“ Les Miserables ”(1862)is representative works of Victor Hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the French literature.The novel basic plot is Ran A Rang pitiful life history.He originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison.Passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life.The punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person.He uses an alias is Madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor.But soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker Fantin's daughter Cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to Paris.Afterwards again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit.The Ran A Rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.“ Les Miserables ” is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 Paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real.But the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events.If Ran A rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade Marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic.The author Hugo is a French romantic writer.His theme is diversiform, momentum majestic letrers, expression of rich and colorful, the development of romantic fiction has produced significant influence.But this “pathetic world” is the author of a masterpiece in, fully embodies the Hugo art style.First this title, total feel it too sad, but after reading the complete department, but deeply realized shocking.The Miserable World is a historical culture legacy reflecting the tragic life and destiny of the human in the middle of nineteen century in France.The original indication of the name of this novel was “people who’re suffering from great difficulty”, it attaches importance on the tragedy and position of the impoverished people, by doing this, Hugo was able to streon the main idea of the novel, which is most exciting and attentive aspect, leading all of the readers to deep thinking.We notice that in the preface, Hugo pointed out “As long as the social restrictions caused by laws and customs still exist, the human society would be turned to be a hell and people will suffer from inevitable disasters.If we couldn’t get rid of the following three issues existing in this century – men are getting down because of poorness, women are turning to be degenerate because of starving, children are becoming weak and helplebecause of pervasive darkneof the world.In a boarder sense, if there are still foolish and impoverish in this world, the books with the character similar to this book will be conductive.“In the society of Hugo’s book, the labour are living the miserable life and exploited by the factories, the conscience of the human are disappearing because of the poverty, and people’s body and soul are distorted and afflicted by the prison.The misfortune of Valjean and Fantine is just the condensation of the destiny of the poor.The Miserable World reveals the sin and villainy of the vice aspects of capitalism institution by telling the stories of the tragic life of Valjean and Fantine who were persecuted by the cruel world.The story strongly tells us the fact that the tragedy people are suffering is exactly the tragedy of the whole society.At the same time, Hugo putted a lot of emphasis on displaying the strong will and hardship of the individual through describing the internal agony and obsession of the main characters.The underlying reason why and how the whole miserable world take place is complicated and it needs fundamental analysis which given by Hugo on the basis of a democracy and humanism.He came up with the view that the country was out of rule of law, and the empty and hypocritical law, social injustice and inequity are the criminal result in the miserable life of the people as well as the whole society.Hugo went to great length to disclose the darkness, to protest the violence and injustice, to pursue the human right and democracy, the book shows great concern about the people and love.This novel is outstanding and valuable because it has surpathe history and reality, people in modern society can be influenced by it under theme of crucial issue of human life, people in our age will get sustainable progrein seeking our completion, perfect and harmony.Victor Hugo , as a humanist , pays the most attention to the combat of human natures , not the struggle of classes in Les Misérables.He describes the changing of the hero from human to devil and then to angel , expressing his expectation of good human nature and progrein civilization.He reflects on the history of mankind in various aspects and criticizes the actual world in the name of future and human.Hero valjean was once a labor make, because take a piece of bread while in prison under 19 years of toil.When he came out from prison, as a homeless guantum dogs like by others, everywhere spit on.This makes him slid to the edge of the life, full of resentment and pain.Just then, a benevolent bishop saved him, and changed his life · · ·
I think everybody makes mistakes, but when the hero after prison, still expect others to repel, leading to the valjean heart only rage and pain, so when bishops want to help him, though he filled the grateful for the bishop, yet still stole the bishop of things, but not only not blame at his bishop, but rather to something given valjean, I think, which also includes a single heart of kindness and trust.Later, valjean became like bishop same person, although helped many people, but still be some selfish people think is to benefit and do good, again and again, and when these auteurs he who difficulties, valjean yet selflessly put out aid hand.If, I'm valjean, when going to life again, yet still influenced by others, I will spurn pessimism, I hate all of this world, I will despair;When I received the bishop's trust and be good, but being misunderstanding, I think I won't they helping hand, when I am in danger when I think I won't have any aid others that single kind heart……
Human nature is great, we yearned for trust, actually has been deeply among which contains in the daily trifles.If you can in others need you, stretch out your hand, and don't need so many words, trust in this moment as dark clouds rise and the skies are clear out all the sad, have the warm sun shining on the mind.If everyone is full of trust between, so, this world will no longer “tragic”, and will be filled with laughter and joy.
