被 孤独与嫉妒折磨得生不如死,没有人倾述、没有人理解时,我终于能稍微明白为什么安娜选择死亡,她太痛苦了,死亡才能摆脱一切。

渥伦斯基 爱安娜,而且他的爱并不肤浅,也许刚开始他对安娜的爱恋有着虚荣的成分,但安娜患上产褥热即将死往时,“他在她患病期间真正熟悉了她,了解了她的心灵,所 以他觉得以前就似乎从来没有爱过她,现在,在他了解了她,真正爱上她的时候,他却在她眼前显得非常低下”甚至列文也为她倾倒,由于“她除了聪明、文雅、美 丽之外,她还非常老实„”我也爱安娜,从书中瞥见她的第一眼,我便爱上了这个“仿佛有一种过剩的生命力洋溢在她整个的身心,违反她的意志,时而在她的眼睛 的闪光里,时而在她的微笑中显现出来”的生气勃勃的女人,而她鼓起勇气与情人远走高飞时,我更是不可抑止的迷恋上了她,这种迷恋不在是站在读者的角度喜欢 她、欣赏她,我甚至想自己就化身为她,让我能分享她生命力的一切迷人品质。

可爱的安娜还是自杀了,当看到她在自我折磨中苦度人生时,我 甚至希看她早点结束生命。她的死亡始终是一个悲剧,吉蒂获得了幸福,多丽依旧安稳度日,卡列宁照样平步青云,可只有安娜,由于她选择了自由,选择了真诚,选择了勇敢,最后却不得不死亡,她违反了贵族社会的游戏规则,做了冷酷自私者中的一个叛逆者,由于“我只是想活,除了自己,不会伤害任何人,我有权利这 样”。这是她的咎由自取吗?这是她成为一个所谓的堕落的贵族妇女而理应遭到的报应吗?安娜在姑母的安排下,嫁给了年长的、迂腐的、虚伪的卡列宁,八年时间 里,他压抑了她一切的热情和生气,当我们知道排除了爱情以权力地位为基础的婚姻是不公道的,分歧人性的,当我们肯定了个人追求自由与幸福的价值,又有何权 利指责她的选择呢?

然而安娜的死亡是必然的,这并非由于她道德败坏,自私善妒,只是由于她是女人,是一个真诚的女人,是一个贵族社会真 诚的女人,是一个男权社会下贵族社会里还保持着真诚的女人,因此她只能自杀。假如她是多丽,忠信老实地守着家庭,在怀孕生子,再怀孕生子中耗费青春,而且 不得不苦咽下风骚丈夫到处拈花惹草带来的痛苦,她就会继续如困兽般维系无聊的婚姻,假如她是培特西夫人,私下放荡荒淫但表面道貌岸然,她就不会在赛马 场上失声而起,而且随着渥伦斯基离开了家庭,或者假如她能有一份自己的事业,她就能发挥自己的才智,充实自己的生活,不再是只要爱情,一切都不重要的小女 人。但她的命运注定她无法生存。


安娜给予我的感触最多,让我从根本上改变了对一个人的看法。“死时还没懂得爱的真谛,那就比死亡本身更可怕了。”刚开始的这句话我是一直不能理解,或 许是因为这话我本身并不曾体会过,然而,俯观了安娜的一生,看着她走过的日子,感受过她的内心想法,到后来完全懂了这句话的含义:这是一种对爱的追求的精 神,这是一股为爱牺牲一切的力量,也正是这种力量精神促使了安娜的死亡。




我觉得在追求爱情这个问题上,一切随心是最重要的,如果呆在一个自己不喜欢的人身边过日子,心里却在想着另外一个人,这样的日子无论如何也没办法让我 接受,当然,安娜也不会接受,所以她选择了一个正确的爱情。关键是她选对了,却没有做对,她是以一个非常愚昧的做法开始她新的爱情,当了别人的情妇,红杏 出墙,那她的死很有可能就是因果报应了。何况安娜本身太执着了,对爱情的追求蒙蔽了她的眼睛,使得她不但抛夫弃子,甚至怀疑自己的情人,跟伏伦斯基没有很 好的沟通,便断绝了自己的出路。


伏伦斯基是一个很有魅力的男人,古语说,爱江山更爱美人,伏伦斯基的一生证实了这句话。一个英俊潇洒、事业有成的男人,一旦为了一个有夫之妇夜夜不能 眠,这种情况确实很容易断送他的一生。然而,伏伦斯基豁了出去,为了安娜,他确实曾经放下一切。伏伦斯基本来就是很聪明的人,他的想法并不像安娜那样单 纯,他想拥有安娜,也想拥有自己的事业和生活,跟安娜仅仅拥有爱情的想法是不一样的,所以他跟安娜私奔后再次回到圣彼得堡去以法律手段来解决安娜的婚姻问 题。

伏伦斯基给了我希望,我一直以为结局会很完满,只要安娜等着离婚的消息就行了,多简单一切就柳暗花明,转机可是存在时时刻刻、分分秒秒,前提是安娜不 死的话。可是安娜却断掉了我的希望,也断送了伏伦斯基的一生。伏伦斯基本身就是一个非常好的男人,我认为安娜真爱他就不应该怀疑他,真爱他就应该在背后默 默支持他,而不是盲目去占有他,所谓物极必反正是安娜的做法体现。用伏伦斯基的话来说,安娜确实不可理喻。

我想,安娜是一个好女人,我却不会爱上这种女人,人生活在世上本应该快快乐乐的,而安娜却追求烂漫和昙花一现,甚至为此牺牲性命,实在是太无知了。你 看,以安娜的做法面对人生,身边的人都得到了些什么,丈夫没了妻子,孩子没了母亲,情人没有了活着意义,那岂是她一个人的事,一死了之还真是自私。安娜常 常让我惋惜,伏伦斯基却一直让我感动,做男人就得像他一样。

卡列宁这个人一看就知道是很传统的人,脚踏实地,事业有成,应该是个好男人。然而,越是深入了解我就越怀疑这个人,可能是日久见人心吧。我在想,也许 是他伪装得太好的缘故,所以身边的人都说他是一个好人,事实并非如此。一个好人会不让一个想见孩子想得痛彻心扉的母亲见见自己的孩子?一个好人会让一个自 己爱着的女人得不到自己的幸福?答案是,不会。

所以,由此至终,卡列宁把自己包装起来,满口经文信仰,在基督信徒的伪装面具下展开他劣质的行为,他内心本来就是一个小人。他自大,所以要占有一切,他自私,所以容不得别人幸福;他无情,所以折磨妻子,他无义,所以不理睬孩子。我一直搞不懂卡列宁到底有什么追求,看得出他并 不爱享受生活,难道他所做的一切仅仅是为了满足自己的虚荣心吗?真为这样的人感到可悲。
















第五篇:安娜卡列尼娜 影评







薄薄的蒸汽缓缓升腾,震住了彼此的呼吸,面纱下的安娜独具风韵。四目相对的瞬间 安娜已悄然在内心做出了神秘的选择,情愫暗生。







这一次,激情的洪流瞬间击垮了安娜用理性苦心构筑的防线,因为那理智是如此的软 无力。






“您的每一句话,您的一举一动,我都永远不会忘记,也无法忘记„„” 弗伦斯基执着地追在安娜身边并再一次热烈而真挚地表白。安娜的心震撼了。



















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