《悲惨世界》20122班 201230640217电影版
影片开始,就出现一群受尽折磨的囚犯在拉船,他们一起用沧桑而有力的声音唱着《LOOK DOWN》。这首歌里面的歌词体现他们身为囚犯要面对冷酷的世界,没有人尊重体谅他们。这首歌气势磅礴,很吸引人。
8年后,穷人的生活苦不堪言,同时响起歌曲《At the End of The Day》。歌词中说他们穷人过了一天,就是老了,离死亡又近了一步,日过一日,他们的生活状况还是没有改变,没有人帮助他们。歌曲的节奏十分紧凑,让人感受到他们想改变生活的强烈渴望。
而此时冉•阿让已改名为马德兰,且成为了优秀的市长。但冉·阿让的相貌和救助平民时表现的力气,引起了警长沙威的注意。在处理芳汀的问题上,冉·阿让和沙威出现了意见上的分歧。善良的芳汀因受男人玩弄而生下私生女珂赛特,她唱着《I Dreamed a Dream》,其中有一句歌词让我印象十分深刻。“he slept a summer by my side……,but he was gone when autumn came.”芳汀曾经最美好的岁月都给了那个男人,可是他却在她不再璀璨,急需帮助的时候,离开了她。让身为女同胞的我,感觉到那种内心的嘶喊,伤痛。美好的一切奉献出去却得来如此悲惨的下场,让人唏嘘不已。
镜头来到德纳第客店里邋遢打扮的珂赛特,她唱着《Castle On A Cloud》 ,她渴望的是没有地要她打扫,有人疼她爱她的云上的城堡,其实在平民中就有这样的地方,但是,寄人篱下的她却是遥不可及。后来冉·阿让来到德纳第客店,重金赎回柯赛特,带着珂赛特连夜逃离去巴黎。·阿让女儿的名义进入贝内迪克修道院。而沙威却追不到冉•阿让,而唱了一首歌《Stars》,这首歌很能表现他的价值观:法律就是上帝,他自比为星星,沉默而坚定,守护者黑夜,坚贞不移。而违反法律者,必须付出代价。这为他一直寻找冉•阿让做好铺垫。
9年后,巴黎出现革命的萌芽。这时响起《LOOK DOWN》这首歌曲,里面的词侧重于贵族对贫苦人民的漠不关心,他们多年来的生活状况还是没有改变,这样为革命的爆发做好了铺垫。
平静的生活因为贵族青年马吕斯看上了貌美如花的珂赛特而再起波澜。共和派青年马吕斯投身于轰轰烈烈的反对波旁王朝的人民起义中后,冉·阿让和此时靠在巴黎街头招摇撞骗为生的德纳第狭路相逢。在小房子里,马吕斯要思考爱情与革命的优先,这时响起了《Red and Black》,在歌词里体现,沉浸在爱情里的马吕斯对red与black的理解,革命派对red与black的理解不一样。
马吕斯找到珂赛特时出现了三重唱歌曲《a heart full of love》,歌曲十分柔美,里面包括萌发的爱情的轻柔性、面对对方的羞涩,从歌词中可以表现出来。同时,还有爱波宁单恋之苦涩,喜爱的人不留意她,只是把她当作朋友。
后来,因爱波宁的父亲带着警察来到冉•阿让的住处。迫使冉•阿让带着珂赛特离开住处。此时出现了合唱歌曲《one day more》,里面内容包括:一对相爱的恋人刚开始就要分离;一个单恋的人苦涩;也有革命者对明天充满希望;马吕斯对爱情与革命选择的内心挣扎;沙威他们对学生的革命的反感与胜利的决心;平民与学生对明天出现新的开始而期待。
《Do You Hear The PeopleSing》是学生呼吁大家一起参与革命,也是一首让人感受到希望,有力量的歌曲。
最终出现芳汀带着冉•阿让走向革命的广场,死去的革命人员与他们一起唱着《Do You Hear The PeopleSing》。他们的肉体已经不再,但是他们播下的思想种子,将会在世界上留存。
《悲惨世界》通过冉阿让的后半生,将法国拿破仑统治的后期的各色人等和各种思想都展现出来,一片面包换来了十九年的牢狱生活,这就是所谓的绝望吧。全篇给我最大震撼的,是安你海瑟薇的演技,让人震惊,而她也凭借此片拿到了最佳女配的小金人儿,但是如果没有苏珊大妈的歌声,她也很难达到这样的演绎效果吧,I dreamed a dream, 海瑟薇一镜到底,一面流泪一面歌唱,歌声宛若一片厲风中破碎顫抖的残瓣,如泣如诉,锥心处,氤氳着落花流水春去也的无奈悲戚。
After reading this book,the whole part felt a strong feeling of appreciation.The main character Jean Valjean suffered from inevitable disasters because his faith and conscience.Jean Valjean, released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang, then he came a church and the host gave him food and provided accommodation.But he wanted kill the man unexpectedly, in order to steal some money and silver.Unfortunately he was caught and brought back, if the host told the police the truth, there is no doubt that Jean Valjean would be prisoned again.To his surprised the host lied to the police and saved him.So Jean Valjean decided to lead a new life to be a good citizen.He had a very tortuous experience,such as the life in prison like horror;Lonely wandering and homeless straying;achieving success and be a mayor;being counterattacked and fled;living in seclusion.he made a lot of contribution for citizens and people all respected him ,but the police of justice Javert couldn’t forgive his fault before.Jean Valjean saved poor Fantine and adopted her daughter Cosette, he always do what he thought correctly until he died.Moved by Valjean’s generosity and kindness, Jarvet gives up his duty as a police sergeant and commits suicide.I think everybody makes mistakes and you cannot deprive the chance who wants to change.Human nature is great, everybody has the privilege to change themselves.If you can be needed by anyone else, stretch out your hand , and don't need so many words, just to do what you believe.If everyone is full of trust between each other, so, this world will no longer “tragic”, and will be filled with laughter and joy.The miserable world is enlightened by the glory of humanity.“ Les Miserables ”(1862)is representative works of Victor Hugo,as one of the most famous novels in the French literature.The novel basic plot is Ran A Rang pitiful life history.He originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison.Passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life.The punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person.He uses an alias is Madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor.But soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker Fantin's daughter Cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to Paris.Afterwards again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit.The Ran A Rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.“ Les Miserables ” is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 Paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real.But the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events.If Ran A rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade Marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic
The author Hugo is a French romantic writer.His theme is diversiform, momentum majestic letrers, expression of rich and colorful, the development of romantic fiction has produced significant influence.But this “pathetic world” is the author of a masterpiece in, fully embodies the Hugo art style.First this title, total feel it too sad, but after reading the complete department, but deeply realized shocking.Hero valjean was once a labor make, because take a piece of bread while in prison under 19 years of toil.When he came out from prison, as a homeless guantum dogs like by others, everywhere spit on.This makes him slid to the edge of the life, full of resentment and pain.Just then, a benevolent bishop saved him, and changed his life · · ·
I think everybody makes mistakes, but when the hero after prison, still expect others to repel, leading to the valjean heart only rage and pain, so when bishops want to help him, though he filled the grateful for the bishop, yet still stole the bishop of things, but not only not blame at his bishop, but rather to something given valjean, I think, which also includes a single heart of kindness and trust.Later, valjean became like bishop same person, although helped many people, but still be some selfish people think is to benefit and do good, again and again, and when these auteurs he who difficulties, valjean yet selflessly put out aid hand.If, I'm valjean, when going to life again, yet still influenced by others, I will spurn pessimism, I hate all of this world, I will despair;When I received the bishop's trust and be good, but being misunderstanding, I think I won't they helping hand, when I am in danger when I think I won't have any aid others that single kind heart……
Human nature is great, we yearned for trust, actually has been deeply among which contains in the daily trifles.If you can in others need you, stretch out your hand, and don't need so many words, trust in this moment as dark clouds rise and the skies are clear out all the sad, have the warm sun shining on the mind.If everyone is full of trust between, so, this world will no longer “tragic”, and will be filled with laughter and joy.
《悲惨世界》是由法国大文豪雨果一部小说,小说构思长达40年与1982年出版,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。故事的主线围绕主人公获释罪犯冉·阿让(Jean Valjean)试图赎罪的历程,融进了法国的历史、建筑、政治、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰。小说先后被改编为音乐剧、电影、电视及动画等,对世界的影响,非三言两语可说清。
影片的故事背景发生在1815至1932年,先后横跨27年。冉·阿让为快要饿死的姨甥孩子偷了一个面包而被捕,服役中尝试逃狱失败,最终被监禁20年。1815年,冉·阿让终于假释出狱,但因为身份关系被人嫌弃,最终被主教米里哀主教 救回。几年之后,他化名为马德兰,成为一个工厂主人与市长,却被他遇见了追捕他多年的警官沙威。另一方面,冉·阿让也遇上了芳汀,答应她为她照顾女儿柯赛特。这一切的悲伤,痛苦,凄惨,无奈,愤怒,绝望的情绪交融在一起。直到最后冉·阿让紫色身亡。
这部电影就是把音乐剧搬上银幕,以唱歌代替对白,几乎几分钟便出现一首歌曲。电影看音乐是无容置疑的动听,加上耳熟能详的歌曲让人很早陶醉在音乐之中。曾经有人跟我说过,以前看这套音乐剧的时候,经常被音乐所吸引,忽略了剧中的内容,今次终于正式了解故事背后的意思。电影的改编其实就是把音乐剧视觉化,其实没太大改动,中规中矩,非常忠实于原版音乐剧。这一点上真的跟导演汤姆霍伯前作《国王的演讲》有那么几许相似的感觉——非常工整的作品。影片的艺术指导,化妆,服装设计,摄影,视效和混音都相当了得,画面唯美,构图考究,设计精致,视觉化的成果相当好看。Sound mixing的处理也非常好,有几处是多人合唱,每个人的唱词和旋律又不同,混音很好地调整了不同演唱者之前的强弱变化,又与电影画面的状态契合。